The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 09, 1891, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Published Daily .-Sunday Excepted. '
Corner Second and Washington Streets, The
Dalles, Oregon.
Terms of Subscription.
Per Year 6 00
Per mon th , by carrier 50
Single copy 5
Governoi 8. Pennoyer
Secretary of State G. W. McBride
Treasurer , Phillip Metschan
Supt. of Public Instruction E. B. McElroy
enators j J. N. Dolpta
enators JJ. H. Mitchell
Congressman B. Hermann
8tate Printer Frank Baker
County Judge. C. N. Thornbury
Sheriff D.L. Cates
Clerk J. B. Crossen
Treasurer Geo. Rnch
Commissioners aSd
Assessor , John E. Burnett
Surveyor E. F. Sharp
Superintendent of Public Schools ... Troy Shelley
Coronor William MieheU
The Chronicle is the Only Paper in
The Dalles that Receives the Associated
Press Dispatches.
Hon. H. B. Miller, of Grant's Pas
said to an Oregonlan reporter last
Wednesday: "I am a candidate," mean
ing for congress in the room of Binger
Hermann, "and when I say that, I do
not mean that, I am is the hands of the
dear people. I want the nomination if
I can get it." Mr. Miller showed a letter
from Mr. Hermann in which the latter
gentleman says : "Should I be honored
with another term I shall step down
and out and give way, I hope, to some
friend, earnest and energetic like your
self." Mr. Miller gives it as his opinion
that "Mr. Hermann will see that the
proper course for him is to follow the
course laid down ih the letter," which of
course would be very nice for Mr. Miller
but it see ins very much like as if it were
just the course that Mr. Hermann won't
A rumor has gained currency in Wash
ington that V. G. Bogue is interested in
a syndicate that has purchased the Hunt
road. . Is not this the Mr. Bogue that
the Portland chamber of commerce sent
up to examine the two proposed routes
for a portage road around the dalles of
the Columbia? And if so, is not the se
lection of Mr. Bogue a little peculiar?
If half the reports' are true concerning
Mr. Bogue's interest in roads that are
reaching out for the trade of the Sound
he would be the last man in the world
who would want to see an open river.
They have a test method over in Can
ada of discovering whether a man is
drunk or not. When he can pronounce
"reciprocity" without tripping, the po
lice let him go. That's a serious inno
vation on the Irish method. In the
Emerald Isle a man is considered sober
as long as he can lie on the ground with
out a hold.
Denmark has followed Germany in de
ciding to receive all American pork that
bears the United States certificate of in
spection. No law recently enacted has
-been productive of so much immediate
lion f na tl.f.f .. ii i.;n . . . 1
inspection of meats. It has given our
meat and meat products a standing in
Europe which they never have had
"Without it.
The same judge who sentenced Sandy
Olds to one year in the penitentiary for
the deliberate murder of a human being
.gave a man three year9 the other day in
the same place of punishment, for steal
ing two salmon. Is it any wonder the
farmers' alliance want to run. the govern
ment machine for a Uttle while?
Samuel Doble, of Weston, has been
arrested on a charge of cutting timber
from the land of Benjamin Hoelfer.
During the yeai ending Jane 30, 1801,.
about 25,000 tons of merchandise were
exporte '. from Tillamook.- The imports
for the year amounted to considerable
over 4000 tons.
The running expenses of tho state
portage railway on the Columbia below
The Dalles will be about $1000 a month.
The receipts will average about $1S00 a
month. This is ample margin of profits,
and still the people, the producers, have
the benefit ot lower freight rates. , "
George Enoe, the old man recently
commitld to -the -asylum from Grant
county, was barn in Portugal, and com
ing to America he acquired,, by hard
work and frugal-living, a fortpne, which",
through improper bnsincss management
and the possession of too many friends,'
disappeared and he was 'left penniless
and friendless, with mi enfeebled mind
and m Itoiue but the one lie has jnst
found in the asylum. ' . . ;
The first railroad- in Ciatsop county
was sold last week by J. C. Trullinger to
Fitzgerald & Morrison,, the Wisconsin
Inmberuicn who have been logging on
Deep river.' The iron and rolling stock
will be moved from its present location
on tho Walluski to Deep river, and then
Wahkiakum county can boast of a rail
road. Mr. Trullinger has brought out a
great many million feet of logs with the
road, but the supply in that vicinitv .is
uljout exhausted. - -
Mr, and Mrs. Hitchcock, who formerly
kept a stage station on the line between
Bak;r City and Prineville, and were on
their wdy: 'to liockford, Wash., from
Vancouver, have met with a sad be
reavement. Mrs. Hitchcock's liineea
necessitated stopping over at Pendleton.
There, Friday, she became the mother f
twin babies, both ot which have since
died. The death of the infants is sup
posed to be the result of an accident to
Mrs. Hitchcock at Vancouver, caused by
a sidwalk torn np tor street wont.
The latest game for money making ap
peared on the streets of Weston on
Monday, says the Leader. A well
dressed, slick-fingered man sold rolls of
paper, two for $1, in some of which were
greenbacks of denominations of $1, $2
and $5. Of course the percentage was
in favor of the man who conducted, the
arrangement, and this was discovered to
the financial depression of quite a num
ber of suckers, particularly one old gen
tleman, who, tne reporter was informed,
expended $30 in a vain endeavor to beat
tne swindler at his own game
The Indian chiefs, Peo, Teneonitz,
With-out-a-shirt, Liberty and the rest,
got back this morning from Portland,
says the. Pendleton East Oregonian,
They were the sensation of the hour at
the exposition, where they appeared in
savage finery and gave a war dance,
which interested the large crowd present,
but was a tame affair compared with the
scenes on the reservation during the In
dian celebration. Agent Crawford, it is
said, had a hard time herding his
cuarges together and keeping them
o -r it i "
i duuci . cuuiu vi Litiii were always on
41. T t : .1 l u: j i a; .
tut; uici i iu iuuuikc i in 1 1 luumuuuu in
get drunk whenever they could elude the
agent ana ootain liquor.
Frederick Douglass heartily dissents
from Bishop Turner's policy of improv
ing the American negro's condition by
snipping mm on zo Sirica.
' Ex-Judge William Strong, who retired
from the United States supreme court
bench in 1S86, is now living at Washing
ton at the age of 84, in feeble health. .
Archibald Forbes isn't the only war
correspondent whose experiences read
well in the magazines. Frank D. Mil
let, the painter, had some hairbreadth
'scapes in the last Bulgarian campaign.
Bid well, the famous forger, who has
just been pardoned from an English
prison, was. a candy-maker in Chicago
some years ago. Perhaps it was at that
time he acquired the pull that eventually
secured his release from jail.
Henrv E. Boggs has won the prize of
fered by a London journal for the best
definition of money by snbmitting this
one : "An article which may be used as
a universal passport to everywhere ex
cept Heaven, and as a universal provider
of everything except happiness.
The health of Prince Bismark is now
said to bo excellent. A German who
visited him recently said that the ex
chancellor spent more than two hours in
the saddle on one day, and more than
four hours in riding over his estate in a
carriage on the followiny dav.
Henry Labouchere'says that the an-
nouueement that the German emperor
and the Prince of Wales contemplate
visiting the Chicago exhibition in 1893 is
a fiction of the wildest description, for
neuner me one nor the other of these
personages has ever entertained anv
such idea.
The talk about its being dangerous to
trust Mr. Gladstone in an old book store
for fear that he will ruin himself in mak
ing purchases is somewhat discounted
by one Holywell street dealer, who says
that the old gentleman will waste more
time in haggling over sixpence in the
price of a purchase that most men would
in the selection of a library.
The young king of Spain bnde farewell
to his nurse, Maximina Palazuela, a
short time ago. . For five years and- a
half she was with his 3'outhful majesty
day and night. The little fellow was so
strongly attached to her that it was
feared it would endanger his health. - To
make the parting easier, the nurse left
Madrid on the day that the court de
parted for San Sebastian. She is to re
ceive a comfortable pension from the
roya' treasury. A considerable sum of
money was also given to the woman's
husband, who is a carpenter. . " '
Emperor William has subscribed SSOOO
to the fund for the relief of the flood suf
ferers in' Spai n . . It is reported . that
Quceu Regent Christiana will lay the
urei. Muue ui u new town at uonsuezra
in October; - - '
One of General Harney's old soldiers
says that the famous Indian fighter, who
was a finished athlete, was remarkably
fond of pugilism, and used frequehtlv tp
get into rows beneath his dignity simply
to display his pugilistic skill". " -r
The' widowof -Joseph K: Em thett has
a snug fortune and good health'and pro
poses to live in Albany, Y She has
still a live interest in theatrical aflairs
and has witnessed several performances;
since the death of her husband. , V
The very Rev.. . Vh Bernard Christen,
-general Of the Order of Capuchins, who
lately arrived , in , this, speaks
German , . French,,, Italian, :, Greek and
Latin, but not English... The main prow
ince of his order- in .th,is,.countrv-. W , jn.
Detroit, with' eighteen houses in its .jur
isdiction. '.
.i . . v . . ,
- f Patti has very elaborate" precautions
'against burglars in .Ber1 Welsh castle.
Unless a certain level Is raised it is "im
possible; to open a- window at night with
out causing the ringing of innumerable
bells in the cottages of the gardeners
and in the stables, while the same .cur-
rent of electricity -releases" a "large do
from his kennel. ....... ,. - ;; :n-
The Princess Ludwig, of Bavaris, gave
birth a few days ago to, her, thirteenth
child. Twelve of her children are liv
ing. The princess is the daughter of
Duke Ferdinand, of Modena, and an
archduchess Ot Austria. She was born
in l-S-JDaixi was 'married in ISfiS. Xo
otlx-r royal princess -in Europe is..thf
mother -of so many chiliiren as this pi-r"-ular
Bavarian lad'v.
Somewhere hid in lands of sun.
Lies the Vale of Roses;
Where of golden seasons span.
The golden year uncloses. ,- ' "
Between the rose flushed peaks and skies,'
The hidden valley hidden Ilea,; . . .
And happy he whose mortal eye
Shall see the Vale of Roses. . -
Seaward from the mountains high, "
Slopes the Vale of Roses;
Lazy sails go drifting by
Where the vista closes.
Never stormy wind may roar
"Round the placid lower shore '
Silence reigns for evermore
In the Vale of Roses.
Long dim aisles of roses shine
Up the Vale of Roses;
Scarlet flowers load the vine, ,
Where the palm reposes.
Oft the Persian minstrel flings
Wilder mnslo on his strings.
As upon the plains he sings
Of the Vale of Roses.
Sweet the story Is to hear
Of the Vale of Roses:
But the heart that holds it dear
On its secret closes. -
Not to eastern lands alone
la the fabled valley known
Every clime has for its own
Some fair Vale of Roses.
Heights that lie Just out of reach .
These are Vales of Roses;
Longing never set in speech
In each heart reposes.
Every soul Its vale has sought.
Glimpses of its beauty caught.
And is nobler for the thought
Of the Vale of Roses.
Florence May Alt In New York World.
Meerschaum Pipes, VioUns and Poems.
Certain things are good for nothing
until they have been kept a long while,
and some are good for nothing until
they have been long kept and used. Of
the first wine is the illustrious and im
mortal example. Of those that must be
kept and used I will name three meer
schaum pipes, violins and poems. The
meerschaum is bnfc a
hi uuvu. X m
has burned a thousand offerings to the
ciouu compelling deities. .
Violins, too the uwept rAA AmiKi .
the divine Stradivarins! Stained, lie
the meerschaum, through and through
with the concentrated hue and sweetness
of all the harmonies which hav IrindlBl
ana faded on its strings.
NOW. 1 tell VOQ. a -nofsm mnsfc Jio L-ATif
and used like a meerschaum or a. -violin
A poem is jnst as porous as the meer
schaum; the more porous it is the better.
I mean to say that a genuine poem is
capable ; of : absorbing an . : indefinite
amount of the essence of our own human
ity, its tenderness, its heroism, its re
grets, its asnirations. so as t.o rw m-arf-n.
ally stained through with a divine sec
ondary color derived from ourselves.
nr a .m -WW .
uuver vy enaeu Jioimes.
i A Water Curisb.
Mv firm belief ia t.liafc t.h
is Very detrimental in at least, ninn nnsu
of sickness out of every ten. The patient
wonia improve more rapidly on plain
diet snch aa ernel. st-il a YvrtaA m-oli i r.
mush and a liberal amount of vegetables,
lean meats and fruits. ' Also bathe fre
quently, especially in warm weather, so
me pores may ne Kepi open. Medicine
will make a well man sick and will Irill
the other half of the half dead sick men.
Betemnerate in all thincR a.nH triva na
ture a chance to perform her duty. .
iiecenuy i was takf.n with a severe
chill. I onlv "shonfc" fifrpn -minTitoc.
and I shook' in a hurry too. ' My only
remeuy was hot water. I drank two
cupf uls, took a hot foot bath, covered np
in bed. "The perspiration did roll. Oh,
my!" The next morning I ate a light
breakfast and went to work, feeling ner-
fectly well. I am a "water cure crank"
myself and I have every reason to be.
All manner of diseases can be cured by
the simple use of water in various ways,
smallrjox and cholera not exnented . Por.
St. Louis Republic.
How She Expressed It.
A veritable Mrs. Malaprop was en
countered in a Brooklyn street car the
other day. As the car neared the park
her companion wondered what a large,
evidently public, building seen in the
distance was. "That," was the prompt
reply, "is the Incurable Home for Wom
en." Later the same woman was seated
on a bench in the park when, a dog fol
lowing a young man along the path
stopped and sniffed about near her.
"Oh, call - your dog," she cried in some
alarm, "he's too official."
Evidently the woman . was like the
home. New York. Times.
. . . A Pleasing Illusion.
: Because they were more durable Mrs.
Calliper had bought table knives with
metal handles. She almost feared that
Colonel Calliper might not like them,
but the Colonel seemed rather to be
pleased with, them. . "They are,"? he
said, "just such knives- .as I have eaten
with in many restaurants. - To eat here
at home and with a knife like this is al
most as good as eating two meals at
once. "-New York Snn.. ' ;.- - "
""'"' 'Raising lobsters Artificially. '''
The decrease of the natural supply of
lobsters has compelled scientific ' men to
investigate their habits. Experiments,'
so far as they have Lbeeh ; pursu'ed.'indi-'
cate that obstens may be artificially
reared for the market bnt that they
must, .be hatched and'? produced on1 -"a
large scale to make the enterprise' re-'
mnnerative. New York Herald1.
'.' -rr-A-'-Biir teed, of Coal Aglow. :
f -There; is 'a mountain bf: coal in Wild
Horse valley, WyomiiSg'which has been
burning for more- tllahthirty years. V 'it
sends np dense volumes': of smoke, and
at times the.gas'from"4t; is' almost 'stiff oV
eating, even at a .distance-. or .ntty to
seventy-five miles from .the burning coal
bed. St. 'Louis Kepublic. " . 1 .? . '
, i : : r '. r' 1" -"7
Ah' author in a manual on horseman-?
ship has succeeded in'-putting into print
the peculiar cluck - 'used in starting
horses, which is made by thrusting ' the
tongue against the roof of 'the mouth.
He spells it "Klk."
' Dr. George Turner states that a cat
fed with the "refuse' food of some chil
iren sick with diphtheria'' also- suffered
leverely . with what' seemed- to ' be' the
i&me disease.' '
ing Establishment !
prinz & nitschke;
Furniture and Carpets.
We have added to our business a
complete Undertaking . Establishment,
and as we are in no way connected with
the Undertakers' Trust, our prices will
be low accordingly.
Remember our place on Second street,
next to Moody's bank.
Building ilieneis!
Having made arrangements with a
number of Factories, I am pre
pared to furnish
Doors, Windows, Mouldings,
And all kinds of Special work. Ship
ments made daily from factory and can
fill orders in the shortest nns;f.l rr
Prices satisfactory.
It will be to vour interest tr aoo
before purchasing elsewhere.
Wm. Saunders,
Office over French's Bank.
ieafltif: Jeweler.
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order.
138 Second St.. Tlie Dalles, Or.
D. P. Thompson j. s. Schbncb;, H. M. Beam
President. Vice-Preiddent. Cashici
First national Bant
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds prompt ly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold ou
Xew York, San Francisco and Port
land. DIRECTORS. ;
D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schknck.
T. W. Sparks. . Geo. A. Liebe.
H. M. Bkall. " : -' -----
FSehch & co.,,
Letters' of Credit issued available in the
: Eastern States. ' ' ' " 1 ;' '
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington. . 1 . -. i
Collections made' at all points on fav
orable terms. ; -,
Still on Deck.
: .- , . t. .. V"' '-' -t Vi' -S
iPhoBnix . Ijike has Arien
J;:; Prom the Ashes! . . - ' 1
...... -t
, ,The Kestauranteur Has Opened the
Baldioiii :M ftestaarant
Where he will be glad to see any and all
'; of his old patrons.
Open dav and'Night.' First class meals
twenty-five cente.
feawHT.,. . .uoLLr-r .
Qf Eyery Description wilXlae Sold X
hp n
Call Early and Get Some of Our Gen
uine Bargains.
Terms Chsh.
Hay, Grain, Feed and
Cash Paid for Eggs and Chickens. All Goods Delivered Free and PrompUj
Cor. Second & Union Sts
Removal! Removal!
On account of Removal I will sell my
entire stock: of Boots and Shoes, Hats
and Caps, Trunks and Valises, Shelv
ings, Counters, Desk, Safe, Fixtures,
at a Great Bargain. Come and see
my offer. -
125 Seeond Street,
Successors to
. iKeep on Hand a
Groceries, ni, Grain,
Highest Cash Price
Corner of Washington and Second-St. "
Successors to A. BETTINGER, Jobbers nd Retnilers in
Hardware, Timare, Wooiem are
Heating and Cookstoves, Pumps, Pipes, Plumbers and Steam
Fitters Supplies. Carpenters' and. Blacksmiths' and
' Farmers Tools, and ' Shelf Hardware. -.
All Tinning, Plumbing and Pipe Work will be done on Short Notice
'1 !
The Old German ia Saloon.
JOHN D0NAV0N, Proppietotr.
The 5st quality of Wines, Liquors and
Cigars, Pabst Milwaukee Knicker-iii-'
bockei-,. and -Colunibia " Beer,
Half and Half and all kinds '
of Temperance vDrinkSi '
T&e Renowned lioliijist.
fliigast flamold;
, on,, ,
Thursday Evening Oct. 8th,'
j':'.. ' : ' ' ' AT THE . . ' '
Under the Auspices pf the . , ,
Y. P. S. C E. of the Congregational Church
Admission 50 cts. Reserved seats 75c,ts.f
1 - ' '. ..' " - , ..-
Ticktets on sale at Snipes &. Kinersly's.
H. Herbnng.
argains !
The Dalles.
Complete Stock of
Fruit ag p Feel
Paid for Produce!
. The Dalles, Or.
and Granlteware,
ITHTe ii Complete
Stock of . .
Second St. The Dalles, Or.
: Company's Hour Mill will be leased to re
sponsible parties. For information applr to the
The Dalles, Oregon.,
Dalles, Portland & Astoria
i Elegant Steamer -4
ly U.U U U1V iV
Will leave the foot of Court Street
; every morning at 7 A. M
' : for - . :
Portland and Vay Points
Connections Will be Made with the
T - Fast Steamer '
At the i'oot of the Cascade - Locks.
For Passenger or Freight Rates, Apply
' to Anent, or Purser on Board. ',
Oflioe northeast corner of Court and Main atrrr