-The Dalles My Chr oniele. Published Daily, Sunday Excepted. BT THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Corner Second and Washington Streets, Pallets, Oregon. H-r ' ,.-tv Tho Terms of Subscription. v mn Per Per r;bv;:i:;::i-:sfl rle copy 4-3 Vi. .j. --fogi K, -4- L Single Governoi . . .7: : S. Tennoyer Secretary of State O. W. MeHride Treasurer Pmlltp SletHcnan Supt of Public Instruction E. B. McElroy . (J. N. Dolph enatora jj. H. Mitchell -Oomrressmnu .-. -. . . -. . . B. Herm ami " StatOvPriiiteiy .. . . .". .'. : . . . . Kraut Baker V. It'STT OFFICIALS. Sheriff .D. IiCates Clerk Treas uch iin-! Frank Kincaid Assessor. ohn E. Barnctt Purveyor. .E. F. Sham Superintendent of Public Schools ... Troy Shelley ; Coroner. . v The: Chrbnicif ' is! the' Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. '" ' The ' 'Boston'" Weell'y " Advertiser''' of OctoberfS hflB'thefoiiowfrigireUiarls on the presen)t condition of the wool market ? "A year ago the market was active, ag the McKinley bill had been signed 'by :. the .president afl&wasobecprae as'Saw on October G. Manufacturers who had' ucou uuiuiug until in uuuui wuemer ue new bill wduld become) a law, were satis-' fied and jumped in after wool which"" they expected would go higher. t The ';taritf;siibVsd'u1et 'steaotone'wltk 1 'the "rarf fnA'tprftil''' l-kniiMcii-8fl' 'Hi3ir ' factthat 'tli'auW pivftu'c ' wool' Stiis5" ' cr'easecl OnVrcVnl per p6nnd''W'ith'Jc'a!rbet: -grades'evW higher, uty, as shown' bV'th'e'baBt vear'sJ '' eprieriferoves, ftikf iM!;$rl& !alwiJabonfei4ieejopeymiwd'' - prouctMocs not incftrtiigs thatarticle but'is determined by sHitf&lV fikW'&Mha.1 'Th'eu!ppty"o1f'Jwoo'rJ -. WW'AufPr.-i WMVK,,tiie3t.j.fire 1 ubte, 60 briyi their nv materiel :innaiiy ':ctt6ee'be'low,'wha 'they' ere'fiSrced'Ito . ;. doujht, bat, , hesa Btoten .4r9iCe, bat: it so; what 9 ttt be'gaid' ofetlioso 'lvJio cKinlev'.iaw want inta oSii t?-Vif .tiU raw material is lower thtiaailufactwiied1. Koxl?Kqpght not to. be Mcher and as matter of Tact they are riot but the cori-i trnry u ;i UOn life US he Saw. lL.srune t mm iun when he.dresBeali)mself i!i.the sarb of nil ells lis hf ftnv rnra hplf nn fA anln tt4. iiowiiere in America wou d find a i 11 1 c.nM "iiriei aiiu tne asiiman j PWKn" Ab.f?R.pyfjr f:o4 ' ref.ike T,sa,w, iwore,a4id,,J4'.Wne r.tttJMiq .t9lni;v-3iiteiiibhj.iraftibea p -.,OT.-fti-Aiinl K9S. tqJyondjnifli better than i' bwn1!kat;ni4hl .tha creat citie.8 to a.danwroufl.nQint. fdr . f i .. world, tkit V Wa have.mprfUVv, we .have . M"V1.IV ',L. VM AVVi.' '.MW It Hit LI I 1 ia . tX 1. I It II 111 1 11 1 f l tillt L- r Tnn- nonriAWa 4- home,." " .. . , , " 1 1 saysjfrolutJpn-aSfp .: ( OlainHi agiuustiiiu aHiHtioe ..lirrki ?Jairty";' ..." Ri jci Lint. oiL o mH 'it: hWUMs ."i -oaidoes nbttf on r-Grr these iiftes the al- WiaJsiataji iaiiT3tkw . ' "- .V.""r' ! . - " - ' .. -lunijvuciui puraomestie-woofen'eodcis'Tiritemioh Of carVInsTener. . He st'afCi 1 '' -t"1- ' ,the notorfous WKitechpel ch'sfricl'- ,V;.l,rf..i"W , iioJHSt:,. fCn poverty siilril,w'a'fTO.- m serv, such wretchadneisq aiA 7nli i,fKWWB,Q0clfesl eenuiui" .iurnace ot landrnncn nnr .g M.ft.u' I ';;HiW!i:y8'tXn tHeir'WiiteW1S-' a1 tftoWPajid r t .-.fill n.i-1- r.jr,-,. u . if.i.-., ni.;,:..ir i L'I -I't- !j J S, v ? .ifii-- v IV . rj,f"V. W staples, vyhUp.Cie sjtofeoa "theirRief of policfe f deliver" a lecturei'Frit tf TecUM aieforei-.o!n'' ' - ao'doUbt the felUef will be; ' abre fcr'give ..SJIA, Vfl.-.,.-.ITI J . .Lull u-a-txi I i 7 J .mifMTrSfia 67 i j'P niitafniied r'lbert filBBlEfg jrf -la. crcte?..? I.j ifjji'.rt j.Hi:1 pi j ir"-f::-inatii.t Jlis vas'lwloqui)Ps;atalfii)6re lt 4kHM a srcai wrK tor ireiana. the c wurk tor IrulandTtlie credit wl. rc-lr Wflf id' UTfl ?!. ife FA.di I v accord ifsilgnJI lo noitanijibr. ail. f?,coTS Kfcrf ,33iloT odS oi 4.xidns adi atoiiWcttt ! toi 9'J cJ si Jioqs slJ Jaiii jiufm dJi w . . . ,sto:ul -'i.ii'r;' ntUbii" him.' It is best that Parnell is gone. His work was done when his scandalous connection with Mrs. O'Shea was first revealed, but what a different place he would have held in Irish history, had he "shufiled off this mortal coil" before this revelation was made. As it is the death of Parnell removes the only reasonable excuse for factional bittwneWtd. diyis UPn Jjmong. many of it Jrelanp.'a f iji Ireland, ! anytijiig feSs liopgs BRIEF STAtE .A N'E-VVS. The Eugene Ice works are now able I to euppl v the city -with -a- ance 4 oi me noine-inaue arucie A wason road from to-the BohermiT uiiueHis very desira pany 43'5QOutiing-spl4ergep'ih?a regiil ariy :; f ori-the rttoiAmddfetwnaubi t s rta f rrtry a . - . . i o i Mrs.. Juji Kij 3ni0Tnt0KrEO&ir fiatEage Grove, r Caught drer- fecifeela a hetei in la 8idew!alt,.ieil and. brabe her aaklai,. She now, brings iauit..jeaiBat,..the,-.it.ifor .- .The ago togaQigreg gdifrrgirt the capitalists, ofclijfarefotoijg ! fruit, anneryi4t,p,n5.Aampft.-!fyr- t.ftinlv.. flnv . ounntiK' .rrrt fruit- ni r hojiieewas. .urnishedfbut.nnccqpied, ilf. Crftlrter havintl reScn h -Unrer-BMfcalfeMr6fe'64Ti4?d whethiirUlie; .trres 6trtotBdiJaWib'aiicl in a greater state of purity. sparks of a-passtng" locomotive or wais -TWOTKW'CTEraF3-H;fiBKWrJWfcF i 43rii dafioJI!nB0bteinlW ittgoyi-hbyere fwelr'&tisfiSif wrWiH :UaifalaTeafTninrcPiSrrtt9.1 fW&s'eA-eiiiiAglfWUf afaWfvfhgOfri nd.tiikig;theTariiney .bekiA&tig tbnhiU,- baa been heatdiof hmp iMFd GradgfitteM' Iii a dispate over a'amefCAsWH recently at MitcUHT -G county, bej-M tweenone'tMcDWfHlrifa amn Teller;,1 raAjohrer in: hio&tpfli mityosAtdlfio-1 1B3 - . - - - wiNft v 11 . n , .in. it fraved. toi be,- an t old p aaoi.teoXai(,Iuial' &4 raining camp near Aoiaq gidttafJmi3ii counjv ALh Fjre ,adaljJdh Hoi, tlO.'an( vtieii flu? TeWii. r1amJ9W,ifWaAto J aamebakirJiBTiPiIfifcBj ModSbfl ios'ian'Bfiatoau(Mnn aJsilaad bamaont oandT PtSdilr4MhiLTfiTr.do .ltrtnOMtoJUi.J. ti;ba4unorfhj3tji ofctbfcflodfihtl -..V.V1 S'SP.FrarS &WnSXJ&!n ELigfla i'' - - .............. i ... iwna.iua uv 4UUUC' I ! ....... u i . . - , ,1 f0Tiyafc1dgitrttoyanAdiftq rrltbf J. ,5 w"l9)v ,.f Joseph K. Eminett. The widow of Joseph K. Er iWtfs ffJflrrUrragbd3! - i . . , d . . -ptSM'lo live in Albafrsrr'T" SWP !:dafe-rtn8riTeH4 ' uv vry;'je'-iw'reraafaHristif i w urtri .' Patti has very eiabTOuoBs ZfT. e----- ."r.. lW,Wiem 1.4 MBVskoa. in- rw-iociKl tvnnAn -n min . .1 Jill ,1 fMlt. OJlllRincr :i.hA. inmntv rrf . -Lnmi..ArtJ The Princess-LTTdwrgrof Bavarist gate birth-i'few jy "ago,'-S',;fier5''?hirteenihi t'ohM Twetve'of'fiei' fflWreV.3' . liv . . v, . w V llllVlilll lliia I Fl II- i-.n viiiium xii -pijiin,-ur servTce in KrW teUmitrgeam& an eii- ofanpjairlJS,jteinoiren T I ... .1 , A- . ..I- V .i. I , I . - ... ,lll ... ou ii'o.iiiu auuaeni-'aus. nei still aHftrdieajffejiawfitfn be peert" the Kalcigh SS&pftw .! li lici . siMualiiiaW Sum sso&rtO tot iir ' ' '':'. .Mf?fiSrW r -t ."'SH "!.ale'V?i-iSi tai. Dart. mit Jtneat iifelv: arrived 11 V si'coWfVV.'Sii,,. - The Girl Wlto Teaches. Sound health is a prime nec&esity for any worker in the world, no . matter what the line of work may be, but it be comes of the greatest importance if the work is to be carrie l or. in the school room. There not only fche physical, but the nervous and mental forces are taxed to their utmost. The young graduate has hitherto gone to school to sit com fortably at . her desk; to stand occasion ally for recitations; to use her voice but little; to have constant variety in her work; to enjoy her recess with perfect freedom and in congenial companion ship. As a teacher she goes to school to stand npon her feet all day long; to use her voice incessantly, perhaps, too, in a large room filled with the tumult of the street; to keep noisy, and very likely. jrebellious and disobedient children not "only quiet, but interested, and to spend icne recess in care of them in tho halls And the vard. - . L Besides this she is to stimulate their ains, and a certain amount of time usually prescribed by a board of educa tion, the members of which know little lof the capacity and possibilities of the youthful mmd is allotted her, in which she must, somehow or other, succeed in teaching them a certain number of facts no allowance being made for the slow ness, stupidity or disorder, which in creases the friction of the work and de lays the doing. No matter how com plete the education or how enthusiastic the spirit, the power for physical endur ance is absolutely necessary. Caroline B. Le Row in Ladies' Home Journal. Hard and Soft Water. ' The difference between "hard" and "soft" water is that the former contains in greater or less degree earthy salts, wniie tne latter is nearly free from them The nat- - iitarth most frequently occurring in V(u,ral waters is lime. The quantity of .earthy salts varies considerably in differ ent instances. It is observed that when 'they exist in the proportion of five grains to a pint such water will be hard. Pand will be unfit for washing and many oiner nousenoia uses ana manufactures. .The solvent properties of water are the wtyue causes why we never obtain this t universal and important fluid in a state of absolute purity. It constantly par ticipates m the properties of the mani fold sources whence it is derived .or 'through which we obtain it. ' Whenever water is in contact with the soil it invariably dissolves the soluble constituents, and hence it follows that 1(,water springing from rocks which are only slightly soluble,, as sandstone and granite, is very pure and is called soft water, while that which is derived from ffcalcareous formations is termed hard pWater, and contains lime, which nro- h duces an incrustation on the sides and rbottorn of the vessel wherein it is boiled. ,-n-Brooklyn Eagle. - . .A Law Case That Has Cost 850,000. The Cathcart case has been one of the longest trials of our time. and. when feverything has been "totted tip," will prove to have been one of the most ex- ipensive. Sir C. Russell had 150 guineas jmarked on his brief, besides a special fee ,pf 100 guineas, and. fifty guineas a day during the sixteen days the inquiry has lasted. Sir Henry James' fees have been On the same scale. Each of th lAarnprl 'leaders has, therefore, taken 1,050 guineas fees tor ourt work. Apart from this, on leucines lias nau two guineas ior eacn consultation and he- has attended one at jjeast every day. Mr. BuckniU, Q. C, and Mr. Inderwick. Q. C.. have had fty guineas marked on their brief s and early seventeen guineas a day. Two grants of 1,000 each have already been made out of the estate by the order of fliLord Justice Lopes, sitting in chambers, Fortunately, Mrs. Cathcart is a rich woman. Ten thousand pounds will prob ably have been swallowed ut in the Vourse of this inquiry. London Tit-Bits. Invention of tbe Typewriter. . : . . The typewriter was invented as long rjigd as 1714 by one Henry Mills, who in that year obtained a patent in this conn- try for a device that "would write 'printed characters one at a time, or one 'after the other." There is no descrip tion -of this device to be had now", but there is no doubt that Mills' invention vwas the parent of the present typewriter. .. In 1833 a French patent was granted to ,M. Prognnt (Xavier), of Marseilles, for a typewriter, winch is called a typograph ical machine." The account of the ma chine is somewhat obscure, but enough is given to show that it was an operative one by which typewriting could be fairly well executed. M. Foncalt sent to the L Paris exhibition in 1355 a writing ma chine for the blind, and several type writers were invented by Wheats tone. 'After successive improvements a manu facturer in America contracted to con struct 25,000. New York Press. : Fooled the Clerjry man. There is a minister in Brooklyn who told the writer a harrowing tale of de ception of which heyxvfcsi the "victim. After he had . performed the marriage ceremony for a young couple at the par sonage, . the bridegroom slipped a fat envelope between the leaves of the family Bible, nodding pleasantly, as if to Bay: "You've well earned it" .The clergy man nodded thankfully. .. ... .. 1 . "When I opened that envelope," he said, "what do you suppose 1 found in it?"' ' ' ' " . --. . ' . "A goodly sum in bills?" -'. '.'No, sirl Nc, sirt Twenty sheets of 1 -copy paper such as reporters use. And .on the last sheet was written: 'Economy is wealth. : Please dont squander this. Wipe your razor on it.' " ' - "I . think,'' said the dominie, "that ministers should be : empowered to de clare some marriages void." -New York World. vJ ', ; '. ' The treatment owls , receive' from man evinces no recognition of their value; no gratitude for their services.. . Large and mall, : they are shot wherever founds to serve a3 ornaments to the parlor or to do !- brie' dljty 'or a season on a fashionahle men io do cast asiae ana iorgorten. A NEW Undertaking Establishment ! I'RINZ & NITSCHKE. ... DEALER8 IN Furniture and Carpets. We have added . to our - business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with the Undertakers Trust our prices wil! be low accordingly. . . Remember our place on Second street, next to Moody's bank. uilfling plaiefials! Having made arrangements with a number of Factories, I am pre pared to furnish ' Doore, Windows Blouldings, STORE FRONTS And all kinds of Special work. Ship ments made daily from factory and can fill orders in the shortest possible time. Prices satisfactory. It will be to your interest to 'see 'me before purchasing elsewhere. Wm. Saunders, Office over French's Bank. W E. GARRETSON, Jeweler. SOtE AGENT FOR THE All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. 138 Second St;, Th Dalles, Or. . P. Thosi rsos' President.. J. S. bCHHNCK, H. M. Beam. t . Vice-President. Cashiet First national BanX THE DALLES, OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight. . . : i Draft or, Check; . ;?,.( ,i r Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on ? i New York, San Francisco and Port land.' ' -'' ' DIRECTORS. P. Thompson,. . Jno. S. Schknck. W. Spakks. ;. t ; ; ' Gko; A. Lierr. H. M. Bxall.. ' . ' FRHHCH ; CO., bankers. TRANSACT A G EKE BAB BANKING BUSINESS Letters of Credit issued available in the ' Eastern States. ;( Sight . Exchange -and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New: York, Chicago, St. Louis, San, Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. . Collections made at all points on fav orable term. ': . - . Cueveuand, Wash., " ) . ' ' ' ' ' June 19th, 1891.) S. Bi Medicine Co., ..!; Gknvlbmem Your kind favor received, and in reply would say that I am more than pleased with the terms offered me on the last shipment of your' medicines. There is nothing like them ever intro- duced in this coriiitry, especially; for La grippe and kindred' complaints. I have had no com plaints, so far, arid everyone is ready with a wrd of praise for their virtues. Yours, etc, , ' M. F. Hackley. i' - SUMMER GOODSM Of Every Description wiU be Sold at FOR THE NEXT Call Early and Get Some of Our Gen uine Bargains. Terms Chsh. J. H. GROSS, -DEALER IN- Hay, Grain, Feed aai Flour. ' ... HEADQUARTERS FOR POTATOES. Cash Paid for Eggs and Chickens. : All Goods Delivered Free and Promptly TERMS STRICTLY CHSH. Cor- Second & Union Sts., THE Great Bargains ! Removal ! Removal ! Oriccount of Removal I will sell my entire stock of Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, Shelv ings, Counters, Desk, Safe, Fixtures, at a Great Bargain. Come and see my offer. GREAT REDUCTION IN. RETAIL. J. 125 Second Stf ect, HUGH CHRISMAN. BRE CHRISMAN & CORSON rSucessprs to .GEO. ,. RUCH, ; - Keep on Hand a Complete Stock of GrocBries, Jour, Grain, Fruit M mill Feeff. llihest Cash Llce: Paid for Produce. : ! - : Corner of Washington and Second-'St. M-Afcm dfe, 33EKrrr,O350'- Successors to A. HETTIXGEK, Jobbers and Retiiilers in Hardware, Tinware, Wooflenware' anfl Granitevare, ; '"LT Heatirigarid G6okstbves,-Pump8Pies, Plumbers and Steam Fitters' Supplies. Carpenters' - and Blacksmiths' and a y. . Farmers Tools, a;id. . Shelf Hardware. All Tinning, Plumbing and Pipe Work will be done on. Short Notice. . - . : i 'V ' - ' ' Nt . ' - -Second St. The Dalles, Or. The Old Germanja Saloon: JOHH DONft VOH, PropPietop. . . ; The best quality of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Pabst Milwaukee Knicker bocker and Columbia Beer, Half and Half and all kinds t ."j ; :' of Temperance Drinks. . ; ALWAYS ON HAND. Jipe Iei70Ur;ed liolinist. ; Herr fluoast zflamold. 1 Thursday Evening Oct. 8th, ' ' - '-"' ' ' " v.- . 'i '., v s : . ,: . , . - AT THE ' ; COURT HOUSE . . - I ' ' vtrhder the Auspices of the"' 'r f ' Y. P. S. C. E. of the Congregational Church Admission 50 cts. Reeerved seats 75 cts. Tickets on sale at Snipes . Kinerply's. sfa EnS Afw THIRTY DAYS. H. Herbring. The Dalles. W. K. CORSON. The Dalles, r. FLOURING MILL TO LEASE. TklE OLD DULLES MILL AND WATER . Company's Hour Mill will be leased to re sponsible parties. . For information apply to ttia WATER COMMISSIONERS, The Dalles, Orefron. Still on Deek. Phoenix Like has Arien Prom the Ashes! JAMES WHITE, The Restauranteur Has Opened the Baldmin Hsstaarant -.Jt ON MAIN STREET Where he will be glad to see any and all , - of his old patrons.' Open day and Night. First class . meals twenty-five cents. v. V