VOL. II. THTS DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6. 1891. FBOFS88IONAI. CARDS. WU. SAUNDERS Architect. Plans and specifications furnished for dwellings, hareb.es, business blocks, schools and factories, barges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Of fiee over French's bank. The Dalles, Oregon. DR. J. 8UTHE RLAND Fzllow or Trinity Medical College, and member of the Col lore of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy Sttian and Burgeon. Office; rooms 3 and 4 Chap man block. Residence; Judge Tbornbury's Sec ond street. Office hours; 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. DR. O. D. DOANE physician and sub obon. Office: rooms 5 and 6 Chapman Block. Residence No. 23, Fourth street, one block south of Court House. Office hoars 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 P. M. AS. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Of- flee In Schanno's building, up stairs. The Dalles, Oregon. DSIDDALL Dentist. Gas given for the painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of the Golden Tooth, Second Street. A K. THOMPSON Attornby-at-law. Office in Opera House Block, Washington Street, The Dalles, Oregon , r. r. MAYS. B. 8. HUNTINGTON. H. S. WILSON. MAYS, HONTINGTON 4 WILSON Attor-mbys-at-law. Offices, French's block over Pint National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon. B.B.DDFUB. Q BO. W ATKINS. FRANK HENBFBB. DUFDR, W ATKINS & MENEFEE ATTOB-RYS-AT-I.AW Room No. 43, over PoBt Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street The Dalles, Oregon,. WH. WILSON Attorney-at-law Rooms . 52 and 63, New Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. SPES'&HWLY, WMesale aid Retail Drngpsts. -DEALER8 IN- Km Imported, Key West and DoiHestk CIGARS. PAINT : New is the time to paint your house aad if you wish to get the beat quality and a fine color use the - Slicrwin," Williams Co.'s Paint'" For those wishing to see the quality and. color of the above paint we call their attention to the residence of S. L: Brooks, Judge Bennett, Smith French and others painted by Paul Kreft. . Snipes & Kineraly "are agents for the above paint for The Dalles. Or. COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY W. S. CRAM, Proprietor. (SiccessorwCrjBlConoi.) - Kaaafactarer of the finest French and Home Made 0-A.ZLST DI B S, East at Portland. DEALER IN ' f wpieal Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. 6a furnish any of these goods at Wholesale or Beta In Bfery Style. 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. Nicholas & Fisher, BAUBER SHOP. Hot -and Cold Baths! REMOVAL. H. Glenn h?is removed his office and the office of the Electric Iight Co. to 72 "Washington St. $20 REWARD. ILL BK VJLli FOBS ANT INFORMATION leading to the conviction of parties on tan MM ntei or in snr war interferim with tot mlf pates or issaps at ttm lis suenixMLasrv OUR FALL STOCK : Is Complete with the Latest Novel ties in Dress Goods, Trimming, etc. " And we are Offering Them at Very . Close Prices. Call and Inspect ur , Stock Before Purchasing Elsewhere and see Some of Our Bargains. HLP 8ITUATED AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION. Destined to be the Beat Manufacturing Center in the Inland Empire. For Further Information Call at the Office of Interstate Investment Go., 0. D. TAYLOR, THE DALIES. 72 WASHINTON ST., PORTLAND E. Jacobsen & Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. Pianos and Organs Sold on EASY INSTALLMENTS. . Notions, Toys, Fancy G-oods and Musical Instru ments of all Kinds. MU. Orders 35"iXXeci Promptly. 162 SECOND STREET, The Dalles Mercantile Co., Successors to BROOKS 4 BEER8, Dealer in General Merchandise, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc. Groceries, Hardware, ' Provisions, Flour, Bacon, HAY, GRAIN AND PRODUCE Of all Kinds at Lowest Market Rates. Free Delivery to Boat and Curs and all parts of the City. 390 and 394 BARBERS. Hot -:-and-:- CoId-:-Baths. MB - . Best Selling Property of the Season in the North-,, west. THE DALLES, OREGON. Second Street $500 Re-ward! , We will pay the above reward for any case oi Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Biek Headache, In digestion, Constipation or Costtveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly compiled with. They are purely vegetable, and never fall to give satisfac tion. 8ugar Coated. Large boxes containing SO PIUs, 26 cents. Beware of counterfeits and imi tations. The genuine manufactured onlv bv THKJOHM C. WF8T COM PANT, CHICAGO, BaiMliBI KOVOBTOM, . . . RUSSIA'S CORN CROP The Russian Nobles Charging high Prices for Corn While the People Starve. Dr. Briggs Trial to be Held Nov. 4th In the United States Courts. Eastern Weather. The Acts of the Jury are Legal"-At-tacked by Indians Killed by the Cars. Their Conduct Denounced. - London, Oct. 6. Newspapers at St. Petersburg denounce the conduct ' of merchants and members of the nobility for seeking profit from their stores of corn while poor peasants are starving. They make a strong appeal to the gov ernment to revoke the edict prohibiting the export of rye and substitute there for a heavy tax on the exportation of all cereals. Reports come from Boku dis tricts and elsewhere to the effect that thousands of persons are dying from starvation. .. . ' Br. Briggs' Trial to Begin. New York, Oct. 6. The New York Presbytery resumed its work this morn ing. After some routine work was dis posed of, Rev. A. Schiland of the com mittee appointed to answer Dr. Briggs' jprotest of May 11th, rose and read his report and Dr. Birch, chairman of the prosecuting committee announced that he was about to furnish' Dr. Briggs with a copy of the indictment and the.' ar rangement with accused triaL- set ?fdr, Wednesday, November 4th. TfiqJxijtK! wui DepuDiic man probability, although the manner of conducting the trial is yet to be decided upon. .In the United States Court. v Washington, Oct. 6. At the October Uerm of thernitW-fitates -wrtM meets next Monday the first case to come up -will be that of Thomas Henry Cooper owner of the schooner Sayward, brought to test on the question of jurisdiction of tne u nited states over the seal fisheries in the Behring sea. , The lottery cases are set down for argument after the Sayward case is disposed of. The cases involve the question of the constitution ality of the recent anti-lottery legisla tion. Following this will be heard number of cases bearing upon the con stitutionality of the McKinley tariff bill, :-V' Snow in Minnesota. St. Paul, Oct. 6. A dispatch from Luverne in Southern Minnesota says lit is snowing nere touay ana worn in the fields has been suspended." - Snow in Kansas City. Kansas City, Oct. '6. Snow beean falling -here at' 9 o'clock this morning and continued for about an hour. This is the first snowfall here of the season. The Jury's Acta Legal. San Francisco, Oct. 6. Attorney General Hart filed a lengthy writ of re view in the supreme court today touch ing upon the impanelment of the present grand jury.' The court, Justice McFar- lan being the onlyjone absent, decided that the case presented no points in the controversy that could be taken up by the supreme court and desmissed the writ. ' Attorney General Hart in an in terview some time later claimed that this course virtually established the legality of the jury's acts. Attacked by Indians. Washington, Oct. 6. The depart ment of state was informed by the lega tion o the United States at Lima, that the report of he assassination of four American miners at Cajamaquilla, Peru, is incorrect. An attack was made on them by' Indians and one miner ' was killed.. The others escaped with the loss of all their property. Killed by the Cars. Staplbton, S. D., Oct. 6. A , wagon containing four persons, a man, Woman and two children was struck by an engine at a railroad crossing in Giffords this morning. The man ' and woman were killed instantly, and the children were picked up in a dying condition. ., An English Statesman Dead. London, Oct. 6. The .. Right Hon. William Henry Smith, first lord of the treasury and a government leader in the commons, who has -been ill for some time, died tbis afternoon.' . , . Te be Reinstated. Ottawa, Ont.. Oct. 6, It was decided to ' reinstate all those officials of the de partment of the interior who were aoa pendedl iWroamlt.vf the revelations) mad iMfara th SOMaftrt CMMftittM. Affairs In JhlH. new York, Oct. 5. Advices to the Herald from Valparaiso, Chili, 'state that as the date of election day draws near, rumors about candidates for the office of president increase in number. Among those prominently mentioned is Senor Irarazavel. It is understood, however, that a majority of leaders are in favor of tendering the honor to Ad miral Jorge Montt, who, with Waldo Silva and Ramon Barros Luco form the widely-celebrated junta de gobirono. In fact, it is reported that he has already been urged to allow his name to be used aa a candidate. No one could be selec ted who could satisfy all the factions as Admiral Montt would. Word has reached here of the arrival of the flag ship San Francisco at Payta, Peru, of her orders from the American govern ment to return to Valparaiso, and of her putting into Callao harbor on her return to this city. The news has not been re ceived pleasantly here1. The Chilians regard her return with undisguised dis favor. Natural Gas for Stockton. Stockton, Cal., Oct. 4. The Stockton Gas company has bought the gas flow of John Jackson's big natural well, and is running the pipe to the company's works. It is said when the connections are made the old company will stop the manufacture of gas and furnish the nat ural product to the people at $1 per 1000 feet. The Jackson gas well has a daily flow of about 1,000,000 feet, which is more than this city consumes. The old gas company has expended $28,000 in boring a gas well, but met trouble in dropping a big tool in the well. They have been drilling out the lost tool for seven months past, and expect to soon have it removed. . The city is pretty well lighted-with natural gas. Trouble Among Dock Laborers. Kondon, ct. 5. There is ibc?utjrajprng one of the gri great noise a great shipping districts of this city on account of dock laborers. The firemen and bullet - trouble among the carmens, sailors, heavers' unions have in that locality 01M minge, owing to the, employment of men at weekly wages, when under the un ion's rules the work in dispute must be done by piece work. The consequences is that work on theBe wharves is almost at a standstill. Carter Harrison Wants an Organ. Chicago, Oct. 5. The Chicago Daily Press company has completed its organ -ganization. Robert Laidblom is presi dent of the company, and Max Polacheck general manager and treasurer. The entire capital stock, $ 100,000 has been subscriped and allotted. The first issue will appear on October 18, and there after every evening and Sunday morn ing. It .is understood the new paper will-boom Carter Harrison for the may oralty and will oppose Cleveland's re nomination, j Atteinpt tu Blow up the Palace. Trieste, Oct. 5. A commotion oc curred here today when it became known that an attempt was made to blow Up the Episcopal palace, A porter in the palace found a large petard or bomb in one of the hallways. Attached to the petard was a burning fuse. The porter immediately pulled the fuse from the petard and extinguished it. The matter is being thoroughly investigated. Russian Troops on the. Frontier. RuDA-PasTH, Oct. 5. Pester-Lloyd to day publishes a sensational article de claring that the Russian government is making an enormous concentration of troops on the banks of the Pruth. Ac cording to. the story, a large tract of land near tne rrutn, is now swarming with Russian soldiers, for whose. occommoda- tion capacious huts have been erected. Railroad Accident. ' Santa Rosa, Cal., Oct. 6. Three car penter named Ceres, Brown and Proctor at work on a bridge on a narrow guage road near Tomales, were killed this morning by being run into by a train. They were working with a large gang of of men at the time several others of the gang also being injured. . Barned -to Death. . Bkaddock, Pa., Oct. 6. A number of frame1 houses were burned this morning and. James McQuir perished in the flames. . ,,..' ; Weather Forecast. San Fkancisco, Oct. 6. Forecast for Oregon and , Washington : ; Fair weather. - ' Chicago Wheat Market.. Chicago, October 6. Close, wheat steady, cash 95; December 98. - Portland Wheat Market. . Pobtuano, October 6. Wheat, valley, 1.50; Walla Walla, 1.40. Mmm. Frasolsea Wheat Market. U 7axcic0, Octebvr tt. -Wkwat SUSPECTED OF MURDER - . To Secure Ji.ooo in Gold a Tramp Murders a Mother and Son and Burns Their Home. Rumors That ex-Governor Chiney of New Hampshire -Will be the Next . Secretary of War. A Defaulting Cashier Wanted in a Pennsylvania Court. Other Brief News Notes. " Pakkersbukq, W. Va., Oct. 5. A tramp named William Downey was ar rested last night for the murder of Mrs. Henry Cosert and her son Jopling, the burning of the bodies and of the victims' home, and the robbery of $1000 in gold. The scene of the tragedy was in Raleigh county. The family was a thrifty one and lived in a solitary place. Mrs. Cos ert had a great liking for gold, and turned all she saved into it. For years she had beon hoarding all her savings at her home, and had accumulated about $1000. The charred remains of herself and son were found by a passer-by, who, on Saturday morning, saw the smoking timbers of what was once, their home. The community is much excited and would lynch the tramp if the evidence against him were stronger. SECRETARY OF WAR. A Possibility of the Selection of ex Gov ernor Chiney, of cw Hampshire. New Yokk, Oct. . 5. The Herald's Washington correspondent telegraphs us follows : If ex-Governor Chiney, of New Hampshire, is not selected to succeed Secretary Proctor, there will be a great surprise among a number of officials at the war department.- Just where these., gentlemen got their information from is not known, but several of them having close relationship with Mr. Proctor ex press themselves as , very certain of Governor Chiney's appointment. A noteworthy circumstance is the persist- wasmngton, Crovernor uniney was one of the first possibilities spoken of among the army people, but as General Lew Wallace and others loomed up the gossip about the former subsided. Within the last few days, however, his name has come to the front again, and, as prev iously intimated, the army people' have practically accepted his appointment as a foregone conclusion. . , THE MISSING CASHIER. An Effort Will Be Made to Bring; Back a Pennsylvania Defaulter. Habkisbubg, Pa., Oct. 5. The story that William Livsey, the missing ex cashier of the state treasury, whose evi dence is wanted by the legislative in vestigating committee, is in Canada, is generally credited here. Mr. Livsey rs father lives in Canada, and it is thought he went there when he was discovered in Milwaukee. It is understood that. the state authorities want him badly, and, and as a consequence, little sur prise was expressed when it became known that Pattison - and other state officials are arranging to secure his ex tradition. Governor Pattison was asked on .what charge Livsey would be arrssted id Canada in order to secure his extra dition, but declined to eay anything on the subject and said he preferred not to be quoted. The governor remarked casually that Livsey was wanted, and " his manner betokened that at the proper time there would be brought out evi dence strong enough to secure his extra dition. It is said that the matter is in ' the hands of the attorney-general. " : The French I'll grim Episode. Rome, Oct. 5. The streets were .filled . today by people 'shouting, for ihe king, mingled with cries against the pilgrims and the pope. The day passed off, how- ever, without any violence. In Naples similar scenes were enacted. In Milan the people threatened violence to some foreigners who refused to join in the ex- fression of loyalty, and in Florence the rench residents thought it prudent to remain indoors ' Everywhere the great est devotion was expressed for the royal family and the cause of Italian unity. . The incident in the Pantheon raised "a .. flame that shot like wild fire from one' end of the peninsula to the other. . Low Water In Eastern Rivers. Cincinnati, O., Oct. 5. Eighteen -steamboats, loaded with freight and car rying passengers, are aground between this city and Point -Pleasant, W.' Va., where there is but one foot eight inches of water. Teams are crossing the" Ohio river at- dozens of points.- It is esti-; mated low water is causing a dailv loss of $10,000. : '; Four Tramps Drowned. Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 5. Two freight trains ran off the transfer yesterday, and four tramps were drowned in the river in them. She Manufacturer Aasigna. Boston,'.' Xa., Oct.tt; IVB. .Baker; manufacturer f boob aau shaje at Aiayta aM saig-a4.