GO mtck V VOL. II. THE DALLES, OREGON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1891. NO. 93. .4 PROFESSIONAL, CABDS. W7M. SAUXPKRS Architect. Pinna and IT specifications furnished for duellings, churches, business blocks, schools and factories. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Of fice over French's bunk, The Dalles, Oregon. DR. J. SUTHERLAND Fellow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the Col lege of Physicians and Burgeons, Ontario, Phv ician and Surgeon. OUice; rooms 8 and 4 Chap man block. Residence: Judge Thornbury's Sec ond street. Oflice hours; 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. DR. O. D. DOANE physician and sur geon. Oflice: rooms 5 and 6 Chapman Block. Residence No. 2, Fourth street, one block south of Conrt House. Office hours to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 P. M. A S. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. flee In Schanno's building, up stairs. IMlles, Oregon. Of The DSIDDALL Dentist. Gas given for the . painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth ket on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of the Golden Tooth, Second Street. R. THOMPSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office In Opera House Block, Washington Street, The Dalles, Oregon F. r. MAYS. B. 8. HUNTINGTON- U. S. WILSON." MAYS, HUNTINGTON & WILSON Attob-neys-at-law. Oillccs, French's block over First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon. E.B.DUFUR. GEO. WATKINS. FRANK MKNEFEE. DUFUR, WATKINS & MENEFEE Attor-nkys-at-law Room No. 43, over Post Offlee Building, Entrance on Washington Street The Dalles, Oregon. . 7 H. WILSON Attobney-at-law Rooms T 52 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. SjllPES & KHIERSLY. WMesale and Retail Droiists. -DEALERS IN- Fine Imported, Key West and Domestic PAINT How ia the time to paint your house and if you wish to get the beet quality and a fine color use the Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paint. For those wishing to see the quality anil color of the above paint we call their attention to the residence of S. I. Brooks, Judge Bennett, Smith French and others painted by Paul Kreft. Snipes & Kinersly are agents for the above paint for The Dalles. Or. COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY W. S. CRAM, Proprietor. (Successor tociam & Coteoo.) Manufacturer ef the finest French and Home Made ... O -ICT D I E s East ef Portland. , . DEALER IN Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesala FESH OVSTEtS46- In Every Style. . 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. Nicholas & Fisher, BARBER SHOP. lfot and Cold Baths! REMOVAL. H. G-lenn has removed his office and the office of the Electric Light Co. to 72 Washington St. $20 REWARD. 1VHJ, BR rail VOR ANT INFORMATION If leading to Uie eon vietlana parties ratting Mr. MHftm r i r war intsrferinc .with the wvm ditthm jmmtm m Itaa sic Idmma OUR FALL STOCK Is Complete with the Latest Novel ties in Dress Goods, Trimming, etc. And we are Offering Them at Very Close Prices. Call and Inspect our itock Before Purchasing and see !Some of (Washington HBLP North SITUATED AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION. Destined to be the Best Manufacturing Center in the Inland Empire. For Further Information Call at the Office of ' Interstate Investment Go., O. D. TAYLOR, THE DALLES. 72 WASHINTON ST., PORTLAND 7. BETTINCEN, Retailer and Jobber In . Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, Woodenware, Silverriiare, Crockery, Glassware, Etc. -AGENT THE GARLAND STOVE. -j : Pumps, Pipes, Plumbers and Steam Fitter's Supplies. All Tinning,. Plumbings Pipe Work and Repairing -will "be done on Short Notice, and at the Jjowest Second Street, next door to Snipes & The Opeta Restaurant, . .-No. 116 Washington Street, MEALS at ALL HOURS of the DAY or NIGHT. m : " Handsomely Furnished Rooms to Rent by. the Day, Week or Month. . ' Finest Sampje Rooms for Commercial Men. - Special Rates to Commercial Men. WILL S. GRAHAM, W.&T.JVIeCoy, BARBERS. Hot -:- and-:- Cold-i-Batris. Elsewhere Our Bargains. Washington) Best "Selling Property of the Season in the North west. - FOR- frices. Kinersly. THE DALLES. PROPRIETOR. $500 Reward! We will twit the above reward for im can ni uver tompiaint, uyspepsia, eica iieaaacne. In cam digestion. ConBtioa i&ui ion or Coetiveness we oannot cure with West's vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. The' iey are purely vegetaDie, ana never iau to give satisfac tisfiuv tion, sugar iOaiea. lanre boxes containing an Pills, 25 cent. Beware oi counterfeits and imi tations. The arenuioe - manufactured onlv hv THE JOHN C. WF6T COMPANY, CHIOAGO. ILLINOIS. - Y" HI II.ET BOV6BTOK, FBra. Dalles MORE WAR NEWS, A Report of an "jngaKcment Between GovernmentTroops and the Insurg ents the Latter Victorious. The Revenue Cutter Richard Rush Re ports at San Francisco and Reports One Sealer Seized. Ruined by Speculation Farmers to be Advised to Hold Their Corn for Foreign Market. Boston, Mass., Oct. 2. A City of Mexico dispatch says : "The revolution in Guatemala finally succeeded Wednes day in drawing Barrilas' army' into a fight and the government troops were badly used up and are retreating to Guatemala City, forty miles away from the scene of the fight. There was great rejoicing in the city when the news reached there f the defeat of the gov ernment troops. President. Ezeta de flared that Guatemala was ripe for the plan of consolidating all of Central America in one republic, and he will not lost the opportunity to bring about this.result." ' The Rumors Denounced as False. New Yohk, Oct. 2. The Guatamala consul general here today received the following cablegram from President Bar illas, dated Guatamala, Oct. 1: '"Abso lute peace reigns . in all Guatamala. Deny all rumors of a, revolution, which are false and malicious." ' AKEVBSUBCTTTEK REPORTS. The Cutter Ruth From Alufca to Saxi ; Francisco. si Sax Fkancisoo, Oct.- 2. The revenue cutter Richard Rush; arrived here from the Behring Sea this ; uxrning." The Rush left Onalaska Sept. 22nd, among these whom the cutter . brought stmWbij Bo wn -were .pecisr-ragenf J. , . , ' Brown, from -Seal Island. Dr. Sheldon Jackson, government 'agent for educa tion in Alaska, and the McGrath , party who have been two years ' in upper Al aska about Fort. Yukon, surveying the United States boundary line, sealing schooners -have been - seen . in Behring sec top some tune before liie Bush left, many had been warned during the sea son but only the British schooner E. B. Marvin was seized by the Rush. ' Kutned by Speculation. - Chicaco, Oct. 2. -Detectives here are on the look out for A. M.: -Standiford, an absconding banker of Christ man, Illi nois. Inquiry has developed the fact that for the past two years heavy spec ulation on the board of trade ha been going on through the Christen an bank, with -varying ; success. .The .bankers pretended to be trading on orders sent by them, given in behalf of a syndicate j of depositors', in the Christman -bank, but their suspicions are that the Stand- ifords themselves are the real traders. - Their dealings were heavy, amount ing sometimes to about a million bushels of grain per day. . Advised to Hold Their Corn; -Chicago, Oct. 2.- The morning News says a rough draft of the article advising the farmers of the country to hold their corn . for higher prices has been made and is expected to appear in fall in the next issue of the Farmers' Voice. It ad vises the sale of only so much of the crop as is actually necessary for home consumption until foreign demand puts prices up, then sell only so much ' as is necessary to supply that demand and again lock-up cribs till prices go up again. ;, Dakota In Hard Luck. '; St.Paui., Oct. 2. The advices sliow that rain is falling all- over - North Da kota, with snow in the eastern .portions and a Mid wave coming, from 'Montana'. There- are fully 5000 bushels of wheat un threshed which are in danger of being destroyed by the wet weather. , -Broke Up Their Business. Pokti.asd,- Or., ; Oct.,. 2. Warrants were issued today for the arrest, of G..W. Crowdell, W. St.- Clair Ross, J. H.; Tom linson and John McVeigh, who are ac cused oi fraud in conducting a. swindling operation under the guise of an employ ment agency. .. . Weather 'Forecast. '. San ; Francisco, . Oct, 2.' Forecast for Oregon and Washington : "Scattering rains along the "Washington . coast and In extreme Northeastern Oregon - and Eastern Washington. Snow in moun tains ; frosts in Southern Oregon. . ; ; '1 V- c : "" ' Raasla Afraid of China. ' Lovuoh, Oct. 1. The refusal of Ras i a tsks) vfen4 i, Cochin China is at- tributed to the dread with which Russia has' always regarded China's capacity for injuring Russia's interest in the in terior of ' Russia. Russia has always feared that a sudden and overwhelming movement of the Chinese could sweep back the Russian dominion, perhaps to the Ural mountains. This fear seems to have been traditional, and is as strong today as when Russia was ' a Tartar province. The Chinese have a very large force stationed near the Manchar- ! ian boundary, and could throw an armv into Siberia far superior to any force that Russia could readily place in that neighborhood. Financial Matters In ISuenos Ayrei. Buenos Ayres, Oct. 1. Gold closed yesterday at . 320 per cent, premium. The . government has issued a decree, the substance of which is the assurance of a forced currency, and fixing the i premium on gold at 150 per cent. The government also suspended payment in gold for two years. In addition a new monetary unit was adopted, composed of a flved amount of silver and nickel. This money is now being coined. The committee reported favorably on the is sue of $4,500,000 in paper piastres, and upon the establishment of the National Argentine bank. A Conductor Kadly Hurt. La Gkande, Or., Oct. 1. This morn ing as the Elgin accommodation train came in it stopped at Island City, about two miles from here, for the purpose of doing some work. While thus engaged Conductor Plumb got his foot casght in a switch frog and the train passed over him, crushing one of his legs and fractur ing one arm below the elbow. The leg is so badly injured that it will have to be amputated above the knee. At this time he is in a state of unconsciousness, with slight hopes of his recovery. Will He Adopted as the Knute. Montreal, Oct. 1. The Star pub lishes the following special cablegram from London: "It is understood the imperial, war office has requested the nadian Paffic Railway to submit es - uoiates ot the' .cost of transportation of woods Dotween me Atianuc ana r-acinc. ix ts intended to test tne -value of the route for this purpese toward the close I of the year. If the trial is successful. the route will be adopted as the regular I in penal channel." . t Famine in Russia Increasing. iLosnox, Oct. 1. A dispatch from St. Petersburg to the Daily Ntns says : "A government circular has been issued, forbidding press allusions to the famine. Private letters declare that the distress is increasing in Kaxan-Samaria and Nijini-5fovgorod. The tribunal dismisses cases In which persons are prosecuted for robbing bakeries." Another Hank Hrokn. Boston Oct. 2. A. B. TurnerA Bros., bankers, have failed. At the office of the firm no information as to the cause of the failure, or amount of liabilities could be ascertained. Plenty of Snow. Red Lodge, Mont., Oct. 2. It has been snowing and drifting incessantly for the past forty-eight hours and now there is three feet of snow on the level. Business is practically at a standstill. . Pawning; His Jewelry. Berlin, Oct. 1. A letter from Venice says that Don Carlos, the pretender to the throne of Spain, is in very straitened circumstances . and recently pawned a valuable jewel. Collapse of a Tunnel. Rome, Oct. 1. By the collapse of a tunnel at Ovada, near Genoa, twenty one workmen were buried. Seventeen were extricated, and it is feared that the others are dead. More Itritish Money. London",- . Oct. 2. Bullion to the amount of 103,000 was withdrawn from the bank of England today for shipment to the United States. . Klf-ht Coal Miners Killed. ' Cakdikk, Oct. 1. An accident occurred today at Abergwnie colliery, near Bridge End, Glamorganshire. . Eight miners were killed by the fall of a hoisting car. The Harvest In Prance. ' Pakis, Oct." 2. The official . estimate of the yield of the harvest for 1891 is as follows: Wheat 81,889,000 hectolitres, (hectolitre 234 bushels.) ' f- Chicago Wheat Market. Chicago, . October 2. Close, wheat firm, cash 96 ; December 9. Portland Wheat Market. ' Portland, October-2. Wheat, valley, 1.501.52K; Walla Walla, 1.401.42. as rraaoUM Wheat Market. Sax Fajjtcisoo, October ' 2. Wheat rm '! iM&jgum,MH.: ...... SOUNDS LIKE A FAKE It is Rumored that a Party of Moneyed Men of New York Are Backing the Guatemala Revolution. American Citizens Arrested and Thrown Into Jail at Santiago by Chilian Authorities. Report of an Attempt to Assassinate the Emperor of Austria Troops on the Russian Frontier. Guatemala, Oct. 1. News of the most sensational character has been received here during the past twenty-four hours. There is considerable excitement in San Salvador regarding the revolt in Guasc mala. A ray of light has just been thrown on the present revolution in Guatemala by a retired American officer now residing in this city, who, for var ious reasons, does not want his name to appear in connection with the story. According to the stoty he tells, three Americans supplied with plenty of money visited this city ' about two months ago. ' To him they disclosed the fact that they represented a revolution ary party in New York that had for its object the downfall of Barrilas' govern ment in Guatemala, and were backed with funds to carry the movement to a successful issue. Their plan of action was to send experienced military officers into Guatemala. They were to be dis tributed throughout the republic and when the time was ripe were to take command of the revolutionary troops. He believes 'the present revolution is due to the New York parties who fur nished funds and ainunition to the in surgents.. CHILIAN OITKACKS. American citizens Arrested and Thrown Into .fall at Santiago. New Yobk, Oct. 1. A Valparaiso special says : "! am enabled to send you l further particulars of the trouble between the authorities at Santiaeo and Minister" igan. It appears thatw.the American. Egan. legation and its vicinity were watched by the police during all of last week On last Friday, three Americane,. as cabled you, were placed under arrest. Their names were Hillmann, Madden and Raypriest. They had visited Mr. Egan at the legation, and were on their wav back when taken into custody. Messrs. Hillmann and Madden made a business call, and Mr. Raypriest had gone to the legation to obtain letters. All three were locked up. Mr. Ray priest was kept in prison for some hours. Messrs. Hillman and Madden were taken to the intendencia and detained, for a short time when they were released. In addition to this, two of Minister Egan's servants were thrown into prison and kept there for two days, beinsr re leased Saturday." PROBABLY A HOAX. Kejtort of an Attempt to Assassinate the--Emperor Francis of Austria. Vienna, Oct. 1. The Emperor Francis arrived, in safety at Reichenberg, near' Prrguc, this morning, and with his ad vent the news of an attempt upon his life spread all over Austria. The generat opinion is that the news circulating is either untrue or else exaggerated, but it has caused great consternation. The story is that last night an attempt was made with a dynamite bomb to blow up the railroad bridge at Rosenthal, a suburb of Reichenberg. This is said to have occurred shortly before the emper or's train passed over the bridge. Some railroad watchmen said they saw the would-be assassins as tbev were upon the point of attaching the "bomb to the bridge structure, and by appearing upon the scene frustrated their design. Troops on the Russian Frontier. Berlin, Oct. 1. A Vienna dispatch speaking of the Russian maneuvers at the Pruth, calls attention to the fact that the Crimean war began with the crossing of the Pruth by , the Rus sians, and says that everything points to a similar heginning for the next great European conflict. Five squadrons of Roumanian cavalry have reached the Roumanian boundary opposite to where tiie Russians are maneuvering, and there have been midnight demonstra tions by the Russians since the cavalry I arrived. ine latter came oy lorcea marches trom iiucnarest and will remain on the frontier with a division of infan- try, now on the way, as a corps of obser vation. It is said tbe arrival of Rou manian troops seemed to take the Rus sians by surprise, as if their plans had been discovered and checkmated. Fell Dead In a Saloon. Gkandk, Oct. ,1. This morning La about 9 o'clock a man who has been en gaged as a barkeeper at the . Lodge sa loon was sitting in a chair when all at once he fell to tbe floor dead. From the circumstances snrrounding the case ev erything indicates, that the man was foully dealt with,- as this saloon la known to be. run by tough characters.