The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 23, 1891, Image 3

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    The Dalles Daily Chrofijele.
Entered at the Poatomce at The' Dalles, Oregon,
I aa aeooad-claaa matter.
Local Advertising.
. 10 Onto per line for first Insertion, and 5 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
will appear the following day.
No. 2, Arrives 11:40 A. u. Departs 11:45 A. u.
"8, 12:051-. . " 12:30P.M.
..' No. 1. Arrives 4:40 A. K. Heparin :ou a. m.
.". 7,- :20 r. M. " 6:4oP.J.
Two locai freights that carry passengers leave
one for the west at 7:45 A. M., and one for the
east at 8 A. M. - '
For Prinevllle, via. Bake Oven, leave daily
except Sunday) at 6 a. h.
For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 a. m.
For Dnfur, Kingsley, Wamlc, Wapinitia, Warm
Springs nd Tygh Valley, leave daily (except
Sunday) at 6 A. 11. . .
For Goldendale. Wash., leave every day of the
week except Sunday at 8 A. M.
Omcea for all lines at the Umatilla Rouse.
omcm hours
General Delivrey Window. . . 8 a. m. to 7 p. m.
Honey Order. ". .8 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Snnday U D " 9 a. m. to 10 a. m.
i". CXOBIKO OF MAILS ' ; - :' -" i
By trains going East.T p. m. and 11:45 a. m.
" " .. West 9 p.m. and 4:45 p. m.
'Stage for Goldendale .7 : 80 a. m.
" "Prinevile. .5:30 a. m.
.. . "Dufurand Warm Springs. ..5:30 a. m.
" fLeaving for Lyle A Hartland. .5:30 a. m.
" " Antelope 5:80 a. m.
Kxeept Sunday.
tTri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday.
' Monday Wednesday and Friday.
. Pacific H Bela- D.t'r W 8tate
Coast bar. . 3 tive of S. of
Time. . P Hum Wind " Weather
8 A. M 30.28 47 H6 Calm Clear
X P. M 80.28 67 63 "
- Maximum- temperature, fi7; minimum, tem
perature, 41.
1 Tub Dam.eb, Sept. 23, 1891.
RAIN I Weatlter forecast till 12 m.
: J - Thursday: ' -Fair weather;
warmer during the day; light
front ih exposed places tonight.
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 23, 1891.
The Chronicle .is the Only Paper in
The Dalies that Receives the Associated
Press Dispatches.
Mr. John Filloon came up on the
Regulator yesterday. '
The Regulator is now receiving all kinds
of through freight tor Portland.
Miss Mattie Johnston came up from
Portland on the Eegttlator yesterday. '
T)ie Regulator started with a fine load
of passengers and freight this morning.'
Sarah 'Bernhardt took $15,000 out of
Portland for her three' ''performances
there, -. ,; . .
Mr. ii. I j. Carry, jr., son of the first
governor of the territory of Oregon, is in
the city. '' " " " -- "
Mayor Mays left yesterday afternoon
for his ranch near Dnfur to be back on
The Chbo.niclk force is indebted-to
the courtesy of Mr. Sargeant for a basket
of delicious grapes.
, F. C. Sherriclei! C. M. Wolford, W: H.
Bishop and H. L. Crabper, all of Hood
River, are registered at the Umatilla
House. v :
r Mr. L. O. Lakin, an experienced dry
goods man from Illinois, has accepted a
position with . McFarland & French of
this city. ' - ''
The new wharf boat for the lower
landing of the Cascades ': portage ' was
launched Monday.'-' The boat is 13040
feet and was built on the spot,
' Eighty acres of land belonging to the
estate of the late Mike Little of Hood
River were soid today by the sheriff of
William Plunder of Portland for $640. ;
C. J. Vahduyn has sent to this office
three onidns of the Yellow ' Dan vir
species' that were grown on ..the flat
above Tygh valley known as Tygh prairie
without a dron of irrigation. The three
weigh exactly two pounds and a half. j
M. M. Cashing shipped today to Major
Ingalls for the Wasco' county exhibit in
"Oregon on Wheels." three baskets o
grapes, that were pronounced by ' those
whr saw them' before they were shipped
as tne nnest grapes, they had ever seen;
. Mrs. George If. Morgan has tendered
her resignation to Mayor Mays as mem
ber of the relief committee. , Mrs. Mpr-
gain was herself a sufferer by the late fire
and having again gone to housekeeping,
she finds herself at present unable to a&i
same any hew duties. , . ;
The fair commenced yesterday with
one of the most miserable days imagina
ble to an East Oregonian. The wind
blew almost a hurricane, filling the eyes
and eart with Minding dust: Today, on
r.h nfllAf Kand ' I !.!.,. t .
It is sufficiently cool to be bracing and
: j v pirapaiiu ::
Superintendent Troy Shelly is now
going over the county on his semi-annual
visit of the public schools. He left
this .afternoon for . the region south of
Th Dalles:, 0"h Saturday k October 3rd,
he will hold a local teachers' meeting
at Wamic where he would be pleased to
see all the' teachers who can conven
iently attend. y ; ;
Master Clyde W. Riddell, the twelve
, year-old eon of Mr. George Riddell- of
Oolumbia precinct, came nearly losing
his life yesterday . He was riding swiftly
down hill, after cattle, when' his horse
stumbled ana threw mm violently on a
rock, bruising him up" 'considerably.
Fortunately ho bones . were broken but
it will be sometime before he will have
full -Vise of ! his limbs. ; "
Holler Notes.
. .. . Mosieb, Dr., Sept. 23. 1891.
Editor of the Chonicle:
We had quite a refreshing shower of
rain here last Friday and Saturday.
' The Mosier post-office has been moved
over into .the depot, with Mr. Powers as
assistant poet-master. 1
s Miss Kate Davenport left last Thurs
day for Portland where'she expects to at
tend school. .::-' " '
Mr. Robert Husbands and friend of
Hood River spent a few days of last
week at the residence of Mr. Husbands
of this place
Mrs. A. A. Marsh and son Willie left
Saturday for Viento where Mrs. Marsh's
father, Mr. McClure, ' has his summer
dairy. '
Some of the Mosierites seem to be en-
joyins themselves, as there were two
dances last Saturday night. One was
given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Mo
sier. ' We understand they intend to
leave Mosier. r :
Miss Spink spent , last Saturday and
Sunday at her home in The DalleB. '
Mr. Troy Shelly, . the county .school
superintendent, passed through Mosier
last Tuesday and visited our school.
f"The Regulator has landed at Hus
band's landing nearly every day since it
started to run. This speaks well for
Mosier. M. G. :
v . .... v :
..The Races.
The first race yesterday at the fair
grounds was a half mile running saddle
horse dash. There - were fdur entries,
Dandy, Lizzie Swift, Dolly Varden and
gutter fly'i' ' After a fair start the horses
came in in the following order : Butter
fly ,: prat'; Lizzie Swiftr second; Dandy,
third ; Dolly - Varden, distanced. Time
56 seconds. ;- ' ' --t-
Race' No. 2 was a quarter mile. There
were ' three entries,' Trunk : Hastings,
Mamie S. and Herald. Herald got the
pole. ThQyace was won by Frank Hast
mg8, Mamie S.-' taking "second place.
Time 2& seconds. . "
A match rac for $100 aside was ruri
between joe Trippier's -iay Day . and
Andy "Swift's-. Ridley, " one-half mite,
catch weights. 5 The; race was- won' by
Pay: Day r time, 62 seconds.' v
vThe last race was Mile heats, best
three inGvtf ahd-waa. tentested-te'r -hvf
Frank Button's Bell Rooney and 3. W.
Tilden' Banker. Bell Rooney won 'first
and second heat fcahker was distanced.
This closed the races for the day.
. ,. ThjroagU Freight BelV4. ,
We have been requested to announce
that The Dalles Pdrtlind - A; Astoria
Navigation Company is ready to receive
all classes of through freight to Portland,
except live stock,- and . this class -of
freight the company expects to he" able
to' handle early: next-week. The pres
ent delay, the agent here informs us, is
caused by the inability of the superin
tendent of construction of the portage
road to procure the necessary piles as
fast as the workmen are able to put
them jn place at the end of the .incline.
AH this will be remedied in a few days
at farthest. " " ---. ' '
The -Grange Stora Will Be Re-opeaed.,
' Tiie stock-holders of thejEastern Ore
gon' --Cd-opetative t' Associatjoh held j a
meeting in this city yesterday at which it
was decided to resume business1 just as
soon as suitable accommodations can be
obtained and a stock-purchased. This
will be good news to the many friends
of the enterprise. J '
.. At Hood River last Sunday, Mr. C...E,
Miller to Miss Clara Frazier. Mr. ' Mil-
icr m a yery .ironny young -man ana a
trusted employee of the Oregon Lumber
Co. The bride is the younger sister of
Miss Mary Frazier, of this ' city. The
Chronicle 'wishes the young - couple
many happy days.
... . '..-.Died-;
: Floyd In Seattle, Wash., Sept. 19th,
1891, Minnie,--wife of Edward Floyd,
aged about twenty-five years .
. At 10 p. m. Friday last, a" young, taan
made a persistent attack on. a, Chinaman
who works for ex-Governor Moody. The
whole car of people were "so' ' worked ''
at the outrage on the celestial that they
threatened - to have him ' arrested
prosecuted. . Ther . white e nan jrepoi
himself to the police -"before aar- com
plaint was made, begafng off, which was
all that saved him.. It was a disgrace
ful performance and Bhould not be over
looked. ScUem Journal. ; '--
,-. .. ' ;
Chauncey ; M. Depew, who is noted
for his close and -generally correct ob
servance whilev tir&Velin, a weTT as for
his versatility, has returned'" New
York from ia trip' ; through Eurdpe, ak'd
says the possibiUtl0 of war there now
depends on the ydnh'g' em peroif of Ger
many keeping his head and Lord Salis
bury keeping quiet. " The destiny of En
rope'he believes, is in the hands of these
two'mehiK. "?Jt "t .i jj
: -TT , , ,
The artesian well,, which ia being
bored in the Dekum building, corner of
Third and Washi'ngtbh,"" has' 'struck
water after reaching a depth ol 146 feet,
three inches. The water is clear and
sparkling, and flows at the rate of forty
six gallons a minute - without percepti
bly diminishing.' the supply .Portland
Telegram. ';.; :.: . ; :. ; . -'
Firm In his Seat.
- It is 'understood that 'Mr. Hermann
denies that he has made any pledges
whatever to Mr. -Miller. One thing, is
certain that, in view of his eminent ser
vices and great popularity in this sec
tion; any of the politicians will ' have a
lively time in unseating Mr: Hermann.
He baa done a great deal for this coun
try and state, and with his experience
is now-fitted to do a great deal more.
Coast Mail, Rep.
. . : A Sanguine Prediction.
All the reports in the newspapers that
Congressman Hermann has withdrawn
as a candidate for renomihation in favor
of - another ' candidate, - are the silliest
kind of nonsense. He will be renomi
nated by acclamation, and re-elected by
a- rousing majority. Eugene Journal
Republican. . . ' .: .
i Monday's Telegram had this anno'un
ment: '; Wednesday afternoon at 2:30
oclock the printers of the Oregonian and
of Lewis & Drydeh's job office will play
a game of baseball at The Oaks for the
benefit of the printers of The Dalles who
were sufferers by the recent fire. Both
nines have been exercising, and are in
good trim. Ladies free. ;
Funny, isn't it, the difference twixt
tweedledum and tweedledee? An Ore-.
gon newspaper can't publish an account
of a raffle or the drawing of a prize, but
The San Francisco Examiner can pub
lish a column-and-a-half advertisement
of the Louisiana lottery and the P. O.
officials are mum about it. -Astorian.
..-.;;' - j t "v. - '.
.. Chester Kelley, 15 years old, son- of
the night watchman at Oregon City; was
accidentally shot and killed last Satur
day afternoon, while out hunting about
half a mile from : town.- - He was with
another boy,- who stumbled and fell. dis-
iey s len. eye ana instantly killing him.
. .-j;- Notice. ' ! '
All persons are hereby warned not to
purchase or , negotiate for a . certain
fromissory note bearing date about Jane
, 1890, .given, by Max VTogt & Co. to
ratTtonJan; for $1188, pavable one year
thereon at 8- per cent. ter annum, as said
note is claimed by said Donlan to have
The Dalles, Or., Aug. 27, 1891.
8-27-d&w-4w Max Vogt & Co.
."-'-' " ld AdsTe.. V. .--'-.
' There i's'ari old adage.-: "What every
bbdy Bays must be true." Henry Cook.
Of ?ew. Knoxville, Ohio, in a recent let
ter says: ? " Uhamberlain'8 Cougn Rem
edr; has taken-well here. 1 EverVbodv
likes- u .on -account of- the' immediate
relief it eives;H There ier aothinfip like it
t0:lrand relieve a severe; cold. r For
Bale by Snipes & Kinerstyi druggists, dw
Notwithstanding the fire we still have
a half million (500 thousand) feet of .
Suitable for buildings of all kinds ; also
ohr PLAklKtf urn, is the oniy one now in
the -vicinity and ready to turn out mill
work of every description.
aa-J JOS. T. l'KTBRS.'
. ,. Twenty Dollskra-Keward. .
Parties have been-cuttinz - the sunnlv
pipes above the city between the flume
and the reservoir, thus doing much dam
age. This must be, stopped and a re
ward of $20 is hereby offered for evidence
that will lead to- the conviction of per
sons doing the same. By order of the
Board of Directors.
. V.. 4.. ; r . -
. -. : For Sale Cheap. -.
A gentle; handsome family horse and
a new covered ' buggy r and - harness for
sale cheap. Apply at this office. . 15tf
--,-...- For Bent.
Two furnished rboms Buitable for ren.
tleman, conveniently and nleasantlv lo
cated. Enquire at this office.; - i
,. . ., Pasture. - j iv- r t
Good stubble and meadow Dasture tn
be had on the A. B. Moore - place ' on
Three-mile,-two and one-half miles from
town. ', 8-17-tf.
Pay your city tax at once and save
extra costs. .TimeiDp'. '.- r.
... o. KntxB8Lv:
21-tf. . City Treasurer. ;
x:: -i-ii --Wnnted'. .;-.-
yl A girl to do general housework. To a
good girl good wages' will be paid. Ap
ply to Mrs. J. P. Mclnerny. , 9-l2tf
- -Wanted il.
" A girl to do gene' house work at a
road ranch: seventeen miles frorxn The
Dalles. Apply at this office ?- 8-17-tf. 1
' " " Tor lEtent.'- 1
' - . f. ,.- j. " j. ' 1 .i' -
One four-room house at $10 and three
large rooms for $5.. , Inquire of .Joseph
Beexley or at this office., . ... XV
THE ; '
Dalles, Portland & Astoria
Will leave the foot of Court Street
: very morning at 7 A. M. ; .
5 f0r'. t.-'. 'A n r ,'
Portland iiiftfW Poirits
Connectiona Will be Made with the
.:tn.rjttfc:. '8tesMlil- .w -
At the Foot' of the Cascade Locks.
For Passenger or -Freight' Rates,", Apply
;toAgent7oTiwer orT BoardlV! .
'"'""' (. t.' BBOOKS, Amt.
T -
For coughs and colds use 2379:
: 58 the cough syrup for childreni
Get me a cigar from that fine case at
Snipes & Kinersley's. : . .
Fresh, oysters in every style at the
Columbia candy factory. 18-tf
" Farley & Frank have a lot of second
hand tents of all sizes for sale cheap,, tf
A. choice article of Hood River seed
rye for sale at the Wasco Warehouse.
8- 21-lm , . , .- . ;. .
; Mrs. J. C. Meins has a large parlor
that would be suitable for two gentlemen
roomers, , , . . 9-4-tf
'J. JJ. Larsen will buy all scrap iron
of all kinds and pay the highest market
price. See him at the East End. .
9- 9-tf. . . - . ..s
Pianos and furniture repolished. For
reference apply to Leslie Butler or Dr.
Tucker. 9-14-2w. Geo. H. LaDow.
F. Dehm is again on deck. 5 He saved
his stock and tools and has opened busi
ness at the cigar- factory on First street.
9-9-1 m .- ....
Maier & Benton are prepared to do all
kinds of plumbing, tin-roofing, and tin
work. See them at the old Bettingen
stand. ,v tr
T William Michell is again ready to. fill
all orders in the undertaking business
and can be found at the store of George
Ruch or at Mrt Ruch's residence.
9-H,2w. ; - .
'A. A. Brown bas re-ooened at 109 Un
ion street, north end of the first building
north of Court house yard, where he
will be pleased to see his old customers.
d-W-9-O-tf.' - : ..-
- -Max Blank wishes to inform the peo
ple of " The - Dalles that he has not
raised on brick, -and is selling them for
the same price as before. And will try
and supply all demands with the best of
improved machine made brick, as soon
as time win. allow. .-- -
bilr -i .... f , .; MlX BUSK,
Long Ward offers for sale one' of ! the
best farms of its size in Sherman county.
It consists of 240 acres of deeded land at
brskinville. There is a :. never-failing
epnng oi living water . capaDie ot water
ins .five hundred head . of stock, dailv.
Tne house, which is a large store .build
ing with ten rooms attached alone cost
$1700. ' A blacksmith shop and other
buildings and. the whole surrounded by a
1 t. . -,'! 1 T 11 1 1
guuu wire icuw. it ni uc buiu cneap ana
oh easy terms. Apply by letter or other
wise to the editor of the Chronicle or to
the owner, - W. L. Ward, Boyd, Wasco
county, Oregon." . .. i -r.
I ;: . ' .
...' ., To Contractors.
r Proposals endorsed Proposals for ex
tending water main!' will be received at
the office of the Board of Water, Com
missioners of Dalles City until 2 jp. ja.,
Monday; Sept. 28, 1891,. for digging and
refilling 3000 lineal feet of trench in the
streets of Dalles City ; for laying: 3000
feet of cast iron pipe and appurtenances
and it for hauling .- and . distributing the
same.? ., . . .; ; :, , .. - . .
.Profiles and specifications can be seen
at the office of the board. , : -.
Z The right is reserved to reject an v and
all bids, ; , C. L. Phillips, .;
17-lw , Secretary.
shall commence Wednesday', Sept.
23, and continue until all is sold, to- close
truMmy-entire stock; of clothing boots
and shoes, hats and caps and men's, fur
nisbmg goods, and shall . offer . them r-
gardlets of cost to close. ' The stock as
complete and the best of the kind in the
cityi".'. Most of the goods are new and the
suits ol the latest styles. There wil' be
no fflnn in or sortina un. hut the- Kal
will be positive and continued until ev
erything is sold and disposed of.
zz-3t :'-. -.- Baldwin.
, Stock; Holders Meeting;. r
, .Notice is hereby given that the annual
meeting of the stockholders of the
.Wasco. Warehouse company will bt held
at. the Office of French & Co.; The Dalles,
Oregon; on Wednesday September 30th,
1891; at 3:30 p.m., lor-the purpose of
electing directors for the ensuing year
and' the transaction of such other busi
ness as may come before it; j:
'the Dalles, Oregon. Aug. zyth. 1S91. ,
9-514.. . , G. J. Fabley,
. becretarv Wasco Warehouse Co.
-Thay Upealc From Sxperlence.:
"We know from experience in the use
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy that it
wiu prevent croup,'' 8avs Messrs. Uad-
berrvrcc Worley , Percy, Iowa. . Thev
also add that the remedy has given great
satisfaction in- this,-vicinity, and that
they believe it to be the oest in the
market for throat and . lung diseases.
For sale by Snipes & Kinerslv druggists.
: .-V;.r. ' ; .', ; - NOT1CX. .- - t'.-i';, - -.
1 H. E. French has for sale a number of
inxproved - ranches - and unimproved
lands in. tie Grass . Valley neighborhood
in Sherman county.. They.,will,be sold
very cheap ,- and ! on , reasonable, terras.
Mr. .trench can locate settlers on some
good .unsettled claims in the same neigh
borhood. His address is Grass Valley,
Sherman county, uregon.
: 'A'; '. The Beat Physic. .
St." Patrick' piTlB-' ape"jcarefallvr' ore-
rared from the beet material, and accord-
inz to-lbe most approved formula; and
are the most perfect -cathartic and liver
pill ..that, rau be pioduced. We sell
them.... . Snipes A Ktneksly. - :. '
. .-d-w . . . - . 1 .. Druggists.
For Sale At a Kariraln. i i
The. . Mission Gardens, greenhouse,
stock and fixtures. ' I am prepared to
offer a rare bargain owing to a change in
residence. For terms : enquire at the
prexnises or of A.- N. Varney at the land
offices 4 '- J i
, 15tf. ' . J. A. Vabxby.
- All indebted to the firm of Fish &
Bardon will please: call at the .store of
Mays & Crowe and pay np all bill im
mediately to Fish 4, Bardon.. . . ,'.(.
. .. , FlSH & BAnDON.'
September 14, 1891. , 1-4 tf.
Wbaa Baby was aick, -wa gT her Caatoria. ,
When ahewaa a Child, aha cried tor (Work,
Wfeea abe became Klaa, ahe etenc toCaatoria,
Wbaa abehad CUIdnn, Bbe cave tben
Chirdren Cry for rrtcfier's Castorial
Assets over $42,000,000.00.
Surplus over $6,500,000.00.
Prof. E. L. Shuey, Lagonda H sights, SpaisonELD, O., June 15, 1891.
: ,' ! ' DayUm, Ohio. ' : ' ' ' :
Company then oirered me the following teras oTsettterorat - Present year, and the
FIKSTpaiaupfor.,..' 140,000 00
SECOND A paid up poliey'for.'. . 9,5l 60
setuerwi their
WL-W&M" th? ?y totalyeX,enrrSde?unhrc0mmeVO my
-KSSSSl.bte.lllcy and up to the day when theV,i'mUt
t KS?Zr . Li.LiyTe?1 ln 10184 Ig-noranee of the condition of my Investment "
, . In m"rk. contrast with this has been my exDerienee with thi VoUhitL .m5?hv.
i iooiaren-ear endowment Policy, Ten-Year
t to ttme furnished me with a meorandu
TanenaWmawlthi 'iUthe ,eadinK Uie Insurance Com
panies of the United States, Full information furnished npon application to
Associate General Agent.
"' '. ' "" : '' ' Special Agent, The Dalles, Oregon.
J. (Successors to ABRAMg A STEWART.
Letallera axtd. jTobbem in
"Aqoro," "Charter Oak" 'fArgand"
Vumps, Pipe, Plumbers' and Steam Fitters' Supplies,
Packing; Building Paper; r '
Also a' complete stock' of Carpenters', Blacksmith's and
Farmers Tools arid Fine Shelf Hardware.
. . . AGENTS FOR -
The Celehrated R.. J. ROBERTS "Warranted" Cutlery, Meriden Cntlerr and
Tableware, the "Qnick.IeBl'f. Gasoline Stoves. "Grand" Oil Stoves '
. :!,.-.-. - ; and. Anti-Rnat .Tinware. -i. .. .
All Tinning, Plumbiixg, Pipe Work and Bepairing
... win e done on Short Notice. ''
feu .o. QDlumbia
Best Dollar a Bay House on the Coast!
First-CIass Meals, 25 Cents.
First Class Hotel in Every Respect. "
None but the Best of White Help Employed.
T. Nicholas, Propi.
Hats and Caps, Triinks and Yalis3,
tai il f ancy epsnes,
Hay, .Grain
Masonic Clock, Corner Third and
Iv. Ro'rdSn & .
-nitb a Fall
for the present
pre e man's Boot
I ifo I non ivinnn Isa
tontine forlin ntn tw iT
rf tte
, - Granileware, - woooennare,
and Feed.
Court Streets, The Dalles, Drsna.
bice of-
tilill be foo&d at
and Shoe Stbtc.