li'rt VOL. II. THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1891. NO. 83. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WM. SAUNDERS Abchitbct. Plans and specifications furnished for dwellings, churches, business blocks, schools and factories. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Of fice over French's bank, The Dalles, Oregon. DR. J. SUTHERLAND Fellow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, -Physician and Surgeon. Office; rooms 3 and 4 Chap man block. Residence; Judge Thornbury's Sec ond street. Office hoars; 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p..m. DR. O. D. DOANE prtsiciah and bur gbon. Office; rooms 6 and 6 Chapman Block. Residenoe over McFarland A French's store. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 P.M. . - A3. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Of . -fice-in Behsimo'B building, up stairs. The Dalles, Oregon. . D61DDAIX Dentist. Gas given -for the m painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of tha Golden Tooth, Second Street. AE. THOMPSON Attobnbt-at-law. Office . in Opera House Block, Washington Street, The Dalles, Oregon r. T. HATS. B. . HUNTINGTON- H. B. WILSON. MAYS, HUNTINGTON & WILSON Attob-nbts-at-law. Offices, French's block over First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon. K.B.DOFUB. GBO.WATKINS. VKANK HENBFBB. DUFUR, W ATKINS & MENEFEE , Attob-nbts-at-law Room No. 43, over Post Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street The Dalles, Oregon. WH. WILSON Attobnbt-at-law Rooms 52 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. SNIPES & KlIiERSLY. Wtclesale an! Retail Bnipsts. -DEALERS IN- Fiae Imported, Key West and Domestic PAINT Now is the timertd paint your house and if you wish to get the beet quality and a fine color use the . M .Jf . Sherwin, Williams CJo.'s ''.- for those wishing to see the quality "and color of the above paint we call their attention to the residence of S. L. Brooks, Judge Bennett, Smith French and others painted by Paul Kreft. Snipes & Kinersly are agents for the above paint for The Dalles. Or. COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY W. S. CRAM, Proprietor. Manufacturer of the finest French and ' Home Made . I . . ' . East of Portland. -DEALER IN- pieal Frnits; Nuts, Cigars and Tobaeco. -.. Oaa furnish any of these goods at Wholesala or Retail - ( . , fFHSH 4- OYSTES , In Irery Style. 104 Second Street. The Dalles, Of. Office Cop. 3d and Union Sts. Oak and Fir on Hand. Orders Filled Promptly. &Fi BARBER SHOP. Hot and Cold Baths! jttflEg ;CBE(IT0JI, JUST RECEIVED! - lOO PIECES OF- AliLi SIIiI Which we will Sell at the 4l" For all THIS WILL ONLY LAST FOR A FEW DAYS, AS IT IS A RARE BARGAIN. PIGFUII! Worth Dalles, (Washington SITUATED AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION. - ..Destined to be the Best Manufacturing Center in the Inland Empire. For Further Information Call at the Office of Interstate Investment Go., 0. D. TAILOR, THE DALLES. . 72 WASHINGTON ST., PORTLAND . B ETTI 1NGEIN. Retailer and Hardware, Jin ware, Gipttft :Silveraare, Croc1ery,!GlasstBafe,:'Hc tTHE oivRnAisrr) STOVE, Pumps, PipesPlumbeK and Steam Fitter's Supplies. All Tinning,. Plumbing, Pipe Work - and 1 Repairing . ' will be: done; on:; Short Notice, .and at' the ... Lowest' Prices. . " Second Street, next door to Snipes' & The c Opeta tesdipaht , No. 116 Washington Street, " MEALS at ALL HOTtRS Handsomely Furnished Rooms to Rent-by the . -: Day, Week or Month. . ... ; : Finest Sam pie Rooms for Commercial Men. : : .';. . Special Rates: to Commercial Men. WILL S. GRAHAM, Hot and-:- Cofcl-:-Baths. HO SECOND STREET. FIBBOfl Extreme Low Price of idtlis. Washington) Best Selling Property of the Season in the North west. " Jobber In- Kinersly. THE DALLES. of the DAY. or NIGHT. PROPRIETOR. $500 Bayard 1 . We will pay .the above reward lor any ease of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, In digestion, Constipation or 3osrrreieas we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfac tion. Sugar Coated. ? Large boxes containing 80 Pills, 25 cents. Beware of counterfeits and Imi tations." The genuine manufactured only by the john c. wfst compauty chigago, tLXJNOIb." - . .-.:'. . . " BUkSLIT HOUGHTON, ' Prescription Druggists, IIS Second Ht. The Dalles, Or. 1 RUSH FOR OKLAHOMA Big Rush for the Recently Opened Indian Land in Oklahoma The People Flocking There. Forty. Miners Killed by an Explosion. Odd-Fellows Meeting.-The Wheat Market Not up - to the Standard. 'Chinamen Smuggled Over the Line.--Brief News. Guthrie, O. T Sept. 21.-From early this morning the streets , of this town have been blocked with wagons,' horses and people. Everything is wide open liquor is plentiful and gamblers are here with their outfits. Covernbr Steele will go to the county seat. His intention is to clear the town, and with a signal, let the race for town lots commence. Trains continue to arrive,' bringing people who are anxious to secure homes, A line of men formed in line before the land office arid are still there, determined to make entry. Hotels, printing offices, stores and shops are taxed to their utmost cap acity. Some establishments, 'especially those of newspapers, are seriously crip pled, on account of their help leaving to join in the race. , - MORE IBOVBLE FOR SPAIN. Two Thousand Cases of Influenza Re- ' ported In One City.' Madrid. Sept. 21. A. hurricane yes terday evening has added to the dam age dne by the recent . floods to the town of Consuegra. Many houses which were previously undermined or other wise weakened by the flood, collapsed last night. ' A further feeling of gloom has been caused throughout Spain by the announcement " that a severe epi demic of influenza has broken out at Bad Jor, the capital of the province of that name.' Already over 2000 severe cases of that disease jare reported in the city mentioned, and it is feared that the epidemic will spread all over Spain. MING KXPIOSION. ' Forty Miners Killed and Wounded and Several Others Missing, v Brussells, Sept. 19. An explosion took place this morning at the Farchies Lamanche colliery near Charleroi in the province of Hainant." Eighteen bodies have already been recovered from- the pit, and many morkmen are missing. Latest reports place the number dead at twenty-nine. -. There, are . also eleven workmen severely injured. " Odd Fellows' Meeting. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 21. The first day of the 22d conclave of the Sovereign grand lodge of the I. O. O. F., opened cool and pleasant. The delegation from Springfield, 111., outnumbered all the others. It is estimated that over 50,000 odd fellows and their families are in the City) besides jnany thousand others who came simply as spectators. i -ChlcKO Wheat Market. Chicago, Sept. 12. Wheat opened higher on strong and higher -cables. Re ports of distress in - Germany . and esti mates given by American agriculturalists of the world's supply of - rye and wheat, December started'- at- li00i1.00j against : 98 ' At 'close "Saturday, sold up' to l.Ql. 'At 1" o'clock the price was 1.00. - ; Market closed, wheat, steady; cash, 9797; 1 Decern ber? i.oj56, -: . ( ' ' A:;nSot Up to the -Standard. MaKSKtLLKs, Sept. 21. At a ball tight yesterday, the spectators, becoming dis pleased with, the .performance, tore 4ip the seats and set theta on fire, threaten-, ing the destruction of .the' ;whbW build ing.. ' A strong force of police Anally cleared the circus and put out the: fire, not, however, before the. building .was partly destroyed. ' . ' u s.. ' '' Chrnamen Smuggled Oter. . : - 'Detboit, 'Mich'.," Sept. 21. About! twejity"- Chinam'e'ri 'sneaked across the nver irpm annaaiasinigni nnaer gma antce of a white, man'.' '. Eleven", have been arrested and will be returned at once. They .were aU coached and said they : lived at London and Vancouver.' One 'of them fought desperately j while being taken:' .-r. ',' -' i -' To Annul ; the.. Charter - of the- Oregon Pacific. -.. " " Salem, Sept. 211 A?' -siiit has ' been commenced in the state circuit court by the distri'cf attorney' of 'Linn county against Oitl Orogoii Pacific railroad " com pany's charter anriulle'd-.' -It is alleged that the company has violated the pro visions of .its .charter by refusing to,jay employes. ' " A Murderer Hanged. t "' Darlington; Wis.j Sept. 21. At noon' today a mob took from the county jail Anton Sieboldt, who brutally murdered James Meighan, last Wednesday, and hanged him. The city is in a state of great excitement. -. , United States Flrat to Do So. New Yobk, Sept. 20. A Herald' t cablegram from Valparaiso, Chili, says the United States was the first to officially recognize the provisional gov ernment. Today the German govern ment followed suit. . Recognition from other foreign governments is expected to take place within a few days. France has instructed the French minister at Santiago to recognize the provisional government of Chili. A. Sealer Retains. I Newpobt, Or., Sept. 21. The sealing vessels, Kate and Xnna, Captain Charles Sutyen, owner, arrived here from the Behring sea this morning. Their catch consists of 630 skins. The Report Confirmed. New Ycbk, Sept. 21. A dispatch' to the associated press under date of Santi ago, September 21, from Minister Patrick Egan, confirms the published reports of the suicide of President Bal maceda. Committed Suicide. Cleveland, Sept. 21. Fred Kainmer, a wife murderer, this morning commit ted suicide in jail by hanging himself to the water pipe in his cell. Declared Dividends. Boston, Sept, 21. The Oregon Kail way & Navigation Co. declared quarterly dividends of per cent, payable Oct ober first: . ... . Weather Forecast. San Fuancisco, Sept. 21. Forecast for Oregon and Washington light rains except in extreme North Eastern Wash ington. .Portland Wheat Market. Pohtland, Sept. 21. Wheat, valley, 1.52 ; W'alla Walla, 1.45. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. v Saturday last the pope received in the vestibule of St: Peter's the first con tin genfofthe pilgrimage of French work men which haa,recently been arranged They numbered 2000 and expressed to tne pope tneir gratitude for the recent encyclical. Lieutenant-Governor Jones of New York insisted on being a candidate for governor and when the late democratic convention sat down on Jones he bolted the ticket. ,' , Mrs. Cleveland's family physician ill New York has been in attendance upon her at Bnzzard's Bay in anticipation of the event which is expected to come off about the first of October. Andrew Wasson of Washington, has been appointed collector 'of customs for Puget sound, vice Bradshaw, removed The new collector is a bnsiness man of Port Townsend, and a" member of the -state legislature. ,.: ' An officer sent expressly, by the sul tan to Mitylene, brings back word that the British did not occupy the island but that the inhabitants say that a Brit ish' force landed and remained two.days. holding 'intercourse - by boats .with -the -war --vessels .'on . snore. ' it is supposed .they may hare -been examining the is land;, with, a view to possible operations in the future. , ' . The financial condition of the pope is getting to be almost embarrassing - and unless, the, contributions of the faithful come in more freely he will have to cut off some of the expenses to which the papal purse is now subjected- .. - Balmaceda, the fugitive ex-president of Chili, is reported to have .shot him self through the temple, in his,room at the Argentine - legation in Santiago,, at 8 o'clock A. jxl, Jast Saturday. . He left two letters behind' him in one of which,, he says that when he saw. the . persecution directed against him. by .persons . who had supported his. administration he ciime to. the conclusion that the only way to pat an end to it was to take his own life. ' Intense 'excitement and rejoicing followed the news of his death in. Santiago.'--.- y. -r-i-. . .. ; , - - 'The- Russian -government- views with increasing alarm the: aggressive course-of China in the direction of the ' Russian frontiers.' The "Chinese army numbers nearly- a-million and a half of men. The Chinese "governments has consented to the construction of a railway from Pekin close up to the Russian frontier and many -thousands of "t'liinese . colonists are crossing the border into Russian provinces and the- Russians' are appre hensive .as to the course these new set- tiers may take in the event of a war be tween Russia and England ' Polish Catholics are dissatisfied with the conciliatory- -attitude of the Vatican towards- Russia;' Their complaints to the Vatican are answered by injunctions to submit to the necessities of the situa- atiou. The Poles declare they, will con tinue to protest . against, the brntality of Russia and demand' justice arid; if war comes they will rise eh Waste against the "Russian butchers." CLAIM TO BE AMERICAN The United States Government to Called Upon to Release the Sealers. be Great Rejoicing Over the Death of maceda-'-Another Case of" Heart Pailure: Bal- Considerable Excitement overman. .Old BookChicago Molders Called on For Help by the San Fran cisco Moiciers. Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 20. It will be re membered that a short time ago word was received that two vessels, . com manded respectfully by Dan and Alex ander McLean, natives of Cape Breton, had been seized and the captains made prisoners off the Copper islands for seal in Bhering sea. The friends of the two captives appealed to the Dominnion government to secure their release, and the minister of marine promised to look into the matter, and through the British authorities draw the attention of the Russian government to a breach of. the neutrality laws, should it be found that the McLeanes sailed in a Canadian ves sel, and had retained allegance to the British Crown. Tonight a telegram from the collector of customs at Victoria B. C, states the McLeans were sailing American vessels, and it was reported they had become American citizens. There is confirmation given tp the latter statement by facts showing that only naturalized citizens of the United States can sail American vessels. The Ameri can relatives of the McLeans will now' seek the assistance of the United States government to secure their release. . Balmaceda Suicided. New Yobk, Sept. 20. The Herald' Valparaiso cablegram says : ' There is a mingled feeling of savage rejoicing at the death of Balmaceda and bitter re gret that he should have killed himself instead of falling into the clutches of in fatuated citizens who. would have de lighted to rend him limb from limb for the loner list of i-rnplties for which thev hold him responsible. Frenzied crowds march- through all the streets, shouting ' songs of triumph over the death of their former ruler. It is the general belief 1 that .the death of Balmaceda will hasten the .restoration of peace throughout Chili. ' Died of Heart Failure. Newport, R. I., Sept. 20. Ex-Congressman W. L. Scott of Erie, Pennsyl vania, died Saturday night.' The im mediate cause of his death was heart failure.- He had been suffering for some time from acute gastrointestinal catarrh.. 'Mr. Scott was "born in Washington, D. C, July 2, 1828, his parents being resi dents of Virginia. He was elected to the forty -ninth and re-elected to the fiftieth congress as a democrat, receiving 14,787 votes, against 13,574 for Mackey, republican. . . ' V Musical World Bxcltad. London, Sept. 20. The musical world is excited over the discovery by Dowden in an old book shop in Dublin of a copy ' of the original book of the words of Handel's Messiah, printed for the first performance in Dublin in 1842, of which not a single copy was hitherto known to have survived. It story that the Haljelujah . Chorus was written at the end of the work' and placed in its present position because. Handel found the work" was dragging,, to be unfounded. - Chfcairo. Iron .Moulders: - . ' Chicago Sept. 20. A largely attended meeting of iron moulders this afternoon was addressed by Messrs. Valentine, Fox and Mulli.ns. -Mr. Vallentine, who is from San Francisco, is on a mission to raise lands from the moulders' unions throughout the country to assist the San Francisco monldefs, who have been on a strike.for eighteen .months. . . . . - ' '. Relics of Scottish Royalty. ' '' London, 'Sept; 20.- Ah Edinburgh cor respondent says hat a proposition long neglected is soon' to-be'-' carrfedi' out, by which the relics of Scottish royalty, in cluding tne regalia now in Edinburgh castle, will be placed in'.Holyrood pal ace. The condition of the palace itself is much improved." The furniture of Holyrood is very- dilapidated. A Clothing House RobbedIlAy Killed. ' night entered the Hub clothing store and stole about $800 worth- of clothing. ' .. A boy named Brandon aged eight was run over bv a truck today and killed. - v " ' - ' The His Tunnel Done. ' Pobt Huron, Mich.," Sept. 19. The first train passed through the great tun nel at' Point Edward today. . - San .Francisco Wheat Marlfet. San. Fhancisco, Sept. 21v Wheat buyer '91, 1.73; season, 81.