CI) mm VOL. II. THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1891. NO. 79. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WU. SAUNDERS Architect. Plans and specifications furnished for dwellings, churches, business blocks, schools and factories. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Of fice over French's bank, The Dalles, Oregon. DR. J. SUTHERLAND Fellow or TwNrrr Medical College, and member of the Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy sician and Burgeon. Office; rooms 3 and 4 Chap man block. Residence; Judge Thornbury's Sec ond street. Office hours; 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. D R. O. D. DOANE PHYSICIAN AND BUR GEON. Office: rooms 5 and 6 Chanman Block. Residence over McFarland S French's store. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 P.M. A 8. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Of . flee In Bchanno's building, np stairs. The Dalles, Oregon. DSIDDALL Dentist. Gas given for the painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth set on flowed aluminam plate. Rooms: Sign of the Golden Tooth, Second Street. AR. THOMPBON Attornet-at-law. Office in Opera House Block, Washington Street, The Dalles, Oregon F. P. MAYS, B. S. HUNTINGTON. H. S. WILSON. MAYS, HUNTINGTON & WILSON Attor-nets-at-law. Offices, French's block over First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon. - E.B.OUFUR. GEO. WATXIN8. FRANK MENEFEE. DUFUR, WATK1N8 & MENEFEE ATT0R-neys-at-law Room No. 43, over Post Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street The Dalles, Oregon. WH. WILBON Attorney-at-law Rooms . 52 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. SIIIPES & KIHERSLY. flolesale ail Retail Dmipsls. -DEALERS IN- Fine Imported, Key West and Domestic PAINT Now is the time to paint your house M if you wish to get the best quality and a fine color use the Sherwin, Williams Cos Paint. i For those wishing to see the quality and color of the above paint we call their attention to the residence of S. L. Brooks, Judge Bennett. Smith French and others L. painted by Paul Kreft. Snipes & Kinersly are agents for the above paint for The Dalles. Or. COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY W. S. CRAM, Proprietor. (Successor to Cram ft corsoii. Manufacturer of the finest French and Home Made ' CAITDIES ' East of Portland. DEALER IN Trepical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesale OT ' In Every Style. 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. 8 BEP)I, Office Cop. 3d and Union Sts. Oak and Fir on Hand. Orders Filled Promptly. Nicholas & Fisher, BARBER SHOP. Hot and Cold Baths! -MB raw od JUST RECEIVED! lOO PIECES OF- ALiLt SILiK RIBBON Which we will Sell at the fc-iS CENTS For all THIS WILL ONLY L'AST FOR A FEW DAYS, AS IT IS A RARE BARGAIN. HLP SITUATED AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION. . Destined to be the Best Manufacturing, Center in the Inland Empire. For Further Information Call at the Office of Interstate Investment Go., 0. D. TAYLOR, THE DALIES. K. BETTINCEN, - Retailer and Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, Woodenware, 5i verape, Croekery, Gssa re, Ete. - -AGENT THE OAKLAND STOVE. Pumps, Pipes, Pambers nd ; : : a ' 1 , s. All Tinning, Plumbing;, win oe aone on onorx jn otice, ana at the Lowest Prices. Seeond Street, next doop to Snipes & The OpePci Hestautfant, No. 116 Washington Street, MEALS at ALL HOURS Handsomely Furnished Rooms to Rent by the Day, Week or Month. Finest Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. Special Rates to Commercial Men. WILL S. GRAHAM, W.&T.JVIcCoy, Hot -:- and-:- Cold-:-Baths. HO SECOND STREET. Extreme Low Price of Widths. Best Selling Property of the Season in the North west. 72 WASHINGTON ST., PORTLAND Jobber in FOR Pipe Work and Repairing Kinersly. TflE DALLES. of the DAY or NIGHT. PROPRIETOR. $500 Re-ward! : We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, In digestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with West's vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfac tion. Sugar Coated. Large boxes containing 80 Pills, 25 cents. Beware of counterfeits and imi tations. The genuine manufactured only by THE JOHN C. WF8T COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. ' BLAEILET HOUGHTON, Prescription Drugs;! ts, ITS Second St. Tbe Dalles, Or. FBra. Tbe Inventor of the Rain-Producing Process to be W ell Paid for bis Patent. Washington, D. C, Sept. 16. The real inventor of the rain-producing pro' cess has been discovered in the person of General Daniel Ruggles,. of Fredericks burg, Va., to whom a patent was issued about ten years ago. He served In the Mexican war, and at the breaking out of the civil war cast his fortunes with the South, the result being that he came out of the army impoverished and broken in health. He is- now over 80 years oldj and for a number of winters he has been endeavoring to enlist aid from congress to make the very experiments that have been made and are to be continued under the supervision of General Dyrenf orth He finally secured the assistance of Sen ator Farwell, who offered an amendment to the general appropriation bill, where by $10,000 was set apart for the proposed experiments. It was stipulated in the amendment, however, that the experi ments should be conducted under the auspices of the department of aerricnl ture. It is understood that a syndicate of Washington capitalists, satisfied that the invention has proved a success, have offered General Ruggles $75,000 for the patent, their idea being to sell it either to tne general government or to the sev- eral states. It has been ascertained that seventeen of the forty-four states of the Union, particularly " those in the far West, are subject to severe droughts, and they would "probably be willing to pay nuerauy ior tne use oi ine invention. CRIME ON THE INCREASE. Tbe Spread of Gambling; Wake up tbe City Antborlties. Vancouveh, Sept. 16. There have been numerous complaints received that gambling places and bawdy houses are alarmingly on the increase in this city. The city authorities appear almost ob livious of their existence and have so far failed to enforce the spirit of the city or dinances bearing on the subject. Con stable H. Vanatta, of the West Vancou ver precinct; last night enforced the state laws by arresting Charles Rice, John Sisson and A. Delor for keeping a faro and stud poker game in a saloon on the corner of Fifth and Main streets, and E. J. Rose for committing the same of fense in a saloon opposite on the West Side. The four were arraigned before justice oi ine reace a. j . xousant, and pleading smiltv were fined 20 each, in cluding costs. It is understood that this course will be continued until the nuisance is abated. . - Tbe Capture of a Bear Afford Sport oa Spokane's Streets. Spokane, Sept, 16. A half-grown cub was killed in Cannon's addition, near Irving school this afternoon. Messrs. J. A. Brace and J. L. Bosquet were driv ing into town from Hangman creek when they espied a black bear on the hillside directly before them. Giving chase, they pursued the animal for half a mile tnrougn tne streets,-when he took refuge in one of the large pine trees on the school grounds. A shotgun was bor rowed from a neighboring house, and at the first shot the bear fell mortally wonnded. The school bouse, which was one of the new ward buildings finished last fall, was full of children, who were greatly excited when they heard what naa tagen place. Tne animal weighed fifty pounds when dressed. - OENEBAL PERSONAL MENTION. Queen Victoria puts in her spare time plying the crochet needle. Jules Simon, the celebrated French economist, detests tobacco, and says that he is an inveterate enemy of alco hol. Hon. William Strong, ex-justice of the United States supreme court, with his family, is the guest of Mrs. Edward Daviee, at Pottstown, Pa. The ex -emperor of Brazil is moping away existence in a melancholy mood at Vichy, . ,-vvhere he is being treated for heart-disease. He seems to have lost all interest in. passing events. General .Maury is the third distin guished . Confederate officer to have a desk in the war records office fn Wash ington. .The other two are General Mar cus Wright and General George Field. William B. McCreery, United States consul, at Valparaiso, Chili, is a Michi gan man, who served with credit during the civil war. He was one of the few who succeeded in escaping from Libby prison. Mrs. Gallagher, of Bethlehem, who claims to be 103 years old, and is able to do her own housework and to sew with out glasses and dance without fatigue, snouiu seep remaritaDiy quiet. There is a great demand for ballet girls. Colonel Elliot F. Shepard expresses the opinion that if Chicago permits the opening of her exhibition on Sundays, some dreadful calamity will be called down, upon the city. Can this be a threat that he will go to live there? Dr. James Ramsey Speer, who died the other day in Pittsburg at the age of ninety-four, had lived under every pres ident of the United States, and was the cousin of one, Buchanan, -while his mother was the grand-aunt of another, Benjamin Harrison. ' Asa sensible man however, Dr. Speer was very content to rest bis claims to attention on his local reputation as a physician and surgeon. A SALEM BANK ROBBED Secretary Albertson and an Accomplice Attempt to Get Away With the Funds but Were Captured. The Superintendent of a California Mine Murdered Killed for Love Two Texas Editors Fght Vick's Seed House Suspends Two Bodies Recovered An American Ship Ahead. Marshfield, Oam.. Sent. 17. Fred Chandler and Edward Albertson, the Tacoma bank robbers, were arrested four miles below Gardiner last night by Charles A. Lampkens, Deputy ' United States marshal of Tacoma, assisted by W. W. Cochrane, of Eugene, and G. N. Moore of Gardiner and J. T. Thompson of Florence. The arrest was effected by a well ar ranged plan, skillfull v carried into exe cution. Albertson and Chandler were completely taken by surprise, being or dered to throw up their hands. Thev were slow to comply, Chandler's bands nnally went up while Albertson reached for his revolver, but Cochrane was too quick, however, and shot simply to crip ple the now desperate defaulter, matins only a flesh wonnd. They' were easily captured then and taken to Gardiner, where medical aid was immediately sum moned. Albertson has the best of care. and is resting easilv. Chandler talks freely and exonerates all others than Himself and Albertson from comolicitv of robbery, but will not eive anv details leading up to the robbery of the bank. JLampkins will take Chandler out by way of Drains tomorrow. Albertson will be left in charge of Deputy Sheriff Coch rane until able to be removed. KILLED THE SUPERINTENDENT. But Failed to Get the 85,000 in Gold Bar.. Nevada, Cal., Sept. 17. S. Galavotti. superintendent of the Derlec drift mine, was murdered bv hiehwavmen thin mor ning while coming to the city with five tnousand dollars in gold bars, which had just been cleaned up at the mine. Gal avotti and J. D. Ostrom were in a two- horse buggy, ascending the South Yuba River grade, six miles from the city, when a rifle shot was fired from the bank above, and the ball entered in t.h back of Galavotti's head and emerged from his mouth, causing instant death. Astrom urged the horses into a mn holding his companion's dead body in the vehicle with one arm. Upon reach ing Mount Vernon House Antrim loft Galavotti's body and hid the bullion in tne Drusn, then rode to this citv to no tify the officers. A wagon has just gone out alter tne dead superintendent's body and several squads of armed men are starting for the scene of the murder. Anotber Receiver Wanted. Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 17. An ap plication for a receiver for the Jam en Vick Seedsman corporation has been made this afternoon and the corporation will be dissolved. -The . liabilities will amount to between $175,000 and 20O.- 000, and assets, if dn advantageous sale or tne plant can be made, will be more than sufficient to cover the liabilities. James Vick will continue business on a smaller scale. EDITOR'S FIGHT. One is Dead, and the Other in in Jail. Stjlpaur Springs, Texas, Sept. 17. A fight between E. M. Tate, editor of the Echo, and Everett Moore, editor of the Alliance Vindicator, who has been vigor ously attacking each other recently, Moore was shot five times and Tate once. Moore is dead ami Tate is under arrest. Caught the Secretary. Marshfield, Sept. 17. From Gar diner, Ore., word was received here of the capture of Edward Albertson, the defaulting secretary of the Fidelitv Trust company, of Tacoma. Fred Chandler, his accomplice, was also cap tared. ' Two Bodies Recovered. New York. Sent. 17. Two more bod ies, identified as the remains of John Adelman and Frederick Hisson. both jewelers, were found in the ruins of the Commercial Advertiser building this morning. 1 Customs Collector Appointed. . Washington. Sept. 17. The president today appointed Francis Hendrix, col lector of customs at New York. Portland Wheat Market. Portland, Sept. 17. Wheat, valley, 1.50; Walla Walla, 1.40. FROM FOREIGN LANDS. It now Transpires That England did not Capture Mttylane Island. London, Sept. 16. The public are anxiously waiting for a distinct official denial or admission of the news about the seizure of Mitylene. So far, the de nials have been qualified" in a way that implies a foundation for the, story. Ad vices received from Berlin and Vienna state that the news was received with amazement in government circles, fol lowed by a lively use of the wire in con nection with the legations at Constanti nople. The Berlin government, from all that can be learned, anticipated war at an early date but did not think it would originate at the Dardanelles. The Dar danelles question, it was thought, would be settled by diplomacy, and the Franco Prussian or Au8tro-Russian frontier would witness the first great encounter. While it is - now admitted that the British force has not seized the island of Mitylene, the news to the effect that the island has been occupied was received from Mitylene and elsewhere by various embassies at Constantinople and other capitals. The new Turkish minister of the interior telegraphed to the British ambassador at Coristantinople, Sir William White, asking the latter to ex plain the reports of the landing of the British force on Turkish territory. Sir William, in reply, said he was entirely ignorant of the whole affair, but it was probable that the crews of some British war ship might have landed on the is land of Mitylene in the course of regular boat drills and landing exercises. The British ambassadors assured the Turkish minister that no fortifications had been constructed on the island by the British troops. This view.of the case was con firmed by dispatches received during the night, which stated that the force that had landed form the British war ships has re-embarked and that the men-of-war had left the island of Mitylene for Marmorito. The affair caused great ex citement in diplomatic circles for a short time, and it is still asserted that these same "maneuvers" had at least the pur pose of showing the sultan and his ad visers how easily England could change her boat drills and landing exercises off the island of Mitylene into a dangerous reality. ine J Chronicle both say the report of the occupation of Sierl cannot be without foundation and that, if true, the seizure will be nothing less than a bellicose act of which Lord Salisbury could hardly have been capable, since he escaped Beaconsfield's influence. They hope the government will , without delay, inform the public of the real facts. The Chronicle savs: And fall in American railroads can only be tempor ary. Even if the worst fears of Europ ean complications are realized, a war would mean a rise in grain to benefit Americnn farmers and trunk lines. Died For Love. Woodland, Cal., Sept. 17. The life less bodies of Miss May Adams and J. W. Montgomery were discovered this morning lying in the rear yard of a small unoccupied residence on College street. It is supposed Montgomery shot and killed Miss Adams and then suicided. The victims are both of re spectable parents, and the murder and suicide is the result of a refusal on the part of the lady's parents to permit their marriage. An American Steamer Ahead. Hamburg, Sept. 17. An American- line steamer Fuerst Day Bismark, has broken the best previous record between New York and Southampton. Her time being 6 days, 17 hours, and 58 minutes. Went to See tbe Holy Coat. Treves, Sept. 17. The first party of American pilgrims numbering sixty per sons under the charge of Missionary Brown of Minnesota, arrived here to view the holy coat. Balmaeeda Safe. Paris, Sept. 17. A dispatch received here from Buenos Ayres says that ex President Balmaeeda, of Chili, arrived at Mendoza, capital of the "Argentine pravince of that name Want More Time. Guthrie, Ot., Sept. 17. Governor Steel and Mayor Spangle have tele graphed President Harrison asking for a delay in opening the lands east of this city. Floods Still Raging. Madrid, Sept. 17. There was a re newal yesterday of the floods in the pro vince of Toledo, and more damage done. China Will Make a Statement. Shanghai, Sept. 17. China is prepar ing a protocol to the several powers , on the recent riots. Recognized by Italy. - Rome, Sept. 17. The Italian govern ment has recognized the junta as the es tablished government of Chili. San' Francisco Wheat Market. San Francisco, ' Sept. 17. Wheat buyer '91, 1.72, season 1.80. Weather Forecast. San Francisco, Sept. 17. Forecast cloudy' and rainy except in Southeastern Oregon.