i Clf wot. VOL. II. THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1891. WM. SAUNDERS Akchitkct. Plans and specifications furnished for dwellings, hurches, business blocks, schools and factories. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Of fice over French's bank. The Dalies, Oregon. DR. J. SUTHERLAND Fellow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the Col lore of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy sician and Burgeon. Office; rooms 8 and 4 Chap man block. Residence; Judge Thornbury's Sec ond street. Office hours; 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. DR. O. D. DOANE physician and sur geon. Office; rooms 5 and 6 Chapman Block. Residence over McFarland & French's tore. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 P.M. AS. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Of- flee in Schanno's building, up stairs. The Dalles, Oregon. DSIDDALL Dkntist. Gas given for the painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of the Golden Tooth, Second Street. R. THOMPSON ATTOB.KBT-AT-I.iW. Office in Opera House Block, Washington Street, Toe Dalles, Oregon T. P. KAYS. B. S. HUNTINGTON. - K. 8. WILSON. MAYS, HUNTINGTON & WILSON ATTOR-NBYs-AT-iAW. Offices, French's block over First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon. K.B.DUPUR. GEO. WATKINS. FRANK MKNKFKK. DUFUR, WATKINS & MENEFEE Attorneys-at-law Room No. 43, over Post Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street The Dalles, Oregon. Y7 H. WILSON Attorney-at-law Rooms T T 52 and S3, New Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. SjilPES & KIIIERSLY. Wholesale and Retail Mwk -DEALERS IN- Fine Imported, Key West and Domestic OIG-AHS. PAINT Now is the time to paint your house aad if you wish to get the beet quality and a fine color uae the Sherwin, Williams Co. s Paint. For those wishing to see the quality and color of the above paint we call their attention to the residence of S. L. Brooke, Jndge Bennett, Smith French and others painted by Paul Kreft. Snipes & Kinersly are agents for the above paint for The Dalles. Or. COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY W. S. CRAM. Proprietor. (Successor to Crai 4 Coram.) Manufacturer of the finest French and Home Made CAUDIES, East of Portland. .' DEALER IN , Tropical Fruits, Nets, Cigars and Maeco. j an furnish any of these goods at Wholesale Retail In Brerj" Style. 104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or. jmier & BEjrroji, Office Cop. 3d and Union Sts. Oak and Fir on Hand. Orders Filled Promptly. & Fisher, BARBER SHOP. AND- Hot and- Cold Baths! C0RDW00D JUST RECEIVED! lOO PIECES OF- FUlU Which we will Sell at the 3ILiK a- lk CENTS For all THIS WILL ONLY LAST FOR A FEW DAYS, AS IT IS A RARE BARGAIN. HID flofth (Washington SITUATED AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION. Destined to be the Best Manufacturing Center in the Inland Empire. . For Further Information Call at the Office of Interstate Investment Go., 0." D. TAILOR, THE DALLES. 72 WASHINGTON ST., PORTLAND M. B ETTI NGEN , -Retailer and Hardware, Tinware, Graniieware,' Woodenware, 5 verwe, Crockery, Gssw re, Etc. -AGENT THE, GARLAND STOVE. , Pomps, . Pipes, Pumbers ni All Tinning, Plumbing, Pipe Work and Repairing -will be done on Short Notice, and at the Lowest Second Street, next doe to Snipes S The Opetfa Hestautant , , No. 116 Washington Street, v MEALS at ALL HOURS of the DAY or NIGHT. : ' -' ' Handsomely Furnished Rooms to Rent by. the Day, Week or Month. Finest Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. Special Rates to Commercial Men. WILL, S. GRAHAM, W.&T.JVIeCoy, Hot -:- and-:- Cold-r-Baths. HO SECOND STREET. RIBBON Extreme Low Price of 'Widths. Dalles Washington Best Selling Property of the Season in the North west. Jobber In FOB ; i : s. Prices. inersly. THE DALLES. PROPRIETOR. $500 Reward ! " ui - . nuviv icnnniiuriuif cue Ol Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, In- We will pay the above reward for an j case of digestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfac tion. Sugar Coated. Large boxes containing 30 iiu,miiiib. Dennn: ui vuuuinii3 ana lull LBUUUh i I. THE JOHN tations. The genuine manufactured onlr bv N C. WFST COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. BIAKILET & HOUGHTON, Prescription Druggists, 17 5 Swmd St. The Dalles, Or. Fura. THEY CANSOT LAND. Chinese May Not lie-Enter the Country T'lilex They are Merchants. San Francisco, Sept. 15. Judge Beatty rendered a decision in the habeas corpus case of Fan Ow Bow this after noon in the United States circuit court. The case was a test of the recent . decis ion of Justice Field, of the United States supreme court, declaring that the com etruction placed on the exclusion act by the latter tribunal was that no Chinese subjects could land in this country unless he had a certificate from his government to the effect that he was a merchant or had been a merchant of good standing in the United States. Judge Beatty held that under the decis ion the Chinese could not come into this country without a certificate from the government of which he was a subject which must be vised by the American consul at the port of embarkation . The case will be appealed to the United States supreme court. In the Queen's Name. Constantinople, Sept. 15. A detach ment of bluejackets and marines from a British ironclad, accompanied by a battery of light field pieces and several gatling guns", landed yesterday morning at Sigri, on the island of Mitylene, for mally occupying that place in the name of the queen of England. There is a good harbor at Sigri. and it is supposed the British naval officers at Mitylene in tend to fortify the island to make it a coaling station and rendezvous for the British Mediterranean fleets. Sigri is on the coast of Mitylene, and is about sixty miles from the mouth of the Dar danelles. Late this evening another and more startling dispatch comes by telegraph from Athens. It is that the Greek con suls at Mitylene and Smyrna have wired the Greek government that thirteen British men-of-war landed troops and guns at Sigri, Friday, and that they have already strongly' fortified the posi tion. Lord Salisbury's chief private secretary has returned unexpectedly to London and is busy at the foreign office. The Campbell-McKinley Debate. Columbus, O., Sept. 15. The chair men of the republican and democratic committees have agreed upon the time for the joint debate between Governor Campbell and Major McKinley. The details as to the opening and closing of the debate and the time to be occupied have not yet been decided upon, but the time and place of the meeting will be October 30, at Ada. . Only a Picnic Party. London, Sept. 15. A Moro dispatch states that the Mitylene scare has arisen from the fact that a party of British naval officers, Saturday last, picniced on a desert island off cape Sigri and that they reimbarked the same evening on board their vessel and sailed away Sun day. . GENERAL. PERSONAL MENTION. D. Edward Eggleslon, the well-known author, was married in Madison, Ind., yesterday to Miss Fannie Goods of that city. Mrs. Hannah Eustes and Miss Sarah Barr, of Wakefield, Mass., who were borri in Salem on March 31, 1800, are probably the oldest living twins. Senator Proctor's first step into official life was as a village selectman. - And the Vermont villagers were mighty particu lar about a man being an undeveloped statesman before they would trust him in such an office. The Hon. William Walter Phelps, United States minister to Germany, will prolong his sojourn at Hamburg, where he has been joined by his wife. ' He is improving in health and is very happy over the outcome of his fight on the pork question. Sir William and Lady Gordon Cam ming, who have been visiting Lord and Lady Thurlow at Dunhall House, Mor ayshire, are now the guests of Lord and Lady Middleton at Applecross Forest, Ross-shire, where they will remain dur ing the shooting season. - Mr. Gladstone has a profound respect for royalty, and never wounds the feel ings of the royal family if he can help it. His recent letter denouncing gambling as a formidable and growing evil in Great Britian seems to be capable-of a royal application, however. M. Jacques, who has recently begun a fifty days, fast at the London Aquarium. assumes an air of extreme comfort as he sjs in his . easy chair. Sometime he reads for an hour or two4 but he is not much disposed to talk. He says that flint naAa nn nA 1 : i i -. UEvO Up IW UiULU YlLttlllV. The duke of Edinburgh is . the very picture of an athlete. Over six feet in height, broad shouldered, strong limbed and aa active as a cat, it is surprising to find that he takes more pleasure in ; fid dling than in field sports and is happier in saving a dollar than in having a good time. - ' Another Douular American whn -arU not grow old is Rev. Dr. Edward Everett Hale, who, although 79 years of. age, still performs the duties of a Dastor. con tributes articles to papers and magazines, cuius a ueparxinenc in a. magazine, and doe.3 many other things diffienjt even for younger men. -.-- FLOWER NOMINATED. The Democratic Party of New York Nominate a Governor Amid the Wildest Excitement Salem has a Small Fire The Southern Pacific Car Shops Burned Other Xews Notes. Saratoga, Sept. 16. Promptly at 10 o'clock . this morning the democratic state convention was called to order, after which the decision in regard, to the country democracy was presented. The committee on resolutions, reported a platform. The platform pronounces against silver coinage of a dollar not of the same intrinsic value of every . other dollar of the United States. It also de nounces the new Sherman silver dollar bill as of false pretense and hindrance to free bimetalic coinage, and as tending only to produce a change from one kind of non-metalism to another. This bill was declared to be a fit appendix to the subsidy and bounty swindle. The Mc Kinley worse than war tariff, Blaine's reciprocity humbug, the squandered surplus, falsified representation, and revolutianary procedure of the billion dollar congress, were all justly con demned by the people's great uprising last November. The following resolutions were also 'passed : Resolved, That this convention views with gratification the growing hfriendly feeling toward the democratic party, of our colored citizens in this state, and they are welcomed to our ranks with the assurance that within our party discrimination on account ' of race or color is discountenanced. Then a motion was made to proceed with the nominations and Mayor Porter nominated Roswell P. Flower for gov ernor. The nomination was seconded in behalf of Tammany by Col. Fellow. Bourke Cochrane also seconded the nomination of Flower. Thos. Deevitt, of Kings placed Alfred Chapin in nomi nation for governor. The first ballot re sulted in Flower receiving 334 votes, and Chapin 43. The nomlnation'of Flower was made unanimous amid the wildest exeitement. PIKE AT 8A1KJ1. The Willamette University Partially Destroyed . by Plre. Salem, Sept. 16. At half past nine this morning the Willamette University one of the oldest educational institu tions on the coast, was discovered to be on fire and before an alarm was sounded the ceiling of the library room on the fourth floor was wrapped in flames while flames were coursing downward. The dome was burned off and the large bell fell with a crash. By the strenuous efforts of the fire department the fire was. checked in its downward course at the fourth floor, which was slightly dam aged. The fifth floor was entirely de stroyed. The fire started at the roof from a defective flue, just above the chemical room. Many articles in he museum and library were destroyed. The total loss will reach ten thousand dollars fully covered by insurance.' Southern Pacific Shops Burned. Pobtland, Sept. 16. Fire broke out in the Southern Pacific car shops a few miles south of the city today. Particu lars are not yet received, but it is thought that the loss will not be large. A later report intimates the fire is more serious than at first supposed, and that the loss will reach between forty and fifty thousand dollars. The repair shops and all the out-buildings have been destroyed. The machine shops were saved, by a hard fight. Several coaches were ako consumed. To furnish Change. Washington, Sett. 16. Owing io nu merous inquiries coming from different parts of the country for fractional 6ilver coin, the United States treasurer pre pared a circular stating-inx substance that new halves and dollars will be fur nished in annia of $20.00 or more by ex press free of charge or by registered mail in sums or multiples of $50.00, reg-j istration charges paid to any point in the United states. Mexican Congress in Session. City of Mexico, Sept. 16. President Diaz opened congress last night. In his speech he said : "Our foreign relations are excellent. I have' named a commis sion to arrange a treaty of reciprocity with the United States. Chilian Junta asks for recognition but we have de manded time for investigation as we wish to be neutral." will be backed by force. The British Navy Prepared to Assert Its Rights In the Mediterranean. , London, Sept. 15. Notwithstanding the qualified denial by government of ficials, of the reported seizure of a fort on the island of Mitylene, public opinion is almost universally to the effect that the situation at the Dardanelles will be met by England with force. In public places nothing else is talked of, although it is not believed that either Turkey or Russia will approve of any violent resist ance to such steps as England may choose to take. The British fleet is now equal, in line of battle ships to the fleets of any other two European powers, and would in the opinion of naval officers, speedily clear the Dardanelles, into the Black sea, of Russian crafts, and also give a good account of the French if they should interfere. A dispatch from Portsmouth said that the naval authori ties there had not heard officially of any seizure ot a Turkish port or island, but one official who was interviewed said he would not be surprised at anv time to hear of some critical action. " Not that he had heard from his superiors on the sbject, but that the whole situation as publicly known was highlv threatening. The recent visit of the French fleet to Portsmouth and the fraternal greeting and enthusiasm and great interest to the sbject of a possible war. An English man intimately connected with the Turkish legation said today : "Should war break out between Rus sia and England, Turkey would, I think, allow them to fight it out, simply taking care of herself, if attacked. I do not think that Turkey would construe the seizure of Sigri as an act of war against her, while at the same time she would not recognize the right of England to make the seizure, which, however, re mains to be confirmed." At the Russian legation all was diplo matic reserve and silence, though the secretaries looked as thongh something grave had come to their knowledge. MRS. LOGAN TALKS. Republican Success Only Certain if the Party Is United. Jolikt, Sept. 14. Mrs. John A. Logan was here today. In the course of an in terview she said : Blaine is the popular man within the ranks of the republiean party, but it is a question whether he can placate or coalesce, all the divisions of the repub licans in the various states. He could not do so in the past, and it does not seem probable, with the disintegration now going on, he can do so a year hence. The old leaders, who won a victory for the party, have gone, and in their plaee stand many whose ambition and avarice overleap their patriotism and loyalty to the party. Do I think the republicans will win in the coming campaign? Cer tainly, if united, but if they can't unite in Illinois, a single state, how can you expect them to unite in all the states? They seem to be falling to pieces of their own weight, and through their diversity of opinions an efforts I can hardly fail to see the signs of the times. Yes, I re gard a democratic success as more pos sible, unless the republican malcontents put their shoulders to the wheel and work for patriotic motives, as was the case under the old leaders. THE BONDS ALL SOLD. Albany Will Now Have a New Bridge and Sewerage System. Albany, Sept. 14. The remaining $35,000 of the $75,000 city bonds, for a wagon bridge across the Willamette from this- city and sewerage purposes, were sold today to I. Steinliart. of San Francisco, at par and 6 per ceut. inter est. The bonds are due twentv years hence. Benjamin Bros., proprietors of a small store at Lebanon, quarreled yesterday and one drew a revolver and fired at his ' brother several times, inflicting no wounds. Both were arrested . , ' Damp, as Usual. Salem, Sept. 16. A large attendance was present at the third day of the state fair. This morning there was a parade of premium cattle. A drizzling rain has set in, which threatens to interfere with the day's races. Michigan Saw Mill Burned. Sault Ste. Makie, Mich., Sept. 15. Hollister & Jewett's saw -mill at Garden river, ten miles below here, was destroyed bv fire this afternoon, with the docks, tramways, lumber, etc. The loss is $200,000. Russian Troops Moving. , London, Sept. 15. The Standard's Odessa correspondent says during the coming five weeks 10,000 troops will be -conveved by the Russian volunteer fleet from Batoune to Sebastopol and Odessa. Marriage In High Life. London, Sept.-15. The earl of Dudley , was married to Miss Rsechel Gurney, today. ' . " . Portland Wheat Market. Portland, Sept. 16. Wheat, valley, 1.50; Walla Walla, 1.40. . San Francisco Wheat Market. San Fhancisco, Sept. 16. Wheat buyer '91, 170, Beason 7.8. Weather Forecast,, . San Francisco, Sept. 16. Forecast light rains, in Western Washington.