The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 10, 1891, Image 3

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    The Dalles Daily Ghfodele.
Entered at the PostofBce at The Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter.
; Railroads.
No. 2, Arrives 11:40 a. M. Departs 11:45a. k.
12:05 P. M,
12:30 P. M.
No. 1, Arrives 4:40 a. m.
" 7, " 6:20 P. M.
Departs 4:50 a. h.
" 6:45 P. 51.
Two locai freights that carry passengers leave
nw ior ue weal ai 7:-io a. m., ana one xur uae
east at 8 A. M.
For Prineville, via. Bake Oven, leave dally
except Sunday) at 6 a. u.
For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 A. M.
For Duf ur, Kingsley, Wamic, Wapinitia, Warm
Springs snd Tyga Valley, leave daily (except
Sunday) at 6 A. x.
For Goldendale, Wash., leave every day of the
week except Sunday at 8 a. m.
Offices for all lines at the Umatilla House.
General Delivrey Window.
Money Order "
Sunday G O "
...8 a. m. to 7 p. m.
.. .8 a. m. to 4 p. m.
. . .9 a. m. to 10 a. m.
By trains gotaig East 9 p. m. and 11:45 a. m.
u West 9 p.m. and 4:45 p. m,
"Stage for Goldendale 7:30 a. m,
" "Prineville 5:30 a. m.
" " 'Dufurand WarmSprings. ..5;0 a. m.
" fLeaving for Lyle & Hartland. .5:30 a. m,
" " " ' Antelope 5:30 a. m,
Except Sunday.
fTri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday,
" Monday Wednesday and Friday.
THURSDAY, SEPT. 10, 1891.
. The Chronicle is the Only Paper in
The Dalles that Receives the Associated
.Press Dispatches.
Mr. Frank French has left the city to
resume his studies at the Oberlin, Ohio,
Messrs. Roger and Nicholas Sinnott
have returned to their studies at' the
Notre Dame university, Indiana.
T. H. Johnson of Dufur, Frank Pike
of Sherman county and S. R. Husbands
of Hosier are in the city.
The owner of a large table Rotchester
lamp, saved from the fire can find it at
the store of McFarland & French.
The old city jail woodshed is being
floored and otherwise fitted up for tem
porary head-quarters for the fire depart
ment. Three common drunks were arrested
last night. Two paid their fines and
the third is - working his out on the
George Von Borstel has been appointed
Administrator of the estate of Theodore
Von Borstel deceased. The estate is
valued at $700.
- Seventeen arrests were made or
drunkenness since the fire, and not less
than one hundreds and seventeen ought
to have been made.
There is a trunk and a lounge at the
residence of Joseph Beeziey which
were left there the night of the fire and
which the owner can have by calling.
Mrs. J. H. Coventon informs us that a
hog came to her place last Monday
which she has now in a pen and the
owner can have the same by proving
proyerty;and paying expenses. 1
Hon. D. J. Cooper came up .from Port
land last night. He has finished the
examination of all the remaining swamp
lands of the state and has been ordered
to Duluth, Minn., where further in
ductions will await him. " '
Rev. H. Brown and wife left last night
ior Spokane. Mr. Brown goes there to
attend conference which will commence
next week. The Chronicle will keep
them acquainted with what is going on
here during their absence. '
The M. E. Sunday school will meet in
the. hall over the store of McFarland &
French. Parties having copies of song
books, Gathered Jewels, will please bring
them along or confer a great favor by
. loaning them temporarily to the school.
The following persons were admitted
to full citizenship during the present
term of the county court: John Ryan,
James Foley and Michael S. Manning,
former subjects of Great Britain and
Charles Berger a former subject of the
German Empire.
During and since the fire seven births
have occurred among those who were its
victims. A number of persons are now
suffering from pneumonia anc some are
afflicted with measles. The relief com
mittee is doing everything in it power
to meet the needs of the sufferers but a
great deal of suffering will never be
, known.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Sparks visited
this city last Sunday to see for them
selves the desolation wrought by the
great fire. They remarked to the writer
that neither they nor the people of Port
land had any conception of the extent
'. of the destruction of property. Today
-a kindly sympathetic letter was received
by Mrs. Hugh Gourlay informing her
that Mrs. Sparks had shipped to her ad
dress a box of clothing for those who
were in need. The box will be placed,
on its arrival in the hands of the relief
The Union Pacific company has filed
papers to restrain the Oregon railroad
commission from enforcing the reduced
freight rates. " The company asks for a
writ of review and the time set for the
hearing is September 21, at Salem. The
company sets up certai n leases of lines
I feeders upon which it is called to pay
. certain fixed charges of h per cent, or
$2,556,593.64 per annnm ; that the net
earnings from the leased lines, the first
year, were only $5,228 ,443.87," etc.- Hence
the company asks that the commission
be restrained from enforcing the new
rates. '
. ino county court, is in session with a
full attendance.
Mr. an d Mrs. Robert Rand of Hood
River are in the city.
Joe - McEachern has a canary bird
greatly afflicted in its pedal extremities,
Dr. W. H. Lochhead was called in and
pronounced the disease tne gout
Mr. McEachern is doubtful of the medi
cal Bkill of Dr. Lochhead, any informa
tion relating to the disease will be
thankfully received.
The Chbonicle congratulates Signal
Service Observer B. S. Pague on the
fact of an addition to his family of a boy,
which he has christened Donald Mitchell
Pague. May the lad's voyage through
life be blessed with 'fair weather" and
"cloudless skies" and may he never be
called upon to "observe" from the stand
point of practical experience any of the
"storms" and "cyclones" that so often
make up the sum of !j a man existence.
The follow jug nt ': -o;icerning an ac
cidMb to T. J. o4u ' Wank; was left
at the Chronicle g this morning :
"While riding from Wamic to his stock
ranch, T. J. Corum was thrown from
his horse and two men fell on him while
he was in an unconscious condition and
robbed him of $411, in coin, a thirty-five
dollar silver watch, and a knife, and
then fled to parts unknown. His shoul
der and hip are badly broken, although
he is now resting easily."
Keport of the Relief Committee.
The meeting of he - relief committee
called for Thursday evening, was held in
the circuit court room.
The chairman, after calling the meet
ing to order, reported the following cash
subscriptions received by him :
W. H. Wilson ; 25 00
J. A. Varney 10 00
Astoria ; : 213 35
J. P. Lucas (Condon) 10 00
Mrs. O'Leary '. 10 00
The secretary reported having re
ceived the following :
Catholic Bociety . . $100 00
J. W. Lewis 25 00
T. 8. Lang 25 00
J. R. Wallace 2 60
Edward Pease 5 00
F. A. McDonald and family 26 00
Mrs. Baldwin 5 00
Hon. Ed. Hirsch (Salem) ; 20 00
Wasco ; 60 00
All these subscriptions were reported
as entirely voluntary and unsolicited
and those from the city were being used
in purchasing provisions and' necessary
articles for the needy. The investigat
ing committee reported that some thirty
eight families has been brought to their
notice or found by a diligent search.
who needed help. Sixteen of these had
left town or declined help ; . eleven were
families of men who were at -work and
needed clothing for women and children,
household furniture and food for a short
time only. The men declined assistance
of any kind for themselves; five were in
the hands of different religious societies
of which they were members and were
being cared for ; six were widows famil
ies and would need considerable assist
ance. .
These facts being submitted and the
exact state of affairs being shown, it was
suggested that a committee be ap
pointed to solicit subscriptions in the
city. This was not thought advisable
before, as the amount necessary was
merely conjectural. Mr. Mclnerny and
Mr. Schano were appointed on this com
mittee. The committee on . investigation anil
distribution reported their duties' as
onerous and asked for an-enlargement of
the committee. Mr. George Liebe was
added to their number.
The committee receiving supplies ac
knowledged having "received liberal
contributions of clothing and other arti
cles, but announced that ' much more
was needed, especially womens' and
children's underwear.
The meeting then adjourned.
Good New From Portland.
Portland, Sept. 10. We send by tele
graph $1000 for the benefit of the suf
ferers. More to follow.
W. S. Mason, Mayor.
O. M. Pope's views of ths ruins can be
procured at the Columbia Candy factory.
Owine to the Odd Fellows' hall and
records having been destroyed by fire,
there will be a regular meeting of Col-
umDia Lodge No. o, I. O. O. at the
K of P hall, Friday evening, Sept. 12th,
1891, at 8 o'clock. All members of the
lodge are ursrentlv rea nested to attend
as business of importance will be trans
acted. H. A. Bills. N. G.
The specialist, ontimjin who hna hwn
in The Dalles for the past week will re
main ac me umatuia House a lew days
longer for the nnrnnfl rrf fit.Hnv nai-fioa
having imperfect sight with correctly
adjusted glasses. Astigmatic, weak or
tiring eyes specially treated on scientific
principles. 9-9-3t
' .' Notice.
All Dersons havincr wnrlr fann at i
AT - Pnnfi'fl nhnrrt tAnt ova -.
call' at the Columbia Candy manufactory
wij oauic. v tcwo ui me rums can
obtained at the above place.
Keal 1 Estate' Transactions.
James McDonald to August Buchler.
lots 3 and 4, in block 12, Thompson's
Addition. . Consideration $269.50. . ,
I. C. Nickelsen to D. M. and J. French
lot 1 of block 6, Bigelow's Addition, and
lots 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Gates Addition
to Dalles City. Consideration $5000.
The best near for familv use is th
Bartlett, and .the .best for canning or
preserving is trie seller.
Stock Holders Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the annual
meeting of the stockholders of the
Wasco Warehouse company will bt held
at the office of French & Co., The Dalles,
Oregon, on Wednesday September 30th,
1891, at 3:30 p. m., for the purpose of
electing directors for the ensuing year
and the transaction of such other busi
ness as may come before it. ' 1 : - '
The Dalles, Oregon, Aug. 29th, 1891.
' : G. J. Farley,
; . Secretary Wasco Warehouse Co.
9-5td. - . .
Liberal Reward.
A liberal reward will be paid for the
return of our caligraph No. 2 type-writer
which was saved at the time of the fire
from Filloon Bros.' office and put fnto a
box car with other stock ana fixtures
from the art store of D. W. Edwards
and returned next day and put out upon
the side of the track and from there car--ried
away by some one not the owner.
It can be identified among a thousand.
Filloon Brothers.
For Sale or Bent.
One double house, new, hardfinished,
complete as two houses of five rooms
each with water. : $2,500 cash, or will
rent the whole for $30, singly for $18, to
responsible parties only for not less than
six months.
One house of six rooms, handsomely
painted inside, hardfinished. . Also barn
and 100 feet front, for sale for $3000.
Address box W., this office.
Notice. .
All persons are hereby warned not to
purchase or negotiate for a certain
promissory note bearing date about Jnntft
o, ow, given Dy max vogi ox jo. to
Pat Donlan, for $1188. naval ale one vear
after the date of said note with interest -I
thereon at 8 per cent, per annum, as said
note is claimed by said Donlan to have
neen lost or stolen.
The Dalles, Or., Aug. 27. 1891.
8-27-d&w-4w MaxVogt&Co.
They Speak From Experience.
"We know from experience in the use
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy that it
will prevent croup," says Messrs. Gad
berry & Worley, Percy, Iowa. They
also add that the remedy has given great
satisfaction in this vicinity, and that
they believe it to be the best in the
market . for throat and . lung diseases.
For sale by Snipes & Kinersly druggists.
' ' NOTICE.- -w -' '
R. E. French has for sale a number of
improved ranches and unimproved
lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood
in Sherman county.- Theyi wfll Jbe sold
very .. cheap and pn, reasonable : terms.
Mr. French can -locate settlers on some
good unsettled claims in the same neigh
borhood. . His address is Grass Valley.
Sherman county, Oregon. , '..
XwentJ Dollar Reward'. . .
Parties have- been trtting - the suddIv
pipes above the city between the flume
and the reservoir, thus doing much dam
age. This must be stopped anda re
ward of $20 is hereby offered for evidence
that will lead to the - conviction of per
sons doing the same. By order of the
Board of Directors.
City taxes for "1891 are now due.
Dalles City tax assessment is now in my
hand and will be held in my office for
sixty days. Sixty davs from date; July
18, 1891, city taxes will be delinquent.
. U. ii-INERSLY,
City Treasurer.
The Chronicle will be pleased to trah-
lish, free of charge, a list of all property
inai persons may nave lost during the
fire and cannot find or may have, in pos
session and cannot find the owner. In
all cases where convenient, goods may
be left at this office.
A Bettingen has a full stock of stoves.
tinware and hardware which he will sell
at low figures. Repairing, fitting, and
all work connected with the business
done reasonably and on short notice.
A. A. Brown has re-opened at 109 "Un
ion street, north end of the first building
north of Court house yard, where he
will be pleased to see his old customers.
fl-w-9-S-tf. . .
Just received direct from San Fran
cisco manufactory, a fine stock of boots
and shoes for men and boys, neat and at
very low prices; J. tj. ualpwin.
Two Jersey heifer calves were turned
loose during the fire, one solid red and
one red and white spotted. .Will any
person knowing of their whereabouts
please inform me. J. W. Condon.
The American Market for sale. A
good chance for an enterprising man to
maure money, will be sola cneap on
account of other bnsiness needing at
tention. S-22-tf.
Mays & Crowe have purchased the en
tire stock in trade of Fish & Bardon and
are now ready for business in the latter's
old store.
Pasture. '
Good Stubble and meadow najit.rira rsi
Three-mile, two and one-half miles from
F. Dehm is again on deck. He saved
his stock and tools and has opened busi
ness at the cigar factory on First street.
y-y-im . '
J. H. Larsen will buy all scrap iron
of all kinds and pay the highest market
price, see mm at tne JrJast Hind.
John Booth has obtained the 'agencv
for the Warner butter, it will hereafter
be found at bZ Second street. 3t
Charles Stubling has opened up his
saloon in the building next door west of
the Germania saloon.. tf
E. W. Trout has a new 12x14 four feet
wall tent for sale cheap.- It may be seen
at this omce. tf. .
Mrs. J. C. Meins has a large parlor
that would be suitable for two gentlemen
roomers,. ' 9-4-tf
A choice article of Hood River seed
rye for sale at the Wasco Warehouse.
Chicago Wheat Market.
. ' Chicago, Sept. 9. Close, wheat weak,
cash; 9191J ; December, 9595.
For coughs and colds use 2379.
2379 is the cough Byrup for children.
For headache use S. B. headache cure.
For physic always use S. B. headache
Get me a cigar from that fine case at
Snipes & Kmersley'a.
For O. 3ST. G. diaarhoea 8. B.
cure is the best thing known.
For ice cream cramp use S. B
Persons leaving the city for a summer
outing can have the Chronicle sent to
iuem wicnoui extra etrarge.
For 4th of July colkr use S. B.
For 4th of July colic UBe S. B.
cure. .
ni. e. .i.i.i: i
vxjos. oiuuuuug iias received a car
ioaa oi tne lamous Bohemian beer which
he has now at retail at ten cents a glass
or twenty-five fents a quart. This beer
is guaranteed to be an eight month's
Drew ana is superior to any ever brought
to The Dalles.
For 4th of July colic use S. B. pain
Long Ward offers for sale one of the
ucou liwmo ui na Bizein bnerman county.
It consists of 240 acres of deeded land at
Erskinville. There is a never-iailing
spring of living water capable of water
ing five hundred head of stock daily.
Tne house, which is a large store build
ing with ten rooms attached alone cost
$1700. A blacksmith shop and other
buildings and the whole surrounded by a
good .wire fence. Will be sold cheap and
on easy terms. Apply by letter or other
wise to the editor of the CHnnKTni.ii nr tn
the owner, W. L. Ward, Boyd, Wasco
county, Oregon
Unnecessary Snfleringg.
There is little doubt but that many
persons suffer for years with ailments
that could easily be cured by the use of
some simple remedy. The following in
cident is an illustration of this fact:
My wife was troubled with a pain "in her
side the greater part of the time for
three years, until cured by Chamber
lain's Pain Balm. It has, I think, per
manently cured her. We also have used
Chamberlain's Cough Remedv whenever
needed and believe it to be the best in
the world. P. M. Boston, Pennville,
Sullivan Co., Missouri. For sale by
Snipes & Kinersly Druggists.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby vu sick, we gave her Caatoria.
When aha wa s Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria
' s' - ' ' Notice.
v..v wr AlllllcifO aii
the third annual fair of the second East
ern uregon .District Agricultural Society
will be received at the office of the sec
retarv nn to fi oV.lnnt -n rr TmuJ.,.
Sept. 1st, 1891. The board reserves the
ngnt to reject any or all bids. .
By order of the board of commis
sioners. :. J. O. Mack.
The Dalles, Aug. 20.. 1891.
. . . ? T ,- -
- An Old Adage. -
. There is an old adage : "What every
body says must be true." Henry Cook,
of New Knoxville, Ohio, in a recent let
ter says: "Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy has taken well here. Everybody
likes it on account of the immediate
relief it gives." There is nothing like it
to loosen and relieve a severe cold. For
sale by Sni)es & Kinersly, druggists, dw
Notwithstanding the fire we still have
a half million (500 thousand) feet of
Suitable for buildings of all kinds; also
our planing mill is the only one now" in
the vicinity and ready to turn out mill
work of everv description.
d9-3 " Jos. T. Peters.
A girl to do general house work at a
road ranch seventeen miles from The
Dalles. Apply at this office. 8-17-tf.
Something New-,
The bankrupt sale of dry goods, etc.t
now going on at H. Solomon's old stand
is a ,rnew thing" for The Dalles, where
a failure in business is a rare occurrence.
Close and careful buyers, however, are
improving the opportunity by buying
goods at greatly reduced prices thereby
proving the rule, "AVhat is one man's
loss is another's gain. 8-15-tf
ASSEMBLY XO. 4X27, K. OF I Meets in K.
ot P. hall on first and third Sundnvs at 3
o'clock p. m.
WASCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. & A. M. Meets
first and third Monday of each month at . 7
P. M.
Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday
ol each, month at 7 P. M. .
Mt. Hood Camp No. 09, Meets Tuesday even
ing oi each week, in I. O. O. F. Hall, at 7:30 r. M.
COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets
every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, In Odd
Fellows hall, fcecond street, between Federal and
Washington. Sojourning brothers are -welcome.
H. A. Biixs, Sec'y R. G. Closter, N. G.
FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets
every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in
Schanno's building, corner of Court and Second
streets. Sojourning members are cordially in
vited. . Geo. T. Thompson,
D. W. Vausb, Sec'y. - C. C.
UNION win meet every Friday afternoon
at S o'clock at the reading room. A 11 are invited.
TEMPLE LODGE NO. 3, A. O. U. W. Meets
at K. of P. Hall, Corner Second and Court
Streets, Thursday evenings at 7 : 30.
John Fiixook,
W. 8 Myibs, Financier. . - M. W.
ST. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Brons
gkbst Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at
7 A. M. High Mass at 10:30 A; M. Vespers at
lob. Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 11
A. If : and 7:30 r. u. Sabbath School at 12 at.
Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at-7
Cubtis, Pastor. Services every Snnday at 11
a. M. and 7 P. m. Sunday School after morning
service. Strangers cordially Invited. Seats free.
M - E. CHURCH Rev. H. Brown, Pastor.
Services every Sunday morning and eveh
lnar. Sunday Behoof at 12K o'clock u. A cordial
invitation is extended by both pastor and people
The Northwestern
Assets over $42,000,000.00.
Surplus over $6,500,000.00.
Prof. K L. Shueg, Lagonda Heights, Springfield, 6., June 15, 1891.
Dayton, Ohio.
DRR!3ltr- W ..r . . ... .
with the EiSitaLrle As facts concerning my experience'
state that in the early paitf lmj bein vInrt?jSllate Bement with meTwould
the Eqsitable upon thelF Traomine pfarfer ii ?rUt " ren:pint Life Policy in
amounted to 37?12JJ0. The Tontine TTOrioexnlred earllT JLP7,?KUm8 durinff the PeTl1
Company then offered me thVflointerm the Present e". and the
FIRST-A paid upcy for ,000 00
SECOND A paid ut nolicvfo -9,75160
TBiM.a?S"iiah-.::.::- 38 a
correspondent CleveSndToVilv to hav?SVe?L E2I3ihPUf?h "Y bank ? Springfield to onr
iethB Un Life Insurance Com-
ies et the United States. Full information fiirninho nnnn .r,nor.
T, A.
EOBT. M A "g3
(Successors to ABBAMS b STEWART.)
Retailers axad. Jototoorn -i
Harffware, - Tinware, - GKHiteware, - fflooflepare,
Acorn' "Charter Oak" "Argahd"
Pumps, Pipe, Plumbers' ami Steam Fitters' Supplies,
Packing, Building Paper, '
Also a complete- stock of Carpenters', Blacksmith's and
Farmers Tools and Fine Shelf Hardware. '
The Celebrated R. J. ROBERTS- "Warranted" Cutlery, Meriden Cutlery and
Tableware, the "Quick Meal" Gasoline Stoves. "Grand? Oil Stows
and Anti-Rust Tinware.
All Tinning, Plumbing, Pipe Work and Repairing
will be done on Short Notice.
few '6. Qolumbia .6. J-lotel,
Best Dollar a Day House on the Coast!
First-CIass Meats, 25 Cents.
First Class Hotel in Every Respect. ' .
None but the Best of White Help Employed.
T. T. Nicholas, Ppop.
hi. C. NIE
Clothier and jailor,
Hats and Caps,. Trunks and Valises,
events' 37,-ULxrxx!3l3Ll.xxsr Ooocisa,
Gfoeewes as Cheap as Ever.
. -
Staple anfl
Hay, Grain
Masonic Block, Corner Third and
Life Insurance Co
Associate General Agent.
Special Agent, The Dalles,. Oregon.
-Hi- IE. CEO W HI.
and Feed.
Court Streets, The Dallas, Oregon.