The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 09, 1891, Image 1

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NO. 73.
WM. SAUNDERS Architect. Plans and
specifications furnished for dwellings,
harehea, business blocks, schools and factories.
Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Of
fice over French's bank. The Dalles, Oregon.
Medical College, and member of the Col
lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy
sician and Surgeon. Office; rooms S and 4 Chap
man block. Residence; Judge Thornbury's Sec
ond street. Office hours; 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4
and 7 to 8 p. m.
obon. Office; rooms 5 and 6 Chapman
Block. Residence over McFarland & French's
store. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to
flee in Sohanno'a building, up stairs. The,
tialles, Oregon; .
DBIDDAIX Dkntibt. Gas" given for the
painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth
set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: -Sign of
the Golden Toojh, Second Btreet.
AS. THOMPSON ATToasET-iT-nw. Office
. in Opera House Block, Washington Street,
The DaMes, Oregon .
JjJ. HlTS-iT LAW. Offices, French's block over
rirsi national Bank, The Dalles, Oregon.
w Room No. 48, over Post
Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street
The Dalles, Oregon.
WH. WILSON Attorney-AT-tAW Rooms
. 62 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street,
idq xfaues, uregon.
Wholesale and Retail D nnsists.
Pine Imported, Key West and Domestic
Now is the time to paint your, house
and if you wish to get the beat quality
nd a fine color use the ,
Sberwin, Williams Cos Paint
For those wishing to see the "Quality
and color of the above paint we call theii
attention to the residence of 8. Li Brooks,
Judge Bennett, Smith French and other
painted by Paul Kreft. - - . ,
Snipes & Kktersly are agentxTor the
above paint for The Dalles, Or.
W.S. CRAM. Proprietor.
tfanuf aetarer of the finest French and
Home Made
onsr dies,
East of Portland.
Tropical Ms, Nats, Cigars and Toto,
Can fnrnUfe tvmy of these good at Wholeula
In Every Style.
104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or.
Office Cop. 3d and Union Sts.
Oak and Fir on Hand.
Orders Filled Promptly,
Nicholas & Fisher,
Hot' and Cold Baths!
mm & bejitoii
fllili SIliK
.Which we will Sell at the
For all
ImI iF I I J r KS
,'.' Destined tb be the Best
' Manufacturing Center lri
the Inland Empire. : ;
For Further Information
Interstate Jtoies Go;,
The Opeta Restaurant,
No. 116 Washington Street,
' Handsomely Furnished Rooms to Rent by the
Day,; Week or Month. , . '-, -
Finest Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. ; - . -.
Special Rates to Commercial Men!
Leatlino - Jeweler,
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order.
13 Second 8t., The Dalles, Or. -
H. Glenn has lemoved his
office and the office of the
Electric Light Co. to 72
Washington. St.
Extreme Low Price of
' Best Selling; Property of
j the Season In the North
west., . - ' .--i-i. .- -
Call at the Office of
of the DAT or NIGHT.
D. P. TEonaoa' J. 8. Bchenck, H. M. Bkaix.
President. ,' . Vice-President. Cannier
First Jiatioual Baui.
A General Banking Business transacted
. ueposits received, subject to Sight
- Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds prompt ly
i cuulicu vu uaj ui collection. .
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
.wew xors:, Kan francisco and Jfort- ;
land. -
D. P. Thompson. i Jno. S. Schecr:
T. W. Spabks. Geo. A. Liebe. .
II. M. Bball.
Letters of Credit issued available in the
. Eastern States. ' i -'
Sight Exchange and - -.Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington. .' -
Collections made at all points on fav
orable term. .,-''-
Officers Puscled in Regard to Shipment
of the Natives to Mexico.
San Francisco, Sept. 8. The brig
Tahiti, which put into Drake's bay Sat
urday in distress, is reported to have left
today for San Benito, Mexico, with her
human cargo of 200 8outh'Sea Island
ers. Customs officials were in doubt as
to what course they should pursue in
the matter. Ttie Revised . Statutes of
the United States provide for the seizure
aud forfeiture of any vessel found within
the jurisdictional limits of the United
States having on board any person of
color with intent to land the same with
in the United States or elsewhere as a
slave or to be held for service or labor.
Collector Phelps states, however, that
the vessel had been driven on the coast
by a stress of weather, and that her offi
cers had not intended to enter American
waters. He had no revenue cutter with
in reach to send up to examine the brig's
cargo, nor had he authority to engage
other crt.ft for that service.
Captain Ferguson, who is part owner
of the craft, states that he is acting as
the authorized agent . of. the Mexican
government to assist emigration to that
country, and that the terms of the con
tract, which were explained to the na
tives before, signing, provide that they
shall work three years for f 8 monthly ;
shall be given free passage to and fro"m
the islands, and shall be given a house
and tract of land and be furnished with
food and clothing. The bafk. Helen W.
Almy took 240 islanders from Tahiti to
San Benito last year under the same
terms. Before the vessel can leave the
island with such a cargo, said Capt. Fer
guson, some consular - representative
must examine each native and certify to
the passenger list. In the case of the
Tahiti tnis was done bv A. Hick," consu
lar aeient of the United States at Gilbert
islands. - ' -
A Plucky Connecticut Girl -Publicly
Chastises .a! Farmer. . -
New. Haven, Conn., Sept. 7: Miss
Mary Jacobs, who is regarded as the
prettiest girl in the village of North
Haven, last evening horeewhipped Wil
liam Van Doren, aged 60, one of the
most prominent Xarmers in the village.
To emphasize Van Doren 's humiliation,
the girl's father supplemented her work
when she was tired and gave the old
man another drubbing. Miss Jacobs is
aJresamaker.Htud lives with ber parents
about two miles from the center ot the
village; ' Van Doren lives njbt far 'away.
One of Miss Jacobs' . friends is Henry
Brackett, a married man. . Van' Doren
has gossiped to some extent about the
girl's friendship tor Brackett. .Yester
day morning Mies -Jacobs and her father
appeared at Van Doren 's just asvhe was
going into his barn. : .Miss Jacobs inter
rogated him as to whether be had made
remarks about her which had been at
tributed to him.- The old man attempted
to explain his conduct on the ground
that it was somewhat strange for a girl
to be seen with a married man so much.
whenMiss Jacobs suddenly produced a
Dig horeewhip and began to "vigorously
apply it to the slanderer. She aimed
every blow at his face and her. aim was
true. Her rage increased . and every
blow seemed to fan the' flame. While
old Van Doren yelled pitifully with pain,
neitner nis entreaties to spare him nor
his efforts to protect his face were of any
avail, and before the enraged girl was
through with him his face was raw
Then Jacobs took a hand and Van Doren
was thrown on his back and -severely
Activity In the Military Camps.
, London, Sept. 8. A dispatch from.
Odessa tells of a great amount of activity
displayed in the different military
camps in South Russia during the sum
mer just passed. Every battalion for
more than eighty or 100 days has been
engaged in tactical exercises, and during
the last month work has been carried on
as if on the batile-field. The maneuvers
have shown, however, some weak points
in the Kussian armor,, as, for instance,
the fact that an enemv could, land in
force Just outside of Odessa and attack
that city without having encountered a
Fatal Locomotive Explosion.
Jamaica, L. I., Sept.-G. A locomotive
on' the Long Island railroad exploded at
Oyster Bay station this moraine. Ea
eineer Donaldson, Fireman' Dickerson
and Brakeman Maboney were killed and
Conductor Jones scalded.
Major Bund y Dead.
New Yohk, Sept. . 9. A cablegram
from Keid, United States minister, to
France, received here this morning, ait'
nounceer that Major Bundy, editor of the
Mail and Express, who has been in Paris
for some time, is dead: The cause of
bis death was apoplexy. -,
. Chili is Offered Money.
London, Sept. '9. A ' syndicate of
European capitalists offered to advance
the Chilian junta 500,000 with which
to meet pressing requirements. ;
I He Cheats the Gallows.
" Hahtfobd,.' Conn., Sept. .9. Louis
Lauer, accused of murder, hanged him
self in his cell last night.
San Francisco Wheat Market. '
San Fbancisco, Sept. ' 4. Wheat
buyer 91 172J, season 180.
A Cold Water Convention at Worcester,
Mass. The G. 0. P. of New York
Convene at Rochester.
Mormons Not Wanted in Great Britain
A Budget of Home and For-
eign News.
Worcester, Sept. 9. The prohibition
state convention was called to order this
morning. The platform denounces the
liquor traffic in the usual manner. The
seventh plank is as .follows: "We de
plore the depth of degradatian to which
the national department of state has de
scended in becoming a drummer in for
eign lands for the beer lords of this
country and add to this other facts of
refusal to unite with other nations in a
treaty for the suppression of slave trade
and rum traffic in Africa. The presi
dent who finds five kinds of. wine neces
sary for his official banquets, the vice-
president who applies for a liquor license
for his 'shoreham,' the senate that will
not banish a bar-room from its wins of
the capitol and the house that' strangles
all inquiries into facts of liquor traffic,
and we have a perfect demonstration of
complete dominancy of rum in foreign
or national affairs.
New fork Republican Convention.
Rochester, Sept. 9. At noon Gen
eral Knapp, chairman of the state com
mittee, called the republican State con
vention, to order. . He, spoke briefly In
reference to the "man from Maine" and
wastreceived with terrific and prolonged
applause. ' William Goodrich was then
chosen temporary chairman. .
Goodrich in his speech said, upon the
subject of silver, "An honest dollar for
an honest debt. The democratic party
is like a. lizard, changing its color accor
ding to the envirions. At the south it
stands for prohibition ; in the north' for
free rum. On the Pacific coast and in
Montana it demands free-coinage of sil-
.a in - nt:A .r r
adopted a free coinage plank by a bare
majority, and places a hard monev man
upon it, and at thee jet it demands gold
and silver coinage on an- equal basis.
We sorrowfully behold the governor of
this great state as he stands like a mod
ern Colossus with one foot in the execu
tive chamber at Albany and the other
in the senate chamber- at Washington.
his eyes greedily fixed on the presiden
tial chair in which he will never sit.
The coming contest is that of Hillism
g ratted onto I am many ism against the
political conscience, of the voters of this
commonwealth, and "on such ieste we
shall suffer no defeat." " :
Missionaries Looked Upon With Indig
nation in Great Britain. "
London, Sept. 9.-Public opinion in
Great Britain at present is turning with
indignation upon the. Mormon crusade
being made in many country districts.
Revelations just made show there are
200 Mormon "missionaries" at present
working in Great' Bfitian and Scandi
navia. Particular attention has been
called by the press - to the operations of
two young mormon "missionaries" who
have been working in the village of Lan
cashire, and some strange disclosures as
to the
proselyting methods adopted
were ma
A Youthful Ticker.
Rochester T'ost-express.
A bright little boy ot 4 summers was
sent on an errend by his mother' to a
grocery a short distance from home.
,tie came home contentedly eating a
banana. "Where did you get your ban
ana?" said his mother.
. "Bought it," he replied quietly.
"But I gave you no money to buy
one,' sue said.
"Oh, well," he replied nonchalantly.
"I told Mr. .Blank to let me have .one
and I would be in and pay for it next
week." - '
- The young gentleman had evidently
been taking lessons of older people who
buy on tne credit system.
Putting It Delicately. '
Washington Post.
: "Do you dislike the odor of cooking
onions?" she said earnestly to the young
man who didn t care how late it was.
?Why I don't enjoyi it " particnlarlyt
what made you ask?". .s
"We are going .to have onions for
breakfast, and I should dislike so much
to have you annoyed," .1 ' . -. '
Big Blase at Brooklyn. - '
New York,. Sept; 9. A. ' four-story
building in Brooklyn, occupied by a
number of mercantile firms was burned
this morning. 'The total less "is esti
mated at $100,000, fully insured.
, . Weather Forecast.
San Francisco, Sept. 9. Forecast for
Oregon and Washington,, local rains in
the northwest and . extreme eastern.
Washington,, and near Roseburg and
Baker City. : .
Influenza Ag-aln Raging.
. Berlin, Sept. 9. Influenza is raging
at Kbarkoff, Kief, Kherson, Warsaw
and other places in Russia.
The Fugitive President Has Evidently
Fooled His Enemies.
Valparaiso, Sept. 8. Rumors con
tinue to spread concerning the wherea
bouts of the fugitive president.. Balma- '
ceda. The other day it was said that he
was fleeing by way of Los Andes into the
Argentine Republic, his purpose being
to reach Buenos Ayres. Now it is re
ported that, not daring just at the pres
ent time to make an attempt to escape
from the country, he has taken refuge in
some one of the foreign legations or else
has concealed himself in a monastery.
If he has been fortunate enough to gain
admission to a legation, be will in all
likelihood be protected from the wrath
of his triumphant enemies. If on the
contrary he has sought refuge in a mon
astery, he is in imminent danger of be
ing captured. The iunta will undoubt
edly cause all monasteries to be searched
tor him if they put any faith in the re- .
port. It seenis hardly plausible, how
ever, that he should seek an asylum with
the clerical party, as it has been a recog
nized fact ever since the outbreak of the
war in Chili that the priests were almost
unanimously in sympathy with the con- .
gressionalists. Ex-ilinister of Foreign
Affairs Aldundate, while traveling to
wards Santiago today, was stopped by
an armed body of men at Quillota, fifty
five miles from here.
Russian Naval Evolution.
London, Sept. 8. A St. Petersburg
dispatch says that the Russian naval
meneuvera will be unusually interesting
this year." The plan of operations is
based on the consummation of. a block
ade of the Gulf of Finland. by an enemy's
squadron. Itis supposed that a hostile
fleet has already made itself master of
the Baltic, and 'is engaged in: the double
task of blockading the Gulf of Finland
from Cronstadt and'damaging the com
merce of the neighboring ports by cap
turing the coasting vessels. The Russian
fleet finds itself compelled to defend the
chief Finnish ports and. is directed with
a view to that object. The Kussian
ships will be distributed' among the is
lands ef the Finnish archipelago. ' -.(
.. ... '! ; ;.7F TT) ;.:-.
. . , The Holy Coat Is Profitable.
Berlin, Sept. , S.-rA '.Treves dispateh
say s thai the saleof rosarves and other- -ligious
objects inr Treves has been, im
mense. . One Cologne firm sold more
than 200,000 marks', worth. of such ar-.
tides, while sales of the agency of a Paris
firm amount to more tban 180,000 franca.
It is estimated by the authorities of
Treves that the citizens, will make a total
extra income of abont ;2,000,000 marks
but of the pilgrimage. , Among the visi
tors to the holy coat are a man 86 years
and a widow of 83, both of them belong
ing to a village near Treves, who saw the
relic in 1810 and in 1844, and now in
1891. Forty-five thousand is the num
ber of pilgrims admitted into the cathe
dral daily. .
What the Effect of the Prohibition
I Will Be.
Paris, Sept. 8. Le Temps today says
the decree of Germany removing the em
bargo on American pork is a veritable
coup-de-theatre', astounding the agrar
ian party who believed in the axionr
that the governor would never withdraw
the prohibition. The progressists are
intoxicated" with their success, their
leading delusion being that free Ameri
can pork means iree grain in the near
future. "German American accord will
conduce to results affecting the general
commercial relations. France must
WttlCll L1J 1 E5 lUUVCmcub. uciiuau
government hopes through the pork con
cession toward off the worst effects of
the McKinley bill. But, qui vivra verra.
Certain it is,' however, this negotiation
is a true coup-de-lortune for the repute
lican party and for President Harrison's
government." ' .
Matching Her Pug.
New York Advertiser. ,
"Have you any material to match
that?" asked a pretty girl in a fashion
able drygoods shop on Fourteenth street.
"To match what?" queried the clerk,
looking over the counter to see a pug
dog led by a chain.
"To match Jack," answered the lady,
quietly stroking the dog.
Without a word patterns were exhibit
ed until the exact shade of Jack's silky
coat - having been found, a pice was
prdered sent to a fashionable dresf-rtiaker
on the avenue, and that port of the
transaction was ended, as if matching
dogs was an every-day occurence.
A False Rumor Corrected.
,Tj) Whom it may Concern:
i? It having been currently reported that
Dr.-O. D.-Doane had taken advantage of
the fire to raise my rent, it is only just
to him to sta that the bouse was much
I lomai flion naAflfwl fnrmv email fnmilv
and that I myself proposed to Dr. Ooane
that he should rent, such part of the
house as I did not use to other parties.
Under the present arrangement he re
ceives an additional rent of five dollars
per month which comes from other ten
ants, and the rent of the part I occupy
has not been increased. F, W. Bold.
Portland Wheat Market.
Portland, Sept. 5. Wheat, Valley
155; Walla Walla 145147.