The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 08, 1891, Image 3

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    Ths DaUes Daily Chronicle.
Entered at the Postoflloe at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
No. 2, Arrivoe 11:40 a. m. Departs 11:45 a. m.
" 8, " 12: 05 P.M. " 12:80 P.M.
No-. 1, Arrives 4:40 a. m. Departs 4:50 A. M.
" . 7, ; " 6:20 P. M. " 6:45 P. Jt.
Two locai freights that carry passengers leave
one I for the west at 7:45 A. M., and one for the
east at 8 A. H.
. Ffr Prineville, via. Bake Oven, leave dully
except Sunday) at 6 A. M.
for Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 a. M.
For Duf nr. Kingsley, Wamic, Wapinitia, Warm
8prings .nd Tygh valley, leave daily (except
Sunday) at 6 A. M.
For Goldendale. Wash., leave every day of the
week except Sunday at 8 A. M.
Oflices for all lines at the Umatilla House.
General Delivrey Window 8 a. m. to 7 p. ra.
Money Order " 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Sunday i. D. 9 a. m. to 10a. m.
By trains going East 9 p. m. and 11:45 a. m.
u West 9 p.m. and 4:45 p.m.
Stage for Goldendale . .7:80 a. m.
"Prineville 6:80 a. m.
"Dufarand Warm Springs... 5:80 a. m.
" (Leaving for Lyle fe Hartland. .5:30 a. m.
" ' " " J Antelope 5:30 a. m.
Except Sunday.
tTri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday.
" Monday Wednesday and Friday.
TUESDAY, SEPT. 8, 1891.
The Chronicle is the Only Paper in
The Dalles that Receives the Associated
Press Dispatches.
Stock Inspector Bice returned to the
city last night.
George Filloon returned last night
from Portland. '
Hon. W. H. Wilson went to Heppner
on legal business yesterday.
J. W. Blackburn of Grant has been
appointed county judge of Sherman
county. '
-r The safe of Mays A Crowe was opened
today when its contents were found to
be in good condition. ,
M. V. Harrison of Hood River will
prepare and forward an exhibit of fruit
to the Portland Mechanics fair. . ; , " .
John Pashek, the tailor, and C. W.
.Adams, the shoemaker, have rented the
Moire two doors west of Haight's restau
rant. ,; . i ft f - - t " ' r t ' "
A reader of the East Oregonian recently
presented its editor with a bottle of per
famery. Now that was a very appropri
ate gift.' v . .
T. Bardon has lost a large steel engra
ving of a cherub, walnut frame, and a
picture' of a flower girl, colored, with
ebonlzed frame.
, Mr. Weggerman reports the loss of a
music, stool and rack, a parlor banner
and two boxes containing small articles
of bouse furniture, r y "; 2
The Heppner Gazelle has hoisted its
flag for Hon. W. R. Ellis as a candidate
for congress from the second congres
sional district of Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Bettingen returned
home last night from their wedding trip.
Ed. Williams returned last night from
a business trip to the east.
That The Dalles will yet become the
leading city of Eastern Oregon is certain
and those who have the grit and patience
to stay with it will reap a rich reward.
Complaints are very justly made that
the U. P. steamers plying between!
Portland and Astoria charge $2.50 for
the use of a state room for the six hours !
day trip.
The people of The Dalles very highly
appreciate the generosity of Wasco in
generously contributing the sum of $60
to the wants of the sufferers by the late
fire in this city.
It is reported that W. S. Ladd and H.
W. Corbett, each conditionally offers to
give a million to endow a college to be
located in Portland under the auspices of
the Presbyterian church.
The same old red wicker chair again
sits in front of the store of Crandall A
Burget and the familiar form of Dr.
Logan again fills it, all the same as if
there had never been a fire.
The steamer Baker gave a free excur
sion, it is said, to a large number of per
sons from the Cascades to The Dalles
last Sunday. This, if true, is an amaz
ing sample of Union Pacific generosity,
but it smacks considerably ' of the in
fluence of the Regulator. . , -
A boat load of salmon, weighing
twenty pounds each, was sold in Port
Townsend at a cent apiece and the ran
was. so great that the fishermen said
they could make big money at that price.
One man caught fourteen with a gill
pet attached to a hoe handle.-
A modest bat earnest young Christian
lady who was very unwilling to give her
name but which is believed to be Miss
E. Taylor, last Sunday contributed, the
earn of $12, her entire month's wages, as
a contribution to the building funds of
the three churches destroyed by fire, to
be equally divided between them. ' The
young lady has the sincere thanks of the
members of the three churches and
their earnest prayers for her future
temporal ana eternal weiiare. ; .
TBa Regulator will be inspected today
and make her trial trip next' Thursday,
leaving her dock for the Cascades at 8
o'clock a. m. sharp. . Paquet A Smith
have extended invitations to all stock
holders and to the representatives of the
press to accompany the boat on ner trip.
The editor of the Chboniclb returns
thanks to Messrs. Paquet & Smith for
the courtesy of an invitation.
The fire bell has been again erected on
a tower at the old stand.
The county court is now in session at
tending to probate business.
Mr. William Sheffield of the Seattle
Post-Intelligencer is in the city.
James White's restaurant is opened
at the old Baldwin place on First street.
Gibons, McAliater A Co. can be found
in the Masonic building on. Third
. A. A. Brown the grocer is' ready' for
business in "one of the Hugh Fraser
stores on Union street.
Mrs. E. Wingate has opened in one of
Hugh Fraser's stores on Union street
north of the court house.
The Columbia, meat market can be
found in the Masonic building on Third
street, nearly opposite the old stand.
The wires are down between this city
and Portland and in consequence the
Chronicle did not receive any dis
patches today.
- C. W. Adams lost a domestic sewing
macnine which was taken from the fire
and deposited on the street in front of
the Academy grounds. . ; ' .
I. C. Nichelsen - has opened in the
store next to Cram's confectionary store.
Chrisman Brothers can be found in
the store back of Newman's bakery.
Mayor Mays had a telegram today
from the mayor of Portland asking what
helb the people of Portland could ren
der to the sufferers by the fire. . Mayor
Mays answered . that . contributions
would be thankfully received and that
our necessities were very considerable.
Leslie Butler protests against a rumor,
that he has been enable to trace to its the effect that he has raised on
the price of his goods since the fire.
The i umpr he brands is , a pure , malic
ious falsehood- and claims that where
any change has been made it has been
in the way of a reduction. , tv , , ....
Only two men were arrested last night
one for being drunk and the other, a
darkey stranger, for being on the street
after hours; The drunk paid his fine
this morning and the darkey was re
quested to leave town, which he accord
ingly did this .morning, glad to get off
with a whole skin . , - -. ;
'The city marshal or street commis
doner should arrest any man or express
man, who deliberately dumps rubbish.
on the sand beach in frond, pf Ah city
It has been tolerated long enough and
an example should be made of any one
jeopardising the health or property
of the city. One word ought to be quite
sufficient. .... ., , ,.. ,
We are pleased to see that our friend
Theodore Cartwright 'though, slightly
figured is still in the ring. Mr. Cart
wright had just moved into the' Jackson
House the day before the; fire and he
was no sooner burned out there than e
went back to the Union Street Lodging
bouse, which has proved itself an excel
lent resistor of fire and v?herehe still has
accommodation for. a few more roomers..
. Two men named Cohen from Portland
were arrested last evening charged with
larceny of scrap iron from the old John
L. Thompson blacksmith shop. The ar
rest was made at the instance of Fred
Bold who sold them $40 worth of scrap
but who insists that the Cohens took
more than was rightfully coming. to
them. The men had (12C0 on their per
sons and deposited collateral for their
appearance before the justice court this
iThe Rsgulator made her first trip
down the river last Saturday evening.
She started at 4:48 p. m., met the Baker
at Memalose island, steamed round her
and got back to The Dalles with the
Baker about three-quarters of js, mile in
her wake, making nearly 27 miles in less
than two hours. A few geniJemen from
the city were on board, and everyone
was delighted with the graceful, easy
motion of the vessel.
On obi Mayor.
A very good joke is told on his honor,
Mayor Mays: The day of the big fire he
was working like a beaver to save the
stock of "his store when he saw . a large
box which he supposed to-be bis on, the
sidewalk in front of Crandall A Burgett's
place, which, as oar readers know, ad
joined tk store of Mays A Crowe. , In
less than a jifly the biff box was hoisted
into Mr. Mays' express wagon and was
being carted off with other : goods be
longing to Maya 4 Crowe, when th fol
lowing ; dialogue, cenrrod ; between Mr.
Eastwood, the bssktant of Crandall &
Burgett and. the mayor : East wood,
"What are you taking that box away
for?'.' The mayor, "Because it'u mine."
Eastwood, "It ain't yours; it's ours."
Mayor, "You're mistake, man; it's
ours. It's a coppsr bath tab." East
wood, "It's nothing of taa kiid. Don't
yon see our Kama on the box? It's a
coffin !" It is hardly accessary to add
that Eastwood got the box. '
. IS Eioenad Sasgiletoa. ,
'Squire. - J "Morning Uncle Rufus.
See you've got new neighbors moving In
over there. What are they like?". j
Uncle Rufus, "Can't always ' judge
by de appearance, 'Squiah, but has two
monst'ous big feather beds foh xuraas
w'at don't keep fowls."
A. A. Brown has re-opened at 109 Un
ion street, north end of the first building
north of Court house yard, where he
will be pleased to see his old customers.
d-w-9-8-tf. - i
Alfred Ganger Held Up
Alfred Ganger, who lives near Crate's
Point, left this city last week to take his
sister, . Mrs. Ike Moore, to her. home in
Prineville. , On his way backh and when
about twenty-five miles south of Bake
Oven on the Prineville road, Alfred was
held up by two men, one of whom held
his horses while the other rifled his
pockets. Fortunately the robbers got
nothing, as what money Alfred had. was
concealed in a small pocket in the lining
of bis coat which the thieves entirely
Found. . ... ,......'...,
: A bead rosary and a bunch of keys.
The bunch . of keys, contains ; one brass
and one iron door key, two safe or pad
lock keys and a button hook. They are
at this office.
The contract has already been-let for
the rebuilding of the burnt stables at the
fair grounds and the fair will go on, the
people may rely upon it, just the same
as if nothing had happened. To show
how much the people of The Dalles, not
withstanding their adversity, are inter
ested in the success of the fair, it may
be said the citizens have offered sub
scriptions to the Fair Association to help
them to rebuild the burnt stables, which
however they have respectfully declined.
Let the country now get inspired with a
like spirit and wo shall have the most
successful fair we ever had.
The secretary of the New York Grant
Monument fund gets $2,400 a year, and
it is figured that there is enough in the
trrasury to pay his salary for three
years yet. .....
Mr. J. R. Crosby, .who resides on Up
per Crooked river, lost his barn '.and
about, twenty tons of hay. by fire a few
days ago. The fire was set by a little
child who "wanted to see; it "burn."
Mr. Crosby's loss is a severe one to him,
asit would be to any -poor mam A
horse escaped from the barn after being
somewhat scorched. Prineville News.; -
The Dalles has suffered from disas
trous fires before and recovered, and she
will , do so, this time. . The j Dalles is a
good business.. point,.. and doubtless this
fire will have the effect , of making her
property owners more wide awake to her
best interests. Fire is frequently a good
thing for business; indolence ana unpro
jrreesiVffne8s. W hope -this: will prove
so wiw ane fja.uea.-jat ijregontanix
If the charges in the partisan press be
trav.the Ohio v campaign;, which the
world; was recently assured -waa to" be
conducted on ' hieh-toned brincinles.
biis:.fair7todegenerate Into, a ' Vulgar
rfltfuirgria io .'boodle.' , .The -"hoodt.
according to the aforesaid partisan press,
to be contributed to one . side by "the
New York importers and to the other by
the "protected manufacturers." We are
loath to believe these charges, and will
not until proof is submitted higher than
has yet appeared ; we - do not believe
that the vote of the average American is
for sale, nor do we believe that the . av
erage American candidate would wil
lingly agree to have votes purchased for
mm. ......
Arab Murderer Captures!.
Nxw York, Sept. 6. A Lock port
special savs: Herbert Saad. the Arab
peddler who killed his cousin, Katherine
Baad, in the woods at Mapleton ten days
ago, was captured at Guelph. Ontario.
today, by Deputy Sheriff Korney. The
clue was furnished by the letter that was
written from Guelph to the New York
dealers in the goods that the Saads han
dled. District Attorney King left fof
t.hA frnnt.Tpr loot n I trli fr anI will .nla.
or to run Saad over without extradition
papers. .
Twenty Dollars Reward.
Parties have been cutting the supply
pipes above the citv between the flume
and the reservoir, thus doing much dam
age. This must be stopped and a re
ward of $20 is hereby offered for evidence
that will lead to the conviction of per
sons doing the same. By order of the
Board of Directors.
City taxes for 1891 are now due.
Dalles City tax assessment is now in my
hand and will be held in mv office for
sixty days. Sixty davs from date, July
18, 1BVH, city taxes will be delinquent.
' O. Kinebsly,
City Treasurer.
The Chronicle will be pleased to pub
lish, free of charge, a list of all property
that persons may have lost during the
fire and cannot find or may have in pos
session and cannot find the owner. In
all cases where convenient, goods may
be left at this office. ;
- Vaaatlea Is Turkey.
lam told that among Christians in
the Levant much uneasiness prevails at
the signs of increasing fanaticism among
the Turks.. . A shrewd Turkish, official is
reported- to: have said recently of his
fellow countrymen: ."At the end. of the
Crimean war 10 per oent of the- Turks
were religions fanatics; afr the death of
Abdul Azix, 50 per oent ; today there are
90 per cent." ' ' There is evidence- of this
In every ourection. -" --:--7 - ' -
Only a few - weeks ago' four Christian
hoys, employed by a foreign resident to
collect bulbs for.him disappeared a few
miles from Smyrna. : Their remains
were subsequently found burned." vSucb.
evidence as was obtained pointed to a
diabolical religion outrage,- but no ons
has ever been put on his trial. London
Truth. " : -
.- 'I ' '1A is-W
' - Pin aasiinaia Expoetsttions. ;
Bummer: Resteis-See here, ."you said
tills was a furnished cottage. . ; .
Agent Yes, sir. -7 ... . '
"There are no carpets, no bads', and no
dIshesinU.' : - r . -
' "Huh! Yon didn't expect to find a
metropolitan museum of upholstery an
brickybrack in a summer cottage, did
you?"---Crood Hews, - -- ? ;
It is adding Insult to injury, to burn up
the farmer's fence In trying to cook the
corn that you hava helped yourself to.
. -
For coughs and colds use 2379.
2379 is the cough syrup for children;';
For headache use S. B. headache cure
, For physic always use S. B. headache
- - Get me a cigar from that fine case at
piupes x jaonersiey s.
xor kj. a. vj. aiaarnoea S. B. pain
iuio o tut? uctoi buiug Known.
For ice cream cramp nse S. B. pain
cure. ........
Persons leaving the city for a summer
outing can have the Chronicle sent to
iuciu nituuub ciiia ciiarge,
in nt. e tti
.ror-atnoi juiy colic use S. B. pain
; : xor tn oi juiy colic use S. B. pain
VUIC. ...
viiao. oiuuuung nas received a car
loaa oi tne famous Bohemian beer whieh
he has now at retail at ten cents a glass
or twenty-five cents a quart. This beer
is guaranteed to be an eight month's
Drew ana is superior to any ever broueht
to The Dalles. .
rortn oi juiy couc use S. B. pain
Long Ward offers for sale one of the
mat. lamia 01 na size in isnerman county.
It consists of 240 acres of deeded land at
- ui y -ininiig
spring of living water capable of water
ing uvo uuiiuren ueaa oi stOCK aaily.
Tne house, which is a large store build-
incr with ten nvmis wtf aiyvnA
o u.vyiivj unb
$1700; A blacksmith shop and other
uuuumga juqu iae wnoie surrounded by a
good wire fence. Will be sold cheap and
rtn oaav fAvma innl. V...
wise to the editor of the Chronicle or to
tne owner, W. Li. Ward, Boyd, Wasco
. TJnneceggary Sufferings.
m I . , Tin . , , . . .
! luereui uLiie aouDt Dut tnat many
persons suffer for vears with ail men t
that could easily be cured by the use of
some simple remeay. -me following ln-
ciaent is an illustration of this font
My wife was troubled with a pain in her
side the greater part of the time for
three years, until cured bv Chamber
Iain's Pain Balm; It has, 1 think, per
manently cured her. We also have used
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy whenever
needed and believe it to be the best in
the- world. P. M. r Boston , Pennville,
Sullivan Co., Missouri. For sale bv
o : tri i - . -
amyca a, A.merBiy juruggisw
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
.VilnaBaby waa stek, we iare her Oastorls. ;' '.
, .bea she was a Chlld,'ahe cried for Castoria,
When slMhadChndraa, aha ssTeUMca Castoria
.. .v.J -i . .' , ' . Notlce ...... .
f Sealed bids for the Pool Privilege at
the third annual fair of -the second East
ern Oregon District Agricultural Society
will be received at the office of the sec
retary up to 8 o'clock p;; m. Tuesday,
6ept:lst, 1891; - The board reserves the
right to reject any or all bids.
By order of the board of commis
sioners. J. O. Mack.
' ' -: - ' Secretary.-
The Dalles, Aug. 20. 189 L.
' i . j ..
t .. r ' i I An Old Adatgre. .
There is an old adage : "What every
body Savs mast be true." Hennr ITnnlr.
of New Knoxville, Ohio, in a recent let
ter says; "Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy "has taken well here. Everybody
likes it on account of the immediate
relief it gives." There is nothing like it
to' loosen and relieve a severe cold. For
sale by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists, dw
; Notwithstanding the fire we still have
a naif million (ouu thousand) feet of
Suitable for buildings of all kinds : also
out planing mill is the only one now in
the vicinity and ready to turn out ' mill
worn of every description.
d9-3 . Jos. T. Peters.
A girl to do general house work at a
road ranch seventeen miles from The
Dalles. Apply at this office. 8-17-tf.
Something Jiew.
The bankrupt sale of drv goods, etc..
now going on at H. Solomon's old stand
is a ,rnew thing" for The Dalles, where
a failure in business is a rare occurrence.
Close and careful buyers, however, are
improving the opportunity by buying
goods at greatly reduced prices thereby
proving the rule, "What is one man's
loss is another's gain. 8-15-tf
ASSEMBLY NO. 4827, K. OF L. Meets In K.
of P. hall on ftntt and third KnnriAvn f.
O'clock p. rn
WASCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. & A. M. Meets
first and third Monday of each month at 7
Meets in Mmie Hall the third Worineoriav
of each month at 7 P. M.
Mt. Knod Onmn Nn. fi9. Meetn TnHv
lag of each week in LO. O. F. Hall, at 7:30 p. x.
COLOMBIA LODGE, NO. 5,10.0. F. Meets
every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, In Odd
Fellows hall, Second street, between Federal and
Washington. Sojourning brothers are welcome.
H. AvBiua, Sec'y R. O. Clostkk, N. O.
FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets
everv Mondav evening at 7:30 o'clock, in
Schanno's building, corner of Court and Second
streets.. Sojourning members are cordially in
vited. Gbo. T. Thompson,
D. W..VAUBE, Sec'y. C C.
UNION will meet every Friday afternoon
at t o'clock at the reading room. A 11 are invited.
fTEMPLE LODGE NO. 8, A. O. TJ. W. Meeto
A. at K. of P. Hall, Corner Second and Court
Streets, Thursday evenings at 7 :80.
W. 8 Htxbs, Financier. M. W.
ST. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Bkoics
esisr .Pastor. Low Mass every Sundav at
71. I. High Mass at 10:30 A. X. Vespers at
7 P.M..
J? lob, Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 11
a. K. and 7:80 P. M. - Sabbath School at 12 m.
Praver meetine every Thursday evenimr at 7
o'clock. , - -.- .
COBTia, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11
a. w. and 7 p. M . Bundav School after mominor
service. Strangers cordially invited. Beats bee.
ME. CHURCH Rev. H.'Bkowx, Pastor.
Services every Sunday morning and aven-
inav Sundav School at 12)4 o'clock M. A cordial
Invitation is extended by both pastor and people
The Northwestern
...... . . . - - . . . i
Assets' over $42,000,000.00.
Surplus over $6,500,000.00.
Prof. E. L. Shuxy, Laoonda Heights, Springfield, O., June 15, 189L
. Dayton, Ohio.
Company then offered me the f oltowln1Smt?i uSJ,,1" January o 010 Present year, and tba
FIRST-A,duP(poUcyfor 440,000 00 "
BECOND-A paid up policy for.'
THIRD Surrender my poUcy , and receive in cash MASK SO
settlemeVnt wito? EqUite' ? "pressing my satisfaction with their
jrautmem wim me. on tne other hand I have positively refused to do so Th ft thoftr,ir
SlVhftZ1?1 investment rendes furthTr comment unnlcearvat my
okJJH!?3?: .e 1 "arried the Equitable policy and up to the day when thev snhmittAd th
Inr cSnamtethhrfAt0tal lOT eouditfonf my VvetLfent "
We have thousands of comparisons with all the leading Life Insurance Com
panies of the United States. Full information furnished upon application to
4 . T. A. HUDSON,
Associate General Agent.
' - - - , Special Agent, The Dalles, Oregon.
- (Successors to ABRAMS & STEWART.) ' '
T "A f -. WllUlllUII UiUi
Acorn," "Charter Oak" "Argand"
-Pumps; Pipe;' Plumbers' and Steam- Fitters' Supplies,
Packing; Buil(yrig Pap,ery :
: Also a complete stock of Cfarpenters', Blacksmith's and
Farmers Tools arid Fine Shelf Hardware. ..
The Celebrated R. J. ROBERTS "Warranted" Cutlery, Meriden Cutlery and
r1wu, men vthtkhwih oLuyea, - arana uu proves
tr: : and Anti-Rust . Tinware. ... ,
All Tinning,. Pltimbiiig,
,wui utj. (U.OH oa
second street; ' -
ffeu .6. (bluMbia jlbtel,
Best Dollar a Day House on the Coast!
First-Class Meals, 25 Cents.
First Class Hotel in Every Respect.
None but the Best of White Help Employed.
T. T. Nicholas, Pfop.
s- - 1 -; v ja k : ,-t ft -r- -
Clot hicp and Tailop,
Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises,
Grents" Fum 1 fttrk lug Groods,
Gpocewes as Cheap as Ever.
Hay Grain
f.!2scsl5 Block, Corner Third and
Life Insurance Co '
Xj. IE- gRO W Jil.
Kpe Work ' and Repairing
onoix JNOtice. :
and Feed.
Ccurt Streets. The Dalies, Oregsn.