VOL. II. THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBERS, 1891. NO. 69. PEOFK88IONAL CARDS. rii. 8ADNDERS Architect. Plans and tm tinn 4-ri a fnmfuhiwl fnr dwelliniFS. ihurches, buHiness blocks, schools and factories. harges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Of loe over French's bank. The Dalles, Oregon. JTR. J. SUTHERLAND Fbllow op Trinity J Medicul College, and member of the Col lege of Physicians and 6urgeons, Ontario, Phy iician and Surgeon. OBice; rooms 8 and 4 Chap iaan block. Residence: Judge Thornbury's reo ind street. Office hours; 1U to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 Mid 7 to 8 p. m. TAR. O. D. DO AN E PHYSICIAN AMD 8UR J geon. Office; rooms 6 and 6 Chapman filock. Residence over McFarland & French's tore. Office hours 8 to 12 A. M.. 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 P. M. A 8. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Of- trx lice in Bchanno's building, up stairs. The jUalles, Oregon. D8IDDALL Dentist. Gas given for the rainless extraction of teeth. Also tpth bet on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of me uoiuen loom, Decona street. A E. THOMPSON ATTORNET-AT-tiw. Office I.m In Ooera House Block. Washington Street. i no uuies, ureguo F. P. MATS. B. S. HUNTINGTON a. 8. WILSON. HCAYS, HUNTINGTON ti WILSON ACTOR 11 L nets at-law. Offices, French's block over first .national uans, ine Dimes, Oregon. K.B.DUrUB. GEO. W ATKINS. FRANK MENEFEE, DUFUR, W ATKINS & MENEFEE Attor-NEYR-at-law Rooms Nos. 71, 73, 78 and 77, vogt biock, becona street, ine Danes, uregon. WH. WILSON Attorney-at-law Rooms 52 and 63, New Vogt Block, Second Street, TDe Dalles, uregon. . SjllPES & KDIERSLy, Wcsale ' aid Mail Draiists. -DEALERS IN- Fine Imported, Key West and Domestit CIG-ABS. PAINT Now is the time to paint your house and if you wish to get the best quality and a fine color use the Sherwin, Williams Cos Paint For those wishing to see the quality and color of the above paint we call their attention to the residence of S. L. Brooks Judge Bennett, Smith French and others painted by Paul Kreft. Snipes & Kinersly are agents for the above paint for The Dalles. Or. COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY W. S. CRAM, Proprietor. (Successor taCram & Corsos.) Manufacturer of the finest French and Home Made East of Portland. -DEALER IN- Tropical Fruits, Nats, Cigars and Tobacco. I Can furnish any of these- goods at Wholesala or Retail la Every Style. 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. Columbia Ice Co. 104 SECOND STREET. Having over 1000 tons of ice on hand, we are now prepared to receive orders, wholesale or retail, to be delivered through the summer. Parties contract ing with us will be carried through the entire season without advance in price, and may depend that we have nothing but . PURE, HEALTHFUL ICE, Cut from mountain water ; no slough or slush ponds. Leave orders at the Columbia Candy Factory, 104 Second- street. . W. S. CRAM,' Manager. PE? 1 BEJITOJI, Office Cop. 3d and Onion Sts. 4r Oak and Fir on Hand. Orders Filled Promptly. CORD WOOD JUST RBGBIVBD! -100 PIECES OF- Which we will Sell at the 41- 1 2 For all THIS WILL ONLY LAST FOR A FEW DAYS, AS IT IS A HARE BARGAIN. HP Korth Dqlles, (Washington SITUATED AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION. Destined to be the Best Manufacturing Center in the Inland Empire. For Further Information Call at the Office of Interstate Investment Go., O. D.TAYLOR, THE DALLES. The Opera Hestaarant, No. 116 Washington Street, MEALS at ALL HOURS Handsomely Furnished Rooms to Rent by the Day, Week or Month. Firmest Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. WILL S. GRAHAM, W. E. GARRETSOH, Leafluig- Jeweler. SOLE AGENT FOR THE All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. . .138 Second St., The Dalles, Or. . '-" t .1. REMOVAL. H. Glenn has removed his omce and the office of the Electric Light Co. to 72 WashingOD. St. Extreme Low Price of CENTS Widths. Best Selling Property of the Season in the North west. 72 WASHINGTON ST., PORTLAND of the DAY or NIGHT. FBElGfl Special Rates to Commercial Men. PROPRIETOR. I m . a nujarnvd v . a. cunsn;fe.t XI. OX. DfiAJd Y,lri tr J r 1 J r, i i ? First national BauL THE DALLES. OREGON A General Banking Business transacted jjeposits received, subject to bight - ; Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly - - reunited on aay 01 collection Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on jew forK, ban rranciseo and Port land. DIRECTORS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schenck T. W. Sparks. Geo. A. Lierb H. M. Beall, FEfiCH & CO., . BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERALBANKING B0SINES8 J - Letters of Credit issued available in" the Eastern States. .; ; . Sight .Exchange . and 'Telegraphic Transient soi a on jew x orK, unicago, St, Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon ana wasnington. Collections made at all points on fav orable term. A PAETY OP EXILES. Prominent Citizens DrlTen From Their ' : Native Land. Cobinto, Nicaragua, Sept. 3. Among the passengers who left here August 23 on the 'Pac'fic Mail Steamship Com pany's steamer Col i ma, were six of the most prominent men in the republic of Nicaragua, who were sent to Costa Rica as exiles by order of President Sarcasa. The party included threa members of the Nicaraguan senate General Falvala. formerly president of the republic; J. D. Rodriguez,, .and - 6. Chamarro. The others are A; 11. Rivas, E. Guzman and Pedro Oritz. They were made prisoners during thtf recent riot in the city of Grenada. ' As Sarcasa wished to be rid of his most "prominent opponents, he determined to send them out of the country, and though he succeeded in do ing po his action led to open revolt, which resulted in bloodshed. The mob which gathered returned the fire of the troops guarding the party of exiles, kill ing seven people, among them being the governor of the district, four soldiers and two bystanders. More troops were brought to the scene and the mob was dispersed without any further loss of life. Tne prisoners were taken to Punta Aremas. There is a very uneasy feeling in -Nicaragua at the present time, owing not only to dissensions within the coun try, but also to the possibility of trouble with Honduras. Both Nicaragua and Honduras have troops stationed on the frontier, and it is the belief that open hostilities may occnr at any time. The Record-Breakers. '" New York, Sept. 3. The fast bicycle riders broke the American record in trials at Hampden Park last evening. L. F. Murphy of the New York ' Athletic club, rode a mile on the solid-tire safety. He made a quarter in 0:37 4-5: half, 112a ; theee-quarters, 1 :37 3-5 : and one mile, 2:21 1-5, breaking in the last three distances the world's record for a solid- tire machine, held before by P. J. Berio of Boston. G. Minturn V order of the Manhatten club, broke the American two-mile record for the pneumatic safety in 2 :06 4-5. His first mile was made in 2 :34?i. Most Live in the United States. International Bridge, On t., Sept. 3. A nurubet of railway-men living here, and working across the river in North Buffalo, have been going to and return ing from work without interruption for some stitne. Last evening they went as usual, but the United States marshal inarched them back to the international boundary line. The marshal asserts there is a clause which requires house holders to live in the United States citi zens' papers if they wish to earn a living in the United States. i A Montana Editor Whipped. Gbeat Falls, Mont., Sept. 3. H. E, Sheets, manager and editor of the Sun day Industrial of this city, was attacked last evening by a man named Moran, who charged Sheets with following his wife to his residence last evening and making improper proposals. Moran, with a heavv cane, began to pound Sheets over the head, showering blows thick and fast until help came. Sheets says he does not know the woman and never spoke with her. - The affair has made a great sensation. Almost Beaten to Death. San Rafael, Cal., Sept. 3. Antonio Arbini, a rancher at Fairfax, was almost beaten to death last evening by Pablo Machado. It appears that Arbini's cows have been encroaching on the pas ture of Machado, and he claims he could get no led ress. He took the law in his own hands and succeeded so well that he is now in jail, charged with an assault to murder. Arbini is resting easily, but is very weak from the terrible beating he received. End of a Btsbbmg Affray. Merced, Cal., Sept. 3. George Mc Farland had a preliminary examination yesterday for stubbling Will Olsen, on Sunday last, at Ivett ranch, and was dis charged. Olsen, who was likewise un der arreet, was also discharged. Olsen was a broth'er-iu-law of lvett, who was murdered by an unknown assassin last fall, and the stabbing took place within twenty feet of where the murdered man's body was found. . Will be Called lpun to Hake Reparation. New York, Sept. 4. There is a strong possibility that the British government will be called upon to make good the damage done to a portion of valued cargo of the steamship Eldorado, of the Mor gan line, which was pirated recently bv wreckers at Bahama Islands. ': A Flan Agreed TJpra. New York, Sept. 4. The Post fays three-fourths of the Union Pacific float ing debt creditors have agreed to a plan for extending the trip. . - Chicago Wheat Market. Chicago, Sept. 4. Close, wheat firm ; cash, 97 ; December; 101 '; - v . . Portland Wheat Market. Portland, Sept;- 4. Wheat, Valley 155; Walla Wallal45.147. . San Francisco Wheat Market. San Francisco, Sept. 4. Wheat buyer 91, 172, eeason 180. 00R GENERAL BUDGET Emperor William and King Leopold Ac cused of Conspiracy De Frey cinct Warned. Great Excitement in Oklahoma Suicide Caused by Domestic Relations and Drink. Paris, Sept. 3. Some newspapers of this city recall portions of the late Em peror Frederick's diary, which Prince Bismarck tried to suppress, revealing King Leopold's congratulations to the Emperor William on the victory at Se dan, and later King Leopold's intrigue with Bismarck and Thiers to eet him self made king of combined France and JJelgium. Uhe object of the reminder is to persuade De Freycinet to keep a strong force within easy distance ol Meupe, on the ground that Kins Leopold is still inclined to violate the neutralitv of Belgium in the interests of Germany. Le Soir believes a secret intent to thai end exists between Emperor William and King Leopold, but that the latter has been com pelted to be prudent since the Geffaeken revolutions. A BULLET IX HIS HEART. Suicide Canoed by Unhappy Domestic Relations and Drink.' Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 3. Henry W. Carierry, for the last ten years assistant bookkeeper for the Gaslight company, was found dead in his home this morning with a bullet from a revolver in his own hand in his heart. The deed was com mitted yesterday morning,' but the body was not discovered until this morning about 10 o'clock. He had been married for about five years, but had not been happy with his wife. He drank con siderable, and this was the main cause of the trouble. On Fridav his wife left the house with , their child, saying she was going to the house of her sister and would, not return until her husband came after her. FROM OKLAHOMA. An Overlooked Section of Law Creates Consternation Anions the Citizens. Guthrie, Oklahoma, Sept. 4. A Sen sation was caused by .the publication of a heretofore overlooked section of law which makes it a misdemeanor for any person or corporation to hire a man to go into the Indian reservation and take up a claim and afterward turn it over to those persons or com pan v. Manv banks and mercantile houses and other companies and hundreds of private per sons engaged parties to do this very thing, and the discoverv of this law creates consternation on all sides. A Valuable Yacht Wrecked. Boston, Sept. 4. The steam yacht Albatross, owned by J. Eggleston and valued at $100,000, was wrecked at Gulls Island, near Newfoundland Coast, and is a total loss. There was a large party of guests on board and all landed safely except Dr. J. B. Eggleston, the only son of the owner, who is believed to nave been drowned. A New Ocean Freight Line. Baltimore, Sept. 4. The Baltimore Storage and Lighterage company of this city, which con troll a the Atlantic trans portation between Baltimore, Philadel phia and London, are about to establish a line of freight steamers between New York and London. The Pope's Condition Serions. Rome, Sept. 4. It is announced today thai the pope on Wednesday last was attacked by acute visceral derangement. The condition of the pope, according to the same authority is causing his physi cians and aitendants considerable appre hension. The Corn Crop Rnlned. Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 4. A Jour nal special from Neillsviile, Wis., says the corn crop is a - total loss in that county; A special from White Hall, Wis., says 20,000 acres of corn were ruined by the frost last night. Don't Want the Chinese. Quebec, Sept. 4. At a meeting of the Trades nnd Labor council of the Dominion of Canada,' a resolution was adopted- asking for the prohibition of Chinese. . - Minister Phelps Congratulated. Berlin, Sept. 4. United States Min ister Phelps is receiving many messages of congratulation upon the removal of the- mbargor placed - upon American pork. -' .. - - They Join Forces. San Francisco, Sept. 4. Wells, Fargo & Co. join the Southern Pacific Company in offering a reward of $2000 for the .arrest and conviction of each of the men concerned in the attack on the the sonth-bound express near Modesto iast night. " S1S.OOO Taken. San Francisco, Sept. 4. The amount taken ' by the men who robbed the Southern Pacific express train at Sam uels is said to be about $15,000 instead of the small amount at first reported. THE ITATA CASE. Probability That it Will be a Three- . Cornered Lawsuit. Los Angeles, Cal., Sept. 3. The libel case against the steamer Itata has as sumed a new phase, and it is probable that it will now develop into a three cornered fight between the United States, the quondam insurgents and the actual owners of the vessel, and the South American Steamship company, represented by Flint & Co., of New York. United States Commissioner Owens, of this city, is in receipt of a letter from a New York law firm stating that they had been retained to appear in the case for the owner of the vessel, and defend her from confiscation. The letter states that W. W. Goodrich is about to leave New York for this city. Heretofore, it has been supposed that attorneys Page & Dennis, who were re-, tamed by the insurgents, were the only reprecentatsves of the owners of the ves sel. The attorneys have made answer to the libel, against the rifles, and were prepa mg a similar document with re gard to the vessel itself, which must be hied before the 14th. It is not known among court officials here whom the New York lawyers represent, but' it is supposed they represent the South American Steamship company, who owned the Itata before she was seized. TO SECURE THE STATE'S FUNDS. The Federal Government System the Most Perfect Safeguard. Philadelphia, Sept. 4. The legis lative committee appointed to investi gate the state treasurer's office met here this morning. Governor Pattison ap- Deared before the committee. He was asked if he could - suggest any better method than the present system of aud iting state accounts. In reply the gov ernor said in his opinion the present system was all wrong. Under it the state treasurer has absolute control of about $8,000,000, for which" the state only has security to the amount of $500, OOOl Governor Pattison also said he thought the eystem of depositing the state money was wrong. Security should be required by the state for money deposited, about $125,ti00 for every $100,000. The most perfect safe guard for security to the state against loss is the system employed by the federal government. GREAT EXCITEMENT. Train Robbers Pursued by an Angry Crowd or uitisens. Merced, Cal., Sept. 4. Much excite ment prevails here today over last night's train robbery near Modesto. A large number of Merced people have joined in pursuit of the robbers, all armed wilb. revolvers and Winchester rifles. Tbe officers from here feel confident of cap-, turing them, though they have no clew yet. Two men were arrested at Ceres at 2 o'clock this morning and taken to... Modesto. Th.e general opinion is that the robbers made direct for the moun tains. An Eruption in the Kanka. Baltimore, Md., Sept. 4. Colonel ' Van Nort, nominee for governor on the republican ticket, addressed a letter to Charles T. Westcott, stating that lie cannot, with self respect, remain at the head of the ticket if Westcott accepts the appointment as chairman of the state committee. This result is the ac tion of the republican state committee yesterday in refusing to permit Col. Vai Nort to name the chairman of the state committee, according to established usage, and of the election to the chair--manship of the committee of Charles TV Westcott. GENERAL PERSONAL MENTION. James Russell Lowell was born in the same year as Walt Whitman, ami was at least ten years younger than Whittii-r. Dr. Edward Eggleston, the noelist, is soon to marry Miss Anna Goode, a daughter of Dr. E. S. Gpode.of Madison, Ind. If there is anything in a name the new Haytian cabinet ought to be a suc cess. The minister of public instruction is Apollo. Stephen B. Elkins is a close student of books as well as of men, and his library ia ne' of the finest collection of books in New York. t Major Frank McLaughlin, who tnrned California's famous Feather river into a new channel, says most of the bijr enter prises in his state are now managed by Englishmen. ' '-. ' - , Senator Walthall, of Mississippi, whose re-election is said to1 be already', assurred, is sitting now for a term that lasts until 1895, and his re-election, if he survives, will carry him into 1901. , The bishop of Derry,' Dr. William Alexander, an eloquent preacher and the author of a work on the -Psalms, has accepted an invitation, from Columbia college to deliver a course of lectures next year on the -evidences of v Chris tianity. - . ' Bishop Huntington has gone to farm ing on the old homestead near Had ley, Mass. He is now 73 and as ardent aa ever, not only in hia outdoor work, but also in bis studies. of social questions, in which he is said by some to be the spir itual leader of theJEpiscopal church.