CZJ The Mes Daily Chronicle. Published Daily, Bunday Excepted. BY THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Comer SeiKi and Washington Streets, The Dalles, Oregon. Terms of Subscription. Per Yenr ?8 00 Per month, by carrier. 60 oingle copy . 6 STATK OFFICIALS. Governoi B. Pennoyer Secretary ol State G. W. McBride Trenurer .-..Phillip Metschan 8upt. ol Public Instruction E. B. McElroy . (J. N. Dolph enatore H Mitchell onfrresnman .-. B. Hermann State Printer Frank Baker COUNTY OFFICIALS. County Judge. C. N. Thoratrory Bnerltt . I. L. Cates Clerk J. B. Crossen Treasurer Cieo. Rnch Commissioner ! Frank KiSd Assessor , , John E. Barnett Burvevnr ? E. F. Sharp BuTierintendeut ol Public Schools ... Troy Shelley Coroner William Michell : The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. THE SOUNDNESS OF AMERICAN PROGRESS. . The United States ia today almost the . only great country in the world whose future is brighter than its past, says the Manufaclurert' Record. Great Britain has, in many respects, reached the limit of its greatness. It can no longer be the manufacturing center of the world, for we have taken the foremost position in that line. Its vast iron and steel busi ness is yearly increasing in cost of pro duction, while ours is decreasing. It cannot meet the world's ever-growing demand for iron and steel, because it cannot increase its production to any great extent in competition with this country. It produced no more pig-iron in 1890, notwitstanding the high prices prevailing, than in 1882, while we more than doubled our output. Much of its ore it imports from far distant regions. Its cotton, is .'all imported. It spends about $75,000,000 a year for foreign food stuffs. ' On the continent every nation is burdoned with debt,' and none can ever hope to pay off its obligations. Meas ured by their . natural resources and their possibilities, they are bankrupt. In all of them the cost of production and of living is steadily increasing. In the United States tire have scarcely laid the foundation of our . future greatness. In natural resources we are richer than all of Europe combined ; we are paying Our debts faster than- they are due ; we have barely scratched the ground in the de velopment of our mineral wealth ; we 'were rich enough to stand'a decrease last Vf ar of flOn.nnO-nOO ' hliaholn rt Drain a a Compared with 1889, on account of bad Weather ; we are rich enough in addition to this to send $70,000,000 in gold to Europe within a few : months without creating any financial trouble, and that, too, after Europe had unloaded on us millions of dollars of our stocks, because bur securities were the only' ones, in the world that found a cash market' when the Barings and others were trying to save themselves. In ten years, from 1880 to 1890, we have added $200,000,000 to onr capital invested in manufactures, lan increase of nearly 75' per cent. In the same time the value of our manufac tured products has risen from $5,300, 000,000 to $8,000,000,000, a gain of $3, 800,000,000; or, in other words, we are now producing manufactured goods at a rate of $3,300,000,000 a' year more than we were ten years ago. The increase in capital invested in manufactures in ten yeaic, from 1880 to 1890 was greater than the entire amount of capital invested in 1870, or only twenty years ago. In these ten years the tjrowth of our manufactur ing interests was greater than the growth from the settlement of America up to 1870. In these ten years we have built 75,000 miles of railroad, almost as much as our total milage in 1880. CK.NKKAL FEKSONAL MENTION. Colonel In rnau'a history of the old Santa Fe trail is to be published in 1892, and is to be a graphic tale of the pioneer times in the great desert. Maurice Bernhardt, the athletic son of the "divine" Sarah, and bis bride are in New York. They will spend . their honeymoon in this country. Chief Justice - Lucas, of the Virginia supruine court; is but four feet high, but he is so dignified that no facetious - law yer has ever dared to dub him a brief. The wife of Lieutenant H. D; Borup, of the United States legation, in .Paris, is one of the very few ladies who can claim to have made tho ascent of Mount Blanc. - Terence V. Powderly, general master , . . j, b workmenof the Knights of Labor, has accepted the republican nomination as delegate to the Pennsylvania constitu tional con ventiou. .. : ' ' General Joe Shelby is a thoroughly re, constructed osCon federate. ' No soldier ,'fought more' bravely than he;he knows ''bewaB wrong and does not believe: ;in keeping np the memories of the war. '. . General Miles'has put himself ' to on necessarv trouble - in denying " that- he Davis, when: ' he f v-J ti..-tlm.n!'.W -i,nnvrii!;vW. .Lease. BAYS 1 1 OKA Hint psiiivauAU ouuv - t . vi u Monroe. The general is not built on the petty tyrant plan. ... a ri ''A.,f-m...',i' rY.r A Chinese comprador jnuil. Clun uong naa oeen nppuiuiwi uiinw deputy marshal for Amoy.', Themurshal is Dr. Edward Bedloe, said to be a de scendent of the family after whom Bed loe's island was named in 'New York harbor. t The Edison of France is named Ader. He thinks he has solved the problem of aerial navigation. At the arsenal in Zurich is shown the bow with which William Tell shot the apple from his son's head, though some writers who assume to give the facts aver that there is no historical ground for a belief in the existence of such a person as Tell. . . About Tobacco Smoking. Texas Sittings. Berlubbed Brederen and Sistern I wanter make a few remarks dis ebening on de growin', ebil ob de terbaiker habit. It hab been said dat terbacker is de cause ob blindness, but I don't ber leeve it. Whenebber I has left de eend of a choice cigar exposed in my vest pock et my friends has nebber shown dat dey has lost dar powor ob sight, not by-er-er-er mill site. , I have more evidence on dis pint dat smoking don't hurt de eyesight; for a boy with the stump of a cigar in his mouth can see hfs fodder comin' down de street ten blocks off. Howebber, ef it was true dat smokin' cigrrettes canses blindness, hit would not be sad arter all sence de intellectual status ob de young men who indulge in de habit am sich datbein' blind would not in de least mitigate agin dar useful ness in a world which dey do not eben aborn. Hush, dat's a sockdolger for de flabby dood. I reads in a paper de udder day dat a brand ob terbacker bad jest been disco v ered what will make a man forgit all erbont de money he owes. Jest been discovered, eh 1 Hush 1 dat make me laff. Heah ! heah ! 'Scuse my riserbili ties, bredderen and sistern, but the idea dat hit has iest been - diskivered breaks me all up. I has been a humble pasture in de Lawd's vineyard for the last forty yeahs, . and befo de male and female members of mv conerecashum must hab been smoking and chewing dat terbacker stead v, fur dey has done forgot to pay what dey owed rue for my sellery. .. Dars Sam Johnsing in de amen corner. How dat niggah howls and prays at de camp meeting.': Jest keep yer seat, Broader Johnsing. As I was sayin', ter hear Brudder Johnsing pray you would swear dat de wings was beginnin' already ter sprout on him. I berleeba he means well ; dat he intends ter pay his pep rent and my back sellery, but de trouble is he smokes dat new brand ob, .terbacker what makes him forget. ' Jest keep yer shirt on, Brndder John sing, fer it yer makes any demonstra tions de Lawd will delegate me ter form myself into an executive kermittee ob one for de purpose ob castin' out deb blef. - . I was told dat de grand jury am cou siderin' de feasibility ob. indictin' seb beral ladies ob dis congregrrshuc for not bringin' back de close dey got from de white folkaes ter wash. I suppos dey, too, has ' been' monkevin' will dis new brand ob terbacker. . Hopin' dat you wiil allswar off in de future from .nsin' dis new brand ob terbacker, I pronounce the benedickshnn. -. British ship owners receive $150,000. 000 a year from the people of the United States . for doing 65 per cent, of their foreign carrying trade, and $50,000,000 more are paid to the ship owners of other nations for similar service. This $200,000,000 is a large factor in the bal ance of trade between England and this nation. If only one-hall of this could be kept at home what an addition it would be to. the wealth, and business of this country. The United States neeyls more ships, and every effort should be bent to the work of reclaiming the vast commerce from the hands of foreigners. Spokane Review. Unnecessary Sufferings. " There is little doubt but that many persous suffer for years with ailments that could easily be cured by the use of some simple remedy. The following in cident is an illustration of this fact : My wife was troubled with pain in her side the greater part of the time tor three years, until cured by Chamber lain's Pain Balm. It has, I think, per manently cured her. . We also have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy whenever needed and believe it to be the best in the world. P. M. Boston, Pennville, Sullivan Co., Missouri. For sale by Snipes & Kinersly Druggists. Ksilroad Bombllags, Wasco News: The right of way between Biggs and Wasco has been secured, or a sufficient amount at least to satisfy the company interested in the matter, that we are in earnest, and the surveyors will be in the field the latter part of this week or the first of next. ' They have been ordered to make this survey and will do so at once. The matter now simply hinges on the practicability of the route. But a short time longer will elapse before we will know whether Sherman county will get a railroad this fall or not. ; Tnejr Speak From Kxperlence. "We know from experience in the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy that it will prevent croup," says Messrs. Gad berry & Worley, Percy, Iowa. ; They also add that the remedy has given great satisfaction in this vicinity, and that tbev believe it to be the beat in the t ..u. ,. .1 a i, , j: " 'a"' 'Will Paddle His Own Canoe. ' ' ; Nkw Yoke, Aug. 31. The correspond' ent of the Herald at Paris sends the following interview: . I mean to paddle my canoe ro the end of the chapter. ; I have not -joined the trust nor win tao so, ana any. wall street speculator who allows himself to be gulled by the reports that I have does not know me. - - n . that all men, who ax . ... , . j wf to join her party will be received j with open arms. She failed to state 1 whether they would be received in' her ! open arma 0Mr the ,ady make this point clear, as a great deal d& penda upon it. East Oregonian;i f . SHE GOT' HER LETTER. Bat It was a Close Shave for Thomas Hearing Something;. M. Quad In New York. When the letter collector whose route takes in the box at the. bridge entrance got around here yesterday- morning, he found a girl waiting to eay to him : - "I dropped a letter in here last , night addressed to Thomas-Davy, in Boston." "Wasn't it stamped?" "Oh, yes, sir." . "Properly directed?" Very properly." "Then what's wrong?" "Well, sir, I suppose I'll have to tell you," she blushingly replied. "You see, we are engaged.'" "Yes." "I got a letter from him which made me mad." "I see. And so you sat down and wrote him that all was over ; you could never no, never be his'n ; farewell! Isn't that the wav of it?" - "That's exactly the way of it." "Hurried up and posted the letter; went home and had a cry; woke up this morning to wish you hadn't given Thomas the bounce?" "That's it." 'Well here's the letter, and you come over to the postmaster and arrange mat ters, and then go ahead and marry Thomas and be happy." 'I will, sir, and I'm a thousand times obliged to you," she said, as she wiped the tears from her big blue eyes and followed after. Fast Mail Carrying;. Montreal, Aug. 31. A dispatch from Winnepeg says that a special train car rying the mails of the Canadian Pacific railway steamship Empress of Japan passed there ttois morning, covering the distance from Vancouver in two days, The mails left Japan only eleven days uviuic auu aii? c&pCTJteu w arrive iu England witnin twenty -one da vs. This greatly beats all previous records. . SOCIETIES. A BSEMBLY NO. 4827. K. OF L. Meets In Tt t V of P. hall on first and third Sundava at It V p. 111. WASCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. A. M. Meets first and third Monday of each month at 7 r. a. . - DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday cwjm uiuuui Kb r. in. lfODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. i J. iU Hood Camp No. 59. Meets Tuesday even, ing of each week in L O. O. V. Hall, at 7:30 r. M. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, 1. O. O. F.Meets ' every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Odd Fellows hall, Second street, between Federal and nasnington. sojourning Drotners are welcome. H. A. Bills, Seo'y. . . , - . R. G. Clostxk, N. Q... FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets every Monday evenina- at 7:S0 o'clock, in Schanno's building, corner of Court and Second streets. Bojourning members are cordially ia- 1WJ. VIKU. X. XitOHrBOH. D. W. Vacbb, See'y. C. C. WOMEN'S - CHRISTIAN TEMPERENCE UNION will meet everv Friday afternoon t 8 o'clock at the reading room. All are invited. "VEMPLE LODGE- NO. 8. A. O. W. Meeta L , at K. of P. Hall, Corner Second and Court streets, i nursaay evenings at 7:30. ' . : . JOHK CTIXOON, W. S 'Mtkbs, Financier. M. W. Db. E. C. WkBT's'lSiRVB AKB-feRAiN Treat itent, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria; Dizzi-; ness, uuvniaions, . rw, nervous rteoraigia, Hendaohe.. Nervous :Pok (ration eauoed bv the iihp of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental De pression, eoitemng or lue urain. resulting in in sanity and leading to mfKery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power In either .sex. Involuntary Losses aud Snermat- orrhcea caused by over exertion of the brain, self abuse or over indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. flM a box, or six boxes lor KO.UU, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied by 5.00, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to re fund the money if the treatment does not effect cure, uuaraniees issuea oniy Dy RtAKELET & HOUGHTON, Proscription Druggists, " 17S Second St. The Dalles, Or. JOHN PASHEK, t Tailor, Third Street, Opera Block. Madison's Latest System used in cut- tins garments, and a fit guaranteed each time. Repairing and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly Done. Nicholas & Fisher, BARBER SHOP, j Hot and Cold Baths! J.M.HDNTINGTON CO., ABSTRACa?ERS, teai Btate tnd ; a; ; InsuraneeflQen Comnlptf Abnlino.t of Titles for ; V'asco County, r.-r -! Ocsra Kousb Block Ths Dalles Or. Health is Wealth ! plGfCHau Phil Willig, 124 UNION ST., THE DALLES, OR. . Keeps on hand a full line of . MEN'S AND YOUTH'S Ready - Made Clothing. Pants and Suits MADE TO ORDER On Reasonable Terms. Call and see my Goods before nurchasine elsewhere. W. H. NEABEACK, PROPRIETOR OF THE Granger Feed Yard, THIRD STREET. t At Grimes' old place of business.) Horses fed to Hay or Oats at the lowest possi ble prices. Good care given to animals -left in my charge, as I have ample stable room. Give me a call, and I will guarantee satisfaction. W. H. NEABEACK. SKIPES & RIWLY, Wholesale aid Retail Druggists. -DEALERS IN- Fine Imported,-Key West and Domestii PAINT Now is the time to paint your house and if you wish to get the best quality and a fine color use the Sherwin, Williams Cos Paint , For those wishing to see the ' quality and color of the above paint we call their attention td the residence of S. L. Brooks, Judge Bennett, Smith French and others painted by Paul KrefU " Snipes & Kinersly are agents for the above paint for The Dalles. Or. ' t-- DEALER i: SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, ORGANS, PIANOS;- ; ' WATCHES, JEWELRY. Cor. Third and Washington Sts. Chas. Stubling1, PBOFBIETOB OF THS - New Vogt Block, Second Si - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Liquor v Dealer, SflLWAUKEE BEER ON DRAUGHT. JAMES WHITE, Has Opened a TninnTi Counter, In Connection With bis Fruit Stand and Will Serve Hot Coffee, Ham Sandwich, Pigs' Feet. and Fresh Oysters. Convenient to the Passenger Depot. -'- - On Second St., near corner of Madison. '" ' ' ' ' 'Also a '.''''; ' Branch Bakery, California . Orange Cider, and the Best Apple Cider. . If yon want a good luneh, give me a call. Open all Night : Steam Ferry. ft A TTTT-ijrT ia now running a steam l, U. ClfilllO Ferry between Hood River and White Salmon. Charges reasonaoie. ri. u. tvans, hrop. $20 REWARD. tmiL BK 1'Ai r FOR ANY TVTTfYRHf A TJ nw T T leading to the conviction of parties catting the ropes or .In ny way Interfering with the wire - polea or Umpi of Tu Euctbic Lien Coi '-- A.;-. .', ..,.n, H. GLENN, . - jtaaager SUMMER GOODS -' j . ' , , Of Every Description -will be Sold at 1 FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. -7 Call Early and Get Some of Our Gen uine Bargains. J. H. CROSS -DEALER IN- Hay, Grain, Fri il Flini. HEADQUARTERS FOR POTATOES. Cash Paid for Eggs and Chickens. All Goods Delivered Free and Promptlj TERMS STRICTLY CHSH. Cor. Second 33 The Dalles Mercantile Co., ' Sncflessors to BROOKS & BEERS, Dealers in . General Merchandise, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishing Goods,. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc. -... Groceries,; -x -i . , ' - Hardware, " Provisions 1 yiour, Bacon, HAY, GRAIN AND PRODUCE Of all Kinds at Lowest Market Rates. Free Delivery to Boat and . , : . .:. ' 390 and 394 E. Jacobsen & Co., WHOLESALE: AND RETAIL' OnnirQci i ctdo n Kt n Or n tt am tr no ; ; ..v:;:': '..Piaiibs and Organs ; ; : ; : - -Soldbn EASY INSTALLMENTS. V Notions, Toys, Fancy Goods and Musical Instra- ments of 3VIa.X Order Xilled rr 162 SECOND STREET, G-r e at B aJrgaiiis ! Removal I Removal ! On account of Removal I -will sell my entire stock of Boots-and. Shoes, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, Shelv- ings, Counters, Desk, Safe, Fixtures, at a Great Bargain. Come and ; see my offer. GREAT REDUCTION IN RETAIL. 125 . Second Street, The Dalles FACTORY NO. l6K itT? A TJOof the Beat Brands vy X vjlx manufactared, and orders from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAR has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactared article is increasing every day-. A. ULRICH & SON. , FLOURING MILL TO LEASE. rnHF. OLD DALLES HILL AND WATER L CompanT's Hour Mill will be leased to re sponsible parties. For Information apply to tbe r - ', .. ; -.... ; The Dolls. Oregon.' o. H. Herbring. & Union Sts., -'V.1 , . Curs and all parts of tlie City. Second Street , - ; . k all Kinds. , iptly. THE DALLES, OREGON. ; The Dalles. Cleveland, Wash., - ' Jane lth, 189..t S. B. Medicine Co. , 1 GKNTLKMEX-Yonr kind favor received, and ia reply would say that I am more than pleased with the terms offered me on the last shipment of your medicines. There is nothing like them ever intronf duced in this country, especially lor Xj- grippe and kindred complaints I have had no complaints so far, and everyone is ready with a word of ;praisa "f or their virtues. "Ydurs, etc., ' - -. .- .. M. F. Hacklkt. s