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About The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1891)
Ths Mcs Daily Chrocle. Entered at the Postoftlce hc The Dalles, Oregon, , as seomd-elaiis matter. TIMB TABLES. Railroads. , KAST BOUND. No. i. Arrives 11 :40 a. m. Dejwirt 11:45 a. m. " 8, " 12:06 P.M. " 12: 80 P.M. ' WEST BOOSD. uj', Ko. I, Arrives 4:40 a.m. Departs 4:50 . m. X " 7, , " 6:20 p.m. " 6:45 r. a. east at 8 a. M. : STAGES. For Prineville, via. Bake Oven, leave dally except Sunday) at A. M. For -Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon- City, leave Mondavs, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 A. M. For lur, KiiiRsley, Waniic, Wapinltia, Warm Springs end Tygh Valley, leave didly (except Sunday) at 6 A. M. For Goldendale, Wash., leave every day of the week except Sunday at 8 A. M. - Offices for all lines at the Umatilla House. Post-Offlce. office hours General Delivrey Window Money Order '. 8 a. m. Sunday ti. D. " ... 9a.m. to 7 p. m. tO 4 p. ID. to 10 a. m. CL0S1KQ OF MAILS By trains going East....l.9 p. m. and 11:45 a. m, ... t Wet..... V j. m. and 4:45p.m. "Stage for Goldendale.. 7:30a. m. " "Prineville 5:: a. m. " "Dufurand Warm Springs... 5:30 a. m. " fLeaving for Lyle A Hartland..5:30 a. m. " " " JAntelope 5:30 a. m. Except Sunday. fTri-weekly. Tuesday Thursdny and Saturday. Monday Wednesday and Friday. METE0E0LOGIOAL EEP0ET. Pacific H Rela- ! State Coast Bar. g tive of c of Time. r Hum Wind a Weather 8 A. M .. 30.20 53 87 east smoky SP. M 30.14 86 29 " " Maximum temperature, 88: minimum tem perature, 50 ' WEATHER PROBABILITIES., Sept. 1, 1891. FAIR Weatlier forecast till IS m. Wednesday; fair; Nearly sta tionary temperature. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1891. The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. LOCAL BREVITIES. Mr. 8. R. Husband of Hosier is in the city. ... Mr. " T. H. Johnston of Dnfur is in town. Assessor Barnet started in ' to assess the city, yesterday. C. L. Schmidt shipped a car load of flour today to a point west of The Dalles, George H; Knaggs has returned toThe Dalles after a three weeks absence in Portland. ;Mr. Johri A. Wilson of Hood Btver, gave the Chronicle office a pleasant jail yesterday. ' George W. Filloon went out this morn- inn nn & business, trin to tha Thnmnnnn saw mill, west of Kingsley. ; '.-'- Mrs. C. L. Phillips left last Sunday morning to spend a tew days with her mother near Hillsborough. i William Taylor, of Dufur, brought in a small load of hogs today, which he sold for five cents a pound, gross. : The Hampton Bros., had a car of beef - cattle at the stock yards today, which they will ship west this evening. About twenty horses are in training at the fair grounds to compete for purses v mio wuiiug uisincb iair. Vulte a number of others will arriue in the near future. Practically no movement of grain has taken place at this point as threshing JVs only fairly begun. Three wagon loads of trrain were all that srrivml nr. to' noon, and two of these were stored at the Wasco warehouse. ' . , iuo ueei, ana surest way to innate the currency in a man's pocket-book, is for him to set alxut to work earnestly, and steadily at some honorable employment ,s- and then save every cent possible of his earnings. Mr. C. L. Phillips paid a flying trip to mower last Ssunday and came back deeply impressed with the fact that there is-no part of Wasco county, and for that matter no part of Eastern Oregon, better adapted to fruit raising than that section. lLouis Delco of Wapinitia had the mis fortune to lose about 300 bushels of tcain last week by a fire that started in one of his grain stacks. Through the efforts of neighbors in covering adjoining stacks with canvas and blankets and keeping them wett his remaining stacks were saved. - Mr. And Mrs. Frank Roach left town today for a two weeks trip to Mount Hood. They will stop tonight at the residence of Mr. Jno, Brookhouse of Dufur and will thence be accompanied by the Misses M. J. and Mary Brook house to the camping ground somewhere near the Summit house on the Barlow Uenjamin Jager," hailing1 from Utah and destined for Hosier, was arrested .'this afternoon on the charge of cruelty tdankaaie. He was driving one horse . fa a cart And , leading two others . tha. Were1 '" 'poorer than the ; ' prov . erbofi Joseph's, lean kine. : We have Ueversaw poverty in horse flesli to equal theseY The man who lodged tho com plaint baa the thanks of this county. Juger is being tried as we go to press. : The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Nav - sjfiti&o company, have fixed the rates on eatrletweeit thi city and Portland j $2.20 per ton which is about four cents a bushel lees than the present rates of the U. P. Co. Passenger rr tes are fixed at $2, eiugle trip and 43, the round trip ; tickets good till used.. The reduction on all classes of freight will average from SO to 40 per cent. less than the present railroad rates. . The Regulator will make her trial trip not later than next Monday W. B. Rodman, of Watnic, is in the city. Hon. F. P.. Mays came up from Port land today. Elmer Rand and Miss Georgie Smith of Hood River came no on the noon train 'today. ' The Knights of Pythias held their reg nlar monthly convocation last night. There is nothing singular in this an nouncement and it is only referred to here to explain the cause of the three loud pumps that were heard to proceed from, the ball last night at the time, as is supposed,' when a . handsome young druggist of this city was taking his first ride on the Pythian goat. Paquet.& Smith will make the trial trip of the Regulator next Monday They have extended an invitation to all the stockholders to accompany the boat on its trip. In the absence of Mr, Paquet, Mr. Hugh Glenn will issue ihe tickets to the stockholders. After the trial trip, if the boat fulfills the con tract, she will then be turned over to the company, and be ready for service-on picnics or excursions until the portage and the lower boat are ready ' for busi ness. A lady and gentleman came down from Heppner this morning. County Clerk Crossen suspecting they wanted a license to wed, put on his best bib and tucker and his blandest smile and sat down to await the turn of events that would make him richer by the addition of a license fee. He was soon rewarded bv seeing the couple at Maier & Benton's corner, coming west, direct for the court house. Then he rushed to a pigeon hole and got a handful of blank marriage licenses and again sat down, but in an other moment the couple had turned the corner and were heading for the cut; Jimmy thinks he'll catch them yet. Council Meeting. The regular monthly meetiner of the common council was held last night at which there was a foil attendance.-? r The i betitioh of the Dalle.' Portland Astoria Navigation company asking right of way of the water front of the Colum bia for construction- and maintenance rf Pan inclined wharf or boat landing was referred to the judiciary committee with instructions to report at next meeting. Ihe ludiciarv was Granted further time to report on"the f petition of "Mary E. Walfter and ordinance of W. u. Tele graph company, ... "Thd reports of1 rfecbrderi marshal and street commissioner were placed on file. The report of city ' attorney ; in the matter of liability of John Kashlierger was referred to the judiciary committee. The marshal was ordered to reiort to the next meeting ; tbe" condition of the tax roll for 1890.-pv -.' : An ordinance to provide for the re funding 6f certain' assessments ' was - ie ferrcd to the finance committee. Ordinance"23J to provide for licensing certain games was passed; C. N. Thorn burry alone voting no. The chief engineer of the fire depart tneiit was instructed to purchase a new suction for fire engine. , : The recorder was instructed to cotract for construction- of' pigeon holes and shelves for use in vault of recorder's office. ' ' : -! :-. ' . Paul Kreft, H. J. . Maier and C. N. Tliornbury were appointed a committee to investigate the matter of salaries paid the various city officers."' " The street -commissioner was ' in structed to buy nails and re-nail city sidewalks, where needed. The city attorney Was instructed to take steps to collect the notes of J. L.. Story, N. W. Wallace and G. W. Miller, but not to bring suit till further ordered. The mayor and recorder were in structed to cancel the notes given in favor of the' real estate fund of Dalles City by Dalles City, the same having been paid by sale of bonds' and the tro- ceeds turned over to the city water fund. The following bills were allowed : Frank Mehefee .....-.$ 97 25 R V fiihnna mi im - - - .Ui vj J F Staniels ; . . . 78 00 Georffe Brown Kft An George Munger , 12 00 F P Mava . . T!V jv. Con Howe..'. ....... J.Y.V.'. 75 00 Gibons, Macallister & Co. ." . . 90 uienn &Uandley; 238 00 A Anderson fc f!o .is k Dalles Water Works ,32 00 CEHaight.n .. 24 86 Glenn & Handley; ; , . . -: 3 20 ChronicLk Publishing Co ..... . ' 1 50 F Dehm. . .- . . ; . ;j 70 Glenn & Haiidley . r. ': 6 50 John Campbell. . .- -. ." 1 50 Joe Studinacca. - 1 50 John Christian ' ".' - 1 o nn Snipes & Kinersly .. 2 75 ixms r-avette . . . 1 00 Jos T Peters -. ... 12 00 Gibons, Macallister & Co. ....... y 1.50 Total . ,$933 95 . v.r . -M , Kingrsley-Tfote. . i. I ' ; The weather is hot find ! Hrv.nita is getting scarce. , -. . The farmers are .-'Rettinar alone fine with their harvest. Pat Boltoti and 'Tim 1 May hew started our threshing last week Lots "of hard work stares them yi. the face for the next six weeks to Come. r - ' -Wheat and oats are only panning out about half 4;rop-so far as have already been threshed. - Ira Amec is'On the sick list. ;': " Ed: rBoynton has moved bis stock and family to The Dalles to stay until after the fair. .: ... , What is it that takes Frank Ward to Fraleys so much? I guess be wants to get Mr. Pugh to cut his oats. . Frank Edward is a head of you there, oats or no oats. ; ' ' Pugh and Fraley has got about 90 acres of wheat to cut yet, and when done- cutting, they Vill have over 100 cars to gather up. The boys will have to get in and work or the snow will catch them. - s We have an energetic blaeksmith at Kingsley. He is always busy, and a more pleasant and accommodating man you never met; he talks a great deal about Sunday school, and 'you will al ways find him promptly on time meal time. . .. . . . Ed. Rondeau was putting on a great deal of style last Sunday evening buggy riding with one of the fair sex of Tygh Ridge, when his horse balked, and they had to walk up the hill. Ed had better start a foot after this, or get a horse that will not balk. It is hard work to talk to a girl and drive such a horse at the same time, - 1 . - - ' Rasp. . . ' - Keal : Estate Transactions-. - r ; State of Oregon to G. W.'Inns, w 'of w of sec 27 tp 3 s, r 14 e; 160 acres. A.- A. ' Stephens to Eugene M. Steoh ens, n se and n swj of sec 20, tp 1 n, r 10 e. Consideration. $1000. i Alfred Thomas to Joseph Shearar, lots I, 2, 6 and 4, sec 2, tp 4 s, r 16 e, and s e J4 and s of s w i. sec 26. tD 3 s 16 e, containing 318 and 60-100 acres. Consideration, $1065.45. , G. W.'Inns to Joseph Shearer, w JC S w; Jarid w n w M, sec 27, tp 3 s,: t 14 e, containing 165 acres. - Considera tion 560. Alex ;M.; Fisher to Joseph . Shearer. w.H otnw,n e M of s w 4, n. w 4 01 s e and s w J of n e Jivsee 22. and n e li 'ot n e 4 sec 30, tp 3 s, r 14 e, and s e of s e sec 6; tp 4 s, f 14 e and n e yg of a e Ji; see 28, tp; 4 s, r 16 e Consideration. 4980. " ' :' ' .'- ' 1 State of Oregon to Alex M. FisheV. s w-H, of n w Hi H of w J, n w. ot S err and w;Jiof tt 6 J' sed 22.' and n e,A4 oi n e., sec sotp 3 s,r 14 e, and s e of s e i of sec 6, itp'4 t 14, and, n e U of n e of e(r27rtrJ s, r 16.e, eoatamflig'280'a'cre8. .v-f.-'f1: 1" '.--'".l. State of Oregon to Alfred Themast a K!ofTCc28- tpSsr, i-16 e' and lota l'-, 3 and 4 in sec 2, tp 4 s, r 16 e, contain ing 309 and 20-100 acres. Tbe Fox Valley Stage Robbery. 1 Mr. S. E. Farris returned last week from a trip to Heppner whither " he had gone : on the trail ' of the robber who lately held up the Prineville stage. Mr. Farris believes that the man who did this deed is the same man' who, a week later, held up the Heppner and "Canyonl Oity stage. The description of both robbers tallies. . The mail sacks in both instances were cut in the same, way by being slashed in the sides with a knife. Usually the straps are cut. In both in stances the robber wore a slouched hat and blue overalls and was a man of med ium hight. A posse of determined meii from Canyon City, Long Creek and other places is after him. He changed horses after the latter robbery and the horse last taken is known. No Deformed Chinamen. "Did you ever see a deformed or crip pled Chinaman?" asked a gentleman of another yesterday. There was a nega tive reply, and the questioner continued ; "I don't think you ever will. If a Chi nese ohild is born deformed it is made away with as soon as possible. Just how the babe is killed I do not know, but it is never permitted to live. You may travel all over the world and you will never see a crippled Chinaman. When an accident befalls one of them he is made away with, too. This is a part of their religion and thev adhere to it closely." Telegram. - A Practical Suggestion. : Edwin fas thev reached thn Diimmif Vt the mountain after a long climb) Ah, we are here at last I What a magnificent strange sensations an uudefinable long- want a ham sandwich 1 - i- - - - i ' - ' - ' ': '-! Died. , '; - : i At the residence of Joseph Knebpt nn Mill Creek, at 6 o'clock this morning, Miss Lavina'Knebel off Junction Cilv. Laoe county; Ori-'Miss- Knebel " arrived here, 6niy a few days ago bat a Visit. " At four o'clock this morning- she wan tlrn wit h hemorrhage of . the Jungs and at six she was a corpse. . Her remains will be Bhipped, this evening to- Junction City. Albert B Mayne, and his wife. 'have been arrested ' at Denver. 'Col... fn placing their- newly bom twins in a stove ana roasting them to death. The husband has fwnfpHapr? t 'rto nnllno . . ... . vr. n l QIC charges, and say that arrests will follow 4su:i. '1 f . .1 U A 1 I . 1 tiit&vm r-uu i an. nuu 4,iiay ueiurc l lie mat ter is through thee willbe Such a stir ring up in 'Jtenver' society as never was dreamed of. -"' -. ! , From next Suadav onward '.SMnrfino. vian meetings will te held at the Meth odist church every (Sunday at 4 o'clock. ah bcandicartans cordially invited. . Notice. - CitV i Dalles City tax aspefament is now in my " - - " au uif VTLUUC iur sixty days, sixty davs from date, Jiflv to, iov, uuv ui.ica wn ue ueunqnent. ! .! W. XtlNEBSLY, a City Treasurer, CHBONICLB SHORT STOPS. For coughs and colds use 2379. 2379 is the cough syrup for children. . For headache use S. B. headache cure. For physic always use S. B. headache cure. Get me a cigar from that fine case at Snipes & Kinersley's. For O. N. G. diaarhoea S. B. pain cure is the best thing known. " For ice cream cramp use S. B. pain cure. Persons leaving the city for a summer outing can have the Chronicle sent to them without extra charge. For 4th of July colic use S. B. pain cure. For 4i,h of July colic use S. B. pain cure. . Chas. Stubbling has received a car load of the famous Bohemian beer which he has now at retail at ten cents a glass or twenty-five cents a quart. This beer is guaranteed to be an eight month's brew and is superior to any ever brought to The Dalles. - For 4th of July colic use S. B. pain cure. . Long Ward offers for sale one of the ucou laima ui its size in enerman county. If. ftnnafat-a rf 9.1ft a.Aa n ,.,..! 1 1 a Erskinville. There is a never-failing Bering ui living water capaDle ot water ing five hundred head of stock daily. The house, which is a large store build- l n f with ten rnnrna gfaihw1 .lAna rt..f ' hvvuuu. IVllli jJDV $1700.' A blacksmith-shop and other n . 1 i i i , i uunuiugo uuu lue wuuio surrounaeu Dy a good wire fence. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Applv by letter or other wise to the editor of the Chronicle or to the owner, W. L. Ward, Boyd, Wasco .county, Oregon. , : 1'reparina; For Hot Weather. The following teletrram from White- wright, Texas, indicates that the people io niat. . yicintty ao not mtena to . oe caught unprepared : i i Whitbwbight, Texas, June 2, 1891. , Chamberlain fc Co., Uei.Moines. Iowa: ' Ship us at once one gross. Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera l, and : Diarrhoea Remedy, 25 nt size, and two- dozen 50 cent size. We are entirely out and have had nearly forty calls for it this week. Y .' . O. Y. Rathbun & Co. This is just such a medicine as every family should be provided, with during the hot weather. It never fails and is pleasant to take. For sale by Snipes & Kinersly, Children. Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. fr When Baby was sick, we gave her Caatorla. When She was a Child, she cried f or Castoria, r When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, ' whea abahad ChUdreni aha gave them Caatoria From Saav Antonio. Aug.:Hornung, a well known : manu facturer of boots and shoes at -820 Nolan St.; San Antonio, Texas, Will not soon forget his experience with an attack of the cramps which he relates as . follows : "I was taken with a violent cramp in the stomach,- which I believe would have caused iny death, had it not been for the prompt-, use of Chamberlain's ; Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoee Remedy i'; The first duee did me. -so much good that -1 followed it up in .twenty minutes with the second dose, and before the doctor conld get to where I was, I did not need him.,.. This remedy shall always be one of the. main stays of, , my, family.'; For sale, by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. '(rn. ! . ; Notice. Sealed bids for the Pool; Privilege at the third annual fair of the second East ern Oregon District Agricultural Society will be received at the office of the sec retary up to 6 o'clock p. m. Tuesday, Sept. 1st, 1891. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the board of commis sioners. .. J. O. Mack. Secretary. The Dalles, Aug. 20. 1891. . Wanted. Ten or twelve good men. Wages $2.25 per dav, board $5 per week.- Applv to H. Glenn. 8-24-tf. To the Public. '- Caddo Mills, Texas, June 5, 1891. From mv own personal knowledge. I can recommend Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedv for cramps in the stomach, also for diarr- noea and flux. It is the best medicine I have ever seen used and the best selling.- as it always gives satisfaction. A. K. fiHEBiuLL, and all cent bottles for sale by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. SOTICE, R. E. French has for sale a number of improved - ranches and - unimproved lands in the urass V alley neighborhood in Sherman county. They will be sold very cneap and on reasonable terms. Mr. French can locate settlers on some good unsettled claims in the same neigh borhood. His address is Grass Valley, Sherman county, Oregon. c . v ' Something ?feir. The bankrupt sale of drv goods, etc.. now going on at H. Solomon's old stand is a "new thinj?'.' for The Dalles, where a failure in business is a rare occurrence. Close and careful buyers, however, are ioa-Drovins the ooDortnnitv bv hnvino- goods at greatly reduced prices therebv proving tne rule, " w bat is one man's loss is another's gain. 8-15-tf ' t '-i Twenty Dollara Reward. ' Parties have been cuttins the v pipes above the city between the flume and the reservoir, thus doing much dam age. ' This must be stopped and a re ward of $20 is hereby offered for evidence that will lead to the conviction of twr- sons doing the same. By . order of the Board of Directors. . -; . . . -A girl to do general house work at a road ranch seventeen miles frim The xmiies. Appiy at tnis omce, -: t-17-tf. . m :. Pasture. -. Good stubble and meadow nut.nm be had on the A. B. Moore nl;i- Three-mile, two and one-half miles f town. . . a.i7. -' : J The ' American Market tl good, chance for an enterprising i make money. Will be sold chh account ot other business needitf tention. . g.o 7 The Northwestern OF MILWATJKEI Assets over $42,000,0(2 v ' ivj. x. x.. onuey, . ... DavUm. Ohio. .J)?E1R,:7"Sel.Iyln8 Vur request for a state that in the early part of 18S1, ray age beiug the Equitable uoon their Ten.V, tmilB. ..f . amounted to 371i00. The Toutiue TpSod eipired a riyinjanuaiv' Company then oflered me the f,l inwi .u.Ar i.i """"""y OS - - - Kitus otucuiCll, FIEST A paid up policy for And cash ".' 5,?r,9D-"A 'P"Jd uppolicy for. ...... ; 1HISD Surrender mv niilintr. and ronoi u n T 11-n . an 1 i t-H . , ...... . i . . . . "vti " ine resumes ot my H tJtVhl.t A.'"' ".V;.?y"'?'ne!11'. U th.;; ion 42 o .r"- lM ""'rucrea i , , tu ' V2 r"f"-" "J 'eir cwie raannser ZAZaTL . . , 28 an, 8cnc tfte policy od;"..";' V? nj'veit returned from the Cleveland BankV. iZZLZ TT J E-quiiaDie states that he "had not sufficient funds Se"lL 'hNe.Yrk otfice,and compelled me to wilt some tN ."..r.eJ1?,?.ent?al"f "?e Equitable, or expressinir mv MHffim h,rn, SSI aVJSiJnS-i ,".1 1 n,, t Ji j 3 " "'vesiment K;JlU.ihSl In markBri I V.nnTr Ati. n.7B tl lotHl ignorance of the condition of my investment. I t . JS IP-Slh """IVS1. .Ah' een DM experience with the Northwestern, in wSihl We have thousands of comparisons names of f.h TTnitoH x?.,ii s r "ii miuriujuun lurmsnea upon application to T. A. HUDSON, ' ' Associate General Agent. JOHN A. REINHARDT. ' -.':; Special Agent, The Dalles, Oregon, MAYS &; ; ' r . ' : Snccfsssurs to ABRAM3 & STEWART.) r . 1 ; Xletallerei And arolatserts in. Mflwaix-Ti . SILYERWABE, ETC. . ,, . i : AGENTS - FOR THE : 44AcQrny ' "Charter Oak?' Argand" u STOVES rAND RANGES. Pumps,: Pipe, Plumbers' and-Steam' Fitters' S li rtrvliM Packing, .Building Paper, SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES. . Also . a complete! stocks of CarDentGi-a. Blflksi-nitk's anH Farmers Tools and Fine Shelf -AOENTS FOR- The Celebrated R. J. ROBERTS "Warranted'! Cutlery, Meridea Cutlerv nd muKmre, mo. uii;h. mkiu- . , uaeount) ..oiQves, Vjrana ' Ull- Stoves :-.::-:r.r - . ; and Anti-Rust Tinware. " Vp ';:' : AH'.Tirmfns, . PumlJing,, ' wiu oe uozxe i ;74, 176, 178. 180 SECOND STREET, THE. DALLES,; OREGrON. Best Dollar a Day House on the Coast! First-Class Meals, 25 Cents First Class Hotel in Every .Respect. . None but the Best of White Help Employed. T. T. Nicholas, Ppop. H,C.NIELSeN, Clothier and Tailor, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, CfiliNER OF SECOXI) AXJ WASHINGTON STS-.. TllK DAU.ES.OUKtV NEW FIRM! -DEALERS IN- '.'STAPLE "AND". FANCY"! V Canned GdodsjresenfckJe Country Produce Bought and, - j v. . . Goods delivered ... . s Masonic Block, Corner 3 staW M years I t. wks. ,J I .i r."?" . .......... investment that I chl 001 "Miiir that 1 was il me trom the homeofficA. in Cleveland, and he woV and receipt through mv bi.r- P?WIy refused to "do so. The fact thai renaers further comment unnecessary I nd .up to the day wbTn "1 ROSS MITCHELlA with all the leading Life Insurance Con i ... . .. V"a GROVE " x Hardware. Pipe WovH, and Kepairing on: &norx jn otice. : THE DALLES, OREGON, NEW ST( Sold 1'."