The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 28, 1891, Image 1

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vox.. II.
NO. 63.
-rwm'.- BinunP.RS Architect. Plans and1
" V- specifications furnished for. dwellings,,
churches, business blocks, schools and factories.
Chart-en moderate, sntisfnetiou guaranteed. , Of
fice over French's-bunk, f heaUce, Oregon.'
, - : rr- ' '' r
TvR. j. SUTHERLAND Fkllow-w JXxmrty I
I I Moriioul Oolleire. and member of the Col-1
.-lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy
sician and Burgeon, umee; rooms s ana 4 unap
man block. Residence; Judge Thombury's See-
ond street. Office hours; 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4
and 7 to 8 p. m. . . - - . - ..-
1 okos. . Office; rooms 5 and 8 Chapman
Block. Residence over McFarland & French's I
store. Office hours 8 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to I
8 P.M. .
. ;
J.m ilee in Schauno's building, up stairs. The
Dalles, Oregon. '. -'
Gas given for the
a teetn i
Sign of
set on-flowed aluminum plate. Rooms
the Golden Tooth, Second Street.
in Opera House Block, Washington Street,
ine Danes, uregon
OL nrts-at-La w. Offlcesj French's block over I
First National iianK, The Dalies, uregon.
XJ nkyh-at-law Rooms Nob. 71, 73, 75 and 77,
Vogt Block, Second street, me Danes, uregon.
WH. WILSON Attorney-at-law Rooms j
. 52 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street,
ine uaues, uregon.
W. S. R M, Proprietor:; ;
(Successor to Cram & Corson.) '"
Manufacturer of the finest French, antt
Home Made
East of Portland.
Trojical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars antiTobacco.
Can furnish any of "these goods at "Wholesale I
or Kjetaii .. -
In "Every Style,
104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or.
Columbia Ice Co. I
zob t iob t
Having over 1000 tons of ice on hand,
we are now prepared to receive orders,
wholesale "fcr retail, to be delivered
through the eummer. ' Parlies contract
ing with as will be carried through the
entire season without , advance in
pbick, and-'may depend that we have;
nothing bat ' i , ,'.'
Cut from mountain water ; np slough or j
slush ponds. , V ;' . j
Leave orders at the Columbia Candy '
raciory. iu oecona ..fiireet. .. ,j
' - W. .S.': CRAM,- Manager.
Office CorvSdW
Oak and Fir on a rid.
5 -' w : Orders Filled Promptly.
R. BvHbbb,
livery, Feed and Sale
" JJorses " Bought
and ooid on
and Afoney
Advanced on. Horses
left For Sale,
He Dalles and Geldendale Stage Line.
Stairo Leaves The Dirties every morning
t 7:30 and tioldentfnlc Ht 7:30. All
freight mnst be left at K. B.
Ilood'n office the evening
. bof oce.
R. B. HOOD, Proprietor
' $500 Reward ! .
We will pay the above reward for anj case of
I aver uompiainc, uyapepsiti, isk-k naiuit.-:iw, iu
Hllgestlon. Constipation or Cotivene we cuunol
ure with West's vegetable IJver Pills, when
directions are strictly complied with. They an
-pnrely vegetable, and never fail to (rive satisfac
tion. RniTHr Couted. Lance boxes containing 31
Pills, 25 cents. Beware of counterfeits and Imi
tations. The rennine mnnuTacturel only by
Prescription Iros;e:Ists,
St. To Islla. Or.
$1B 8eoDd
Which we will Sell at the
For all
llorth Dalles, m
Destined to be the . Best
Manufacturing -Center in
the Inland 'Empire.
For Further Information Call at the Office of
Intefstate Investment : Go.,
- . No. 116 Washington Street,; ;
uav; Week or MonttLr . : - -
Rnest Sampia Roonss for Cornmerqial Men! '
s ' -J ''.t- Special Rates to Cornmerclai Men.
WlLLfe!iGBAHAM. . - 'Jf 'I J Wmht6K: t i-' i
a mm
YJ. t. wmntiauH,-
AH Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made, to , Order.
I3S Second SWTbe Dalles, O-.
H. Grlenn has lemoved his
office and the office of the
Electric Iaght Co. to 72
Washington St.
kmn .1.-1 . .rlr.f,li-vi'--il."iiill,i..1.i1- rin, "
Extreme Low Price of
' .Best Selling Property of
"the Season in the North
west, v.. . . ,
Rooms to Rent by the
. P. ThomfsoW
.yiee-President. Cashier.
! . J ;
A .General Baiiking'Biieihess transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check. ;
Collections made and proceeds prompt ly
i remitted on dav of collection, ..
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York,-San Francisco and Port- :
- land" ' -. . r v
P. Thompson. , Jko. S.chknck.
W. Spabks. . Geo. A. Likrk.
- H. M. Beall. .'
Letters of Credit issued available in the
y . .. ,. Eastern States. ; . ;
Sight Exchange and Telesrrarjhie
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago. St.-
uuius, cau rrancisco, ortiana uregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and 'Washington. . ..
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
Kalll-s Produced in Dry Weather in Texas
"7 "y tfco ue" or Dynamite.
Midland, Tex.', Aug. 27. The labors
of the rainmakers, whom Uncle Jerry
Rusk sent down here to try to pump
water out of cloudless skies, are practi
cally at an end, so far as this particular
locality is concerned.. General Dyren-'
fbrth will leave for Washington tomorrow
to begone about ten days." He is highly
pleased with the success of the experi
ments, and has perfect faith that the
power of making rain has been secured.
From a barren dry alkali prairie this
country has been transformed into a first
class pasture land. The experiments
have not yet' been conducted upon the
extensive scale of the program first laid
out by Generai Dyrenforth, but sufficient
has been done to demonstrate that the
right plan for making rain ', when it is
hi eded has been discovered. The bal
loons," 6wing to the present- inadequate
means of making oxygen in large quan
tities, have not been a dazzling success,
I . - r , i , l i . .
uut ine rucKarocK povruer ami dynamite
have worked .wonders with the atmos
phere. The explosions -of any. large
amount of dynamite andrackarock were
followed by rain in side of eight hours,
upon eight or ten occasions., . , ,
Last evening s was the final and roost
conclusive and satisfactory of any of the
experiments, ine mgnt was clear .ana
there was every indication of a long' dry
spell. - Five ba"l loons were -sent up and
exploded.: A stiff gale was blowing from
the east and they drifted far toward the
setting, sun before they exploded. The
battle on the ground, were rackarock
and dynamite took the place of heavy
artillery,. lasted from 6 o clock until 10 ;
then the general and his forces retired.
They were awakened at .3 a. nr. by a
vivid flash of lightning, followed by a
violent clap ot thunder, lney went out
and saw a storm of great violence raging
in the west. . It' rained until about 8 a.
m. ; then many pounds of dynamite and
rackarock were exploded again. - After
each discharge the rain fell in torrents.
Questions and Denials Regard, to the
Sugar Trust. ;
Philadelphia, Aug. 27. The state
rnetsTrabli8hed in New York yesterday,
to the effect that the sugar trust had
after all 'obtained the practical control
of the Spreckels Tefinery in this city,
was last night absolutely contradicted
bjv Rudolph Spreckles, who ."said de
cidedly that nothing of the sort had
been in contemplation, nor would ever
take place. ,
"Are you .aware that Mr.' "Willets, of
"the firm of' Willets Gray, positively
asserts that the arrangement has been
made.?''-i Ae was asked. . , 1
,. : 5'Oh, fsuppose they as sugar brokers
'.may have some , bonds to sell,", replied
klr Spreckejs,- '.'and it is therefor to:
tpeir interest .to spread., the report, but I
assure you there is no truth in it, and it
is nothing but the-old "story revived,
which we have contradicted time after
time." ' - ,-
' 'Is there any truth 'in" the statement
that Mr,. Spreckels issued bonds to the
amount of 2,)00,000 on his refinery, but
iound it impossible to sell them ata price
to suit him, and that the American company-advanced
him a .large amount of
cash and took the bonds B security?"
"AbsoJutely none whatever., I cannot
imagine where all the,: rumors originate.
Sojrie pejople are evidently more convers
ant S;ith tr affairs- than we are our
selves, but they are only procnring'us a
lot rf "cheap advertising by" spreading
such stories. - .
Drltish . Ships Demand ...RemaDerattan
" ' from the Chilian Government. ,
-London, Aug. - 27. The 'British mer-:
chant ships which were put to inconven
ience and somewhat damaged -during
the fighting in Pisagua, Chili, have pre
pared their claims for damage for . pre
sentation to - the Chilmh government;
The vessels claim to have been made
depots for non-com ba bants during a
period in some instances of six weeks
One vessel, the Strathekrnj bad pigs,
goats, fowls and hsuehold furniture on
board, as well as hnmun beings.
.' ; ; .!.- Russian Grain Exports. - ,
Bekiin. Aug.' 27. Russian exports .of
grain to Posen amonnttd 1500 tons daily,
and" other frontier towns are -receiving
'still larger quantities. , Experts .from
the consular district of Chemnitz 'from
January to July show a decrease of
nearly 50 per cent, due- to the' Operation
of the McKinley law: ' ; ' '
! ' The Boomers Get In,
- Arkansas City, -Kas.,: Ang; " 28.
Boomers moved oh the' strip in large
numbers yesterday and made several at
tempts to start large fires ; and destroy"
pasturage, but the grass was too. green
and the. fires made little headway. Some
cattlemen becoming alarmed, are at
tempting to get the cattle out. --
Frosts. In Minnesota.
; Hector, Minn., Aug. ' 28. light
frosts fell last night but did no damage
to corn Qr flax. Wheat is turning out
fully as well as expected. ;
Burial of Thirteen of the Victims'.'
' New Yoak, Aug.t 28. This morning
thirteen unidentified victims of the Park
Place explosion were buried at the ex
pense of the city. - . y
The Eastern Part of Rensslaer County
is Deluged One Hundred Thous
and Dollars Damage.-
Affairs in Chili Remain About the Same
TTo Steamers Collide-1 A Sad
Ttoy, N. YM Aug. 28. The whole
eastern part of 'Rensslaer county was
deluged by a cloud burst .last evening.
Three'dams were washed out at Sand
Lake, doing damage of $100,000 to the
mills. Several houses were washed
away. At ' Smarts' Paper mill in this
city, one end of the mill was torn out,
the bridge carried away and damage" to
about $1000 done. Bridges all along the
street are torn from their fastenings and
it is believed the damage will reach half
a million dollars. In the vicinity of
Lebanon Springs railroad, the storm
was equally extensive and at Berlin
a house Was washed away and two per
sons drowned.
' A Collision on Water.
: London, Aug. 28. A dispatch from
Melbourne states a collision occurred
this ; morning: inside the- Port Philip
heads between the steamers Gambier
and Eastsy. The :Eastsy: struck the
Gambier amidships, crushing in her side
and sinkihg her in seven minutes. .The
Gambier carried five saloon- and fifteen
steerage passengers and: a crew of six.
The Eastsy remained alongside the
Gambier and rescued many of the lat
ters passengers and crew.
Nothing Official Heard.
Washington, Aug. 28. Nothing offi
cial or unofficial has been received at
either the state or naval department to
day of the reported surrender of the Chi
lian -congressional army at Vino del
Mar Tuesday. If the surrender did
take " place the absence of any infor
mation from either Minister Egan or
Admiral Brown on the subject is believed
to be due to the interruption of tele
graphic communication. .
A Frightful Accident.
Ghafton, N. D., Aug. 28. Near Can
ton a yoke of oxen attached to a binder
and led by a woman, became frightened
and ran away. ' The woman was literally
cut to pieces by the knife, her legs, arms
and head being cut off. ....
An Irate Baptist Clergyman has a Span
ish Officer Arrested.
vCabk May, N. J., Aug. 27. An arrest
was made here today which may cause
considerable comment in both America
and Europe. Senor Manuel Seone, a
secretary of the'Spani'sh . legation, went
put driving in " the country this after
noon, taking with him Senor- Roderigo
Savadia, another secretary. ' When thej'
returned the horse looked ad if it' had
been driven hard, and the owner, -Rev.
W. H. Burle, pastor of a Baptist- church
hpre: bad a warrant issued by the alder
man .for Seone'8: arrest. ' The warrant
was served and the alderman not being
in his office the secretary was taken "be
fore the mayor,-who by the advise of Dr.
Jose Congosta allowed the Spanish offic
ial to go, with the understanding . that
he is to appear before the alderman '-tomorrow.
. '
A Drunken Kins- '
Cape Town, Aug. 27. The German's
in Damariand fire ' thoroughly sick of
their attempt . to settle that -part of
Africa, and King Kaniaharero says they
must go home ;The king has just leen
awakened to the idea that the Germans
got the best of the treaty which he
Bigned when drunk, " giving them his
country ior a few "trinkets. . The ' Gape
Town government- has invited King to vtsitCape Town. ' '
Refused to Drlnh. ".-'!. -
CHrco, Cal., Aug; 27. Charles - Kowe.
a special policeman, was shot and killed
by George Waller, - at Junction' this
morning. Rowe had refused to drink
with - Waller, which made the latter
angry, and . caused ' him to make the
attack on Rowe. ' - : .:
Crops VI11 be Spoiled. ,
Xosio!i,,-Aug 28. Telegrdras from - ail
parts of England" and Ireland say the
result of a; cofitinuance of. --.the heavy
rains will be destructive.. Crops are all
under water and will certainly be spoiled
unless saved by sunshine soon. In sev
eral sections potatce diseases have , appeared.-:
Paid the Penalty of Ills Crime.
' Georgetown, Ky.", Aug;; 28. Dudley,
the negro murderer of. Frank Hughes,
was taken from the county jail this
morning by a mob and hanged. . ' -'
r To Fight for 825,000. . ; ',
London, Aug. 28. Through the Iler
ald, Mitchell formally takes up Corbett's
challenge to fight for" $25,000. '.. .;:
'. -' . Chclago Wheat Market. ; . '." ?
CnicAGorAug. 28. -Close, wheat weak.
Cash 1.00; September 99 ; Decem
ber 1.01.
They are Liable to Lose Their Home In
Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 27. There is a
Confederate Veterans' home here, with
real estate attached, valued at between
$40,000 and $50,000, which is now with
out an owner, and which may
never have any inmates. In a .spurt of
sentimental patriotism, led by the .late
Henry Woodfen Grady, occasioned by
the failure of. Major Stewart's scheme in
New York, $100,000 was raised by private
snbscription. The home was built, ap
plications for admission were received
from all parts of the state, and all that
remained was for the state to accept the
magnificent property tendered. The al
liance raised the cry of economy, and
declared that the poorhouses were good
enough for people who could not support
themselves. The proposition was at
tacked vigorously during the debate, and
even the epithet of "buttermiiK soia
iers" was hurled at the veterans. The
proposed gift was then modified .so as to
impose not even the burden of maintain
ing it upon the legislature. This was
voted down this afternoon by a decisive
majority; and, for the first, time in
twenty-five years, the Confederate vet
eran found that he was an alien in
Georgia, representing an alien memory
The veterans are organizing an indigna-.
tion meeting for tomorrow night, wnen,
it is said, the legislative leaders will be-
nanged in ethgy...
The'Croils Nearly a Failure In Yolo-
and Sacramento.
Sackamento, Aug. 27. The hop crop,,
wbith is an important industry in Sacra
mento county, is vey nearly a failure-.
Not more than half a crop will be turned
off by the yards in this county and Yolo.
Many vines are turning red and the hop
is also the color of the setting sun. The
produce is so rusted that it cannot be
sulphured so as to sell. All this is also
"light," so that it is a dead loss to the
growers. A change has come in the last
week and it is a distressful surprise ta
cultivators. It puts entirely a new as-,
pect to the California hop market. The.
red color is thought to be due to long dry
snells and hot - weather. Mislaading
telegrams have been sent out bjr buyers,
within the past few days, saying that
the crop in this valley will be above the
average, when in fact the reverse is the
case. -.- , ,,
A New York Fainter Shoots His Entire -
.New Yokk, Aug. 28. This morning a
room in a four-story tenement house oc- -cupied
by a painter named .Baxter was '
opened and in it was found JBaxter, his
wife Mary and their two children, one
six'yfars bid, and John four years old,
all lying dead with bullet holes, in their
hads. It is supposed. that Baxter killed .
his wife and children and then shot him
self On the table was a letter writtert
by'bim to his mother in whieh he told
of his intention to kill the family and
himself. . ( - . '
'- ' " . The Missing Bridegroom.
Oadland Cal., - Aug. 27. Frank C.
S'triegel, ihe runaway bridegroom, has
at last consented to tell where and why
he went, and he said! ."I went away on
Tuesday afternoon of last- week, and I
am saiisfied how that I made a bad mis
take. ;I was in debt $300 in my cigar ,
business, and went to San Francisco to
raise 'enough to settle the; indebedjiess.
AVhen I got to San-Francisco I'
Could not get the sum I needed. , I was
Bo worried that I did "not know what I -'
was doingi- ': When I awoke I found my
self in Portland. How. I got there, or ;
wby. I went, I dp not kn.ow,M'-. -'
What .did j you do '. when you : got'-:
there?";. ' " s " :;. .,V . " '
,' I- tried to' raise thie-'mbiiey there, but,--,;
I could not. ' ' I tried'to look after. -some'',;,
of mv-' propertv- there. This propertv
.was attached pending a. trial of a breach
of promise suit.. But it wasn't fight, for
I never had anything to do- wttn ' the
girl.': I trieilto raise money, but failed; '
and have returned. I don't know who
made all this fuss."
Do vou still intend to marry Miss
Dobson?" '
,SI don't know what 'will-1 lie- done.'. I'
have told Miss Dobson the : whole, story
and she is ' satisfied with what I,:,have
done;' Her'brother is making a row. I
am willing to-; marry Miss IJobson, but '
her brother can do what he pleases with
her.' . - -.- -' . ... -- :
Weather Forecast.1 ; "' '
' San Fbaxcisco, Aug 28. Forecast . for
Oregon and Washington, light rains,
Roseburg; f.iir weather elsewhere.
Portland Wheat Market.
Portland, Aug. 28. Wheat, Valley,
152; Walla Walla, 150. . .
San Francisco Wheat Market.
. San Francisco, . Aug. 28. Wlieat
buyer. '91, 1.74; season, 1.80.
" He that will not work according to his
faculties, let him perish according to his
necessity; there is no law juster than
that. - Work is the mission of man on
earth. is ever struggling forward
a day will arrive in some proximate
degree when he who has no work-: to
do, by whatever name he may be named,
will not find it good to show himself in
our quarter of the solar system. Curlyle.