C3J The Dalles Daily Chf onicle. Entered at the PoetofHce at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-clans matter. TIME TABLES, Railroads. EAST BOUND. No. 2, Arrives 11:40 a.m. Departs 11:45 A. M. " 8, " 12: Oa P. M. " 12: SO F. M. WEST BOUND. No. 1, Arrives 4:40 A. M. Departs 4:50 A. H. " . 7, " 6:20 p. U. " 6:45 P. at. Two Ioca freights that earry passengers leave one for the west at 7:45 A. M., and one for the east at 8 a. m. ; STAGES. ' For Prineville, via. Bake Oven, leave daily rxcept Sunday) at i A. X. . For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 A. H. For Dufur, KlngBley, Wamic, Wapinitia, Warm Springs ind Tygh Valley, leave daily (except Sunday) at 6 a. m. , . For Goldendale, Wash., leave every day of the week except Sunday at 8 A. M. OlBces for all lines at the Umatilla Honse. Post-Office. omcs UOUBS General Delivrey Window 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Money Order " 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Sunday i. D. " 9 a. m. to 10 a. m. CL08IJTO OP MAILS By trains going East 9 p. m. and 11:45 a. m. " West 9 p. m. and 4:45 p. m. "Stage for Goldendale .7:30 a. m. . 7J 'Prineville ....5:30a.m. u "Dufurand WarmSprings. ..5:30 a. m. m f Leaving for Lyle At Uartland. .5:80 a. m. " " J Antelope... 5:30a.m. Except Sunday. tTri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. " Monday Wednesday and Friday. METE0E0L0GI0AL BEP0BT. Pacific i H Rela- D.t'r W State . Coast BAB. tive of E. of Time. Hum Wind B Weather 8 A. M 30.04 63 71 calm Smoky IF. M 30.01 94 81 NE Clear Maximum temperature, 92; minimum tern, perature, 54 WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Thb Dalles, Aug. 29, 1891. Weather foreeaH till: 18 m. Thurtday; fair; , Warmer, hot j wave reported. ...... -:. FAIR WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 26, 1891. The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches.. LOCAL BREVITIES. Better to weave the web of life . , With a bright and. golden filling. Doing God's work with a ready heart And hands that are prompt and willing. Than to snap the delicate, minute thread Of this curious life asunder, . V . -And then blame Heaven for the tangled .end Apd sit, and grieve, and wonder. , . Hon. F. P. Mays came up from Port land on the noon train, today.' . : . ' J C. O'Leary ve. Henry Smith decis ion in favor of Smith the homestead claimant. J. N. Mosier vs. Louis Swazey. Decision in favor of Mrs.' Swazey the homestead claimant. "'Dr. Gagen of Heppner was in the city today visitant Dr Sutherland. The doc tor gave the Chbonicm office a pleasant The register and receiver of the United States land office at this place have ren dered decisions in the following cases of land contests.'.-! .: v Vf '; i v? - i 'Henry Hudson of Duf ur paid this of fice a welcome visit today. - He- informs ns that the headers are nearly through with their work in his neighborhood and most farmers re ready for threshing or getting ready.-: . ; i - Monday last Dr. .Logan- was called to seeMr. Thomas Burgess of Bake Oven who had heen taken with an attack of . dy sentry. " When' the doctor left "Bake Oven yesterday '.morning, Mr,- Burgess- was much better and able to be around A: J. McHaley and son Charlie and Dan Doyle, Wm. Davidson and his brother-in-law and a gentleman named Sherwin and several others from . the neighborhood of "Eight 'Mile have ore to the mountains, la .the neighborhood of Salmon River, on a prospecting tour. These gentlemen,; t ieaat, aire -greatly excited over reports of rich, gold discoy- eries In that region. We hope they may not come back disappointed. -i - ti Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Klinger of Dufur returned Inst Thursday': evening from a three weeks' trip to the- mountains- in the neighborhood of Mount Hood. Mr. . Klinger says there are very few huckle berries and blackberries and very little. ' game, except in' places -.very, hard ftp. . reach, 'Fish were abundant in all the, streams and specially abundant and fine on Salmon-river-. .;. r--V--, In an interview' last evening with Mr. Daley, the overseer of the Oregon bridge company, who have, the contract for lay ing the new supply pipe between the new reservoir and the receiving basin at - Mesplies. we learn - that-2600 feet of the excavation remain to be. opened out of a total of 21,600... Thirty-five men are now employed, but up till last Satur , iay the force was forty to forty -fi ve men. The ditching is now so far ahead of the pipe laying that a smaller force of men is all that is seeded. Mr. Daley figures :. that the whole pipe laying will be fin ished by the tenth of September or very soon after. Dr. Logan was called out on Monday to Sherar, s bridge to attend Mr. James Dennis, a trusted man of Mr. - Sherar's w'bo has been in his employ for years. Mr.. Dennis had been found the.day be fore lying unconscious between the feet of a quiet horse in the stable. How he came there or whether the horse had ' .knocked him down or not he could not tell. The man had been complaining for some time and is supposed to have succumbed to a fit of weakness. The only indication: that he bad been tramped .on by the horse was a red . spot . about the size of a silver dollar on his abdomen. Mr. Dennis was - improving: at last ac counts.: ; " : :. I1 Mrs. C. S. McCully of Dufur is ill with typhoid fever; '.: Captain Wilson and family arrived on the noon train today. Mr. S. J. 'La France .of Hood River came up to the city on the noon train today. - Dr. E. J. Thomas and wife are about to leave Hood River much to the regret of their many 'friends in that neighbor hood. .... .... . Mrs. Franklin of the Twelve Mite house, on the Canyon City road, died this ,moraing. She has been ailing for quite a long while but died rather unex pectedly at the last. The Union Pacific company will not accept the rates fixed by the Oregon rail road commissioners and according to the terms of the act will require to be sued in equity' in some -circuit coutt in this state. Mr. R. Gil house n and family returned Saturday evening from a three week's trip to the Cascade mountains and the Willamette valley. We learn from Mr. Gilhousen that Mr. C. W.Rice, whom he met at Soda Springs, intends leaving his family at Clackamns during the -fall and coming winter.. . . .. .. Some idea of the magnitude of the steam and electric plant proposed for the world's fair may be gathered from the statement that 24,000 horse power is to be provided for driving the machinery. The power at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia was about 2,500 horse power and at Paris 6000 horse power was found sufficient;. It is evident therefore that 'if all the power - provided is used at the world's fair exposition there will be an enormous exhibit of machinery. t ;-v - - -,.,-, rTf( - l - , The Union Pacific Wool Steal. From a private. -letter received this morning from Mr. aud Mrs. J. H. Sher ar, who: are now in Boston, we ere. perr mitted to make the following extracts relating to the way the Union Pacific railroad company have treated Mr. Sherar in the: shipment of his wool. It will, be ' remembered j that 'Mr.,; Sherar made a contract with the Northern Pa cific company to carry his wool, some 31 cars,; to Boston.-' According to a traffic arrangement with the Union Pacific companyitbis tlatterittptapany .was. to haul the .wool over their track .to Wal lulft Junctionswhere it would -be taken in charge .by . . the :?Nor ther n . tEaeific. .and shipped to its destination. "-Instead of doing this the Union Pacific took it themseLves over tbs -Oregon Short Line to Boston; J The wooV had not yet all ar rived on the 20th inst., and the letter says-: rfWe were telegraphed to come here on the 9th and we did so, but our Wool has meiin, broken.ishipments all the time, and we are yet out nine cars. We aiie boarding, at the Un iou Pacific ex pen so (at ileast we ,.think.w,e are;.. Our time is very limited,-for we wanted to get home ly the 0th of September, but by the way things are running it looks as if we would be here all summer. If the ; Union ; Pacific bad not stolen our Wool we would :, have been through visit ing in New York. We are well pleased with.onriwool and the way it is ppening. and prices are in a! fair-way. J You know weshipped at $2.45 ?per hundred.. Now the Union' Pacific, after first stealing the wool,' make as -pay $2.67i. i sWha do you think of that for a steal? It is the moat Outrageous thing ever heard; ef' What is the use of having.-bills of lading when raHroads- can-v Charge ' ias 'they please?" i A i 'I ' Jlnest Bzalbit Yet. The finest '.lot of fruit that Major In- galls has received yet for "Oregon on Wheels." . ' arrived Myesterday,.; iwhen Jttr. J?.T. SharpTo the ..Galloway -farm brought in apples ,of the" ''Queen of the Durhm'iraeWvwhicKmeasuredilS inchnwaround-j.Jtod Pound Pjppins Ithat measured 12 inches. -Besides these Mr. Shaap had. several, other varieties, equally fine but of a smaller species. There were-very large (Bartlett. ears, egg plums, and Hungarian and Italian prunes.: - A twig-that, measured exactly ten inches contained twenty Hungarian prunes and another twig-that ,measured three feet m length was so loaded down with prunes that it must have weighed from twenty-five to thirty pounds. The people have i responded to the call of the immigration " board-- in an admirable manner- ard articles for exhibit are ex pected in a few days from districts as far south as Hay Creek in Crook county. It is now probable that The Dalles will build a portage railroad to a point near the mouth of the Deschutes and also the railroad to Sherman county and to the Fossil coal, fields. These matters are no longer questions of. expediency, they are imperative. She must build or die. ' Her business men have the means, and many of them own largely in real estate ; to them the proposition is re duced to-seeing values go to zero, or by energy, determination and 'investment of. their money, see their properties don bled ' and redoubled in - value.- 'The Dalles should be, will-be when once a competitive point,' the supply, town of all . Eastern Oregon. . She has 'the key to the situation, but she must fit it to the lock before she can open '.up the vast trade that lies behind the closed doors of her present condition. .If her prop erty owners are blooded she will be the . first city of - Eastern Oregon for all time ; if they aro not that, that she has will be taken away. Qlacier.- "' INSTITUTE PROCEEDINGS. Professor Wetzell Springs m new Idea . Among the Teachers. . " , Professor -Wetzell in concluding his subject, "Writing," yesterday afternoon summed up by-saying that he would never - present to the eyes of his pupils a badly formed letter, not even as a con trast. ; In this he was sharply attacked by Messrs. Shelly - and Underwood, who quoted , in support . of their side the Spencerian Compendium.,- But, if the the child is never, to hear a word of bad English, in order to make him proficient in the' use ,of correct ' English, why should he be shown poorly formed let ters in order that he shall make good letters. Professor Wetzell sprang a new idea among .the teachers, and, like all new ideas, it has to undergo the sharp inspection - and criticism of the old timers. - Prosessor Wetzell makes some pre tensions to being a draughtsman. In fact he says there are few people who can surpass him in drawing his breath and salary. The old I-get-there-every-moruing-in- time teacher has come to be a pleasant feature of the institute to the instructors. Be it said, to the credit of all concerned, your reporter has never been a member of a teachers' institute (and he has been a member of - a good many) in which more vim and life are being displayed, and. in which more solid work is being done than in the present one Profes sors Wetzell and Ackerman are the em bodiment of hard,' conscientious work, and the : teachers : who mies this insti tute are missing what, in a very few years will cost them their bread and butter.. . . - . HARD ON THE CATTLE. Bough Voyage of A Steamer and Explo sion of Another Vessel. London, Aug. 25. The steamer iLoch Lomond from Montreal, which arrived at Dundee, experienced severe hurricanes during . her voyage.-; i The weather -enr countered was so severe that the men having charge of cattle on board were unable to approach them for two days. Seventy. bead of cattle .were lost, and scarcely one head escaped injury. : There was a sickenins: scene as the vessel-, was discharging .her . cargo, a number of butchers being busily engagea tor several hours killine cattle, both aboard the steamier ind in the qua v. ,' -: "' - 'i J A be British steamer Dehomver, which had on board a consitrnment of powder. was' completely; shattered by 'ah : explo sion She :was beached at , Vigo, where she was burnedu The crew were': saved. ". - ".CHILIAN ' ilFEAIBS: . " News of the War is "-WelcomedCom ments of the London Press; London., AugA25r-Th!e papers here welcome . the news -of the. Jtwittle which began, Friday -last : near-. -Valparaiso s be tween the . government troops and the Chilian insurgents. " They believe a bat tle so fiercely . waged there. indicates the speedy end of the trouble -which is bring ing, uch-disastrous results "to Chili. The news Of battle when received here had a favorable influence noon the stock exchange prices, and Chilian bonds ad- vancea, sugntiy. : it is beiievea that a big. recovery in these bonds will occur when things have Settled down, although the conditions which prevail in the other South American: republics will prevent their speedy return: to prices that ruled r .1 l i f r . . i oeiore uin ureaKiiig uul oi truuuius. -- A Worthj Affair. ' ' '. People interested in the Normam In stitute will find the. following program interesting. The program consists of music and singing by well-known artists and can be heard at the Congregational church at 7 :30 this evening : - , - Music "A Wish for the Mountains,".. Alkl Club How to Interest the Little Ones,. Las Aaa wood Vocal Duet "Onl Thee." miss Myers ano sir. r.arnst Lecture, (Anatomy and Physiology), with illustrations, Dr. W. fe. Rinehart Music Vocal Bolo,. ..Mr. Shelly -''" -. WonderfoJ Pigs. ' "'-' E. L. Heninger, of North Salem Prairie, who. reported to the Journal -a remarkable litter of eleven female pigs and no. males,, has made thj further dis covery that two of this precocious por cine ladies seminary gang have five legs eacn.i itis awonaenui liner sim in is last feature - makes Heninger's pigs a bigger show than Forepaogh s. -r-y Yesterday , as the bill .'posters of the Forepaogh circus were pasting up their big posters on the boards in the - vacant lot v west ,, of Snipes .Kinersly's - drug store an jndiaa and his squaw, stood gaz ing at the-pictures- with igreat interest. Their attention scou became riveledon tho picture of the snake charmer, who is depicted! wrapped all arouud-with snakes on her body, arms and head. ' The squaw did not;.8eem '.to, understand what it .all meant, and. her BjKJUse. explained it in the following words:., '.Cultus .klootch man. Alki yaka- memalopse pe: yaka. Klatawa kekwily . copa snik'e illehe kah by pire." , ; . ..- '-. , The pastdr So , you think heaven is like Boston, do you? Mrs. B. (from the Hub)-4-Oh, of course not exactly ; I don't expect too much. . . '-.'.;jY."V.V-: '.-.-.' ';'':'i.'Tfinted.: . ; ". . " .'" Ten or twelve good men. Wages $2.25 per day, board $5 - per ; week. - Apply to II. Glenn. . , . -.: 8-24-tf. House for rent next door east of Judge Thorn bnry 's. . Apply on premises - or to 1. Hansen. .: . . ; e-i-tt. Xotlce. City taxes for 1891 are now due. Dalles City tax assessment is now in my hand and will be beld in my office for sixty davs. Sixty davs from date, July 18, 1891," city taxes will be delinquent. , . O. KlUERSLV, City Treasurer. . CHRONICLE SHORT STOPS. . For coughs and colds use 2379. 2379 is the cough syrup for children. For headache use S. B. headache cure. .For physic always use S. B. headache cure. . .Get .me a cigar from that fine case at Snipes & Kinersley's. ,For O. N. G. diaarhoea S. B. nain cure is the best thing known. Blackberries, three boxes for twentv- five cents at Joles Brothers. . For ice cream cramp use S. B. pain cure. , , . Persons leavintr the citv for a summer outing, can have the Chronicle sent to them without extra charge. For 4th of July colic use S. B. pain cure. For 4lh of July olic use S. B. pain cure. '. . Chas. Stubblinir has received a. mr load of the famous Bohemian beer which he has now at retail at ten cents a glass . or iweniy-nve cents a quart. This beer is guaranteed to be an eight month's uicn aim in superior to anvever Drouccot to The Dalles. " For 4th of July colic use" S. B. pain cure. Long Ward offers for sale one of the best farms of its size in Sherman county. It consists of 240 acres of deeded land at Erskinville. There is a never-failing spring of living water capable of water ing . five hundred head of stock daily. Tne house, which is a large store build ing with ten rooms attached alone cost $1700. . A blacksmith shop and other buildings and the whole surrounded by a good wire fence. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply by letter or other wise to the editor of the Chroniclk or to the owner, W. L. Ward, Boyd, Wasco county, Oregon. -'.' Preparing For Hot Weather. The following telegram from White wright, Texas, indicates that the people in that - vicintty do -not intend: to be caught unprepared : ' " ' ' whitewjbight, Texas, Junez,. 1891. Chamberlain tfc Co., Des Moines, Iowa: .Ship us at once one gross Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera' and Diarrhoea Remedy, 25 nt size, and two dozen. 50 cent size. We are entirely out and have had nearly forty calls for'it this week. "'" ' " " O. Y. Eathbun & Co. This is just such a medicine ' as every family should be provided "with " during the hot weather. ' It never'- fails' and is pleasant to take. For.sale'by Snipes & Kinersly, . Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Bahy was sick, we gave her C&stotiA. ' When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When aba became M to. she clung to Castoria, Prom San Antonio. Aug. Hornung, a well .known manu facturer of boots and shoes at 820 Nolan St., San Antonio, Texas, will not '.soon forget bis experience with an -:attack of the. cramps which he relates as follows : "1 was .taken with a violent cramp in the stomach,! which" . I believe would have cansed'my death,' had it not been for .the promp't 'use of ' Chamberlain's''' Colic', Cholera and Diarrhoee ' Remedy. ' The firstXIosedld ifne. so much good : that I followed it up in " twenty minutes with the second dose, and : before' the doctor conld.get to whereX was, I did not. need him; This remedy shall always be one of tlie main stavs of 'my fami(y." .For sae .bj :Snipes.i Kinersly, druggists. ' :-yi-, . -I -'':; ""H -". ". V. "-' 'Motlce.' -.- ---...' .Sealed bids for the Pool rPrivilege at the third annual fair of the secpnd East ern Orfegon -District Agricultural .Society will' be received at the office of the sec retary ud to 6' 'clock t. m. Tuesday. Sept. 1st, 1891. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. . By order of the board of commis sioners. v - - -: J. J. AlACK. y-1 Secretarv. . ..The Dalles, Ang. 20. 1891. .: . . t . , , : . ' ' ". ' ' To the Public. ' Caddo Miixs...Texas, June 5, 1S91. From .my own , personal knowledge, I can .recommend Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and ' ' Diarrhoea Kemedy ' for cramps in the' stomach, also for diarr hoea and flux. It is. the best medicine I have ever seen used and the best Selling, as It -alwavs gives satisfacttonv A. K SakaBiLLl 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by. Snipes & Kinersly druggists. , . ; '' i v;;'r ' -;:''-.;' jjotice. " ;R. E. French has for sale a number of improved , ranches, and , unimproved lands in the Grass. Valley .neighborhood in. Sherman county." They will be jsold Sir. French can' locate' settlers on ' some good unsettled claims in the same neigh borhood. His address is .wass Valley, Sherman county, Oregon. -- v '" LKosnetblng KewM. ir Tbe: bankrapt sale of dry goods, etc., now going on. at. H. Solomon's old stand is .a, .'new thing!Mor The Dalles,, where a f ajihire. in bosiues js a rare occurrence. Close and careful . buyers, however, are improving the opportunity ; by buying goods at rreatly ' redubed ' prices thereby proving- the rule," "What is one man's loss iff another's gain. ". : 8-15-tf .:'.;-.:' - ' 1- '--::':': ; r ... ' Twenty Dollars Reward. - . Parties have been cutting, the supply pipes above the city between the flume and the reservoir, thus doing much dam age. This must be stopped and a re ward of $20 is hereby offered for evidence that will lead to the conviction of per sons doing the same. : By order of the Board of Directors. . . .". - . Wanted. ' A girl to do general house work at a road ranch seventeen miles from The Dalles. Apply at this office. 8-17-tf. .. Good stubble and meadow, pasture to be bad on the A. .Moore place on Three-mile, two and 6nvhalf miles from town.: , 8-17-tf. . The - American Market for sale.""" A crood chance for nn enterprisinz . man to make money; Will be sold cheap on account of other business- needing at tention. - - 8-22-tf . 75 pair of Misses Shoes 7 "IpO'Cojets wofrth $J,25 for 50 cents. " ? ' OUR ENTIRE LINE . OF ' " " DRESS GOODS AT ACTUAL COST. " ':' : i' Zl a: M. WILLIAMS & CO, The Northwestern 5 OP MLWATIEEE, WISCONSIN. v Assets over $42,000,000.00. Surplus over $6,500,000.00. Pro. E. L. Shuey, . Dayton, Ohio. ..v fu rfrn'?,". " -uur qw" ir a raremeni ot tne tacts concerning my experience with the Eauitable Life Assurance Sncietv of New Vnrt in th.ir i.t .ntis,.n .u ' CZZZZTZ state that in the early partj of 1881, my age being 56 years, I took ou-t u Ten-Payment Life PoUey im the Kqnibtble upon their Ten-Year Tontine flan, for $10,000. Mt premiums durtna the perio amounted to fS7 ,512.00. The Tontine period expired eurly in January of the present year, and the Company then offered me the following terms of settlement; . ' FIKST paid nppoUey for... ; . .?40,000 Oft ' Anacash... .' 9,781 60 SECOND A paid up policy for 54,600 00 ' THIRD Surrender my policy, and receive In cash 86.496 80 ' I was so little satisfied with the results of my investment that I chose the third, cash, proposi tion, bat when I so decided, the company, through several of its representatives, labored b induce me to taltc one of the other forms of Hct.t omt-n t hut thut t ui.. .4 i t -i ... 1 - policy and take the cash, they finally instructed me from the home office to send policy and; receipt for the amount, J36.496.80, to their State manager in Cleveland, and he would remit me the amount. I followed, their instructions and sent the policy and receipt through my bank In Springfield, to oar correspondent in Cleveland, only to have it returned from the Cleveland Bank with the information ...v. ucvu ,uuu, ntL. oqumiuiB states tuHi no uu iioL sumcient in huh to meet 1 c Ttua forced me to return it to the New York office, and compelled me to wait some twenty davs after' maturity before receiving final settlement. I have given no statement eudorsine the Eaufbihle. or nnmlnff mv mHmHm, wifk fhi. settlement with me.' On the other hand I have positively refused to do so. The fact that my re turns were $1,015.20 less than my total investment renders further comment unnecessary. - During the time I carried the Equitable policv and up to the day when they submitted th above proposition to me, I was kept In total ignoranee-of the condition of my investment. 1 w,o wiui biii. una uuou niy experience wiu me iNoruiwesiern, 111 wnicn in- vxsu I took a Ten- ear Endowment Policy, Ten-Year Tontine, for $10,000, that company having- from tune to time famished me with a memorandum of the surplus on my policy over the signature of their actuary; so that while my policy has not yet matured, and will not nntil next year, I have the satisfaction of knowing that at manritv it will not. m fmm ti nm tn k ma mnM tK.n tv. to-. of the policy calls for.: . Very We have thousands of comoariaons panies of the United States. Fall information furnished upon application to . : , . T. A. JOHN ttoaan?.' tvt, a ys.j MAYS & CROWE, ' '. Y ' (Successors to ABKAHe 4c STEWART.) .. . : ! ' ' -ItetAllera Wn rt tToblaerflt Ixx - ---- HarflwarB, - Tinware, - Graniteware, - wooHEnware, AGENTS "Acorn," "Charter Oak" "Argand STOVES: AN D RANGES, ; Pump8r Pipe, Plumbers',-and Steam7.Fitter& Suppliei., Packing, Building Paper, :; -' -:- . SASH, DOORS, SH INGLES. Also a ceoroplete stock :bf Carpenter s- Blacksmith's and Farmers Tools and Fine Shelf Hardware 1 ' " ' : . ( ' - -: " ""' AGENTS '' FOK '-"''' "' ''. The'. Celebrated R. J. KOBEBTS "Warranted Cutlery, Meriden CntWv n . Tableware, the "Quick: Meal" Gasoline Stoves. 'Grand" Oil Stoves . '. .,...- and. Anti-Rust Tinware. " : " All Tinning, Plumbing,. Pipe Work and: Repairing ' ; -will be done on Short Notice. 174, 176, 178. ISO SECOND STREET, ' T:: " . f- THE DATiXiES, OREGrON. ;V Best Iollar a I)ay ' Fi rst-Clasb Meals; 25 Cents. First Class Hotel in Every Respect. : - None but the Best of White Help Employed. T. T. Nicholas, Prop. "' "C" BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Gaps, Trunks and "Valises, corner of Second and Washington kts.; -the dalles, orkwn -: DEALERS IN:- Oinnln n 9mm Hay, Qrain and Fed. No. 122 Cor. AVashingtorV and Third Sts. : 1X1 worth $2.25 for $1.00 Life I nsrace Co.; . . truly yours,; , . -. m .-. ' - -- .k, :: - ROSS MITCHELL. .... with all the leading? Life Insurance Com HUDSON, Associate General Agent. A. REINHARDT, . -. Special Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. X. TTC- CEO WiU. SILVERWARE, ETC. V""' FOB -THK :- THE DALLES, OREGON. House on the Coast! J- - aGy pgnes, V ' . ' - ' - - " " ' -'.-';.'.'-.' "' ' ' - -