A Y VOL. II. THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1891. NO. 51. r PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WM. SAUNDERS Architect. Plans and specifications furnished for dwellings, churches, business blocks, schools and factories. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Of fice over French's bank. The Dalles, Oregon. DR. J. SUTHERLAND Fellow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy sician and Surgeon. Office; rooms 8 and 4 Chap man block. Residence; Judge Thornbury's Sec ond street. Office hours; 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. DR. O. D. ROANE PHYSICIAN AND 8UR oxon. Office; rooms 5 and 8 Chapman Block. Residence over McFarland & French's tore. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 P.M. AS. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. flee In Schanno'a building, op stairs. Dalles, Oregon. Of The D8IDDALL Dentist. Gas given for the . painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of the Golden Tooth, Second Street. AR. THOMPSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in Opera House Block. Washington Street, The Dalles, Oregon F. F. MAYS. B. 8. HUNTINGTON. H. 8. WILSON. MAYS, HUNTINGTON & WILSON ATTOB-NBY8-AT-LAW. Offices, French's block over First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon. E.B.DUFDB. GKO. WATKIN8. FEAKI MIKIPKX. DUFUR, W ATKINS t MENEFEE ATTOB-nbys-at-law Rooms Nos. 71, 73, 75 and 77, Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. WH. WILSON Attobney-at-law Rooms . 62 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. , COLUMBIA Qapdy :-: paetory, W. S. CRAM, Proprietor. (Successor to Cram & Corson.: Manufacturer of the finest French and Home Made East of Portland. -DEALER IX- Tropical Fruits, Nats, Cigars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesale or Retail In Every Style. 104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or. i . Columbia Ice Co, 104 SECOND STREET. ioe t ion : ioxi: ' Having over 1000 tons of ice on hand, we are now prepared to receive orders, wholesale or retail, to be. delivered through the summer. Parties contract ing with ns will be carried through the entire season' without advance in prick, and may depend that we have nothing but PURE, HEALTHFUL ICE, Cut from mountain water ; no slough or slush ponds. Leave orders at the Columbia Candy Factory, 104 Second street. W. S. CRAM, Manager. PlfllEfi HEIITOil, Office Co?. 3d and Union Sts. Oak and Fir on Hand. Orders Filled Promptly. R. B. Hoob, Livery, Feed and Sale Horses Bought and Sold on Commission and. Money Advanced on Horses left For Sale. OFFICE OF- The Dalles and Goldendale Stage Line, Btage Leaves The Dalles every morning at 7:30 and Goldendale. at 7:90. All freight must be left at R. B. Hood's office the evening - before. . " R. B. HOOD, Proprietor. $500 Reward! j. We will pay the "above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, In digestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot enre with West's vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfac tion. Sugar Coated. Large boxes containing 30 Pills, 2d Tents. Beware of counterfeits and imi tations. The genuine manufacture! only by THE JOHN C. WF8T COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. . BLAKILET & HOUGHTON, Prescription Druggists, 170 Second St. The Dalle, Or. CORD WOOD BARGAINS! -IN- Outing Flannels, White Chambrays, Satines, Ginghams, Zephyrines, Organdies and Grenadines. ALSO one r nor These goods are marked down to BED ROCK PRICES, as they must be sold to make room for our FALL STOCK. incFuBLPvl-FBEIM flOtTJi DflliUESi Wash;. Situated at the Head of Navigation. "; ' Destined Best JVIanuf aetutfing Gentei? In the Inland Empire. Best Selling Property of the Season in the Northwest. For farther information call at the office of' Interstate Investment Co., Or 72 Washington St., PORTLAND, Or. O. U. TAYLOK, THE The Opeta festautfant, No. 116 Washington Street, - ' " MEALS at ALL HOURS Handsomely Furnished Rooms to Rent by the Day, Week or Month. . Finest Sampie Rooms for Commercial Men. ' WILL S. GRAHAM,. W. E. GARRETSON. Leatfinj Jeweler. SOLE AGENT FOB THE All Watch WorkJWarranted. Jewelry- Made to' Order. 138 Second St., The Dalle, Or. REMOVAL. H. Glenn has lemoved his office and the office of the Electric Light Co. to 72 Washington St. BARGAINS! Goods, 37 inch Challies, J . j d. to be DALLES, Or. . of the DAY or NlG-HT. mm Special Rates to Commercial Men. PROPRIETOR. D. P. Thompson' . J. 6. Bchenck, H. M. Bbaix, .rresiaeni. v lee-rretaaenu cannier. First national BanlL THE DALLES, - - - OGOREN A General Banking Business transacted ueposits received, subject to bight :. Draft or Check. . Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on; aay 01 collection. ; Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold oh New York, San Francisco and Port land. ' DIRECTORS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. 8. Schbnck. T. W. bPASKS. Geo. A. Liebe. H. M. Beau,. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENEBALBANKINO BUSINESS Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Bight Exchange - and Telegraphic XTansiers soia on r ew i urn , vmcago, et. Louis, San Jtrancisco, Portland Oregon Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. . .-. e- Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. . : . . r -. v.uu ,, .., CENEEAL PROSPERITY. Crops are Excellent and Building Is Be- . Ins Pushed at Brownvllle. Bbownvtllk, Aug. 13. There is no late news from the mining camp, but it was expected that the Brownvill mill at the Poorman would be , ready to begin crushing ore last Monday, and the citi zens are waiting anxiously for the news from the first run of the pioneer . mill. A furnace for clearing the, tunnel of smoke and foul air has been put in, and a car and track has been built in the Poorman tunnel. It was found neces sary to move the . mill down the hill nearer the creek in order to have more water, and bo the-chnte to the ; mill- had to be lengthened, and many other changes were made, but It was expected mat everytnmg would be ready by last Monday. . 1 lie weather is bne and the farmers are in the midst of harvest, and the vin dications look favorable for a very large crop in this .section. Hops are doing very well and a heavy, yield is, looked for. ',: . Work has been commenced in clearing the lot for the new hotel building. F. X. Dolan has purchased the old Waters house and will move it down into the Railroad addition. More improvements are going on here in the way of building walks, improving streets and putting up houses than ever before in the history of the town. Suicide or Murder. San Fbancisco, Aug. 13. J. M. Cam- mack, brother of Addison Cammack, the New York millionaire stockbroker is missing and it is feared that he has either committed suicide or been mur dered. Cammack lived at the Grand hotel for several years and never has been away a single night. He has not been seen since last Saturday and today nis room was opened, iiis watch and a small sum of money were found. Cammack was. 70 years old ' and was in terested in several gold mines in this state and Nevada. Yonng Society Xady Missing. St. Joseph, Mo., Ang. 13. Upper social circles in this city are excited over the mysterious disappearance of Mrs. Ida Burgess Lord, wife of -C K. Lord, and daughter of Thomas Burgess, presi dent of the Burgess-Frazier Iron Co. She has been missing since Tuesday last. The family kept the matter quiet until today, fine is a sister-in-law of ex-Governor Silas Wood's son. . " Han Red In Kmgy,, "tt1 . Kansas City, Kan., Aug. 13. Incited by ' the demonstrations of Monday, crowd of taxpayers late last night hanged an effigy to a telegraph pole amid cries of "Mere does mayor Mannan, "He uugnt to De Hanged, , etc. A policeman cut the effigy down this morn ing anu ujok. ib to we puuee nuiuun. The Cholera in Springfield. Spkingfield, O., Aug. 13. Henry Hilton is down with the cholera and cannot recover. .His daughter w stricken down this morning. Both the attending . Dhvsicians and the health officer say there is no doubt of the nature of the disease. Some apprehension is felt in the city. Mrs. J as. K. Polk Dead. . Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 14. Sur rounded by a few loving friends and re lations, Mrs. Jas. ' K. Polk ' relict of the tenth president of the United States died at 7 ;30 this morning. " She had full possession of her mental facul ties. She had been in perfect health until iast Wednesday' when she was taken with a fatal illness. Shortage of Wheat in France. Pabis, Aug. 14. A bulletine at, Des- palls today reports as the result of in vestigation, . that the wheat crop in France will not exceed 85,000,000 hec tolitres. To meet the normat demands of the country it will he necessary to im port oZ,ouu,uuu Dusneis ot wheat. : Another Ukase. . St. Petersburg-, Aug. 14. A ukase has 'been issued directing railroad offi cials throughout the country to . give precedence over all other trains, passen ger or freight, to trains conveying grain supplies to distressed provinces. : Appointed by Commander Palmer. . Albany, N. Y., Aug. 14. Commander-in-Chief Palmer announced the ap pointment of Colonel Frederick P. His terer, present assistant adjutant-general of the state, as adjutant-general of the G. A. K. , To Expel the Jew. Moscow, Aug. 14. The police received secret orders which will have the effect of expelling every Jew from this district within two months. The "Cost Pound. Lataeop, CalM Aug. 13. Scipio Craig, of the Red lands Citrograph, who was reported missing, passed through here today homeward' bound. . s San Francisco Market. San Fbancisco, Aug. 14: Wheat, buyer '91, 1.67; season, 1.72. .' " . The Wather. San Fkanci8CO, Aug. 14. Forecast for , Oregon and .Washington, light rains along the coast. , . . Chicago Market. " , Chicago,. 111., Aug. 14. Close, wheat firm ; cash, 991.00 ; Sept., 98 ; 84; Dec., 99. A DESPERATE DEED. A Prominent Memphis Citizen Chlor oformed and Robbed in a Hotel in Memphis. Minnesota Towns Visited by a Wind and Hail Storm-Hail Stones as Big as Goose1 Eggs. Memphis, Tenn., -Aig. 13. R. M. Fraysier, president of the Security and Memphis city banks,, secretary of the Memphis City Railway and principal owner of the Public Ledger, and one of the most prominent and . wealthy citizens of Memphis, was this afternopn. chloro formed and robbed at the Gayoso hotel, by a man asserting he was John A. .Mor ris, of New Orleans. Morris engaged a reom at the hotel, sent for Fraysier, who went to the hotel. After a talk regard ing a matter on which Morris asked in formation, the latter asked the other to take a drink. Mr. Fraysier drained a glass. Turning to face Morris, the latter pulled two, revolvers saying: . "I am a desperate man. I have no money and my family in New Orleans is destitute. I must have cash. You in dorse a check for $5000. Fraysier argued the matter. The par ties finally compromised by Frayier indorsing the check. .Hoping the cash ier at the bank would suspect something wrong and refuse to cash it, he- indorsed the check P. D. Frauzier, an unusual indorsement. His -checks are usually indorsed P. Dudley Fraysier. ; Morris then chloroformed Fraysier and sent a bell boy to the bank for the money, This evening cries of "Murder, thieves," were heard issuing from the room. The door was burst open and Fraysier was found unconscious, his watch, $50 and some valuables be had about him " were gone. ' The check was on the table, pay ment at the bank having been refused. Morris' whereabouts are unknown. BtOWX TO PIECES. Ellsworth, Minn., Almost a Complete r Wreck Loss 23,000.-, - Ellsworth, Minn., Aug. 14. The most terrific windstorm that ever passed over this section of Minnesota, struck Ellsworth yesterday, afternoon and left the town a complete wreck. The Iowa, Minnesota and Dakota elevator was completely blown to pieces. The Con gregational church was partially blown down. Dwellings and the Burlington depot suffered great damage. Fortu nately no lives were lost. There is not a building in. the village that is not dam aged. The loss will reach $25,000. Hail as Big as Goose Eggs. . Lake Benton, Minn., Aug. 14. This place was visited yesterday by a destruc tive bail storm in the country. Every thing in the shape of uncut grain in the path of the storm was annihilated. A terrible rain and hail storm passed over Fulda, Minn. Hail larger than goose eggs poured down for half an hour, breaking hundreds of windows and stripping leaves and small branches from trees. farmers report corn and nax badly damaged. Most of the wheat. oats and barley had been cut ; what was standing will not be one-third of the crop. Mo Tronble Getting Return Papers. New York, Aug. 13. The Herald quotes a Chinaman as saying that many of the Chinamen who are carried in bond by the Southern Pacific from San Fran cisco to New Orleans, on their way to Cuba, find little trouble in returning to the United States. To the Chinese con sul at Havana they say they have lived in the United States and wish to return. He gives them the proper papers and the United States consul recognizes them, having no means to disprove their statements. A Big Land Purchase. London, . ' Aug.- 14. Baron flirsch signed a document empowering Dr. Lowenthal and other gentlemen to pur chase lands in the Argentine Republic to the value of' ten million pesos. Another Discovery. ' Rome, Aug. 14. Professor Ferronzito of Twin University, discovered a liquid which instantly kills phylloxera witltout injuring the vine. - Death of Congressman-Elect Gamble. Yankton, S. D., Aug. 14. 3. B. Gamble, the republican congressman elect, died tnis morning of paralysis the heart. . of To Organise a. Jewish Colony. - London, Aug 14. Baron Hursch ne gotiated with the Turkish government to rent land along the railway in Asia for a Jewish colony. ' - . Powder Mill Explosion. Ihonton, 0.r Aug. 14. A powder mill a short distance below Huntington, W. Va.. exploded this morning. Three persons were killed ; OUR PORTAGE RAIL WAV. The Dalles Company Proportion I7n fBTOrablj Received. Portland, Aug. 14. The Evening Telegram prints today a series of inter views with.. individual members of the chamber of cdminerce who express them- . selves unfavorable- to the proposition made by The. Dalles and DesChutep Railway and Navigation company to construct a portage road on the Oregon ' side of the Columbia. They think the road should be built by the "chamber of commerce and believe 'it can be built at a less figure than $250,000. They also think t lat if built by the chamber of commerce there will not be so much probability of the road'evei" coming un der the control of competing lines. A ,'ClTSKl- -- MfTRDER. The Soldiers Aeeuseif of Kynehlng Hunt Their Way to Trial. Sfokaye, Wash... Aug. .13. Lieuten ant Slavin, Sergeant Buckley, Corporaf Symons luid three guards arrived in this city last night from Fort Walla Walla, having in charge, six prisoners who are . . to be tried at Fort Sherman, for the '. murder of gambler A. J. Hunt, at Walla Walla last winter. They were taken on . today. ' Dr. J. T. Reddy swore out a warrant today for the arrest of Dr. E. P. Penfield for illegally practicing medicine. The trial is &-t for the 18th of this month.' . This action is in retaliation against the course of reputable physicians causing the arrest of unlicensed practitioners. " . : Sunset on Tillamook. Bay. Tillamook Watehtower. Far out over the long black sea bil- ' lows, ocean's vapors arise, pass and ' change, group themselves and revolve -round the great, central, luminous orb,'-' and these dissolve and resume them- r selves, here resume beauty and there terror. Domes of gold, realms of beauty '' unfold an image of splendor and solemn ' repose. The night dews are falling, all is sombre and still, the indistinct light ' reveals war in the skies, armies of gold-: o'er the embattled mountains rise and -rest, while far up the dim airy crags the shapeless sleepy clouds which seem to be brilliant fragments of some golden world, hover in the light around the rims of the . sunset. Then all those phantasmagorial images wane dim and draw off in silence, to meet the powers ' of night which now gathering afar, bafttea the' hist iuileof the sun in his. setting. . In this last light of day, a ship far away asleep on the waves now min gles with the wild shapes of this cloud 1 world, but lasts only a while, for the sun has gone down and" the purple and gold in the west has turned ashen. The bav from whose glimmering limits the last, transient pomp of the pageants of sunset departed, drew into its bosom the dark- -ness. 1 Good Manners In tow I.!fe. New York Sun. People say that gallantry is going out of fashion. This is what was written by a woman from' one -of the Southern springs : I do believe the colored peo ple are the most polite, in the world. You know what a wretched memory 1 : have for names? Well, an African gentleman has been .' in the habit of bringing me my coffee ' every morning, and from the depths of my pillow I always address him as Wit- ' liam. At last one morning when I was' ' rather more wide awake than usual, I said to him "By the way, is vour name William?" ". And he answered: "Well, no Miss, it ain't William, it is George, but if it gives you any pleasure to e peak to me as William, it makes me more than happy !'' Can anybody say chivalry is dying out when such an'answer a9 that is received. Congress Will Decide. Washington,' Aug. 13. Acting Secre tary Nettleton ' hps written Vice-President Bryan, of the world's fair com mission, stating it is advisable to permit congress to determine what, if any, con-, ditions shall be .imposed, upon the Chinese who desire to enter the country" to visit the fair. A Disastrous Cloudburst. San Diego, Calif., Aug. 14. Informa tion has just reached -here of a disas trous cloudburst at Campo. this county, Wednusday. The town is situated at: the mouth" of a ravine and a torrent, of waters came down on the town, washing away everything moveable. : Many head of live stock were killed. No lives were lost. A dispatch that arrived at this office this afternoon and appears in another column, intimates that the members of. ' the Portland chamber of commerce are in favor of having The Dalles jwrtaee built by that body and controlled by it. This is good. ' We believe the directors of the portage incorporation wont stand . in the way a moment.' What they want as well as we,' if we mistake not, is a poi tage on this side and it is a secondary matter who shall build it if some big railroad company does not get a hold of it. By all means let' the chamber of commerce build the road. The Grain Market in Berlin. - Berlin; Aug. 14. The grain market here still shows an upward tendency. '-'