The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 05, 1891, Image 1

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j-Ji;-!: SHI !'
NO. 43.
... ...
. .v. .
WM. SAUNDERS Architect. Plans and
specifications furnished for dwellings,
hurches,bUHineHS blocks, schools and factories.
Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. : Of
fice over French's bank. The Dalles, Oregon. -
DR. J. SUTHERLAND Fellow of Trikitt
Medical College, and member of the Col
lege of Physicians and Burgeons, Ontario, Phy
sician and Surgeon. Office; rooms S and 4 Chap
man block. Kesidence; Judge Thornbury's bee
end street. Office hours; 10 to 12 a, m., 2 to 4
and 7 to 8 p. m.
esoN. Office; rooms 5 and 6 Chapman
Block. Residence over McFarland A French's
tore. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to
P. M.
flee in Bchanno's building, up stairs. The
Dalles, Oregon.
D'SIDDAIX Dentist. Gas given for the
. painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth
set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms:. Sign of
we uoiaen room, becona street
AB. THOMPSON Attobnet-at-law. Office
in Opera House Block, Washington Street,
xne u alios, urcgon . "
JX mbts-at-law. Offices, French's block over
jrirst National Banc, tie vuues, yregon. . ,
J NBYS-AT-LAW Rooms Nos. 71. 73, 75 and 77,
Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalies, Oregon.
TIT H. WILSON AttobnBy-at-Law Rooms
VT . 52 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Qai?dy :-: paetory,
W. S. CRAM, Proprietor.
(Successor to Cram 1 Cotsob.)
Manufacturer of the finest French and
Home Made
East of Portland.
Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco,
Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesale.
or iteuui
t a -.' In Kvery Style . ;j ;
104 Second Street! The Dalles. Or!
Columbia Ice Co
104 8ECOND -STREET; ...
1033 1 IOXI I ICS :
And anyone who hesitates to
come and buy some of the bar
gains we are offering -will always
Why suffer with the heat when -.
. , . you can, buy . those . - ; ;
Beautiful Patterns
White Goods;
So cheap, and keep cool.
.. ,We are offering a large line of ''-';
Ladies' -:- Cotton Underwear
At scandalous LOW PRICES as
we intend to close . them put.
1 Call and Inspect Them.
We also offer inducements in
Misses' and Ladies' waists and
!'. .le i really Excited Otm Al
leged False Reports. ., '
Khhtokt, Or., Aug. 4. The Oregon
Development company's steamer Will
amette Valley, Captain. Patton. master,
caintf in over the bur this morning at
8:30 o'clock, when the tide was but two
feet six inches above low water, drawing
fourteen feet six inches of water. She
hud on board fifty-one passengers and a
very large, cargo of freight. This ia her
first trip since undergoing five weeks of
general 'repairs at the dry jdock at San
FranciecoJ'and she appears now like a
new boat. The government suivey boat,
General Wright, has been 'here' twice,
and each iime .reported only seventeen
feet of water at full tide, or nine ,feet at
low. water, and right in the teeth of this
report an ocean steamer, drawing
fourteen feet ' and' six inches of wateV,
sails in over the' bar without any tronble
whatever. " The people here think' there
is some mighty big' mistake behind these
reports ana several able men are inves
tigating the matter. Siusluw is making
similar and' louder com plaints,' and some
definite action will-' soon be taken.-
; 'One hundred and fifty ' tourists'-came
in Saturday' to enjoy an outing on' the
beach.- ' Work on the government' jetties
is progressing steadily and with better
effect than previously expected.
McFnunHO & FRE14CH.
The . "Negro Question" Creates
erable Excitement Among
the '
Want an Approiriation for the Pres
ervation of Gen. Grant's MC
McGregor Cottage.
Having " over 1000 tons of fee on hand
wholesale or retail, to be delivered
through the summer. ' Parties contract
ing with us will be carried through the
entire . season r without advance in
PBicB.'.and .may ; depend that we have
nothing but " -
Cut from mountain water ; no slough or
slush ponds.
Leave orders at the Columbia Candy
Factory, 104 Second street.
"x W.' S. CRAMMaftager?
flOlTft DHLiliES, Wash.
Situated at the Head of Navigation.
' " Destined, to be -"-'
Best JVIandf actuiing Center
:y . In the Inland. Empire.
Best Selling .Property of the Season
in the Northwest.
For farther information call at the .office of
.... i( Interstate Investment Co.,
Or '' "72! Washington St., PORTIAITD, Or.
An Alliance Man Takes Advantage , of
. tUe Absence of Governor Thayer.
Omaha,. Aug. .4. A special from . Lin
coln, Neb., says Governor Thayer of
Nebraska, is in Detroit at the .G.: A. B.
encampment, -and Lieutenant-Governor
Majors' whereabouts is not known. JHe
is not at Lincoln and is supposed to be
in Detroit, also, or out, of the state at
least. ; Under-the constitution, Presi
dent of the Senate Pointer is acting gov
ernor in that case. - Pointer, Who is a
strong alliance man, slipped , down
to Lincoln this afternoon and annouced
his intention of ascertaining whether
Majors was in the state. If he found he
was not he eaid he would assume the
dutie8of governor and run things until
Majors' turned up. ' He said he would
probably call a'- special session -'of the
legislature ; to'" pass ' the maximum
freight bill. The republican officers at
Lincoln are panic-stricken and the wires
are kept hot calling on Thayer and
Majors to return.
.. DBTHOiTjAHg.-a. The. twenty-fifth;
annual encampment of the G. A. K.,
met. in. formal eeesiou this morning. -All
that art and cultured taste could do . to
make the Mammoth building attractive'
was - exerted in the decoration which
adorned the in teripr in emblematic order.
Despite i the .immensity of the- hall, it
was crowded to the utmost. Every state
and territory in the Union was repre
sented and the roll ' showed the 'fullest
attendance of delegates in the
of the organization.
In the opening .address Commander-in-chief
Veasey, in touching on the
"negro question" as affecting-the G. NA.
R., reviewed-the difliculties which ex
isted over colored posts in the depart
ment of Ixmleiana and Mississippi ever
since they organized in 1869. lie said:
"The charge, has been from different
sources that the organizations of these
posts, are so tainted with irregularlies as
to be utterly destructive of their legal
existence.1' Out'-rules and regulations
provide a plain - proceedure for ; the
MMsfsctniera of. Agricultural Imple
.. ments Refuse to Exhibit Them.
Rochestkk, Jf. Y. Aug.- 5. The lead
ing manufacturers of agricultural imple
ments throughout the country formed a
I compact which verbally amounts to a
! boycott upon the county arid state fairs
and agricultural exhibitions of all kinds.
The agreement which has been signed
by 1513 principal manufacturers, includ
ing MuOormick, William Deering and
Anltman, Millar Co., read as follows:
"We hereby agree that during the sea
son of 1891 we will abstain from exhib
iting.!!... The reason given for this step
is the manufactururs come to the conclusion-
that thousands of-dollars was
Eut in this kind of advertising and
rings no return.,
. -. C ' '
An Overturned iLftmp- Causes a Fire at
. the Opening of the Service. :(.
Pkbscott, Ariz.,-Aut. 4. Just . after
services had commenced last night in the
Methodist church here a large coal oil
lamp was upset by a .member of the
congregation . The carp et , canght. fire
and in a momeut there was a conflagra
tion and the church building was desr
troyed.: - When the lamp was overturned
the burning oil was spilt on the clothing
of a man named Short. He was seated
immediately ' under the lamp. ; He
rushed through the church "with the
flumes running up his back. Henry
Evans vus considoruhly burned, in as
sisting Sibort to get his burning clothes
off.' : The latter's hack and head were se-
department to pursue in order., to j riously burnetl. Vetera! ieions made
their epcapv through the windows,
among them being the soprano member
of the choir, who wan slightly injured.
No other casualty happened, although a
panic occurred.
wmi rap,
'r' ' ' "- " .....
The Opera lestautant,
. .. , No. lljS Washington Street,
Office Cop, 3d and Union Sts.
Oak and Fir on Hand.
Orders Filled Promptly.
R. B. Hood,
Livery,: Feed and -Sale
Horses Bought and Sold on
Commission.: and : Money
.Advanced, on Horses
-. 'ee For.Sale. - '
. i " .
The Dalles, and. GoWendale" Stage' line:
etace Leaved Ihe bkllea very morning
at 7:30 and Goldendale at 7:30. All
' freight must be left at R. B.
Hood'a office the evening
before. .
R. B.! HOOD,' Proprietor.
. $500 ..Ke-ward I
W will pay
the above reward for -any fcsse df
Liter Com plaint, Dyipetwia, Bick Headache, In-
diKCution, CanBtfnation or eotrttveneM we cannot
cure with West's vegetable Liver Pills, when the.
directions are strictly-complied with. Thevars
purely vegetable, and never laii,tQ give snusiac
tion. Snprar Coated. Xarge boxes containing 30
Pills2i eents. Beware of counterfeit and imitations.--
The genuine manufactured only by
ILLINOIS. :!'? V.. . ! hiV-., s
Prescription Druggists,
1T1 Bwmnd It. Tbe Dallas, Or.
Handsomely Furnished Rooms to Rent by the
'' Day,-Week or Month.
Finest Sample Rooms for Commercial Men.
. . 5 . ' , , SpeclaJ Rates to Commercial Men.
V ,Th Caplfol vs. , Feffer., , , .
' iThe Topeka Capital has a contnoversy
with Senator- Peffer- on the subject of
Kansas mortgages and on the financial
condition- of Kaiisas farmers." The sena
tor has been giving a very lugubrious
account of these thingein public speeches',
and also in his paper, the Kansas farmer.
ine UapUil replies by making an . ex
amination of the old mortgages released
and the new ones recorded during the
paBt three months in' thirtv-eieht coun
ties of the Btate. The result ot ; the ex
amination' is that $784,352 of farnv mort
gage indebedness has been' paid off in
the thirty-eight counties in that inter
val, against $473,644 of such indebted
ness incurred, a net payment of $310,708,
or 40 per cent. . , :
. An examination ot mortgages on citv
and town property in the same counties
showed a dinerence of only 'SI.UOO .be
tween new debts contracted and old ones
paid,' from 'wBich' it would appear' that
the conntry mouse is doing' better than
the city 'mouse in' Kansas. These figures
are worth more than tons of speeches by
Fetter 'or Simpson or Mrs. leee, or any
body. - Unless the Cavilal't figures can
be shown to be wrong, there is nothing
more to be eaid on . the subject. The
case is closed. -'
l I : )
' -. ---.iiSfr.r. : r S
All Watch WbrkJWarranted.
-r - i ', f.. ;
Je-welry Made to Order.
z - i y - i' -
138 Seoond St., Tlie Dalles,' Or.
H. Glenn has iei&oved, his
office and the office of the
Electric1 liight Co. to 72
. . . . i .1
Washington St. .
. P. ThomPsoic'
Vice-President. Cauhler.
First Jiationai BsnK:-
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check. ;
Collections made and proceeds -promptly
. remitted on day of collection. -
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Port-
.land. -
D. P. Thompsom. Jno. S. Schbnck.
T. W. Sparks. V Gko. A. Liebk.
H. M-i-Beam.. -
Letters of Credit issued available in the
. . , Eastern Statea.--.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York: Chicago, St.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash-, and various, points in Or-
J -itt u;n4.AM " - i
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
Qsean Natalie's Appeal.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 4. Queen ,STa
talie is making things very disagreeable
during the visit of her son, King"", Alex
ander, of Servia, . to Russia. She has
made a frantic and pitiful appeal to the
czar and the. czarina for permission .to
see her child, as ehe calls bim. - She has
written to the czar: - it
In .the name of the most merciful God,
I implore you to have pity on a woman
bo sorely tried, and to permit me, poor
miserable woman, to e"lasp my son to my
bosom. . - v ' - :
i ' She begs that the czar, as her son's
god-father, to order him to see his
mother. The czar is of course powerless
to interfere, even by suggestion, as King
Alexander is in the care and' custody of
the chief regent, M. Kistitch, who ac
companies bim. ,'' 1 ' . ..!.. .,
Fire at Victoria.
Victoria j B.''C; 'Aug. 4: Bush'1 fires
3id -considerable damage at 'Parsons'
bridge, near this city!' , A house and its
contents, owned by Earnest Miller, was
burned. '. The ' flames were checked in
time to save the bridge" and hotel and a
powder magazine, in which, were' ' stored
twenty-two tons of powder' If the'wirid
changes during the liight several houses
may burn, and the danger 1 is not yet
over,- .-' '--- ' --' - 1 v
His Klectioa Opposed. ' "' ;
' Mn-wAUKEK, Aug. 4.Rev.'-Isaac 'Xea
Nichols' election as bishop of the Episco
pal diocese of Milwaukee has been' ap
proved by twenty-seven' dioceses, a ma
jority of the whole, and it i thought his
election will be made unanimous..
-i '..'"; Work to, B. Kesnmed. "-"ti
-Portland,! Aug 'jk.-prSenator Mitchell
has rei-eived a telegram from the depart
ment of engineers stating that the gov
ernment work at the mouth of the biu
slaw river will be resumed.
test the . validity of such, charges
As the department of Louisiana and Mis
sissippi never, so tar as I am informed ,
resorted to that proceednre, I have held
in dealing with those posts that they
must be regarded as having legal "dist
ance until otherwise regularly adjudi
cated.' From various sources of infor
mation accessible to me, I "believe the
large majority of both white and colorcl
comrades in the department of .Louisi
ana and Mississippi to be strong in con
viction it would be for the best interests
of all to have seperate departments' in
Louisiana, and some of the other Gulf
states, made up of such posts as may ap
ply to come into it, and having concurrent
iurisdiction with departments alreadv
established in such states." . .
Referring to Mt. McGregor cottage,
where General Grant died, Geii; Veasey
recommended the encampment to take
action to secure from the' government an
appropriation for the maintenance of the
property and its preservation in "the
same condition it was . at the. demise of
General G,-ant. In regard to the disa
bility ' pension bill passed by the last
congress," General Veasey said if it is not
the wisest, it is - certainly - the "most
liberal measure. - The coinmander-in-
chief -urged the eneampment to renew
its effort to procure an amendment to
the revised statues which would give
preference to appointments to a civil
office in case the Union veterans declara
tion that the commander-in-chief favors
the establishment of a department in
the G: A. R. for negro veterans, created
a decided sensation. ' : The ' whites of
Louisiana and Mississippi were over
joyed at bis recommendations. '
- The report of the judge-advocate the
general derives its chief interest from
his decision on the Vexed race question.
As his : conclusions differ from the 'rec
ommendations of the commander-in-chief
the. dispute is only further com
plicated. The decision is as follows :
The question proposed is whether there
can lawfully be two departments cover
ing the same territory at the same time
as for instance one department made up
of white posts and the other of black
posts, or of foreign born and another of
native born. I think the question must
be answered in the negative. The rules
.and regulations do not provide for,, nor
warrant the establishment of but one
department ' in ' our state or territory.
chieflv interesting in the statement . it
contains from Pension Commiesionpr
Kaum, that the amount of $1 IP.000,000
has been expended for 'pensions during
the fiscal year.' 1 .
The adjutant-general's report for the
period ending June 30. 1891, as far as
returns received,' show in good standing,
45 departments, with 149 posts and
398,067 'Conarades" in good standing.
Dr. It owl and Inclined to Take His Own
Time Drowning at Sweethome.
Salem, Aug. 4. Dr. Rowland, the
new superintendent of the asylum, is
making but few changes upon taking
charge of that institution. ' Wilson Mc
Nary has been - appointed druggist and
Jay Sliiith - commissary. ' lie is filling
vacancies on wards, but as yet- the new
superintendent is doing nothing. The
steamer Elwood, on account of the low
water, has been taken off the Salem
Pbrtland route untill fall. The Three
Sisters will' continue to run, being of
light draft. ' -
Yesterday afternoon Reuben Yost,
of Sweethome, Linn county, was drown
ed in the Santiam river while in hath
Two Counterfeiters Make Their
.Without MuoU Trouble.;
Ashland, Or-i Aug. 4. Elso Coon and
Fay Coon, two of the self confessed coun
terfeiters held here awaiting to be taken
to Portland by a deputy United States
marshal, and albo wanted at Oakland,
Cal., on a similar charge, escaped from
the Ashland citv jail last evening by
prying out one of the iron window bars,
thus far no trace of their where
abouts has been 'found, they hav-ing-evidently
taken to the mountains t
get out of the country. - Two other mem
bers of the gang, young Nutt and his
father, have been in custody at Grant's
Pass and were taken to Portland tonight.
Millionaire Kenton's Will.
. Sax Fban-ci8co, Aug. 4. John J.. Mc
Kinnon, who some days ago filed ther
will, of the late "William Renton, tbe
Washington millionaire, for probate,-
f has applied to the probate court for let
ters testamentary. In his petition Mc
Kiunon does not attempt to give the
value of the estate loft by the deceased.
The will is dated Auguft 4, 1870, and in
it Renton left the bulk of hiM property to
his widow who is how dead The peti
tion makes no reference to the finding of
a later will in Philadelphia, nor to the
contest commenced by the stepdaughters -of
A Fire Followed the Explosion.
Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 4. At 1 o'clock
this morning a boiler, exploded in the
Watkins box factory, corner of Grand
and Hooker streets, Millvale. The dam
age by the explosion ; was small. Fire,
however, quickly enveloped the two five
story buildings, one of whiph.- was occu
pied by-the Watkins box factory, and
the other bvutz & Co., idly and
Another Remedy for Tobercnlcsls. -
v Professor Dr. Max . Schulter, of the.
Berlin university, baa a new cure for
tuberculosis. He says he has experi
mented with it for the last twelve years,
and is perfectly sure of its results. Pro
fessor Schulter is a surgeon,, and 'conse
quently experiments have mostly been
made in cases of so-called surgical tuber
culosis, . such as affections of the joints,
bones,- stands, - lupus, ,, etc. ' He says.
serve manufacturers.' .The fire-was un-i however, . he has treated, successfully
der control at 1 p. m; Several adjoiniug j 80me cases of tuberculosis of the lungs.
uuiiunipi were eenuiibiy u; avreu. xiie
loss will 'reach $25,000, .
aoout one-nait.
insurance of
: . ;.i Klectric l-igrht Wprka -turned.:, .
i New .iYoRKj Aug.-r4 A. (fire started
about 9 o'clock' this evening im the large
brick building, of the Richmond Electric
Light "Company at St?' George, '-Staten
Island, and' within an:1 hour 'destroyed
the entire" stru'ctnfe, with its contents.
The loss i8 $200,000i Two' firemen were
injured by a falling wall and one by ' be
ing run over by an engine( while on his
way to the fire. : -" ' ;'
""'"Tlie Weather;
San Franoisoo Aug. 5.--Forecast for
Oregon and Washington, 'light rains.
Chicago Wheat .Market.
.Chic-agov ' Hl.,: Aug. 5 'Close,
wheat, steady; cash 87Hi September,
His remedy is guaicol," an extract from
boxwood, and also an active principle pt
cresote. He has made numerous exper- .
iments upon animals, and in 1880 com
menced to treat human patients with
'guaicol" which.-he; at. ;first -applied it
the form 'of an injection .Later on' asa'
result of his exberiehces', he began to use
the medicine' -internally in' very ' small
doses; and ' in rare cases by inhalation.
He nses ''guaicol". mostly in connection
with iodoform injection into the affected
parts. ' He' says one hundred cases were
treated by him,' of which' e'ghty were
absolutely cured, sixteen improved, and
four died. ;. The. treatment .extended, yi
each'case .'oyer a period oi time and al
lowed an 'accurate observation of each
patient ' from' the- 'beginning to the end
Prof. Schulter' is confident of the accu
racy of his rmetbocL; In;: .the ; meantime
Prof. . Koch is steadily working on the
improvement of his lymph, aided by the
government' which feels bound to "see
him arrive at a successful issue. '