C3J The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Entered at the PostoIBoe at The Dalle. Oregon, an veoond-claaa mutter. - TIMB TABLES. Rnllroads. EAHT BOUND. Ka 2, Arrivi 12:45 A. m. IiejuuTK 12:65 A. M. - 8, " 12: 15 P.M. " 12:S5P. M. WRST HOUND. Ko. 1, Arrive :W A. u. Uuparta 4:60 A. K. 7, " 5:15 P., M. ". Two loca freights that carry vaBseiigers leave one for tUe--wet at 7:45 A. "d one lor the wit at g a. M. 8TACK9. , . - For 'Priiievllte, via. Bake Ovon, leave dully except Sunday) at'i a. u. For Anti-lope, Mitchell. Canyon City, leave MondayB, Wednesday nnd Friday, at A. u. For Ihifur, Klnpsley, Wamio, W aplnitla, Warm Bprlngw Had TyKU Valley, leave daily (except Sunday) at t A. M. ' For (joMendale, Wash., leave every day of the week except Sunday at 8 a. m. Office for all lines at the Umatilla Hm. I'oat-OrBce. OPP1CB H0U , ... General Dellvrey Window, i R a. m. to p. m. Money Order .8 a. ru. to 4 p. m. Hnnday vf. I. . " ... a. m. tol0a.m, CLOKIKO OP MAILS Bv trains going Kast p. m. and 11:45 a. m. ' .. " West.-. 9 p. m. and -4:45 p. m. '' Stan for Goldendale ............ .7:30 . m. " "Prineville. . . . 5:3a.m. 4 . "Dufutand WarmBprinfrg. ,.G:30 a. m. " ileaTlng for Lylo Hartlaud. .5:30 a. m. " " ) Antelope 6:30 a. m. Except Sunday. . -- iTri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. " . Monday Wednesday and Friday. METEOROLOGICAL KEPOET. Pacific Coast Time. -5 Kela- D.t'r 5: State bab. g tive of E. of r Hum Wind a Weather. ; - - 4 80.03 63 74 8. Clear 30.01 66 68 8. W. Cloudy S A. M. P. M. Maximum perature, 57. temperature, 72: minimum tern- WEATHKK PROBABlUTlKs. , Tub Dali.bb, Aug. 4, 1891. FAIR WentliAT forecast till IX ' Wednesday: fair, followed by light rains; slightly cooler. TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 191. The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. LOCAL BBKV1TIK8. Mine Mattid Johnston returned from a week's outine at Collins landing this week. Misses Lena and Bertha Wenta left on the last evening train for Portland to remain for a season. East End business is very quiet today The warehouses are nearly empty, there beins onlv about 900 bales of wool in store. Mrs. 8. W. Heppner and family re turned from the seaside, the other day, where they were during the hot spell last week. Messrs Ed Wingate and Bert Phelps left for Ilwaco this morning where they will remain and rusticate for the next few weeks. - Miss Lora Johnston went to Portland Sunday morninc to remain ' for an indefinite length of time, visiting rela tives and friends. Mr. Fred Drews is having a stone ad dition put on to his fine brick mansion. When completed it will be an improve ment to the premises in appearance. ' Mr. Thomas McCoy, the barber, went out to the country yesterday to look af ter bis horse and cattle interest, which baa been in charge of his brother-in-law, Mr. Abe Mowery. A handsome brick addition has been made to the residence of Mr. H. Her bring on Fourth street. The brick work was under the charge of Mr. Max Blank and the wood work is under that of Mr. Heroux. , Mr. Thos. Joles and the Misses Cora and Amber Joles, Messrs George Ander son and Will Van bibber left this morn ing for the Joles' camping ground on the west branch of Hood River where they will join the Watkins party. Sunday evening last Mr. Mahoney the the hostler at the company's shops came very near losing his life while bathing at ' the mouth of Mill Creek near where the Regulator is anchored. He was about to sink for the proverbial third time when Mr. Rodney, another employe, caught him by the outstretched band and saved his life. A kind hearted landlord advertised for boarders in a paper in the northern part of the state in tne toiiowmg man ner : "A few boarders wanted by a pri . vate family. Can dress as yon please," and the Red Bluff Sentinel says : If the present not spell continues much we propose to engage quarters with that gooti, kind man style or no style. The editor of the Chronicle went down to the Cascade Locks in company with several gentlemen this morning where they will meet Senator Mitchell, who is on an inspecting tour of the state looking into its interests, wants and re quirements. It is devotedly hoped that the visit to that point, where all of East' crn Cregon is more interested than any where else will De the result of a new regime which will give us an open river .within the next generation. Mr. N. C. Wilson, who has been in the French & Co. bank for the past two wears, took his departure yesterday ' morning for California where he will go into the Belmont Preparatory school . .prior to entering Harvard college, where he will fit himself for the study of medi cal science. The place he occupied in the bank is supplied by the presence of Mr. Jesse Hoatetter of Concrdia, Kan sas, who arrived a few days aro with his (" charming young wife. They have taken rooms in the Vogt Block. V ' The past few days the wind has been furious and the dust intolerable. A private letter from Uncle J. P. Combs, who went over the mountains recently, states that the wild blackberry crop this year is practically a failare. Prineville News. The police court is quiet today. There has not been an arrest, not even a hobo run in although-one. was seen leaning against a telegraph pole waiting for an opportunity to jump a breakbeam. The Chbonicle has the pleasure of acknowledging the receipt of special favors fi-om Mr. Thomas Butler, of Goldendale Mr. Butler is one of the wide awake citizens of Klickitat valley. The Columbia river at this city regis ters fifteen feet above zero, and is falling alwut five inches in twenty-four hours. The highest point reached this season was twenty-six and six-tenths, on the 30th of May last-i , . , ' The ''banker's organ" on- Court street has a deal to say about the, lack of enter prise of business men of tnis city, tie had better pav : up his , stock m The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation company's - steamers,- Regulator;, .and Dalles City before he talks of "no enter prise in our citizens." - - The steamer Regulator has been changed into position so as to receive the shaft, which will lie put in place this afternoon. The boiler has been set, and her machinery is being got into its bed as fast as the machinists can do it. The other work is nearine' completion ' and the painting will be begun in a few days. There are several . places in this city where the trees are not trimmed the re- auired height above the sidewalk - mak ing it very troublesome to pedestrians. and especially ladies. We believe there is a city ordinance providing that the trees be trimmed to a certain height and it should be done. We noticed a lot of mill machinery at the Wasco warehouse which we under stand is for Messrs Stewart and company at Prineville. Messrs Williams and Groat of Portland are furnishing it. Messers Stewart & Co., are having their old mill changed into a first class roller, and when done Prineville will stop importation of flour as they will be able to supply themselves with the best made. Last evening, as a Chbonicle reporter was passing down Second street, he saw something that w ould make the average policeman hard to find, and which very much resembled. a lively free-for-all Irish wake. A nnmler of young men, variously armed with clubs, brooms and coats, were engaged in a lively war. The fun lasted some time, and it was discovered, after carefully .examining the ground, that by an accidental dis charge of a club, they had succeded in killing one small bat. The rest of the participants escaped without injury.' Col. Beebe, of the first regiment, O. N. G., lias issued an order compliment ing the militiamen under his command for the good work done while they were in camp. Uur boys in the third regi ment have been looking in vain for something of the kind, for they certainly demonstrated heroic courage aud unlim ited endurance in their war with heat and dust at The Dalles. But up to date about all we have noted is, that the boys didn't do quite enough to please the selfish instincts of the residents at the sandy city. The third regiment will never bother The Dalles again with its encampment. There aro other places where more white people live. Captain McCully of Co. I., Joseph, Or. A little item is going the rounds of the papers that rightly interpreted is full of meaning. It is this : "The first ship ment of Walla Walla wheat has reached fortiana. At cost sixty-three cents in Walla Walla, and is worth a dollar in Portland." What an argument for an open river. Wheat bought in a section tributary to the Columbia enhanced in value 60 per cent. by. carriage a few miles! Under right conditions that wheat would produce the Walla Walla grower nearer the -dollar a bushel, and be worth as much afloat at Astoria as afloat at San Francisco. Astorian Two questions arise in connection with the salmon run .in the Columbia river this season : the first is, where did all the big salmon come from this year why were the salmon of 1891 so much bigger than the. salmon. of previous years? ' The other is, what are the by brid salmon, the spotted fish caught so numerously in the traps this year? Two jars of those spotted fish have been sent back east, one to Professor Jordan, of the u nitea estates lish commission ; the other to the Smithsonian Inititute. Washington, D. C, with a request that meir icnmyoiogicai contents be properly ciaBBiutHi oj mose nsn snarps. Astorian, .... Uncle Jerry'a Happy Lot. Uncle Jerry Rusk is the envied mem. ber of President Harrison's Cabinet Everybody has an admiration for bis great good nature and an amiable con , i - t t - r . Biaerauon ior ms iaas. tie Has more fun than anybody whenhe goes out bal looning, and bis estimable wife and charming daughter, returned to fruit canning, preserve-making and butter- churning for the summer, cause him none of the uneasiness incident to surf bathing and yachting. Kansas City limes. ' Persons leaving the city for a summer outing can have the Chbonicle sent to them without extra charge. -. - View' 1 TMgbtTy. - -' r-r -" It should be understood by the general publicj which j of course, the Oregonian failed to state, that' the full page puff, nnd double leaded editorial leader on the same, concerning the proposition . made by the Columbia Railway and Naviga tion Co. to the citizens of Portland to was a paid for advertisement and shuuld be looked upon as the same and viewed with the same suspicion as any otner money - making job attempted to be foisted upon the public. It is in nature a good deal like Villard's blind pool, of unsavory repute, by which so many millions ot I'ortland money was squan dered. In no part of the proposition, nor in the double leaded editorial, (also paid for) does this mythical company state what the capital 'stock of their company is or is proposed to be. All the citizens of Portland are asked to do is to dump in their 1600,000, and, "gentlemen. we will do the grand packeting act." See? Portland World. THINGS WORTH KNOWING. A sugar exchange has opened at Pra gue, Bohemia, and the dealings are large. It is officially stated that Rorte will not permit the Jews to immigrate into Jurnsalem. " . .. . The friend who-cries - with you finds out a great many things yon will regret when your eyes aredried.', . -., One trouble about unpleasant people is that it generally seems impossible for them to get. out of the wayi;.. -. - How much more detestable a fault ap pears when we can trace it to Borne one whoee possition in life we envy. Ah Austrian professor says many la dies who keep lapdog suffer from ' an affection of the - liver; . occasioned by a small parasite' which is peculiar to the dog's liver. ''-;.: '.- ; Governor - Campbell, of Ohio, in his speech of acceptance, spoke of "the splendid democratic surplus." When the democrats were in power they spoke of this as "the outrageous republican surplus." Milwaukee Sentinel. The treasurer of the United States is responsible for the custody of 4500 tons of coin. ' It is estimated that if burglars broke into the vaults it would require 90,000 men of average strength to carry the money a distance of fifty feet. A good manv wheat fields in the Ochoco and McKay valleys have been practically ruined by rust. The ground being wet and the grain yerv rank, the crop was in no condition to withstand the eltects of a broiling sun, and many farmers whose prospects were so brilliant only a few days ago are quite naturally sore over the unavoidable misfortune that has lefallen their wheat crops. Prineville News. The editor of the Klamath Star has got a new safe and here is what he has to say about it : Our safe has arrived. Now, dear de linquents, be moderate and careful about firing the coin in, and above all don't step on one another's coat tails. At pre sent we are using the cool iron chest as a receptacle for our landlady's butter, but will throw it open when the coin begins to ny in. We think the butter will then be strong' enough to take care of itself. The Buffalo Express intimated that Henry Watterson, of the Courier-Journal, was a ''thick and thin Cleveland man," and to this the "Star Eyed Goddess" gave this reply : "He was never a thick and thin anybody's man. He opposed the nomination of Mr. Cleveland in 1884. Of course he supported his nomination in 1888, in common with all good demo crats. He is for his nomination in 1892, if New York consents. Buf, if the atti tude of the New York democracy indi cates that Mr. Cleveland will be knifed out of the vote of the state again, as he was before, it would be suicidal to nom inate him, and, when the party leaves Cleveland, it leaves New York. Is this sufficiently explicit?" Charley Miller, the veteran miner, is in the city from his Greenhorn proDerty. He reports mining matters quiet in that camp, also that the Bennett claim is looking exceedingly well, there being about three feet of high grade ore. Mr. Miller will endeavor to start up his .mill at the monumental mine for custom work. This is a move in the right direc tion, and if he succeeds in starting the mill the greenhorn miners can pack out a Bufhcient amount of ore, the net pro ceeds of which will enable them to further develop their prospects, build roads and otherwise lieln themselves. Mr. Miller has thoroughly canvassed the wnoie region tributary to bis mill and feels confident that the mill, if started can be kept running night and day on custom ore. Condon Globe. bum sKin joe the King el the cow boys has arrived in this city and will be out on the streets with bis three horse tandem-educated team next Wednesday. He represents Coburn, Tevis & Co., of San Francisco, ' Enoch Morgan Son's Sapolio and the celebrated C & S Axle grease and various other lines of goods which have taken the lead, everywhere he lias been. He will give all his old time friends a call. Joe is well known in these parts. Be on the look oat for him. - ' There is a big man for goods at the Solomon store. The sale of the bank rupt stock draws the people and -they get there. ' " ' Teachers will, bear in mind that the time for holding the quarterly examina tions has been changed from the last Wednesday to the second Wednesday in each quarter. The examination, there fore, for this quarter will begin August IZtn. HOT DHELLT. . . ..' Superintendent. Money to Loan. $100 to $500 to loan on short time. -Bayard & Co. SIO.OO Reward. Lost, a diamond scarf pin j-the above reward will be paid E. Haight. by returning to C CI1BOITICI.K SHORT STOPS. Blackberries, three boxes for twentv five cents at Joles Brothere. For headache use 8. B. headache cure; For coughs and colds use 2379. ' For physic always use S. B. headache cure. Use Durar flour'. It is the best. 2379 in tho cough syrup for children. For O. N. G. diaarhoea S. B. pain cure is the best thing known. Get me a cigar from that fine case at Snipes & Kinersley's. For ico cream cramp use S. B- pain cure. . , . For 4th of July colic use S-. B. pain cure. Chas. Stubbling has received a car load of the, Jamous Bohemia n beer which he has now at retail at ten cents a 'glass or twenty-five cents a quart. This beer is guaranteed to be an eight mpnth's brew and is superior to anv ever broueht to The Dalles. Bids will be received at the office of Hugh tilenn up till the first of August, ior tne naming oi lou barrels, more or less, of cement, from tho cars to the new reservoir on the Mespne place. Ask your grocer for Dufur flour. For 4i,h of July colic use S. B. pain cure. .- . ...... ; - The celebrated Walter H. Tenny Boston-made mens' . and boys' fine boots and shoes in all styles, carried by The Dalles Mercantile company at Brooks & Beers old stand. ' . ' For 4th of July colic use S. B. pain cure. " Long Ward offers for sale one' of the best-farms of its size in Sherman county. It consists , of 240 acres of deeded land at Erskinville. There is a never-failing spring of living water capable of water ing five hundred head of .stock daily. Tne house, which is a large store build ing with ten rooms attached alone cost $1700. A blacksmith shop and other buildings and. the whole surrounded by a good wire fence. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply by letter or other wise to the editor of the CnBosricLE or to the owner, W. L. .Ward, Boyd, Wasco county, Oregon. ,.. .- JV ., Preparing For Hot Weather.. The following telegram from White wright, Texas, indicates that the people in that vicintty do not intend to be caught unprepared: - Whitewkight, Texas, June 2, 1891." Chamberlain & Co., Lies Moines, Iowa? Ship us at once one . gross Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, 25 tent size, and two dozen 60 cent size. We are entirely out and have had nearly forty calls for it this week. O. Y. Ratiibpn & Co. This is just such a medicine as every family should be provided with during the hot weather. It never fails and is pleasant to take. For sale by Snipes & Kinersly, . : From San Antonio. Ane. Hornunir. a well known manu facturer of boots and shoes at 820 Nolan St., San Antonio, Texas, will not soon forget his experience with an attack of the cramps which he relates as follows : J. was taken with a violent cramp in the stomach, which I believe would have caused my death', had it not been for the prompt use of Chamberlain s Uolic, Cholera and Diarrhoee Remedy. The first dose did me so much good that I followed it up in twenty minutes with the second dose, and before the doctor con Id get.to where I was, I did not need him. This remedy shall always ne one of the main stavs of my-family." For sale by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was nick, we gave her Castoria. When she waa a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When shebad Children, she gave them Caatorla To the Public. Caddo Mills, Texas, June 5, 1891. From my own personal knowledge, I can recommend Chamberlain's (Jolic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kcmedy. for cramps in the stomach, also for diarr hoea and flux. It is the best medicine I have ever seen used and the best selling as it always gives satisfaction. A. K Shebeill, 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Snipes & Kinersly, Jrnggists. NOTICE. Ri E. French has for sale a number of improved ranches and , unimproved lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood in Sherman county. They will be sold very cheap and on reasonable terms. Mr. French can locate settlers on some good unsettled claims in the same neigh borhood.' His address is Grass Valley, bherman county, Oregon. - Twenty Dollars Seward. Parties have been cutting the supply pipes above the city between the flume and the reservoir, thus doing much dam age, lhis must be stopped ana a re-' ward of $20 is hereby offered for evidence that will lead to the conviction of per sons doing the same. By order of the Board of Directors. HOI THERE ! I will give 50 cents for each cow im pounded between the hours of 8 o'clock p. m. and 7:30 o'clock a. ru., found at large about mv premises. Put them in boys, -bring marshal's certificate and get your money. Xj. a. uufuh. Notice. . Citv taxes for - 1891 , are now due Dalles Citv tax assessment is now in mv hand and will be 'held in my office for sixty days. Sixty davs from date, July 18, 1891, city taxes win oe aeiinquent. O. Kinersly, : - City Treasurer. Notice. --.-' All city warrants registered prior to October 3rd, 1889, will be paidlf pres ented at my office. ' Interest ceases from and after this date. The Dalles, Or., July 10th 1891. . . O. Kinersly, -' ; . . City Treasurer. ESTRAY NOTICE. nn now WITH WHITE SPOTS. SWAX- iv low fork In each ear but no brand, is in my pasture on Mill creek. The owner can have her by paying for pasturage and advertising. u ' - W. &IRGFE1.D, E ARE I N IT 75 pair of Misses Shoes worth $2.25 for M 100 Corsets worth $1.25 for 50 cents. OUR ENTIRE DRESS GOODS AT ACTUAL COST. A. M. WILT..IAMS & CQi The Northwestern Life Insurance Go. OF MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN. . Assets over $42,000,000.00. t ; Surplus over $6,500,000.00. Pruf. F..L.Shucy, Dayton, Ohio. J.JAJ?I";KeI,WnR to yur request for a statement of the facts concernlnir my r Tnii iSe.q1iab e i 0 A"t"irance Society of New York in their late ettlement with me. fwtl. DM... in vnxi3 utui, ui lonL, my Hire DeinK Ule louluiole urxm their Ten-Yair TnnHnA iltn thai. Tan .f- .: . ,Y amgunted to 37,512.00. Tho Tontine periid expired early in January of the present year, a Company then offered me the following terms of nettlement; .. . . FIRST A paid np lor SECOND A naid un nolicv for. An caan THIRD Surrender my policy, and I was so little satisfied with the results of my Investment that I chose the third, cash, Hon, out when I so decided, the company, through several of its representatives, labored tc " , v w,v .uiijiB ii BLnc-nieiii., on b nnuinir Mint i was determined to surrender th pohcy and take the cash, they finally instructed me from the home office to sand policy and reeetat for the amount, $36,496.80, to their State manager in Cleveland, and he would remit me the arson I followed their instructions and sent the policy and receipt through my bonk in Sprinirfleld to oos correspondent in Cleveland, only to have it returned from the Cleveland. Bank with thelnfoi-matton that the State manager of the Equitable states that he "had not sufficient funds to meet It" Thisr forced me to return it to the New York office, aud compelled me to wait some twenty days altar maturity before receiving final settlement. : . - I have given no statement endorsing the Equitable, or expressing my satisfaction with thsap settlement with me. On the other band I have positively refused to do- so. The fact that my re turns were $1,015.20 less than my total Investment renders further comment unnecessary. During the time I carried the Equitable policv and up to the day when they submitted tfc nbve proposition to me, I was kept in total Ignorance of the condition of my investment. In marked contrast with this has been mv evTHeiir-e with t.ho K'nHhwMtArn in whi.h in inn I took a Ten-Year Endowment Policy, Ten-Year time to time furnished me with a memorandum meir actuary; so tnat while my policy has not yet rV: SO that While mv OOliCV haa not VPt the satisfaction of knowing that at maturity it will of the policy calls for. Very . 1 1 .. . - . We have thousands of comparisons panies of the United States. Full information furnished upon application to T. A. JOHN ' MAYS & (Successors to ABRAM3 & STEWART.) Letaller ci.aa.c3. Tobben Hardware, - Tinware, - Graaitewaie, - wooflepare, SILVERWARE, ETC. AGENTS "Acorn," "Charter Oak" "Argand STOVES AND RANGES. Pumps, Pipe, Plumbers' and Steam Fitters' Supplies, Packing, Building Paper, SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES. Also a complete stock of Carpenters', 'Blacksmith's and Farmers Tools and Fine Shelf Hardware. -AGENTS FOR : The Celebrated R. J. ROBERTS "Warranted" Cutlery, Meriden Cutlery and Tableware, the "Quick Meal" Gasoline Stoves. "Grand" Oil Stoves and Anti-Rust Tinware. All Tinning, Plumbing, will be done 174, 176, 178. 180 SECOND STREET, jvfeu Qolumbia .6. J-lotel, , THE DALLES, OREGON. Best Dollar a Day House on the Coast! First-Class Meals, 25 Cents. First Class Hotel in Every Respect. None but the Best of White Help Employed. T. T. Nicholas, Prop. JOLES : DEALERS IN: Staple ag Fancy Mes, Hay, Grain and Fted. No. 122 Cor. Washington and Third Sts. HL C. NIELS6N, Clothier and Tai lor; BOOTS AND SHOES, lats apd Qaps; Jrupl, ilalises, ; Gtoxa.ta3,( Fxurxi 1 wTi Ins Goods, - - CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STS., THE DALLES, OREGON.. 5 i LINE OF LlfiOHDl W TTfiir-r. Rvhimuvtvia ft Tnn. ic iiu 1 ' - no vears. i cook on t & I cn-riivmpnt i.if pnifww r . , r. . . . . T fn, tjnmn u ....... 4... n j i X4n mn rm o net n rn receive iri cash .". ......... .. K6',496 80 Tontine, for tlO.000. that com ruin v hsvinr fma of the su urplus on my policy over the signature or matui mftriinWl. nnH lirl II ni, until no-- vour k net me from $4,000 to So.000 more than the i truly yours. - . ROSS MITCHELL. with all the leading Life Insurance Com HUDSON, Associate General Agent. A. REINHARDT, Special Agent, The Dalles, Oregoat. CROWE, FOR THE 99 Pipe Work and Repairing on Short Notice. THE DALLES, OREGON. BROS