The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 04, 1891, Image 1

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7 .A.
NO. 42.
I II".
WH. SAUNDERS Architect. Plans and
specifications furnished for dwellings,
churches, business blocks, schools and factories.
Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. , Of
fice over French's bank. The Dalles, Oregon.
DR. J. SUTHERLAND Fexlow of Trinity
Medical College, and member of the Col
lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy
sician and Surgeon. Office; rooms Sand 4 Chap
man block. Residence: Judge Thornbury's Sec
end street. Office hours; 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4
and 7 to 8 p. m.
GEON. Office; rooms 5 and 6 Chapman
Block. Residence over UcFaiiand French's
store. OtBce hours 9 to 12 A. 31., 2 to 6 and 7 to
I F. K.
. flee In Schanno's building, up stairs.- The
Dalles, Oregon.
DSIDDALL Dentist. Gas given for the
painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth
set on flowed; aluminum plate. Rooms:' Sign of
. the Golden Tooth, -Second Street r s t I '
In Opera House Block, Washington Street,
in Asanas, wreguu-.
P. MATS. B.S. HTJirrmOTOlt.-" H BTlriLSON.
MAYS,. PVNGTON: WIION-Attob-neys-at-law.
Offices, French's block over
First Rational -Ban, Xae uoues, uregon. . .
, i l ) i z : r t i . -
XJ mbys-at-law Rooms Nob. 71,73, 75 and 77;
vogt Blocs., beconu street, ine inuen, Oregon.
WH. WILSON Attorn ey-at-law Rooms
. 62 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street,
The Dalles, Oregon. .-. -r .
Qapdy padtOFy,
W. S. CRAM, Proprietor,
successor to Cran & Corsoi.)
Manufacturer of the finest French and
Home Made . -
East of Portland.
Tropical Fruits, Nats, Cigars and Tobacco.
Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesale
or iteiaii ' - - ; ,
In livery Style.
.... v t K.-T ' . r , ... '
v 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or.
ion t xcs ! id i
Having over 1000 tons of ice on hand,
wholesale or retail, to ' be '"Jdeli'verei
through the summer. - farcies contract
ing with as will be carried through the
entire season without advancb in
prick, . and . may depend that we have
nothing tmt ' V ' " ;'"
Cut from mountain water ; no slough or
slush ponds.
Leave orders at the Columbia Candy
factory, iu4 Becona street.
W. S. CRAM, Manager.
Office Cor. 3d and Union Sts.
ttak and Fir on Hani
Orders Filled Promptly.
R. B. Hood,
Livery, Feed and Sale
Horses Bought . and - Sold on
Cpfntnissfot Wfd.., Money
Advanced on Horses
left fior. ale. ' '
The Dalles and Goldendale i Stae 'line.
Stage LeAres The Oaues erery- mdrning
at 7:au ana uoiaenaaie at y:au. m
freight must he left at R. B.
Hood's office the evening
, .before.
R. j3; HQ.QP' Proprietor.
$500. Regard ;
w, yfxn pay he Hbove reward for ny cane of
liVor CmnplSa, ypepirta,-BiCk7Ieadaplia,-In-:
tllKwitlofi, 6ontiptioii r Cootiveriess wecaanot
ear with West'i Vegetable Uver PllU.when the
direction are mncujp """I"1. ,""u,- "? . !
-curely reiretable, and never fail to aire aatisfao-;
imt. ?9na Coafed.' Uan?e t)drer Amrtainlng'90 j
FrvseripUun Drnirtrlsta,
75 Beeond Xb U, Or.
And anyone who hesitates to
come and buy some of the bar
gainH we are offering will always ,
Why suffer with the heat when
you can buy those ....
Beautiful Patterns
White Goods.
So cheap, and .keep cool.
We are offering a large line of
Ladies- -:- Cotton -:- Underwear
At scandalous LOW PRICES as
we intend to close them out.
Call and Inspect Tnem.
Wei, also offer inducements in
Misses' and Ladies' waists and
pLOtTg DflliliES, Wash.
Situated at the Head of Navigation.
Destined to be
JVIariuf aeturing Center
In the Inland Empire.
Best Seiling1 Property of the Season
in the Northwest.
For further information call at the office of
Interstate Investment Co.,
Or 72 Washington St., PORTLAND, Or.
The Qpetra Hestaarant,
No. 116 Washington Street, ' .
Handsomely Furnished Rooms to Rent by the
...... Day, Week or Month.
Finest Sample Rooms for Commercial Men.
Special Rates to Commercial Men.
Leaip Jeweler.
All Watch Work; Warranted.
Jewelry Made ' to Order.
188 Second St., The Iallea, Or. '
. . -X... . i... 1 n. - -
H. Q-ienn Jias lemoved his
pflce and the f$.ce pf the
Eietjrw liight Ck). to '7i3
Washington St.
; l
DP. ThomfsoW J. 6. BCHKNcr. H. M Beau,
President. - Viae-Preaident.' Cannier.
First poiiai BaiiK.
A General Banking Business transacted
j Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections iriade' arid proceeds promptly
' " remitted on day of collection. '
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Port-
.'.' - .... . 'land. - ,r,, '
D. P. Thompsok. . - Jo. S. Scbikck.
T. W. Spabks. Gbo. A. Lisbk.
' 1 . fl. M. BeaIx.
FHEfl & CO,,
Letteri of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight ' Exchange and 4 "'Telegraphic
Transfers sold on JSew York, .Chicago, St.
Lonis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash.', "and various point In Or
egon and Wasbingtori. . M -',.
.Collections made at all pointt on fav
orable terms.
jii'kdehei) kt Italians.
Crsird lv Drluk. a Crowd of Dan"
Kill a Family of Seven.
Cattlkt8buhg, Ky., Aug. 2. Wayne
bounty W. Va., was the scene of a series
of murders Friday night. Mr. Brain-
field, his wife and five children' "were
murdered in the most horrible manner,
and their Wiies consumed by fire.
About midnight fifty common Italian
railroad laborers became drunk and
started on a tour of destruction. The
Brutntields were thought to have con
siderable money. The Italians went to
their'-residence. andcWerejrefused admission.-
The doors and windows' were
then forced open. Mr. Brumfield with
his two half grown sons fought with
deseratiou, but were finally murdered,
their throats being cut and their bodies
beinir reteehtediy stabbed. Mrs.- Broiu-
fleld and her three children were next
killed , by" the . Italians, . who- then
searched the bouse for money and set it
on fire. Mr. Brumfield was an influen
tial and wealthy man. Two vears ago,
while countv commissioner, he' opposed
the building of a liewcourt ' house and
thus made many enfmies. The court
houBe was Duilt and it is thou grit tnat
FridaV' night's' work was the result of an
old feud and that Brumfield's enemies
s&pplied the Italians -with liquor and
pointed out the path to his residence. '
A California Mystery Cleared up Ke-
' leased 'for Want of Evidence; ' '
MAKYsviii.kj"Cal.'," Augl: Z.Vrilliam
J. Oiisley, the negro -who has been con
fined in the county jail for several months
upon the charge- of murdering George
Ball, of this city the night of July 16,
1890, was released yesterday for want of
evidence to convict. Subsequently he
was arrested on' complaint of TJrider
Sheriff Be van. 'Today he confessed his
crime in the presence of Sheriff. Saul,
Under-sheriff Bevan and the court re
porter who took the confession down in
shorthand. ' He implicates Maddox and
George Collins, who was shot and killed
in Stockton some six weeks ago. The
confession was obtained from Ousley by
the use of two miniature photographs of
sisters of Ball, which were in a locket
on the chain that was stolen, and which
Ball wore when he was killed. The
blows which ended Ball's existence were
struck by Maddox and Collins, who set
the fire going" around his body. ' Onsley
was stationed on the outside as a look
out. : He 'stated that he felt much' re
lieved after be had confessed the crime.
Shot Down by an Officer.
'.. Modesto, Cal., Aug. 2. This city was
thrown into a state of intense excite
ment last night about 10 :30 o'clock, oc
casioned' by City . 'Marshal R. D. Young
shooting and killing Barney' B.' Garner,
who resisted arrest. Garner had been
drinking in the afternoon. Frequent re
quests of the marshal for him to remain
quiet were not heeded, and when Garney
was told to consider' himself under ar
rest he made a motion to draw a pistol.
Marshal' Young immediately drew his
own and fired -two shots, ' wth bullets
going : through Garner's-body; killing
him instantly. Young immediately gave
himself up and went to the county jail.
Garner was a saloon-keeper, and was
quarrelsome when under the influence
of liquor. He leaves a widow arid three
children. A pistol was fourid'ln Garner's
pocket by the coroner. An inquest will
be held tomorrow. ' ' - '
, A Pretty Wife the ' dau.
Nw York, ' Aug. '2. A mysterious
shooting case occurred early 'tonight in
the apartment house Ho. 230 "West Forty-second
' street7 "While"' Charles C.
Goodwin was' engaged in writing a letter
in Vis room,' Bertram W. Webster j an ac
quaintance, opened' the door and stood
upon the threshold with a revolver in
his hand. Without uttering a word' he
Tired'at Goodwin, :' who' fell to the floor
with a bulletin his abdomen. -"Webster
coolly walked down stairs and told the
janitor-' that- Goodwin was sick, after
which L he disappeared. Goodwin ;. was
taken to the hospital and will probably
die. He is a bachelor, aged thirty -five.
Webster is a married man thirty, years
of age. . The police - profess to "believe
that. Airs.- Webster, who is young and
pretty was the cause of the shooting.
. An Indian Territory Cyclone.' -
CnociTAW, 'I.' T.,' 'Aug.' 2. A 'cyclone
struct '" town'' last' night 'soon after '11
o'clock, doing many 'thousand dollars
damage to the growing crop's and des
troying Beveral - buildings.-. ..The drug
store of C. G. Moore is a total loss,: as
are also the new three-story : cotton gin
of Lafayette & Bros., the residence of
Peter' Fraser and the wagon sbfpf H.
R. Collins. The largfr general store of
Lafatette & Bros.; bad the roof daina&ed.
Several animals -were killed;' but -so far
as known no persons were serioaery in
jured; ' ''' A- .:'".?. ' ;;'.';
. The Work of a Fire Fiend. .
Baser Cut, Ore. Aug. 4. Duncan
Bfbthers flouring mills in' this city were
wniinTTicvl TiT' fiie this mornini''.' 'Xjtmti
i27,65o j' insurance $17,000.' 'It ia sup
posed to he the work 61 ah incendiary.
. . Chicago Wheat Market.
pHiCAGO1, 'HI. ""Aug; 4.' Close,
wheat. easy ; cash 'B8& ;""Sepember,
88KJi. -
. - .j - . San- -Franeiaee. Market. r.
Sah Francisco, Aug. 4. Wheat,
buyer 1.63.
Charged with Misdemeanor in Pub-1
lishing an Account of" the Recent j
The "Ainsworth Gang" the Cause of
the Trouble at Orange Tex. Other
Xews Notes.
. IJew York, Aug. 4. The grand jury
this afternoon-handed np.a. batcK
dictments against the editors and pub
lishers of tbe New York city morning
newspapers, exeept the Tribune, charg
ing them with a misdemeanor fur pub
lishing an account of the execution of
murderers recently killed, at King Sing.
The Tribune is the only paper found to
have complied, with the law. The in
dicted men will be summoned to give
bail. '
The "AlnHwortb Gana;" and Cattlemen
Settle ah Old Score.
Oeange, Tex., Aug. 4. Beilders San
ders, who just returned from Lake
Charles,' Louisiana, confirms the report
of the riot at Lock, Moore & company's
railroad. ' He etated that fourteen men
were killed and two roiesinuT It was a
free-for-all fight between ' "Red Bones"
arid "Whiites." " Sanders stated that
many different reports are being 'circu
lated and nothing more authentic could
be learned. The latest reports place the
number of wounded at sixteen. Officers
and pbysiuan8 were waylaid' and mur
dered.' Another account' of the riot
conies from West Lake, La., to the effect
that the trouble was caused by the
breaking out of an old feud between a
band of robbers known as the "Ains
worth gang" and cattle men in that sec
tion. ' '
Kain at Last.
San Antonio Tex., Aug. 2. The ter
rible drouth prevailing in Southwest
Texas ' for nine weeks was broken last
night by a storm' followed by a drench
ing rain. Only two showers had fallen
for nine weeks in a vast, area south of
San Antonio "for 200 miles arid west for
400' miles'.' Cotton balls begun to drop
from their stems, the corn crop was
ruined, and the cattle ranges had" been
parched. ' Appalling destitution has pre
vailed for two weeks past along the Rio
Grande from Presidio to Cameron county.
In Hidalgo arid Starr counties many cat
tle died from want of grass. The coun
try is now destitute on account of three
annual drouths and . the lawlessness of
the semi-civilized condition that pre
vails. Last night's storm was very se
vere throughout ths country:
San Francisco Landmark Gone.
San Francisco, Aug. 2. Meiggs wharf,
one of the oldest landmarks -of San
Francisco, Buccumed to old age and a
thirty-knot breeze yesterday afternoon.
For nearly forty years the old wharf has
stood, bearing the name of. its builder,
who in latter years achieved a world
wide fame as the builder of the famous
Arroyo railroad, which climbs tbe Andes
mountains in Peru. The old wharf was
built away back in 1852, and for many
years was the landing place for- vessels
arriving bere from the East and Panama.
More Jews for America.
London, Aug! 2. The Russian Jews
who left Hamburg last week took pas
sage to London; Liverpool, Glasglow and
other British ports, whence most of them
will start by the different " lines for the
United Staies.' The programme is not to
land them 11 at one place; but to divide
them up between the leading American
ports, so that they -may not attract too
much attention and opposition.--America
is the objective point of nearly all
the Russian Jews. ?
Strike Situation nt Omaha.
Omaha, Aug. 4. There is no change
today in the strike situation and the
men who went out are holding meetings.
The mayor today issued a proclamation
commanding all persons to desist from
congregating about : business establish
ments for1 the purpose of enforcing the
eight-hoir law by any show of -violence
or force.-'- - ' -; . . .. .
. ; .Movement of the Kaiser.
Bkrmn,' Aug. 2. A dispatch from
Droritheim Bays Emperor William con
ducted divine services on beard the Im
perial steam' yacht Hohenzollern. ..Later
in the day the Hohenzollern sailed from
Drbntheim southward.
Found Three Bodies.
-ScoTTDAiJt,'Pa.,.Ang. 4. The .bodies
of three men were found" in'tbe Mayer
mine his"! morning. 1 "They ' are supposed
to bave lost their lives : at the time the
mine' was on fire during the strike. : 1
Struck by Lightning.
Berlin, ! 4. Lightning struck the
garrison 'store houses at Rathsnow this
iorriiflgtompletely flistrbyuig ' it 'and
it contents."- Lose $368,000, - '
- . - The-.-Weather-.
. San Francisco, Aug. 4. Forecast lor
Oregon and "JVashingtonj "light "tains
Northwestern Oregon ' 'and Washington.
, Th Colored People Want their Ria;ht
as Citizens in the . A. K.
j Detroit, Aug. 4.-; There is a serious
dispute which threatens serenity in the
silver encampment of the G. A. R. It
is a "Color question." Col. Hedges com
mander department of. Louisiana and
Mississippi said today: "Unless things
straighten out durinir this encamp
ment, there won't be a white member of
the G. A. R', south of the Ohio on tbe
Potomac a year hence.' They are out
numbering us in posts, thus' putting us
directly under them. Nowwe want to
rule ourselves and have the colored- peo '
pie go by themselves." Col. Jag. Lewis
(colored) administrator of police and ad-'
miniHtralor of the public works of New
Orleans is champion on the colored side.
When asked what the trouble in Louis
iana was he said : "We have nine postB
with a membership of 'over 1,000, yet we
are not recognized by. the commander of
our department. WTe get no representa
tion in the convention, and are ordered
to ' report to ' the conimander-in-chief.
The department commander thinks w
want social recognition. I claim the
order not a social one, but a historic and
fraternal one."
Doings of the G. A. K.
Detroit, Aug. 4. It has been the de
sire of all the prominent leaders of the
organization that the 25th encampment
should be th; riiof-'t successful in the his
tory of the G. A. R. ami the parade the
most magnificent ever known. Certain
it is (but the' multitude which assem
bled in Detroit today are larger than the
city ever greeted before, and in magnifi
cence of pageantry and beauty of decora
tions, today's parade is without prece
dent. Four magnificent arches ereeted
by the citizens in different parts of the
city marked the line of march.
Secretary Foster grows so enthusiastic
when he sees good baseball play that he
throws us his hat lfke any boy.
There is a well authenticated rumor in
Boston that Edwin Booth is dying from
the effect of too much smoking..
Since he was ejected from the Jersey
Lily's heart Mr. Frederick Gebhard is
said to have ejected her cattle from his
California ranch. - - .- :' "";
M. Claretie, the director of the Thea
tre Francaise, Paris, has invited Mrs.
McKee and Mrs. Russell Harrison to
visit interesting parts of play-house not
open to the general public.
President Harrison and Postmaster
General Wana maker attended service
yesterday in the old brick church. Cold
Spring, N. J., where the Rev. E.- Stew
art, of Allegheny City, preached.
The accident which befell Henry M.
Stanley in Switzerland was not as seri
ous as reported. It was his left, ankle
joint that was fractured. The pain has
ceased and the patient is progressing
favorably. . ' .
The ditcussion between Huxley and
Gladstone over the miracle of the herd
of swine is enlivened by the grand old
man's very best controversial efforts.
There is nothing that Gladstone won't
discuss save himself.
When Dr. Talmage appeared in India
napolis the other day, he was not recog
nized, thougli he is well known there.
The absence of his famous "mutton -chop"
side-whiskers disguised him ef
fectually, and it took some time for the
the tall man with the clean-shaven, rud
dy face was Brooklyn's divine.
Foreign News Itema.
Five thousand four hundred Russian
Jews arrived at Hamburg last week.
The czarowitch has, it is said, arrived
at the Russian frontier on his way home.
The czar will meet him alont August
The royal rooms at Windsor castle,
England, were opened to visitors yester
day and a large throng attended to see
where the kaiser bad trod. The queen
is at Osborne.
- A card scandal has broken out among
the British army officers at Mandalay, it
being alleged that there has been a sys
tematic cheating at poker in the officer's
mess. - An inquiry is proceeding.
: Chancellor Caprivi has ordered the
German embassy at Paris not to i&siie
passports to any Frencbinari who is a
member of a Kovancne ciuo. lne Prus
sian "government Jias in its possession
lists of the 'inembers 'of several of these
clubs. ' '
t . i., The Time to Strike.
4If Canada ever is to come into .Uncle
Sam's family circle now is the time to
bring about the change. Canada is ripe
for a revolution. , Whisky has just been
advanced from 5 cents to 10 cents a glass,
arid only twelve ounces of beer hereafter
can be!hodghtfor a nickle. '' Nbw is the
time for action.' 1 Let us strike while the
Canuck is hot.-CAtcojo Mail. -
"Education is all right, just so it does
not make the vic'im too smart to' work
.and not emartnough to get along with
out working.-