The Dalle pj-j&mte. FRIDAY, i-lZ-t $ I iT?Jjiyk,3891 METEOKOLOGIOAL BEPOBT. Pacific H RcU- D.t'r Bf State COHMt BAR. tive Of Of Time. Hum Wind 3 Weutlier. 30.00 62 79' Wen Clew P. M 29.03 88 43 N. W . " Maximum temperature, 83: minimum tem perature, 53. , : , .-. - , -: . v: VIITHCR PROB4BILITIEB. Thb Dallbs, July SO, 18H1. Weatfier forecast till 1? '. iw. ' Saturday; fair, slightly warmer. FAIR, The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated . ' r i "' Press Dispatches. LOCAL BKKVITIKH. f.Mr. W. B.. Hayden a prominent mer chant of Centerville, Wash., is in the city. '" ' 1 ; ; WJiat is the diftierence between a sil Ter king and a gold bag? Will some body answer. " - ' ' : ' ' Messrs P. P. Underwood and J. K. Underhill of Boyd, paid the Ciinonicxk office a welcome visit today. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sherar are now on the way to Boston.1 A private commun ication to the editor informs us that they were at Billings, Mont., on the 28th inst., where they were delayed on ac count of a wash out. ! : . ' , JDr. Henry T. Helmbold, the famous patent medicine "buchu" man, who' is said to have piled up a fortune of ten millions is at present an inmate of the insane asylum at Trenton, N. J., and is pronounced by his physicians to be hopelessly insane. ' ' .A body of anarchists are said to exist in the neighborhood of Glenwood, Wash. Lately a settler refused to join their secret order and a few days ago he dis covered that his newly stacked bay bad been profusely- sprinkled with' Paris green. There are eight coal heavers at the shops, every man of whom is as mad as a wet ben.' They were taken" up' the (rack yesterday to shovel, sand at 3 :30 o'clock and had to walk back, without supper, a distance of nearly ten. miles. They did not arrive here till half past ten o'clock last night. Ilinc Mae lac rimal. Salem has a curiosity in the shape of a man who does not want office. His name is T. B. Wait and having been ap- pointed as gate keeper for the state fair, without his knowledge, here is what he has' to "say about ..."it: ' ''It having been published that I was appointed a gate keeper' for the htate fair, I wish to zay that 1 was never an applicant, and now most respectfully decline in lavor of Governor Pennoyer or ex-Governor Moody." We caftnot truthfully say that the ex cursion last night was a success, that is, If snccess is to be measured by the satis faction of those, who participated in it. M,afiy of the young people wanted to dance, and it was announced that they would be accommodated, in this respect, yet there .was no accommodation, or at least none that they themselves thought adequate. How many were on board we know hot but we judge there were suffi cient to make it pay. The boat left The Dalle!) about 9 o,clock and returned a lit tle after twelve. At the meeting held at Silver Lake, Pa., a few days ago in honor of the' memory of the late Hon. Sam Randal, Governor Campbell of Ohio was present and is reported, to have announced that Hon. Jerry Simpson (Sockless Jerry) and Senator Peffer would both canvass Ohio, during the present campaign, in the interest of the democratic "ticket. He said, "The alliance party is very strong with us now, (meaning' in Ohio) Afid they' are hand iri " hand' with the democrats. , , They will nominate no ticket this year." . . .. The Irish as a class are not particu larly distinguished for pun making hut ope of,.tbem got off a pun . in Graham's resturant the other' day that was neat nongh to be' put on record. Tbef con versation between Graham and the . Irishman somehow turned on girls elop ing with their 1 sweethearts . in order -to get married) when ' the , Irishmen said, seriously "Do" you know Graham '"if t were keeping a resturant; "like" ''you,' I. could stop this, tendency; in' - every, "girl. that , is .fed in my shop. - .Tell me how ,yVu-wQuld do ij.'.'said Graham. 7 rvr,,Whyv' Wid Pat I'd ' feed 'them on cantaloupe and then they cant-elope." The Oregon Bridge company . which . . has, the contract, for laying the supply PPQ.from iqVnewrerv'?'rt Je8plie's has how thirty six rhen'enga'ged in'rriak-j ;ing the excavation. Th cOmrany com- jnehced at the receiving bason, and." has jnbvf 'rcompleed as faras the . flume, a distance of nearly a mile. Possibly ,he deepest excavation on the whole" route' has already been:' rnade.' Some of 'that cempleted is eleven feet below-.the. sur face. i-This depth was necessary to se-. cijre a suitable grade for the pipe. ' It is "perhaps well 'known that the 'company doing the 'work brought' no 'men with them, and all of the thirty-six employes -were picked up in- The Dalles. T For this admirable foresight the -thanks :of -the "connntmity-is due to the water com - mission,-1 ' ' ' -." - - ;'-' ... ....... . . Abont forty men are now employed in various jas ffthe comnanys' shop. ' JJ.yejycEacgefn ;and wife, are registered a tij UmaullaHouse. " Deputy -Sheriff J. sHl Phirman has gone on a business trip to Harnev Conn- ty- . '. There will be preaching service at the Congregational church next Sunday moraine. .- . 'fM". ' (iti) - i' r ' ""Frank Pea body of Nansene and Henry Petersn of Wapinitia were in the citv yesterday. r , JSla. W', H. Wilson leaves this evening to join his familjr at Yaquina Bay. He expects to reurn in i'few days. ' " ' ' License; to' commit matrimony r.i was granted this morning to William Wide kind aged 28 and Mrs. Annie Schroeder aged 29. Mike Adnet, a citizen of the Republic of Switzerland declared his intention, this morning, to become a citizen of the United States. . The .examination of the Chinaman, charged with making a felonious assault on the Earl of Taffecomes off this after noon before Justice Sdhutz. .' . t t r . Engineer Morris Cavanaugh , from ".Boston" is registered at the Umatilla house.'' Three days ago he' was accord ing to the register in Jerico, .twenty miles south' of Jerusalem. If there is anybody in The Dalles more glad to see Joe MacEacbern back here than is the editor ii the Chronicle. if he will call at this office we will buy him a five-cent water melon. Elder Richardson . 'of Goldendale, called at this office today on his way to Wapinitia, to bold a week's protracted meeting at that place, commencing to morrow evening. At the conclusion of the meeting he will return to Dufur and remain over Sunday, preaching there Saturday night and Sunday morning, . The Normal Institute which meets in The Dalles, August 24th, will be an ex cellent -training school for teachers. Most of our teachers in this county have never attended a nor mal school, Sow is your, time. 'Young teachers here may learn more in a week, of new methods and applications, than in five years' ordinary teaching. If the schools of Wasco are to keep abreast of of the times some forward steps must be made. Will the teachers and parents respond with their presence and help. J.' H. Ackerman arid W. A. Wetzell are employed as assistants. The burning of the round house at the Cascades and the destruction of the en gines,' demand investigation. If the fire originated in any unavoidable way, all right. What could not be prevented must be endured, but if it was the work of. an incendjary the miscreant ought ,to be ferreted out and brought to judgment. The fire leaves the construction of the portage' road in the' predicament, that teams will have to Joe hired ' to do the work which the engines formerly did. Fortunately the greater portion of- the track is laid but there is yet much to be done that could be accomplished more cheaply and more expeditiously by a "donkey" locomotive than by wagons and teams. The people are too familiar with accidents (?) of this kind to rest satisfied with anything short of the ar rest and punishment of the offender or the clearest proof thaf the fire was purely accidental. ' " - - - ' '-- - A party ot seven persons, under the guidance of Mr. Will Langille of Hood River "made the ascent "of Mount ' Hood last Tuesday. The party consisted of a Portland siian. a Yale student on his va cation, foijr- gentlemen from the Hood River valley and a Miss Carrie Graham, a school teacher, from Chicago. They started. 'from Cloud Cap Inn .at 7.a. rru, and crossed, the Hood River glacier (not Mr. Cradlebaugh's Glacier) on the east of the mountain ' and from thence veering ' round to the south of the mountain they gained the top at 5 :30 p. m. Miss Graham has the honor, of be ing the first lady who has made the as cent by that routed The party bad to slide down part -of the mountain, on their return,. on.;the, side . fornest their backs and arrived at camp with tattered clothes and skinned fingers at the late honr of IS o'clock the next morning. -Advertised Letters..' The following is the list of letters . re: maining in The Dalles postofflce uncalled for Friday, July 3, 1891, - Persons call ing for these letters wilt please give the date" on whicK they .were advertised: BtiwerS, Oliver C - Campbell, J V Cartney,, W F , Depaa CW -Donelan, M Evick, -A.F ;- Fagg,; James Fisherf J I ' Georpe, C W : ,'Hockettj. Mrs John Hendricks, H B - Jackson, W- ; James, Mrs Moilie' ' Jensen, Anders -Loach, Hans ' Payne, JE ' Mt;Cainr A O Rovcroft, Mrs Mary Steyens, W -H-. Smith, 8 E . -Smithr, Misa -Irene Tayiorv Jim' - -' Thornbury; J;H -7 TownsendiT M,;(2) Todd, E. . '..Woodward, Oliver ' ... Williams, E' A-- ; .' li , ' M,. Ti" NoiiAHt 'P. M. 10.00 Reward.-' - .i-Z Lost, a diamond scarf pin the', above reward' will be paid by returning to C E. Haight. " ' : ' -' ' :. -1 i- r . Persona leaving the city for a summer outing' can have- the Chronicle sent to them without extra charge. -r:- t4.i , , '; FTRAY .NOTICE. V; i? . A BED COW WITH WHITE 8POT8, BWAL low fork fn each ear but no brand, is in my pasture on Mill creek; The owner can have- her by paying fur pasturage and advertising. w- bisgfeuj. McEachern A Mclyfd have purchased the BvSjeitL jcS& jjnih andwjtt place j it on. sale, immediately at Mr. Solomon's j old stand. - ' j jYterday evening at,. six o'clock,, .a j number of brilliant "Sun dogs", were j observable from this place in the west- ! era sky. . - The house and contents of Griffith Brothers, on the east bank of the ,John Dayj at the Clarno' ferry, -were burned last week. The cause was a defective flue. v " : ' We are sorry to hear that thei fine colt that Mr. Andy Swift of Wamic was raining for the races has met ' with an accident by which it is severely' if not permanently, crippled. Money to Loan. $100 to $500 to loan on short time. "" Bayabd & Co. S. L. YOUNG, IftannuortsG. HKCK., -Jewelry, Diamonds, SILVERWARE, :-: ETC Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired and Warranted. 165 Second St.. The Dallee.Or. V. N. THOKNBURY, - T. A. HUDSON, Late Rec. U.S. Laud Office. Nptary Public THGRPUBY &HUDS0K, U. S. Land Office Attorneys, Rooms 7 and 8, U. S. Land -Office Building, 'THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. pilings, Contests, And Business of all Kinds Before the Local , - aud General Land Office " Promptly Attended to. Over Sixteen Years Experience. -WE ALSO DO A-- General Heal Estate Business. All Correspondence Promptly Answered. HUGH. CHRISMAN. . , f W. K. CORSON. Chrisman & Gorson, Successors to C. . CHRMAH & SOUS. Dealers in all Kinds of Flour, ijf&in, Fruity Etc., Etc., Highest Cash rPr fee "for ' Produce. Wasco Warenouse Co., Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their, destination. . Recfeives Cciignmehts For Sale on Oo.mmissio. Plates treasonable. MARK GOODS THE DALLI8, OREGON. . .. : .. I ..I -. . . . The Eastern Oregon Go Carries a full line of Dry - GoiiffC GrocXns, , y-ih ' Bootil tni: Sloes, ' 'v.. Also a ednplete line of ' ' Wagons, Qi:tsJ 'Reaper's and v Mowers andall' Agricul tural Implements. In the- Maix wVogt Block, ; I ... 194 Second Street,. The Dalles, Oregon. . DEALER IN GROCERIES. operative 1 . ; E. N.. CHANDLER, Mgr. v. CHROSICLI SHORT STOPS.- " ' r.SVJO :-;'t C-;iTPT3 . Blackberries, three Tjbxet? for twentv five centa'at Joles Brothers; -v rf.-t For headache bse S. B. headache cor. " "For bqughs'and colds use 23797 :' .; 1 , For physic always me S. B. headache cure. . . ; ,. Use Dufur flour. It is the best. " ; ,- 237S is tfie cough syrup for children. , , For,0. JJ G. diaarhoea S B. .pain cure. is the best thing known.. Get me a cigar from that fine, case at Spipes & Kinersley's, . 4 .. '., , For ice cream cramp use S. B.. pain cure. - . ;. ; , ; ., .,... For 4th of July colic use S. ' B,. pain cure. - . " . -; . . Chas. Stubbling has received a car load of the famous Bohemian beer which he has- now at retail ac ten cents a glass or twenty-five cents a quart; - Tliis beer is guaranteed to-be a u eight , month's brew and is superior to anv ever brought to The Dalles.' " . ,t Bids -will le received at the office of Hugh Glenn up till the first of August, for the hauling of 150 barrels, more or less, of cement, from the cars to the new reservoir on the Mespne place.. , Ask your grocer for Dufur flonr. - For 4i,h of July colic use S.. iB.' pain cure. ' ' '':,"' ' ; ;' ,'' The celebrated Walter H! Tenny Boston-made mens and ' boys' fine boots and shoes in all styles, carried by' The Dalles Mercantile company at Brooks & Beers old stand. ': For 4th of July colic use S. B.'pain cure. '; ' Long Ward offers for sale one of the best farms of its size in Sherman county. It consists of 240 acres of deeded land at Erskinville. There is a ' never-failing spring of living water capable - of water ing tive hundred head of stock daily; Tue house, which is a large store build ing with ten rooms attached alone cost $1700.:.. A blacksmith shop and other buildings and the whole surrounded by a good wire fence. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply by letter or other wise. to the editor of the Chronicle or to the owner, W. L. Ward, Boyd, Wasco county, Oregon. J ' ' Preparing For Hot Weather. The following telegram from White wright, Texas, indicutes that the people in that ' vicinity do not intend - to be caught unprepared- i Vhitbwkight, Texas, June?, 1891. : Chamberlain & Co.,. Lies Moines, Iowai Ship us at once one gross Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, 25 ;ent size, and two dozen 50 cent size. We are entirely out and have had nearly forty calls for'it this week; O. Y. Rathbiw & Co.' -' This is just such a medicine aa every family should be' provided with during the hot weather. It never fails and is pleasant to take. For sale by Snipes & Kinersly, - - From San Antonio. . Aug. Hornung, a well known manu facturer of boots and shoes at 820 Nolan 'St., San Antonio, Texas, will not soon forget his experience with an attack of the cramps which he relates as follows: "I was taken with a violent cravnp in the stomach, which I believe would have caused my death, had it not been for the prompt use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Djarrhoee Remedy. . The first dose did me so much good that I followed it up in twenty minutes with the second dose, and befor the doctor conld get to where I was, I did not need him. This remedy shall alwavs be one of the main stays of my family." For sale by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. Children Cry for Pitchervs Castoria. When Baby was alck, -we gave her Caatoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung; to Castoria, When she had Children, she gare them Castorte ' To the Public. Caddo Mills, Texas, Jane 5, 1891. From my own personal knowledge, I can recommend . Chamberlain's' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy --for cramps in the stomach; also for diarr hoea and flux. It is the best medicine I have ever seen used and the beet selling, as lit always gives satisfaction. . A. K. Srerbill, 25 and 60 cent. bottles for sale by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. ' '"' ": NOTICE. JR. I?, French has for sale a number of improved ranches' and unimproved lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood in Sherman county. They will be sold very" cheap and -on reasonable terms. Mr. French can locate settlers ' on some good unsettled claims in the same neigh borhood. His address is Grass Valley, Sherman county, Oregon. ,; ;., .-. . , ; Twenty Dollars Reward. -.! : ...... . . - - ' - . Parties have been cutting the supply pipes above the city between . the Hume and .the reservoir, thus doing much dam age .This must be stopped and " a re ward of $20 is hereby offered for evidence that will lead to.' the conviction of per sons doing the -same. By order of the Board of Directors. ' - - - HOI TBEBI1 I will give SO cents -for- each cow im pounded between the hours of- 8 o'clock p. m. and 7:30 o'clock,., m., found, at large about my premiaesi - Put .' them in hQ.y-8 bring marshal's certificate and get your money. , . ; ; ., . E, B. Dpfub. , ' i;f-i-' '. - 'qtlce. '. .- ;. ; . -. City;'taxes ' for'' 1891 -are- now -doe. Dalles-City tax assessment is now in my hand and will be held .in. my office for sixty days.. Sixty davs from date,:, July 18; 1891, city taxes will be delinqnent. : ,-.',.. ........ j, , O. Kinersly, , . v " '. .7, Oi.ty Treasurer. ' , i.-; ". '-'j- Notice.-. '',-.-, -hAU citv warranta- registered prior to October 3rd, 1889, will be paid if pres ented at my Office. - - ' Interest ceases from and after this date, i The DaUes, Or.,-July 10th.l89i: - - i' .- ' . -r 0. KlNEBSLYj j - . - ,- in : -vti City;Treasurer. 5 - - FOB 8ALI. . - ' : .f.', r -i - '-. :' -ft f - ; A" good photo outfit consisting , of one cfoulble-swihg back Flamming,, camera, K. and J: Beck' lens, tripod, 'retouching easel, trays, chemicals, etcr. For particu wERE 75 pair of Misses Shoes worth $2.25 for $1100 100 Corsets worth $1.25 for 50 cents. OUR ENTIRE LINE OF . ; . . DRESS GOODS AT ACTUAL COSX. A M. WTLIJAMS & CO. The Northwestern Life Insurance Co., OP MIIiWAUKEE, WTBCONSIN. Assets oyer $42,000,000.00, Surplus over $6,500,000.00.' .. ; IicNA Hkiohts, Spbikofikld, O., June 15, 1891. Prof. E. Z, Snuey, .. Dayton, Ohio. ' - ; ' " Dbar 8ia: Replying to your requoit for a with the Equitable Life Assurance riociety of New Nuiie uuh in enc early part 01 xwi, ui the Equitable upon their Ten-Year ' amounted to S37 .512.00. The Tontine 1 Company then offered me the following terms of FIRST A paid up policy for .$40,000 00 And ciinti .-. ..'., 9,75160 feECOND A paid np policy for. ...... 54,600 00 THIRD Surrender my policy, and receive in cash 36,496 80 - I was so little satisfied with the results of my investment that I chose the third, cash, proposi tion, hut when I so decided, the company, through several of its representatives, labored to indue me to take one of the other forms of settlement, but finding that 1 was determined to surrender the. policy and take the cash, they linnlly Instructed me from the home oiflce to sand policy and receipt for the amount, $36,4Mfi.80, to their State manager in Cleveland, and he would remit me the amount. I followed their instructions and sent the policy and receipt through iuy bank in Springfield to our correspondent in Cleveland, only to have it returned from the Cleveland Bank with the information that the State manager of the Equitable states that he "had not sufficient funds to meet it." This forced me to return it to the New York office, and compelled me to wait some twenty days si tar maturity before receiving final settlement. I have given no statement endorsing the Equitable, or expressing my satisfaction with their settlement with me. On the other hand I have positively refused to do so. The fact that my re turns were $1,015.20 less than my total investment renders further comment unnecessary. During the time I carried the Equitable policy and up to the day when they submitted the ab ve proposition to me, I was kept In total ignorance of the condition of my investment. In marked contrast with this has been my experience with the Northwestern, in which in 1882. I to.)k a Ten-Year Endowment Policy, Ten-Year Tontine, for $10,000, that company having from time to time furnished me with a memorandum of the surplus on my policy over the signature or tlieir actuary; so that while my policy has not yet matured, and will not until next year, I hare the satisfaction of knowing that at maturity it will net me from $4,000 to $5,000 more than the faee of the policy calls for. Very trulv yours, ROSS MITCHELL. We have thousands of comparisons with all the leading Life Insurance Com panies of the United States. Full information furnished upon application to T. A. HUDSON, Associate General Agent. JOHN A. REINHARDT, Special Agent, The Dalles, Oregoa. eobt. y&rzs. MAYS & CROWE, (Successors to A BRAMd & STEWART.) XletAllers and Jobbera i ti Hardware, - Tinware, - Grairiteiare, - woeflenware, SILVERWARE, ETC. -: AGENTS "Acorn," "Charter Oak" "Argand STOVES AND RANGES. Pumps, Pipe, Plumbers' and Steam Fitters' Supplies, Packing, Building Paper, SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES. Also a complete stock of Carpenters', Blacksmith's and Farmers Tools and Fine Shelf Hardware. -AGENTS FOR- The Celebrated R. J. ROBERTS "Warranted" Cutlery, Meriden Cutlery and Tableware, the "Quick Meal" Gasoline Stoves. "Grand" Oil Stoves and Anti-Rust Tinware. ' All Tinning, Plumbing, Pipe "Work and Repairing will be done on Short Notice. 174, 176, 178. 180 SECOND STREET, jvfeu -o. Qolumbia jiotel, THE DALLES, OREGON. Best Dollar a Day House on th.e Coast! First-Class Meals, 25 Cents. First Class Hotel in Every Respect. None but the Best of White Help Employed. T. T. iebtolas, Phop. -: DEALERS IN Staple and Hay, Grain and Feed. No. 122 Cor- Washington and Third Sts. ;'" .' ' H. C. NIEL-SeN. GlotMci a fed TailcDi, BOOTS AND SHOES, r;ats ai?d Qapj, JrupKs, tlalises, CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON 8T8., THE DALLEH, OREGON. IN ITi statement of the facts eoncerniue hit York in their lute settlement with me. i, my age Deing ue years, I took out u Ten-Faymeut Life Policy iu ear Tontine flan, for $40,000. My premiums during the peri 06 itine period expired early in January of the present year, and tata settlement; Xj. IE. CKOWifi. FOR THE :- 99 THE DALLES, OREGON. BROS., Fain Groceries, lars apply ai tnis omw,