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About The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1891)
3J The Cal&iiCiflJiCEiiJillle. i i f t 1 i ; ? a a a a r a THURSDAY, - -JULY 30 1891 METE0E0L0GI0AL EEPOET. Pacific . H Rela- W State -Coast BAB. S tlve of C. - of Time. r Hum Wind s Weather. siliJ.'.j'.' 67 1 81." Went Clear. SP. M 30.01 76 46 PtCloudy U&tlmura temperature, 79- minimum tem perature, 62.- i . ,. i, i ; '.. t--:.- '- ' -! ' -WEATHER PBOHAWIHTUCd. Tint; Jnly 30, 1891. ; Weatlier forecast ' till IS m. Friday: fair, followed by rain. slightly cooler, variable wind. - The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. ' LOCAL BBKVITIUR. '. Major Weed, the representative of the Portland Telegram, . ia expected in this city next Saturday. ' . . The 'regular, uieetiag of the W. C- T. U., will be held in the reading room- on Friday at three o'clock. - The one solitary question that agitated this community today was What has be come of the street sprinkler? , . ,( , Hon. J. D. Lee and family, and Rev. H. Brown and family left on the boat thisr morning for Chenoweth Landing. ' The New York Iferaid announces1 that it-Mr. Cleveland ia nominated for presi dent in' 1892 it will Bnpport the republi can candidate. ' We were pleased to see our old time friend Mr. Tom Foley on the street to day, after having been confined to his room for the past three days. -; Mr; Frank Laughlin left today for ; Goldendale and other places north of the river, from whence he will proceed to join his family at Glenwood, and re turn to The Dalles in, a few days. i An IriBhmaiV.observing a lady Walk ing on the street dressed in a fashionable trailing skirt .which swept the ground, for . a yard, behind her, accosted her thus ; "Mum .1 beg your pardon,- but hadn't ye betther give yer suapendhera hitch?" ; . V Engineer Geo. W. Lang, who has been under the care of the physicians of St. Vincents' hospital, Portland, for the past month, came up to this, city, yesterday, He is bo far improved in health that he will leave for a month's trip to the coast tomorrow. - ( ' The round house at the Cascade Locks was burned I up; night before last and its contents, consisting of two "donkey" It is generally believed that the fire 'did not'originate through spontaneous com bustion. i . Messrs. George A. Liebe, H. T. John atcr and Lieut. Norton went down to Portland last evening to lay before' the leading citizens there the claims of East ern Oregon to have a portage around -The, Dalles, on the Oregon side of the rfver " - jYeaterday a Cbxoniolb representative saw In a show case in the store of Mays A Crowe, the finest exhibition of pocket cutlery he ever set his eyes on. He counted aa many as 120 different kinds ( pocket knives,. ni two of which were alike. - ' ' - - ., Tonight ia the time for the moon-light excursion on toe . Baker to Hood River and return. There cannot be s doubt that it will be a very enjoyable affair. A scow, will be attached to the steamer lor dancing" purposes and the Third reg iment band will furuiah the music. Only eleven more days and the lordly aalmon may, unmolested, ; plough the waters of the Columbia from the British possessions to Astoria, without fear of the horrid gill net or the deadly "wheel. j-.Even. now- -the fishing season is practi cally ended up this way. Nearly all the Wheels have slopped and the nets are catching next to nothing. The proposition to Portland ' to open the Columbia river, 41,1 outline of which "was pablfthed in yesterday's issue, ia of arpaesihg Importance to as a business proposition , is., worthy of indorsement and jSractica! aid. It is in order for Astoria to subscribe to the stock and do all in its, power to -further the scheme- 'In this,- as in - all. other large-projects, 1. co-operation ia. essential oil the part of every community likely ttt benefitted, directly of indirectly. Aslorian. .r .: r.. . . j jA liwn, party ,waa given . by the lady bicycle' riders of this city to the.! gentle men of the club last evening at the spa cious grounds of Mrs. A. M. Williams. The occasion waa a pleasant" bh6.T-. Ic6 creani was served .and from the .amount cbiianmed H might be iuded tbit bicy cling ae good appetites.', & iew uch parties by the lovers of the .''silent steed" 'will inikff the .wheel -decidedly popular "in The.Dallea.l.. - lf .- .... , , As Chaa. Sandoz was peddling garden truck this morning, hia team, which was standing in front tf the Jackson house, ' while he was on the opposite, side of the street, took, fright at-something and ' started bri a run down Seco'nct street till it came to Nielsen's corner where itxl ' tided with, the telegraph ' pole and Was brought to a dead stop. The horses . weVe '- uninjured, ;'but Jhe - wagon': pole mapped off short N near the hounds -and one ot the hind springs .'was Trofcen, while the harness was somewhat demor alized. . . V- ' TW Oh?Ale appreciates the "M. Gi'Mdsief dpirespoadehee and solicits itilt4nnpl. - ''' Miss Etta Story came up on the noon train today from Herman Creek. She will return, in a few days. The family of Mr. J. H. Cross left on the boat this morning for a few weeks outing at Collin's Landing. , . . t ... ; The assessor for the city' of Portland gets" $4000 a .year: Hd" has' three assis tants who get respectively $1800, 1200 and 1(900 a year.' -.. t-. ; ,".! i. Mrs. Dr. Hollister iind child and Mrs. E."Dunbain .and children went up on the noon' train: oday--; to?- ;canip? at the mouth of the Deschutes for a few days. The Oregon bar association1 have de cided to tender Chief Justice Fuller, who is now visiting Tacoma, a fitting re-ceptionyin-coinection with an invitation to visit the city of .Portland. If the Baker City Blade does not soon get a new printing outfit it will have to send a small boy out with every paper to. explain what the dilapidated .hiero glyphics mean. " ' ... r 71 A little over one and a balf persons in each, thousand in the United States are insane; so say the statistics ; but there is many a man,, not a statistician, who things the proportion of fools larger than that. jFrom Mr. O. 1j McGarvie, the gentle manly operator of the AVestern Union Telegraph company at this place, we learn that Mr. T. T. Turner, our for mer operator, is so far recovered from his late sidkness that he is expeeted to. be back at bis old desk by the 10th. prox. A daily mail will start from The Dalles, Saturday, August 1st for Ante lope. The mail contractor is A. W. Branner and the office at this end of the line is at the Umatilla Houee, where it has. been ever since the first mail started on that route. : .. . . ... .. , r . . .' Ah injunction was granted" today by Judge Thornbury in the absence of the circuit judge, to school district No. 8, Hosier, by C. J. Phillips as agent and director af the plaintiff, against Troy Shelly et. al. commanding them to de sist from dividing or attempting to di vide said school district. - -, . j : A man named Chaa. Rose was tried "a 1 fev days ago in Walla ' Walla jcharged with keeping his saloon open on Sunday. Notwithstanding that it was. distinctly proven that Rose kept . open house and sold liquor to all who asked for it the jury found that the evidence was insnf- ficient and the defendant was acquitted. Mr. Stanley, in his "Darkest Africa," gives Emin Pasha as authority for the statement that the chimpanzees, which visit the plantations of Mswa station at night to steal the' fruit, Use' torches to' light the way. .We don't believe a word of it. How coutd a chimpanzee strikes,. match when he wears no pants? ; : ' . The Portland Lipatch thinks that the Mafia has taken root in Portland,' be cause an Italian named Regatta shot the horse of a rival in the garbage business, another ' Italian named Godono. Godono, it appears, was in the act of un tieing his horses when a bullet whizzed past his ear and lodged in his horse's side.'.. ; . : .... ... .. .; ! "Constable J. D. Peck came down from Pendleton this morning to "take; back "John Doe," who was arrested here day before yesterday, by virtue of a telegram from Mr. Peck to Marshal Gibdns. The prisoner is charged with having purloin ed a seventy-five dollar fiddle from a sa loon ib Pendleton, in which he had been employed as musician) He had the fid dle with him when arrested. ... Mrs. A. E. Markham, of Clay . Center, Kan.', and Miss Mattie Morton of Sparta, III.", arrived in this city from their east ern homes on Monday evening. . On the same evening Miss Morton was married at the Union street lodging house, by Rev. E. D. Sutcliffe to Mr. C. E. Mark ham of Hood River. They left yester day afternoon for. Hood River , where they intend t6 make their future ; home. A change of time on all passenger trains passing this plaee will take effect bit Sunday" morning next at 12.05 a. m The No. 1 west .bound fast mail .will ar rive at The Dalles at 4:40 a. m.' and leave at 4 :45 a. m., arriving at Portland at a. m. No. 2 the east; bound' fast mail leaves Portland at ' 7:30-. m.y ar riving at 11 ;4Q p. m., leaving at 11 :45 p. m. No. 7, west bound express arrives at: 6 :20"p. m: aWd.' leaves : at: 6! 45 p.' m., arri ving at Portland at 10 :45 p. mr No 8 east .bound, express; leaves , Portland at .8 a."., m., arriving here at , 12 :05 r"p-m leayhg at 12 :30 p. m,' - It will be noticed that trains' No. 's "7 and 8 will stop 'here twenty-five .minutes for : meals, instead of fifteen tranntes as heretofore. Colonel Sinnott got off iiis fish, story again this morning In' good styje' pn. an innocent - 'tonrist The gentleman "in questlan is from Ohio,, and. Is "traveling in the fat west on bis bridal - tour.' : The couple arrived on the noon train and at once consulted the Colonel about the lo cation of the famous dalles of the Col umbia... The ' Col. J truthfully told him that this great freak of nature was lo cated four or five miles up the river and then the ruling passion asserted Itself and forced him to tell the story about George . Francis ' Train's." attempting to cross the river, forty years V ago,- on- the backs of the salmon. The , gentleman took it all in and "pronounced it "wond erful" but his wife toot" a'n'.flnaccount- able fit of laughing that was not over when the reporter left the hotel. Mayor MkVs4. retiirn"el. city to day .from a nine day's trip to hhr ranches in the country. The Canhy Wom'an'su Relief corps No. 16 "will" give an ice' cream festival at Hood River on Saturday night, Aug 1st. When a political party refuses to listen to the people's wants then it ceases to be the people's party and ought to crum ble to ruin. As we go to . press Mr. John. Hamp shire is going the r'ounds-of the business part of the city to discover, as near as possible, how many tickets can be sold for the moonlight trip to Hood River to night. He reports encouraging success and assures as "if any where near the number of 150 can be sold the boat will run." The national republican executive committee now in session at Washing ton Dj C.,have accepted-the. resignation of M. S. Quay as chairman and member of the republican national committee, and of W. W, Dudley aa treasurer of the same subject to the approval of the full republican national committee, at its next meeting. The usual vote of: regret and thanks was tendered to both. A party of four young men left . P01 1 land yesterday for Mount Hood which they intend to' climb at night so as to be on the summit at break of day and see the 'sunrise. They took with' them a copper box which they intend to fix on the top of the mountain, as the one placed there by the Alpine club has been destroyed. They intend to descend into the crater, by ' means of ropes, on their return down'the mountain. FOR SALE." A good photo outfit consisting of one double-swing back Flamming camera, K. and J. Beck lens, tripod, retouching easel, trays, chemicals, etc. For particu lars apply at this office. Kntlcci t.o Horsemen. - The Yearling trotting race for the dis trict fair having failed to fill the society have substituted a quarter mile dash for runners purse of $75. Conditions same as other running races. - SIO.OO Keward. Lost, a diamond scarf pin the above reward will be paid by-, returning to C. tj. Haight. ...,,.' Kntrles Close- The two year old running stake and all trotting races close September 1,-1891 for our district fair ; Don't overlook it. Enter vour horses in time. Persons leaving the city for a summer outing can have the Chronicle sent to them without extra charge. C. N. THOKNBURY, T. A. HUDSON, i-au kcs. V; 5. uinaumce. notary. niDUf THOBIiBDBY&EiSOX, U. S. Land Office Attorneys, Rooms 7 and 8, U. S. Land - Office Building, THE! DALLES, -. - - OREGON. Filings, Contests, Anii Business of all Kinds Before the Local and General Land Office Promptly Attended to. Over Sixteen Years Experience. WE ALSO DO A General Heal Estate Business. All Correspondence Promptly Answered. A: A. Brown. Keeps a full assortment of y '. ; and Provisions. ;. which he ofTerr at Low Figures. SPECIflli :-: PRICES , td Cash Buyers, fiiekelsen's Block, Cor. Third and Washinston, Th Palles, Oregon. Chrisman Bros., - . . : (HuoMofi to Baylor) n i . .-; ' - ' x - . . 8 -trt PfcOPKIBTOKS, OF THJl r I it THIRD STREET. Dealers in all kinds of Meate BACON and SAUSAGE ALWAY8 ON HAND. DIMM -:E0LLER: - MILL A? H. OURTiS, Prop. Flour of the Best Qual ity Always on Hand. THE DALLES, OREGON. Staple ana r aney urocenes IV' CITY MRICET T - CHKONICLI 8BOBT STOPS.1 1 x Blackberries, three boxes for twenty flve ! cents at Jales Brothee.- ' For hetidache use 8; B lieadache cure. For coughs android? use 2379. u For physic always use B. headache Wt r-t' ..,. ....... -r t: Pe pufujF, flour. It, i the, best. ; ; ... 2379 is the cough, syrup for cliildren, t For O. N. G. diaarhoea S. B. pain cure iS'the best thing known: ' Ge tnii a' cigar from that fine case at Snipes 4 KinerBley's: For ice cream crriiiip nse 8. BC pain Cure. : ; ' "' ' For 4th of July colic use S. B. pain cure:," ........ Bide will, be received at the. office of Hugh Glenn ..up. till the first of , August, for the hauling of 150 barrels, more, or less, of cement, from' the cars to the new reservoir on the Meppae place. ' Ask your grocer for Dufur flouV: For 4ll of July colic use S. B.," pain cure. " J 'T. : ,The celebrated Walter H", Tenny Boston-made mens1 'and boys' fine boots and shoes in all styles', carried by The DalleS Mercantile company at Brooks A Beers old stand. ' ."-''"'. For 4th of July colic use Si B. pain cure. ' ' : Long Warda offers for sale one of' the best farms of its size in Sherman county. It cohsi fits of 240 acres of deeded land at Erskin-ille. - There is a never-failing spnug oi living water capaoie oi water ing five hundred head -of stock daily. Tne house, which, is a large store build ing with ten rooms attached alone cost $1700.. . A blacksmith shop, and other buildings and the whole surrounded hv a good wire fence. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply by letter or other wise to the editor or the Chronicle or to the owner, Wt L. Ward. Bovd. Wasco county, Oregon. ' l'rparlne For Hot Weather. ' The following telegram from.. White- wright, Texas, indicates that the people in that vicintty do not intend io be caught unprepared : - ' '"'' ' Whitewkight, Texas, June 2, 1891: Chamberlain & C., Jje:MoinegyIowa: ! Ship us at once' one gross Chamber1 lain's . Colic, : Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, 25 ?ent size, and two dozen 50 cent size. We are entirely out and have had nearly forty calls for it this week. . ... , .. , U. . KATHBUN S VO. This is lust such a medicine " as everv family should be "provided with during the hot weather. It never fails and is pleasant to take. For sale by Snipes & liinersly, ,-- K. E. French' has for sale a number of improved ranches and unim proved lands in the Grass Valley, neighborhood in Sherman county. They wOl be sold very cheap . and on reasonable terms. Mr. French can locate settlers on some good unsettled claims in' the same neigh borhood. His address is Grass Vallev, Sherman county, Oregon. . - Krprii San Antonio. 1 Aug. Hornang, a well known manu facturer of boots and shoes at 820 Nolan St.. San Antonio, Texas, will not soon forget his experience with . an. attack of the cramps which he relates as. follows: I was taken with a violent cramp in the stomach, .which I believe Would have caused my death, had it not been for the roinpt use of tJn amber Iain a (Jo tic, !holera and Diarrhoee Keinedv. The first dose did ine so inach good that 'I followed it up in twenty minutes with the second, dose, and before the doctor con Id get to where I was, 1 did not need him. - This remedy shall always be one of the main stays of my family." For sale by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was uick, Vegare her CastorU. When aha waa a Child, she cried for Cactoria, When she boemme Miss, sho elnss; to Castoria, When she had Children, she gare them Caatori " ' Twenty Dollars Reward. , Parties have been cutting the supply pipes above the city between' the flume and the reservoir, thus doing much dam age. This must be stopped and a-'re ward" of $20 is hereby offered for evidence that will lead to ' the conviction of per sons doing the same. By order of the Board of Directors. : HOI THERE t "- ' I Wilt give 60 cents ' for each ' cow im pounded between the hours of. 8 o'clock v. m. and "'7:30 o'clock a. mi, found : at large about my premises.- l-Tit them in boys, 'bring marshal's certificate and get your money. . i E. B. Durvu. io tlxe Pnblle. " Caddo Mais, Texas, Jane 6,18&L" From my own personal knowledge, I can4 recommend 'Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ' .Remedy for firampS in the: stomach, also for diarr hoea and nux. it is the best medicine X have ever seen used and the best selling. as it alwavs cives 'satisfaction. A. K. Rhbrulll,' 2o and au cent Dottles lor Bale by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. Cityi .taxes-, for, 1891; are now: : due. Dalles City tax assessment is now in pay hand and will be held in my office for sixty day 8. Sixty davs from date, -July is, 1BSH, city taxes will oe aennquent. O. KllKRSI.V, : ; v.:r.' T- t: . City Treasurer. Notice is hereby giyea to all persons knowing themselves indebted to the es tate . of H. Solomon to call at the , store and settle the same, as all book accounts mast be settled. ; J. K. Dawson. : ,; . ... , ,,( . ; ..Assignee. '" ' ; ! Sottee. I ; ' 1 - AU eity warrants registered prior to October, 3rd, ; 188i. will be paid if pres ented at, my office. 1 . . . . :,, , : Interest ceases from and after this date. The Dalles, Or., Jnly 10th 1891. ; , O.. KlNBBSiT, . t i' i-; , -. i City Treasurer. '- , r,. 1 ,. i .r Cut flowers for. sale, bouquets . and floral, designs made to order. ;. Corner Eighth and Liberty. ;j , -, . , ; . ..... '-i , , . Mbs. A-Stubbing. Money to.Ioan . :.'s i-u. $100 to $500 to loan on abort time. Bayard & Co. ; , i 'v- -1 75 pair of Misses Shoes worth $2.25 for StM ..... 100 Corsets worth $1.25 for 50 cents. OUR ENTIRE DRESS GOODS AT ACTUAL COST. A, M. WILLIAMS & CO. jL.j II . It Hilt ilWli -iili--. Sy Northwestern . 3 ijj U y ft Hilt IV,i, OP MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN. Assets over $42,000,000.00. Surplus over $6,500,000.00. Prof E L Skuey Laoohda Hkiokts, Sfkihufieu, O., Jnne Dayton, Ohio. ... ' . - - . ' iP?iA"J1.:r"Sep,1?ln? sronr re'ueBt ,or. a "tatemvnt of the facte coiieerning my experieM . . he Equitable Life Assurunee Siety of New York in their late settlement with me: fwookt statethatin the early part fli MM, my age being 56 years, I took out a Ten-Pavment Ufe PoUey Is the Equltebleupon their Teh-Year TonHne pran, for 40,000. My premiuinB during the peri amounted to X3712.00. This Tontine period expired early in January of the present year, anTtS Company thea offered we the following terms of settlement;. .... . FIRST A paid up policy for ,.ftO,Ono 00 ' And cash 9.7fll 60 SECOND A paid up policy for. ;.. 54 6(10 00 . . THIRD Surrender roy policy, and receive in cash 36,496 0 i I was so little satisfied with the results of my investment that I chose the third, cash, propose, toon, but when I so decided, the company, through several of its represenUtives, labored tl indocV me to take one of the other forma of settlement, but finding that I was determined to surrender the policy and take the cash, they filially instructed me from the home office to send policy and recall for the amount, 136,496.80, to their State manager in Cleveland, and he would remit me the amount. I followed their Instructions and sent the policy and receipt through my bank in Springfield to oar correspondent in Cleveland, only to have it returned from the Cleveland Bank with the informatlom ' that the State manager of the Equitable states that he "had not sufficient funds to meet it." This forced me to return it to the New York office, and compelled me to wait some twenty days altar maturity before receiving final settlement. , I have given no statement endorsing the Equitable, or expressing my satisfaction with their settlement with me. On the other hand I have positively refused to do so. The fact that my re turns were 1,015 'A) less than my total investment renders further comment unnecessary. During the time I carried the Equitable policy and up to the day when they submitted taw above proposition to me, I was kept In total ignorance of the condition of my investment. In marked contrast with this has been my experience with the Northwestern, in which in 1882. I took a Ten-Year Endowment Policy,. Ten-Year Tontine, for $10,000, that company having frwaa time to time furnished me with a memorandum of the surplus on inv policy over the signature at their actuary; so that while my policy has not yet matured, and will not until next year, I hv the satisfaction of knowing that at maturity it will net me from $4,000 to $5,000 more than the faoat of the policy calls for. Very truly yours, ROSS MITCHELL. We have thousands of comparisons with all the leading-. Life Insurance Cona panies of the United States. Full information furnished upon application to T. A. HUDSON, Associate General Agent. JOHN A. REINHARLVIY Special Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. MAYS & CROWE, (Successors to ABRAMS & STEWART.) Zleta.lIors cixicl. 2T oVfcoz-B -i Mare, - Tinware, - Graniieware. - wooaepaie, SILVERWARE, ETC, -: AGENTS "Acorn," "Charter Oak" "Argand STOVES AND RANGES. Pumps, Pipe, Plumbers' and Steam Fitters' Supplies. Packing,' Building Paper, SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES. Also a complete stock of Carpenters', Blacksmith's and Farmers Tools and Fine Shelf Hardware. -AGENTS The Celebrated R. J. .ROBERTS "Warranted" Cutlery, Meriden Cutlery and Anti-Rust Tinware. All Tinning, Plumbing, Pipe Work and Repairing vill "be done on Short Notice. 174, 176, 178. 180 SECOND STREET, ieu o. Qolumbia jotel, THE DALLES, OREGON. Best Dollar a Day House on the Coast! First-Class Meals, 25 Cents. First Class Hotel in Every Respect. v None but the Best of White Help Employed.. - . : , 1 ; .... T. T. Nicholas, Pvop. .u! ; ' ?i DEALERS IN '.-JO:. i .' 1 :. ' ai Hay, Grain and Fted. No. 122 Cor. Washington and Third Sts. H. O. Glotniep and BOOTS AND SHOES, iatj ,aid. Qaps, JrupKs, Ualises, ;. y' Orntn' -; J5?XX?-ri-t bIi 1 in & . Grooda, ... CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON ST8., THE DALLES, OREGON. ARE IN IT ! LINE OF Life Insurance Co., JCj. de. cbowjb. FOR THE :- ft . FOK- THE DALLES, OREGON. t BROS.. Tailor