The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 27, 1891, Image 1

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    ; ' 1 ". '
( t !
NO. 35;
The Dalles ' fiaiiy CiSowM!
Published Daily, Sunday Excepted.
Corner second and Washington Streets, The
Dalles, Oregon.
Term of Subscription.
Per Year ...i.;x..i
Per month, by carrier. .,
Single oopy .,,.,.,,.,,
.. 00
'.. 4mr bound. '
No. fcrrive 12:45. : M. tpart 12:b lu ir.
8, . ' 12:16 p.m. " 12:35 P.M.
. WEST BOUND. . , ,. i-( .
Ho. 1, Arrle 4:A.w ,. Departs 4:88'a.
" 7, " fcl&r. M. ".fr:30r. M.
ne for the west at 7:45 a. M-and one for the
atat84.iL x r!V-
For Mufevllfe.'VMufcBMiJe Ovehi leare dally
except Bunday 4t . At . ; f 1
For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 5i..
r or uuiur, hintiiey, niniiu, 11 iiuiu.) " ' "
Springs and Tygh Valley, leave daily (exeept
Bundav) at 6 a. m:v . .
Pot 6oldendale, Wash;, leave every day bl the
Offices for all lines at the Umatilla Honae.
1 JL; :. .. ' -i. ' orrtCB sou a
eeaeral Delivrey Window 8 a. m. to 7 p. m.
Money Order " 8 a. m. to.4 p. m.
Sunday G. D. . i.. ...... a. m. to 10 a. m.
By trains going Fast 9 p.m. and 11:45 a. jn.
west p.m.and 4:46p.m.'
8tage for Goldendale 7:30 a.m.
" "MMnevilleiv " ' - ?
- u, Dufnrand warm spriligs. j.6:S0 a. m.
jl-eaving for Lvle A Hartland. .6:30 a. m.
. ,h. .. 4 I : ' JAhtelope. 6:80 a. nx,
Except Sunday. . , ,
Tri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday andi Saturday.
" Monday Wednesday' and Friday .
- ton, Paatoir. 9ervlce every Sabbath at 11
A. . and 7:30 r. M. Sabbath School at 12 M.
Praver meeting every Thurwlay evening at 7
o'clock. . .
t , CnaTiH, Pastor. Hcrviw every Sunday at U
A. M.' and 7 p. M. Sunday School after morning
nice; Strangers cordially invited; Seats free.
ma- It CTTT-ncH Mnr: IT. RfmwS. Pastor.
Jtl . Services every Sunday morning and eveuv
Ing. Sunday School at 12J4 o'clock jt.- A cordial
invitation is extended by both pastor aud people
to all. 1.. . -j-.
OT. PAUL'S CHURCH Union 8treet, opposite
CJ Flltli. Rev. iUl). suteiUTe nenor. m'rvices
HnnrtM at 11 .in. and 7:30 P.,M. Sunday
BOHeol VJ:3P. M.- Evening Prayer 6n Friday at
.f-('r-'ViJf:R, CHURCH Rev.- Father- Hroms-
O esBST Pastor. Low Mans every Sunday at
7 A. M. High Mais at 10:9V a. m. ..vespers at
7 p. v. '"'""
A&6BMBLY N(X 49ftt K OF L. Meeta 111 K.
of P. hall on tirat and third Sundayaat 8
eiocap. m.
WASCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. A. M. Meets
tirst and third Monday of each mouth at 7
'" V
, Meata tn Masonle Hall the third Wednesday
of each month at 7 P. M.
V tf CMiifr -woobEK" 6f t'h w'ofiS
Jrl Mt..Uood Camp No. 69 Meets Tuesday even
tug of eaeh week in L O, O. F. Hall, at 7 r. M,
COLUKfBIA WlXiE, 0.'"S, I. O. O. F. Meets
every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Odd
Fellows hall. Second street, between Federal and
Washington. Sojourning brothers are welcome.
H. A. Bills, Sec'y R. G. Cloktbb, N. G.
very MMiflay evening at -7:80 o'eioMt, -hr
Bchanno's building, corner of Court and Second
treeta. Sojourning members are cordially in
Tited."' 1 Gbo. T. TBOMPSON, ' -D.
W. Vaosk, Sec'y. C. C.
UNION will meet every Friday afternoon
at S o'clock at the reading room. A 11 are invited,
rTVEMPLe l-OD9E NO , A. O. V. W.-MeeUt
A at K. of P. Hall, Corner Second and Conrt
ii . TT-l n,.AnnM mt 1'W '-!. it iNi . . JOSH FlIXOON,
M. W.
W. S MTBBrFiBaeie-v
speciflcatinns furniahixi for dwellings,
churches, businexs blocks; schools and factories.
Charges. moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. . Of
floe ove French's Bank, The Pallets Oregon.-' - '-
DR. J. BUTHERLANDFbllow OP Trinity
Medical College, and member of the Col
lege of PbFBiclons and Surgeons,-Ontario Phy
iciart ana Surgeon. Office; rooms s and 4 Chap
man block. Residence; Judge Thornbury's Sec
ond street. Ouioe hours; 10 to 12 a.- m., 2 to 4
and 7 tog p.m. -
gbon. ' ' Office; rooms 5 and 6 Chapman
Block. Residence over McFarland & French's
' store.-. 1 .Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to
S P. M.
flee in Bchanno's building, up stairs. The
Dalles, Oregon. .
DSIDDALL Dentist, -r- Gas . gfven . for the
painless extraction of teeth.; Also teeth
set on flowed aluminum pbite. Rooms: Sign of
the Golden Tooth, Second Street.
in Opera House Block, Washington Street,
Th Dalles, Oregon
P. P. MAYS 'si LHWlTnBlTOie. H. s'. WION.
, neys-at-la w. Othces, French's block over
First National Bunk, The Dalles, Oregon.,
, : i. . , - . , . 1 ;,',t;
DUFUR, WATKINB MENEFEE Attob-nbys-at-law
KoomNos. 71 1 It, 75 and 77.
Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.
WH. r"Ib60!N Rooms
. 62 and 63, Mew Vogt Block, Second Street,
The-Dalles, Oregon.v,M
1 Grander Feed yardi
' (At Grtmes' old plaoeof Dusfrfess'." .-
Horses fedto riav or
r Oats at the lowest possl-
t Me nrices.- -Good care given to' animals left in
my charge, as I have ample stable room. Give
. ne a call, and I will guarantee satisfaction.
And anyone who hesitates to
come and buy some of the bar
gains we are offering" will' always
Why, suffer with the heat when .
j . you. can buy; those
Beautiful Patterns
White; Goods:
So cheapl'and keep coOl.
1 We are offering a large line of
Ladies' Cotton : Underwear
At scandalous LOW PRICES as
we intend to close them out.
Call and Inspect Tnem..
We1 '. also offer inducements in
Misses' and Ladies' waists arid
Cjrapd Qearar;ee
To make room for
our entire line o
ftOlTtf DAliLtES, Wash.
Situated at the Head of Navigation.
In the Inland Empire.
Best Selling Property of tEe Season
in thLe NortHwest.
Tof rurtheir iilforfnation call at thie" 6mce 61;
Interstate Investijiejit C., .
Or 72 Washington SiPOOTLAOT, Ox
AU Waich Wbrk;yarfarited.
Jewelry Made to: Order.
: ' . . -.: .i
188 Second! St., The Dalles, Or.
H. Glehri his.iembed his
office and the office of the
Electric Iiight do. tor 72
Washington St. i
new gdd&k; We offer
DfeESS 6obDS
to be
D. P. Thompson" J. S. schbncbv - fl. M. Bball,
President. Vice-President.. Cashier.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draftor Check.
Collections made arid proceeds' promptly
reinitfied on $dj tof collection- i
Sight and- Telegfahic) ExchanW sold! oh
i New York, San Francisco and. P6r
. land.
. . ....... DIRECTORS
D. P. Thompson. .. Jno. 8. Schbkck.
T. W. Sparks.
Geo. A. Lucbk.
H. M. BHALi.
french e&c co;,
Letters of Credit issued available in' the
Eastern States.
Sight.;- Exchange 'r and " iTelegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,-St.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington. -
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
Deputy Sheriff Poor Killed and a
i Cowboy Dangerously Wounded
ku nning in Chinese the Cause.
A SL Louis Judge .Decides .that . Pool
Selling is , all Right Details of
the Latest European Horror.
PoiTLAKi, July 27. A special to Ihi
Evening TfUgrdrn froiii Seattle says that
inteDH . excitement has been ..caused
there this iubrifh "upon . Ihe . recei of
trie news of the Kiumg-xf Deputy sneritt
Gio. W. Poor at Woolry last night.' and
the ; wounding of Cowboy Terry : aud
Cnstoiit Inspector Baird and Deputy In
spector Taylor Itoiden is under afrertit:
TM Shooting is said to have been' over
the capture of a band of chinamen who
were lieing. smuggled ; into the" United
States from Victoria. .Terry, Holden apd
Poor were, together aud the story is that
Deputy Inspector Buchanan and Baird
were jealous of each other's party and
Ahey laidin ambush for them. Thirty
shots were exchanged between the two
parties. " ' ' . '-..' ..-
The coroner 'a jury charged Baird and
Buchanan with the death of Poor.
Tke lele'a Home . Savings . Bank , of
Saii Francisco Having Hard Luck.
. San Fbancibco, July 27. .inn. was
began on the People's Home Saying
bank this morning and several thousand
dollars paid back to' depositors. Th6
bank commissioners have bfeguri an in
vestigation of the bank's afiairs,' Ac
cording to its report of july 1st the
People's bank. has. a. capital" stock of
(1,000,000 of which one. third is paid up
, There is due depositers who number
abefut 8000 the sum of $i90,000.-'
The" batiks oincers state that the" in
stitution" iif'perfectly aofverit. .Two of the
San Francisco morning papers have di
rected the attention totbe bank within
the past two days, contending - that; the
ate bank 'examiners bad 'not -made - a
proper examination of the bank's affairs
A Catamaran . Capsizes on . Long; Island
Sound With Murk Loll of Life.
Nw Haven, Coftn., July 27. The
Catamfariiii ''Typhoon1," having on board
J hdge Hugh Daty",1 hi s little AiecS, Capt.
Getf-'Aus'trn', Clarence Beebe ahi'!Rufu's
Shephard of this city were capKized .in
Long Island; Sound last night., ..... Capt,
Austin and neice were rescued by a
steamer. It. is thought that the 'others
are losi.: : The last' seen of Judge DalyV
Bee be' arid Sh'ephard they were clfngrhg
to' a' wreck', with the Waves threatening'
to .carry them under at any. moment
Judge Daly is one of .the leading repub
lican politician of Connecticut.- Shep
hard is a well known banker of New
Haven. Beebe belonged to one of the
city's best families. ' -
He Will Continue to Publish the Newa
'-".." !. However, v, Oi,;- ; !-i
Wiw' York. July 27. Charles O'Con
ne(r Henri'essy ' this morning '-pleaded td
an indictment , charging him with mis
demeanor by puhiicatioh in this Evening
N'ews of details, of the execution' of Slo-
eiim, Smiler. and others,, recently put tq
death by electricity at Sin Sing. ; The
counsel handed up a demurrer, claiming
that the statute under which' ibti indtct
ment wasf formed was ' nnconstif ntlonal.
in'asmu'ch ' as it restrained the) liberty of
the press' guaranteed to it by the const!
A Decision Acalnst tbe Union 1'aclfic.
. Omaha, July -27 .Justice Brewer of
the United States supreme court this
morning announced a deciefon fn the fa
mous Union Pacific1 Rock Island bridge'
case.. 'The decision is against .the" Union
Pacific; which holds the contract , with
i the Rock island and Milwaukee roads to
I be valid. , - . .
.. .i A Prlae Plght Arrangred For. .,.
"J New Yom, July 27. Jack.McAuliffe;
light weight chanrpioti: signed for a fight
to a finish with -Attstiir Gibbons for a
etike tl500 ahd a side purse' of t'iOOO' and
the light weight chain pidriship.; ' If (jib
bbn's signs the fight will. tateVpIacfe'T.ih
the Granite Club, Hoboken, September
11th. .: .v.. -A
The Work of Miscreant."
Paris, July . 27.--The' Parti states
that an investigation fntQ ,the St. Maude
accident disclosed the fact that the dis
aster was caused by5 an unknown mfs1-crea-ht
who deliberately altered signal's
bo as to bring th& trains into ' collision
He will be lynched if caught.
Chicago Wheat Market. 1 -Chicago.
111.. July 27. Close :
wheat firm cash 91 ; September, 88
PIY ' C.t BLK.''
Over Two Hundred People Killed In tke
8t. Maude Collision A Horrible
. Paris, July-27.- It is now-reported
that 200 people were killed or injured as
the result of the, St,. Maude collision yes
terday. Many of the unfortunate peo
ple were imprisoned beneath the wreck,
and drovmed by firemen who poured tor
rents, of water,. upon the. wreck and t
seemed to be utterly unaware that they j
were drowning the people they were at
tempting to rescue. ,,.
Today the town, hall at St. Maude pre
sents a fearful spectacle.. The blackened
bodies have been placed in rows upon
the floor and tables until in some case
the remains are little more than a heap
of. cinders intermixed with portions of
limbs. .. .
One pile of charred limbs , and human
cinders is especially conspicuous, . con
sisting; of a masg of unidentified and un
connected bodies placed in a heap.. . ,
The execution of young Berland. and
Dorre, the two accomplices of Mere Ber
land in Courberer's murder, took place
this morning ,on the place de Laroqiiette.-
Berlandrwalked calmly; to the guillotine,
but a desperate struggle took place on
the scaffold. k Dorre, made no resistance.
No sooner had the heads of the mur
derers rolled , into the basket than the
crowd surged forward and with a mighty
ras.h.and.broJce. through .the. cordon of
soldiers and policemen and began a dis
gusting scramble for an opportunity to
view the work of the guillotine.
Deatk of n Prominent Ve'rmbnter.
WAt'EBBtttY, Vt: 'Joljr Gov
ernor Paul Dillingham died this niorn
irig;' He" was nearly ninety-two" years
old.' He was a member of the fourteenth
congress and was governor of Vermont
in 1865 and 1867.
The Poo Selling, net . Unconstitutional.
St. Louis, July 27. The law which
prohibits the. selling of pools on horse
race and base ball, Was this morning de
clared unconstitutional by Judge. Clai-
burne of the court of criminal correction.
The state will appeal;. .
' . . The Weather. ,
San Fk1n6isco,: Jdlv 27. Forecast for"
Oregon and Washington, fair weather.
. .. nan .V'ranclacb Jtfnrkot.'
San '.Francisco, July 27. Wheat,
buyer '91, 161.-
A Weather Officer's' Reply to a Theory
" " A'dvsfnceA ly a Newspaper.
; San Francisco, July 25. The atten
tion ; of. Lieutenant Finley , weather
officer, , was ,, called , this morning to a
theory , advanced in a telegraphic dis
patch, to .account for the ,hot . wave now
visiting Southern California.- - The the
ory was to the effect that the lake at Sal
ton bad probably cooled the air in . the
interior, and that; this bad the effect of
diminishing the sea breezes and making
the section around San Bernardino so
warm:; .Xiientenant Finlfey sayS:-;.
"Well, the lake is undoubtedly : there,
but the only, effect it bas - is to increase
the heat rather than to lower it. l Why?
Well it takes' a; great amount of- heat . to
cause rapid evaporation, and when once
the; atniosphere is . charged with the
vapor of water it retains more heat than
if it were dry.' ' Moistnre- in -th atrtios
phere' retains the heat. ; Heat is simply
a question of the- circulation of ' the at
mosphere' an'd 'the differences of high
and low barometric pressure. They are
also having a hot wave irr Washington
and Oregon,-' and the processes are the
same in both sections, south and north
Of OS. ' '';;
A Sensational Ahdnetlon Case.'
TacMa; Wasn'. July1 2o.V-B. A. Mu'n
roe. who was arrested last night for the
abduction of . Annie Ensterbrobkea 10
yearld girl, of ; Sprague', claims that
they were married , at. The . Dalles, Or.,
some nine days ago. Sheriff Fish ar
rived fronr Sprague today with the .war
rants for therr arrest.' ; He saya the- girl
is wanted in a rape case there. About a
year ago Easterbrooke swore, out a war
rant for. the arrest of Warren WHcher, a
prominent stockmanQjLLipcoln county,
charging him with attempted rape upon
his daughter.' Witcher was tried, found
guilty and sentenced to four years iri the
penitentiary. He appealed to the su
preme court for a new - trial , which was
granted. The trial was set for July 13,
ithe dav before Mun'roe arid Annie
i Easterbrooke left fof the west. Sheriff
Fish states that the girl's father wi.s ap
proached some time ago. by two parties
who offered him $100 if he would get .the
girl out of the way,. This l.e reiused to
do. The girl is pretty and, well devel
oped for her age.
A Cnrloos . Financial Scheme.
: Topeka KLan.', July 25. In . Southern
Kansas a curious financial scheme has
been worked. Bond . companies have
been organized in most of the towns and
cities. The plan is to. sell a bond of
$1000 for $10 down and a monthly as
sessment, of fl,50 on each member. - As,
fast as there, is1 ,money enough In ' the
treasury the holders are paid in the or
der in which the bonds' are issued and
they drop out. -, . The scheme is to rapidly
add to the number of members that no
one.will pay more than.400 or-(500.
Already a bond has- been paid, the
holder of which ,has paid but $20. . He
received his full $1000, and dropped out.
The originators of the scheme were con
sidered honest men, and seem not to
have considered where the men compris
ing the latter half will get their money.
Several prominent men in this city have:
beon approached, but so far have refused;
to accept the bonds, although they were
offered free, evidently for advertising
Money la . Plentiful AmonC;. the Insnr
' Kent aiut trait are ftw:
. San Diego, Cal., July 25. The steam-,
er Montserrat put into pdrt for coal and.
will proceed north tomorrow. Carlos1'
Krug, captain of an insurgent vessel, is.
aboard and came upon a visit on account
of . sickness. The vessel left Iquique,
July 2, at which tiiue the insnrgents had'
control of everythinjgf the southern part'
of the country. '. Krug said that if the'
insurgent-? had. arms, which they are;
amply able to pay for, the,, rebellion
would fend inside of thirty' days. He re-pdrts-
that the ghv'erhment " is ' issuing'1
paper money to such an' extent that it is'
only worth three to one of gold.. Thes
insurgents derive a revenue of over $2,-,
000,000 a month from the nitrate fields,
which is used" to carry on the war. "A
shipment of arbis is expected, to arrive;
any day, which, will enable the insurgents
to place a force in the field which will,
Outnumber Baluiaceda's army arid put
an end to his reign.
The Canadian Government. .
Montreal., July 25.- Rumors in cir
culation here indicate that the fall of the .
government is considered certain shortlv;'
It' is confidently stated by' several well--'
informed politicians that; Ghaplean has
approached Luurier and offored to form,
a coalition government : with him, and
that 1-aurier has written the conditions
ot a proposition, of tfincn the main'
feature is that'. Laurier pliall make, his
own selection,; but give-Chapleau the
portfolio oi railways. , Laurier has not
yet decided what to do;
- , Neither wua Hurt.. t
Phujnixj Ariz., July 25 .rr-A shooting
affair occurred . this morning ; between ,
Pierlwmt Minor, manager', of the "Arctic
led Works and Abram Humphries, Ati"
attorney. It grew Out of the abortion '
case of' Dr. Helmeri, of which Humphries-is
.attorney It-was reported last
evening that Minor was heading a lynch
ing party. Humphries1 published an in
terview concerning Minor in this morn
ing's - Republican, Neither party were
Shepard to-Hare a Cabinet Position.
. Washington, 'Jury 25. It is' repirtdd '
here" that Colonel Shepard is1 a candidate -for.
a cabinet position. , Which port folio
the colonel desires cannot be ascertained,,
but it is generally understood that if he',
cannot have the one he wants', another
Will suit just as well. Secretary Proctor
will retire as soon as he is appointed sen
ator, probably October 1, and Mr. Noble
and Mr. Miller may go at the same time.
New York republicans are said to be a
unit in favor of ah appointment, which
will honor Colonel Shepard soconspicu-.
ously and remove him to Washington.
A Here Boy and Ulrl.
Philadelphia, July 26. Ida Reed,'
aged Id years, and Frank Cohwell, aged
14 years, were committed to prison to-,
day to await the action of the coroner at
the inquest to lie. held over the girl's'
dead child. The child's body was found
in a basket concealed in' the cellar; The
child . was Lorn alive,' but had been
killed by a blow in the back of the head
from Some blunt instrument. The girl
charges the boy Conwell with being the
cause of her disgrace.
Oregon All Bight.
Last winter the Oregunian was laboring
for the rejeal of the mortgage tax and
usury laws, it could not deplore Suffi
ciently the mossbackism of Oregon that
was driving money out of this state and .
building up the cities of Washington
where more liberal laws allowed , money .
to' be invested more freely, etc., to the
great advantage of the citizens of Wash-
ington and loss of Oregon.. It now ap
pears that these - statements were all
mythical. . Washington as the paradise
of inonevlender, has nearly as many ex- .
ploded booms as there are cities in the
state. Times are reported very dull in
many places and all business men say .
that co. lections are slower there thun in '
Oregon.1 A recent commercial report
shows that there have been fewer fail
ures in Salem than in any city of its size
on the coast. Salem Journal.
Daniel Webster's Hat.
The boots ' worn' by Daniel Webster
have been secured by the New Hamp
shire historical "society. Now if they
could find some statesman who coald
wear his hat they would be springing a
better novelty on the country. Seattle
A little experiment iu that direction
would thoroughly- convince everybody
that the best way, if not the only wuyr.
to' make good roads in. this country st
all seasons of the year is to straw them.
No question about , this; then.-, why not.
:o it? i You may call ne cranky, if you
like, on the matter of stra wing the roads.
But we know we are right, therefore we
shall fight on that line UTitil the roads
are strawed, or until this frail body and
frailer head of ours lies, moldering. in
the cold and silent grave. Exchange.
i Had reached the limit. MWell?"
said St.- Peter inquiringly.. "I'm . the
manufacturer of the only pure baking
powder in the" world,", said the applicant
proudlv. "You can't come in," replied
St. Peter, closing the gate. "I've let
four of Jou in already." New York Re
corder. . .... -
, Almost a proposal. "Do you know,
Mr. Dolley," said Amy; "I have joined
the King's Daughters?" "Indeed?" re
plied Dolley, with a glance of admiration
at the fair young girl. "I wouldn't mind
joining one of tbem myself." Judge.