CI) A. 7A mm VOL. II. THE DALLES, .OREGON, SATURDAYS-JULY 25, 1891. NO.m lifts; ... i . Published Dally, Sunday Excepted. ' . . BV. i ... . .. . THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Corner second and Washington Street, The Dalles. Oregon. Term of Subscription. Par Year For month, by carrier. . Macleoopy 60 ,. . TIJIK TABLES. Railroads. . . KAST BOTIMO. j , .- , Ko. 2, Arrives 12:45 A. M. ' Departs 12:fi5 A. S, lZilfrr. M. 12: 86 T. M. WEHT BOUHD. Ho. 1, Arrive 4:40 a; m. 7, ' " 6:15 P. . Departs '4:M a. m. - " o: r. X. Two Iocs, freight that carry passengers leave one for the west at 7:45 A. v., and one for the tat 8 A..IU 8TAGKS. 'T rrr- ! - For Prineville, via. Bake Oven, leave daily oept snnaay t at a...m.- HltebcU, Jos- EoiLAjKeioi .(.MOB,.. CanyonvCtty, leave Mondays, . wl r,prtn v and Fridavs. at 6 A. If . Vap rinfii. kin afur, Kinney, W'arair, Waptnitia, Warm Borings and Tyirb Valley, leave dally - (except i, Tar Goldendale, Wash., leave every day of. the .week except Sunday at 8 a. m.' " Offices for all lines at the Umatilla Bouse. . .'. ' Post-Office. . . ' pmcB, houbb U(Beerai Dellvrey Window". ...... .8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Honey Order " 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Sunday G. D. . . v -t H "' . m. CIQ8I1TO OF MAIM f trJ ,,; By trains going East 9 p.m. and 11:45 a. m. West 1p.m. and 4:46 p. m. "Btage for Goldendale .".7:80 a. m. " Prineville 5:30 a. m. .,(:" :DnfuraBd Warm Springs. a m. ! " .Leaving lor Lyle A Uartland. 4:30 a. m. . ' a ; ' s. : . ' jAntelope. -.....,. .:30a, m. lExeept Sunday. -' ' Tri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. " Monday Wednesday and Friday. THE CHUKCHK8. F O. D. Tat- ix r. Pastor. Services every Sabbath, at U V a. at. and 7:30 P. .' saooam bcbooi at u m. ' Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7 'clock. .. -n . flONGREGATlONAL. CIIURCH Rev. W. C. ;. iMTiM. Pastor. . Service every Sunday at 11 and 7 P. m. Y Sunday School after nornlng service. Strangers cordially invitea. .jseauj iree. II. E. CHCRCHrr-Rev. H..B10WH, Pastor. Services every Sunday, morning andeven- bog. gvwday , Mohonl at Vi o'clock M. A ArUiai r 8 hoof at V&i o'clock M. A eordial kavitatlon isextended by both -pastor and people tos T. PAUL'S CHURCH Union Btreet, oppwMte Filth.. Kev. JU u. Butcnne Kector. .oervices r'Behool 12: T.,ut :Eventng Prayer on FMday at in' Tl PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Bkoms- D sbbst Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at iT fas High 7 A. M. Mass at 10:30 a. k... r Vespers at tr. m. SOCIKTIK8. . lv , ASSEMBLY NO.:27,-K.' OF L. Meets' in K. of P. hall on first and third Sundays at i 'clock p. m. ' f r TTT ASCO LODGE, NO. 15, A: ; f & A; -M. 'Meets TV first and third Monday of each month at 7 ..t J-- v; r. .:. i;viti' BALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday .Vcltiuoutbt7P. M. -;; i . , - 1 f OBSKN..WOODMBS THB OBU).r- jVl" "Mt Hood Camp No. 59. Meets TneBday even , Ingef each week in V O. O. F. Hall, at 7 r. n. COLUMBIA TODeE,XO. 5, I.a Oi J.Meets every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Odd Fellows hall, Second street, between Federal and Washington. - Sojourning brothers are welcome. : . H. A. Bills, Seo'y R. G. Clostbr, N. G. FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets every 'Monday evening at 7:W o clock, in 'Bcnahno'S building, corner of Court and 'Second streets. Sojourning members are cordially in vited.. ,: ... i Geo. T. Thompson, . " 1. WVadbe, Sec'y. ' ' ' C.!. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERENCE UNION -will meet every Friday afternoon at 8 o'clock at the reading room. All are invited. TEMPLE LODGE' NO. & A: O.' V. W. :Meets at K. of' P. Hall, Corner 'Second and Court Btreeta, Thursday evenings at 7 :30. ,ii i Johh FllXOON, i W. 8 MYbbs, Financier: . M. W. PKDFBSSIONAL CARDS. WM. SAUNDERS ABCH1TBCT. Plans and specifications furnished for dwellings, churches, buxiness blocks, schools and factories. Charges moderate, satlsf action guaranteed. Of i fioe over French's bank, The Dalles, Oregon.". DR. J. SUTHERLAND Fit LLOW or TKINIIT Medical College,' find member of the Col , lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy ' f siclan and Surgeon Offlcn; rooms'3 and 4 Chap man block. . Residence; Judge Thornbury's Sec end street. ' Office hours; 10 to 12 a, m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. " ' ; DR. O. D. DOANE rHTsiciAir amd bu obiom. Office; rooms 5 and 8 Chapman Block. Residence over -McFarland & French's store. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 6 and 7 to ;P.M. ' '" " - " -' t n AS. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Of- fice in Schanno's building, np stairs. The Dalles, Oregon. . - - -' - - j D SIDDALL Dbntisi. Gas given for the - painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms:' Sign of the Golden Tooth, Second Street. A' -R.' TH6m'P80N AtTORNET-AT-l, AW. Offloe .a in Opera House Block, Washington Street, The Dalles, Oregon r ! i "'"'-- r.,r: mats, t a VHrrnnfioToic', b. b. wilbok. MAYS, HUNTINGTON 4 WILSON ATTOB-KETs-AT-law. Offices, French's block over ; First National' Bank,' The Dalles, Oregon.- v ' ' I j i . ' , ; ' i . , . . f ni. ' i w i i - w : i u - j . C B.B.DDrTJB. OBO. WATKIIf S. FBAHK MBNBPBK DUFUR, WATKINff dt MENEFEE Attob-fjbys-at-law Rooms Nos. 71, 73, 75 and 77, Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. W-H. WTLSON AttOBSs f - At-tAW Rooms 62 and 63, New Vogt Block, Second Street, Thk Dalles, Oregon. H. NEABEACK, PROPRIBTOB OF THE Graner.Feed Yard, T THIRD STREET. (At Grimes' old place of business.) j I .. . '"Horses fed" to Haj' or Oats at the lowest possi ble prices. Good care given to animals left In my charge', as I have ample stable room. Give sit a call, and I will guarantee satisfaction. I W. H. NEABEACK. "HE WHO HESITATES IS LOST." - . - .. i -1 .. And anyone who hesitates , to come and buy some of the ' bar - gains . we are offering will, always Why suffer with the heat when , you can buy. 'those - . 6 eaiitif u f Tatte rns WhiteoGoods, So cheap, and keep cool. We are offering a ies' Cotton Lad At scandalous LOW PRICES as we intend to close them oujt! tjail siriaispect Them, We also offer Misses' and Jerseys. IVlGFARljtAflD To make room for new goods, we "pfier our entire In of ABSOLUTELY flOHTH DALiliES, Wash. Situated at ihrHeacT of Navigation. Destined In the Inland-Empire. 4- Best elHn "loperiy of - ifclie ; Season ; inr the: Northwest. ' . ; For farther information call at the office of ' Interstate! Investment- Co., Or -72 Washington St:,1 PORTli AND, Or. ' O: D. TATIiOR: THE DAIiLES, Or. . . , . . - : - -4--,.- K W. E! GARRETSOH. Jeweler. BOI.K AGENT FOR THK All Watch WorkJ Warranted. Je-welry Made ' to Order. r ? ' V - r ' T ... r '138 Second St., The Dalles, Or. REMOVAL. H. Glenn has lemoved his office - and the office of the El&ctricr lijbht' Co. to l-r .' i---' Washington St. L6QdllXQ "I1" ' " ' ' T '1 "I tattaT 1 ' j' flissl i f i I allUllftl ltMLlll-J -1 11 IsMMp ,-fil .'. )T .1 I.-' T ,.:r-i i-i 1,l.i-, large line of underwear inducemerits in Ladies' waists and 8t FRENCH. - I DRESS GOODS A. M, WILLIAMS tfe Co. to be Center , P. THOMPgOIf - - President. j'. S. SCHKMCK,' H. M. BALX - Viee-President. Cashier.' First -liational :BanL THE DALLES. - OQOREN A General Banking Business transacted jieposits receivea, suoject to Mgnt 1 Draft or Check. Collections made -and proceeds promptly 4... emjtted! on dayof collection., ( Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on Kew s York, SanPrancisco; and Port h p i i Jand.; j , t : "DlRECOTdRS. ' .' D. P. Thompson. ':' Jno. 8. Schenck. T. W. Spabks. Geo. A. Liebb., H. M. Beaxl. , , , -; FREOK CO., BANKERS. TRANBACT'A'G'ENERALBANKING business Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States.., . . Sight i '. Exchange .f and : Telegraphic Transfers sola on new 1 orK, vjlricasro. St, Louis, Sari Francisco, Portland Oregon, A . . 1 . II. V J v-. oeame nasa., sou variouH points in jr egon' and.Waslungtoh.i'-s - ' - ' Collections made at all points ' on fav orable terms. v " '..- -. OREGON CROP REPORT. Wheat! ."Turning Out Better Than was 4 Expected -Hops "will ' be: a Good . Crop The Weather Propitious. - Villa rd Shows his Fine Italian Hand on a Milwaukee Street Line Deal Th Pope Gives a Blessing. Pobtand, Or., Jnly 25. The crop bulletin' issued by the Oregori 'Weather bureau today says the weather conditions: I have "been favorable to ripening of rain.1 uoe iiarvat.iBnow , Degun; ait oyer xne fBtate, r .Wheat jn every oiiw turn ing oat better than was expected. In a few sections smut is reported but not to any great extent. : The oat crop is re ported to be a good one. The codlin moth is doing some damage. .-. Hops are quite promising. ,The peach crop will be the largest on record. .: '"""a " oiGA&tfic deal. -' Tlltavnl' Obtain Control of all the Street. l!r LiDea in Milwaukee. : J - ' Milwaukee, July 25. Henry Villard, by another deal consummated today has obtained .control . of every luternatjonal Trsinsportation :Iine in ;th!B.''.cityV except tbe one on the short electric road. The Viljard people have ,'eted;;thej"lirgesf electric power house in the- WdrkT . here, more thanjsulficient for all purposes yet developed with control of all the street car racks., : ... This Result of the Latest English Elec- ""'", , " tion. " - j London, July 2Q.rrThe tory press com-, meriting on the result of the Wisbeck parlamentary , election concedes that a liberal victory menaces greatly the union eanse. -', ,- ! :., , .f '-, - j " The C&ronfcK says : v'The result is, due to the conservative candidate adopt ing the' protection' cry. The laborers recognise Chat protection for the farmers will not. -increase their Twages. J -They voted for the Gladstoniar .candidate be lieving that radical measures bad better be intrusted radical government. ; Minneapolis will Have ao Prime Flgrht.' . ; MiNXKAPoLis. July 25.- The chief of police has issued an order that hereafter no, glove contests shall occur, at the thea ter.rCQmique or Pence opera b.QTjee,.The administration is evidently opposed to parTing". unless'' conducted under clubu auspices, , A contest, was to ihave. been held at Pence opera house tonight. , A Millionaire 'Woman's Death. Methtjo, Mass., , July 25. Mrs. M. Hopkins Searles,ife'of E.'. F.JiSearles tbe New York architect and widow of the Millionaire IJopkine, of the Pacific slope, died here thjq, morning as the re sult of an attack of grippe. Her first husband; left an estate valued at f 60,- 00p,000. j Mrs. Searle.s wealth is esti mated at $40,000,000. A Texas Blaze. , T - Dallas, Teiasr July ! 25. A fire broke out in J. B. Cowan & Co.'s liquor house on Commercial street early this morn ing aud spread rapidly to the- Benhrock -School -Furniture xompany, . the.-Brew- erst Storage Company's warehouse and Wolfe and Co.'s cotton gin. Five hund red bales of cotton in the gin was des troyed. The estimated loss is $2,000,000. A Commander to ho Chosen:' from the - , - - West. " Boston, Mass-.;. July 25. This city is to be represented at the district encamp ment ' jry' ' 1500 grand iarmy meiv not pledged to any candidate for commander in-efcief. It is generally J understood that the candidate will be selected;, from the west this year, j ' ; .. . " "it Wai Only a Fake. WasKington, July 25. It is stated by the officials of the' navy department that there is no foundation. Whatever' for. the story published this inorningJ'ttiat one of the steam launches of the Pensacola has been blown up by the Chillian ves- el Condell.' "Try 1ns; tho Seconds. St. Paitl; Minn laiy,25. A' ""motion to dismiss" the cases against the' trainers of Fitzsimmons and Hall was denied by the judge and the trial is now; i n prog ress, t t i i ? ", . A ', ' " ' . TChlcagro Wheat Market. - . Chicago, III., July 25. Close: wheat steady, cash 89; September, Tho Weather. San Francisco, July 24. Forecast for Northeastern, Oregonr,nd. Southeastern' Washingtonr Light rains. 3 - "San Francisco Market. ' San -Fbancisco.T July 25." Wheat; buyer '91, after August first 1.58J,'1 sea son 1.63. HONOR TO -LKVm.ANI. The ICy-l'realdent Tendered , t Cape Cod. deception Sandwich, Mass.. July 25. Sandwich 1 today, extended a cordial reception to ex- President Cleveland who has chosen Cape Cod as Jiis place of residence' dur ing. the summer months. '.The occasion was oiot confined to the local .bounds of Sandwich and Bourne but to, Cape Cod, whose, residents irrespective of politics and summer visitors . united in , wel come. . ,' . This morning a special train having on board. Governor Russeli and staff and other invited guests stopped at" Buzzard Bay '. from ; w here Ex-President Cleve land was escorted. Here-a 'procession Was formed headed by a band and CI eve land, was escorted to a large tent where the reception was held. !;, . , 1 In welcoming Ex-President Cleveland on behalf of the ; citizens of Cape r Cod, (Joemor '. j lusselV; warmly Jv , eulogized Cleveland's administration - and .closed with the assurrance that Massaschusetts believes in sound currency. In replying to the toast ''Our Neighbors" the ex president returned thanks for neighborly intentions. o , the inhabitants! of - Cape Cod and speaking of the presidency .said he had again returned to tbe peoplei. to assnme the ordinary duties of. citizen ship subject fco.the same rule o' behavior which should apply to -his fellow coun trymen .' and ' bis return should be ac-"i corded' the same fair ' 'and decent . treat ment., j ., , -v.'' ... . J The New York people, however, ap-: pear to believe that once out of office we are constantly-" engaged . in plotting for our own benefit. and end. . . iNot only., to destroy the party; to which we bclomr but to subvert popular -liberty ;and utterly uproot free American institu - tions. LITTLE, TtTT OH ! A Brutal Fight Between Lig-ht Weights 1 on Lone Island. Nsw Yobk, July 25.V-A prim fight- remarxaDie 10F. its asiouiuiiing Dtsutaiity 1 , 1 . , . 1 1 . . tookj.Jlace, this morning at a sporting1 i resort on Long Island between Tim Tom- ally and Bill' Hoggart, light,,, weights. When' time was called' they went -at it like, game cocks,' hammer and tongs. Tomally by, a lucky ;bow" caught , , Hog gart on the jugular vein . and .. knocked nim out. Neither one was satisfied with the result1 and it is thought they will rneeT'agi. .... , Governor Boles"Itter of Acceptance. U'Dbb Momxs, Iowa Jury Governor Boies''' letter accepting 'the- democratic nomination was" given to the press today. The -. issue, of, Jhe viipaign tl are,, dis- cuB8ed. Special stress is laid on prohibi tion and tariff but the letter is somevi'hat-j non-committal on free 'coinage of silver which -was .endorsed by . . the democrats at the Ottumwa convention. . ,-: . . " - Lincoln's Jlangrhter to be Married. ' London July 25. -The 'engagement of Mary Lincoln, : the eldest, .daughter, of Robert Lincoln j United -States, Minister to Great -Britain, to Charles : Isham' of New Yorkis announced. The wedding will be solemnized in this city during the coining autumn, The prospective bride groom' was formerly private secretary to Lincoln. Stanley Injuries Himself Mountain Climbing. ' Genkva,' July 25. :Henry M. Stanley, the explorer, met with a eriou8 . acci dent at Murren. - He fractured hia -left thigh bone by slipping while mountain climbing.. .... ...... ' : ' It Has the Pope's messing. Berlin, July; 25. The Pope has ap proved the ' exhibition : of : the "Holy Coat" at Traves, sanctioned the forgive ness of sins of pilgrims who are journey ing thither. Three, steumers each with nine hundred pilgrims aboard have ar rived from America. ' ' General Kabts Take Charge. Vanoouvkbs July 25. Brigadier Gen eral Kautz, the new department com mander," arrived at department headqiiar- teis this morning and has assumed com mand. ' THE CANADIAN, SCANDALS. The Testimony of One Brother. Against Another Before .the Investigating ( rj, .,-(.... fJ ,i Committee. .i ' Ottawa, Ont., July 23. At the meet ing of the "privileges and elections com mittee; KoberV V," McGreevy, who is one of- the most' active prosecutors' of charges of corruption against his brother Hon. Thomas McGreevy, testified he ob tained from Larkin,- Connelley & Co.. after a cross-wall contract had been ob tained for the firm, through his brother's influence, notes to the "value Of $25,000, a part of which had been used by Thomas McGreevy In paying a 'personal debt of i $J7;000.- Robert H- McGreevy in, continuing hia evidence, stated he bad. been instrumental in receiving for. Thomas, from TLarkin,1 Connelly & Co., $22,000 for further influence, used to ob tain for the firm a contract to complete the dock. THK CASE 'COJTTIJrUKD. Parlor's Suit to Recover for Services aa ' a Lobbyist. - San FKAHciHCOyJuly-23. In the Fay lor case this morning Attorney ,Clunie asked1 for-1 a 'week's postrjohement in . Jjorder tP give, time: to igok,.up.,Bichrd Uhute and Henry Wangenhelm. who were wanted as witnesses, but could not be found. - "Stephen T. ' G'ager who had been summoned, was also not '.present and bis counsel, said he' had advised Gage to pay no attention to the subpena as it had not leen properly served. The court thereupon . stated ..' the ; warrant would bold good.. Attorney Clunie said he also desired to.hye the'state librar ian and his' assistant hi attendance as he' vished to : show by- them that; the finance committee of the combine met in the state library every, , day, . Attorney Canipbell "objected to "the continuance, and the court finally' atijourned' until 2 o'clock this afternoon, to' enable the plaintiff, if -possible, to bring, the . wit ness into conrt., 't After reassembling O. B. Hansen and ..Robert Dickt?on, insur ance agents, testified, after which ' the case was continued until Monday. COAL Oil. AJS1 NATIIRAL OAS. Startling; Itiscovery hy a Farmer un Ills Land near N olfu. Vkxiilkton, Or: July 24. Soma time ago John S. Vinson noticed a peculiar oily covering on the water of a spring at .his place near Nolfu,', which skimmed, off like cream from a pan of milk. On punching a hole in the ground with A stick and placing a match at the jtop of the lioli;, ,il finh .was the. result. I Vinson kept his discovery q,uiet, and.has emc irtu proaaiiig aixui , nis place in search" of a siuiilar phenomena, lie now writes t a friend in Pendleton that he has discovered natural eaa and coal oil in a nnmlnr nf kIiu-pk on run' land ' 1 He will have the discover v examined bv 1 an expfertand wilf endeavor to secure ! :P services ot u. ixtcse, 01 tne un-, 5' racinc, on ins return u) r-enaieton. ; the 8liade here todav. knifvesterdav 102. 1 : - ' ' SULLIVAN'S UNNECBSSART eCABDS. The Oregon Improvement Company Cen sured for Employing Them. Skattlb, July 23.-The grand jury, specially convened to consider the min ing troubles of King county; 'yesterday preseatnd their report After reviewing the situation, f hey find the employment of ' tlie 'so-called.". Sullivan Guards"", by "the Oregon!1 improvement "' company to be ill-advised, unnecessary 'and likely to prpToko. disorder, jand that had .the. au thorities of the county been appealed to, ample "prdtec'tion would have been fur- .- '.'We. regard thei ' employment of an armed fprce,of irresponsible men, in the pay of a private, company t and not , in any way under 'the'control of the duly constituted 'authorities of the county, as not in. harmony with free institutions, and. as. a proceeding which ought not to be permitted, exeept in ease of extreme necessity." ", SCHAIFER AKU 9LOSKON. A Uefinito Annonncement That the Two Will Meet in November. T'f' t, . (Vv-i V l' - ' - Cuicaco, July - 23. All doubts as to GeOrge Slosson and Jacob Schjefer meet-, ing'again are entirely dispelled. Pj-esi dentliensinger, of tH.runswick-Balke- ' Collender,, Company,, stated yesterday that a contest would certainly take place, as Saechfer had signified his willingness to go to New' York and play Slosson "-on bis own terms, r He said. . , "I hive beeu.. working very, hard to bring Slosson and Schsefer together again, anil I'm glad I have succeeded. Schsefer has agreed to go to New York and play Slosson for ' the' fourteen-inch Balke-hne championship emblem and $500 a side. The contest will take place about November 1. TOOK Till BOFE EOUTK. .i m He Was Either Insane or lrnnk. -: Baltimokks July i2. The body. of Jo seph E. Lucas was found this morning banging from' k tree in he outskirts of this city.1' On" a note pinned '-to "his clothes was written-the7 following : -: 'I die with a rope around my neck and a bottle .of whiskey in my hand. . When the body is found,' bury it in some, river where crabs can get a good feast."'. A postscript was 'added,' requesting the Sui cide's brother to meet him in heaven. Th- New Turk drain Market. New Yobk, July 23. Flour Closed fairly active for &pring and winter pat ents, with an ' improved demand for lower brands. r ' ! Wheat Options were strong in the morning dealings and advanced sharply on a good buying, due to the announce ment of the break in the Erie canal, and which, it was said,' would take several days to repuir " The Cables were firmer, and foreign , houses - were . buyers to :i moderate extent. " "The market under went a decided change in tbe last half of thte day, a'nd tbe advance was more than wiped out under a : selling- to realize. The closing figures were ,.ac . lower. Spot lots closed stead v. Spot sales of of No.' 2 red winter at Wc ; No: 2 red winter; Julv, 07Jc; do August, 95c; do September; 95Jc; do October, 96c. ... " ' Newspaper Article Provokes a Quarrel - Temperature. , Albany, Or., July 23. News reached tbis city this evening that a bloodless shooting 'affray occurred at Mill City to day. S.i G.- Dorris, editor of the Mill City .GavzeMe, recently published an arti cle concerning a quarrel of the little son of a man named Kays living near" there. Today Ray met Dorns, they quarreled and both drew revolvers, Dorris firing one shot and Kay two. Both were poor marksmen and"- did. 'not .inflict any h wounds. No arrests were made.