The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 23, 1891, Image 3

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    Ths l)altfShGle.
7 T
, 1891
Pacific H Rela- D.t'r to State
Coast bab. g tive of 5. of
..mine, r , F Hum Wind " Weather.
,)(,.... 29.97 70 59 UE fClear
P;.Mr,,. 2.S0 98 23 B K J ; " i
f.. , , WEATHBK. PBOBABIWTU8. ......
The Dam-eb, Jnly 23,t18?l.
Weather forecast -till :-m.,
Friday; fair. Nearly station
ary temperature. Easterly
The Chronicle is theOnlyrPap'"'iii
The Dalles that Receives, the Associated
Press Dispatches. '
j'locai, bkivitik.
TjMr.' M.i Rand of Hood River, is in the
city. "." " ."' " . 1
) Mr. Willis Hendrix of ' Dinar" is Iii
T .- . :' - - '.
S'Jlr. J. N. Burgess of Bake Oven is in
the city.
IT- 1 T TLf &ur.nmi otiin01
. iUI. CftlJU iUIDt J.. fc"" - ..
home from the beach this morning. . ,
Those who appreciate- good job workr
should patronize the Chbonic'lk office, f
A perpetual political mass meeting is
said to be the Kansas man's idea of hea-
i.-., 4 . . - i -.i .- , i
The salmon pack tof the . Columbia
river is expected to be 50,000 cases short
of last year. ;
-s Open air concert tonight at the band
stand. Several new overtures and other
selections will be given.
4 Mr. August Buchler was seen on the
streets this morning receiving the con
gratulations of his host of friends.
Mrs. J. J. Marshal, of Tacoma, is vis
iting her sister, Mrs. Geo. W. Filloon,
and expects to remain about two week.
Miss Minnie?Micnen will start tonight
by the way of the Canadian Pacific for
Wisconsin where she will spend nerva
tion. -1
Mr. Geo, A. Young of Bake Oven, left
today for Billings, 'Montana to visit his
daughter "Mrs. . Agnes Durbin. . . , Mr.
""Young expects to be gone a montn or
SIX WtXKB. ' .....
Mrs. J. H. Jackson and family and
Misses Annie and Laura Thompson
went down on the "boat this' morning to
join friends who are camping on Her
man creek t - . .
" """'Astoria has no mayor 'and Clatsop
wjunty has only ;one commissioner Ibutf
"TniaKe'up for h is lack they have four
sseseors, eacn assessing iue aaius picvn
of property. .'..
'-How euphonious some of our geograph
ical nomencature is. They have a place
somewhere In' Montana we believe, called
Stinking-Water, another in Klamath
county, Oregon called Dead Indian' and
another rearer Jjome, hi Wasco county,
near Bake Oven, called Dead Dog. .
v An emigrant car from Kansas, .loaded
'down to the ' gunwale ' with chickens,
'''dogs, cats, turkeys, guinea hens, ducks,
n endless collection of household goods,
'and a numerous family, 'stopped at; the
.'''the live stock, and left for the valley this
morning. . t . . . ..
' 'The little seven ' year old girl of Mrl
William Doak of Eight Mile was brought
into town this morning and placed under
the care of Dr.'1 Rinehart.' By some
means the fingers of her left hand ha,d
come in contact with the sickle of a mow?
ing machine and two of them were am
putated at the second joint.
The picnic of the Brotherhood of Loco
motive Engineers promises to be a very
enjoyable affair as everything usually is
under their control. They have en
gaged the 3d regiment band for" the oc
'casion and the train will leave the Uiua-
.tilla house .promptly at 8:45 a. m. Sun
' day, and will return promptly at 7 p. m .
The brothers are gathering in the cows
to the pound in fine style these' days.
As manias fifteen to twenty five stray
bovines -and horses have been coralled
'and'lwo or' three 6F ourJ citizens nave
' had their cows impounded' twice. The
melancholy brindle that harvested A. G.
Johnson's cortf is Btiltln duTancevile, a
she is the property of William Chambers
'now "of ATbihaVand was' tenderly' 'placed
"in1 Checare'of Sheriff "CaleSj "wnen
Chambers moved belowr Owin to the
., absence 'of the sheriff she -has pot yet
,'ia4 hei" trial, but so many-charges are
''made against her that we fear it will go
hard with her. If they are all true she
ought to be sent to the penitentiary' for
Jdr. CL J- Van Dayn, better -known &a
the mayor' of TyghTValley,'"' juts "sent
to this office' a sample of ttmothv' ears
. taken Irom his farm on Three Mile, near
.the' Wamic. settlement; which used t6;be
Jcnown as theold Sifioot place.! The ears
measure nine inches and-were . plucked
from a meadow,' we" jiiage 'U be" tnir'ty
acres in extent, on which" the grass
stands as "high as a horte's back.'' By
"the way the place is for sale, as Mr. Van
'ftuyh has made arrangements to go into
'bBiness 'ihJ the,wtowil -of JHeppner, 1 we
believe, "and from our own personal
-knowffeilge.we have no hesitation in1 Bay
thst there is not a niter 'little farm
i i ' 'il i t i
Wasco county. "
f JfewJud appear that theTnion Pacific
UsA ItiUmt txiita otlVer jcrin&s a case of
"JayflgheA$bfery andfieBn'contemptible
.uiBift IP yip .uttLusr -yi . buoaijipuuenv oi
the forty-three cars of wool belonging to
Mr. J. H. Sherar, which waB shipped
from thi place-about a week ago and
rdnted in care of the Northern Pacific
at Wallula Junction, but which the
Pinion Pacifier diverted to their own line,
Uafainet' 'the' traffic" aarreement ""be-
-tween the,:-two OMffpanjeB " and Q the
positive snipping ineuncuona given
by. 'the.r'Bhippers 'at't'h'ii ( 'poinit.
The Union Pacific had fixed the rate on
wobl'. in : siicks cii '$2.65 per. hundred
poqnds,- in; car, lots, between ,this pity
and Boston: 'Mr. fe. Wilson the trav
eling freight agent of the . Northern Pa
cific, yi sited this cityabout a 'month
ago and, believing this rate to
be extortioriate.T took the matter up
withfm Company and succeeded in get
ting ft through rate of $2.49; making
saving' to the producer of four dollars a
ton. -:Tbi8 reduction r . made by the
Northern Tacificehabled'r. Sherar to
ship his immense wool clip' ata conBid
erable saving and he a", once made a con
tract wfti),'the company td'this' effect.
The wool was loaded in. the Union Paci
fic company's cars, 'inconsequence of a
special promise of .the U- P. officials, to
deliver the cars at Wallula Junction for
transfer to the N. P. lines. This the U.
P. company ' preferred to do, rather than
tauf'.the fiif. P.' empty cars from
Wallula 'to The Dalles which they are
obliged to do under the traffic
agreement already referred to. , Instei.d
of delivering .. the wool at . Wallula, ac
cording to agreement, the D. P.jtook. it
to Umatilla and from thence transferred
it to their own- lines, and it is now on
the way to Boston, by way of the1 Union
Pacific and North Western, ,' This is
simply stealing and nothing less and the
case has" all the more 'interest ' for the
people of , The. Dalles, because it, shows
that the tlmon Pacific company "is" "dV
termined that no4 other Tcoinpany shall
come here and offer us competitive rates.
It all the more loudly swells the demand
for an ope6 yjver and a portage around
the'Dalles'and Celilo.' ! Asf a breach of
faith, as a violation of a plain 'contract
the act of the U. P.- would be contempt
ible in a twenty-five cent horse- trader,
and we shall be surprised if. the N. P.
does not make them, sorry for itt
Mr. John Filloon and wife returned
home night before last, from visiting the
Sound country-, and British, -Columbia.
While there' they '' went on board' the
British war ship 'VWar Sprite," while
Bhe faV In Tsqulmault harbor and just at
the time that Gen.' Schofield and his
young bride paid the vessel a visit also.
Whether It was in'honor of the' general
and "Mrs. Scpfield or of Mr. and Mrs.
Filloon; "John; is" not "cleaf ,'but juif . at
that.timejDbe band on board the Sprite,
struck tip' the ''StaVjpanglcf :Banner,"
and; the guns thundered a , salute, pf
fifteen rounds.' If the' demonstration
was in John's honor, he cannot 'for; the
life 'of Him ""'guess "' how ' they knew
he was there. That is nothing,
however. "The same thing, or
something . 'very ? similar happened
to- the writer seventeen years ago as he
arrived from the east in the good, ship
Oriflatome, in the twilight of a summer
evening. There was no band music, it
is 'true, but "'the 'guns on shore 'made" a
rackety the like of which, we never heard
before nor" since, add the "little boat
8 wain of the Oriflamme," toLlet Pprtlan'd
know we . were on board, it appeared,
answered by firing off a mortar, while we
stood almost touching it, the report of
which so surprised, our -off ear that it - iL'.i : L'J. j i
uuo never nince .recovereu irom tne
shock. Of course the 'envious few said
that the salute was iu honor of General
Sheridan and his young bride who' were
on board but we- were quite -satisfied
that this version was true. !
Comparisons are ' sometimes odious
but here is one, if possessing this char
acteristic, that has the virtue of afford
ing material for some solid and profit
able, reflection. ., The Northern i Pacific
has a piece of road 146 'miles in length,
f rom Portland; "to Taconia. : The Union
Pa"cffi'd nash6'Iier;"B8 rnafles' in length
from- Pprtlflnd to The Dalles. On the
tT. P. road firs class faeigh is 45 xents
a hundred, 'second class is 45 cents Ah ird
class is 42"centif fourth "clasrf ft '40 cents
and 'fifth class is 3f cents... ' On' the N."'P.
first class is 25 cents,- second 'class . 23
ceits, third class 20 cents, fourth class
20 cents and fifth' class 18 cents. Read
this paragraph over again and see if we
don't need "an open-fiver.
t.rv'e-re'credibiyr informed - that '..the
Union" Pacific company lfist .year" over
charged Mr, Sherar jsome.two hundred
notwithstanding- the 1 fact -that the'eom
pany acknowledged the justnesa of Mri
I Sherar'a claim, they. have never, to, this
panylearned'tha,i Mr; Sherar - 'contem
plated shipping hia" wool this ''season By
the Northern -Pacific the genera flight
agent, of, the U P. offered ; ito. fettle; the
VilUon condition tfiat the wool, should
P .?D.ipHdTVr.. fa i 'Iroa'and actually
threatened to' repudiate the 'claim if toe
wooirwas shipped by the Northern
Pacific. . - . r;. r f . ; . ,. .
,- Five hobos were arrested last, night by
Con T . Kowe f5andJ". ; 'brought before
the recorder this morning charged with
being hoSos, or ' words to that effect.
Three of them ' weri" discharged "on con
dition that they would move on, and the
other two were fined, each, $5 and costs,
which they will work out on the streets.
head,K.' jacobsen and Dr.-Hugh' Logan
mounted tbe merry-go-round last night,
Lochhead: and Jacobsen. seating- .them
selves -on two fiery cliargers,' and': the
doctor and Jesse modestly taking a seat
in one of the cushioned carriages. As
they were all located in one . spot the
weight proved too much? for the machine
and it tipped over and broke something
which' caused a : stoppage of fifteen br
twenty minutes!' Of course 1the boys in
sisted on having out their ride and at its
close Messrs;"" Crandalt. and "Lochhead
were two of the sickest lads we ever saw.
It was worth going a mile to see Ernest
Jacobsen on one of the little hobby
horses,5" with! his long legs folded like a
shut umbrella and his feet in the stir
rups. ' - A party was given to .; Miss Lena
Thompson at her home ' Saturday after
noon, in honor of her 12th birthday, and
the occasion was one long to be remem
bered by the little gjrla.; They ..were en
tertained in the afternoon by numerous
games, and etc. . Refreshments were
served after which" the wagonette, came
to give them all a . very enjoyable ride.
Those who were honored, by an invita
tion were Misses,. Maie Beall, Grace
Glenn, Emily Crossen, Genivieve Fish,
Ida Mulligan, Annie Wente, Lillie Moss,
Frankie Richmond, Maude and Frankie
Congdon, Marguerite Kinersly, Florence
Hilton, H at tie Cram i Lena , and, Tillie
iebe Bessie French, and,' Helen: Hud
son, . ..Masters Leo Newman, Ben Mul
ligan. George Ruch, George Richmond,
Johnie Depew, George Arnold, Walter
and Paul French. ; .
E. E. Butler, of , this city, and some
other' gentlemen," have chartered the
merry-go-round for two hours this even
ing from 8 to 1Q o'clock and all the
women and children in tne city may
ride free. . --:
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sherar leave this
evening for Portland and will go east on
an extended trip in a few days, but they
won't go, by .way of the Union Pacific.
Receiving Wheat at North Dalles.
The ,'ChbonicIK is .reliably informed
that a wharf boat and warehouse, will be
built on the north 'side of the " river for
the purpose of receiving and 'shipping
wheat and freight for Klickitat county,
thus saving ferriage into-the city.
. - . ... ..i , , ; ; i. ; , -
Fifty-five dollars, net. ior range beeves
in Chicago j ought to- be considered a sat
isfactory price alter so many seasons of
depression. This is the size of a check
received bv Secretary- Ijams for a stray
T? ... .. "... l , : iv.: 7 . 1
with a shipment of- the. Home Land &
Cattle company's steers. ' Thei tops
brought a per hundred and the balance
$4.75. .' While these figures are encourag
ing they are below what the same cattle
would have sold for on . that day had
they been hard in flesh as well as" fat :
the condition they., would have been in
with sixty days, more on the range.
Baker City Lemocrat.
Puns are not to be highly commended
as specimens of wit, but now and then
one has a pecuniary value.
A passenger in a Pullman car was in
clined to be friendly with the porter,
but hadn't yet shown him the "color of
his money.". .
"Do you enjoy your position?" . the
paesesger inquired .t . . .- ... . :
Yes.V answered the porter, "I likes
de quarters heah- berry, much- when I
gets 'em." Youth's Companion.
' (Successor to K. BBCK.i
: Jewel rypiamonds, !
Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry
! Repaired .and "Warranted.
-1 --.." r: ;jh
' " ' 165 Second St.. The Dalles, Or.
Late Rec. D. S. Land Offloe. : , , Notary Public
- C Rodmsv7 ano! iSU. S'. Land
.; Office Building, -THE
y ; u
I. ?
Filings C6ntcstsJ
And Business of all Kinds 6ef6r tbe Local -"
and General Land Office : - j
Prornptly( Attended, to.
. , . Over Sixteen years Experience. '
. t : i 'v' i i . i rt '.
General JReai Estate Business.
AH Correspondence Promptly Answered.
Blackberries; three boxes for twentv
five .cents at Jolea Brothere.. . , . . "
. For headache use 8. B. Headache core.
: For coughs and colds use 2379. -'-:
For physic always use S. B.-headache
cure.'- s" ."-'- ;' - - . '--. :. .
Use Dufur flour. It' is the best."
2379 is the cough isyrup for children.
For' O-. 'N;' It: "riiggrlinu. S K
cure is the best thing known.
Uret me a cigar from that fine case at
Snipes & Kinersley 'a. r , . (
,A. M. Williams s Co.haye on hand a
fine lot of tennis and bicycle shoes.!
.'For, ice cream, cramp use- S.B.'oain
cure.' '' '
,For 4i,h of July colic - use S. B. pain
pre. :."...... ; ' .' ; .
: For 4th of July colic use S. B. nain
cure.. '."" . . '
,-R(a -will .Ko roAMiriul I. rti .
Hugh Glenn , up till the first of August,
for the hauling of 150 barrels, more or
ien, oi cement, irom tne cars, to tne new
reservoir ontheMespne pj ace. . ,
. The (celebrated. Walter- H Tenny Bos-
and shoes in all styles, carried by The
Dalles Mercantile company at Brooks
& Beers old stand. . : . i- , .. "
T1a. ' t u..... ....... l : f .. - . 1. 1 : 1
V . xiio nut wruuuiug
your,kitcheh . .floor when you can buy
sucb beautiful linoleum," tho best '. for
Kitcnen ana aming-room, tor 7o cents a
yard, and oil-cloth at 35 cents a yard at
the store of Prinz & Nitsche.
For 4th of July lic use S. B. pain
cure. 11 .-' ' '"; --''
T n r W T-.l - nfrra fir- .... T. r.t -
best farms of its size in Sherman county.
lv consists or acres or. deeded land at
T!rflWinvillA. Thai ia - o .- nam.fnilini
spring of living water., capable: of water
ing , five hundred, head of stock daily.
Tne house, which is a large store build
ing with ten rooms attached alone cost
$1700. -.A blacksmith shop and other
buildings and the whole surrounded by a
DYwl vrro fAnno Wt 1 1 lia .1 .Ktinn
p. ... v - - . .rj ouiu viiap miu
on-easy terms.: -Applv by letter or other-
wiwj w tne wuiiur ui tne VHBON1GLK or to
the owner, W: LJ Ward, Boyd, Wasco
county; Oregon'. "
The following statement from Mr. W.
B. Denny, a well known dairyman -of
New Lexington, Ohio, will be of interest
to persons, troubled -with' Rheumatism.
He says : "I have msed : Chamberlain's
Pain Ralm for nearly two years,-four
bottles in all, and there is nothing I have
ever used that gave me as much relief
for rheumatism. We always keep a bot
tle' of it in the house." -.'For sale by
Snipes & Kinersly. -' ; ' ;" '
. : In almost every neighborhood there
is someone or more persons whose lives
have been saved bv Chamtierlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,, or who
nave been cured of chronic diarrhoea bv
it. ,' Such persons take special pleasure
in recommending the remedy to others.
The praise that follows the introduction
and use makes it verv nonnl&r. - 25 unrl f0
cent bottles for sale by Snipes & Kiner
sly. '. .- ' ... . - - .
- '; ' NOTICE. ' ' .
R. E. French has for sale a number "of
improved ranches and iinim proved
lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood
in Sherman eonnty. They 'will' be ' sold
very cheap and- on "reasonable terms.
Mr;: French can locate settlers on some
good unsettled claims in the same neigh
borhood. Hig address is ; Grass Valley,
Sherman county,-Oregon.
. -''Twenty Dollars Reward.
. . Parties have been cutting the anpply
pipes above the city between the flume
and the reservoir; thus doing much dam
age.' 'This "must be stopped and a re
ward of $20- is hereby offered for evidence
that will, lead; to the conviction of per
sons doing the : same. By order of the
Board of Directors. . ., , , .
" Mr. "John Caraghar,' a merchant "at
Caraghar, Fulton Co., Ohio, says -that
St. Patriqk's Pills .'are the .best selling
pills he handles. ' The- reason is -that
they 'produce a pleasant ' cathartic effect
and are certain .and . "thorough in s their
action. -Try them when you want a re
liable cathartic. -For sale by -Snipes: &
Kinersly. '-' - . . .;-
I will give 50 cents for each cow im
pounded between tbe hours of 8 o'clock
p-m. and 7:30 o'clock; a. m., found at
large about my premises... Put .them, in
boys, bring marshal's certificate and get
your money . ' ; . .E. B, Dcfuk. -
. For a troublesome cough there is noth
ing better- than Chamberlain's '- Cough
Remedy. - It strengthens the pulmonary
organs." allays any irritation and effect
ually -cures the cough. - ,It ' is especially
valuable foiv the ..cough .which so often
follows an attack of the grip. For --sale
by Snipes & Kinersly., ,
I-Notice. - - -
'.City taxes for 1891.' are now due'.
Dalles City tax assessment is now in my
hand ahd will be held in' my office for
sixtdays. ; : Sixty davs from date, s July
18, 1891, city taxes will be delinquent.
;-v . ' . . O. KINEKSI.Y, .
. ' ' : City Treasurer
Losfr-rrA post , office key locket and
gold "watch chain, between thd'; Post-officer
and Episcopal church, Sunday morn
ing.' '' Finder will please return it to -the
Chboniclb office. - ' '
-I t---'-'-'Monejr to Loan. ,
1" $100 to $500 to loan on short time.
" ' Bayabd & Co.'
Children TCry for Pijfches Castbrisu
C v.'' r 'i ' " "";;' ; ;" ' ' , r.r .
w'.'itv-iii'f-.' '..-..-i ? s.-jsi.-4:. '
tVhenBabr'waac,ireeTlier Castoria.
Whahe waaaChnU,shcrledfarCasfaaria, .
When hw became Mlms, he clang to C torU,
henihehxlC3illdren, Bhe gyre them Ctori
Fine I'ruit.IlajicEibr Sale !
IOU miles below the town of Hood River, on
tbe Columbia. 400 fruit trees ' most in bearing,
200 grape vine in bearing half an acre of black
berries, .one acre of strawberries. 8 or four acres
of corn and 2 of clover. . There will be about
4000 pounds of blacKDernes this year)--also big
crop of -peaches grapes, apples, tc... Fine irri
gating facilities with, water all on the place;
1-JOO ft of flume- two reservoirs.' over400-feet of
water-pipet conveying water into -houses .Be
tween 8 and 9 acres in cultivation balance in
woods. Most of land lays well and ean be culti
vated. . Price 1 2,200. Gall on at ranch or address
r. Jet. AJD9Te.jN, .
. ' . Hood River, Oregon.
The Jorthwesierii Life Insurance-Go.,
Assets over $4i2,0b0,000.00. . '
Surplus over $6,500000.00.
R L Hhttey Laookoa Hbiohts, Spkiwofikld, O.yJnne 15r189t-
'. Dayton, Ohio. ' - i ' ' i,.- '' '
Jitfi1i7I!FtlD5:yuaf t"1 fuT statement .of-the facta eonecminsr ttit rTfinrtrnnei
Site th& Hfe AfBuraiJ?e Society of Kew York in their lute settlement with me, fwemi
?hwl!nil Vj.pfrV m.? a5 '"F 36 ye"' 1 out n Ten-Payment Ufa Policy fcsi
..U? ifleir,?enYe,ir onne Han, for ,000. My premiums during the pvio
amounted to !7,M2.0U. Xne Tontine period expired early in January of the tiriutVearTajSk thaT
Company then offered me the following terms of settlement ; prepeu v year, rat o
FIRST A paid up policy for ......
1 'Ann cusn .-. .
SECOND A Iiairi nn nnlW In.
THIKDWSurrender my ptiliey, and
, . , " mxm iiuxiiii! auo.v A w net UCIC1U11UOU BUT lOUlnir HBtw
poliey and take ttieeash, they finally instructed me from the nomeoffiee to sand policy and raoeti
lor the amount, p6,49.80, to their State manugerin Cleveland, and he would remit nil the smoawfc
JLilL ,l.''itr,1'.t,'"i" an,d the Po'y auJ receipt through my Hank in Bpringfield to one
eorrespondejit fn Cleveland, only to have It returned from the Cleveland Bank with theinf ormatfewi
that-the State nmnagorrrf the Kqni table state that he "had notsufficient funds to. meet It". TUt.
forced me to .return it to the New York office, and compelled me to wait some twenty days attest
maturity before receiving final settlement ' -7 5 -si'-t . '-.vU'iHMi (f- -.- v-. k. iTTv
I have given no Htatement endorsing he EquttaWe, or expressing my satisfaction with, their
settlement with me. On the other hand i have poxiUvely refused to do so." The fact that my ,
turnswe -1.015.'20 less than my total investment remiers further eoramant anneosssarrv v) . ;
faring the time t carried the -Equitable: policy and up to the day when they submitted th
above proposition to me, 1 was kept in total Ignorance-of the condition of my investment. '
t . IB m"rke" contrast with this has been my experience with the Northwestern, in whtcn-ln ISSfc.
I took aTen-Year . Endowment Policy; Ten-Year Tontine, fori10,)0,. that .com tvany hnTing -froST
Ume to time furnished me with a memorandum of the surplvs on mv policv over the signature e
their actuary; so that while my poUcy has not yet matured, and will not until next" year, ! hav ' '
V .K it ,, "w'"B ai maturity 11 win
jwuvj voiio wi. very
... ' - ' "
We have thoasands of com parius with, all the leading Life Insurance Com
panies of the United States. Full information furnished upon application to
..- . Associate General Agent. ; -:
-- , Special Agent, The Dalles Oregotw
' ; (Buccesiors to ABRAM8 & STEWART.)
BarUware, - TipaiB, - Braaiteware, - WoflHenware,
"Acorn, "Gharter Oak" "Argand
Pumps, Pipe, Plumbers' and ! Steam Fitters' Supplies,
Packing, Building Paper,:
Also a complete stock of Carpenters-' r Blacksmith's and
Farmers Tools arid Fine Shelf Hardware-. '
The Celebrated R. J. ROBERTS '"Warranted", Cutlery, Meriden Cutlery and
xaDieware, tne -yuicK meai" Vjasonne stoves. .jrana : mi fctoTcs
' ' " ' - " 1 " and AntiRust Tinware. - 1 -. . , ,,v
All Tinning, Plumbing,.- Pipe Work ajid Repairing-
will Vi ionfl nn ShoTt. TTifvtrin. 1
174, 176, 178. 180 SECOND STREET,
ftew Columbia otel,
Best Dollar a Day House on tlie Coast!
First-Class Meals, 25 Cents.
First Class Hotel in Every Respect.
None but the Best of White Help Employed.
T. T. Nicholas, Prop.
THe Opera estaaant,
ir No. 116 Washington Street,
Handsomely Furnished
-- ; ' - : ' Day, Week
Finest Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. """
. J o:
Siapic and
.-'-.k iyit,;r '-?;.;
; 1 Hay, Grain and Feed.
,.No. 122 Cor. Washingn and Third Sts. ,
1. . . '.-.I.. -p - : ' ;
Olottiieir and Tailoi?,
:...40,000 00
-...,...,,,.,9,751,60 ,
54.600 00
I '
receive in cash '
36,496 80 u Ai. '-r
net me trom s-lxx to I54W0 more than the
truly yonrsv
I 1 ; i I
of the DAY or NIGHT.
Rooms to Rent by the
or Month.
y - I ( . -.1.
Special Rates to Commercfal Men.
.. " ' ir ;-; i: -a i jj., , ... 4 . - - v
-: rjEAERS IN: ..,'; ,r.'- ": -
' l,n : j it. Kill lil l.-j ,y