C3) .FRIDAY, ' ,, , ' tU - MtV&ri i4T4iT OMf; SijVfr' - -i Pacific H iRela- D.t'r $9 Coast bar. tive! of, it . Time. : P Jmira Wtowir . . , , A. M 29.S6 70 j 77 wont IP. H 29.4)0 90 I 36 Clear Maximum temperature, 91 minimum tern perature, tyi. ,,,... ,,' - WKATHBli TBOBABlLlTUD Si;; f tM:Ai,ii, July 17! 18911 ' Weatlisr forecast, till IS w., ; Saturday; I Nearly sta tionary -.temperature. fAW The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that. Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. s . , Xotlor, Persons leaving town for the springsj'that the instructions of the State' Assoc? sea coast, or mountains 'can have Thk extra cost by .leaving orders at this office..' r : LOCAL HKETITIKK. i Council meeting tomorrow night, r Painting was begun on the Regulator this morning. The salmon catch continues good, in I fact it is growing better every day. Christian Endeavor moonlight social at Mr. McFarland's grounds tonight.' ; Mr. W. V. Wilson goes tonight to Hillsboro for a two week's vacation. . Mr. j. Davis editor of the Eastern Oregon Kepubliean is Visiting in- The Dalles for a few days. : -; . . .he Sunday closing conference met at so late an hour that it is impossible to give hny report today. ' ' '. ' ' ' R.W. Craridall and. wife will goto the beadwaiers of Hood River for an outingj tomorrow and remain for a season.' .Mrs. Joseph Knebel died at her resi dence in this city this forenoon. She was about eighteen years of age. Mrs. F. S. Gibqns, fljrs. R. A. Roscoe, Rev. Mr.,Curtjs and wife, and Winterton Curtis left this morning for a trip to Victoria. , Mr. Rav Logan, son of Dr.' Logan,! returns to Portland tomorrow , morning, i- j-ia d pasg.; He will put in most ot his vacation at off to 8ati8fttcti(in-of those pres the Seaside." ; IT r.i;':T i.t' '. Mnvtho Uu.4r.ii;tv The Salem Journal says that an nn knpwn man hps sent $9cents tO the" treas urer of Marion county, who has placed it to the credit of the conscience; funt -. . Hon. J. C. Luckey.'XT. 8.1 Indian agent at the Warm Springs, accompanied by his wjfe and daughter came into the city todav and will remain several days. r -QutteV-a camber of people who havej gone to -the . seasiae nave lett oraers to. have the Chkon'icLe forwarded to them. The daily will ,be sent to any address for 6d cents per month. "'."".' " ' The concert. by the 3d ..regiment- band last evening was a genuine treat and the streets were filled with a delighted au dience. The musicians rendered some excellent overtures,' and received high praise for the- excellence of their selec tions , . ; . -. . .. -'j. J' ' ,Frank E'agen and family who have re turned from a trip across 1 the river into Washington Te'port that fine crops are. expected all over the Klickitat county. The. pebple there .ar looking to . The Dalfea this year for a market, thinking the' new' boat line . will be of great help. - '.' - ... . In noticing the presents yesterday which were given to" Mr- pd Irs. K.;B. Moore we failed to state that, Mr. Max " Vogt presented the bride' with a fine rus tic rocking chain It was one , of the most" acceptable of present 'and was much appreciated by the recipient. ': The Union ., Pacific has . raised the freight rates on lumber and shingles from the Sound to Chicago and,the Mis souri river ten cents a hundred pounds. The new rates went into, effect on the 15th inst, ..This gives Portland he ad vantage! and. puts Tacoma and 'Astoria on the same footing. ' - One of the boys in the Chronicle of fice saw the dispatch on the first' page of today!s japer headed "Cannibalism, in Minnesota' and remarked that he knew :wholer lot of ' cannibals'" here Tin The Dalles. When asked to specify he' said they were folks who- lives off ".their fathers and mothers-in-law, - t . The following is said toj"be' a remedy for bots in - horses : ' "Take an bid shoe sole, burn: it. to'.a" black Crisp; turn the horse's ,ipper lip -back to expose .the gums; and press the- hot leather, to, the lip ,R, 8?m8T 3!!P animal will bear this" and not ' flinch until relieved. Repeat till relief comes." Mr. Riffle the civil engineer is in .the city d will take charge of the . trenchr ing and laying, of the' conduit, from the Mesplie reservoir iri this place; knd "' will' begin '-operatioa ext-Monday t-- 'The pfpo'has been shipped", and will begin to arriy in .a few .days, j Mrf M6Ginty has begun work , on thei receiving .reservoir,. .and will push the work to completion. - , " In addition to' the """wool ..already' shipped by him, Mr. Shearar Is buying enough, to make up another trainload, of ten, or twelve cars.. A .prominent wool deale's'assures the "Chbonicl'r that over two-thirds of the' M odi -br6trgbt to' this market this season has been sent out, and at the present rate of shipping there will not be a'pound of wool, left here by the' end f next week.; AJj. ; ;;''.;';;;' Atthe meeting oi the General Associa-; tion erf Oregon, , held in Salem in June, i relvej were, ap-j lit tn Wobtb-l a pcfcireitiiiual .-cflege'in Oregon, nfaWc6i4lfamWUi; H. atl 8hqreT.-rWt&ndt Ptxjt. W?N. Hull, Corvallis'; B. S. Huntington, The Dalles ; Albert Browne!!. Albanv: Prof. ft. H. I tetOlierugeneI. A. Sacrum, Forest liroveU,iJ.-uray and iaioleon .Davis, Salem ; James Steel, Portland ; W H. I Morrow, East Portland ; Rev. George C. j ffiinieSSl pojntment the commUtee met. and ap-,1 rvii n tjri- nH-AtyknnStfiAA SrtrLtariein AaJsl tails of the work in, hand. Frank M..! V"& .Vrtrf aJ.,Jn I naa n-eajoved,' from? the: state? KUurmg ri Hi ..i . iii; wre wore.7inii, jvAiiraf"arj bert Brownell, '' D. B. Gray,' Napoleon Davis, W. H. Morrow, . James f Steel, Frank M. Warren, B. & Huntington, and H. A. Shorey. Reports from the various sub-committees were made, Showing, what liad tSeen done, and the blatters, predeiited were fully ' discussed, after which - it -wasJ unanimously' voted ition should be carried out and the nee essary Meps taken to- establish, a ,Conr!j 'gregauoaal coJlegeJo; oregonC. Accorjdr' jngly.H.A. Shprey James -Steel,, and. V 11 Morrow were appointed as a'cOm-' mittee to receive propositions from the varions parts of the state for a college lo-; cation. From information in hand it is. thought byv thccoifimittee that arrange-. ments can be" made toopen the college in September' uext.- r -r r '. -. It is understood that' all' else being equal, the locality making the most at tractive contribution wiO be recommeded by the.frommittee. ' In Oregon there ir'na more beautiful or more healthy place, or more accessi ble situation than The Dalles, and, we would like to see such An institution as the college located here.j- It would bring a great deal of money to the city and a desirable clasa of persons, and afj an "in vestmertt" itself-would'bo a good .thing. It is to be hoped that some .one. having suitable tracts ot land in tlris , vicinity will make a proposition to thecomhiit.-j te. Our ,'townamep, JVIr. Huntington will gladly give all "the information' In his power to any person applying to him. An Kvening of Pluur. Many of the young lad v and gentle inei friends of llisa Aimee TCewinan. met last eening at the family residence and ; passed an evening of jollity and good " humor. Everything that it was possible 1 to do to make the occasion Daps rleae- .pary of serenaders made the merr.w ma ker! a Visit and with guitars and singing added much to the enjoyment. An ex quisite' lunch was'gtveh at the close and all' went away. thaiikngT.Misa Ajipee for the pleasure of a well-spent evening. Among the guests were; tbeffollo wing: r Misses Aimee Newman, Grace Camp bell, GraceTtfarden," Mab&F Mack" Katie DeHuff, Alice lulligaa,. Ettie.8toryK Laura Thompson, Anna Thompson, Cad die Booth, Nona Ruch, .Alma Schmidt Emma Wentz. ' - v A' ' 1 ' " - Messrs. Ered W.- Wilson. Chas. E. Wilson,' Bert1 W.'Phelps, Ed Y. Patter son, Ed M. Wingate, Roger O. Sinnott, LeonJTrieinan, Max P vV'ogt, jr., Will Micbell, ir;, John -Booth. Martin Don nell, Nello Johnson, 'Hay ward Riddell.' A. O. IT. TV. Orsnd Lorigt. '. Representatives of the Grand ';. Lodge of Oregon, Washington and British Col umbia, in session at Yictoria.lbave elect-' ee the following officers : a. Grand Master T'. Solia Cohen, Unit, 25 ; Grand Foreman B. J. Hawthorne, Eueene,'i5; iGrand Overseer J L. Rand. Baker City, 100; Grand Recorder New-j trin Clark. Ri vRrairtA'.', 8 rnhi1 " T.' ceiver R. L. Durham, Hope, 1 ;" Grand Trustee William Armstrong, three v ears' supreir.e repreafntativesi J J. Dalev, T. A! Stevens and H. L. Smith. - 5 l' . " ' " " ' Normal Institute. - . A normal conn tv inHf itntrf for Wm i vom. nuSui uuuur uie i supervision of Supt...Trpy Shelley, as-j sisted by Profs. W. A. Wetzel and I. H. Ackerman of Portland.,.. The, services of these well known educators have'' been engaged at considerable expense and we hope every teacher in the county will pro tit by it. Look: out for further notice. ' Mr, Wilson, .traveling freight floliciitor- of the Northern Pacific road,' baa been in 1 this city for the last few days and has j n.sule it verv trooical for the ITnio.. The rate ;ori. wool po Boston by the, line "Mr,' Wilson' represents is twenty ' cents per hundred pounds less than by the UVj P.'s and by a proper representation- of -facts to-mr shippers he has been enabled to send a good deal of wool over his line. He Is' authority- for "the statement that there; was 1023 ' bales' In the" shipu'ieat Mr, Shearer ;tnade this morning. 'iMessts. W.'.Neaback of the Granger feed , ptables and Johrr Watson have ob tained from Mr.-Wilev thereon tract for hauling the'cfty water, pipe when it ar-rives.;-- Thy pipe is past due and is liable to arivev at anyr thne-TOwfv:The" bpn tracters -will use four teams and 'deliver "the pipe "as 'fast as it is laid down- from the 'carg; " 'J ' " ' ' 1 "r - ' ,' A.book' oh ""health" says:': "Young girls' who' wish to have bright eyes- and rosy cheeks should take a tramp through the woods each . morning .before, break -fasti"-' 'Spose the tramp should "object? -Attorian ' Jtour 4-horse teams heavily loaded with wool arrived here this morning from the southern portion of Crook county via the McKenaie -route. ,v Eugene is , becoming quite a market for Eastern' Oregon woo. Eugene Guard. ..-"I ; k ill V 3 Tacoma will soon vote on the question of bonding the ;city for $1,500,000. s : . . . The BuMfatrf 15 tefl brtncfA'iTdtilrde iag cotitiiideA hctfvei aM soiie? ittotises T. Z'.'-K t'. 7 - " , ' j ,ar Dus.ness tna a weep,. ! Moftey "ar,. android scores are being-, jsettljwi' off.U.Theideaill.xn Ke market is broken " and now ' the move- 1 ...... "., . , si.! memi ' 8 w8- 1","H tne wee m"- I wuoi nw crangm iiuioj at prices ranging from IS? to IT?, cents per pound, and the disposition bi bnvf tf't tbev can; at these figuresl Mr- Jo8- herar is loading a train of his own cliri unH nrirriH r mirr-h-awni . few t aavs ago forthe Jioston market. shipments are being made in tl Other I the name j . . I - .T- V... . . J Large supplies Ot all Kinds of vegetables and small friuta'are plentiful," strawber ries are almost a thing of the past, and are selling at 10 cts. per box. Raspber ries are in great-abundance and prices are down. Blackberries are in - market at 10 cts. per box. Plums are very plentiful- at? 35 ? ct8.i- per- 29-- ponnd hoxes. Good apples sell freely at 60 cts. jer box, and are .not in. great, .abundance. Iti some instances the San ' Joser scale has leen discovered on apples . brought ihti market and have been promptly destroyed. Pf-.aches are cheap and are selling at 15 to 20 cts. per box. The market is feeling the scarcity of eggs, and some dealers are .paying 22 cents per dozen in cash s and 25 cents in trade '.Good, 'fresh, .ranch Ibutter is-in etg . supply J with an upward ; tendency. Some dealers talk of an advance in price but as' yet none has been made since jast 'quotations. ". The market is still quite well supplied with poultry at for mer prices $.50i3.25. ; the Dalles Wheat market is steadv at 70 cents per bushel. -. Oats The oat market is in. good sup ply with more, frequent otferingH. Ow ing to the near- approach of the new crop, a decline has taken place. Wei quote '$1.1 Oca-1.1 5 per centaL ' Market! very weak. '- j Babikv The lrley supply is fairly j good with a limited inquiry. . We quote $1.10 per cental sacktMl. j : Fi.ouh Local brands, $4.00 wholesale j and $4.25$4.50 retail; extra, $5.50 $6.00 per. bbl. ; ' Miu.rtTurKS-1-Tlie supply is in excess of demand." We quote bran and shorts $17.00 per ton. . Retail $1.00 per lOOtts. Shorts and middlings, $20.01 i(a $22.50 per toil," ' - ; ' ' r ' " p ." , Hay Timothy! Kav 'is in good supplv at quotations "$16.60. ; 1 jNew" wheat hay is in market at $10.00 per ton loose, and $11.00ivc 12.00 per ton baled. New wild hay i nominally "quoted at $15.00 per ton. " Potatoks New i "potatoes. ; 1 cent per lb. ' ' - Bcttsh iWe "quote AJ .35cj.40 cents per roll. The supply is better than last week. " '; Eggs The market is in better Bhp ply and 20 to 22 cents per dozen .is paid. ' . , .-. -. Poultuy Old fowls are in less de mand at $3.00(3.50. Yonng fowls are easily sold at $2.503.25 per dozen. : Hioks Prime dry hides are quoted at .07 per 'jxnind. Culls .05 Green .02J (.03. Salt'.032(.04. Sheep pelts .25 bear skins $10.00; coyote ,60; mink, .50 cents each.; .. martin $1.00; beaver, $3.50 per lb, ; otter, $2.005.00 each for AI ; coon, .30 each ; badger, .25 each ; fisher, $2.50Jo $4.0Q each. T ., ' ,. . - ..... , . 'i WooMThe market ; ia quite steady. Wool: id nominally .quoted ' at .13(3 17 i per tt. .' Beef Beef on foot clean and prime 102 V, ordinary .02; and firm. Mutton W'ethers are scarce, that is to say No. 1. Extra choice sell at $3.50; common $3.00 without fleece. - Hoos Live heavy, .04.05. Dress ed .06.06. ( ' Bacon and hams sell in' the market at .09 cents in round lots. - ..Lard 5tt .lie 10 : 10tt .lOlh; 41) .08(.08iAc -per pound. HoKSKs-you'ng -'.range horses are quotea at f zo.uo(( cw.oo per nead in bands of 20 or 30. Indian horses sell at prices ranging from 5.00(20.00. tor Z-year-olds. with very few offering". Stock sheep are ready sale at quota tions, fj.'jSo(tM per, head., Fresh milch cows are Quoted from $25.00(850.00 each.-with-a verv'limited r offering and less buyers. ; Lumber. Kougn'lnmber $lz.U0 per M. Portland flooring No. 1, $30.00 per M. Portland rustic finish $30.00 per M. Nol J 1 cedar shingles $3.00 per M. Lath $3.50 P'" M. -Lime $2.59 per bbl 3 " A axApac I'tnocKBtBa..-"' Coffee Costa Risa is quoted at 22 y ' i i , Java, snOjAUS-r-Coidep. 17. ',n half- hbls rants'.' ;'-;. - -. AX , Golden C in 100ft hacks, 5 cents. J '-" Extra C in half bbls, 5 V .cents. . : Extra C in 1001b sacks. 5h cents. . "- Dry granulated in half .bbls, V cents. Dry: granulated In ; 100 tt. sacks, 6'a cent. .i . ii UJ ;. j t ' i " .,-.'5 . ' Sugary in . 30 tb boxes are " quoted: $2.00 j Extra C," $2110 ; Drv Granulated, $2.25.... ..... 1 . '; ;: -' i-.,-. . .SvapiN-$2J25fo $2-56 per keg:,; -. . ....,, " Rick -Japan rice, 6fe6a cents; Is land rice, 7 cents. ' ' ' ! Beans Small white, 4(85 cents: Pink,41(4 cents by the 100 lbs. . Stock Salt Is quoted at $18.00 per ton. Liverpool, 50 tb sack, 80 cents 100 Jbsackv$L50200fi aack,-$2.50 . 0 r-SUpmtUu vVfant.-; . - , ; An'American'lady desires a situation to do house work or nursing., Apply to this office. t f' : i f'f) ,-. J3on't let the'heit weather or anything else stop you from buyihg a' dress at cost from A. M. Williams & Co. '" .,- ; - -. If you; want a ;nice, strong, chap fence. around your lot, orchard or garden call on Clough & Larsen of The Dalles Fence Works, and you will be astonished at the cheap figures they will quote you. - :-t I . . . 1 z -t I V. , v I Many, people invest in the."Looisiana Lottery. Why not invest in a dress at Williams & Co., where you have a cer tainty of getting the best at cost? !,! i .. ., j- r .. ''-;r Kaspberries, three boxes for twenty five cents at Jolea Brtherd. 4 ? ?' Jor. hewdache.ase.B., headache cure. For.coiighaand.colds'nse 27Ti '. ' -"FbF pbysic'always use S.:B.1 headache care J" l'""' ;-A' ':.-- '. Use Dufur flour. It Is the beet. ahr yur grocer fur JJnfur noilr 4 . i 2379 is the cough syrup for children. ' One hundred gallons currants at Joles Bros., twenty-five cents per gallon. ... For O.. N. G. diaarhoea S. B. pain cure is the best thing known. ' ' , Get me a cigar" from' that fiiie case at Snipes & Kinlsrlevs.' ' " ' ' - A; M.' Williams' & Co.r have on hand a line lot of tennis and bicycle shoes. - For ice' cream ' cramp nse 8." B.' pain cure."" . For 4i,h of J uly colic use S. . B. pain :fire. .'.'.;' .'..'.' ' '.' ' ' , " ' ' ' ' . The drug store' of C.-E., "Dunham, de-.' ceased, is now open and will be so con tinued until further notice. , For 4th of July colic use Si ' B'palri cure. ' . ' ' .', '"' ", The celebrated' "Walter H. Tenny -Bosri ton-made menealnd? boys.'-' -fine -boota and shoes in all styles, carried by The, Dalies Mercantile company at Brooks: & Beer old stand., v- ;;;v,.:.;-..- -; ' Don't wear vbnr ' life out scrubbing your kitchen floor when ; you can buy' such- beautiful linoleum, the best for kitchen and dining-room, for 75 cents a yard, and oil-cloth at 35 cents a yard at: the store of Prina & .Nitache. .:- For4tff of July colic use S. B. pain cure. ,". , Long Ward offers for sale one - of the best farms of its size in Sherman county. It consists of 240 acres of deeded land at Erskinville. There is a never-failing spring of living water, capable of waterr. ing five hundred - head of stock daily. Tne house, which is a large store build ing with ten rooms attached alone cost $1700. A blat-kBmith shop and. 'other building and the whole surrounded by a good wire fence. ' Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Applv by letter or other wise to the editor of the Chroxici.k or to the owner, W. L. Ward, Boyd, Wasco ounty, Oregon. , - . ,.. . ,t,.. ' ..Attention! The"lalles MeTvantile couipiny would respectrally announce -. to . their many patrons tiiat they now .have a well, selected stock of general 'merchandise,, wnsisting in part of dress goods, ging hams, challies, sateens, -prints, hosiery, corsets, gloves, handkerchiefs, hats, caps, boots, shoes, gents' furnishing goods, ladies'r' and mens' undentfre, groceries, hardware, crockery, - glassware, etc;, in fact -everything '-pertaining to general merchandise. .Above being new, full and complete. ; Come and see us. ) ,-. -, .-' Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. ' When Baby waauick, Ve gava her Castoria, When she waaa Child, she cried for Castoria, , When she te4me Miss, she cl tug to Ostftoria, ' When she ha4 children, aha gave them Castoria. :-4 ;: . '. .,-. . .,: .-.. The following statement from Mr. W. B. :Denny,- h- well known dairyman of New Lexington, Ohio, will be of interest to persons troubled with ..Rheumatism. He says : "1 have, used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for . nearly . Ijwo vears,.. four bottles in all, and there is nothing I have ever used that. gave me as mucn relief for rheumatism. We always keep a bot tle of it in the-house." For sale by Snipes- & Kinersly. .. ' -In almost every neighborhood there- is some one or more persons whose lives have been saved by Chamlerlain'8 Colic, Cholera and Dianiicea Remedy , or who have been cured of chronic- diarrhoea by. it. - Such persons .take, special pleasure in recommending the remedv to others. The praise that follows the introduction ana use mates it. very popular. zo and 6U cent bottles for sale by Snipes A Kiner- Sit'. - ..: . . . ; "NOTICE. ' I ! R. K. French has for sale a number of, improyed ranches and . unimproved lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood in Sherman county. They will be sold very cheap and on reasonable terras'.' Mr. t rench can locate settlers on some- good unsettled claims in the Banie neigh borhood. His address is Grass ; Vallev,, snerman county, Oregon. i: 1 . . i " ' I '" Twenty "Dollars Keward. -'' -' Parties have been cutting - the supply pipes above the city between . the flume . 11 ;J .1 i: L. j ' auu nit rvservuir, uiubuuiuk iiiuuu usiu- age. ' This must be - stopped and a re-? ward of $20 is hereby ofl'ered for evidence that will lead to the conviction of per sons doing the. tJHinei - By order of 'the Board of' Directors. -; . .- -..,!' : Mr. ' John Caraghar, a merchant at Car aghar, Fulton Co., Ohio, says that St. Patrick's Pills are the best" selling .pills he ' handles.. . The reason' is 1 that tbev produce a pleasant cathartic 'effect and" are certain - and ' thorough in -their action. "Try them when you want a .re liable -cathartic. For oale- by Snipes Kinersly. .. .- .1.. :i-..-.'.-- s . .- '.-. !Ho- : THERE 1 '-': ' ' : I will' give 5o cents for each cow im pounded between the hours of 8 o'elock p. m. and . 7:30 -o'clock:' a. m., foun4 at large about ray premises. Put them in" boys, -bring marshal's certificate and get your; money; ' ' E. B. Dufpb. ... ,.r i -7 i.TT7-r: ; . - . I i: rr-j, -Si L..,':-' - " For a .troublesome cough there is nothing- .better -than - Chamberlain's . Cousrh Remedy. -; It strengthens, the pulmonary organs, ai lays any irriiaiion ana eneci ually cures the cough. .. It is especially valuable for 'the cough which so often follows an attack of the grip.- FoK sale by -Snipes A-Kinersly; - .... i -:. i i-j;;r.i-..;; ji . '; . '., ;',-.i:yA-' The Dalles Mercantile Co., are now prepared to furnish outfits to the - team-v stem and. farmers and. all .others . who desire to., purchase anything in general merchandise. ' Their line is. new, full and complete. ' Call .'and see' them.' Prices guaranteed ' ' . i ;, ' -- ' "' ,' . m :i ,7i - Lost, on the streets of The Dalles last Saturday a gunny sack containing a horse snon'ze. Quarter boots and towel Finder- will be rewarded by leaving the same at this office. - , ,;, ,. - .... i ..: Money to Lou. ' " ' - -1 $100 to $500 to loan on short time. , Batabd 6l Co. ThlSHhvyeslerntiiTTnsurancdr - 'OP MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN. Assets over $42,000,000.00." ' ' ' ! Surplus ' over $6,500,000.00. , .. ' . Laookda Hkiqhts, Bprinofikld. p., June 15, 189L rrof. tt. JL. atvey, ,- Dayton, Ohio. 1 "' -' ... t , P8ik: Replying t your request for a xtutement of the facte concerning my experienoe with the Equitable Life Assurance Society of New York in their late settlement with me, I wools state that In the early part of lfWl, iny age being 56 years. I took out a Ten-Pavment Life Policy in the hquitable Upon their Ten- ear. Tontine 1-lan. for 140,000. My premiums during the perloaV amounted to S37,51'2.0p. The Ton tine perfodepised early in January of the present year, and Sue tympany then offered me the following terms of settlement;' , -i . , . . V ' FTTiftT A TMA nnnnlim. In. t !-., si.; ---i- Andcash.-. . . ttECOND LA paid up policy for. Kiio-rA paid up policy for . ...V. ... .. THJRD Surrender ny policy, and receive In cash ' . .'. 1 whs so little saUi-fltd with the results of my aim, oui wnen t so aeciaea, tne company, through several of ita representatives, labored to indao me to take one of the other forma of aettlraient. But ftndintr that I was determined to surrender the policy and take the cash, they finally Instructed me from, th home office to'tcud policy and recei.; for the amount, i.496.SO, to their Slate tnnnagerln Cleveland, and he would remit me the amount. I followed their instruction and sent the policy nd receipt through my bank In SpringAekl to- one correspondent in Cleveland, only to have It returned from the Cleveland Bank with the mfonnattaau that tha fitara manumuw a rni.lt.klA ll a a. mct . t i r - . .. . - forced me to return it to the New York rtiiee, an compelled me to wait some twenty dart after maturity before receiving final settlement. .,, . i i i-.-,.:. ;i- -., ,( , , " 1 have trlven no statement endontlnsr thA KonflAhlA. aetUeinent with mei 'On the other hand I havnnfitivolv refiiKAri tt Ho un Tho fat t,u- m m' 4urn were 11,015.20 less than ray total investment .1 . . I . I . ..I .1... II" ..1.1 1. V, -. " '""ff himu . vweiimi r. iiuuwio ptnn y una up VJt Lute Uiiy woen they .suonutsea; tas above proposition to met I was kept In total ignorance of the condition of my investment. -w In marked contrakt with this has been my experience with the Northwestern, in which In.-1383, I took a Ten-Year Endowment Policy, Ten-Year Tontine, for 10,000, .thattXiompany having front time-to time furnished me with a memorandum. of the surplus on my policv over the signature ot their actuary; that while my policy has not yet matured, and will not until next year,- 'I h&vav the satisfaction of knowing that at maturity it Will net me from $4,000 to 15.000 more than the fao. of the policy calls for Very truly yours, " : " , i ' RQ88 M1TCHEIX.' ' We have thousands of comparisons with all the leading Life .Insurance Cook pa nies of the United States. Full information furnished upon application to '. " V:'"'" t. a. hudson, , ... . - ; .. , : ''' Associate General Agent. ' ' ' '' JOHN A. REINHARDT, , .. " .',"' " Special Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. EOBT. 2aT.-SrS. MAYS & CROWE, : . : ' (8uesMirs to ABRAMS t STEWART.) ' ' "' '-.' ' ' ; ' RetAllerai and To'tbtaexras Ixi '. HarQware, - Tinware, - 6rauitware, - wooneipn:, :-:t; SILVERWARE, - ETC. - r Agents " - "Acorn," "Charter Oak" "Argand,p STOVES AND RANGES. Pumps, Pipe, Plumbers' . and Steam . Fitters' Supplies, Packing, Building Paper, - r ,t:' ' -' SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES: Also a ! complete stock, of , Carpenters', Blacksmith's, and. Farmers Tools and Fine Shelf Hardware; -. . ' , AGENTS FOR .'.'-. The Celebrated R. J. ROBERTS "Warranted" f Cutlerv, Merideu Cutlery and Tableware, the "Quick Meal? Gasoline Stoves. ''"Grand" Oil Stovea , ,, , and Anti-Rust Tinware. . , All Tinning' Plumbing, Pipe . Work and Repairing will be done on 174, 178, 178. 180 SECOND STREET, euv -o. Columbia THE DALLES, OREGON. Best Dollar a Day House on the Coastf First-Class Meals, 25 Cents. First Class Hotel in : Every Respect. S:.-' ) - None but the Best of White Help Employed. T. T. Nicholas, Prop. The Opera restaapant, ' ' ' ' ' '"' ' ' ', -. I i : .... ... ' ' '? No. 116 Washington Street, t MEALS at ALL HOURS of .the DAY or NIGHT. Handsomely Furnished Rooms to Rent by the Day, Week or Month. ' '( .. 'x Finest Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. Special Rates to Commercial Men. WILL S. GRAHAM, H. C. NIELS6N, Clothier BOOTS AND SHOES, l7at5 ai7d Qaps, f Oents' Ftim 1 CORNER OF SECOND AND WASH JOLES BROS.. i'L''-''' ' .-EALER8;rN:-ur, . ;. .. Siapie anfl Fancy GraiGs. Hay, Grain and Feed. r No. 122 Cor. Washinstpn and Third Sts. ,.W,00QO0 r . . 9,751 60 , . 5-1,600 00 ..1 fH) . Invcstmeat that I choee the third, cast, i renders. further comment unnecessary. '-x - i..-i- . . . . . .. 1 , - ' 1IJ I. u.: 'for th e r- Snort Notice. ... :.- THE DALLES, OREGON.' '.-I--. O PROPRIETOR. ."-- -. ' ...I' JmpKsv iJalises, I'.. . ' Ti.1 -rag JNGTON RTS., THK D ALIJeR. OREGOW. Hotel and Tailor Or