fiiMaswfiSfiS; i J "i fV'f i . :S. ane sne called to her com and help her put Dimple, into the letter for Cey lon 1'hu .mother wonnd the two carls about her finger and then' tied ' little bit of bine ribbon round each of them. She 1 'put Dumpling away in her reticule and Dimple . was placed among the closely ; written sheets of foreign paper which j 1 she took oat of an envelope. . The letter ) was sealed then and after that they ! arose to go 'i'X:T. 1 'Thank you very much,. Mr. Barber," Journeys to meet thee with increasing power: j said the little girl, holding her band Out. THE Adding - morrow.' ' Albeit at midnight's chtras all Itartu trout earth i. . Km fled, aiul Ihraugb nlgtit'ft stuulnWK "to tha eyea r. , ,., Of as. the wear j watuberaof tbe skies, v -. No sign appear of a glad morrow's birtb. Yet at thai moment the receding sun Starts on bis wurw retarninic to our sight. Though it Is long e'er any rays of light Announce bin progress In the path oeguu. Therefore, olt uj. in trial's darkest hour. ' flaw faith, fiir nnw, thy deepest,u-row pst. The sua of Joy. bis steps retracing Tastt, 1MB 'TaSSsSSOr ; . . i SIIIPES & KWELY Wholesale and Retail Drmists. i:- tub Dalles C !--BEAJ.KRS 1N-- And soon his liifht nhall U thine eyes appear Dispelling gloom aud shaming all thy fear. I-Laarens Maynard in Kat Field's Waohing- PIMPLE AND DUMPLING. 1 There was only one chair vacant in a ian town . harber" nhon tin? other dav when a tail young tnau. accompanied by When uie and, becil, get whiskers ' we ll i come to you., to. cut them off.- Do you play baseball. Mr. Barber?, 'Cause.if you ! do , I'm going to. give you a present, i Would you .like a ticket for our baseball j match. Mr. Barber?" . . She pulled :out a little bit of. past- j i board from her pocket and handed it to ; j. him Huw arudiijit Is Made; '; . s; SoKodont is composed of . castile soap, li drams: glycerine. li drains: alcohol. I. ounce: soft water, 4 ounces: and oil of wintergreen, anise or cinnamon for flav oring. .;; The accompanying powder is composed of equal parts of prepared chalk, orris: root, aud carbonate of mag netrfa. i-?.:! - i! .?:-:.'. - jFinS Imported, Key West and Domestic PAINT iauy ana a loveiy unit; Kin ui uvr, u- temd.'and calling the head barbt-r to one aide irae him a few exulicit directions. Then the lit tit-jrirVs. hat was removed, y and the hjirrierenvelojKHl per in.-one or the big white -aprous. The young man lifted her up into the barber'nchair with a whispered word of reassurance, and the lady, after hissing her, passed her bands caressingly over all the beautiful golden brown carls Then she sat down in a corner, '-wbewrthe' child; could' not Bee ter face;' "and pulled- -out her' wrket handkerchief , , By this time the occupants of the five other. had become vastly interest -e'l'";iAll -eyi's were fixed bn .the jawt;et baby face with its curly halo It was a pale little' face, and there were no rose buds on its cheeks, but above them were two glorious gray eyea that' shone; like a pair of stars ,.Oa each side of .the little lace rested a particularly fat curl Tbe vhild placed her hand upon each as the barber advanced i with, th-big .shears. and gazed, lieseechingly np into his. face. '''fiovf i ! Aln . ; Barber. I want .-yon i to leave' Dimple' and Dumpling until the 'Very last, t'nt all the rest of . them- off. first, please I shall miss them dreffully.- -you know Me and Dimple and Dump ling has always been such friends Dim ple is going ont to my papa, in a letter .My papa is way eoi'ih Ueylop, yon know You haven i got a papa way ont in Cey-' Ion, Mr. BarlierT y . (.' No. miss. . I ain't got none atJall, J.,.. '."And. haven't , you got a mamma. Mr. Barber? My mamma is going to put .Dumpling into her 'Don't You Remem toer box. Did you ever see a 'Don't Yon -. ; 'N miss, t never did." ' -. -. . "Mamma's has got such a funny lot of things in it. There's & little bit of orange blossom and a little pinafore ' that Alec ajsed to 'wear . That's Alec over there by.the window , And there's a, little red vhoe that was our little bruffer's His name was Robin, and he-died-before any .of rua was bornedy you kno.w:- ::- . At this ' moment the mother stepped forward and whispered to the little' girl ' There was an old gentleman with a very red face in one of the chairs who shook un a veniaoie jeiiy at ine cmia s re- t- r ' ..i a I v.l . : . U I fSf V. nCM Ul .11.1. 11. furiously ami; the whole barber shop was UgPK! 'if1 ' - . V' . - .- : ' There Iras' silence for a moment or two, while the scissors went snip. snip. anip. Then the little prattler broke forth again . r:i v. .i.-.a , k. ,' "Mamma says I'm talking too much. Mr. Barber: but if 1 don't talk I shall be gin Jo cry. I cried awfully yesterday,' yon know; so did mamma and nurse. ' That' : GRANI BASEBAlii MATCH. '. J'. DICK TITKPI.V8 VERSUS TCHC A KOK A HS. : '. . Atlmisbun. 1 Pins. '. . ; ( "Cecil 'is captain"of the Dick Turpiust l. wholesome, . , .3' 4 ' ! - il::..'' ana ne'saia, now mat. i was goijijj.m have my liair "cut off I'd be just as good as a boy . So he's going .to lend me. a lair of his trousers and I'm to be second base. A roar arose from each respective chair As for the jolly old gentleman.; he iicoJ lapsed- the midt of l the tionfusioa the"1, lady .tried; to escape. ! but Lena's hat had to be put on ami that i caused still another delay ; . "No more snarls in the morning now. mamma." remarked the yonng lady as i she pnt it ou Bnt theu she drew a very i long face. "Oh. mamma, it wabblis I dreadfully." i The barber then 'slipped, some paper i and qnality will be insured. , fl-tA I? i.intf f rr.Vin hfir t.hv cu-.r i ; ' -' ' off. ' '' But just :tf the doorway the redfaced j oldgentlemuh accosted 4 hem. He had i his hat on bv this time, but be took it off bouse quality How to Kt Cucumbers. . j vucumoerssnouia never oe eaten witn- . .. .. out vinegar and pepper. Otherwise the . '.' I iura'nniLnHfv nf viwlv finer nntninl ! o is the time to paint your jin them' would create indigestion and 1 and if you wish to get the bett. j fennentation. Oil. and salt .should not j and a fine color use the be used. They ' render "'cucumbers uh- Bnt here 'is an excellent : way to eat tpeiu: , feel, tnen cut into slices!' lehgtb ways.i, sprinkle both aides : '. with corn meal, pepper ana salt, ana try f . -t'or those : wiching to see the; quality is here arid has come to stay. It hopes. to win its way to public fayor by ener-, industry and merit; and to this end we ask that you ive it a fair trial; aria if satisfied with its course a generous support. , Sherwin; Williams Co.'s Paint The Daily a-- them brown. Cucumbers treated in this way make a delicious dish ...... ... , . , ...How to Vw CmL: : , '.' Many ; a bonsekeeper - complains that the coal suppliiMl to her cellar is of dif ferent qualities. This happens very sim ply. , . When the coal is poured into: the cellar the larger and heavier lumps roll to the side) and. bottom, whereas the smaller bind stops tn the center. If the coal is mixed after delivery an even size and color of the above paint we call their attention to the residence of S. I. Brooks, Judge Bennett, Smith Freiiirh and others painted by Paul Kreft. Snipes & Kinerslr are., agents for the alxjvfe-pamt flir-The DalleBOjtii'.l lb ur pages of six Columns each, will be issued every evening, except Sunday, and iyill be delivered in the city, or sent by mail for the moderate sum of fiftj cents a month. . How Wn Are Calmed by Oil. . Owing; ni its ' inferior ' specific gravity oil forms a floating .' film, which defends ' the surface of the . water ; from contact : immediatily .ind made a most courteou. ! with She currents of air, and the friction greatly diminislieil. in the same manner , that the f notion plication of ; oils. bow i - - '. a f .!..'. .4 J . "Madam. , he exclaimed, "there are I two thiu -I -want particularly, and yon j can' graiit both of them, t want a I kiss from tbuf- tittle daughter of years I and a ticket for that baseball match. 1 can't, pay fthe price of admission., for 1 haven't thnje pins to my name, but jer haps hte."" ;and; a84ie -spoke he slipped something .'.bright and shiny into Lena's hand, 'to be devoted to soda water after the Thscaroras have been completely done up might answer .tbe: purpose jxtst as.welL':t. 4 Tlie lady-smiled 'audj allowed TLiena to give him the desired kiss, but she. handed him back the money,. and. could not be prevailed upon to accept it. Then with a parting nod to the barber the two joined Aleo on -the vomer. When last seen 1uh whs lifted np to the letter bos to: dispatch Dimple on the first stage of its -long - journey, and the redfaced gen-' tleiuan. , as ho lost sightr pf-.her' in the i crowd on Broadway, vowed' fervently that he would see that game of baseball, even -if it Vost a leg. Acton Davies iu New York livening Sun ' a. u : , Its Ob eets )VL. E. C. WKKT'S NEBVR AKBi liEAlN TreAT- Tifl juu ran teed upeciiic for .Hyiiteiiii; Dixzi i, i'onvulHions, Fit. Nervous Xenraleia. Headache, Nervous Prostration caused bv the use ot aiconoi or toDucco, waKeiumers,; Mental A simplft and excellent plau to preserve j Premature Old rip. t prvsslou, Softenine of the Brain, result! ne in in- sanitr and leading. U mitery, deca-T-jfRKt deth ( Premature Old Age, Barrenuest, liss of Power and. strengthen the eyes is this: Every 1 orTh(ea eansea by over exerti.m f the braVn, self morning pour some cold water into your abuse or over indulgence. Each box contains ui ri. - tk Vmtmn. nl! u Kxi I uo month's treatment. fl.Oi) a box. or nix boxes washing bowl: at the bottom of the bowl ; for by mall prepaid reeeipt , price, place a silver coin or other bright object: ; we gi:aratee six boxes men nni your tace into me water muii ...tuirnu. ..nn u- ''- ' ''-,i it.- i lorsix do: the bottom; . .move your head ' from side to side gently, and you will find that this morning bath . will ...make. .. yonr: eyes brighter and stronger and preserve tbemN l75 Sml)1Mi st . beyond tbe ordinary allotted time. ixe. accomDanied bv S5.00. we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to re fund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by -' O BI.AKKLEYiHOUr.HTON, - lreHcrlptl4a lrag;a;lsts. -p i) j ; The l)lle, Or. Hon to PrcMne Milk and "CireMnr" .Put the milk or cream into, bottles and place them in :a -saucepan With ' cold wa -ter,.which rise gradually to thejboiling point. Then take from the fire and cork instantly.-.; .Again, raise, the jnilkn UVa boiling poiut f oi'. half . a -minute and. let the - bottles ; cool in the, water. ; in., whieh they were boiled.,. Milk thus treated will remain perfectly good for six months. was wneu me uocior , came ana saia Twiggs mansion wnere we made our they'd have to be cutted off r We aU headquarters while ; in -New Orleans. If cried 'cept CeciL' ' He's eight-years old. -j anybody got' away? with the spoons k He uever cries ' when mamma I would not be strange. spanks him. then he howls Bnt at last 4 stopped crying, for Aleo said he'd take we to jnnch with him when we came in to have it done.; nurse said, she'd let me A ReiMa.rks.ble War Record. "1 served 'pn General Butler's staff,' said. Port Warden, JUonistokl; "Wfis over font years in the aruly, lataiever .fired a gun. wa-promoted for gallantry on the field and never was iu a battle, and, in facL, never V? .Confederate in arms, and I don't get a pension. 1 didn't carry away any spoons from New Orleans, but ' oW. Reoi0,e ink 6t.iu. r. let IVe got Shakespeare. . Byron ani Moore j- Lemon juice readily removes ink from " -y v" . " ! the bands. Diluted spirits of niter, ap plied with a feather," takes ink spots ;. How-to Mak Hens Ity. In VV' intr, . Mix a .portion ot minced meat, every day with their other food, and see . that they have plenty of gravel, old plaster tering or powdered egg shells to peck among. 'The latter jmay also be mixed with their food; " '- : ' ait up till half-past 7 for a whole week: xuamma'a going to get ine a silver thimble, and , cook is , going . ta have waffles for' tea when, we-get back.- -Do you- like waffles. Mi. Barber?" '. The barber replied in the affirmative, aud toenthtirev, was. silence .for a. little -wtuW W'.i kj kZJ "Have you got a sweetheart, Mr. Bar- ber?" A titter rau around the. room, and. the barber turned as red as his pole out " side, but he replied in the negative. '"Alec's; "got one: pursued the child. "He goes to tea with her oh Sunday. Cecil says he is awfully sweet on her. Cecil knows, too; bu was under -the sofa -when" But Aleo waited to hear no further He bolted bodily aud waited on the cor ner until the ordeal was at an end.' ' The Jady arose and. whispered some further cautions, buf they proved of no avail." ' Well. Mr. Barber, if you haven't got amy sweetheart or papa or mamma, yon mnst be a norphatk - Are you a norphan. Mr. BarberT ' . . The raaii nodded' his bead and then asked his questioner to keep her head till. likeageod girl.w.-.f ' ;. , t' Anothertpajiser Then: $'''' . r "Mr- Barberrv i . I .J -; Yes, miss.". lf you is a norphan what does, you ay when you g6- to bed? ZYon can't say jrod bless papa and mamma' any more. ,4'ra very glad I'm not a norphan.-. . ' - -There was B dead silence iu the .j-oom after that until the redfaced old gentle man blewhis. nose...- The.barber',g task . -was almost finished how. i ' " ' "' ' i. -'What'ajtlie matter, mammc? ; You're .ryinV''.. r ' "Why, no, I'm r not Lena."" What from mahogany, which should be rubbed over iintnediately with a'- rag dipped in .1 H uTsLt-'. nr a WlMtA vif4.ilr vrtll Via It ft l i ine aisonguisneu tamiiy inai movea . fak spots in linen fabrics should be wet out -for us left the family silver' and i tVk a h, everythmg else, and we moved m and thi. articles are washed. ' An- took possession and used the abandoned f other teke out ink s to dip the property as we had. under, the laws of , m melbeA tallow. ,' Ink stains war a perfect right to do. We found : m aleo lie reuloved from white fabrics the famouswiggs swords there. They . b a ,ittle Mt of Iertl0DB. aflnted mnri- ington.The.Twiggs heirs are trying to get all these things back, but they'll have as hard,a.time to trace that library, riu. afraidi as; they will the fiponB. New York Herald. I. (J. jIltJkTLEN, - - -DEAI.EE IN- ' school books, stationery, . organs; .,J PIANOS, WATCHES, JEWELRY. I Cor; Third and Washington Sts will be to advertise tlie resources of tlie city, and adjacent country, to assist - in developing; our industries, in extending, and bpeniiig up-new, , channels for pur tradC iii ecuringr' an open river, and in helping THE DALLES to take her prop er position as the ! ill -nut :A,.., , Leading City of Eastern Oregon. The paper, both daily and weekly,1 will be independent in polities, and in its criticism of political ' matters, as in its handling of local affairs, its will be JUST, FAIR AND IMPARTIAL E,. ' We deaypr to give all ; the: 1 cal news; and we asl-i; thatfybu of our obj ect and course, be formed iron?, the contents of the paper, and not from rash assertions of outside .parties. atic - acids, oxalic acid or tartaric acid and hot water. All strong acids, how ever, injure the fabric, and the spots should be. well rinsed in cold water after they. are used. . .:''''';' i . ' '' '"; CbicskBo's Parks avnd Park ways. i The parks and parkways of Chicago areref a type .the outgrowth of her nat ural landscape conditions and" the char acteristics of her people. Between tht great lake on the,, east and (the prairie main land on the west is a low, swampy tract diversified by sand . ridges washed np by the storm waves and shifted about by the wiuds - The lake-, in: some places encroaches upon the land, and at other points extends the shore by the forming ; which Jnakes'- V A. .if of sand bars, upon such a site was founded Chicago, and upon such a soil has she bnilt ber parks and . boulevards, j The wide streets were rescued as rap idly' as possible . from their primitive condition' of alternate mud and dust, graded and laid with; the most .approved forms .of , pavement. The'" fondness 'ot -the p'eople. for riding and ' driving, that led them at an early day to provide so amply for-public ways, caused the fea ture of fine driveways to be preeminent when the public parks were to be made. Harpers Weekly " ' Savings BauU' Depositors. , At .the; close, of j:be year 1890 the sav ings banks: in the United States num- ,berd,860with sayings deposits amount ing to $1,534,844,506, divided among 4,258,893 depositors,' being ah" average of a58-Q4- The depositors in the banks of '.' Bo to 'Relieve Rheoiuatle Pains:': ' Lime or lemon, juice." used' in 'liberal quantities, . frequently, relieves the : par oxysms of rheumatism. One noted phy sician claims that by the persistent ose ' of" this. ' simple acid for ' three ays (all stimulating 'liquids being ' avoided) the most, confirmed rhenmatism ' will relax and. the' tone of the muscular and nerv ous system be restored to its usual char- i acter. Another simple remedy is to bathe the parts affected with water, in potatoes have been boiled, as hot t E. BAYARD HO., i; , '' -:;:!.: i' ..'-' Real Estate Insurance,, t i ; and Iioan 'l Hf't bear you sniffling, anj besides, I can see j JUUT lave Ul bUQ ftwniU2 giooo. Auc&oo two big; tears running down your "nose." SNow, miss.- gust; please sat; steady ninute. ; 1 j Tbe gave- a enip,' and poor imphBgfeiwn into her lap-. Dim: followed an instant later; and the 1 trazed ruefully a the itwu beauti- Vvered curls. -r-ii-.i a odbv. Dumplinc and Dimple," she nd the tears began to" " gather: uost overflowed a moment later Irber lifted her from the-chair ! vaifced to the long mirror to jeraelf. But her mother was "' tha-jm.f!Tftmcvl rVfor Lena as can be. borne previous to retiring. Obstinate cases have yielded to this sim ple treatment. ; - ' ' - ;. . ; ii-'- .'..-'.How to Care Warts. Touch the wart dai ly with a little lunar caustic or with nitric acid or aro matic vinegar. " The caustic and acids cause stains, which wear off in - a short time: the vinegar scarcely discolors the skin.. Applying, the warts to the con ductor of an electrical machine for sev era! days in succession will also remove warts . .;i.--J.i.'!Ji ,i -u:ci Oh, bufry--y6u-M, mamma 1 caneTVori8tatenunibered 1,420,997 ,with deposits amounting to $550,066,657, being""an average to each depositor of $387.10. California is credited wita ihe largest average isunt 'to each "depositor, the amount being $787,74. : The smallest average'-of 'ail states fe irt West Virginia, where the amount is $4S.J. New York Recorder. -V Only , a Demonstration. ' Briggs Heard' there was a big row between you and Simpson at the board meeting yesterday. . i'.Wilspn It .wasn't much of a row. 1 merely said that Simpson was an idiot Briggs What did Simpson do? Wilson He got up and proved it. . AGENCY. Opera House Bloek,3d St. Hotr'to' Purify-Water. ' A saturated solution of permanganate of potassa ' will speedily ' cleanse', foul water. About -a , teaspobh?ul - to a hogs head' should be used."r Anotherm'ethod is . to put a i.tablespooriful of pulverized alum into, a; hogshead of ' water and stir the-water' weUj-rThe impurities fall to the bottom and. the water will soon pos sess nearly all tbe clearness and fresh ness of the finest spring water.-' ' ' i HURRAH! ' -- '-.'il.F0R'' f-i-;f ; II you get Colic, Cramp, Diarrhoea or the Cholera Morbus the S. B.: Pain Cure is a sure cure. " ' ' '"'''' ' The 4thi flf; July! If , you need the Blood and Liver clean eed you will find the S. B.' Head; ache and liver Cure a perfect remedy For sale b all druggists. i, ,- Ui THE WEEKLY, eit sent; 'to any address for $1.50 per It will contain from" four to six column pages, and we shall endeavor to malse i it the eqiial of the best. .- Ask your Postmaster for, a copy, or , address. Urtii.lH Jf -iVi "ivi.'i i-J , ; THE CHRONICLE PUB. CO, Office W.,Cor. Washington and Second Sts. THE .t-7r.;-i DALLES "'' How', to Play Baccarat i;,iii The dealer and each' side of the' table . have t wo. .oi; three cards. . The object is to get as nea nine as possi Die, and tens and court cards, do not count. . If the twn first cards; dealt" dpi DQt .together amount to five the- player asks for an other. If above five he does not. The sole question in doubt is whether a play er whose two 'cards together make five ought to draw a third card or not Be cause of this doubt French courts have ruled that baccarat Is not a game of ';', lit) :H i rBoraiEToi o-th Ti4"- New Vogt Block, Second St Liquor v;Dealerf MITOUKEE BEER ON DRAUGHT. The Grate City of the Inland Empire is situated at the head of navigation on the Middle Colum'bia, and is, a thriving, prosperous city, ', '. ' . . v ;!--;: ;;: ;v;; ITS . TERRITORY.-, " .., . It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agri cultural an t grazing country, its trade reaching as far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over twc hundred miles: !i- , - " -, -.v , ; U ; ,THE; LA-RGrEST WOOL MARKET., t ; ;t The rich grazing country along the eastern slope n-P '.hfl t.h 'DnsraidfiR fiTPniHh Aa rm.Rt.iTre for thousands of sheep, the "wool from which finds market nere-ni .The , Dalles is. the largest original "wool snipping point in Americar aljout 5,000,000 pounds Being shippedtlast .year:-!u.," ; ; - ' ' .;-'; ' , iiTS .PRonTjrcTS. ; . i k .. C . .J . " . w The salmon' fisheriesre1 the finest on the Golum"bia, yi'dldih'thiyeararev and. ;pe:mbre than douoiea; in tne near iuxurev ; ;. The uroducts of. the beautiiui uicJKitai,,;vaiiQy una marketrherejand the country. and east has this year filled the warehouses, iana au avauaoie storage places 'to overflowing with their? products. . , , , .., .6 - It is the richest city of its, size on the coasts andy its money is scattered over and is "being - used to develop, more farming country than is tributary to any .other city m-Xiasiera vieggu. . , : . r - Its situation is unsurpassed! ' Its ' climate 1 delight fuH Its possibilities incalculable! Its resources un- limited. And on tnese corner stones sne sxanas.