mm y ... . .. i- i VOL. II. THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULX, U, 1891. NO. 24. .? The Dalles Daily Chronicle. r Published lHiIy, .Sunday Excepted. BV . ! ITHE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. r : kkiraer Second ini WaKhfnirtoii Street, The Pullex, omron. f ' TrrniM of RuliNrrlptlon. MW .'v .....: .... Her month, by carrier 6 (K) 30 . 5 TIME TABLKS. Railroad. , -R.VST KOl'ND. , ' ! T 1 , No. 2, Arrives 12:4S a. M. . pejmrt 12:55 a. m. ' 8, " 12: IS r. M. ' 12: aft p. a. . WEHT BOUND. No. 1, Arrive 4:40 A. a. IM-vsrts 4:511 A. M. " 7, " 5:15 P. . " !: P. t. rVo loca. freights that ourcy pun wingers leava ne for the- west at 7:45. a. m., and one for the east at 8 A. X. , :.-v ... . STAUKS. ... For Vrinevtlle.-vis... Bake Oven, leave. daily (exeepr Sunday atH a. a. ' For Antelope, Mitehell. Canyon City, leave Mondays, Wednesdays anil Fridays, at A. a. For Uufur, KiiiRslev, Wamlc. Wupiuitia, Warm Bprinirs and TyKh Valley, leave daily (except Sunday) at 6 A. M. For tioldeiidule. Wash., leave every -lay of the week except Sunday at H a.m. Offices for all lines at the Umatilla Hone rwit-Olttce. ': offick hocks fleneral Delivrev Window 8 a. m. to.7 p. in. Money Order ' v . .8 a. ui. to 4 p. m. Bnnday . D. " ... a. m. to 10 a. m. CLOSING OP HA ILK By trains going Kaist 9 p. to. and 11 :4S a. m. " " West 9 p. in. and 4:45 p.m. "Staire for Uoldendale 7;30a.m. "Prinevillo . . '. . ...J. . -5:l 4. va. . "Dnfurand Wann HpriDK. . ..": a. m. ' lxaving for Lyle A Hartlund...5::lU a. nu . ' " Anlelope 3:a.m. Kxcept funday. fTri-weekly. Tueartay Thamlay and Hatnrday. " Monday Wednesday and Friday. THE CHITKCHES. 17IR8T BAPTIST CfirRCH Rev. O. Tat- LOB, Fastor. .Sorvlees every Habhath at 11 A.'M.and 7:: P. M. Sabbath bebiMl at 12 K. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. I ON?REATKNAt, C.HI'RCH Rev. W:,C. lv!y-t IXKTts, Pastor. Servlct every Sunday at 11 M. aud 7 P. M. bundav Hcbool after morning r ..... 1 ....... ..nljJK- InirltMl MMiti. fiwn E. X-HURCTI Rev: H. Brows,' Pan tor. I 31 . Service every Sunday morning and even ing. Sunday Schis.l at i o'clixik u. A ooraiai invitation is extended bv both jsmtor aud people to all. OT. PAl'L'S CHI' RCH Union' Street, opporite (5-- Fifth. Rev. Eli U. Sutclifle Kector. Services W . . 1 ... 1 J " .-H . w 'O .. .1 .. .. wy CUUUKJ HI A.' m - auu ,ow ' m. cuimnj School U:au p. M. Evening Prayer on Friday at 7:8U .-' . ST. PETER'S H U RCH Rev. Father BttONs okbht Past.)r. Iow Mas every Sunday at 7A. M. High MaKK at 10:80 A. X. , Veapers at 7 P. . SOCIETIES. A SSEMBLY NO. J of P. hall on o'clock p. m. 4S27, K. OF I -Meets "in K. first and third Sundays at it WASCO LODtiK, NO. 15. A. F. At A. M. Meets first and third Monday of each month at 7 -rALU5S,BOYAL ARCH IIHAPTER NO. 6. I. y -Meets 1 n Masoiiic Hall the third Wednesday month at 7 P; M. - - .-- MOPERN WOOUMEN OF THE WORLD. 'Mt. Hood CainpNo. 59, MeetTuesday-ven-.uteaahiwaek in I, O. O; F. Hall, at7i:V) p.k. C'OLUMBIA Ia)1M!E, SO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Odd Fellows hall, Second street, between Federal and Washington. Sojourning brothers are welcome. H. A. Bills, Sec'y R. U. Clostkb, N. H. Jr every Monday evening at 7:30 o'cliwk, in Bchanno's building, corner of Court and Second streets! Sojourning members are cordially lu Tite4. ko. T. TuoKPson, . 1). W. Vauke, Sec'y, ; C. C. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TKMPERENCE : UNION will meet every Friday afternoon at X o'clock at the rvaiung nxdii. , A(i are inviiea. rnEMPLE Ia)DGE NO. 3. A. O. U. W. Meets X at K. of P. Hall, Corner Second and Court Streets, Thursday venings at 7:iM. , .. John Fillook, W. 8. Mybrk, yinancier. M. W. I'KOFBSfjlONAL CARDS. "VCTM. SAUNDERS XR:MITKrr. Plans and f specifications furnished for dwellings, churches, business blocks, schools and factories. Charges imsieratc, satisfaction guaranteed. (Of fice over French's bank, -The Dalles, Oregon. DR. J.-SUTHERLAND Fellow of.Tbishty Medical Colleare. and- member tit the Col. of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy 7 sician and Surgeon. OtHee: rooms 3 and 4 Chap f man block. Residence; Judge Tbornbury'g See LoDd street. Oliice hours; 10 to Li a. m., 2 to 4 aiiu wop. in. , DR. O. D. DO AN E PHYB1CIAS AND BCB-ckon.- Office; rooms 5 and 6 Chapman' Rlncfe Hiwlflpnm) lf.FsrlMnf1 .b Fn.nnh'a I' store. Olllee bonrs 0 to 12 A. M.. 2 to and 7 to "HI P. M. A6. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. . fice In Schauno'e building, up stairs. Dalles, Oregon. . . ; t Of The D. aet OI IDOALL- -Dkictist. tiHS driven for-' the lnless extraction 01 teem. Also teetn aet on flowed aluminum plate. Rooma: Sign of the Golden Tooth, Secon ud Street. AR. THOMPSON A ttornky-at-la w.c Office . in Opera House Block, Washington Street, The Dalles, Oregon, - P.P.MAYS. B. . HrKTINGTOX. H. B. WILSOM. MAYS, HUNTTNGTiiN d;VHliiOK-ATTO:-r : ilt-AT-uw.-OfSeds, French's "block over jr irsx 3 9v uai puna, J,ii vues, "jregoB. ij.;i JC.B.DUrUB. GkO. WATKINS." PRANK MEI4EFXK. UFUR, W ATKINS MENEFJEE .Attob- mbyb-at-law Kooma tins. 75,73, 75 and 77, Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. WH. -WlLSOli ATBSBY-itiiwii-Rooms . 52, and 63, New Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalle. Oregon '.'' j j 7. & T. HIGGOY; BARBERS- HO SECOND STREET. (jrapd Qlearapee 5a'e- -o- To make room for new goods, we offer oiir enkre line of DRESS GOODS ABSOLUTE ILY AT COST. ; ; ' A. M. WTTiTJ AlMS & Co. flOHTH DflLiLiES, Wash. Situated at the Head of Navigation. Destined to "be Best IWanufactdttihg Center In the Inland Empire. r :::,.;:;,'! ...... Best Selling Property of the Season ' in tne Northwest. For farther information call at the office of Interstate Investment Co., . 72 Washington St., PORTLAND,. Or. O. D. TAYLOR. THE DALLES, Or. Or If YOU are looking Call in and we will Ladies' or Misses' -in Button f0i3fy $1;00 per Pair, All' sizes, weather. 'Just the HOW ABOUT THOSE 37-Ihch so cheap, at JWcFARURHD V 4 i W J D. P. Thompson' . J, 8.' scbenck, H. M. Ukall, ' President. i ;j Vice-President. . Cashier, j First MaUonal Bank. THE DALLES. '- OCOREN A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check.-; Collectioils made and proceeds promptly - ' remitted on' day of collection.- - Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port-- land. . . . ;J ; 'OIREOTORS.' V. Tuoiitpsoij. JwdvS, ScH-i'NCK. W. 6PABKS. Geo. A: L'ibbe. H. M; Bkall, ' FRENCH :iCo.; ... .. BANKERS.. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Letters of Credit issued available in the .Vi j 45astern S.tfte.l j Sight:, -3Exchage," and L .Telegraphic. Transfers sol dxb New York, Chicago, 8t. Iiouie; gan ' Francisco, Portland Oregon i Se&ttle1Wah-.? and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. for a give you one in a or Lace- thing for this warm ' 1 : St FRENCH'S. W. E. GARRETSON. Luulg-Jewir. HOLE AfiEST FOB ; . i. . -. i '.! i II ii t i n s'iai Jl All Watch WorKWarranted. Jewelry; Made to Order. 1S8 Smond St., The DsllM, Or. ., i ! ,- laii i : : KEMOVAK H. Glenn has lemoved his Office and tlie office of the f OM aJ. kii.-'. --J X - l"U- kj.r. i .U . :.r&- Electric Light Co. to 721 Washington St. FIRE IN MONTREAL; The Devouring , Element" Doing Ter-1 rific Damage in that City.-The ; Loss is Enormous. - ; . , - . . - j The Great Langtry is Thrashed by her! I Lover Mo'uut Vernon Burned Up . A Dynamite Explosion. - Mo.vtbpal, Julv 14. The greatest con-I a n . " 1 1 -t . . i natrration -Montreal Iuip witnessed for ; -' f..?r... . .- .- ..1 jears ta tn progrc. , - : I It Vsau shortly before midnight in I i the great lumber yard of Frefontaine, j ( Brossean & Co;, and . spread, with . tre- i.. lltl,...i,..f..;i.l... u.i .i :.a.i . i t. i t 1 ... H w. .-t. . e.-. ...v...., i report is current in our town that our ineau road, Strathoyne street, Shaw ! whom e6oaed" with difficulty and many j friend W. .H. ilass was seen the other itreet,' Kent street and Josepbat lane j lost their clothing. For a while a panic i morning witti his head over the well was destroyed or in flames and the fire ' reigned. No fatalities ooenrred what- nrb i-alling- in a loud voice "papa," . .. u ...... I i and listening to the echo. is still spreading. Hundreds of thous-; ever. , . . , . .. , . . . . . ' . .i . ; The wheat niarket which temiKrarilv ands .f dollars worth of property is al-: .w York ew. . . .- , dropped 1 cents at Pendleton, is now ready conaumed. , - . New yORK Jnlv 14.A ai8paU.h from i ',atk 10 the ,d figure, cents, at whie.h A number of firemen are reported i t- . . , buyers are ottering to contract. Quite. a badly . burned and some fatalities are j feared. ' - ' At 2:W p. in. the flames were reported as under control, but not until after two lumber vards and a number of small dwellings were burned. ..The probably be about $500,000. loss Wl11' LILLY LANGTKY' 18 MARUKI). A London Lover Catches a Man With ' Her and Spoils her Beauty. Iandon, July 14. Several stories are afloat with regard to Arlington Baird's alleged assault on Mrs. Langtry but the following is told by Mrs. Langtry just after the assault had been committed and while the blood was streaming down hex face. ' On a recent occasion Mr. Baird returned . home expectedly and found a. gentleman dining with . Mrs. Langtry. Without more ado he proceed ed to put him out and then "went , for" the lady and knocked her down. - Then it is stated he kicked her in the face in such a way that it is said ehe is now disfigured." Mrs. Langtry had to be car ried to bed. Mrs. Langtry has began action for as- eault against Mr. Baird. but he repented of his deed and' to prevent further ac- j nual convention of the National. Editor tion, paid her the sunt of 25,000 pounds i ial .Association was called to order this in the bank of England notes. ! morning with an attendance of between Indian Troubles Feared in Arizona. Flagstaff, ; Ariz., July 14. A sheep j hwrrlor whr. nrriveil Inst nitrht SaVs the ' Navajo Indians are gathering in , vast numbers, preparatory to a resistance of an attempt on the part of the govern ment to arrest the leaders for their ma rauderous raid on the rangtw. The gov ernment has been asked to send troops as troops as trouble is feared. THK OHIO COMVENTIOS. Democrats Getting Keaily to Formulfstt . . a Vtntform. Clkvkland, O., July 14. Although the Democratic state convention , is an nounced to meet today and continue iii . , . iU. . , . jr.j - provide that this day be devoted to committee ineetintrs and out door dem- onstratious. ' ' r ' ' ' ) ,. The free coinaire men insist tnat oartv suctiess can only be insured by the con- vention'B declaring for the free and- un j limited coinage of silver, but thev are! p. p, ' - .- -II r- u uy WUBIUM- man Harter ana otner eqnatiy promi- nent democrats who say the republicans have not'madtt the silver o nest ion an . . . . , . j' o 117 'i i lHsue ano wu v snouiu we. ou ho i vtouiu ' , , . ' , it not be better to devote our attentipn to the tariff exclusively? iu ...T' Gi asshopper . Mews. . Toprka, Ks.y July 14. Persons arriv ing here from eastern Colorado bring the iinformatioii that grasshoppers there are not thefTed-legged variety which devas tated Kansas in 1874, and are not des tructive. ,4 - . . . : :.. . ; ; i;. A private dispatch. from Garden City, 'Kansas, says the grasshoppers; in Finney and Kearney counties are doing' consid-' 'arable damage to arardens and ordhards. ! .'rSm'all grain, js' too fai advanced to be greatly injured... An UnJ natlfl able Lynching, ;) Nashvillk, Tenn.,.Julv 14., A lynch-., ing without ., any apparent., adequate cause ' occurred last night .at a . lone, small -station on' the Illinois ' . Central railroad In Desoto county 'MisBi -1 The victim was a negro named Samuel- Gil lispie who was under arrest for rescuing another colored man who was in charge ofan officer..,-.' . 8an Francisco. Market. ". .!..; ; San Fbancisco,' jivAj ,- 14. - Wheat, buyer '91, after August 1st 1.66. ' ' Chicago Wheat; 'Market..;' ' ' 1 Chicago, tli. July 44.-CTosei'wneki easy cash &79i; September, 6?J; December, 7. I FORTY THOI SAM) PULLAIl'D LOST. Fire at Mount Vernon. Wash . Ibe Trnrn. Swffpft . Seattle,, .lulr . 14. A . dispatch .from Mount Vernon. Wash., states that the i principal . business portion of town. has lndetr?yd by fire. The low will be ; 140,000. ..-.' I ADDITIONAL PARTICULARS. . i Seattle, July 14. The steamer Henry T I l. i . l r 1 1 a . i .j j ,r aiuuiit crrjum urjiis i3 iirHi news ui the dinafitrOtiH fire whirh occurrtd . there I taaCi4-aw!iv mo.nin.. TV... 4 X a... v.-. ill the Washington hotel. The. hotel ... . .i, .... .. was entirely mneumed with fifteen other 1 . , . onsinew woiHunjn, anti two reM.ieneeH, causing a total loss of forty thousand dollars. XJie hre was t-aused by the ex- plosion of lamp in the upper rooms of i i i cnii rraneisco inregari w tne anuar.i,nu(ll)erof lilrnlerM have taken Oil crowd acquiring Huntington Searle's j tage of the oiprrtunity to insure a good ehoxvn to T6m Rockafe.ler this morning. j ffe gtated that fae nftd uothe.lrfl tllat anv . . .. . ,. ' . . . - , ! siic:h tra.nstt.ion had lieen raintem idiit . In the suit of the Edison Kleiiric Light Co. against the United ; Htates Electric Light. Co., for infringement of patent on the incandescent light, Judge Wallace today; rendered a decision in favor of Edison. Haw Mill Burned at Corvallta. Cokvallis, July 14. Fire -broke at 1 1 o'clock last night in the large mill of. Max Friendly. The mill out Sli w and machinery together with a large amomt of dressed lumber was entire! v destroviid. ' The total loss is about $12,000 with an insurance of $5000. Dynamite Explosion. Nkw York, July 14. There was an explosion of dynamite on board the steamship G. K. Oersy at Brooklyn- this morning by which two men were killed and the steamer badly damaged. . " Tn" Kdltor Aemhi. ; St. Paul, July-H. The seventh an : five and six hundred. An Rzpenslve Flr. tj i i PiTTSPiKi.n, Mass., Jnly 14. Braeker s new brick block was burned this morn- ing. The. bnildiug was occupied ; by. a number of stores and carriage factories, , . , . The loss is about 100,00(. Weather Forecast. ' San Francisco, July ; 14. Forecast for Oregon and Washington, fair weather.- '.',:,.-.,.. . j the air. Everv person on board was A ckack AT monarchy, , ; bnrled into the water. He sank with A London K.lltor's Reflections Upon the j the rest, and when he came to the sur i ' Kmperor's visit. ; .- I fate he saw .nothing but. wreckage. Losoon, Julv 12. It is a positive re- j There was not a body in sight. Up to a lief, after perusing for a week nothing i J hour no tidings of the ill-tated party but the sickening adulations of the Em: j "ad been received. peror William; and the columns of tire- j me chronii;le8 of hi9 doings, to turn to ! .to nf - ffor,o' Mnrmnnnrr. t.h ; onlv purely democratic paper m London, rea comments upon tne Kaiser i. :..:- l n ...... .1. . ; ftrtiAie the paper declared that t nas recorded-the facts of the reception'! given to the German emperor, that in J for their . ,. f" j- J t. I At.n.A . I. . T. .Y.i.i, ylianr.i-al u , 1. 1 sucb hurnilitv an(j eeryility toward a youth. ! i regarded by lovers of absolutism as a! demi-izod. The writer deplores the ap- ! narent. ret.nrn towarrl the worshin of i rr ,' y;r, j .s ; ;,'. i Kings, aill lowaru wie Hticinuc 01 Lurir divine right, current in the dark . ages, The people's money has been expended ! in the .entertainment of the monarch, ! thoueh he he has not .-en brought 'iu . . ..i . i l i a. . i century, that the people will refuse to be tolerant toward ,tlienx.uiuci lfnger.s C'i-Uo a u-A- The Old 81 ope Cave-In. WiLKfHftAJUtVi1 -a., iJni iJ2.-r3$ui morning', (lte.old skp3 jof tile? JKington -oat noinntnr. near: Iarkevllle?. leaved In J ahef the Inhabitants &t6 in great fear 6f their lives and property, tor hundreds of feet in. all directions (the surface is raved with large seams and cracks, some a foot wide. A number of houses in the vicinity re damaged.. fSo far there have been no fatalities.. " The men in the mine alVescaped. Kt,, y v. 1 1 r.i , DodMc Tragedy in Frost of a Church. ' Kt TyrtTB .TtiliT-1 9 At Tons nine miles sotithj from, jheressepjiibFfaiQjcii snot a tjathouc teacher named Haccleman and then committed suicide.-; The crime was committed 'just In front of a church as the congregation was leaving. The reason is unknown. contact with the people, but has been : of England itself.- A leading radical re hedged about with courtier? : and s-yco- ' marked In the lobby Friday that if the pbants. -He'haB not met the leaders in ! church di Rome thought projsBr to op art, science and literature, nor the rep- '.pose Parnell politically, 'on account of a resentatives of the .masses. Reynolds .: marriage which the law of the land expresses the beliei'tbaf. the fpri. ciple: reM)gnized as lawful,, hut which wasop 6f moriarchy'ls nearing "the ""downfall, i posed to church law, then Protestants since it is producirie;' ;snch' nincompoops i had just as much right to introduce re as.the Prince of Wales and such p(-eten- ,ligion into politics The tories- are do tious humbugs as the ' kaiser, who be-j ing all they can to stir up this feeling lieves that the Almighty has ' appointed - and appareatly with successor him to-govern as best suits his own am- bition.; Jgdch'anideaioj-Taieral.ip.vine'' "V'.-'T'AppHeioi Deaietj. that isso'out of place in the nineteenth ; WASHiNOTd-N. July 12. 'Assistant Sec- XEWS OF THE NORTHWEST. 'W. II. Mc.Cotnas hag resigned his pos ition as editor of the Oregon Alliance Herald. , , ; , , . . The Silvertoii Appeal speaks of "the ,V,80ond wf ,he. wme Sun" ffc"I(J pnid a (!0nipanv iawgainizing here to prospect for e within two miles of I etKlletOll. f..1. ' The horses belonging to the Henry Stover estate sold in Pendleton Saturdav louna roativ aie at tcouu price. the rtv- eiage treillt per head. r ilarv Etta Blair, of Heinmer who I 1 ll 1 X alliklf t i I VI UMa urtAiki ntivl 1 1 V. fT: !Hiier8 from the Morrow county jail, entered ;i tIea of uiltv last week, WfU! fined 0() i " 1 .: Gn,at Mieg move .jy, .wilh j the woolen, mill -project, yet everything- is moving along .jottistaetoriiy. Wewilt I hv' woolen mill in a short time unless B'S"S wiuun iz.agK. ' 1 It has been decided to discontinue the train-agent system on the lines of the P. conipnry ..sifter a trial of. three months. In lieu thereof it is stated that conductors will be placed under bonds, and they will hereafter jierform the du ties of train-agent.. Harvest, hands -are very -soiree near Ashland just sit. present, and. many far mers who would like' to lure an extra hand or two fr a short- tiu:e have been looking in. vhhi for the men who come around hunting work when the weather is rainy and tne hay uncut. The Linkville cavalry troop, started for home ironi Ashland Tuesday morn ing, and expressed themselves well pleased with the hospitable manner in which they were treated by the. boys of the 'Ashland company.-... The cavalry branch of the state militia ought to be supplied with first-class equipments government saddles and everything else that the service finds needful and useful in the regular service. If this branch pf the government service is worth keeping up at all it ought to be well kept.' The state can get good men, and it should see that they have good equipments. KXPLOHION IN ' HID-OCEAN. A I'leasnre Vacht Blown up and Sev eral rnrlom Undoulitedly Drowned. j Nkw York, July 12.- At 2 o'clock this ; afternoon a man was rescued from a I buoy in the ocean, several miles from ! Coney island. He said that he was Cap j tain White, of East Rock aw ay, and that he laa neen clinging to tne ruoy tor , four hour8 He f(een on the ph j tha launch Ethel. This . launch, he i said, had been chartered by a wealthy j diamond merchant of Brooklyn.. A part v bad started on board earl v in the Sorning from Krockaway for a day's nshing.. . llie rtnel luia crnisea aDout until it reached. a .point, some way out from the shore of 1-ong Branch. Then White said a terrible ex ploeion occurred. It seemed as it' the bottom of : the boat i was suddenly lifted up and blown into KKAITHIN SETTINO IX. J i H,B,y Abate Turn Ing the Tide in 1'sr- nell's Favor. i i ..unnp lnl. 19 f 1 ..-:... . . f I. .i t,.,,i i attacks ot Timothv Healev upon Mrs. Parnell, a renvtion is setting in in favor of the Irish leader, !xth in England and j Ireland, ana Mr. Purnell nas receivea a j number of letters from Irishmen', to the effect that while not agreeing with him in his political course, they have no evmpathy with llealy's disgusting abuse of his v.fe.. The triumph of the .Roman. k. u. '.. -u . . a i iiieran-nv uvtrr l uiucii ii? .aucuj Kw j deal of ir amoug the non-conformists; j who are the sinew of the liberal party in t England, and umre optxised to. Catholic domination in politics than ihe church T" i j r a. i r 4 l .1 : .1: 1 retary! Chandler has denied the applica tion for certiorari of Thomas . Jioyne . vs.; thei Northern Pacific,. involving land, in, the' Vancouver land 'district, . Washing-' tonJ'J The-J couJmi8sioner of1" the land ofljiie refused to.recogniee HoVDe's ap frpmA.prordecUipn, rejecting his claim, on the ground that the. land ,, was., .free, from'claih) tori the of tilihg' the' map of defimte''locatto'n'of the:Northern Pacific, and also becatise he failed to acknowl edge. tle receipt -of. the .decision- of the land office, or the appeal until after the expiration, of the time limited by law. . 'T 1'1".T. tit! ,-...!'. TTk . : .. i A wealthy brewer in (Montreal built'.; churxjh; nd.4nscribed rOB cA'Tbia " church was erected by, Thomas Molsomi atiis eole-.e?pense. iHebrewa xi .cbapdi ter,,','. .Some of the, McGill college- wags, one night altered the inscription, ao-aato make it read : This church was exeqted by Thomas Molsom at his soul's expense He brews (double) XX." . ' :