The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 13, 1891, Image 3

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
JULY13, 1891
Pact no
- Time.
. x I StHta
- V eather.
8 A.M.,
8 P. M. .
an.uo j '." ! '.hi .
Culm I
1!. I
Maximum tcmiKTature,
91- minimum tern
perature, 57.
The Dai.lks, July 13, 1801.
Wtatlier forecast till 12 m.,
Tuesday; fair. Searly station
ary temperature.
The Chronicle is the Only Paper in
The Dalles that Receives the Associated
Press Dispatches.
Persons leaving town for the springs,
sea coHHt, or mountains can have Tuk
Daily Cubonicle sent. to them without
extra font by leaving orders at thin
There are duvs when it is a delight to
Mr. Field, the ioular milkman, has i
returned from a few day's visit to Port
land. '
Mrs. McOollough and children, of
Grants, are in the city visiting Mrs.
Mrs.. Griffin of Dufur passed through,
the city on her way home from a visit to j
her ranch in Yamhill county.
Mr. B. F. Swift, who-has been stop-;
ping at South Hend for a f?w weeks, has ;
returned to Wamic, where he will re-,
nuiin. !
Four tramps were pulled in by the I
night police and the police judge iiu-;
jRsed a fine of each and in default!
were put in the chain gang.
There was no preaching service at the !
Congregational church yesterday on ac- I
count of the absence of Rev. W. C. Cur- j
tis who is taking his vacation. '
The Christian Endeavor society of
the Congregational church will give a i
lawn and croquet social at Mr. McFar-
land's grounds on Friday night of this j
week. Admission free.
From Mr. Yilbur Hendrix we learn
that a tine rain fell on the Tygh Kidve
country, commencing yesterday at 5 p.
m , and continuing almost uninterrupt
edly till o'clock.
An application to the Grand Lodge,
I. O. . F., of Oregon will be made this
week by about thirty residents of Hood
River for a lodge of Odd Fellows to be
instituted at that place. The charter is
- being -filleHy-George Ii-irlertwLio is
taking much interest in the work.
A large quantity of wool came into the
city vesterday. The feed vards of The
Dalles Mercantile Company was filled j
. up completely with the loaded teams,
and this morning both warehouses were i
kept busy unloading and storing. I
Mrs. W. D. Palmer, who is stopping j
at Salem, settling up the Gilbert estate,
is expected back to this city on Thurs
day. She and her husband have decided
to make The Dalles their permanent
The so-called "free bridge" is rejxirted
still unfit for travel, and it is estimated
that it will take 70 days labor - before
' wagons can pass over it with safety and
comfort. The lessee of the road ' is do
ing his utmost to hurry up the work,
but in all fairness Sherman county should
help him.
B. Peulandof Sherman county was
arrested a short time ago for selling
liquor in less quantity than a gallon.
One of the witnesses for the prosecution
swore that he bad purchased a "gallon1'
, of whisky from Penland . for 50 cents,
"imt the "gallon" did not contain over a
pint. - The defendant waived exaiuina-
.. tion and was bound over in the sum of
$2.50 which was furnished. "V
There seem to be some slight difference
in freight rates from Portland by way of
the Union Pacific railroad. A merchant
friend of the Chbosiclk shows us a bill
of three packages of baskets on which
the rate is $1.80 per 100 tts, and two
nests of baskets the rate quoted is 90
cents per 100 and on a nest of tubs and
a box of wine the rate is 45 cents. The
road gets all that the traffic will stand
at that rate.
The river has been slightly colored
during the past two days and some of
fishermen are doing fairly well, while
for . others the season has practically
closed. Lorensen Bros., are catching
about a thousand pounds a day with the
seim. The Michell wheel caught 600
pounds last night while it caught only
100 pounds the night before. Seufert
Bros., are catching eight or nine tons a
day. .
Saturday night a jolly party of K. of
P. members went down to Hood River
on the evening's train to assist at the
installation of offices of Wacoma Lodge
No. 30. Thes report having had a good
time, as the home members there have
a reputation for hospitality to sustain
and they never disappoint any. of 'the
- friends that come. Among those who
, attended from here were Dell Gates and
wife, W. H. Wilson and wife, C. L.
Phillis and wife, and Messrs- L. Roidon,
- Mr; P. Blasen, N. B. Whyers, J. H.
Larsen, Ad. Keller, L N. Ca'uapbell and
William Borgfeld. , ...
The' following bills' were allowed at
the recent term of court : ' .
Wm : McCoy for -jurors fees
(Jan. term)4 ... $10 20 1
''-.'" SUPPLIES. . . t
Abbott-Machine company for
perforater and canceller." 55 00
M T Nolan, two boxes envelopes 1 40
Gibons, Macalister & Co 8 50
K Jacobensen & Co 3 30
Columbia Ice Co ; 3 55
I C Nichelaen 38 37
Rosco A Gibons . . . , 10 00
Crandall & Burgett 14 50
Dalles Citv Water Works, water
rent for Mav,.-. ... 5 00
For Jan. and Feb. (not paid) 3 00
Frank Vogt. 5 2 20
C W Whetstone' ... 2 00
ThosGrey 4 30
W Wilson..
A R Thompson ... .
T 8 Knapp .
C E Miller ,
A Fleischiner
G W Fligg
J C Meines
TF Grey
2 20
2 20
2 20
11 00
4 20
6 60
4 60
J A Gulliford. ... .. 5 00
F A Young ". 16 20
C KHaight 8 40
A J Dufur .' 11 00
J S Rchenck s 8 20
Grant Bolton 10 40
FC Clausen 12 20
D L Bolton. 10 40
G B Welch 8 20
R Rand. 15 00
J R Rankn 28 80
S G Blackerbv. . . . 37 00
T M Bradley. SO 40
T G Hodgson 8 20
N W Wallace 82 20
Chas Davis 33 60
A Bunnell . . ' 2 20
H Wente. 22 20
A M McLeod 39 60
Ben Foreman 43 00
A P Jones 14 50
W G Odell 10 50
M J Sluchinxer: 8 20
W K Corson 24 20 j
Aaron Fraser. 21 501
G W Reno 14 20
J S Schooling 30 20
Thos McCov. . ; 6 20
C S Schmidt : 8 2li
C K Cbrisman 6 20
T H Stewart . 6 20
J F Staniels 16 20
II C Ooe 15 00
C J Phillips 4 20
S R Husbands '. 7 20.
K W Trout .. . 10 20
JCWingfield 10 40
G W Runyan . . 8 20
L J Norman 8 20
W A Kirby : 8 20
A Bauer 8 20
D G Hill. 27 80
J J Gitions 27 80
W L Vanderpool 25 00
G W Miller .-. 16 20
S F Wood 16 20
T M Denton 30 20
W Ki Hi brew 30 20
Geo A Lei be 8 20
W K Sylvester. 8 20
J E Remington 8 20
J C Meins ' 30 20
Weston Dygert Book Co. record
book 15 00
Dr W E Rineheart, medicaf ser-
vices .- ' 37 50
John Irving, Wimer's state case . 3 20
For work on bridge, W Newton 25 00
J McElana. . 15 00
Jno McCormick 5 40
Troy Shelly, teachers' examina
tion 3 45
P P Underwood 12 00
and C L Gilbert 12 00
Chan Wah, washing for jail. . . . 14 50
Dalles City Water Works, water
for June 5 00
D E Fisher, work on Deschutes "
bridge 20 00
Chas E Haight, feeding jury
(May term) ' 27 00
Glenn & Handley, lights 30 50
Columbia Ice Co. for June. . . 10 10
Dalles Publishing Co. teachers'
notice 1 50
Delinquent tax. list 75 20
Dockets and blanks 26 00
W S Graham meals for jury. ... 7 00
William Michell for coffin and
hearse 37 00
Unknown 10 00
A R Thompson, legal services. . 30 00
tl tl Campbell hauling . 50
M M Cushing keeping poor 71 44
The 3rd Regt. O. N. G., has cost more
in newspaper notoriety than need buy
a choice dress from A." M. Williams &
Co., during their clearance sale.
Frank, Hnott returned last night from
a trip to the ranch of Geo. A. Young of
Bake Oven. He says Mr. Young has a
bundreI?yrefl of rye that stands seven
feet high ar-d. will yet make another
foot before it is ready to cut. Mr Young's
men are "busy breaking sod and it has
been raining in that country till they
would be glad it would q?it. .
Mr. H. Solomon of this cirVhas made
an assignment to J. A. Dawson of the
Portland Merchantile Agency. - "he as
signment is made in order to -irid up
the business, as Mr. Solomen has little
hope of his recovery from his present
illness. Today the store is closed . in
order to facilitate stock-taking It is
expected to be open again in a few days.
Johnnie get your gun, What for? To
shoot anyone who fails to buy one of
those dress pa tern a A. M. Williams A
Co., are selling at cost.
The Wasco Observer says the boyi of
E company of Fossil "are a credit to any
community." That is exactly the opin
ion we formed of them here. They are
a credit to the country they came from'
and an honor to the Third regiment. :
Some of the men of "F company"
would not have gone home "kicklng''8o
hard if they had gone to A. M. Will
iams & Co., and bought a dress (at cost)
tor their Dest giri.
We are pleased to hear that the daugh
ter of Mr. J. C. - Egbert, who tyias, for
some months past, been in a dan gerously
sick condition, is: very much iruproved
so that hopes are entertained of iier
complete recovery. . ; -'.
.John .Johnson Found Shot Through the
Head in Front of his Cabin. .
Chksowith, Wash., July 7, 1801.
Editor Chronicle- We have.-had a
sensation here this week. One of our
old residents John Johnson a Swede was
found near his cabin shot' through the
head with a change of shot and a shot
gun lying under him. The coroner was
called and arrived here on Friday morn
ing "and took charge of the body, and
summoned a jury to find the cause of
tho death." The jurors were unable to
decide whether the shoot inn was ac
cidental or intentional, but concluded
that he was the cause of his own death.
Mr. Johnson- was held in high esteem
for his honor and worth as a citizen, and
we very much regret the loss of a citi
zen and friend who has been so worthy
of a place among the "honest" people of
this world. . D. K. Ordway.
Its Fall Seaatom Will Begin ' Monday,
September 7th.
Good schools do more to induce settlers
to locate in a community than almost
any other one agency. People do not
like to settle in a section of the country
where their children can not stand a
chance of acquiring a satisfactory .edu
cation. The Dalles is fortunate in hav
ing a tine academy located here and we
are always glad to be able to' notice its
increasing property. The Wasco Inde
pendent academy is established on its
merits as a school and stands second to
none in this part of the country as an
educational factor. Such an institution
of learning is creditable to the city where
it is located and should receive the pat
ronage of the public generally.
The fall term of the academy will be
gin Monday, September 7th with lrof
fessor Ingalls in charge. He has proved
his ability to the. satisfaction of the pa
trons of the school and we are glad to
see that so able a teacher has been re
tained, ' for under his management the
academy has been pushed rapidly to the
front. He has not yet announced his
corps of teachers but his selection of as
sistants will no doubt be wise. It is to
be hoped that the people of this
part of Eastern Oregon will recog
nize the necessity for the existence of a
school of the nature of the Wasco Inde
pendent academy and give to it the
support it so richly merits.
Two bottles of the champaigne that
the C company boys appropriated cost
more money than a whole dress pattern
that A. M. Williams & Co., are selling
at cost.
Merlon Accident at Iufur. -
. Dufur, July 11, 1891.
Editor Chronicle On our way from
church last evening we were attracted
by the sad wails of some one in distress.
After rushing to the spot whence the
sounds arose, to our utter astonishment
found "Keno," (better known as Chief
Justice of the Jack-knife circuit,) sus
pended by the neck in the forks of a
walnut tree, and was compelled to call
for assistance.
The cause is unknown, but it is thought
that it was from pondering over the last
words of the minister or the small pipe
what he supported. Observer.
.What's the matter with "C company ?".,
"They're all right." So are those dress
goods at A. M. Williams & Co.
The City Water Regulations.
The Dalles, Or., July 11, 1801.
Editor Chronicle In last night's
issue there appeared two "Rules Gov
erning Useof Water" Will you kindly
explain the purpose of Sec. 12? To
whom does it apply, to users of city
water, users of Academy water, or both ?
Is it made because of insufficient supply
or for some other reason? In a place
where water rent is at least twice what
it should be some very excellent reason
ought to be given for the promulgation
of such a rule. If such an one can not be
furnished the rule should be forthwith
abolished. ' Yours Truly,
Fair Play.
The Columbia Klver.
East Oregvnian: Government im
provements on the Columbia insure
twenty-five feet at low water from Port
land to the sea. If we had about fifteen
feet from Portland to the plains here
about we would be happy as larks.
, LOST. i
Last Friday afternoon, on the road
from this city that passes the Floid place
a silver watch. The finder will be
awarded by leaving it at the Chronicle
office or by handing it to the owner, Mrs.
V. A. Obarr.
V Notice.
All citv . warrants registered prior to
October 3rd, 1880, will be paid if pres
ented at my office.
Interest ceases from and after this date.
' The Dalles, Or., July 10th 1891.
. : ... O. Kinersly,
. City Treasurer.
; A Pendleton firm are the fortunate
possessors of a never-failing fly-trap. It
is a little bird which voluntarily took up
its abode in their office, and since its ar
rival has devoted itself to the destruc
tion of these pests. It is said to be
more efficient than anything ever before
tried.-1 EaH Oregonian. ' .
The Wasco Observer wants the people
of Sherman county to purchase a sylvan
retreat known as Kenneth and devote it
to the purpose of a public park for the
people of the county. ;
Have you examined the bargains in
dress-goods at A. M.Williams & Co.'s.
! Raspberries, three boxes for twenty- -.
five cents at Joles Brothere. v j
I For headache use S. B. headache cure'.
For coughs and colds use 2379. ' '
j For physic alwaysuse S. B. headache j
. cure. " . - . j
i Use Dufur flour. It is the best:
, Ask ypur grocer for Dufur flour.-
2379 is the cough synip for children.
I One hundred gallons currants at Joles
' Bros.,' twenty-five cents per gallon.
I For O. N. G. diaarhoea S. B. pain,
i cure is the best thing' known,
t Get me a cigar from that fine case at
j Snipes & Kinersley's.
A. M. Williams & Co., have on hand a
j fine lot of tennis and bicycle shoes.
For ice cream cramp usu.S. B. pain
Centerville hotel, on the Goidendale
stage road, .furnishes first class accommo
dation for travelers.
For 4i.h of July colic use S. B. pain
The drug store of C. E. Dunham, de
ceased, is now open and will be so con
tinued until further notice.
For 4th of July colic use S. B. pain
The celebrated Wralter H. Tenny Boston-made
mens' and, boys' fine boots
and shoes in all styles, carried by The
Dalles Mercantile company at Brooks
& Beers old stand.
Don't wear your life out scrubbing
your kitchen floor when you can buy
such ' beautiful linoleum, the best for
kitchen and dining-room, for 75 cents a
yard, aud oil-cloth at 35 cents a yard at
the store of Prinz & Nitsche.
For 4th of July colic use. S. B. pain
Long Ward offers for sale one of the
beat farms of its size in Sherman county.
It consists of 240 acres of deeded land at
Erskinville. There is a' never-failing
spring of living water capable of water
ing five hundred, head of stork daily.
Tne house, which is a large store build
ing with ten rooms attached alone cost
$1700. A blacksmith shop and other
buildings and the whole surrounded by a
good wire fence. Will lie sold cheap and
on easy terms. Apply bv letter or other
wise to the editor of the Chkoxici.k or to
the owner, W. L. Ward, Boyd, Wasco
county, Oregon.
. Attention 1 .
The Dalles Mercantile company would
respectfully announce to their manv
patrons that they now have a well
selected stock of general merchandise,
consisting in part of dress goods, ging
hams, challies, sateens, prints, hosiery,
corsets, gloves, handkerchiefs, hats, caps,
boots, shoes, gents' furnishing goods,
ladies' and mens' uuderware, groceries,
hardware, crockery, glassware, etc., in
fact everything pertaining to general
merchandise. Above being new, nil 1 and
complete. Come and see us.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby was nick, we gave her Castoria.
When aha was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became TSlss, she clung- to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria
In almost every neighborhood there
is some one or more persons whose lives
have been saved bv Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, or who
have been cured of chronic diai-rboua by
it. Such persons take special pleasure
in recommending the remedy to others.
The praise that follows the introduction
and use makes it verv popular. 25 and 50
cent bottles for sale by Snipes & Kiner
sly. NOTICE.
R. E. French has for sale a number of
improved ranches and unimproved
lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood
in Sherman county. They will be sold
very cheap and on reasonable terms.
Mr. French can locate settlers on some
good unsettled claims in the same neigh
borhood. His address is Grass Valley,
Sherman county, Oregon.
Twenty Dollars Reward.
Parties have been cutting the supply
pipes above the city between the flume
and the reservoir, thus doing much dam
age. This must be stopped and a re
ward of $20 is hereby offered for evidence
that will lead to the conviction of per
sons doing the same. By order of the
Board of Directors.
Mr. John Carairhar, a merchant at
Caraghar, Fulton Co., Ohio, says that
St. Patrick's Pills are the best" selling
pills he handles. The reason is that
they produce a pleasant cathartic effect
and are certain and thorough in their
action. Try them when you want a re
liable cathartic. For sale by Snipes &
- Notice.
All parties having accounts against
the Fourth celebration committee for
goods fnrnished, hauling, or labor per
formed &c, are requested to furnish the
y same to the undersigned.
W. H. Lochhead,
Chairman Finance Committee.
For a troublesome cough there is noth
ing better, than Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It strengthens the pulmonary
organs," allays any irritation and effect
ually curds the cough. It is especially
valuable for the cough which so often
follows an attack of the grip- - For sale
by Snipes & Kinersly.
I will give 50 cents for each cow im
pounded between the hours of 8 o'clock
p. m. and 7 :30 o'clock a. m., found at
large about my premises. Put them in
boys, bring marshal's certificate and get
your money. E. B. Dufur.
The Dalles Mercantile Co., are now
prepared to furnish outfits to the team
sters and farmers and all others who
desire to purchase anything in general
merchandise. - - Their line is new, full
and complete. Call and them.
Prices guaranteed.
Lost, on the streets of The Dalles last
Saturday a gunny sack containing a
horse sponge, quarter boots and towel.
Finder will be rewarded by leaving the
same at this office. .
Honey to Lou.
$100 to $500 to loan on short time.
Bayard & Co.
The Northwesteriri Life Insurance CbM
1 ;
Assets over $42,000,000.00.
Surplus over $6,500,000.00.
Pi of. K. L. .ST. aey,
Dayton, Ohio.
i.i)I!.ARi?IK; f,eP''lnS !"" requext for a statement of "the facts concerning my ezperienaa.
, Ik . iqu.i?1 H 0 A8""0 Society of New York in their late settlement with me, f wooUL
. i ,i l . ' 1 " 1 Jooi U,J "Re DeuiK yearn, i tnoK out j
tiie hquitable upon their Ten-Year Tontine flan, for I40.000. My
Htiiitii tat -. on aha rr... .;.... . : i 2 a ' '
. , . - . 'i n in. p i v&iiinxi eariy 111 januury
( oiupany then offered me the follow inn; terms of settlement;
FIK8T A paid up policy for f 40,000 (JO
And cash 9,7.rl 60
hECOND A paid up policv for . M.fioo 00
THIRD Surrender my poficy, and receive in cash . . . . . . . Sfi',496 80 .
I was so little satisfied with the results of my investment that I chose the third, cash, proposi
tion, but when I so decided, the company, through several of its representatives, labored to indnee
me to take one of the other forms of settlement, but finding that I was determined to surrender the
policy and. take the cash, they finally instructed me from the home ottiee to send policy and receipt"
for the amount, ;iO,, to their State manageriu Cleveland, and he would remit me the amount;
I followed their instructions and sent the policy aud receipt through my bank in Springfield to our
correspondent in Cleveland, only to have it returned from the Cleveland Bank with the information
that the Htate manager of the Equitable states that he "had not sufficient funds to meet it." This
forced me to return it to the New York oflice, and compelled me to wait some twenty days after
maturity before receiving final settlement.
I have given no statement endorsing the Equitable, or expressing my satisfaction with their
settlement with me. On the other hand I have liositively refused to do so. The fact that my re-
tlirflM U'l'm tl 1 11 r. "XI (MIU tti.i.1 na i ........ J . t . 1 .
unring tne timo l earned the i-iiultable policy and np to the d.iy when they su
above pixqsisitioii to nie, I was kept in total Ignorance of the condition of my investinei
- -- . . - - .- vtitni in i . iiutiii
time to time furnished me with a memorandum
In marked contrast with this Las been my experience with the Northwestern, in
x ions, n icu-iear jMiuowmem 1'oiiov. -ren-)ear Tontine, for xni.nnn- tht
their actuary; so that while my policy has not vet matured, aud wil'l not until next year, I hare
the satisfaction of knowing that nt maturity it will net me from 4,000 to r.00- more than the face
of tin isiliey calls for. . Very trulv yours.
We have thousands of comparisons with all the leading Life Insurance Com
nies of the United States. Full information furnished upon application to
T. A.
(Successors to ABRAMS & STEWART.)
Retailers) and T oViborst In
Hardware. - Tinware, - Grariileware. - Woorienware,
"Acorn," "Charter Oak" "Argand"
Pumps, Pipe, Plumbers' ancl Steam Fitters' Supplies,
Packing, Building Paper,
Also a complete stock of Carpenters', Blacksmith's and
Farmers Tools and Fine Shelf Hardware. '
The Celebrated R. J. ROBERTS "Warranted" Cutlery, Meriden Cutlery and
Tableware, the "Quick Meal" Gasoline Stoves. "Grand" Oil Stovea
:' and An ti -Rust Tinware.
All Tinning, Plumbing, Pipe Work and Repairing
will be done on Short Notice.
174, 176, 178. 180 SECOND STREET,
Jtfeu Qolumbia
Best Dollar a Day House on the Coast!
First-Class Meals, 25 Cents.
First Class Hotel in Every Respect.
None but the Best of White Help Employed
T. T. Nicholas, Ppop.
The Opera estautant,
No. 116 Washington Street,
Handsomely Furnished Rooms to Rent by the
Day, Week or Month.
Finest Sample Rooms for Commercial Men.
Special Rates to Commercial Men.
Clothier and Tailor,
hats ai?d Qaps, Jrur;K5, Ualises,
Grents' Xfci.xrxxll3.xxar Goods,
Staple anil Fancy
Hay, Grain
No. 122 Cor. Washington and Third Sts.
' ""' """" "
a Ten-h-ayment Life Folicy in
premiums during the period
ui me prexeni year, ana to
ivinit ip i urtiitrr i-iiiiiuieMi unoe. essarv.
bmitted the
which in 18S3r
of the surnlus on mv nolinv over the siiriiatnre at
Olim Tin 11 V havfnv f mm
Associate General Agent.
Special Agent, The Dalles, Oregon.
Xj- IE- !T?) w m
and Ft e 3 .