en llilitftsfe VOL. II. THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 13, 1891. NO. 23. r (Was H.A The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Published Iiilly, Sunday Excepted. BV - i THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Corner Second and Washington Streets, italic, Oregon. The . . . . -TKriiiA of SubMrtptluH. Per Year 6 iX) .- -50 Per month, by carrier Single copy" . . TIME TA1H.KI. Railroad. EAST BOCKB. No. 2, Arrive 12: a. m. le).art V2:bS A. M. " , " 12:15. X. " 12: 35 P. M. WIST BOl'NK, No. 1. Arrive 4:K a. m. , Departs 4:50 a. x. " 7, ;; 5:13 P.M. . ' . 'b:Vt. is. Two Uieuk freights thut carry pa-eagers leave one for the west at 7:4o a. M.,nd nnc for the east at8 . X. , :. .LST.AeKS- For 'PrliievlHe,vfa! Bake Oven, leave dally except Sunday) at rt a. m. For Antoloix;, .Mitchell. Canvon City, leave Mondays, Wednesdays and Krldsv. at A. X. ror DUiur, Mngsiey, msiuut, jiihihm, n,i Springs and Tygh Valley, leavednily (except Sunday) at C A. M. For Goldcndale, Wash., leave every day of the week except Sunday at H a. m. Offices for all lines at the Umutilln lion. roBt-OfHee.' office hoobs iBenf ral Dclivrev Window s a. tn. to 7 p. m. Money Order 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Sunday li. D. " 9 a. m. to 10 a. m. closing or aAiu By trnins going Hast.'. . . . . p. m. and 11:45 a. m. " Wert ...... V p. m. and 4 :45 p. m. Stage for tioldendale . . .7:30 a. m. "Prineville 5:30 a.m. - 'Dufuraiid arm Springs. . .S:H0 a. m. , , Jlavlng for Lyle to Kartland. .5:30 a. m. ; " . " J Antelope....... 5:J30a.m. "Except Sunday. . ' . fTrl-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. " Hondav Wednesday and Friday. THE CHU1CC1IES. F IR8T BAPTIST CHI." HCH Rev. O. I. TaT- Hasitor. Services every naooain hi 11 M. and 7::0 P. M. Snolxttn bcnooi si vs. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at o'clock. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev." W. C. Cl'KTiH, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a. M. and 7 r. X. Sunday School after morning service. Strangers cordially invited. Scats free. ir E. C'Hl'RCH Rev. H. Brown, Pastor. Ml. 4atvioM iv-tr Smtdflv mornimr and even ing. Sunday School at 121 4 o'clock M. A cordial Invitation is extended by both pastor and people toall. PT. PAULS ( II l K. M l-nion oirvet, oijii- . iS CM ( V. X.... Vlt Ik Utt tnl ff'u Itnntur Srv1 I avery Sunday at 11 a.'m. and 7;a p. M. Sunday School 12:30 P. M. Evening Prayer on Friday at t7: . .'.. ..' ' ' --J. t' '. . OTPETER'SCHURCIi Rj.JTathet JJaoBB O obbst Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at 7 A. H. High Mass at 10:30 a.m. Vespers at 7 P. M. ' " SOCIETIK9. ASSEMBLY NO. 4827, K. OF 1 Meets lu K. of P. hall, on first and third undays at 3 o'clock p. in. 17ASCO LOlMiE, NO. l!i. A. F. A. M. Meets lirst and third Monday of each mouth at 7 T"VALLE8 ROYAL ABI H CHAPTER NO. rt. 1J Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wcdncsday ol each month at 7 I. M. 'rODKKN IVOODMKN OF THE WORLD. JJl- MX. Hood Camp No. .W, Meets TneBday even ingi Felli ing ol each ween in 1. o. u. f. iau, at r. h. -OLUKBIA LOlXiE. SO. ."). I. O. O. F Meets V very Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. In Odd relinws nail, isocona sireei, oeiweeu reuerui aim Washington. Sojo'irnhig brothers are weleome. H. A. Bills, Sec'y - R. i. Clostbb, N. O. RIEND8HIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P: Meets everv Monday evening at 7:w o'ciock. In Hchunno s building, corner of C'rairt nd Second streets. Sojourning members are cordially in vited. Gko. T. Thompsom, : l). w Vaosk, Sec'y. , C. C. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERENCE UNION will meet every' Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the reading room. All are invited. rrvEMPLK LODGE NO. :!. A. O. V. W. Meete 1 at K. of P. Hall, Corner Second and Court Btreets. Thursday oven.ngs at , w. 8. Mybks, Financier. . M. w. i PROFKSHIOXAL. CARDS. "V17M'' PAtlNPERS Akchitect. Plans and speclflcatlons furnished for dwellings, churches, business blocks, schools aud factorits. t'htirges moderate, sutisfnetion guaranted.. Of tier over French's bank, The Dalles, Oregon, DR. J. SUTHERLAND KELl-ow OP TRINITY Medical College, and member of the Col lege of Physicians and. Surgeons, Ontario, Phy aician iuid Surgeou.'. OlUee: ritoms 3 and 4 Chap man block. Residence; Judge Thornburv's ec Wnd street, office hours; ,10 to 12 a. m.', 2 ti4 and 7 to 8. p. m. DR. O. D. DO A N E PHTSICIAK AND SOB 6BON.. ' Orlicc: rooms S and 6 Chapman Block. Residence over McFarland 4 French's . store. . 8 P. M.' Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to j I I J flee In Schanno's building, up stairs. i A Of The DSIDPAIU, Dentist. Gas given for the painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth Bet uu flowed aluminum plnte.- Rooms: Sign of the Golden Tooth, Second Street. A. R. THOMPSON Attocset-at-l AW. Office In Lipera House Block, Washington Street, The jtalleK, Oregon r P. P. MAYS. B. R, HUNTINGTON. H. S. WILSON. ' MAYS,' HUTINGldS -fc' AV'ItSOiN ATTOB-nbys-at-law. Offices, French's block over First National BunkThe Dallca, Oregon, j j t BVB.DUPVHt OBO. WATKINS'. FBANK MBNBPBB, , TAUFUR, WATkflNS & MENEEEE Attob J NRYS-AT-LAW Rooms Nos. 71, 73, 75 and 13, Vogt Block, Second Street, Jbe Dalles Oregon. WH. WILSON ATTORN BY-AT-LAW Roomi . SS and 33. Nejt; Vogt J31op k, Second 8treet, The Dalles, Oregon. - V.&Tv BARBERS . Hot-and Cold P1GC0Y VI O iEC6W5 STREET. (ji-ai)d Qeararee -O- To make room for new goods, we offer our entire line of DRESS GOODS ABSOLUTELY AT COST. A. M. WILLIAMS &c Co. If YOU are looking BARGHIN Call in and we . will Ladies' or Misses' poxed-Kid Shoe -in Button Only $1.00 per Pair, All sizes, weather. Just the -x- . .'WW Abo 37-Inch so clieaji, at v VIcFAH1jAHD Columbia Ice Go. 104 SECOND 'STKEET IOB I ICE t I . Having over 1000 tons of ice on hand, we are now prepared to receive orders, wholesale 'or -retail," to be delivered throueb the summer. Parties contrnrt ,ng ug wm through tfae j eritire season without advance in ) pbice, ana may nothing but depend that we have PURE, HEALTHFUL' ICE, ''! Cut from mountain water ; no slough or slush ponds..- ' - Leave orders at the Columbia Candy Factory,' 104 Second -street. . . W. S. CRAM, Manager. , P. THOMPBOS' President. J. n, schekck, H. M. Be all, ..Vice-President. Cashier. First jatlopr-BaAt THE PALLES, -. - OGOREN A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight ; Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on t JCe-v York, San Francisco and Port- , land. - ' I.'v; D. P. T. W , i DIRECTORS. . .. r . HOMPSONv: 3 :, i jNOi S. &CHBNCK. . fcAjxs. , a . . Gko, A Likbk. j- . !( fe .il. AI. Bkali,. ... - FREjic CO. , Bankers: r ; TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Letters of Credit issued available in the ....... - Eastern States. t Sight' Bxchaneel and elegraphlc Transfers sold on New Yk.iChicago, Str Louis,. San ,Frnci8ce), Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington - . Collections made it all points on fav orable terms. ; 1 for a give von one m a or Lace- thing for this warm yx those ; : Challies & FRENCH'S. M E. GARRETSON, f nnrfinn "InilFftfftr hy a Pron-inent uierchant states that ;C. ! went through the same,. and perhaps j times, I VHIIlllll .! MlAll' I M I i I-eCedercranj-, Chief Justice, had not as ' greater torment. It was the perfection i to pre LUlIUlilll U U II UlUl i yet opened his court, and it is reported i of cruelty , All the assertions of wit-; f thei "j ' . u t i-. , i i uesses to the contrary will not make me . : that complaints have lieen sent on to Koiw-. t hot th ,r,B. I'mlnlew1 SOLB AGENT FOlt THE All Watch Work'Warranted, Jewelry Made, to Order. 138 Second St., The Vallea, Or. 1891. I C E ! 1801. The Dalles Ice; Co., Cop. Third and Union Streets, HaVing a sufficient tjuantity of Ice to supply the city We are now, prepared to receive orders .to be delivered daring the coming summer.'" Parties contiacting with us can; depend on lieing supplied through the entire -season ana may de pend that we have nothing but , , . PTJEE, HEALTprTJL ICE .Cut from mouutain water 1 no slough or slush ponds. , -- We are - receiving orders 1 daily and solicit a continuance of the same. . . v . '' ';-. ; ' H. MAIBS, Manager. Office,- corner Third and Union streets. . 1 "REMOVAL. .-'- . i J - -- . : . . - H. Glenn has lemoyed his office ajid . the office of the Electric Ligh t Co. to 72 WashiiLgtow St. ; L,., i--.a.tBtn-."l hi fif niiMiiii ii f in lisi'8 i DEMOCRATS CONVENE.! They Assemble in "Cleveland to Nom inate a Man to Beat McKinley ' A.'Hukc (lathering. Germany Sends a Scientist to Exam ine American Pork A Fatal Rail -: wav Accident. ; observed, the time will not be verv far worker in the developemeut of oar "up i i ! distant when in the opinion tf expert. ! Jixaminrr will say Julv 13. Delegates to i . . . . .. .... . , ; soemtlung, and Kay it well. -' . ' . I the restriction policy, will be abandoned ; Persons from La Grande sav that ther Cl.EVBl.i?CD, O, the democratic state convention are . . , it . arriving here and the indications are that I ... .. .. ; tontorrotv .will witness the largest gath- r ering ever assembled in the. Buckeye i state.' ... - . wi. i ' .i ' i-' ' t Although the .preliminary meetings -j of the committees will be held tomorrow ! the-convention will not be held until! Wednesday. . ; ' That Allen A. Thurman, r son of the j "Old Koman," is to; be temporary chair- man is apparent to all exceut-friends of ! other candidates,' and also that Governor Campbell will be renominated! on the first ballot, ' although the ' friends of Lawrence Keal insist that their candi date has a good fighting chance. ' . . Governor Cauipbell's friends are com- j plaining of the-circulation of a story .to the effect that he contemplates declining' the nomination i after winning the fight and that the Campbell men are then to throw the nomination to McMahon of Dayton. The-Story lias received no gen eral credence. RIGHT I'EKRONS KILLED. The Keault of a Colllalon at Aspen, Col - oradu. . t : AsfisN, Colo.J July 13. In a railroad j collision here last night seven ; persons j were scalded to death. Thirteen were i scalded in all. Frank Ellis the eighth victim died this morning, . Leonard and wife cannot live and Thomas, and. Mary O'Donnell are now considered at the point of death'. .' - - ' ' It is reported that none of the injured can survive. ' A party of Midland officials have just i-eached here from the scene of the accident. The- inade a preliminary examination. NEWS. FIIOM MEXICO. Keportett I'rt-ftarlna; for War The Mex icans Want Reciprocity. -, City o Mexico, July- 13. .'Advices fnm Guatemala say:, "Information re ceived from Quezaltenango .-state that the mouutains are full of discontented men organizing for war." . " Dispatches from San Jose and Costa Rica say : "tteciprocity with the LTnited States is considered, necessary and all i concessions asked for will be granted.". ;' A Letter on Samoa Affairs. SasFhancib'co, July 13" A. letter V j ceived by last mail from fcamoa written puunts nave neen sent on to 1 England regarding Cedercianz's ineflic- ; iency, Matistoa, as tuler commands the respect of foreigners, but the fact hat At.e register at tne time i V- - , . , showed it beyond a doubt. I only telt Malistoa is a Protestant, while a large the eho).k for a fractional part of u sec majority of Samoaus are Catholics, tells ond and then 1'was unconscious, practi against the king.. The native Samoan rally dead..! 'Suppose another 30H) volts armv at Apia consists of seventeen men I t,a1 -". into my- body and kept . ' . .. . 1 surging through it for half a minute, as who are trained 111 military tactics by a waif th we al y-ng s-ng? Gf course it young Gerni:lu lieutenant. ! would have killed me, but in the mean- ''' ' ' i time, in the intervals between my first An lii.uram a Cmpanv Winds np Its Af- I t!f,ntact with the wire. I sivtfered an :: ; - .. .. fairs. PiTTHHL'Rrjl .Tnlv 13. The Boatmen and Fir' Marine Insurance companyof this .. . , r . . city, organized in lobo tteciuea today, to wind up its affairs and go outof business. Risks aggregating $.9,370,000 are assumed by the Norwich Union Insurance Society of .F.ngland. ' The stock- company , has i not paid the dividend for-several 'years and the stockholders deemed it best to close to save further loss. ' ' Water on the Kauipage. Mklbocjinb, July 13. Heavy and in cessant rains have caused an overflow of the. Yarra-yaiTa river, , All the railroads are blockaded and thousands of people rendered homeless. ' .' ,',A Fatal Blase. ... ,., ,.' Napa, Cal., July. 13. A house belong ing to Bacheliuder, two miles 'west of town caught fire last evening and was burned ''to. the ground.';' Mrs. Fannie Hoover, perished in the flames. ' . '' Sash and Door Company Assigns. - ;. ' Milwaukejs, " July 13. -The Island Sash and door company has . assigned. Assets are $130,000 ; liabilities unknown. Chicago Wheat Market. -" Chicago, HI., July 13. Close, wheat easy cash 8993 ; September,: 85 ; December, $7ji. Ban FranelKO. Market... San Fkancisco, - July 13. Wheat, buyer '91, after August 1st 1.57J. . THE AMKHICAN HOG. A German Scientist Invetltrntlnr the I i-orh QnesUon. 1 i . c T . , ,. ,, J .bT- 1 AVV' July.13. The German gov- j i eminent has. sent an official to thiaj i country to investigate the .pork question. I He is Dr. Depolph, staff surgeon of the German army. Dr. DeDoIph who is ! now in St. Paul says : "The law in ref- i erence to microscopic examinations. a 1 ' found in use' here ' is satipfactory. Ifj they continue to execute the law in the i same manner in which it is now being! and American pork will be five to enter ! . . . 1 German and other foreign markets.' ij '..1 i . ' . Portland bws. .... i i. , - A I'rtaoner Kunnii iirsd.-fien. Fruurii Tralll TnroUKn. ' .. Vi. iv. . , -v . prisoner, connneit in tle vity jail was , ' found dead in his cell this morning. He was eerving a sentence for drnnkeness. n . tm ... , - th wflK . ' : ..." " ; alcoholism. ;.. ' - Geo. Francis Train arrived here today on bis circuit around the globe. He has j been on the road sixty -one days. .. left this afternoon for Puget sound. ; : The Arms. Ulieled on the Jtata. Sas Diego, July 13. Another step in the I tat a case was taken this afternoon. The arms and ammunition on' board the' vessel, were formally libeled by Marshal Gard. vessel. The first libel was against the Today's ITsaal Failure. Utica, July 13. E. C. Start & Co., j bankers, at Oneida,' X. Y., have failed for a large sum. The figures are placed at $220,000. Weather Forecast. Francisco, .July 13. Forecast San light rains, along the coast. DEATH BY ELECTRICITY A St. Louis Lineman Who ' Received Shock, of 3000 Volta. St. Louis. Jolv, 11 William Murphy, an electric light lineman of thiscity, who about two months ago received, an :elec-I trie shot-k ol 1400 volts more than used in the Sing Suig execution, sutteretl .ln.MiknVkl vifniiaa a net nrna rVtiiAnntfu'l dead, has sufficiently recovered today to tell the story of his agony. . He said this ...v., ..... t01j.v...v....... morning: ,,. . , I know this, that in the Hliock I re-i ceived I suffered a thousand deaths. 1 would rather die tins .minute thai; to unaergo tne agony again. E.very organ m ujv uouy leu. as jl ue.ug w.u ... hundreds of pointed instruments. 1 suppose the shock lasted less than a sec- I ond, but it seemed to me 'that' I -was ! e .i ... .. i 1... praying ior ueaiu w wine iw iwuro ire- iei.ai a ripeoia age, lnneruea a son or fore the pain left me. When I recov- title, that is peculiar to the Irish and ered consciousness I thought I was in! Scotch, ;and which is more valued by another world. " - ' ' ' them than a coronet. Not many of the "In, view of vour experience with 3000 ! families distinguished bv the'defimte volts of electricity, what do you think of article are left in Ireland. "The O'Don the execution of the four men at. Singfoehue of the Glens." "The O'Gradv," Singb" : l i. .. : . . .1 n . .. .i i .1 ; iSr.at.t- one o those tnell 8uUered as I did. Each perhaps hfllip-i-e that those men had a painless j death. Why, common sense is all against it. f received a severe shock of j agony which no one but a fiend would ! compel the worst villian to undergo. It h9 'the 'B?m? l. JXl?,'''?lVt!?: I Wood and Jugiro. 11 probably took Ion- Wood and Jugiror ll'prdbablv took lon ger for the current to render them un conscious because the voltage was hnt little over half as much as I receivefl. Yet during that .time they suffered cuuuju iu niuiic iui in MrcniuBiu.u.r been committed since the creation of the world. I am one of the few living men who can speaic witn antnoruy on tue suDjeci, oecause to an intents anu pur poses I suffered death by electricity and know what it is. . . ' . ' .' Ifn fedro'a Fenslon. , - - ' . . .. ... -. .j -. t.. Kio Janeiro, Julv 11. There is a growing-public desire to-Tcnew the allow ance to Dom, Pedro, the ex-emperor, on the same terms and for .the same amount as when: he abdicated the. throne. This allowance''has ' been withheld on. the ground that Doth " Pedro ; limd : not abarf- doned his claim to the throne, and waa still at work in a, quiet wav, trying to renew his power'-m Brawl, f r or some time past It has been evWeht-thVt Dom J?edro bad aljgether surrendered any idea of th restoration of a flwrntrchy in Brazil,-and therefore the uioA-eitaent to renew his pension - is ' rapidlyj gaining strength. -" - '...'" ; Kaium Farm 3Isrt(spl. ,,, Topkka, JulxlJUr:Tbe Kansas farmers' alliance today appointed a committee of three, farmerf Jo ascertain the amount of farm 'mortgage' indebtedness in Kansas, and then go east and negotiate I with one ! or more companies Of capitalists tor tneir payment or renewal at a reduced rate of interest. The object is to do away with the.'middleineii)'-who--rrave been getting exorbitant ' commissions from both bor rower and lender. NEWS OF THE NORTHWEST. The Alk-n quartz mine, on the Klain- atI over in i alitorma, lately cleaned np 7,600 worth of glittering (iuatj and the owners were thus enabled to whoop 'er up on the Fourth. -" !' Grant's Pass is. m ell provided against I connagration. ine water-works has a full bead continually, and the fire com pany can throw a stream of water over the highest house in town. - -' The captain of the Lakeview Kxamirier is now Vm. M. Townsend, who succeeds S. J?eac)i as eilitor and proprieter. Townsend is a writer of taste and judg ment, and will prove to be a heavy wa' II,e as no end of t.hieverv on the night of e fire. The next' mornini' nvdntn -warrants were out for nersons ernrired I with theft. ' Wagons were lu;uled with (gmjila and started oa the way to Uma- 1 tillu -ountv, iut were overhnuled -an d the men in charge arrested. People i living in the town had goods concealed in their houses. - The Dagoo brothers, ridinggood horses and evidently journeying to some distant were seen 10 pass yv . ivenney s plaw.ir. Umatilla county, Monday night at o o clock. It i stipposeit they have 'gone into tirnnt county, and intend never to return to Umatilla, which has i11 maaf "ot them. f cuivrting aavria7n V V l V T 1 1 ll llld y at Salem, on thelOth. U. Kiirenchi ot Uentralia, has re ceived, news th:it his claim for a pension has been allowed from August, 1864 at the rat'. of $6 p. r month. - He will get abont 42000 hark pavi : The coveriiop- of W:ishini?ton . has ;ejectel the reporter of the big daily of this citv out of his office :it Olympia, for i having intimated that the governor spec I ulated in niilitarv warrants. . Kates for rpi mnent Telefrraiua. ' Washingtox, .Inly 11. Secretary Fos ter todav issued a circular to the depart- no- j ment officials, announcing the rates fixed j by the postmaster-general for govern ; ment llcgrains for the fiscal year begin ; ning July 1. The rates prescribed are as lollows : 't -. For telegrams of ten words (exclusive' of date, address and signature, for dis tance not exceeding 400 miles, 10 cents ; exceeding 400 but less than J000 miles, 15 cents; exceeding 1000 miles, 20 cents; night messages for all distances, 15 cents for twentv words, and half a cent for W F'0 er twenty. . . Fifteen Hundred People Attend the .Farmer's i'lcnlc at Albany. Albany, Or., July 11 .The members 6f the farmers' alliance of linu countv 1 .... ..... . , their famalies held a o-reat nicnic in ! the grove at Santiam Grange hall, yes ! terday, to which everyone was invited. ; Xarlv1falft ixonl ucrp present. to en- t(l- , if,ln;nmru,,t i Qr.u.hQ fCf;nr nH ?.,.. .i.ir(.ua ure delivered by Honorables R. P. j Boise anil K. A. Irvir There will las , manv vote8 for the aUiam.e ticket next 1 yeai. ;n the forke of the Sahtiam. i . . I. The-O'Gorman Mahon, who has just t . - . - . . , ... i , "The MacDermot," "The O'Neill.' and I uTi . tt r j i ... i i .. i. .. ! t,nl v eurvivors now from the gooll old j times, when their am-estors, dating back Christian times, were chieftains ir clans. Treatment of Girls in llerllii. A German maniifactiirerof corsets seems to have taken u leaf from the American's notebook. By alluring advertisements in newspapers lie miciseeded in bringing a great many country fdrlsfroui the .-nburhs to Berlin, where his factory is located. The Kil ls were. lKanlel and lodged in the factorj-. They were never permitted t leave it, wer paid no money, and -altogether- hail a very hard time of it. Even the application of the whip, when mistakes wan made, was not uncommon. If any employer in New York were to think of xnch a thing us providing lodging of his .-talilislnnent. a bowl would go up ,.ij ul- ,.i.i nnA.;1.it tt,l and boardiuji for his help in the top story that would shake poor old Hendrick Hud sou out of several pairs of his Dutch breeches. Yet it is not uncommon at all in England, ami no one seems to mind it. . In nearly all the large retail fcuops in Lon-. do) the saleswomen sleep ana eat as ! well work in the building. Even the i Wack aiili dresses they wear during their i working hours lielong to their employers, To ' the A nierican sense of the fitness of things the total 'abolition of home life which this means seems absolutely crim inal. - The English employer defends it on the ground that girU-wbo- live at home and provide for themselves are apt to keep late- I hours, to hav uncomfortable homes to j .sleep, in a:id have improper food. This 'i they claim is obviated in their plan; good food is provided, the doors are locked at 11 i j'clock, and every one must be in at that hwtr. , ;They vlso clim that by this system '. tboj secure much more satisfactory help, which makes profitable the additional out lay;. New York ltecorder: ' A '4ood Starter. . .. "Wliat are you going to do with your boyr" .':; i.i-.rf" - -mi . '.'... : think of getting him on the police forahP.-'ii-r- ,-nit ':-. ';' . "Has he any special , qualifications?" "Well, he is never around when he is Ranted!" Puck. ; - - Tha London county - council reports that the value of rental in London is forty-two and a, half millions sterling. Capitalizing this ; on the principal of twenty years' purchase, London is worth 11,250,000,000.