- 0 VOL. II. THE DALLES, OREGON, AVEDNS DAY, JULY 8V 1891. NO. 19. V i Ths Dalles Daily Chronicle. Published Daily, Sunday Excepted THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. .eoruer Second and Washington Streets, Thai J Dalle, Oregon. - ' Terint of Subscription. Per Year Per month, by carrier. ... Single copy : $6 bo . 50 5 TniKfABLES. Knllroads. . BAST BOUND. No. Arrive. 12:45 A. M. - Departo 12:55 A. " 8, " 12:15P.M. " 12:38P.M. .- !-.,-,"' ?- WEST BOUND, .'.' I , j f' W J, Arrives 4 :4u a. M. ; . Departs V:50 A. Mi " 7, " 5:iSP.M.'.- " &:30r..Js: isrk inoA. frdicrVitM that f-rrv nasseheers leave m for the west at 7:45 a. M., and one for the -astat8 A. M. ' ' STAGES.. For Piinevillc ''via;- Bake OVeir, leave dally nr- Viiume. -Mitchell. Canyon City, leave Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 A. M. vnr imtnr KIihtkIrv. Wamlo. WaDtnitia, warm Bpriiigs ajid Tygh. Valley, .leaye dally, (exrept Buiiday) at 61. M. Fot Goldendale, Wash., leave every .day of the week except Sunday BtS a. m. . , Offices for all lines at the Umatilla House. ' roat-Ofnce.' OPTICS EOCE8 - , if!, Seneral Dellvrey Window 6 a. ni..Ui 7'pl n. Money Order " 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. -Sunday G. D. r ,""'. .'. 9 a, ro. to 10 a. in. CLOSING OF MAILS By trains going East .9 p. in. and 11:45 a. m, " West Up. ni. and 4:45p.m. "Stage for Goldendale. .- -7;30 a. m. "Prineville ... .....6:30 a.m. i aa liifur and W arm Springs. . ..V.30 a. m. " (Leaving for Lyle tfc Hartland. .5:30 a. m. ! aa a ta tAntelope 6:30 a. m. Except .Sunday. v.-; at. Monday Wednesday and Friday. THE CHVKCHE8. F IR8T BAPTIST CHCRCH Rev. O.. D.. Tat- Loa, PaHinn bervices every enDoam hi ij M. and 7:30 p. M. HuDoatn focnooi at i m. Prayer meeting every o'clock. Thursday evening at 7 C. I j a-itRTiK PhkIjii- Herv ices ever v Sunday at 11 a. M. and 7 P. M. Suuday Schxl after taorning service. Strangers cordially invited. Seats free. ME. CHURCH Rev. H. Bkoww, i Pastor. Bervices every Sunday morning and even ing. Sunday School at U14 o'clock M... A cordial invitation is extended by both pastor and people ) to all. ... , ... , . STRAWS CHURCH Union Street, opposite Fifth. ' Rev. Eli 1). Hutellft'e Rector. Services every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. M. Sunday School 12:30 p. M. Evening Prayer on Friday at 7:80 ST. PETER'S CHURCH Rev.-Father -BttOKB-gkkht Pastor, low Mass every Sunday at '7A. m. High Mass at 10:80 A. M. Vespers at 7 P.M. - . - SOCIETIES. ASSEMBLY N. of P. hall on is-.T, k. OF L.T-Meet. in K. first and third Sundays at 3 o clock p. m. WASCO I.OIXJK, NO. 15, A. F. A. M. MtttM first and third Monday of each month at 7 P. M. v ; ..- DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Hall the third -Wednesday f each mouth at 7 P. M. MODERN WOODMEN ;OF THE WORLD. , . Mt. Hood-Canip No. 59, Meets Tuesday even ing of each week in I. O. O. i Hall, at 7:30 P. M. COLUMBIA LODGE,. NQ. 5, L.O. O. F-Meeto every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Odd Fellows hU, Second street, between Federal and Washington. ; Sojourning brothers ar welcome. H. AT Bills, See'y R. ti. Clostbb, N. O. ; FRIENDSHIP IXDGE, NO. .9., K. of P. Meets every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Sen an no's building, corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning membei-s are cordially in vited. - , . . - .-Gko. T. Thompbom. ' ., . K W. ioBB, Sec'y. -4 ' - C. b. TITOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERENCE T UNION will meet every Friday afternoon at S 6 clock at the reading room. All are invited. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 3, A. O. U. W. Meets at K. of P. Hall, Corner Second and Court 6treets, Thursday evenings at 7 :30. , , , , i. r , , , JOHM FltLOON, W. 8. MTCKs, Financier. M. W. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. J. SUTHERLAND Fellow op Trinity 1 Medical Collvfre, and .member of -the Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy sician and Surgeon. Ofnce; rooms S and 4 Chap man block. Residence: Judge Thornburv's Sec ond street. Otl'u-e hours: 10 to 12 a. 111., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. . 1 , , j . . . D , R. O. 1). DO A N E physician and' sub- GKON. Office: rooms 5 Mnd a '.hni.niMn stOTe. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., diuck. xuniueDce over Aicrariana at French'sJ 2 to o and 7 to 8 P. M. ' AS. BENNETT, ATTORKEY-AT-LAW. flee in Sehantio's building, np stairs. Dalles, Oregon. Of- The D1 ,R. G.i C. ESHELMAN Homotopathic PHY SICIAN and bUKGKON. Onice Hours : 9 to 12 A. M' ; 1 to 4, and 7 to S p' M. Calls answered promptly duy or night' Ofliee; upstidrs in Chap man Muck' " ... - TV BIDDALL Dkntipt. Gas given for the painless extraction 01 teeth. Also teeth set 01 flowed aluminum plate. Rooms Sign of the Golden Tooth, Secon A R; THOM PSON Attoeniy-at-l aw. Office in Opera House Block, Washington Street, The uaues, Oregon . , i . . .,(; ; - r. T. MAYS. B. 8. HUNTINGTON. H. 8. WILSON. MAYS, - HUNTINGTON 'A WILSON Attob-NKYS-AT-LAW.-Oflices, French's block over r irst Aaiipnai nHut, ine Daues, Oregon. X.B.DUPOB. ORO. WATKINg. PBAKK HBNBFEt, -pvUFUR, W ATKINS A -MENEFEE -r Arroa- ,nas-AT-uAw Kooms nos. 71, 7B, 7tana 7, - Vogt -Block, Second Street, The Dalies, Oregon. I WH. WILSON ATTOKKBY-AT-LAW Rooms 82 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. '- - W.&T.PlCCOY, BARBERS. Mot' aricl Cold , 3 TZ ?F H S . V HO SECOND-' ST R E ET. If YOU are hokiiig for BKRGHIN Call in and we will ..' i : - . ' .- -. Ladies' or Misses' -in Btittoii All sizes weather. Just the -x- . HOW ABOUT THOSE 37-Irich Challies socheap at. 5 JSLOHTH DRUIiES, Situated at the Head of Navigation - Destined Bst Belling Property of the Season in the Northwest. For farther information call at the office of Interstate Investment Co., Or ' 72 WsLsilintoir St.r PORTIiATTD, Or. O. D. TAYLOR, -THE DALLES, Or. Columbia Ice Co. J . 104 SECOND STRKT3T. V : : t , Having .-ovr 1000. tons of ice on handj we are now prepared to receive jorders, wholesale or retail, to - be delirered through the summer.. -Parties contract ing with u'b Will be carried throngh the 1 entire season i.without advance in pricb, and may depend that we have nothing'but7 ' .'' !'v . i , : PURE, HEALTHFUL ICE,: : Cut from mountain water ; no slough or slush ponds. . . Leave, orders at tne uommDia tanay Factory 104 Second street, . . V ; W. S. CRAM, Manager. D. P. Thompson'. President. . S. SCHBNCK, H. M. BK ALL, . ..Yice-President. . Cashier. First Rational Bant THE DALLES, ; QPOREN A General Banking- Business 'traniacled , Deposits received, subject to Sight , Draft or Check. - .i Collections made and proceeds promptlv . remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New Yorkj San Francisco and Port- ( ::. : land. ." .. ..- ' .; i1 . ! DIRECTORS. ' D;B. Thompson, m , . ,:Jno. S. Schknck!. T. W.. SpABxtr. .. Geo. A. Likbb.: ! '-' - 'H. M. BEALL.' - : . bankers; . - ' TRANSAC'T A GENERALBANKING BUSINESS Letters t)f Creclit issued available in the ; ; , ; Eastern States. ' ' ' ; Sight ' Exchange and Telegraphic rransiers som on rtew i orx, tjmcago, St. LouiSj'-Sai Francisco,? Portland i Oregon, Seattle Wash;, and various points in Or egon and Washington. ,.t-. i .. . :: . - : Collections made at all -points on fav orable terms. ,- a v. give you one in a or Lace- thing for this warm . ; -La to be .: : y . :. ' tntif actctmng Center In the Inland Empire. W. E. GARRETSON. SOLE AGENT FOB THE All Watch Work; Warranted Je-welry Made to Order. i - 138 Second St-j' The Dalles, Or. 1891. ICE ! 1891. TRe Dalles Icrtd:; . Cop. Third and Union Streets, Having a sufficient quantity of ' Ice to -supply the city we are now prepared to receive orders to be delivered during the coming summer. : - Parties conti acting with B8 can1 depend, on. ;beiriz. supplied through the entire season and may de pend that we have nothing but. V - . . PUEE, iniALTiirirL IOE Cut. frprp. mouutain. water; no slough or slush ponds.4-! ' " '- v' 'f : We" arerreceiving orders daily "and solicit a' continuance of theeame. -,y H. J. MAIEE, Ifanager. Office, corner Third and -Union - streets. REMOVAL; ; H. leniias xemoVed. His office and the office of the Electric Ligh t Col- to 72 WashingtOD St.' LeMitp-Jewfilei; SETTLEU FOR A SONC. The Secretary of the Treasury , Takes : 5506 from the Itata's Master in Settlement of the Navigation ; - Laws Infringement.- Funeral of Ex-Vice President Hamfin George Francis Trairf- Reaches New - . York Parnellite Defeat - Wabiiinotox, July 8.r-rThe uecretary of -th treaurr liiis authorized , the- ac- viola'tion'of the navigation laws in' hay ing cleared from San Piego,. Calr with out necessary papers. . This settlement! has no bearing on the other.' charges against the officers .of thisvessel,. to wit:,' ,.' GALVBSTOs.,Tex.; July 8; Four well- kidnapping a federal officer - and vio- j known Italians of this city were drown la'tiug the neutralty laws. - The attorney ' ed; Tin a gale off North Point Sunday general believes the action can etill be j. brought agsunst the individual officers of the It.'itd and Robert and Minnie for violation of thia.faw. , I,I(UOK THE CAUSE. TKe Sheriff's Posse - Kills and Captures V Moat of tta. Band of Murderers. 4 Bakkuskield, ' CaUj. July ; 8.7 The ''Dotiritrr reports that the posse, which pursued the band of six , Indians who killed deputy sheriff Powers and livery-: man McCay about the. 3d instant, has killed one of the band and taken - a son of chief Kiowa - prisoners. ' Kiowa and" another son were slain in the fight 1 with Powers.'' There are about 600 Indians in the vicinit; but they are apparently; in different to the fate of Kiowa's band. The coroner's jury found that the 'rer mote cause of the disturbance was; the j sale of liquor to the Indians who after wards fired haystacks for which Powers sought to artest them... Crushins; Defeat of the Parnellite Can i V-: ,- : dldate. .' ... - Dublin, " July 8. The result -of the election of yesterday at Carlow for a suc cessor in parlianTent to the. late .'Gor man Mahon resulted in a crushing de- feat for the Parnellite candidate in the difltftet which" PrneH admitted waa-hiHl8'001? to th? possible result of a . war, strong-hold, and where,, be said, if he was defeated, he would admit there -was nothing left in political life for him to fall back upon. " Gibson of the Whisky Trust Geta More .-';'- Time. "-: . '- p.;'' ' Chicago; July- 8 The final decision on the indictment ..against ex-secretary' Gibson of the whisky trust was post poned' until the .August. term of court; j thin morning by the mutual , consent of the attorneys in the. case, and all counts are quashed except four.for attempts to commit arson, et. -These will be argued at the Augdst tm, of court. : ' : George Francis Train la Getting; : There. New Yobk, " July 8. The steamship Majestic reached Quarantine this morn ing. : Among "her passengers! was- Geo. Francis .Train, who . is completing .his circuit of -the globe the race -against time, t He. hoped to .complete his trip around the world in 55 days, but this is not possible, as he has already been on his iournev 57 davs. " , Dr. I.. Kowland Gets ' the Appoint. '.. nienfc. ; Salem, July 8.- Dr. L. I; Kowland" of Saleih was elected medical superintend ent of the Insane asylum at a meeting of the board of trustees today, to take ef fect August 1st. ... , ' ' The Sing Sing Murderers -Borland. .'.' Sing Sino. July 8, The hodi-'s of the four murderers executed vesterday. were buried this afternoon in quick lime? No services were held in the prison or at the grav&f" NobodyWasral lDWetr to- be pres ent at the burial.' i -" r Train Robber Found G nifty. '.- . -Visalia, Calif.', July 8. The jury in the case of Greaton Daltoni after twenty, hours'., deliberation j, retqrnei a" verdict this morning o,guilty. Dalton wa con cerned in the jAlila train: robery last year-y ." -::L';-J--;;- '.; ; ' Raised From her Ocean Grave. ' ' G.ibRalta'b, "July 8. JThe anchor .line steamer Utopia which" sunk last March with 600 Italian emmigrants on board, was raised to day and rested on the beach. , . - : - ' ,Weather Forecast.. San , , Fbancisco, v July ,; 8. Forecast for Oregon and Washington, light rains. sl t Chicago Wheat Market. '. .,. Chicago,-III., July 8. Closev'' . wheat steady cash .914) T September, 87 ; December, 89. - .t.v j . : t" Ban '-Francisco' Market.' -" '" ' - . San, Fkancisco;" July 8. -- Wheat, inactive. - - . . -.': .... . - ' : ' A i It K A X .HAN HOXnitEl). . The Fxopln or '.Main tt Volli w -: Kx-Vtee vf resident Hamlin's' Body to the - . ., :':Ora. ' ' . - - ; BAjiaoK, Me., July 8. The whole city is, in mourning today. The remaiua :of ex-Vice Presidenl Hamlin was removed from hi fate residence to the Unitarian church where they were viewed by a large number.-; of peoples . ...The funeral eervicea were held at 3 :30 and weru : at tended by many; prominent men includ ing the state pfEc-era. . . .' Forming an Orc(nn State Alliauee. , : . Portland,. July 8. A. meeting lor. the purpose of forming an Oregon StateAl liancc is. t?Tnff held here todav; ' Mrl" !A. ; WaddeU, of Hriren, Pakota,.wa. chosen J in -:th- appointment of ' committees. Permanent organization will be perfec ted this aftejrnoon. .. . Four Italians Drowned. night. ' H.' W. Gladstone Burled To-day. ' IOndon, July i.8. The funeral f . the j late H. W. Gladstone,"eldest son of the i great statesman, took plaee today at Hawarden. . '' ' : Gard In Charge. Sajs Pikgo, ,:.Jiily ,8. United,. Stattes Marshal Gard today took charge of the Itata. ' : '.' ':' -- . - , ... , r- . . - - -t A Chance to Educate Englishmen Now. London, July -8. The education bill: passed the third reading of the commons today. THE ENPEBOB'S KECEPTION. It la Regarded as a Proof That England is With the Dreibund.' .. Paris, July 6. A profound impression has been created here by tli enthusi asm and cordiality of the British recep tion to the kaiser. It is .universally .re garded as a proof that England will be found with the triple alliance in a Euro pean war, and France and Russia will have to calculate on the hostility of the British fleet. The public sentiment-, is very strong in -England, and almost no "other political matter is a topic of public discussion. There is no conceal ment of the feeling that the odds against France and HuHsia have been increased to a degree that; arouses great apprehen- and,, while this-- has- with many a tend ency to discourage warlike agitation, others urge an early, quarrel, before the driebund becomes solidified, ( and while England is nt bound by: formal . agree ment to sustain the cause of the alliance. The answer of Russia to. the renewal of the triple alliance has been the addition of two; more regiments--to the force in Volbynia, near the Austrian -frontier, and increased. activity in the construc tion ot ironclads: The Russian govern- ment; says a Vienna dispatch is not be lieved to be ready for a conflict at thin time; or likely to be ready- in the - course of this year. 'All indications .point to I the strengthening of fleet and army for a date beyondrloVl. ' v 'J THE FA11MEK8 INDIGNANT. A" Break -In the Alliance f -Southern i ' Minnesota Is -Probable. .;NoBTiiKii;tD, Minn. July 6, There is every evidence of a. rupture in the ranks of the farmers' alliance in southern Min nesota, owing, it id alleged, to the per petration of an .outrageous swindle by several of the-' leaders. , For a year or two the, members have . been -furnished, through the alliance, with farming im plements, twine, etc., at a supposed re duction in price. - The greatest saving was On twine. It is true that the twine has. been supplied at a big reduction, but an investigation made by a suspicious alliance man has developed a startling and most barefaced swindle. The- alli ance traders had bought a cheap article of sisal twine' and had it colored the color of pure manilla, the best twine .in. the market.1 The twine thus colored was branded as manilla and sold for that article, giving the seller - a verv Jarirv maririn. It is' said that 415.000 has been j niade out of the swindle , thus wi ",1 aIu1VJ- worked ers are very indignant, and there is a possibility that the whole fabric of the alliance will succumb in the -,riM that - has bct-u raised. ...... .... ' '"' ' 1 and it is sure sign that a dog has been Gil man Will Remain In Baltimore. i overtired if he shows any trace of mud or San Fbancisco July 6. Some weeks ! .dirt next morning. . Most of their toilet is ago a rumor obtained some circulation ' done with the tongue, but they are very that -jt .would-be. imposm Die to obtain the consent of Di C. Gilinan, president. Ot, tne, John tlopkms rsmversity, to come to -California and take the presi dency of the state university at Berke ley. ''This rumor has been. set at rest by a letter- 'from -President Oilman, in which lie Bays : ', "I love California and Californians. It always gives me pleasure to -recall my residence on 'the- Pacific coast,' but I am not free to consider any proposal - o re new my' life in! the University of Cali fornia, and I -hope, that ; my . name will not be seriously considered as a candi date for any position there.' . Secretary Blaine Improvnif. Bar Harbor, Me'., July 6. Secretary Blaine has beenTiding twice today. It may be stated, on the best authority that Mr. Blaine baa neither :Bright's disease, diabetes nor any pther. kind . of kidney' coin pi aint. " ' A 'marked imprOyeinen t .in his condition is noticeable. ' His physic-' ian says his patient is better today than any day . heretofore .He. eats ..well and exercises in all kinds of weather. . captain, mazevs stoki HlaAeconnt of the Itata's Trip .VortU - - After Arms. ' V i J i San Dikgo, July 6. Captaiiv Mazen, of the Itata, paid" w'th referenc to his expedition, taken.Jn . behalf ofC the.,in surgentar. that April 7th he left' Iquique for ;Aricti,. and-only Rafter he left there the next morning . as h$ informed that , the point of destination was San Diego. " , Before leaving A rica. having been -an armefl transport, ..all .the urms. and am- :., munitions were, taken ut,'if the,-Itata and with clan papers under the South American steamship company's flag he started for San, Diego to purchase provis ions for the congressional, fleet. Tlie captain speaking of the; seizure, at San -, Diego said : : . ..- i ' . " ' ',". As I had nci knowledge of any in ten-, tion to receive arms, 1 desired to protest and if necessary produce my German -pa-per)utrunforsencircninHni'8altered , uiy fourse of action, Hint my i-a'role with"'' Marylial Gard having '. expired, I saw myself "obliged to leave a friendly port without ; papers. On my return '' trip, not having :the course oii the ; Esmeralda to guide me, :ia I had for a portion. of the way up, I found mvself on the bonndless ocean without a cliart or chronometer. Not knowing 'inyidentination when start ing and, not .being a war .vessel, I. had nothing of the kind, and sailed from .'San Clemfentie island steering my course by -sextant and log to Toooprila,oo00 miles". -Wbeiiii. first, sighted land, on- that - long voyage I was just thirteen miles from that harbor." --.', : ,1 KEI.YI1S-G ON' THISTm"NTBI. I.iheria . -Ajgiluteai . 4ver 'the Kncrosnh unta of Earoi.'i)ii 1'owcrs, New York. July tj. The republic' of Libevia is now agitated over the en croachments of the Enrppjin powers, and i ansioiisly watching -every .-step made in the partition of Africa. A mer chant, interested in the, L:Ve!'iai! trader sr Vf : ' "These are trying times for Liberia, and its people are calling for the moral support 01 tne. unitea Mates. , mere is inr.eh ' excitement .over the encroach ments of French at Cape Palmas. . They have crossed from Ashantee into Liber ian territory, established military, sta tions . and .'refused, to go-away. -,The country is prosfierons aud is ' making headway in civilization and wealth, but the constant fear that the republic will be swallowed .upj by some European power, greatly, checks its .progress. What the black republic wants now is for the United States to present it with one of its old ' wooden war ships. It wants this for the. effect that such, an actwould have. :.At present; Liberia , is absolutely powerless Against any one of the great powers, and the destiny and salvation of the republic lies with the United States.'.' Blair's Salary. Washinton, July ft.- Acting See re- tarv of State Wharton todiiv de-iined to talk about the formal refusal of. the Chi nese government to receive ex-Senator Blair as United States minister to that countrv. . He said,, however, that h would like to have it known that Mr. Blair has drawn but one month's salary, which the law allows, since his annoint- ment, and that he is not, as erroneously reported, drawing a salary now as minis ter to China. V Weeds and Bugs on the' Farm. . I suppose no problem Li just now so im portant . lift which shall come out ahead in ,the . atraif gle. for exiMtenoi man or the iu KectH and weeds. We- have little to fear ! from liu-ge uiiimaia, for man Ulm invented weapmiH tor uestroyiny tuem. tsut tneir .decrease has disturbed, the equilibrium in other directMitis. There nvf fewer creat ures to oi-voui- wild weeds, ami more seed ih ritKT.ed iind ilrifted over the globe. Al most. all on r weeds were once inhabitants of Arica. T'bey have worked their way westward,' aud lire a positive menace of civilizittion ' V It is by uo means yet proven' that wo shall be able to make - agriculture, "pay while we -are contending with such a host of the enemy its wild carrot,. Canada thistle, plantains, docks and daisies, with their al lies. . But the contest is just as severe and ust as doubtful with the bugs. The wisest Xeatnre of our. civilization is the incorpora tion into government of the scientific study of inserts and -weeds. Entomology and botany must very soon become the leading studies of An r common schools. Children who ui J to live on the land and become product vs must know what to do to hold I their ov n. Mary E. Spencer in St. Louis j wone-u.-mocrai. r. I - . - ; . .. hw Doks Make Their Toilet, j Sportin doss, which are used in mud. snow an'i -wet, are strangely clever and i anickin eieaninz anddrvinc their coatj,. ! Wever ac using a ousa or ine siue oi nnaj- stack as a rough towel. One Small spaniel which wa ; allo--ed to live In the house . wqa wejl aware that 'if he returned dirty be would rot be admitted indoors. About an hour before the close of. the day's shooe-rosc-he used, to strike work and. begin -to clean. himself, and ,if; urged to do more would slip off home and present himself neat and clean in the dining room. ' . One day the dog had been left at home, and his. master returned and seated him self, wet and with half frozen drops of ice sticking to his waiters, by the 'Are. "Pan ran up and carefully licked bfl the frozen ice and snow, stopping every -now and then to give au. Anxious look, whioi said a plainly as possible: x " ' Iear me! " If I! don't' 'get him- clean quickly he will be sent to lie in the stable." fir;-: Milgatinsr' Circumstances., : Barold Harrington Did I not see yoa talking with Downtown yesterday f Don't you know lie is in twadef ' r ' Cbolly Cholmondeley Ya'as; but it doal agwee with him.' fie haa tailed three ti.nea. Jewelers' Circular.