The Dalles Daily Chroniele. THE DALLES OREGON. Entered at the PoKtofflce at The Dalles, Oregon, as aeuoua-class ma Iter. NTATE OFFICIALS. Uiivernoi ...... Secretary of State Treasurer fetupt. of 1'ubUo Instruction.. enators 'JonfrresHiiiaii State Printer S. Pennover G. W. McBrlde ...Phillip Meghan it .E. rl. McKimy N. Dolpu rl. Mitcneu .K. Hermann ..Prank Baker .'T- - COCNTV OFFICIALS. . County Judge C. N. Thorsbary Sheriff .... ...I.L Cates Clerk J. B. Orossen Treasurer . .Oeo. Kueh . . (H' A. Ieavens Commissioners. .... ! Frank Kincaid AxHesHor John E. Barnett Burvevor. ...E. F. 8han Superintendent of Public Schools. . .Troy Shelley Coroner ........ William Michell The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. CHRONICLS SHORT STOPS. Raspberries, three boxes for twenty five cents ikt Joles Brothere. For headache use 8. B. headache enre. For coughs and colds use 2379. For phytic always nw? S. B. headache cure. Use Dufur flour. It. is the lteni. Ask your grocer for. Dufur flour. 2379 is the cough syrup for children. ' Berrv bones for sale at Joles Bros. fl.25 per 100. - For O. N. G. diuarhoea S. B. pain cure is the best thing known. Pure maple sugar at Joles Bros., eight pounds for $1.00. Get me a cigar from that fine cose at Snipes & Kinersley's. Red and black raspberries by the box, crate or ton, at Joles Bros.' A. M. Williams. & Co., have on hand a fine lot of tennis and bicycle shoes. For ice cream cramp rise S. B. pain cure. Centerville hotel, on the Goidendale stage road, furnishes first class accommo dation for travelers. For 4ih of July colic use S. 1$. pain cure. The drug store of C. E. Dunham, de ceased, is now open and will be so con tinued until further notice. For 4th of July colic use S. B. pain cure. . The celebrated Walter H. Tenny Bos ton-made mens and boys fine boots and shoes in all styles, carried by The Dalles Mercantile company at Brooks Ac Beers old stand. " .- Don't wear your life out scrubbing your kitchen' floor when you can buy such beautiful linoleum, the lest for kitchen and dining-room, for 75 cents a yard, and oil-cloth at 35 cents a yard at the store of Prinss oVNitsche. In almost every neighborhood there is some one or more persons whose" lives have been saved bv Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrboa Remedy,, or who have been cured of chronic diarrhoAa by it. Such persons take special pleasure in recomiuvndins the remedy to others. The praise that fo'.lows the introduction and uso makes it verv opular. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale lv Snipes & . Kiner- sly. For 4th of July colic use S.'B. pain cure. Long Ward offers for sale one of the best farms of its size in Sherman county. It consists of 240 acres of .deeded land at Erskinvillo. There is a never-failing spring of living water capable of water ing five hundred head of stock daily, Tne house, which is a large store build ing with ten rooms attached alone cost $1700. A blacksmith shop and other buildings and the whole surrounded by a good wire fence. Will be sold cheap. and ' on easy terms. Applv by let ter or other wise to the editor of the Chbomolb or to- the owner, W. L. Ward, Boyd, , Wasco county, Oregon. Attention 1 -The Dulles Mercantile company would respectfully ' announce to their many patrons that they now have a well selected stock, of general 'merchandise, consisting in .part o.f dress' goods, ging- -hatns, challies, sateens, prints, hosiery, corsets, gloves, handkerchiefs, hats, caps,, boots, shoes,- gents' furnishing , goods, ladies' and mens' underware, groceries, hardware, crockery, glassware, etc., -in fact everything ' pertaining "to general merchandise. Above being new, Full and complete. Come and see us. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was nick, ire gave her Castoria, When ah was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Kiss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she g-&Te tbem Castoria, The following statement from Mr. W. B. Denny, a well known dairyman of New'Lexington, Ohio, will be of interest to persons troubled with Rheumatism. He says : "1 have used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for nearly two years, ' four bottles in all, and there is nothing I have ever used that gave me- as much relief for rheumatism. . We always keep a bot tle of it in the house." For sale by Snipes & Kinersly. ' . ' , - . i - , -. . . The Dalles Mercantile Co.,- are now prepared to furnish outfits to the team sters and farmers and all others who desire to purchase anything in general merchandise. Their line -is new, full and complete. . . Call' and see them. Prices guaranteed. ,r ' . -: NOTICBv- ' ' R. E. -French has for sale a number of improved ranches and unim Droved lands in the Grass Valley .-neighborhood in Sherman county,. They will be sold very cneap ana on reasonable terms air. k rencn can locate settlers on some . good unsettled claims in the same neigh- oornooa. his aaaress is tirass valley, Sherman county, Oregon. Honey to Loin. $100 to $500 to loan on short time. Bayard & Co. I am now offering mens spring , and summer suits at greatly, reduced rates. J, C. Baldwin. THK HHAM BiTTlE. A Merchant Desires to . Know Why It Never Cn Off. v ",Thb Dali-bs, Or., July 6, 1891. ; : Editob '. Chronicle; The citizen's of The . Dalles have " again ;y incurred . the odium' of the people from, the surround ing country. The . citizens welcomed here to witness the celebration of the 4th went away disgusted because they did not see .the promised "sham battle" which was to he the drawing card of the day. For this reason the country peo ple and visitors unite in one voice con demning' our people and the committee of arrangements for this omission from the published order of exercises. I my self at my place of business have heard farmers who are my best customers say that they thought they were imposed upon and lured into The Dalles by the false promises of the 4th of July com mittee. Some of the same people came into the city for no other purpose than to view the sham battle and they wish to know why ' the battle did not take place as advertised on every barn door door and fence in Eastern Oregon. Now I think, as far as I know, that it is wrong to censure the merchants of our city for the failure of the battle to take place, because they subscribed lib erally for the celebration. The blame should be placed where it belongs, ' not on the people of The Dalles but either on the committee of arrangements or on the officers of the 3d regiment. These parties should make some explanation to the visitors. . I have another grievance. Why did not the processson go through the streets mentioned on the programme? Whose fault is this? I spent a few hours dec orating my business house on Second street but the procession did not come near me and avoided one of the best business blocks in the city. As a tax payer and subscriber to the celebration fund I would like to know j why our wishes were not carried out. An explanation should be given either by the committee or by the officers of the militia. Merchant. - For Sale. All thei real estate belonging to the estate of Terence Quinn, deceased, com prising the farm of about 354 acres of good arable and pasture lands, and 'all improvements thereon, at Quinn's sta tion, Gilliam county, Oregon. For particulars apply to, ' Attorney for Executor, Portland, Ogn. Most. Rkv. Wm. M. Gkoss, Executor. Twenty Dollars Reward. Parties have been cutting the supply pipes above. the city between ; the flume and the reservoir, thusdoiug much dam age. This must be stopped and a re-; ward jpf $20 is hereby offered for evidence' that will lead to the -conviction of per sons doing the same. By order of -the Board of Directors. . , ' , ...HOI tHERK! , I will give 50 cents for each cow im pounded between the hours of 8 o'clock p. m. and 7 :30 o'clock a. m., found at large about my premises. Put them in boys, bring marshal's certificate and get your money. E. B. Ditfuk. Mr. John Caraghar, a merchant at Caraghar, Fulton Co., Ohio, says that St. Patrick's Pills are the best selling pills he bandies. The reason is that thev produce a pleasant cathartic effect and are certain and thorough ' in their action.', Try them when you want a re liable cathartic. For sate . by Snipes & Kinerslv. FOB SALE. A choice lot of brood " mares j also a number of geldings and fillies bv "Kock wood Jr.," "Planter," "Oregon Wilkes,?' and "Idaho Chief," same standard bred. Also three . fine . young .- stallions by "Rockwood'Jr."'out of first class mares. For prices and terms call on or address either J.AV. Condon, or J. H.- Larsen, The Dalles, Oregon. ' ' For sale, due east of the fair grounds,' eight and a half lots, containing a good dwelling-house, barn, . and other build ings. The grounds -are all set out in choice-bearing fruit trees, . grapes and berries. Will be sold at a bargain if bought within the next two weeks, as I desire to leave the city. -' J, W. Elton. I. d. jMklLgEN, DEALER IN - ' SCHOOL BOOKS, , ST A TIONER Y, ORGANS, PIANOS, ; WATCHES, JEWELRY. Cor. Third and Washington Sts. John Pashek, 1 - Third Street, Opera Block:' ' Madison's -Latest System, U Used in cutting garments, ajid a fit guaranteed each time. Repairing and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly Done. pieiGDaM Tailor Maxmulmjr ma onkU.' . .j Men listened to Macanla with' respect, weighed his arguments,' reflected on what he had said, were often con vinced, sometimes converted. but nowhere, did crowds of nagi;r listeners' and ardent ad mirers bend beneath the online' ' of bis voice or the lihtniug'"gIanceof'-' his eye. An ld friend of -mine-;;-1 recently .dead.1 who had often heard him'1 and "remem bered him perfectly, assured me,' how ever, that he was a great power fifty year . ago. and he believed that 'his oratorical triumphs hardly received full credit in those days.w ... ..... Macaulay himself said that one of his chief defects as a pnblic speaker was his extraordinary- rapidity of utterance, which spoiled the effect of his words. His speeches resembled carefully pre pared essays, delivered with incredible rapidity and some want of impressive ness, rather than the spontaneous out burst of the orator's fnll heart. Fluency and great facility In finding the right words are not an nnmixed gain to the speaker.- .Appropriate pauses and - em phasis are eveu more important, other wise1 a torrent of words' lacks impress iveness. - Then the management of the voice counts for very much. A speech thAt flows on like'a rope unwound from a cyl inder is not a good one. Again; to be successful a npeecb must be enlivened with anecdotes or humor. People can always read fur solid instruction, but a platform speaker must amuse and please rather than teach. Gentleman's. Mag azine. A Smart Toon Fellow. : "There are pretty smart people travel ing nowadays." remarked a Hibernian driver of a Fourth avenue car a few days ago. "and we carmen now and then meet some of them. A young fellow with cuffs on his shoes boarded my Car at Twenty- third street.' He carried a grip, and I put him down as a matter-of-fact business man. He wan in a hurry, and says he Lay your whip on those horses: I'm goin to Hartford, and want to get to the Grand Central station in five min utes.' He spoke in such a commanding way that 1 asked him who he was. 'I'm the first vice president of this road, old man.' says he, and I want you to obey my order.' Without further ceremony I got my horses into a lively trot, and people on the avenue must have thought that the car had an electric motor as well as the horses. . "In the space of a few minutes I was at the station, and I hoped my passenger would put a quarter in my hand for my obedience. Well, sir, that young man jumped from the platform, and after he did so he turned around, made an offen sive gesture - with his hand, and said. 'Old man. yon can now drive to the devil.' I was greatly annoyed at the trick, and would have punished him for his im position hut for his outdistancing me. I think he was an actor who was late for his train. New York Times. Olimpses Ruckwurd. Through that long dark stretch of a I thousand years lying between the Fifth and Fifteenth centnries the , greatest luxuries were books. So costly were they that Jt was next to impossible for any but the richewt to procure such ex pensive treasures,, the more's the ,pjty, since but inches of information, so to speak, remain to tell the story- of their worth and the- tale" of . wonderful gar niture, both binding and ornamentation revealing the peculiarly rich and varied handicraft then in vogue.-- -; j ., .:.' ". Much of the transcribing of the period was done by residents of religious houses: boards of hard wood, over which leather was stretched, ' inclosed these precious treasures, ' and - further ' protec tion by metallic corner pieces and mass ive clasps preserved the leaves from injury:;--;' ' - . ' -: Literary treasures intended for royal households and ecclesiastical dignitaries, and copies for churches and monasteries bad bide casings of ivory - on which ap propriate subjects were carved in silver, of quaint fretwork pattern, and' other wise distinctively honored jy the ad dition of sold plaques, studded . with gems and jewels. ' Both sets and ' Single volumes were carefully incased in boxes no less expensi ve than were the brilliant bindings. Harper's Bazar. :; ' ' ' Send Him to a Museum. . Valley' City has a curiosity' in horse flesh that iB simply astonishing. H. J. . Hamlin, one of our- horse dealers, ship ped in from Montana" a car of horses, or' broncos, as they are better known. "In this lot was, one that he could not .sell, owing to the fact that he had none to mate him.. He is a. sorrel, - stands fully 49 hands, or 6 ft. 4 in., from floor to withers; his legs are 8 ft. 6. in. before touching' the body, and a small bronco can easily walk under him.' A man 6 feet in height can't see -over his ' back, even when standing on tiptoe. In length he is fully thirteen . feet, or seventeen feet from tip-ofnoBe to tipoftail.-;When standing "with- his bead as ordinarily checked np a six foot man by standingW Commission and Money pn tiptoe can just touch the base of the ear.- "Hamlin's Elephant" is the cogno men he is known by. St. Louis ti-lobe-Democrat. .' "' " . Similarity- of Quail sad Bavrnyatrd Fowl. ... .The quail is in some respects the most interesting - of -the gallinaceous family, as all rooster and ' hen birds are called. The young are very much like the grouse chicks, except .in size, and indeed the adult quail is only about as large as the average 3-weeks-old chick- of the barn yard. Their seeming : trustfulness t in man and . their inclination at James to mingle with their big cousins near farm houses, make them universal favorites Pittsburg Dispatch. . Ulm 8af mud Street Car Fares. -. Brother Tom For heaven's, sake, Lil lend me a dime. ister Lai I was just going to ask you for two dimes. ; Where's your money?' Brother Tom in that infernal patent safe, and it won't open, until I've put in another ten cent piece. 't Sister Lil Same -here'.'' Mine won't deliver for less than two dimes. -' Both get out and walk. Pittsburg Bulletin. J. M. HUNTINGTON & CO. flbstraeteFs, :' ' '.firi .-..'; v pal Estate and Insuranee Agents. Abstracts of.-and I nforniatioirConcern ing Land Titles on Short Notice. Land for Sale and Houses to Rent. Parties Looking for Homes in COUNTRY OR CITY, or in search: OF1 Bugiie Location?, Should Call on or Write to us. ' Agents for a Full Line .of Leauini Fire Insurance Companies, . And Will Write Insurance for on all . DBSIBABLB KISKS. Correspondence Solicited. ' All Letter? "Promptly Answered. Call on or Address, J. M. HUNTINGTON & CO. Opera House Block, The Dalles. Or. S. L. YOUNG, (Successor to K. BKCKw UEALKR IN WQTCHES, CLOCKS, v - Jewelry, Diamonds, - SILVERWARE, :-: ETC. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired and Warranted."- .165 Second St.; TKe Dalles, Or. ,.. COLUMBIA Qapdy paetory, W. S. CRAM, Proprietor. (Saccessor to Cram Corson.) ' v,-.".'-' ,' - Manufacturer of the finest French and' ... Home Made ' - O Jk. ZLsT JD L E1 S , East of Portland. IEALER nd Tobacco. Can furnish any ol these goods at Wholesala or Retail r . . i ; In Kirery Style. 104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or. R. B. Hood, Livery, Feed and ale Ho f ses Bought : and Sold on Advanced on Horses ., left For Sale. DF.FICE OF- The Dalles and Goidendale Stage Line. Stage leaves The Dalles every morning: at 7:80 and Goidendale at 7:30. ,. All freight must be left at K. B. Hood's office the evening; : ' . before. ' R. B. HOOD, Proprietor. $500; Reward! V . nav the above i We will pay the above reward for any ease of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsii digestion. Constipation or cure with West's Vegetable directions are strictlv comi epsla, Bid tieaaacne, in or CostieneB we cannot oretable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfac tion. Sugar Coated. Large boxes containing 30 Pills, 2b cents. Beware of counterfeits and imi tations. The genuine manufactured only by THE JOHN O. WF8T COMPANY, CHIGAGO, ILLINOIS. ' BLAKELET & HOUGHTON, Prescription Drugirlst, 175 Second St.' Tne Ialles. Or. . ESTBAY NOTICE. AEED COW WITH WHITE SPOTS, SWAL low fork in each ear but no brand, is in my pasture on Hill creek. The owner can have her by paying for pasturage and advertising. . W. BIKGFELD. Tropical Fruits, Knts, wmt Removal j- H. Herbring's DRY Has removed to 177 Second street (French's Block) nearly opposite his former stand, where he will be pleased to see his former customers and friends. He carries now a much larger stock than . before and every Department is filled with the Latest Novelties of the Season. v ' The Dalles Mercantile Co., Successors to BKOOK8 & BEKKS, Dealers in General Merchandise, ; : . ' Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc . , : G-roceries, Provisions, HAY, GRAIN AND PROl)!CK ' ' Of all Kinds at Lowest Market Rates. Free Delivery to . Boat and Curs and all parts of the City. 39Q and 394 Second Street .- ; '; - : .- ' "STEVT FIRM! NEW STORE' loscoe 8t Gibons, -UKALERS IN- 1 .STAPLE '.'AND Canned Goods, Preserves, Pickles, Etc Country Produce Bought and asonic Block, Corner Third and FIREWORKS! FIREWORKS ! E. Jacobsen &, CbL 7 162 SECOND STREET. ,' i slnnnc'-1 Pinnnp Mnciril Pnnlo uittiu, Mttiivio, .r; .School Books , , .. : , -r. 'THE DALLES, - FIREWORKS ! The Dalles FACTORY NO105. fJd. A ''P'G of the Beet Brands VlVJ jTl.-LVkT' raannfSctnred, and orders from all' parte of the 'country filled on the shortest notice. . "-.a ' The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAR has become firmly established, and the dentnd for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. .. 1 . A. ULRICH & SON. PRINZ & NITSGHKE. ' Since the' first of June we have' added to our Furniture and Carpet business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as-we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' Trust our .prices will be low accordingly. . . Remember our place on Seconjitreet, next to Moody's bank.; " - : " ; 820 REWARD. iLL BE .'Axu FOR ANY INFORMATION . leadinfr to thecoirvlction of parties cutting e-tpei or in any way Interfering with the wvr". poles or lamps ot Tub lectbic Light CO. H. GLENN. -. j . 'i FLOURING MILL TO LEASE. THE ; jLt 5 6i iAlES v MiLt ANt)- WATER Company's Flour Mill will be leased to re sponsible parties. For Information apply to the WATER COMMISSIONERS, i , Tbe Dalles, Oregon. . GIgaf :paetwy; A.NEW . ?; fiotiee t GOODS STORE Hardware, Flotir,vBacorL, ".'FANCY'.' Sold: Goods delivered Free to any part of the City. Court Streets, The Dalles, Oregon. luuitai uuuuo, and Stationery. . ., - OREGON. FIREWORKS! ft- JAMES WHITE, 1. ''. .. Has Opened a ..- Xiunoli Counter, - In Connection. Wltb his Fruit Stand' and Vili Serve "' Hot Coffee, Ham Sandwich, Pigs' feet, and Fresh Oysters. . t- . . .i vyoiiveiiieni xo tne . passenger Depot ' " On Second St., near corner of Madison. Also a , . Branch Bakery, California Orange Cider; and the : Best Apple Cider. If you want a good lunch, give me a call. Open all Night 4 ' ; Phil Willicr m. a a a v w a. a a a j - 124 UNION 8T., THE DALLES, OB. Keeps on hand a full line 1k MEN'S AND YOUTH'S Ready - Made Clottiirig. Pants and Suits ,' . MADE TO ORDER - '. On Reasonable Verms. - Call and see my Goods before Durchasing elsewhere. - Steam Ferry. D n TTullC ia now TOnning a steam t U. JIM XI4W Ferry between Hood River and White ' Salmon. ' Charges reasonable. R. O. Evans, Prop.