TUP VJ HPS' AT If IV IT Hill I pat' tue off. You've been trying to Vincent, ma iron uteamr. of Hartlepool, OUJIX Al JAIiE. flLLiU 'tea- meallilay- ' . -' '"T'BngfWn "SlHf'-wa jrtrth r-rvf SPES & KIJIELY, , Yun've no right to Hay that." inter- j voyage from Calcutta to New York. She rnpted Nellie, pontine merchandise, and ' ' . ' i - ICopytiKbl. 1891. All right reserved. Yn 1 IV 1 1 I -ir eta4.ttt.y TTT I M T smile, ghtt bat I admit ln'trsi l fufi.. nelves. to include in fhilr tliiliiu. lyoa won jzed ho know I love yoa. Nellie that yon have ;i .jarrwdfiwg :;toloo;.aiaefiger"i,.lhe, j Still. latter , oat nrly -reeeied, tbe; first,, at. yol real- -tention'of the e. savers, ana the iuo; d there's. u, nmnl Yoa lectally -m&ii&; the '-captain of :itio ! """" iwwsrwisfond sdT. r'l I irfeS'msbirt believed &ut his vessel 1 jSiul-i i ' .ffinrrjfiKfW ?J '- ' i iTm ril-iiti-Vii nil" ' til u v I if it 8 a t traction of you? .. -"-- Lntii' Hill nri'i 1 I ruippMi tnnnw that r.iL mi 1 ! fA. ... TViV, '".', " i.'iiiiVrriirti'iiVir llhTl4 lllniueilt rj tb in, I 1 i b la win ... -. -5 - -- 1 for in,e tjj tell yon tjiat, but v.ou. cann a. i t. workeaxiff the sands.. uexOrtf ittnotnr ; nnn topiujh- "i!J imm iJa-:i -.'iiij'!iiiriji,a liiii3hivuliaalvQyMXWi)fe4fi J aorHin,- andi.hu therefor ; those to. e-f j KjjK : ImnflrtM? Vp UW4n4 RhfflP the wont of itiathat. L can't.. tIi- yoa," main en board mit& the.crew. .:.' , ?.V BT MfM9 IS,,?!.?1-.!!1 leOO.iMtalaifaJh Ufiiir.. Nellie, j jfiiat jwemed, au aJio. the, ex,-, fj!t i,, yrthintl .iil l-.tw,.;i3!tj 1 m more than -Tor this uiinnte. I r cnrRionistH on shore, the snrf boat tras ' ... . - . a - Yon dK don't t igTOu''reth'uing;'.'t,fee men mithere'dt at i ' Don't you. Nellie, dear?" -t " -j. the water's edge and hi it to assist in ef-J Nellie at ; feWatftf '-d 11 'landing;' and ;-ttie . Wjmen : . was . prond.-; of Henry' erbWded'doiMn- behind tbemi'-'ThB 'biwit , .;, nonnd of aaud a few- mil to the . .. . . i t irire Island liifhthonse. orttner so Shore of Lon ' Island ' Beyond the amooth whitef)e!iyli. fY'ii,4ibrVft'" are for hiiryivii. more,' there is little alxiut 'the platv toj wake it attractive the ulea orinatea PAINT lt'8 atupid." dT said, . "tyiutf around j tnesiooi to city viaitora i i loliday or the Fonrth for j . ' 0 . ItBire and letting the sloop to cit M holidays laet's make a hi nrselves. 'stead of ban anv other day, Ablv seconded bv hi a. elder sister. JlJ el- fisnry vUai'tiiij true euough, uuu held i a,vprjof making as- i mm 1 1 3Xf n3 ii'HY fi:rfT"o .aw 03T3M Iiadies'I:alv'tifvBeS, BMZed uer.nd.8trog$iei with nerm- his4 ,., - jue, j1xtj.i, ; H. wr. v.. u. - ; ...1 .IlKrU'.III Mt H 11.1 IIIX J I 31111.. rf 1- IT HlllllUII.V VIV I VIIIWI y.i lmvk somewh; Hess of the Fi tkfgnuutly. ami Nellie Sawyer even said ne or two sharp li ttleiffsalxjuome ' 'people's small disjtfQo Jfl34ry Q retreated .hastily..... Nellie swor09 might ave kept him away bnt for two reasons: " YffiiTiy'frtgtirffji jKti ,fi-iTi.1 and admir er of Martin, pud 1 rjMKidteiaake - it TmconifortobtoVpi Jlanjfc . frozen mt.f 5I9rtia knewtCatftlre ISas tongue A"ou Id fulfill the tbpeat ;Jtht mortification of not, ViiS-JfeUV Jtlt 1 elf as well, and thurgforelie ignored Tjis i 3oinedDftbW Yoniig'jim would have made np tfie ln?1iii wnereax ixeuie lauguet party in -the e.xcliisiveintfcjfcJLtiSlf hiM.Uif. TVJXiiiV'LX'" jf he could li ive done that, but.MeHie. -JUJittgta-; had her own will, too-and. jn .ip ye. i-lff 1" Jihe compell.l her brother to yield to the fi P in5,nk 6 nnderstand ?hlMr4l between their chfldfaij fl tt fl USMdte t!.. So when the elr?.'ifBWWs& gtTLrtf-J frp-tf r-T"-- i""-- "'"v u sPaWpo wharf at,9 o clock t? I.Jkw.vi .i,. wil..... liiveishH. lusetl him herself , as best xlie hii limn sni-rxf nllv heachefL. uid rFonr 1 ttfiild rflr-herown' way: she'' was happy. ', ,;tbe ioaaseiMtera i,hat:JU,;Ufte&:crot. " and tnnuipliHnt at once: yet, ror reasons when a greut fo.Uex.aashe4-8flaiMor, .the - .. i ..11. .1.:.. 1.. I . . t m : . at. t . . t --' hi , n. i i . 1 1 . 1 1 r'.. . -l nhni-i ' past my i,mtua WftTOftflifir'-t en,,own.Hna pegan,,, swwig tn.e. foai i -(oWw tlie -tinie td. paiiif your" hone If. yoi'.itMwi tthte MtMcHl4lilf4iP 1 arohnd. .The fif th uassenger, a woman's : x.i iijvili L.tn2--,rnrH you'll get yonr feet wef. ifeil'torWa1n'',bef 'feinit. .JCWe of ''he' j. v't-iii'ii;:-'. -wen iJ.Ii iu siuAft.; ; . - i . -. Hniw nKnHi iuki Lilt rroreiiuiir wmpr. . -r r.i , .-i !--: n.ni . ...j '" ' t in tiiatra atitivity Ad tesitemcnt, j .f livihuv. bnrden.' was HenrviMarrin. .Not 'L xSfmS -.tiitf -inbingrrtu tie tbeifaalityl '.J - i etoppiiig at th beaich "hei'pinnged. through tbb.. fog. 'anil jlcro.4s ihe" Haqda i'sMenttbmto UirKlvxHlt&. ft! !Brook;i' ttWarfyttiWtfpni'a bWl tole iwayV V 5jnlgiBnetftVnjitW Froncki'anftjathew wngi ms rorm wasaireaay- ana-m fa-,, ranerslv-jar: affeatscrfstheii j the tofe.UUd til neierc, hwhe-dtdinot ! . . . . ,.,,-., -ijii:iru-i yi'i tJVkliW .! ' ).; : v.1 - Ulii V A :i:.1i-.k!- .-;W.ir ll-i3il it Buttoti "rtrf Lace?: it '. fill ill; 1 '.. : rr-: -ft. it . .V. . :nl .,ou -f gi-nS thing -Utw:l.Jifl .i:r(Kfe PoiUtWtitiHS 'KWiliW . f r this .ftt.-JILlis'W 'JliJ IC .t d i!B IIOttlLKlH .i(V! Xniiqirroo .J ww yRti! .tinr iv.'Li.V'q ; hoelJ '0 vnaqiifa O .R!fi.l i!T 'or MM Ali.UllT .YJ-J.!0 liTXUOl ''riUlH"--a 'JO ,iU.-' aJrlRui -jljj.ii nj Jif.J .ii )in tfUHftiOJChf .heli;aa clll'. lipon' ..to,;."' ;; whom were oonvej-ed ns, speejlily as pos- ' '' siote ' to"' the s'tation.'V' When ".N'eilijs :' reached the statiiinjche womii'h fiaed by1 ! HivftrysMu tlierev Ihif Henry had i . gon-fJbai;- ithe. ,urf - iot. '' How- he contrived -.aiT:y ih!rt.bidedo.farinUiy 5a: i; b&.).e (tiypliwaad .by! .:the;-Sieyoes.of;the , . 1 paying fieviee, ,whoLknqw.;no$;tiH,tha-: ' trtaiu s Qyjtjr, f ht 'they h.i,v:e.ep.e.ljtirr) ! ; , i , , 37-InGn Ghal lies -iTif jcjfiii Tifj f.iji;; IS j. -iilir: 'j :1T ni! chajj!, atfUj- in?. ir .ii 11 ,,vi "2.:: t ..in I'WT V i. i,ii ,JA: 03ffifA,jiRD THK YACHT. xr!ft affi(fKS-ffhocked. was Hen- er tltHtrlni r i:j.j WT It" 'was' "iheli dark; andthe 6iuillEeer:.. L . . ...... u ..i. uivi ''. ujivu i-i.w i . i , u. i;iini ,tnii ?ii,i'iui i i; sand beside-iti.tnia.icit:!8ignal from tae4 nlcotfhteint Bteamship, should. .A .begin .;;ta..fip.- to j W toohof iStb.iee"V'akiii'i pieces. No signal game, but, how- &e plnitetlwnlttwto;tiiT, . . " , . . . , . . . .. J .11 ' - , ' i - - : , i NIIUIJ . HUU, It '1 II 1 1 lC LI I llllbCl . utlV U1U M , Jl 1 1 1 , tnen ov the. hre waited. all. night, and ! inn,ntii,mM.M R,rfrrtT. i:spm.i I.Weht'but BPXt rtuorning ' thrbilgh:' the I In.itliftr.Hx, I,i;iAroluitarj-;ij8ses ,)iKl 8i?ermt- Inuunr snrf t th hi. W-Ai ormm.1 cauea Dy aver exern.ra 01 inre Drain.wir' earned 'frouif-'Blae-iiPoiliti and Poiiit bt month's treatmtint fi'.(H a box, or six loxe Woods.tatiousj ..hdw life ,-bnbWerei fo! irTtiI riggedAjhQWf .thef-.capJajq rjfefufeedito j To cure nov ease.' 1 With 'eaffli order received bv ouy ill, iiuin ajypu, e(J f, iii re m&mffim &wTlr fy mrisir ii- . . luij, ijj iu i iconic; aji rrangenient was due to there was a spice of K-Hif.iinn ! why. iy uior vagaries of a youuWJ xn v cnmnreheiiHinn and Hnul expect , . . . ... . i i. . a uoan-i tmkumx uiHwnTeni; iu me uwmt ox more ..w'VUiJ &HXM.y-.lX&i "T.' , 1 ... T ---r" 7--,rT - TT? -.-J.-:,., . .- ,..r.u. .... . r TV. "Sg2fiel aeft-;!5!5(iTO iDoiTt r6l ot-Season ..-.. i... . .i . ,lvui J pxywfuiM, uriun iiw uuuuuiuK ureuaersa , w onlv reixutinti to tell ot.a.Kmnri.ililIW ..... . . " i.i ,l . -in,!- n k 1 .-.,1 ..-,: l:raa T.'-"" " !, i liA ATil,,i driven" liack; how the captain ''had to vield to the inevitableandafter tliree aJVvs".of- armbstrtstntV5rii,6w!Ae 1 ' ."''. ' aVftf M hlS iew'wrtfe feaveai-inSS thirifiiii DtiTchjAier onr written trua: fuadrClMi moneT.lt- the- ireattwot oe noirvftuct a cure. . ijuaraiiieen-issutl onij ov ; . l-j !V 'ilreimlntlih;tyra(nrftitlr,":!' .vi'-nr" - m ;r., ti.o I .t Mii( 7 Y -ro'iKi oT - i.-EMi' I ! ,.:!: i-M JSf. .(I ..'I u.li.Tri't .v:t.-m. .-31 " 'i.:i V, IOf?TH pftLiliES, Wash. .... ... ., ,, ;x ,.t ::,.-:;t vit!...j.,i.'i ..; I'?" W"'1 JO U HIIKpl'-. :. l!,!;";,.-!.. -, r,... ,:. ! , : SittiatecJ: at th 6: Head . of Navigation f;i J r .:li.i I. 1 Lit. fiiir : -iOT '.ttviU. ti-i I .t'tlif illliU. ili Il-.ill H iVT-J. til tfei - .il: to be Pino Center In tlie Inland. Empire;'" "'!' '".U"! 1W itVil ili 5'i(iii;;iJ I MU5i"m3ifTtJ.. Kill ?!!i. r.- K tie pounc V. n Mli; ' ...,,1 Tim vHkAHiU. ' ...i . rT J.. i wind driven, it had wrapped itself about fr& .T "T T rlJ---"rZT ..V1'.'Kearll:"i)lotted out the Point of . I.. . i i' v ii jit.fi i .mwh.iiju win uiuunu'iu HMouK'wvawiiaiw will !6t-ftiHo lUnrtail'JllalTli:ie-nTitli!it inudu 'WrrSU-'iliiMVinRB to th rmrt.v of Mrnr- i siouists.. tnere might be necejitat Jbnrixt .UTMaiKil i'ytmVv nrtilnne t.iiA n. VV wUvJJ f XI. Vtf " III" ctv a,irr t. uu woai vu ofr ;rejtt "in'Jii, heart rtihafi Ahe sea -had hot' ewal lowed '-nim, 'and ; yet" BOthfething;) also or'tnaniyiift1de":in: the' strnigle V& had endnredTwho7 cfoeseS'tEe sand bar irnnT run- nni nnii ! kill V h 1 1 VII 111 III I LIIU I LNU Mil LUUII r r t . .' . i .1 -IIVSJ It fc"l V : ui -it.il i jI a r r-i ,.t... inthe Northwest. gi i SfflacDMti rBms., Praps, Thw voun1man..4ljoddel. aUinsLlieaslly, -n" . . - - ;i! i'1,-. or farther information call at the office of ti. " . ... Interstate Investment Co., 1 f rfll V-is K 4 And Ae ut f yugh tKM 1111 Ul yxiUXlK 1 n iju-tL.l'Ul' - it not- been for Jim, Henry might have ailed in the uijtfUbpiibdtrctldocttoVi mattern'ii'hi ( nnMnn.dej aeaniirs iaij mulil ImiaBV ly what finally -oauie'i-tavtiagt.uoo' that fourth of July, seven years ago. Just before the boats put off Jim had whis pered to his hero-, , , . , , .f'.l, uNever mind. Mart: fll - keep . those buffers at -bay till we' get to Lone Hill, and then you .watch your chance, . to which Henry's reply had been a silent cowl: but he made up his mind, never . thelesa, that the day should not pass he- fore he had come to an exact understand ing with. Nellie; for. hitherto there had been no declaration or other formal talk between them. ' . " ' ' -'k ':-' "'"' Arrived at Lone Hill the party went -4irectly across the narrow sandy strip of Sand that prevents Great South bay from "being a part of the ocean. There was a grand surf rolling away out on the beach, which at the time of the arrival fthe exenrsionists was as wide as pos it was low tide. The wind gteadily and veered about until ii . the southeast, . and the , talked of fogs arid storms. iterfeted with the- pleasure of nweveti ana ureparauuun weuj l an outACor diSPeri PIQSisTons being increased oy various feenred on the spot. 11 1 Murtin joined earnestly in the 1 sought especially to be of as- to or under the direction of Nel- Miss Nellie, with that rare tact giving stabs with a smile and a that only maidens possess, refused ' ois services while gladly accepting those Sf his rivals. It proved to be of little . use for lum to try to assist, but he stood bout with an appearance of good nat- - ure, and when dinner was finally eaten iie played his part in the entertainment. ) There weref-speecbes in which the Ainer-. y fcan eagjo fairly howled defiance and flappedher wings scornfully at British-; era; and there were explosions of crack ers and firearms by Jim and his imme diate companions that made their quiet loving elders wish they . had staid ,' at borne. Then the party broke into little groups, and after a time, through his customary quiet '. persistence, Henry found an opportunity to speak to Nellie. The rising tide had hidden more than half the beach, and the still rising wind. had set. the; breakers roaring. ?They stood where each incoming-wave caused them to retire a little farther inland. "I've been' waiting all day for a word with you, Nellie."6aid Henry. ''t ;. "Isn't that a grand roller?! she in piired, pointing indifferently to a wave ' combing und foaming as far as the eye could reach .along the sands. Henry glanced at it seriously arid was silent for moment. Then he resumed: "Nellie, you are not interested in the Tollers. -.; i know that, and you are trying whnllviLnJikH.th&irirtnt .who .bad battled ; MimmW. lHlMlWI amU-fti witlt windiand wavest And ; sands and ' o'clock, and foij and wind and tide were i feg.andtho did Hot look np until startled j :i:- ift 'i: :;i. iwhen a man came trudg- j tyiMsKwotxttinttstVoice close by. It was ayoJiacuntw vitli a NellW f Of-when she had seen him corn- ran ThotlgHa of all i fiVjr.she had ran from .h Rawvr' kloon And when they both had ! THE BEST OF lartv froili jumiKeiiient 1 to are well remeuiberc patrkirja fa meet him. e Uveas along trffiiNrio: f.txJH.lHBd- and theX hlve taken their place in the hi . - K'DcrtH'Dif 'ir f RiTtimiu . , . J.n.ii!.' . gone aboard, Nellie blushing and , ex cited, and Henry ..dazed but strangely hannv. voung Jim shoved off from the historv of the ! bwivd States. The.man- was. Keeper! .T-m allihecrew there is, Mart. ap,d.I Baker, of the government life saving sta-1 guess in. tliis breeze I can " get you noma tion sitnate'd at' ' Lou'e Hill, and he) O.K. If I can't I'll tell yon to help me brought word that a big vessel had I ont; ""Youarid Nell tnt "down arid say atraudeil about half a mile east of the ! what yon pleaae. I sha'u't ,see anything station. ' When -he " southeast wind butthe wind and the peak of themainsl-!' aiiiiereu up iaeiense rog oi duly , intM, I Baker liegan to patrol the stretch of j beach guarded by, his station, and so it I was that shortly after she drove in npon i Mm uu.tl.lu Iim urna ohlAfiiafinipninh ?im. ly the outlines of a great boat' beyond the' surf, and he knew at once that all on board wore in imminent peril. He did ' not say all this to the party of excursion- ists: one glance at his strong face told them that he sought a "volunteer crew. He had hardly begun his hurried expla nation before Henry Martin had., placed himself at the keeper's side.."" It was bnt a moment, and then the keeper, followed by six stalwart men, burned to the sta tiOU. ! i ..::': 4 . ,. l ne snrr boat was already on tl nage, and loaded with all tor. saving iito'J?V!&a dragged-.the heavy CarriaaynvnTthe sands. r.h riroail flanggft-gfthe-Avheels sinking but little, r&liaexciteruent. of the work making the task an easy one. The whole party of excursionists followed until they, too, iow. you going to do with that could distinguish now and again a dull vv rocket'' : i - i Wines, LipR and Ciprs ALWAirj ON HASH- d. e.,bar;d do., Or 72 Washington St., PORTLA1TD, Or. O. D. TAYLOR: THE DALLES, Or. V. E. GARRETSOH; PItOKKSSIONAI. GAUDS. Q" : '! 5Jwphances .', 'I -CD--;'. I Rear Esfate, ; -r j . 4nsaranee, r , and Iioan' agency.;,: Opera House Block, 3d St. Leafliitg Jeweler J . J. VtiOLEUtSKNT TOllTHK.i I I im i ., umiirii MJ "i i n f i-i DK. J. ai7THERl,ANl Fkixow of Jui? MedicH) ColleKC, and member of th xx lge of PhyMiciniis and fturj?(oiiH, Ontario,-f-Pby- : hioian and" Hirnjeoti. lfie; rooniR 3 and 4M!hap-. muu block. li(;ideiK: Judgt Tbrnbury2 fcec ood Htreet. Ofiire boura; 1U to 12 a. nCciip 4 . and 7 to 8 p. m, ( i ..,. ;'-..,':.. n t .i O. V. DO A N E-rHVOIClAH' AND ueon. Oflire: touidk a und ft Chapmiui block. ' KeHidencc over Mi.-Farlniid & French's tore. OBU;e. hoars 9 to 12 A. M.. 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 P. M. Of-The .iSiti er:J iM ViitVimtrilHiH r.:;:; i i:btiw vj;;, fvipc rtO nd'i'" intea. , .fri.- F A K. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ticc liv tk-htinno'v building, up sttilm. K. O. C. ESHELMAN HoMaorATHic Pht- sician and KUBiiKou. omee Hours: Co 12 A. JC' ; 1 to 4, mill 7 to 8 F' M. Culls anHwerea promptly ! or niKhf Office; upstair In Chap man Blook' . j D1 Jewelry Made to Order. .138 Srcond St., Th lallpa. Or. . 1891. ICE ! 1891. DBinPAL.L ItKNTlRT. tin given for the . painless extreetlon of teeth. Also teeth net on flowed aluminum plnte. Koomx: Hiiro of the GoUlen Tth, Second Street, i - :-- AK. TH0M190N Attobmt-at-xaw. Office in Opera Houxe Block, Waxhington Street, The Dalle, Oregon r. F. MATS. B. 8. BCXTIHGTON. H. M. WILSON. AYS, m'XTTXGTON WII.SON An6- NETS-AT-tAW. Offices. French s block, over First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon. . Inquisitive. Stranger Say, yonng fel- black shadow in the . fog, seaward that they knew to be the hull of the stranded vessel. Then they saw the experienced keeper aud his volunteer crew push the long, deep boat from the carriage to the sand and into the surf... More than one woman's heart grew faint as the- valiant workers completely ..disappeared in the spray of the first roller that struck them. Then-with a great glow of relief they saw the -.'4i.S, boat upright upon water, fours? men pnl- .' 4 - r? V v o - at t b e (oars, and the keeper drrecting her head straight against i the on coming waves, and after that they watch ed with straining eyes .1 V... .,.nW . T C .uu ,uau;u . iic,u lug Dull boat slbwly. wake jts .vay toward the Vessel, until the fog shut it wholly ont of vision. , , ... . The men polled away, and at last by the exercise of skill that accomplishes marvelous deeds with small boats in a high sea, they lay alongside the stranded' vessel, which proved to be the Quiz of St.. sky rocket? The Young Fellow (laconically) Di an artesian well. ; HURRAH I Alt Prepared Brown Have you everything ' ready for the Fourth? 1. Mrs. Brown Yes, my dear. Johnnie gof his firecrackers and 1 bought the lint and arnica. Racket. ".r. .:'. . FOB If you iget Cklic,; Croup, Diarrhoea or the Cholera Morbus the S. B. Pain Cure , i is a sure cure. ' .' ' . . i . . I No a Bit Stliier. ' Mrs. Brown Johunie seemed rather stingy wih his fireci-ackers. . ' " Brown Not much. He put one in my pocket. Epoch. .'"... . '.. . ,17-188t. Mora than a hundred years ago ' The torch of Libertr Was lighted up. so men might know That Uncle nam was free. This torch today is still ablaze. Twice blessed to our sight; It spreads the light of Freedom's rays . , . And gives Onr Boys a light. : Tom Massov. - 4th of July ! If you; need the Blood and Liver cleansed you will find the Headache and Liver Cure a perfect remedy.. For sale by all druggists. . The Dalles Ice Co., x Cor. Third and Onion Streets, "l Having a sufficient Quantity of Ic o i supply the. city -we are now prepared to receive orders to be ueuverea auring tne coming summer, ' Parties contacting with us can depend on being supplied through the entire season ' and may de pend that we have nothing but. ,JlA;ii, PURE, HEALTHFUL IOE- " Cut from mouutain water ; . no slough or slush ponds. .. . We are receiving orders daily and solicit a continuance of the same. ; ; ; H. J. MAIEE, Manager." Office', corner Third and Union streets. K.B.DOKL'B. liKO. WATK1K8. FBANK MKKBFKK. , lSCFtlR, W ATKINS Jt IfENEKEE ATTOm U BVH-AT-IW. Koonis Son. 71, 73, 75 and 77, Vngt Block, second Street, The Dalle, Oregon. . ITT ,1L. WIIijON-T--ATTOENET-AT-t.AW Booms Vl v Xi. and 5S, New Vrt Block, Hecond StrOet, The Dalles, .reKin:- , Qolu nri bia IceCo. , -0V1O4 SECOND STREKT. IOB I ,- XOX3 I IOB t . uifcidoit d,-rinorf. ti.l Ch.as. Stubling, PBOP1UKTOB OF THB mmm ;,, New Yogt Block, Second SC.; : . '. - V .-. ; ..; - WHOLESALE. AND BETAiljr Liquor . Dealer, MILWAUKEE BEER ON BRAUGHT. D. P. TBOMPBOW J. S. bCHENCE, H. M. BfcAtX, President. - " Vice-l'reisldeut.' Cashier. First National r BauK. THE DALLES, - OGOREN , ,. , ' . ?! i !. : .!.. :. A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight , . Draft or Check. J. I ; ,... .' o '- Collections made and proceeds promptly ' ' t'erriittied on day of collection". ' v i. mi;..:: i ...ui. ..ii. ai. u.- .t..i... -i.i; :i Sight and, Tlegraphio Exchange sold orx. Jewj ypi-jtCjan irancisco, ana rort-i Ii iiv ' land. y. DIRECTORS.' ; i .' D. P. ThompsonJ Jno. S. Bchbnck. T. W. Sparks. , GBO..A..L,iEB H. M. Bkali,. , . $20j REWARD. TTTI1IBE Am FOR ANY INFORMATION TV leading to the conviction of partie cutting e ronea or in anT war Interfering witrj the OOiea- OX lUlH Ol 1 HI X. J.:,.! Kit. mum , , ... . .1-. . LX m.WTMK wir CO. GLENN jlaaager Having pver 1CKX) tons of ice on hand, we are' now 1 'prepared to receive orders, wholesale, 'or retail, to -be delivered through the summer. Parties contract ing with us will be carried through the entire season without advance pbice, and may depend thar"',w'f have nothing but ; ,.".- . . . . ':- .-.'. PURE, HEALTHFUL ICE, n" Cut from mountain water ; no slongh oir slush ponds. Leave- orders at the luoiumoia .anay Factory, 104 Second street. f ; W. .S. CRAM, Manager. FRENCH & CO., , v BANKERS. i TRANSACT A GENERAL BANK INO BUSINESS jjetters of Credit issued available in the . ' ' Eastern States. . 'Sight1'1 Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or- egon and Washington , Collections made at all points on fav orable termri. 1;; PHE FLOURING MILL TO LEASE. OLD: DULLES MILL AND - WATER Comoany's I lour Mill will be leased. to re sponsible parties. For information apply to the 1 1 ' . I I . ..l.lllll. .:T.,Ot-TIC1 The Dalles, Oregon. ; JO.."iC'XllSiU.V J 11 u .vUi.o T 1." .f.' . ... :. i '