Chronicle. THE DALLES OREUO' Entered Ht ttie I'cwtofflce at The Dalles. Oregon, mx sooond-i-lRWf mutter. - STATU OKFK1ALS. invenii ttrtiretary of .State Treiwurer Bup. of I'ubUc Itistruetion . eiiHtfjrn Coiij?reH8iiiHii ...... 8tite Printer S. Peimover !.-.Phillii MetsohHti f - V ft VI j.k'lvx- ( J. if. Dolph ! " (J. II. Mitchell B. HerniHiiii Frank .Baker OFFICIALS. C. N. Thorabtiry D. L. Cates J. B. C.TWseii . .Oeo. Rtieh (H' A. Leavens COUNTY Countv Judge.... Sheriff Clerk Treasurer Coriimlssloneni Assessor. . Hii rvevtir Frank tvlncHld .John E. Bnrnett ..E. F. Sharp Trttv bhellev Superintendent of Public Schools coroner. William Michell The Chronicle is the. Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches.- 'EMPTY BOASTING. The emperor of Germanv, after the i dreibund treaty, is reported to have j said: "I am able to impart to von the ! invfnl iieus tliflt vfnrliiv nmnin? the I dreibund was renewed for a further i period of six years. Peace is thus as- j sured 'for a long time." This would pre- 1 sent a -very fine prospecC m far as j EuroiK is concerned, were it not for the well known fact that a hundred contin- gencies may arise at any time, any one of which might make- war inevitable, In fact dispatches from Europe, of the j same date inform ns that it is the opia- j ion of some that unless France arfll Rus sia soon reply to the treaty, by conclud ing a formal alliance, the central powers of Europe will become too confident, as to the imotency of their adversaries, to enable the latter to counteract their ambitious designs and they will, conse quently, bring about events which will render a European war inevitable. So much for the boasted peace of the young emperor. A f'olttit-lnn'H t'fpA aod Dhwdm. Weight 10 pounds. v . . Cootsey-tootsey. . Baby bov. Mamma's darling. Papa's little man. Jimmy. Jim.-" - . , James. Jimmy the kid. . Young Mr. Jones Clerk of election Jones. ' Committeeman Jones. Alderman Jones. The Hon. Humes M. Jones.; .... Ex-Alderuian Jones. - l-i "; : James Martin Jones. Jones. Jim Jones. Jiminy Jones. 'Steenth Ward Jones. Jimmy the bum. Jim. Whiskey Jim. Old soak. -Cell 09. Coroners's office "Unidentified." SI onler. Iteius. Mosier, July 3, '91. Editoh Chkonicle : The fruit in this vicinity is looking fine and bids fair for ft good crop. ... i The people are'1 pretty well, and will soon be partaking bf peaches and cream. Mr. R. Sellinger, who came home from Bridal Vail a few weeks ago with broken limb, we are glnd to say will be on foot soon again. - Dr. Barrett of Hood River called at Mosier to see friends. Mr. Doughtie's family will take their leave of Mosier on Friday, the 3d inst., if nothing happens, for their new home in the valley. : ' . The calico picnic will be postponed, as quite a numlier of the calicoes wished to celebrate the 4th in The. Dalles. "We shall have it In the near future. Wre sh all to come who waut a good social fcimP- M. G. TheN Chho.niclb notices with regret that Ju2sJhornbury is losing his grip! . . I at the fishii:g"yli9'nes8. ian Butler used to tell the waiter that the judge could catch fish whereHt-UJand was only a little wet, but the record smWg that Mr. Burgett, who is only an ap prentice at the business, beat the judge by 74 fish. The Chbonici.e noticed to day that the judge has an awfully red nose. Is it possible that there is any connection between a red nose and a de cline of fishing ability? Do the waters of Trout Creek paint peoples' noses red? Milton is going to have the only woolen mill in the inland empire.- It wants be sides, an electric light plant and a com- pany of the O. N. G.,a fruit cannery, an extension of its water system; a hose cart and hose, additional fire plugs, and 4 brand new plaster on the town in the form of a bonded debt. The first Oregon peaches of the season to arrive in Portland got there last Tues day. The Oregonian says they were very handsome and much finer than any re ceived from California, so far. They were from Seufert Brothers. . The band boys have certainly the nicest qn titers in the camp. Their sit uation on the extreme west enables them to protract the eating ' of their peck of dirt over a longer period than the rest who are exposed to all the duet of the camp. ' Mr. C. B. Patterson, representing C. F. Weber & Co., proprietors of the North west school furniture company of Port land, is in the city, and will tour the connty in the interests of that concern. The Dalles Daily Out Third Klniiit Kand. .-',-'--.. The niusio given by the tbird regiment bras band has been one of the plets-, anteet features of the entire encampment The band has won high praise from all present. Their mush, has been good and the boys have teeii willing to play ' on anv and all occasions. The members t are all irentlenieu and have uu .hosts of friends thoxe in attendance on? I U1C encampment.. the encampment. . We give herewith I ! the names of thone ..I.,. ix.i...,o. urbanization . J. V. Fitzgerald, drum major: ' W. K". Garretson, first clarionet ; John Hertz, second clarionet; J.P.Benton, chief niUKiciun lead cornet; S. I. Fisher, solo cornet; Henry Bilk, second Btiat; Jo seph Studleman, . first B flat; Charles Bunnell, chief trumieter, E flat: Chris Paulsen, baritone; Wiu'. H. Stevens, tuba; Julius Fisher, first tenor; John M. Filloon, second tenor; A. N. Varney, solo alto ; W. K. Corson, first alto ; Hen- ! ry.fJurchtorf, second alto; John Weigle, I snare drummer; Ralph Rowland, bass j drummer. Th Kond to the Fair irunl. Our attention is called to the condt; '" 01 me streets leaning 10 uie i:iir grounds that Will be USWt SO mnctt to morrow in pasf-ing . to and from that place. A small portion of the way needs nie work done on it very much. If our street x-oinmissioner would have a few hours' work done there this evening or in the morning it would be a great ac- commodatiott to-those running convey- ant-en to the fair grounds. , Liberty Car. xhe children who are to ride u the liberty car on the fourth of July are ex pected to meet at the Sun office, on Court street," two doors from Harris' store, on that morning (Saturday) at 9 o'clock, where a committee 'of yoang ladies will be waiting, and see that they ! are proerly arranged in the car. . Fir Sale. All the real estate belonging to the estate of Terence Quinn, deceased, com prising the farm of about 354 acres of good arable and pastnre lands, and all improvements thereon, at Quinn's sta tion, Gilliam county, Oregon. For particulars apply to Wm.Foi,ky. Attorney for Executor, t.h,i r' i m.;-, v u , , Fcurtlt of .laly Dinuer The ladies of the M. E. church will serve iliuner on tbe 4th in the store on Second street adjoining Crandall & Bur- j get's. Good meals home cooking will i be served for 25 cents. Dinner will be gin at 12 noon and last nil afternoon and evening. v , "rr-. , i tonrtli of July Committee extends a j pressing invitation to all to take part in the procession of the plug uglies which will start at 1 p. in. headed by the brass band from Mr. Lpchhead's feed yard at the east end of the city. Twenty IIInr Itcvsnl. " Parties have been cutting the supply pipee above the city between the flume and the reservoir, thus doing much dam age. This must be stopped and a . re ward of $20 is hereby offered for evidence that will lead to the conviction of per sons doing the same. By order of the Board of Directors. " . 'hoi there t I will give 50 cents for each cow im pounded between the hours of 8 o'clock p. in. and 7 :30 o'clock a. ru., found at large about my premises. Put them in boys, bring marshal's certificate and get your money. E. B. Dofub. Mr. John Caraghar, a merchant at Caraghar, Fulton Co., Ohio, says that, St. Patrick's Pills are the best selling pills he handles. The reason is that they produce a pleasant cathartic effect and are certain and thorough in their action. Try them when you want a re liable cathartic. For sale by Snipes & i.inerwy. s Kotlee. lhe barber shops of this city wfl dose on the Fourth at '12 o'clcknoon. and open on Sunday morn in e n j i ' noon, lor that day only. A small ara locket containing two small pictures. . The finder will please VCturaJit to this office. I am now offering mens' spring and summer suits at greatly reduced rates. J. C. Baldwin. LOST HIS REASON. A Wmrdner Miner Violently Insane on a Kallroad Train He Wan doing to Europe. St. Paul, July 2. Andrew Row, a wealthy miner And stock breeder, who owns vast property about Wardner. Idaho, was taken from the east-bound train yesterday morning at 6 o'clock at Wasaca, Minn., in a violent state of insanity. He said he wanted to die, and asked Sheriff Reynolds what means he could propose to pursue in killing him. Mr. Row is on his way to Europe, and said he had arranged to visit a couple of brothers and a cousin at Norrisville, Eau Claire county, Wis. His tickets read to that point from Spokane Falls, Wash. He says he lost his reason one night when the train came to a sudden stop, and he thought it had left the' track. On his person were found drafts on Idaho and Washington banks for $10,000, cash to the amount of $230, and a gold and a silver watch. His valise contained a note for $600, deeds to mining property and valuable specimens. He lost - some on the road. Dispatches regarding his condition have been sent to his friends in Europe, Idaho ahd Wisconsin. - In the meantime he is confined in the Was aca county jail. Gold is now worth, in Buenos Ayree, 2.78 per cent, preminm. . Mr. and Mrs. George. Youne, of Bake Oven, are in the city. CHKONlfLK SHOBT Sini'ti . , . ' '.V-'-v' ''il' flTe Ht JoJe8 Btotbere. ,, , : f Fir headache une'S.B. headache care -For coughs and eolds use. 2379.," . For physic always nse 8. B. headache cure- V Use Dufnr Hour It is the best.. ask your grocer rorxirap nonr. .v t . l l ... . 1 l J : x . ' -1'!V.B " ".vr"l wrpiuiuren... iierry noxes for sale at Joles Jiros; For O.'N. U.:diaarhoea S. B. pain cure is the best thing known. . ; Pure maple sugar at Joles Bros., eight pounds for 1. 00. Get me a cigar from that fine case at Snipes & Kinersley's. Red and black raspberries by the box, crate or ton, at Joles Bros.' '- A. M. Williams & Co., have on hand a fine lot of tennis and bicycle shoes. . For ice cream- cramp use H. B. pain cure. . , . Centerville hotel, on the Goldendale j stage road, furnishes lirstcl.tssaceommo- I dation for travelers. For 4th of Julv coli- use S. . B. pain -TUe dru- o rj E DunlmUi) de. ,-easei, is now open and will e so -on I tinned until further notice. j For 4th of July Colic use S. B. pain i The celebrated Walter II. 'fenny Boston-made mens' itnd boys' fine boots and shoes in all styles, carried by The Dalles Mercantile company at : Brooks j & Beers old stand. - . ;.-V 1 Don't wear vourlife out scrubbing 1 your kitchen floor when you can bny ! such beautiful linoleum, the best for 'kitchen and dining-room, for 75 cents a ! vard. and oil-cloth at 36 cents a vard at the store of Prinz & Xitsche. In almost every neighborhood there is someone or more persons whose lives have been saved bv Chamberlain's Colic. ! Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, or who have been cured of chronic diarrhoea bv it. Such persons take special pleasure I j" recommending the remedy to others, j t i ne oraiee mar io.iows me lnirooucuon i and use makes U verv Doixrlar. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale ty Snipes fe Kiner sly. Long Ward offers for sale one of the best farms of its size in Sherman county. It consists of 240 acres of deeded land at Erskinvill'e. ; There is a never-failing spring of living water capable of water ing five hundred head of- stock daily. Tne house, which is a large store build ing with ten rooms attached alone cost ing wi U1700. A blacksmith shop and other buildings and the whole surrounded by a good wire fence. Will be sold cheap and on easv terms. Applv bv letter or other wise to the editor of the Chroxici.e or to the owner, W. L. Ward, Boyd, Wasco county, Oregon -- - .. , ... TTT J. 'M. HUNTINGTON &. CO Abstracters, Heal Estate and Insaranee Agents. Abstracts of. 'and Information Concern ing Land Titles on Short Notice. Land for Sale and Houses to Rent Parties Looking for Homes in COUNTRY OR CITY, OR IN SEARCH OF Buiqe Location . Should Call .on qrvYrite to us. .-- " Agents or a Full Line of Leslie Iasnrance Companies, And" Will Write Insurance for ' -' ANY -A-ZMrOTTItTT, , . ' on all DBSIBABIiE. RISKS. Correspondence Solicited. All Letters Promptly Answered. Call on or - Address, J. M. HUNTINGTON & CO. Opera House Block, 'The Dalles, Or. John Pashek, IQerciiaiit Tailor. Third Street, Opera Block. Madison's Latest System, Used in cutting garments, and a fit guaranteed each time. Repairing and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly Done. $500 He-ward ! We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, In digestion, Constipation or Costivenesa we cannot cure with West's vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to (rive satisfac tion. Sugar Coated. Large boxes containing 30 Pills, 26 cents. Beware of counterfeits and imi tations. The genuine manufactured only by THE JOHN C. WF8T COMPANY, CHIGAQO, ILLINOIS. BLAKBLEI HOUGHTON, Prescription lru? gists, 175 Second St. . . -.: Tne Italles. Or. ' ESTRAY NOTICE. . A RED COW WITH WHITE SPOTS, 8WAL low fork in each ear but no brand, is in my pasture on Mill creek. The owner can have her by paving for pasturage and advertising. , i.r W. BIRGFELD. S.LsYOUNG, !ure.i,rtiK. ItKCK-.V Jewejry, Diamonds, SIIiVERVARE, :-: ETC Watches, Clocks and . Jewelry Repaired and Warranted. 1T Secor. l t... The Dal lea. Or. C. N. THOKSBCkY. ' T. A. HLDSON. Iite Ret:. C. S. l-inrt (lltirt. . Notary Public TiRimUliUDSOH. U. S. Land Office Attorneys, Rooms 7 and 8; U. S. Land " Office Building, THE DALLES, - "- OREGON. Filings, Contests, . Aud Business of all Kinds Before the Local -and General Land Office Promptly Attended to. Over Sixteen Years Experience, -WE ALSO DO A General Heal Estate Business. All Correspondence Promptly Answered. COLUMBIA Qar?dy :-: paetory, W. S. CRAM, Proprietor. Sncccssor to Cram & Corson. ) . Manufacturer of the finest French and Home Made East of Portland. -w-LijKAUSR TN . ' Can furnish any of these goods at Wbolesala or Retail . OfFlESH -4- OYSTEKS-rS- In Every Htyle- ''"." : ' ' l" " ; 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. R. B. Hood, Livery, Feed and Sale Horses Bought and Sold ' on Commission and: Money -. Advanced on Horses V left For Sale. :. OFFICE OF- Tbe Dalles and Goldendale Stage Line. Stage Leaves The Dalles every morning at 7:30 and Goldendale at 7:30. All freight must be left at R. B. '" Hood's office the evening . . , before. .' R. B. HOOD, Proprietor The Dalles ; - . GigaF : Factory, ' FIEST STBEET. ' FACTORY NO. 105. jptTpi A of the Best Brands VjlvXl V.XLkJ manufactured, and orders from all parts of. the country filled on the shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAR has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. REMOVAL. H. G-lenn has lemoved his office and the office of the Electric Light Co. to 72 Washington St. J : .'- . ' '; ''" ' DKALKK IN ' . .. WBTTCHES; CLOCKS, Removal 1 , !H. jaertoringls .j DRY GOODS Has removed to 177 Second ;opposite hiwformer stand,, where he will be pleased to see his former customers and friends. ; He carries now a muh larger stock than before and every Department is filled with the Latest. Novelties of the Seasoai. , . . The Dalles Mercantile Co.; nuejessors to BROOKS 4: BKKKS, Dealers . . . General Merchandise; : Staple Gents Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc. Groceries, Provisions, HAY, GRAIN AND PRODUCE Of all Kinds at Lowest Market Rates. Free Delivery to Boat and Curs and all parts of the City. 390 and 394 Second Street NEW FIRM! foseoe 8t -DEALERS IN- iV STAPLE .AND": FANCY: ; Canned Goods, Preserves, Pickles, Etc. Country Produce Bought and Sold. Goods delivered Free to any part of the City. Masonic Block, Corner Third and FIREWORKS! E. Jacobsen & Co., , ' 162 SECOND STREET V Organs, Pianos, Musical Goods, -School Books and Stationery. . THE DALLES, - FIREWORKS ! A NEW PRINZ & NITSCHKE. -Since the first bf June we have added to our Furniture and Carpet bnttinees a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' .-Trust our prices will be low accordingly. Kemember our place on ,Second street, next to Moody's bank. I. d. pIIELpEW, i l'-'V, I' .7 DEALER IN- SCHOOL BOOKS: ' ! STA TIONER Y, organs, :-'-r: : :piANos " ' ' " WATCHES, r JEWELRY. Cor. Third and Washington Sts. W. & T. JHCOOY, BARBERS. ..Hot andipold., , . .. BKTHS. 130 SECOND STREET. fio t ie e 1 STO V . street' (French 8 :.Bltck) nearly and Fang Dry Goods, Hardware, Flonr, Bacon, NEW STORE1 Gibons, Court Streets, The Dalies, Oregon. FIREWORKS! - - - OREGON. FIREWORKS! JAMES WHITE, Has Opened a In' ' IjxlxioIi Counter, In Connection With his Fruit Stand and Will Serve Hot Coffee, Hani Sandwich, Pigs' Feet, and Fresh Oysters. Convenient to the Passenger. Depot. On Second St.,' near corner of Madison. Also a Branch Bakery, California Orange Cider taad - the J Best Apple Cider. If you want a good lunch, give me a call. Open all Night Phil Willig, 124 UNION ST., THE DALLES, OK. Keeps on hand a full line" of MEN'S AND YOUTH'S , Ready - Made Clothinff. Pants and Suits MADE TO ORDER On Reasonable" Terms. Call and see my Goods before . purchasing elsewhere. Steam Fegr(. a TTTrTTlf tr fs now running a steam if. U. tVrll2) Ferry between Hood River and -White Salmon. Charges reasonable. R. O. Evans, Prop.