The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 01, 1891, Image 3

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The Dalles Daily, Chrooisle.
WEDNESDAY,; -1 JULY "l 1891
Pacific . H Kela- D.t'r SO State .
Coast bar. 5 tive of S. of
Time. Hum Wind - Wcatiicr.
8 X. i. . '. . . 30.03 69 67 went j Clear
3 P. M. 30.00 86 48 "- "
MoEtmnm temperature, 87-: minimum tem
perature, 62. .
Thu Daku-s, July 1,1891.
Weather forecast- till' ' 12 m.,
; Thtietday; fain Slightly cooler.
. The Chronicle is the Only Paper in
The Dalles that Receives the Associated
Press Dispatches. . - .
"A plate of cream, a lemonade, , -
An iceberg- and a chill
For me when 't '90 in the thade.
And rising,. rlBlnft etlll."
Mr- J. E. Divine, of. the Grand Konde
Chr&nicU; paid' this office a visit to-day.
Green corn is in the mi-rket. The first
to make its appearance came in last
Masters Lieu Abraius of Ellensburg,
Wash., and Chester Hogue of Portland
are in the city on a" short visit; They
will return to their homes this p. m..
ThoBe of the bicyclists who" are intend
ing to riae in tne 4tn oi yuiy purauo
will please meetin the Chboj-iclb office
square at 7 :45 this evening for drill.
Miss Lettie Johnson has gone to Port
land for a few days visit, after which she
will proceed to Dallas, Polk county for a
somewhat extended vacation. -
Mrs. E. R. Taylor and two children of
San Francisco are guests of Mr. and' Mrs.
J-OrMack." Mrs. Taylor is - a niece of
Senator Stanford of California.
The funeral of the infant child of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Menefee took place from
the residence at ten o'clock this morning.
The services were conducted by Rev1. W.
C. Curtis. .
The first peaches of the season ap
peared in. market Monday; they are of
the Alexander variety,, also the-first ap
ples Red Junes, were displayed- in lim
ited supply. Tuesday.
The .fire laddies are making extra ex
ertions to make a fine display on the
Fourth. It is believed that they have
never uviuro u&u du uqcii ftu'iiiroiooi. uj
any public demonstration, as they have
in this one.
Miss Etta-French; who has' been visit
ing' her uncle D. M. French Esq., for the
. past fewf weeks, returned to Portland to
day where she will visit friends- in that
city' before returning to San -Francisco,
her home..
The boiler of the Regulator has arrived
but as the incline near the-boat-landing
is needed for transfer while ' the burned
bridge is being repaired, the boiler can
not be placed on the boatJ till this is ac
complished. Yesterday a number of , young men
from the city took-a trip in the Baker
down to Hood River, intending to return
by; the same' means in the evening. As
the boat did not return- till seven this
morning the young, gentlemen spent the
night serenading the citizens' of Hood
River and entertaining' the delayed pas
sengers, with- vocal - and - instrumental
. niusic.
The first bridge below Rowena was
..' burned yesterday. ' The bridge la" a very
' . long one, and before the fire was subdued
bents were burned, in number variously
reported from eight to eighteen. Iti is
not supposed the damage can be repaired
sooner than tomorrow, and it may take
two or three davs. ' Meanwhile passen
gers and baggage will be transferred by
boat to and from this city.
Scarlet fever has broken out in the Ten
- Mile district and is very likely to spread
over the-greater part of the neigh bdrhood.
Dr. Doane visited a-patient yesterday
and pronounced it a well defined case of
this disease. As the child is a pupil of
the school nearly all the children . have
visited .their sick school mate, and some
of thftrn are more than litolv trt onntrar-f
the disease. . . ;''' ' '
SergeanfWnr Graham has an eye to
business as well as soldiering. Finding
that a number of 'th'eibbys belonging; to:
company. K were for a short time on -the
sick -list, he hoisted a hospital flag in the
shWiwindoiw'o his resturant and plac
arded tb'4"tent catHe grounds! of the
"Camp-Crraham'': with the legwd.''Hos-
piu0.O.VN.,GwK,Ce. All -down -but
eight. See 'em inside." If the joke does
not cost Graham something in .the way
of cigars or "something," wecwill . miss
ouE.gaeaa.r-' ".- u.'- -
Mi, Lochhead, of the-Ommbia. Feed-
yard, is the maddest man in town.'. Last
Lochhead's 'domain and taking the pants
from under the beads bf-two-- freighters)
' whoi'were sleeping , in ryard rifled
' their contents, and got-aw ay- with two
watches and $35 in money. Itwaain
theg-ey of the morning and one of the
disturbed" freighters saw f the thief , but
supposing it to be one of his companions
went to sleep again without 'making, any
disturbance.-" Mr.' " Loehhead 'affirms
that the East End is overrun with tramps.
Ho and -some ' others made an attempt to
capture four of them this Tnorning; but
they escaped oh a passing freight train.
The' Doings at Camp? Chenoweth Yes
" terday and Today. .
' The members of the 3d regiment are
hard at work learniug the soldier's trade
in'campand are making-splendid progv
ress. They "are doing good solid work
and will" be better' fori ''the drill:"' All-'is
passing pleasantly and so far no accidents
or J unpleasant features have presented
themselves. Following are .some of the
events -of yesterday :'' ''"'-,'
The first two games of the baseball
tournament were decided. F company
of Baker City and C company of The
Dalles were the first team, but through
some misunderstanding C company's
team did not put in an appearance, and
F company got the game by default.
E company of Fossil and K company
of LaGrande then occupied ' the diamond
for the rest of the afternoon, and at mess
call, E company having the largest score
were-declared the winners.'
Companies E and F'will play the deciding-
game this afternoon..
The first four heats of the 100-yards
dash for members under" 35 were run off
last evening. Signal Sergeant Patterson
won the first heat, Private D. Rand sec
ond heat, : Private Bert Bryan third
head, Private J. Pearl fourth heat.
The above four winners will run off the
deciding heat for the prizes at 7 :30 this
. Amongst the visitors to camp yesterday
were Mrs. Thompson, wife of Lieutenant
colonel Thompson, Miss Wiley, . the
Misses Thompson, and . several others.
Father Brongeest and H. Athelston Mor
ley. were guests to dinner at headquarters
yesterday and during the repast were
serenaded by the regimental band.
Considerable consternation was cre
ated amongst the guards in the wee
sma' hours by a visit from the Grand
Rounders.i This is a camp of ' instruc
tions, and without any previous warn
ing about 2 :00 Col. Houghton, Lieut. Col.
Thompson and' Lieut. Patterson turned
out and challenged the sentries, who,
being new to the business, eurrend red
their arms and .completely demoralized
stood upon their posts helplessly await-Log-coming.
events-. - The- officers above
mentioned then gave the men a practical
leBsou in sentry duty, Lieut. Patterson
acting as ' sentry and being tackled on
both sides by the colonel and lieutenant
colonel. It can be said without. . fear
of 'contradiction that any man will be a
sharp one who gets a gun from any one
of those sentries Bhould: they happen to
be on guard again. .. ...... v
'. This forenoon C6L Hbngh ton, accom
panied by Lieutenants Patterson and
Norton arrived in town as an escort for
Major Burke of the 14th TJ. S. Infantry,
who arrived here from Vancouver on the
delayed train. Meeting; the major, the
whole party proceeded out to camp,
where Major Burke will remain as offi
cial inspector until' the close, of the en
campment. : -
Qoaalp of the Camp.
Company D of Hood River ' boasts' of
having reported the largest number of
men of any company in the regiment. "
It is reported that Sergeant James
Langille has aspirations after the chap
lincy of Company D.
I' Ordely' Sergeant E. Winans has grave
doubts about the propriety- of Captain
Dukes' ordering his men on dress parade
after eating onions.
: Company "D" desires, through' the
Chboniclx; to thank Joles Brothers for
a box of cigars, a sack of , lemons and
enough sugar to make a whole, barrel of
lemonade. "
After dress parade last evening a little
fellows named Earl Taylor, amused a
large concourse of the boys byx perform
ing a number of' well executed' feats' of
tumbling1 He gathered in . a pocket
full of nickels' 'T , " " ' ." '
-'. While it is-inrpossible to please every
body, the boys," as a rule are satisfied
with' their fare, and pronounce- it-good,
Wboleome andbnmrant. t i v. - rt r
Sergeant r Will - Graham- has been ex
cused from duty on account of bis wife's
having, been prostrated 'ynth' over-work"
in the 'Testauranturing We. Graham's
absence -. ' ; ') -' :"r'
ill the members- of ;"K Co-who were
on the sick list yesterday were able to
r repbrt for-'duty-thjs morning.. And sicki
neesiliaw all "but disappeared fronV the
Cantp)- v -T !"." r ";--'-. " V' "'."T;":
Why was the flag on th h6epHa " at
half-mast 4his-tnorning? -.
' TheilTmatiriaHonsefplateedtMsWrn-
ing,-ew register xn- its-office desfcs The
first entries were as follows? '.., .
' Mies M Cw Redmond, If osier.'-'
- ' Jos1. MeEachern' and wife; cityC
' fj;H. BariowVIflickitatA :
, ' A J.:Shru"ai,"Biirnt Ranchi.: : :
' The sigival Bervico' reports for a number
of rioints in. California on last Mondav
indicateoX'that the thermometer .ranged
from' ninety to ninety-six degrees in the
shade. iThe highestrreports werft-: ' Red
Bluff 104i FresnA,; HOj Yefmai v lift';
and Merced; 116.i ; i '
5 ' An eflfort is- being made to introduce.
the Chinese; pheasant - into' the country
bordering on the Umatilla river. . .
' . i ' j
We nderatandi the passengers: who
were tranefered to and from HbodJ River
last evenint; on the steamer Baker were
entertained' jby' a-'pafty 'of Dalles-"; boy-
who out for a good time' with their' gui
tars and mandolins. The entertain
ment was varied, instrumental and vocal
music being rendered in such a manner
that the trunks, boxes, casks, and such
other, furniture as the TJ.-P. provides for
its' travelers,- by the road-sido under1 like
circumstances 'free... of charge, seemed a
trifle softer and more comfortable after
the arrival of the "concert'" as" someone
styled the little troop of pleasure seekers.
The boys serenaded the town of Hood
River held? ,high'" carnival' under the
spreading "oaks r ' porch roofs and
barring such trifling accidents as a false
step: through a trestle, which rendered it
neeeesary for one- of the party to resort
to gargling oil to soothe his wounded
feelings, the losing of a mandolin pick
which had to be replaced; by one hewn
out of a railroad tie and such' pangs of
conscience as come from a neglected
stomach and which ' nearly drove the
party to casting lots to determine which
of "the boys should be killed and eaten,.
the promiscuous wandering -through
fields, dust, brush-, etc.", to find the way
back to the boat, the boys returned
somewhat sobered, it is said, but still in
high spirits, declaring they had had a
fine time. ' . " .
Oar Handsome Oram Major. .
Drum Major Joe Fitzgerald looks very
swell in his red coat and outfittirigsY and
proposes to know what music his 3d reg
iment band is playing if he can find out
by asking. Last night the band was
at work and rendered beautifully a new
piece, "How Beautiful Thou Art." Joe.
stepped forward to the alto player and
asked "whst song was that?" To which
the "um-ta" replied. "How beautiful
thou art Major." ; It was the retort
courteous indeed.
A Dallea Flab Heard From.
In the lobby of ' the Whitcomb house
this morniong in a huge wooden tray
filled with broken ice was placed on ex
hibition the finest specimen' of Oregon
salmon ever brought to this city. The
fish weighs 66 pounds and was caught
at North Dalles, Washi , on the Coir
umbia river. . It was presented to Whit
comb & Downs, proprietors of the hotel,
by George Burlinganie, local agent of
one of the large Western land companies.
The fish will be served to the guests to
morrow at -dinner.- Rochester ; IN. 'Y.)
Pot-Hxvres. : - '
Salem Cara Move Slow.' -
A man in Salem - bought' a quart of
milk up town and' boarding an electric
car, set the can down upon the floor,
while he rode to his home. His sur
pri8e'came when he opened the can ' to
find that instead of having a quart of
milk he bad a half pound of nice butter.
Fourth of Jaly Dinner; -
: The ladies of the M. E. church will
serve dinner on the-4th in the store on
Second street adjoining Crandall &' Bur-
get's. Good meals home cooking will
be served for'25cent8.: Dinner will be
gin at 12 noon and last all afternoon and
evening. . - :
Fourth of ' July Committee extends a
pressing invitation to -all to take part in'
the procession of the ping uglies which
will start at 1 p. m. headed by the brass
band from Mr. Lochhead's feed yard at
the east end of the city. .
The barber shops of this city will close
on the-Fourth- at-12 o'clock noon, and
open on Sunday morning till 12 noon,
for that day only. ' ' '
By Justice Schutz in this city, on June
27th, Mr.v Volney J. Houston ito Miss
Dora Butcher. " " ;"" ' ' ;.'';".
; June "28, by' 'Rev. Father ' Brongeest,
Mr. Wm. Rogers to Miss Celia Mesplie.
' , It has been found-, that, increased
leniency, in prison discipline has not re
sulted in a decrease of crime. On the
contrary we had in 1870 but 853 -state
prisoners to the million, while-1 in 1880
there were 1169 and, it is believed) the
census of 1890 will show- a still greater
proportion of convicts to the population;
The value of ' any argument drawn frooi
these statistics,- ih favor of .',i toore rigid
system of disci pliueis greatlv " lessened
by. our. inability: to show that - a more
rigid system , would, hay' resulted -in a1
(less proportion of crime. ; ;'''
i Mirs.-.Wickstaff My dear, this -ribboa
you - have' broueht' home for. Fido is a
shaded too light. ; Wickstaff All: right,'
I'll try it over. Mrs. w ickstatt (the next
day) My dear-; I'm sorry, but the ribbon
you have brought borne today is a shade
too-dark - Wickstaff (weaily)-r-Thea-
wartTintil tomorrow and 1 II -change the
aog. -cioa Kevxew; ,
Victorias' head- w level.. . While She'
lately -tribf-3(X)0 tdpay off the
more ' pressing 'debt?. ofVthe , Prince of
I Wales, sfee instructed her agent that the
. .. : v a . 4 r - 1 .
I .The alvati6rxv Axiaf has 'Already . es
tablished 3)370 rr, commissioned over
10,000 "officers and-sworn ia .o'verV mil
lion soldiers Thesefigih-es' do not- in
clude the recruits for the -converts' who-j
enter the chtireheffVr '-f'v .-; ' "-'--
Pendleton hae-. abandoned the idea of
holding ' a celebration- on the Fourth on
account of the -presence- of diptheria in
I that city. V' . .: -
'. Justice Sihutz complains that business
is alarmingly dull In his line."- . ' :.:.;
Atone that is fit for the wall Will not
be left in the way ,;
CHKONICLX short 8 Tors.
Raspberries, three boxes for. twenty
five cents at Joles Brothere..
For coughs and colds use 2379.
Use Dufur flour. It is the best. .
Ask your grocer for Dufuf flour.
2379 is the cough syrup fof children.
Those who try it, always buy it. S. B-.
Berry boxes for sale at Joles Bros.
$1.25 per 100. f. .
; Pure maple sugar at Joles Bros.) eight
pounds for $1.00.
Those who use; the 8. B. headache cure
don't have la grippe.
Get Jne a cigar from that fine case At
Snipes & Kinersley's."
Red and black raspberries by the box,
crate or ton, at Joles Bros.'
For the blood in ' one-half teaspoonful
doses S. B. beats Sarsaprilla.
A. M. Williams & Co., have on .hand a
fine lot of tennis and bicycle shoes.
. Centervillft hotel ni t.hp OnlHonrlolo
stage road furnishes first'class accommor
floflAn fr-m f a n I ami
The drug store of C. E. Dunham, de
ceased, is now open and . will be so con
tinued until further notice. ......
The celebrated' Walter Hv Tenny Boston-made
mens and -boys' - fine boots
and shoes in all styles, carried by The
Dalles - Mercantile: company at Brooks
& Beers old stand.- . - .
- Don't- wear: your life out- scrubbing'
your kitchen- floor when you. can buy
such beautiful linoleum, the best:. for
kitchen and 'dining-room, for 75 cents a
yard, and oil-cloth at 35 cents a yard at
the 'Store t)f Prinz Sj Nitsche.
-rf-Lpng Ward offers for sale one of the J
oest larms of its sizein Sherman county;
It consists of 240 acres of deeded land at
Erskinville;' - .There is a never-failing
spring of living water capable .of water
ing five hundred s head of stock daily.
Tne house, .which is a large store build
ing with- ten rooms attached : alone cost
$1700. -A blacksmith shop' and other
buildings and the whole surrounded by a
good wire fence. Will be sold cheap and
on-easv terms. Armlv bv letter or other
wise to' the editor of the Chronicle or to
the owner, W. L. Ward, Boyd, . Wasco
county, Oregon. '....
" Attention ! -
The Dalles Mercantilei company- would
respectfully announce to their -many
patrons - that they . now have- a well
selected stock of general merchandise,
consisting in part of dress goods, ging
hams, challies, sateens; prints, hosiery,
corsets, gloves, handkerchiefs, hats, caps;:
boots, shoes,; gents' furnishing, goods,
ladies' and mens', underware, groceries,
hardware, crockery, glassware, etc., in
fact everything pertaining ' to general
merchandise. .. Above being new, full and
complete.- Come and see us. -
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby vh oick; we gave nerCastoria.'
Wnen'afa waa a Cliild; she cried for Castoriav
When ahe became Miss, aha cluag to' daatoria.
When ahehad Children, ahe gaTetham Caatorla
Forfeited Kaflroaa I,anda
We are now" ready 'to-prepare papers
for the filing and- entry of- Railroad
Lands. We also attend to business ' be
fore the TJ. S. Land Office and; Secretary,
of theJnterior-.-:- Persons, for , whom- we
have prepared papers : and -who are re
quired to renew their applications, will
not be charged "addi tional for such papers.
Thornbury & Hudson,
R6oms 8 and 9, Land . Office building,"
The Dulles, Oregon-
The following statement from Mr. W.
Bi Denny, a well ' known dairyman of
New Lexington, Ohioy will be of interest
to persons troubled with Rheumatism
He says: "T- have used Chamberlain's
Pain Balm for nearly two years', four
bottles in all, and there is nothing I have
ever used that gave me as much relief
for rheumatism. " We always keep a bot
tle of. it' in the house:'" For sale- by
Snipes & Kinersly. '
R. E. French has 'for sale a number of
improved ranches'' and unimproved
lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood
in Sherman county t They, will: be sold
very . cheapo and on ; reasonable . terms.
Mr. French can locate settlers on. some
good unsettled claims in the same neigh
borhood. His address is Grass Valley
Sherman county, Oregon.
'..- ';, FOB; 8 ALB.. .
A" choice lot of brood- mares ; also a
number of geldings and fillies by '.'Rock
wood Jr.,'.' "Planter," "Oregon Wilkes,",
and "Idaho Chief ," same standard bred
Also' three' fine - young.', stallions by
"Rock wood Jr." out of first class mares.
:- For prices and terms call on or address
either1 J.' Wi Condon, of J. H; Larsen,
The Dalles, Oregon, .. ; -
, Mr. John-Oaragherj a merchant at
Caraghar, Fulton . .Co., ..Ohio, - says-, that
St. Patrick's .Pils , are the best selling
pills' he" handles1.' ''The ' reason -is'., that
they predate a pleasant 'cathartic effect'
and are certain ' and ' thoroughfin their
action. J Try'thertfTirhen y cm 'want a -rer
ua me cathartic. - for: sale oysmpes dc
Fbr'sale'r due east of the fair - trrounde.
eight and a half lots,- containing- a good
dwelling-'houae, barn and other buildings.-
- Thw grounds 'are all -set out in
choice-bearing !' frOit trees,', grapeat and
berriess'ij Will-: be . sold - at a bargain if
bought , within the next two weeks, as 1
desire to leave the city.. ,". ..; '
r '. ''. '' ' " . . t..:-' J. W. EiTON.' .
i ... Tr th Eaompment.
- Commencing Sunday' and continuing
during the-encampmenti Mr: C. L. Rich
mond will run his four-horse, wagonette
to and 1 from the encampment, . leaving
the ' Opera- restaurant at 7 and 10 arm,,
and 2 and 5 p.. m. All orders for- calls
should be left rtt the restaurant. ' Fare
for the round trip, fifty cents.
I will frive So cents for each, cow im
pounded be tween the hours of 8 o'clock
p. m. and '7:30 o'clock a. m., found at
large about iny premises Put them in
boys,' bring marshal's .certificate and get
your money. . - '; . E. B. Durr7 '
' - ... 'MontT to' IonTB.-.
$100 to $500 to loan on short time
,. -.j Bat Afto & Ooj '
Lots 50x100 feet; 20-foot
. for Cash or on Installments; Discount
for Cash. ISTo interest.
n u-Butts,
Sr Thuniian,
The Farm Trust
' : ' (KucceiiHora to ABRAMS & BTKWJLttT.f' " "' '.. '
Xletallera) aiitl iTobber in.
Hardware-Tinware, - 6raiiiteware, - woonen
"Acorn," Qharter pak" "Argand
Pumps, Pipe, Plumbers' and Steam Fitters' Supplier
Packing,. Building Paper; ' . ..
, Also a complete stock of Carpenters', Blacksmith's and
Farmers Tools and Fine Shelf Hardware. -
The Celebrated R. J. ROBERTS "Warranted" Cutlery, Meriden Cutlery aa
' and Anti-Bast Tinware.
All Tinning, Plumbing,
"v-oILbe done on
174, 176, 178. 180 SECOND STREET,
We are NOW OPENING a full line of
Blact ani Colore! Henrietta Cloms, Sateens, Ginikais ani Caii,
and a large stock of Plain, Embroidered and Plaided
QiAicQ anH Nflncnnbc: -
in Black and White, for
IHen's and Boy's Spring and Summer Clothing, Keek-near and Hoslcty.
Over SliJLx-ta', - XTaawierweaa:, XHo.
A Splendid Line of Felt and Straw Hats.
- - ' i
We also call your attention to our line of Ladies' and Children's Shoes and
the big line of Men's and Boy's Boots and Shoes and Slippers, and plenty of otbt
Goods to be sold at prices to suit the times. - , :.
Next Door .to The Dalles National Bank.
The Opera
No. lie Wash
Handsomely Furnished Rooms to Rent by the
Day, Week or Month. '
Fi nest' Sample Rooms for Commercial Men.
v Special Rates to Commercial' Merw.
lIJSV i'r: ;)!
. Hay, Grain
- : DEALERS' "IN : ' : -: ' ' .
H. C. N1ELS6N,.
Glotmet- sma
.... -. .... " ; , '. ' '. '. ' a i.. . " "--. '- " "
.', '-.'-'in '3rxrfiar'
S , It v
aUey in each Block. Sold,
- XjE BY
C, E. Bayard & Co.,
J." M. Huntington & Co.
& Loan Company,
Vice-Pres. &c Mgr
, etc.
Pipe Work and Repairing
Short -Notice. . '
Ladies' and Misses' wear.
I ngton Street,
of the DAY or NIGHTL
and i eta.
i "- a i j- ..