The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 10, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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' . : : ?T
' WEDNESDAY.'3 f :?lfrf& 101891
Pacific H Kela- D.t'r State
Coast bar. tive of 2. of
. Time. ' ' f Hum Wind W eather.
'tV' ! - ; ; , r
8 A.M.",. 30.04 54 70 Went Clear
S Pi M. I 29.91 I 70 60 N 1 "
Maximum v, temperature, 71 :, minimum tem
perature, 44. f. . ' i v V -'." .'.
The river is falling.
Thb Dalles, Jane 10, 1891.
RAIN I Weather forecast till IS m
Thursday; light rains. Cooler.
The Chronicle is the Only Paper- in
The Dalles that Receives the Associated
Press Dispatches. ''"'
" Snipes A Kinersly have had a new bill
board erected near their store. -
' A. C. ' McDonald of Sherman county
brought into town ' two wagon loads of
fat hogs for Wood Brothers. '
A special communication from Ante
lope informs us that the "spring fights"
have already commenced in that burg.
All who are going on the excursion to
Hood River tomorrow must be at the
boat landing promptly 'at 7 o'clock a. m
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Young have return
, ed' from Salem", whither they had gone
- to attend the funeral of their son-in-law,
Mr.C. F. Durbin. . - . ",-'
- Forty head of horses were fed at the
Mtock yards last night which were started
this morning on their way to the Willam
ette Valley by way of the Barlow roadr
: There will be a meeting of fruit grow
ers at the old court house,- June '13th, at
two o'clock, for the purpose of organiz
ing a shipping association. - All interest
ed parties are requested to attend.
A contemporary says ; "It has leaked
out in the baccarat trial in London,' that
the Prince of '.'Wales ' is a ; gambler."
.Leaked out! We should ay-sb. Why
it has bulged out, if anything. y .?
The lawn party to be given by .the
Good Intent next Saturday evening will
. be. on the M. E. parsonagejawa. Ppnt
fail to sample the ice cream ' and cake
and get your share Of the social tinie.r
We had the pleasure today of a hearty
handshake from our .old-time friend, M.
J. Anderson of Antelope, 1 better-.'known
in the literary world as "Keno," and
in the legal world as the prosecuting at
torney of the jack-knife judicial district.
. " The ' commencment exorcises at the
Congregational church' tomorrow even-
. ing will begin at eight o'clock. The pro-:
gramme will comprise, in addition to the
essay both vocal and "instrumental
music. Doors open at 7 :30.-; AD are in
vited. Hon. H. H. Dufur brought with him
from the Colville country some very rich
specimens of mineral ' quarts. : He says
the new lands just ' purchased from" the
t . Colville Indians is veryrich in all the
elements that go to make a great coun
trytimber, grazing, agricultural, and
mining lands, with yastj coal fields of
superior quality.-: , ;: , c;:: :'y '?
;The Petartama packing company
expects- this year, to put up 1,000,000
cane, of fruit.- To show what such an
institution 'does for a' community "we
draw upon the columns of the Imprint.
That paper says the cannery mentioned
will this year pay oat $33,000 for help
and $60,000 for, fruit, " it will use 1000
barrels of sugar and $20,000 Worth of
"cans.' . " ' " ' ' ' ' ' -'
A writer tells the Salem Journal that
at Port Townsend the collapse is com
plete. A Seattle man was in Salem last
Sunday who paid $1500 for property just
outside Seattle last spring. "Bv fall -he
could get $7000 cash. Now he cannot
sell for $500. It is thus nearly-all over
the Sound. . It will take that region
nearly ten years to get over the' present
reaction. Salem men think Washington
papers would now be a good place to ad
vertise the glowing realities of this val
ley:"1" ', ' ' ' ' ' - ; !
,'.., -"::.'j. : ;.; ..
,A. little sensation happened :- in ''the
quiet town of Dulu'r evening before last.
A lady lecturer had obtained the use of
the Dufur .M.TE; . Churcfj, .evidently
through a misunderstanding on the part
. of the pastor,' Rev. T. W1J Atkinson, and
. proceeded to deliver a'-rousing "rational
istic lecture:. At th close "and ; before
'the house .had -retired the pastor an-
. nounced that the audience woaldftrans
form itself into a prayer meeting and
; then called on the lady to make the
i opening prayer. It is needless -& isay
she politely "declined -but the. prayer
meeting went on, notwithstanding. ......
,We really thinkl an effort ought soon
:.' to be made to pro vide the O..N. GTwitTi
suitable . ' ' camping'1- grounds. - Not 1 less
than 600 men are- axpected to go into
. camp and the. , presence of such a'num
ber would greatly contribute to the suc
cess of our Fourth of July celebrations.
. Three hundred dollars are asked for the
rent of the only suitable" grounds in this
' neighborhood and double this sum' would
willingly be contributed by other towns
to' secure the " encampment.' ' We are inV
' formed that this sum must be raised or
the encampmenfwill go elsewhere. . We
iiave no doubt that .when the matter is
fairly placed before the people . of The
Dalles the requisite sum will be raised
without difficulty.
P..; ;i :i ' .. K.a .. ;; . . . '
Ita Af0! KntertaUiment (ilTfin Last
It is seldom that the people of The
Dalles have the pleasure of - listening to
so rich a treat as was furnished last night
in the opera house, by the students of
the Wasco Independent' academy. .To
say ' that it was a complete surprise and
a "crowning' 'success "is to ' put' it very
tnildlyl- Ifrwas more-thana
was a triumph and a revelation. It was
sermon 'and opera," .eomedy "and rniin
strelsy'all in one. ' Some of the recita
tion's, ejpefcially those of the little ones,
equaled the best havetever. witnessed
on any stage by old or "young. ' We can
not make invidious comparisons-where
all tried to do their best, and W have
not the heart to distinguish where all
was so u niformly excellent. The charm
ing seelctio'ns were finely adapted to the
performers and the vocal music gave evi
dence of successful training. . "Only a
Pansy .Blossom'' was a charming and
original concejt and the "Tamborine
Drill", lays quietly vin the " shade the
laurels of. the O.N. G.. . As a gentleman
said in our hearing, on leaving the build
ing, "The militia boys may as well give
up their' guns to .those . young ladies."
The audience was, we believe, the largest
that ever met in the Vogt Grand and all
were alike charmed and delighted. - Frof.
Ingalls has demonstrated that the
people can be brought out and an en
tertainment began at . an early hour in
The Dalles if one has the pluck to carry
it out, and he has the thanks of the com
munity for so doing.'' Miss Lawrence is
entitled to much credit for her painstak
ing efforts in bringing the pupils of the
academy who participated, in the enter
tainment to such a degree of proficiency.
Mies Anne M. Lang was the pianist of
the evening, and was indeed an accept
able one, her marches in particular be
ing catchy and taking. , Miss Maie Wil
liams assisted the pupils in the singing
and her sweet voice added much to the
pleasure of the evening. Below we pub
lish the programme in full :
1. Our Greeting.:
.The School.
2. Opening Address,
. . : . . .'.Edwabd D. Baldwin.
8. The Battle of lyry.i r-. 1 1 '
.... . . . ,". .v. Clyde T.' Bonne y.
The Laugh of a Child, t ."The School.
The Pilot's Story, . . . . -
i ....... . ..Cathxbinb Maetin.
Solo; Wood Nymph's CaU,;: , ' . .
................ Iva C. Brooks.
Boys, .... Vakd McFarland.
The Dead Doll, .Bbssib E. Fbench.
Sunbeams are Glancing,
:'-.. f. The School.
A Raj put Nurse,
'. .Evelyn B. Newman.
Rock of Ages,. ...Emma L Roberts.
? " AKT II."-" f -
Crown Them with. Roses, ; .-. . .'
- .: . . ... ... ; . . .'. : . .The School.
'Home, 8weet Home, .Alma Taylor.
3.- This Means You, Girls..'
i ........ . i,. . Mabgabkt A. Keys.
.4. i The Creed of the Bells,. . . : .;!. -
. . Iva C. Brooks.
Dem Bells,". .;.:. Vi.U The School.
Two Pictures, . ".
.Nathaniel H. Gates.
The Foolish Little Bonnet, ...
. . . : . . .Evik H. Heppner.
Only a Pansy Blossom,
. ..By a Bunch of Pansies.
The Stylish and the Model
i Church,: iNkllo DaV. Johnson.
European Guides, - :
' ' - -. - : Albert P: O-Xeaby.
Duet ; Thou Art MyOwnLove,"
: BAxr-DaV; JoamoN and
j Edward-G. PATTERSON.
. 9.'
- -,. f
U.' Tambourine Drill;, '. .......... . .
;-J A Class of Young Ladies.
' Chad's Reminiscences,- ..
. iWiNTERTON C. Curtis.
Good Night, The School.
;"?"'' : ." Crdlt to Whom Credit Is Due. '
'! ? '- Wisco Academy, June 10, 1891.
. ' Editor Chronicle : Permit me to ex
press through your columns my- appre
ciation of- the very ' kind reception ac
corded the entertainment last evening.
Personally I wish to express my thanks
to all who aided in making it" a success,
but especially to Miss Mary F. Lawrence,
our excellent preceptress, who had en
tire charge of the work, for her untiring
efforts to provide an excellent entertain
ment. No words oi mine are needed to
show her that her labors were' both suc
ceesfuVand appreciated. ' - -
v'Iri'.behalf of the officers and pupils of
the academy, I wish to return thanks to
Miss Anne' M.' Lang ' for her' invaluable
assistance at - the - piano t" to ' Miss Maie
Williams and IMiss Myrtle Michell,
whose beautiful, yp.icea wf re of reat
value in -the choruses ; to Miss Aimee
Newtbariy as ' accompanist ' in the duet ;
to "MT.vN. WhealdOn,' who', was in- tcharge
of the 'ushering, and. to his able assistants
Messrs.. John-Booth, ; .Norman .Wilson.
Lewis Linsworth, Hay ward jRiddell, Ray
Davis and Gilbert Phelps'; Tastly to' the
Chronicle for the iise!of its'colum ns1 ' so
freely extended at 'all thnSes..-'1 T ; t'' ;
' fit-is also-due Mies Margaret A. Keys,
whose number was omitted from the
programme to 'state that she' was thor-'
oughly prepared and that "the omission
was due solely to a feeling that the exer
cises might be too long. , ,. ,r . -.
Ypnrs trulyi . W.. G. Inoalls, ,
.... .Public Senool Kxearslon... . f C
It has .been decided to give the lcing-talked-of
public school excursion to Hood
River; on Thursday of this week instead
of Friday as was at first contemplated.
Pupils and. parents are .requested to be
at the boat landing promptly at seven
o'clock tomorrow morning and should be
prepared ' with the exact . change-:-25
cent 8 for children and 50 cents for ad alts.
It is a curious thing that while very
few rtennle reallv Hianf Iniw an inflnita
number are alwavs dead in lrv. .. I
. . : ' . - " r " - '
. :. - ij. -
A Movement to Put a First-Class
Ticket in the -Field to Fill the
City Offices. -
'iX petition, has. been circulated -today
having for" its object the bringing for
ward of the gentlemen , named as can
didates for the suffrages of our .citizens
at the -city election on Monday next.
We publish the petition and the names
of the gentlemen. -who have signed it : "
We the undersigned, resident tax-payers
of -Dalles City, petitioners, respect
fully'and earnest! v request the follow
ing named gentlemen to allow their
names to be used as candidates for the
city office set opposite the name of each,
at the next ensuing city election : " -
Hon. Robert Mays,. , .Mayor.
Ralph Gibbons, . ., -A . . Marshal.
O. Kinersly, . . . . . .Treasurer.
Frank Menefee, Recorder.
Charles E. Haight, Councilman 1st ward.
Paul Krett,, Counciman 2d ward.
Max Vogt,.- . . . . .Water Com. 1st ward.
H. C. Nielsen,.'. . . .Water Com. 2d ward.
- -The petition is signed by the follow
Jas A Orchard ,
Chas L Schmidt,
C F Hobart,
L Booth, -W
E Mather,
D Sidddell,
E B Dufur .
Jno E Filloon -G
J Farley,
D M French,
H Glenn,
C W Dietzel,
Thos H Joles,
S. E. Farris,
John S Schenck,
B S Huntihgton,
B F Laughlin,
George Watkins,
G H Barnett, .
L S Davis,
J T Osborne,'
J L Hockinan,'
Samuel L Brooks,
A R Thompson,
J B Sellers,
Chas W Rice,
Geo Ruch;
F J Clark,
C F Stephens,
D Graham,. '
R A Roscoe,
E C Phirman,
Geo C Bills,
A "A Bonney,
F . L Houghton,
C Stubling,
John Bonn,
L E Crowe, '
T A Hudson,
Ed M Williams,
Geo W Filloon
Karl Gottfried, -E
B McFarland,
Geo W Rowland,
Geo W Joles,
George Keller,
Wm McCoy,
H MBeall,
S B Adams,
G V.Bolton.
George A Liebe,
I I Burget,
H S Catbine,
H U Patterson,
D Bunnell,
J S Singleton,
C H Stokes,;
O H Pickett,
Frank Irvine,
H Herbring,
C N Thorhbury,
C L Phillips,
G W Johnston,
E WlNeuius,
Hans Hansen,
H J Maier,
L Newman,
J F Haworth.
Reaolntiona Pasned by Friendship Lodge
No. 9 K.: of P. .-
To the C. V. Y-. C. officers' and members
of Friendship Lodge No. 9 K. of P.
Whereas, it has pleased the Supreme
Chancellor of the universe to admit
Knight J. H. Bird to the eternal Castle
Hall, and that his voice will be heard no
more in our council room 'therefore it is
Resolved, that in the death of Knight
J. H. Bird, a past chancellor, Friendship
Lodge has lost a worthy Pythian knight
and its - members a worthy friend and
brother. . . . . ,. .
Besolved, .'that Death has robbed us of
a. worthy example of JPythian virtues,
and, while living, we loved and respected
him, and 'now, being dead, we will ever
keep fresh; and. green the remembrance
of his- many- excellencies of character ;
that' though'' he lies silent in the tomb,
the evening of his chivab-ic life will
always have a stimulus upon our life and
actions, aiming to -imitate his integrity
of purpose, honesty in dealings, and char
ity and benevolence toward the erring
and - distressed.; y ' y f ; V
Resolved, that we hereby tender his
mother , sisters and "brothers our heart
felt sympathy in their sad bereavement ;
arid that to honor his- memory the char
ter of this lodge and the frame, contain
ing the .pictures of past chancellors, be
draped in mourning. - And it is further
' v Resolved, ' that a copjf of these ( resolu
tions be presented to the family of the
deaeased, spread upon the minutes of
this lodge and be published in each of
the city papers.
W. H. Wilson.
r . J ohn Michell.
C. J. Stubling.
W.. Birgfeld. ;. Com
K, of R. & S.. .,'.,.-.
- Attention Knlgbta. . - . .,
.There: will be a - special meeting of
Friendship Lodge No. 9 K." of P. at Castle
Hall, to receive ;the Grand C. C, of the
state of Oregon, on Wednesday . nieht.
June 10th. ; . . ..; , .
' All members and visiting brothers are
requested to be present.
By order of .. . , Joa. Berger. ,
W. - Birgfeld, ..- . c. C-
f.. K. of H- &S. ,. -,
The editor of the Chronicle acknow
ledges the honor of -card of invitation
to attend the commencement exercises
at St.Mary's Academv next " Saturday
afternoon. C'J-.k u'.-. nt'i i.i o f .
- Losti Somewhere on Washington St:,
a pocket book ' containing a ten dollar
green -back, a five-dollar green back and
a two and a half dollar gold piece and
some silver. -A suitable reward will be
paid for its return to W. p.- Norman of
this city jOr to this office. ;
-I Vi-k.ort,' Strayed or Stolen." ;."';' "J '
--- A smaH red milk cow "without marks,
3 years old. Any information that will
lead to her recovery will be suitably re
warded by 7 . j. - -' Mays & Crowe.
' r Notice. V' -. . -'- '
One fresh milk cow for sale, (good
milker). .Apply at this office. - . ,
Three furnished rooms suitable for
housekeeping for rent. Apply r at this
office : . -
Mr. W. E. Jones, of the firm of
Hallowcll & 'Donald, wool commission
merchants of Boston is in town looking
after the interests of his firm.
For coughs and colds use 2379. v !
se Dnfur 'flour.' ? It is the' best. ' - i
ice, fresh eggs, at J. h! Cross' Feed Store, j
As? yoar "grocer for Dafufflonrj" t
12379 in the cough syrup for children, j
Those who try it, always buy it. S:"B.
" JT wxmm J VUU uuuoiip mh
. Jierry. tooxes for sale at Joles Bros.
$1.2ojer 100., ' '. -
Strawberries .".by the box, crate or top
at Joles Bros, " ' , " "'' " ' :'
111 r ft manlo snan At .TnlM "Rwa
poufids. for $i'.po.. r , . . ; -; .' .
Those who. use .the; S. B. headache cure
don't have la, grippe ,;.vvt . .. . "" ' ,; ;
- Get me a cigar from that fine case at
Snipes Sc Kinersley's. ., . -,,..,'".'
rorine piooa in one-nait teas poo nful
doses SB.,heats Srsaprilla.,., ,,.. ,,.,;.,:
; A, M.. Williams St Co., have on hand
fine lot of tennis and bicycle shoes.' '...
Centexville .hotej, on the, Goldendale
datiou forjtravelerfl.,
-, , The drug store of C. E. Dunham, de
ceased, is now. open and will be so con
tinued until .further notice., . ; ; ,
... The celebrated Walter H. Tenny Bos-ton-jnade
mens' and ..boys' fine boots
and shoes in all styles, carried by The
Dalies Mercantile company at Brooks
A Beers old stand.
"' Mr. V.' H. - Brown.' the
tuner is in the city now. Any one hav
ing a piano to repair or tune, will have
der is- left at E. Jacobsen dc Co. ,8 music
store. :..- ; i .... . ;i . . .. -,;
- Don't - wear your life out scrubbing
your kitchen floor when you can buy
such beautiful linoleum, the best for
kitchen and dining-room, for 75 cents a
yard, and oil-cloth at 35 cents a yard at
the store of Prina & Nitsche. ... ,
Long Ward offers for sale one of the
best farms of its size in Sherman county.
It consists of 240 acres of deeded land at
Erskinville. ' There is a never-failing
spring of living water capable of water
ing five hundred head of stock daily.
Tne house, which is a large store build
ing with ten rooms attached alone cost
$1700. A blacksmith shop and other
buildings and the whole surrounded by a
good wire fence. Will be sold cheap and
on easy terms. , Apply bv letter or other
wise to the editor of the Chronicle or to
the owner, W. L. Ward, Boyd, Wasco
county, Oregon.'
"" Baby is sick.-The woeful expression
of aTDee Moines teamster's countenance
showed his deep anxiety was not entire
ly without cause,- when he inquired of a
druggist of the same city what was best
to give a baby for a cold 7. It was not ne
cessary for him to say more, his counte
nance showed that the pet of the family,
if not' the idol of his life was in distress.
"We give our baby Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy," was - the druggist's 'atiMrer.
"I don't like to give the baby such Strang
medicine," said the teamster. Yon know
John Oleson, of the Watters-Talbot Print
ing Co., -don't you?: inquired the drug
gist. "His baby, when eighteen months
old, got bold of a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy and drank the whole of
it. "Of course "it made the babv vomit
'very freely but did not-injure- it in the
ieasu,-ana what is more, it cured tne ba
by's cold; - -The- teatnBter already knew
the value of the Remedy, having used it
himsell, and was now satisfied that there
was no. danger in giving it Veven to a
baby. For sale by Snipes & Kinersly. ,
i ; ' - Attention 1 - ' . '
' The. Dalles Mercantile' company would
respectfully-' announce to their 'many
patrons that they : have a vwell
selected stock of general - merchandise,
consisting in part of dress goods, ging
hams, challies, sateens,- prints, hosiery,
corsets, gloves, handkerchiefs, hats, caps,
boots, shoes, gents' furnishing goods,
ladies' and mens' underware. eroceries.
hardware, crockery, glassware, ' etc., in
fact everything'' pertaining to general
merchandise. Above being new, full and
complete. - Come and see us. . :
"He wants it known. Mr. ' J. .' H.
Straub, a well known German citizen of
Fort Madison, Iowa, was terribly afflicted
witn inflammatory rneumatism when
Mr.1 J. F. Salmon, a prominent' druggist
there j advised him to useChamberlain?B
Fain Halm. . One bottle of it cared him
His case was a very severe one. : He suf
fered a great deal and, now. wants others
similarly afflicted to know, what cured
him. . 50 cent bottles for sale by Snipes
.nanersiy. ... . ... . . .... . .., ..
Forfeited Kallroad JLands
We are now ready to prepare papers
for the filing and entry of Railroad
Lands. We also attend to business be
fore the 1?. S. Land Office and Secretary
of the interior: Persons for ' whom we
have prepared papers "and' who are re
quired to renew their - applications, will
not be charged additional for such papers.
. i Thornbury & Hudson,
. Rooms 8 and 9, Land Office building,
;-; 4ne. i-iayes, uregon. ; , . ...... -.,
'l'A'choice lot' of -brood mares'; "also a
namber- of geldings and -fillies bv "Rock-
wood Jr." ?''lanter,'f Oregon Wilaes,
andHIdah.o Chief,.'? same standard bred
Also-, three -fine 1, young stallions by
V.Rockwood Jr.'? .out of first class mares.
For . prices and terms call on or address
either J. W. Condon, or J a. . Larsen,
4.nerLaijes uregon..
I. .. R. E- French, has for sale a number of
improved . ranches and anion proved
lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood
in Sherman county.' They will be 'sold
rverycheap 'and onr" reasonable terms.
jxtr. rrencn can locate seiners on - some
good unsettled claims in the same neigh
borhood. -His address is Grass Valley,
Sherman county, Oregon. . w
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Wben Bawmaslclc; wegreiierCastorCa .,
When she vu Child, she cried tor Castoria,
When khe became Uias, the clun to Castoria,
When uhe had Children, hc gaire them CatorU:
, The Dalles Mercantile Co., are now
prepared to furnish outfits to the- team
sters and -farmers and ail others who
desire to purchase anything in general
merchandise. . Their line is new, full
and complete. Call ' and them.
Prices guaranteed.
Lots 50x100 feet; 20-foot
for Cash or on Installments ; Discount
for Cash. No interest.
n ' U; I am . t.h- -if
Thompson & Butts,
Haworth & Thurinan,
The Farm Trust
c. N. SCOTT,
- President.
; (Successors to ABRAMS & STEWART.)
Letallera and OTotsbers
Harffware;- Tinware, - Graniteware, - woooenware.
"Acorn," "Charter Oak" "Argand
Pumps, Pipe,1 Plumbers' and Steam Fitters' Supplier
Packing, Building Paper, 1 . -
Also a complete stock of CarDenters'. Blank smith's
Farmers "Tools and Fine Shelf
The Celebrated R. J. ROBERTS "Warranted" Cutlery, Meriden CuUerr
' - '-" and Anti-Bast
All Tinning, Plnmbiilg,
wiix oe aone on,
174, 176, 178. 180 SECOND STREET',' -
.' We are NOW OPENING a full line of "
Black ani Colored Henrietta Cloins, Sateens, Gintthams ani Cali
and a large stock of Plain, Embroidered and Plaided
S Swiss and NansooksSiEE
t .,s in Black and White, for Ladies' and Misses' wear.
'.'.' x 1 -.. r : . "i ' '.'
JHen's and Boy's Spring and Samffiep Clothing, fleekaicaF and ftoeimt.
. . Over Sliirta, TJnderwear, ZIto.
A Splendid Line of
We also call your attention to our
tne nig line of Men's and Boy's .boots and
vruuua vj lie buiu t prices kj buii me limes.
Next Door to The
Canned Goods, Preserves, Pickles, Etc.
Country Produce Bought and Sold -
Goods deliveredFrea to any part of if it Ctp
Masonic Block, Corner Third and
h. c. NI
Glothief and Tailor
boots and shoes; ;
- I: i-.i, i i n
Staple ana pi Sips,
Hay, Grain and FetcL :
No. 122,Cor. Washingrton and Third. Sts. :
alley in each Block. Sold.
C E. Bayard & Co.,
J. M. Huntington & Con
f: ci. . 'Mi
& Loan Company,
Vice-Pres. & Mgr.
Tinware. -
Pipe Work and Repairing
snort JNOtice.
Felt and Straw Hats.
line of Ladies' and Children's Shoes and 4a.
Shoes and Slippers, and plenty of
Dalles National Bank.
' ; v ;'. NEW STORB
& Gibons,
Court Streets, The Dalles, OregEL
. 1 :!:J If