CO 4 vol: i. The Dalles Daily Chronielel Published Daily, SundayExcepted. BY THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Corner Second and Washington 8treeta, The Dallei, Oregon. Terms of Subscription. Par Year ................ Far month, by carrier (tangle copy .f 00 SO TIHK TABLES. . Railroads. ; : xitrt bound. v- He. 2, Arrives 12:4ft a. u. Departa 12.55 a. k. " 8, " 12:15 P.M. " 12: 35 r. M. W(R BOD WD. ' " Ma. 1, Arrive. 4:40 A. M. Depart 4:50 a. '. f 7, " 5:15 P. u. 5:30 P. sc. Two local freights that carry passengers leave one lor we west at i : a. m., ana one lor uie Ml SIB A. M. STAGES. Por Prineville, via.. Bake Oven, leave daily ror Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 A. X. -, . T.. 1.-1 1 " t il' . : ii vuiui, niiiKDici, n ojuio, 11 a yii 1 1 1 win , frarui Springs and Xygh . Valley, leave daily except VHUuayj ml o a. m. Por Moldendale, Wash., leave every day of the wees except Bunaay ai s A. M. Offices for all lines at the Umatilla House. Post-Offlce. OFPICB ' HOURS . ' ' serai DeMvrey Window. ...... .8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Money Order .8 a. m. .9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Sunday G. D. to id a. m closing or mails . c t By trains going East., 9 p.m. and 11:45 a. m. " " West 9 p. m. and 4:45 p.m. - ""Stage for Goldendale 7:30a.m. " " "'Prineville 5:80 a.m. "Dulurand Warm Springs. ..6:30 a.m. " t Leaving for Lyle Si HartUnd. .5:30 a. m. " " " " JAntelope 5:30 a.m. 'Except Sunday. . . tTri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. ' Monday Wednesday and Friday.. THE CHURCHES. EMRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Tat XV . lob. Pastor. Service, every Sabbath at 11 Z it. and 7:30 p. u. Sabbath School at 12 m. Prayer meeting every -Thursday evening at 7 CONGRKOATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. C. Cdbtis, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7 P. u. Sunday School after morning service. Strangers cordially invited. Seats free. ME. CHURCH Rev. H. Brown, Pastor. . Services every Sunday morning and.even tag. Sunday School at 1 o'clock M. A cordial x invitation is extended by both pastof and people to all. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Union Street, opposite Fifth. Rev. Eli D. SutcllA'e Rector. ,. Services . every Sunday at ,11 a. k. and 7:30 p. u. Sunday . Behool J2:S0 p. M. . Evening Prayer on Friday at 7: i ,t QT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Bbons i (J obbst Pastor. Low Mass every Sundav at 7 a. at. High Mass at 10:30 a. a. Vespers at 7 P. MJ . . - . . . , v . v A i SOCIETIES. - : ASSEMBLY NO. tBtfO, TC OF L Meets In' K. of P. hall Tuesdays at 7:30 P. M. WASCO LODGE; NO. IS," a: F. A A". M. Meets first and third Monday of each month at 7 ALLtS ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. 6.- Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesdnv 4 each month at 7 P. M. MODERN , WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Mt. Hood Camp No. 59, Meets Tuesday even ins; of each week in I. O. O. P. Hall, at 7 :30 p. u. COLUMBIA LODGE, Np. 5, I. O. O: K.-r-Meete every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Odd reuowi nail, second street, between Federal and Washington. Sojourning brothers . are welcome. H. A. Bilk, 8ecry R. U. Closter, N. G. FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets - every Monday, evening at 7 JO o'clock, in Scfaanno's building,' corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning members are cordially in vited. Gbo. T. Thompson, D. W. VAC8E, Sec'y. , C. C. WOMEN'S ' CHRISTIAN' TEMPERENCE UNION will meet every Friday afternoon at S o'clock at the reading room. All are invited. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 3, A. O. U. W. Meets at K. of P. Hall, Corner Second . and , Court Streets, Thursday svenings at 7:30. - , John Fiixoon, W. S. Mybrs, Financier. M. W. PROFESSIONAL. CARDS. DR. O. D. DO A NE physician and sob OBON. Office: rooms 5 and 6 Chapman " aUock. Residence over McFarland 4 French's tore. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to -Sj P. M. ..... A S. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Of J fice in Schaniio's building, up stairs. The Dalles, Oregon. TAR G. C E8HELMAN HOMOtoPATHIC Phy XJ 8ICIAN and Sukubok. Oiilce Hours :. 9 o 12 a. M' : 1 to 4i and 7 to 8 P' M. Calls answered promptly day or night' Office: upstairs in Chap aaan Block' DSIDDALL Dentist. Gas given for the . painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of tba Golden Tooth, Second Street. , A R. THOMPSON ATTORNEY-AT-LA-w.-i-Offlee . in Onera House Block. Washinirton Stroet. The Dalles, Oregon . , . , . . P. P. MAYS. B. S. HUNTINGTON. H. . WILSON.' MAYS, HUNTINGTON & WILSON ATTOB-neys-at-law. Offices, French's hlock over First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon. , B.B.DTJPUB. GBO. W ATKINS. PBAKK MBNBFBB. DUFUR, WATKIN8 MENEFEE Attob-neys-at-law Rooms Not. 71, 73, 75 and 77, - Yogi Block, Second Street, The Dalies, Oregon.; . WH. WILSON ATTORNET-Af-LAW Rooms j , 52 and 53, New VogtBlock, Second Street, ., The Dalles, Oregon.'' ! - .. . ; ' :: I .. ' ii - l .;) u-yt'-b- 'tit i 'r ' .. v I V, 'If I . Hot and Cold'; 1 16 stcbfJb tRfeETr FtO(MHIlKl(f;lMK , . syoaaUtla partias. lor information applvitoyia Wa.TXK .CMM HS. MMI8SIA71 Tb Dalles, Utregu. Our Different Departments are' full of Bargains! THIS WEEK WE OFFER A FULL LINE 6F aciies, Jersey Vfestfe At 15c. Each. Also a Leader in I ..- ; ... . ' Iiadies flose, (Perfectly Fstst Black.) 2 Pair for 25 Cents. , We have a fe-w rnpre of those Beautiful Challies left 16 Yards for $1.66. Call early and make your selections. jVleFARLiAHD IOHTH fiHLtiiES, Wash. ' Situated at the Head of Navigation. 1 . Destined, Best aiitifLGtaring In the Inland Empire. Best' lii the Northwest. For further information call at the office of Interstate Or. 72 Washirurtnt! St. -"PnVtTT. a wn r-n O. D: TAYLOR, THE Columbia Ice Co. .. ... 104 SECOND STKEET. XOS! IOE I, lOEt HaVlnor Wr 1 0(10 tma nfinA nn lon o - - " .....iv., we are now prepared to receive orders, wholesale or . retail, to ber delivered througl the summer. Parties contract ing with us will be carried through the entire season without advance in price, and may depend that we have nothing-but r r PURE, HEALTHFUL ICE, Cut from mountain' water; no slough or Biusn ponas. - Leave orders at the Columbia Candy Factory, 104 Second street. ' W. S. CRAM, Manager. D. P. Thompson' . S. s'chsnck, H. M. Bbau Vice-President. Cashier. rresident. First national Bank. THE DALLES, - OREGON A General Banking1 Business "transacted r' . . . . - . . . i . . jpuoitB receivea, nuojeci, to oigni j , . ( Draft or Check. . . . Collections made and proceeds promptly vuuuku viii uaj vi collection. Sight and Teleizfanhir'Exfthfl.nirc- sold nn New York, San Francisco and Port- .- ' ,iana. ' . . -. :. v rJiRtccrrois. " ' D. P. Thompson.- - JNo. 8. Schbnck. T, W. Spabks. - - ,Qie6. A. Liebk. H. M. Biaix. -. HiChU t- 7X77 " FRENCH CO., BANKERS, TRANSACT A OKSiftALfeAKKTSo BU81NE88 Letters 'of Creditf issued available in the Eastern States. Aransxers soiouoir st eir'i onc-tjnlcago, Bt. Louis, San Francisco. Portland Oregon,1 egon and Washington. jj 'I CfeimiorUBaff kllVrntsla-' orabl term. THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY. JUNE & FRENCH. f : r. to be Center - 4 fi Property of the Season Investment Co.. DALLES, Or! ' ' W. E. GARRETSON. Leadiiii-?-Jeweler. SOLE AGENT FOR THE All Watch. Work. Warranted. Jewelry . Made' to Order, 138 Second St., The Dalles, Or. 1891. 1891, The Dalles Ice, Co., ! fo'- Thfrti'and' Onloi'Streets;' : Having a sufficient quantity of Ice to supply the city we are now prepared to receive orders to be delivered during the niin?-i8U-n?me.rA, parties contacting with bfevcaJidepend on beingj-srlpplied through the .entire . season and may de pend thatj-w have kothing.but,. PUKE, HEALTHFUL ICE ----- Cut ft5ar.rrio,uuUlri'water; no Bloneh or slusH'ponclB.4 " l We are receiving orders daily and solicit a continQaiice cLthBam. b-. Pffice, corner Third and Vill&iP sfreets.1 .NOTICE. - A dessUrned re;rMieted 4iy.-th.iourit Of their respecdve acconnts jjjr Otherwise, make satlsfaetory settlement ol the samer1efore- Jnae 1st, 1891, and all persons Jbavlng claims arainst ns are requested to present them on or before .iACCHMrct2 1 Tet Blank, SeeeiMl Btrert, Tha Dall, Or. THE BACCARAT T RIAL Still Dragging its Slimy Lengths Along-r-Terriuc , Scoring ." - Gambler Prince. of the Sorrow Oyer the Death of Canada's Premier Important Cable News. " London, June 8. When the trial of the baccarat case was resumed today,' Sir Charles Russell took us and completed his address for the defense. ' ' Solicitor General Sir Edward Clarke the leading counsel for the plaintiff in opening his plea said : "It has been common talk that the Prince of Wales continual .presence in court 'during the trial of this suit has been for the pur pose of restraining the tongues of law vers from commenting upon the Prince of Wales' connection with it." Facing the Prince of Wales the solicitor general remarked: "The counsel for the defendants had said if the iurv found for the plaintiff and disregarded the document the latter had signed at Tranby Croft, the military authorities would take the matter up and that Sir William Gordon Cummings' name would be struck from the army list. I wish to say in unmistakable, terms," exclaimed Sir Edward; Clarke "that it would be impossible for the authorities to do any such thing and leave on that list the name of Field Marshal Prince of Wales." This bold statement' seemed to com pletely take away the breath :of the audience and caused by far the greatest sensation of the entire trial. The Prince of Wales sat on the bench to the left of the lord chief justice , immovable,' not a muscle of his face apparently twiching, leaning his head upon his arm and en deavoring to appear totally unconcerned. - - - : .- T- n TO DAY'S CABLE KWS. Omnibus Strike in LondonOutbreak In : Shanghai. London, June 8. Hardly a single om nibus is running today, and it is esti mated that; about 5,000;men and 10,000 horses were Idle through" the strike, which commenced yesterday. ' Advices from' Shanghai report,.', fresh outrages against foreigners at Wus'feh near Kinkiany. An English missionary and custom officers were murdered," and European residents are appealing for the protection of a man of war. ' ' " A SEPOY LKADEK HUNG. - .' " CaLcutta; June J 8. Dispatches re ceived here from Manipur, states that the Sepoy, one of the leaders in the re cent revolt against British authority, was hanged this morning for his complicity in them assacre of commissioner Quinton and party. HIGH WATER IN TEXAS. Bis; Storms Cause Streams to Leave Their Bnk and do Much Iamas;e. . St.1 Loci's, June 8.' Dispatches . from several points along Bed River in Texas indicate that the stream is rising rapidly. At Gainesville it is above high water mark.; All communication with Indian Territory is cut off and it will be some time before the damage can be repaired. Messengers from the Burling state that the river is running wild in that section and the destruction of property is great. . Some lives- are reported lost. D T. Harris, a stockman lost 500 head of cattle and fifty five horses in' a heavy rain.' At Chilticothe, Texas, two employes of Mr. T. Lindsay and two strangers who were camped near the bridge at that place were arownea. . The Whisky Conspirator Bseapea. '' Chicago. June 8. Jud?e BlorWti this morning quashed the United States indictment against Geo. G. Gibson. secretary of the whisky trust,'charged with conspiracy to destroy the Shufeldt's distillery. - The decision is on the ground' that the case is one for a state court and not for the United States courts to "de cide, in ".which thSr "fa- nn olShifa penai'ty 6u the' crime for which' "he was inaicted. .. .. . The Cloeed Season ? Bill Passed br the Lords. . Indon; June 8. The bill to' enable her ' ' rnaipfit.'i Yiv nrikai- nf 'inwi';i -' make special ptovwfoh'for prohibiting' catching seal in Behruag;Sea by,iier su-1 Jects, darirlg the peridd ' named in order, pkssed tbe hou'seof' lords' today ) San Francisco. Marked v . .. ' I San FBANciricot' - June- - 8- Wheat. buyer '91,' aftei.Augaat ist i.82Ji . Chicago Wheat Market. ClftCAoo.Ilij :' jTinV;8":-i-6ee,v wheat' Poxtlaxd. Jane 6.'Tlxeraird chanter of Royaf Arch mus met hen today.5 8, .1891. , THE DEAD . PREMIER. Universal Mourning for Him--What Will the Change Bring; to Canada. ' Toronto, Ont., June S.--From almost every point in Canada, comes the tidings of universal sorrow at the .death of Sir John McDonald. Every where signs of mourning are to be seen. . Arrangements have, been made to fire five minute-guns at Ottawa and in every city in Canada during the progress of the funeral of the dead premier. ' An autopsy will be made on the body of Sir John by . independent medical men in order that the public may know what really caused his death. . .The .Empire, the government organ, in an editorial on "The Duty of the House," says: "It is plain that Sir John's disappearance from' the stage is to be the signal for a movement towards annexation." : More Mob Law. Louisville, June 6. Ai Wickeliffe this morning Evan E. Shelby was taken from jail and hung by a mob. Sbeiby was charged with the murder of Mrs. Sallie Moore in 1888. Damage from a Brush Fire. 11 Shkkbkooks, ' jue., June 'S.-Brush fires at Black have communicated to the houses and from thirty to thirty-three were burned. 1 . - Weather Forecast. San Fkancisco, June 8. Forecast for Oregon arid Washington. Light rains in Westeiti Oregon. KMMKTT TO WED AGAIN. The Well-Known German Comedian Will Marry In the Profession. : ,,Nkw York, June. ,6. -Joseph K. Em mett, t-e actor, is to marry its leading lady, Miss Helen Sedgewick. The date of the wedding is the coming fall, when Miss Sedgewick, who is now in Europe in company with Mr. Emmett's son and the latter's wife, is expected to return to this country. It was about a year :ago that Emmett, senior, was involved in a public scandal, in which Miss Maud White was conspicuous. As a result of tliis scandal, his wife, Eleanor. Emmett, got a divorce,, which was. granted May 23, .1890. ..In anticipation : of the . suit, Mr. Emmett. turned over all his interest in Jiis fine residence he had built in Al bany, together with other property val ued at over $100,000, to his wife. He also . gave her $150,000 in bonds, : and promised to. make no. defense, in the charge of infidelity, and to. let her secure judgment of divorce by default. .. May Stop the Coinage of Silver. San Francisco, June 6. The employes at the mint . have been agitated for a weekbr two by rumors that the end of the month may see a wholesale dismissal of coinmakers. It is said that the rea son for such a 'step would be the stop page wholly or in part of the coinage of silver, and it. is believed this policy, if adopted, would affect all the branch mints in alike manner. Superintendent Dimond said today : "I have as vet received no orders to reduce my. working force, but I have heard various reports as to the suspen sion of silver coinage at the end of this month, which closes the fiscal year, and I wou.d not be surprised to receive an official notice at any time of such a change. There is now in the vaults of this mint $36,000,000 in silver dollars, but there, is storage room for at least that much more, so the reason for the suspension of coinage cannot be alack of vault room. Emperor William's Proposed Visit. London, June 6. The German emper or is coming over to England to pose for history. He wiH not be accompanied by a grand retinue, perhaps because he desires William the second to be the only figure in the nicture. Hia atten dance will include Baron von Marschalf, the foreign secretary, and the usual suite; but nobody of distinction. While the emperor is in England the empress will reside at the Isle of Wight, not with her grand-mother-in-law, but at a hotek It is said-that Queen Victoria and the German empress have never, been, on familiar terms, owing to the resentment with which the emnress has -treated the efforts of her mother-in-law, Queen Vic- toria s aaugnter, . to interfere in court affairs. The German empress means .to be social mistress of her husband, and has no liking for his Kuglish relatives and. their dictatorial ways. ' THERE WAS NO BATTLE. Official Denial of the Naval Engagement ".' In Valparaiso Harbor. " New York, June 6. A dispatch has been, received at " the Chilian legation from .Chili saying the story of the -.combat at Valparaiso between the insurgent steamer Megallanes andAhree yessels of the- .government April .28 is entirely I false. V ' ' " ! British Watch Will be Kept. Port Townsend"' June 6. Officers of the Pintare.iithnritv for Hipntjutomont that H..M. &, NymphirtU soon go to the Behring eea-on a cruise. If - England de- ciaresior aioeea 8easpnthe JX-yinpn Wilt Drobablv seize such Victoria nrnau-h. era as he can find, leaving 'the' revenue cutters to iook attertne Americans, ! liHf. .:. :rtr . - ,- .I 1-: r-.-r -V - Th. portage 'rail way it the-Cascades,': uuiec. construction oy toe state, wxli Be finished, within-, ninety .4ays.'. The gov-. ernor is poshing it; - A nlanfor-harrvinir Dalles - ouahe .Wash uig ton. sidej la aoonj to be submitted to Unpeople of Portland,. ,ttj ,re; jntorrneOiUuii it wui b ready in day or two. Oregonian. NO. 159. IIEBER NEWTON'S . JUDGES. Committee Appointed to Investigate Al leged I'ncanonk-al Conduct. New York, June 6. It is stated upon pretty good authority that the committee of inquiry to investigate the charge of uucanoical conduct' T)rought against the Rev,. Huber JS.ewtpn, rector of All Souls' church has been appointed bv Bishop Potter, and will consist of the Rev. Dr. Shipman of Christ church, Rev.. Mr. Butler, of the church of the Epiphany and Rev,: Dr. Peters, of Old St. Mich ael's, Rloonidale. -The make up of the body, it is said, has not been given to the public, as its investigation is to be made solely for the bishop, to guide' him in his Appointment of the court before which the. pastor v; will .be tried-. Dr. Shipman last night refused to confirm the rumor that he was a member of the commission, and said he was entirely ignorant how many clergymen it would consist of and what their names were. The Insurgents' Manifesto. Washington, June 6. A Chilian gentleman has received from friends in Chili copies of papers the insurgents are publishing. In one. is a manifesto by the congressionalists, warning the people of all countries that Balmaceda has shipped to Europe $4,000,000 in bullion, which, was, required by, law to be kept in t,he, Chilian. treasury as a guarantee of the paper currency. The" manifesto al leges that Balmaceda can give no security that this fuad will not be used for per sonal objects, . apa when., he is driven from Chili by the people he will use the money to support himself in luxury abroad. All the bankers and others are cautioned against accepting or handling these moneys, which will be demanded by the constitutional party when it ob tains power. . The Interstate Commission. Sah Francisco, June 6. Interstate commerce commissioners Bragg,-. Knapp and Veazey arrived here this morning. The, commissioners have been taking tes timony in Spokane and Portland regard ing the complaint of railroad . companies that, owing tp water competition by way of Cape Horn, they are obliged to make lower rate for the Puget Sound region arid Portland than for Spokane. The Investigation having been concluded at Portland, the. commissioners continued their inspection of the overland lines to this city, where they wilt remain a few days before returning east. A Nebraska Millionaire Dead. :.. Omaha, Neb,, June 6.. Byron Read, a pioneer L settler ..of . , Nebraska, and the wealthiest landowner in the city, being rated at $2,000,000, died this morning. The .will leaves a valuable piece of. land upon which .to,. erect .a public library. His collection of incomes is also left to the city, and .lie makes numerous charit able bequests, amounting in all to over $100,000. . In early life Read was a tele graph operator. . He. was afterwards con nected with the United States assay office. Spraying for San Jose Scale. , The following was given to the Cali fornia Fruit Exporter and Farmer by Dr. W. J. Dobbins, one rf the largest grow ers of prunes in Vaca valley : "Doyoukuow that it is no trick to kill the San Jose scale?. No? Well, it isn't.. If growers will spray thoroughly with lime, salt and sulphur the scale is easily killed. I will tell yon my formula. I take twenty pounds of sulphur, ten pounds of lime and thirty gallons of water, cook and constantly "stir until it takes on a dark red color. . 1 then dis solve or slake fifteen pounds of salt and forty pounds of lime in thirty gallons of cold water. - When I get ready to spray I use twenty-five gallons of the cooked' lime and sulphur, fifty gallons of the slacked lime and salt and twenty-five-gallons of hot water. When - in the-spray-box this mixture should . be con tinually . stirred ..while spraying. It won't do to allow the ingredients to set- ' tie. I have a man on the box to - do nothing else but stir and drive. - Trees should not be sprayed with this mixture in the spring or summer, because serious results will follow. , It should be applied in tuts winter tune wiieir wit? tree in dormant. One thorough spraying will eradicate all traces of the San Jose scale." . A Portland' paper has .the following:, paragraph : ".The Dalles Chronicle says that George Knaggs is really going to . be . a candidate for city recorder." Really going to be a candidate! . What can it mean? Does the paper suppose . George is a fossil, .or a millionaire, or a parson, or a sardine, or a bloated bond holder, pr an-Egyptian mummy? . Does if suppose that ,the weight of some eight score years has any more effect on the vital energies of George Knaggs than a fly; has on the back of an elephant? In ' spite of j Barney , Goldsmith's lecture, on Knaggs. the. people of ? .Portland ' have much to learn about him. The Chronicle, would like to have a correspondent 'in every neighborhood in Wasco, Sherman, -Gilliam, Morrow, Crook and Klickitat ' counties. Send on your local news, grange news, -alliance news or anything interesting tnd profit able to the public 'With such-brains as we have neither time nor money is spared irr the effort to -make the .best newspaper published east of the mountains and in the accomplish nient of this, object KMlr readers Can greatly help as by furnishing the happenings of their Own neighbor hood, i Semi-us the newsin any shape; r we .will undertake to make it presentable. to.our readers, 'i-..-' ... -. ' '- u trt tt fit There SM:.tipv wbn forbearance cease, to be in virtue,-bnt .neveiv..when you are bothering somebody else., . r