The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 01, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered Kt the Postafflce at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Jovernoi S. Penuover
Secretary of State. . . . U.V. McBride
Treasurer Phillip Metuchan
iiiilit. of 1'ublie Instruction K. 11. MrElroy
enators "J J.N. Dolph
,nator'' j. H. Mitchell
Congressman B. Hermann
Statu Printer Frank Baker
County Judge'.: C. N. Thombary
ttheriff D. L. Cates
Clerk J. B. Crossen
Treasurer Geo. Kuch
Commoner l&nk'finEfd
Assessor John . Barnett
Surveyor E. F. Bharp
Superintendent of Public Bchools. . .Trov Hhellev
Coroner William Miehetl
The Chronicle is the Only Paper in
The Dalles that Receives the Associated
Press Dispatches.
What is one man's meat is another
man's poison is a very trite and homely
proverb but it applies with peculiar
force to the question of a protective
tariff. From a strictly non-partisan
stand-point it seems hardly fair to And
fault with the -McKinley bill because, as
the New York Evening Pout alleges, it
ha.3 raised the price of such household
necessities as meats, flour, potatoes
butter and other domestic products
about fifteen per cent. During the pas
sage of the bill both its friends and foes
protested they were fighting in the
interest of the producers. If, as the
i'utl insinuates, higher prices for farm
products have resulted through the suc
cess of the protectionists, we submit,
that in all fairness, low tariff men should
be the last to complain. If these latter
really had the interest of the farmer at
heart when they fought for a low tariff
or a tariff for revenue only, they will
now rejoice at better prices and the
prospec t of still better for farm products,
no matter by what means these prices
were brought about. It is nothing but
demagogy and the most contemptible
form of partisanship to appeal to the
working classes who are not farmers and
pointing to higher prices for such articles
as we have named say "Behold the effect
of a high tariff." The fact is, apart
from all politics, nothing gives us greater
hope for the prosperity of the whole
country in times to come than the pros
prospect of better prices for everything
the farmer has to sell. When the
farmer is prosperous, the whole country
is prosperous, and the man who loves
his country's prosperity better than
his party will rejoice in any honorable
measure that will accomplish this
Mr. William Holder, state lecturer for
the grange returned yesterday from at
tending the meeting of the state grange
just held at Hillsboro. He says it was
the largest and most enthusiastic meet
ing the grange has had for nianv years.
Reports from all quarters showed that
the order was never in a more prosper
ous condition. He attributes this largely
to the fact that the grange continues to
keep aloof from all political entangle
ments. In common .with many others
Mr. H;lder believes that no secret so-
steadfast adherence to this policy will
canse the grange to continue in vigorous
existence when other political farmers'
organizations shall have passed away.
As an order, therefore, the grange will
not affiliate with any third party move
ment, while individual members are left
free to do as they please. Such a course
make the grange a poor field for the tal
ents of the chronic office-seeker or the
disgruntled politician, but the order will
suffer nothing on this account. A vote
was taken on Wednesday on the question,
Where shall we hold our next annual
Meeting? and The Dalles lost it by only
one ballot. Salem was the place chosen.
A committee was appointed to draft a
new assessment law which would be
satisfactory to the grangers. The mem
bers of this committee are Judge Boise,
R. A. Irvine of Albany and J. Voorhees,
of Woodburn. Printed copies of the
bill will, in due time, be distributed
among the grangers, so that its provis
ions mav 1 thnrntivhlv luniLiunl 'KAnHA
f f ... u- n.: i:v,Vi WAVl v
the next election, and those only sup
ported for office who will pledge them
selves in its favor. If the bill should
prove satisfactory to the grangers it may
nit no important figure in the next elec
tion. If the grange shall succeed in
framing and passing a good assessment
law they will have done no small service
to the country. -We are. pleased to find
them engaged in this work and wish
them abundant success.
The East Oregonian says :" JThe pros
perity of a free people can never depend
upon 'putting money in circulation,' or
'liberal appropriations wisely made.,' "
This may be a very, sound maxim, of
political economy for aught we know,
but the philosopher of the East Ore
gonian will have a heap of trouble in
convincing the people of these parts that
an appropriation, sufficiently "liberal"
to finish the Cascade Locks and open the
Columbia river to navigation and so
"wisely made-' that the. 'appropriation",
shall be contingent upon the "'M'brkabe.
i'ng finished Vy.Wt(ac'puli not be a
very-great stimulus to frkiii prosperity bf
the people of thelnland Empire.
When he gambles.
When he thinks he is a " masher."
When he won't pay his honest debts.
When he plays at another man's game.
When he imagines himself a Jay
When he imagines himself an encyclo
pedia. When he thinks he is a better man
than any one else.
When" he can put his name to an un
known man's note.
When he laughs and jeers at another
man's failings.
When he talks politics to the detri
ment of his business.
When he tries to be a dude on a salary
or ?11 a month.
When he thinks he is the only Christ'
ian pillar in town.
When he tries to tell what mean peo
ple his neighbors are.
When . he uses profane . language to
empnasizean ordinary remark.
When he thinks the world is a hard.
mean, bad place, just because he has the
When he says another man is a fool
and scoundrel before analyzing his own
doubtful record.
When he attempts to pass himself off
as a single man and has. a wife and six
children at home.
When he thinks he can keep a familv
Lof 'nine children and three saloons on
one dollar a day.
When he pays ten dollars for soap to a
man on the streets.
When he tries to cut ice and drink
whiskey at the same time.
When he takes another man to be a
bigger fool than himself.
When he thinks he can spend as much
money as a man who makes ten times
his salary.
When he keeps his children from
school because their clothes are a little
When he thinks others will do more
for him than they can do for themselves.
When he does "not take his home paper
because he has some little dislike for the
When he thinks that Major Handbury
is a friend of the portage road.
When he thinks he can get as much
news in any other paper as he can in
the Chboniclk.
When he thinks he can do a succesful
business without advertising.
When he thinks his life is safe in rid
ing on the Union Pacific railroad.
Secretary Foster appears to be getting
what the boys call "rattled" over the
condition of the treasury. To quiet the
alarm created by the announcement that
he intended to extend the out-standing
4a per cent bonds at 2 per cent, instead
of receeming them when they mature
September the first next, which would
have been done under Cleveland's admin
istration, he had his director of mint fur
nish a statement to the press which
made it appear that the enormous sum
of $258,000,000 was available to pay any
debts or appropriation. This was so
absurd that Mr. Foster had himself in
terviewed in order that he might say
that he did not altogether endorse that
statement. He then proceeds to figure
out an available cash surplus of $70,000,
000 and to naively inform the countrv
that he also considers the $100,000,000 in
gold, which has always been regarded as
a reserve held against the $360,000,000
greenbacks in circulation, to be available
cash, and that he will not hesitate to use
it if it comes to a pinch. Notwithstand
ing these statements the daily balance
sheet of the treasury shows a surplus of
less than $12,000,000.
Baby is sick. The woeful expression
of a Des Moines teamster's countenance
showed his deep anxiety was not entire
ly without cause, when he inquired of a
druggist of the same city what was best
to give a baby for a cold? It was not ne
cessary for him to say more, his counte
nance showed that the pet of the family,
if not the idol of his life was in distress.
"We give our baby Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy," was the druggist's answer.
"I don't like to give the baby such strong
medicine," said the teamster. You know
John Oleson, of the Watters-Talbot Print
ing Co., don't you? inquired the drug
gist. "His baby, when eighteen months
old, got hold of a bottle of Chamberlain's
though Kemedy and drank the whole of
it. Of course it made the baby vomit
very freely but did not injure it in the
least, and what is more, it cured the ba
by's cold. The teamster already knew
the value of the Remedy, having used it
himself, and was now satisfied that there
was no danger in giving it even to a
baby. For sale by Snipes & Kinersly.
Having leased the Mount Hood hotel
at Hood River, I would respectfully call
the attention of the traveling public to
the fact that the house is being thorough
ly renovated and will be onen for the re
ception of guests on or about M iv 1st,
and I would most respectfully solicit a
snare 01 vne puDlic patronage. Nothing
will be over-looked for the comfort of
guests. George Herbert.
Removal Notice.
J. H. Cross has removed his feed store
to corner Second and Union streets. He
desired te invite his patrons and friends
to tnenew stand where he has increased
facilities for doing business he also de
sires to return his thanks to his customers
and friends for their liberal patronage
and hopes by fair dealing to merit a con
tinuance of the same.
R. E. French has for sale a number of
improved ranches and unimproved
lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood
in Sherman county. They will be sold
very cheap and on reasonable terms.
Mr. French can locate settlers on some
good unsettled claims in the same neigh
borhood. His address is Grass Valley,
Sherman county, Oregon. j
To the Public.
Notice is herebv riven that all th
barber shops of The Dalles will be closed
in luture on Sundays.
Strawberries by the box, crate or ton
at Joles Bros.
Remember that you are not game just
because some big man makes you quail.
Of course the lftnrllarltr Ariwtg im,-, n
plank down your board "money.
13 A "UTHafC ie now running a steam
tV U. EMfiltO Farry .between Hood
River and White Salmon. -stTfwir&es
reasonable. R. O. Evans, Prop.
Why One Old Metro Coulrj Not Write ataci
Another Could Not Cotint-
Two stories characteristic of the negro
were told in the smoke room of a trans
atlantic steamer. -
Said a gentleman from New Orleans
'1 stood on the levee in our city one
morning while the paymaster of a river
steamer was engaged in paying off the
"As each man presented himself at the
cashier's window the paymaster asked
the question whether he would sign his
name or make his mark. If he was un
able to write the paymaster, of course,
subscribed the name and left a place for
the man to place a cross.
You must recollect that since the
close of the war and the establishment
of schools for freedmen the negroes of
the south are very unwilling to admit
ignorance upon their part.
"The payment of the men proceeded
without incident until one yonng up
country darky presented himself at the
window in response to the calling of the
nam Eugene Jackson.
" 'Will you write your name or make
a cross, Jackson? said the paymaster.
" Til write my name.' replied the
"The pen was handed to him and the
place for his signature was carefully
pointed oat on the pay roll.
"The man took the pen clumsily,
dipped it in the ink, looked at it and
then at the pay roll and finally laid it
down on the desk.
' 'What time is it?" he asked, looking
up at the paymaster.
" 'It is just 10 o'clock. was the reply.
"' 'Well, then.' said the darky. '1 guess
I ain't got time to write my name. - I've
got to meet a man at the custom house
at 12 o'clock, and I guess Til just make a
"The custom house," said the .New
Orleans man, in conclusion, "is about ten
minutes' walk from' where the man was
"That reminds me of a little expe
rience 1 once had with a negro,' said a
brick manufacturer of a little town up
the Hudson, who chanced to be of the
"We called the man 'old Uncle Ned,
continued the speaker. "He was a dear
old white headed fellow, with a bent back
and about seventy years old at the time
the incident I am about to relate oc
curred. "He had lived in a little shanty in the
town for years and did odd jobs at
whitewashing, masonry work and va
rious other things.
"One day I wanted a man to stack
some brick for me in piles of a thousand
each, and to turn a little something in
the way of Uncle Ned I hired him for
the job.
'Can you count. Ned? I asked him
after I had told him what I wanted.
'Yes. indeed. I kin, massa," the old
fellow replied with a chuckle. I kin
count right smart, and he ran off the
numerals up to ten glibly enough.
"Ned began his task and worked
steadily for some hours. 1 looked out
of my office window after awhile and
saw that he had far exceeded his number
of a thousand bricks to a stack.
"I walked out to see about it. He was
hard of hearing and did not detect my
approach as I came up behind him. I
drew nearer and overheard him say, as
he lay each brick on the stack: 'A nuddei
an' a nudder, and der goes a nudder. A
nudder, an' a nudder. and der goes a
" 'What in the world are you doing.
Ned? I asked.
" 'Countin' de bricks, massa,' he re
plied, as he continued, 'A nudder an a
nudder, and der goes a nudder.'
"But, Ned, you can't count bricks that
way; that is not counting. I thought
you could count one. two, three, four,
etc. . .
' Yes, I dun tole you 1 could count,
an' so I did up to ten, but Ned's pretty
ole now, massa, an' after ten he dun for
get his schoolln', an so he counts a
nudder, an' a nudder, an der goes a
"There was something pathetic about
the poor old follow's speech." continued
the speaker. "Of course I paid him for
his day's work," he added; "but 1 had
to have his stack of bricks recounted, and
had to give the balance of the job to a
couple of twelve-year-old boys, who were
more expert at figures than he." New
York Herald.
English Hospital Statistic.
Taking the quantity of medicine used
at St. Bartholomew's hospital, London,
an a fair criterion of the medicine used
per patient, the quantities of medicine
used every year in the hospitals of this
country are as follows: Ointment, 80.000
pounds; cod liver and castor oils and va
rious kinds of mixtures and lotions, etc.,
150,000 gallons: upward of half a million
pills, and between thirty and forty tons
of linseed. Mr. H. C. Burdett estimates
that the hospitals of the kingdom have
invested property worth ten millions.
Their income is nearly a million and a
quarter per annum.
The expenditure per bed varies most
strangely. It is least in Scotland and
greatest in an Irish institution. At
Westminster it is only 70 per bed; at
University College hospital it is 110 per
bed; at the Royal Surrey County hospi
tal it is 111; at the Devon and Exeter
51, and about the same at the South
Devon and East Cornwall hospital.
London Tit-Bits.
' ; "Accident Will Happen.
Did you note that dispatch from At
chison. Kan., relating how "Mrs. Ellen
Patton, a local poetess of considerable
note, dislocated her jaw this morning
while yawning?" Did you observe that
record . of how Rnfu G-etheriuye. ,ol
Worcester, Mass.. "broke the small bone
of his left leg in stepping out of bed?'
Did you reflect upon the solemn fact that
Colonel Warton, of Jefferson, Mo:; while
picking hi teeth "'with a wooden tooth
pick, drew it down into his lungs and
died of .sJtranOTlation?; .. ..This: brief arti
cle is, simply ntended to show how, in
me miusi or . me, you- may ue'-some-
where else. Cincinnati -Enquirer.-;. 'i-T- u'l
(Successor to B. BECK.
Jewelry, Diamonds,
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry
Repaired and Warranted.
165 Second St.. The Dalles, Or.
The Dalles
Gigaf : factory,
fTr. A DO of the Best Brands
xY-JAjKZ' manufactured, and
orders from all parts of the country filled
on the shortest notice.
The reputation of THE DALLES CI
GAR has become firmly established, and
the demand for the home manufactured
article is increasing every day.
Garpets ag Fumiture,
And be Satisfied as to
R. B. Hood,
Livery, Feed and Sale
Horses Bought and Sold on
Commission and Money
Advanced on Horses
left For Sale. ,
The Dalles and Goldendale Stage Line.
Stare Leaves The Dalles every morning
at 7:30 and Goldendale at 7:30. All
freight must be left at R. B.
Hood's office tb evening
R. B. HOOD, Proprietor.
Qaijdy paetory,
W. S. CRAM, Proprietor.
(Successor to Cram & Corson.)
Manufacturer of the finest French and
Home Made
East of Portland.
Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco.
Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesale
or Retail
In Every Style.
104 Second Street, The Dalles, Or.
John Pashek,
jnerGixaiit Tailor.
Third Street, Opera Block. -
Madison's Latest System,
Used in cutting garments, and a fit
guaranteed each. tune. ;
Repairing and Cleaning
iaeauy ana vuicKiy tione.
The Dalles Mercantile Co.,
Successors to BROOKS & BEERS, Dealers in
General Merchandise,
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,
Gems' Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, "etc.
Groceries,. Hardware,
Provisions, Flour, Bacon,
Of all Kinds at Lowest Market Rates.
Free Delivery to Boat and Curs and all parts of the (&ty.
390 afid 394 Second Street
We are NOW OPENING a full line of
Black 'anJ Colore! Henrietta Clous, Sateens, Ginghams and Calico,
and a large stock of Plain,
Swiss and
in Black and White,. for
fden's and Boy's Spring and Summer Clothing, fleekmear anri Hosier
ver Shirts, TJnderWoar, Eto. '
A Splendid Line of
We also call vnnr n.t.t.ant.inn tr Ht.
tiuki.i' . f n r j v , rT i
w.o i oy xwois ana
Goods to be sold at rrice to onir .h tio
Next Door to The Dalles National Bank.
loseoe & Gibons,
Canned Goods, Preserves, Pickles, Etc.
Country Produce Bought and Sold.
, Goods delivered Free to any part of the City.
Masonic Block, Corner Third and
Has Opened a
Lixrxoli Counter,
In Connection With his Fruit Stand
and Will Serve
Hot Coffee, Ham Sandwich, Pigs' Feet,
and Fresh Oysters.
Convenient to the Passenger
On Second St., near corner of Madison.
Also a
Branch Bakery, California
Orange Cider, and the
Best Apple Cider.
If yon want a good lunch, give me a call.
Open all Night
The Ladies' Tailor
School of Dress Cutting
Mrs. Brown's Dressmallna Parlors,
0or. Fourth and Union Sts.,
The Dalles, Or.
Each scholar can bring in her own
dress and is taught to cut, baste and fin
ish complete.
They are also taught to cut the seam
less waist, dartless basque, French bias
darts and most every form of sleeve.
(y In the dressmaking department I
keep only competent help.
Dress Cutting a Specialty.
Phil Willig,
, Keeps on hand a full line of
Ready - Made Clothing.
Pants and Suits ' -
On Reasonable Terms.
Call and see my Goods before
purchasing elsewhere.
H. Glenn has lemoved his
office and the office of: the
Electric LigTit Co. to ' Y2
Washington. &t'ii'&;u-n'
Embroidered and Plaided
Ladiea' and Misses' wear.
Felt and Straw Hats.
f t -i i ., , .
uauico miu vmiaren's Snoes and
noes ana Slippers, and nlentv of other
yy ' pieniy oi oiner
Court Streets, The Dalles, Oregon.
Real Estate and
Insoranee Agents.
Abstracts of. and Information Concern
ing Land Titles on Short Notice.
Land for Sale and Houses to Rent
Parties Looking for Homes in
Bu0iqe00 Location,
Should Call on or Write to as.
Agents for a Full Line of
LeaJiflf Fire Insurance Companies,
And Will Write Insurance for
on all
Correspondence Solicited. All Letters
Promptly Answered. Call on or
Opera House Block, The Dalles, Or.
Late Rec. U. 8. Land Office. Notary Public
Poatofflce Box 3SB,
pilings, Contests,
' And all other Business in the U. S. Land Office ,
Promptly Attended to. -
We have ordered Blanks for Filings.
Entries and the purchase of Railroad
Lands under the recent Forfeiture Act,
which we will have, and advise the pub
lic at the earliest date when such entries
can be made. Look for advertisement
in this paper.
Thomburv & Hudscif.
$500 Re-ward !
We will pay the above reward for any case of
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, 8ick Headache, In
digestion, Constipation or Costiveiiess we cannot
cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the
directions are strictly complied with. They are
purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfac
tion. Sugar Coated. Large boxes containing 80
Pills, 25 cents. Beware of counterfeits and imi
tations. The genuine manufactured only by
.LLLINOI8.. . . . .. ' , .
" ' ' . ..PBripUoii DrURirUta,
iitffSnA BU The Iallea. Or.
the peop