The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 01, 1891, Page 1, Image 1

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4 fl
NO. 153.
The Dalles Dally Chronicle.
4- $ Published Dally, Sunday Excepted.
Corner Second and Washington Streets,
Dulles, Oregon.
Term of Subscription.
Per Year
Per month, by currier
Single copy : . . .
6 00
. Su
. . 6
Kail road.
. Ho. 2, Arrives 12:4S A. 1
'S " 12: la P. 1
-. Departs 12:5T a. m.
111:35 P. u.
No. 1, Arrives 4:40 A. M.
Departs 4:50 A. M.
" 5:80 rVJt.
" 7, 0:10 f. m.
Two local freights that carry tmssenrers leave
ne for the' west at 7:45 A. M., and one for the
-east atM A. M.
For Prineville, via. Bake Oveu, leave daily
(except Sunday) at ' a. h.
for Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City; leave
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 a. h.
. For Dufur, Ktnfrsley, Wamic, Wupinitia, Warm
Springs and Tygh Valley, leave daily (except
Bundav) at 6 A. M .
For lioldendnle, Wash., leave every clay of the
week except Sundnv at 8 a. m.
Ottices for all lines at the Umatilla Mouse.
eneral Dclivrey Window. ..... .8
to 7 p. m.
, to 4 p. m.
to 10 a. m.
Money Order
ttumiay J. D.
9 a. in.
By trains going Kast. .....9p.m. and
" " .Westi..., 9 p.m. and
M "Stage for Ooldendale
.. "Prineville
".Dufur and W arm Sprlnfra..
" fLeavinn for Lyle fc Hart land.
" " " JAntelope..........
11:45 a. m.
4 :4.r p. m.
.7:30 a. m.
.6:30 a. m.
.5:80 a. m.
.5:80 a. m.
5:30 a. m.
Except Sunday.
fTTi-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and
" Monday Wednesday and
lor. Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 11
a. M. and 7:80 P. M. SHbbath School at 12 M.
Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7
Co RTiH, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11
'a.m. and 7 p. M. Sunday School after morning
ervice. Strangers cordially invited. Seat free.
ME. CHURCH Rev. H. Brown, Pastor.
Services every Sunday mprning and even
ing. Bunduy School at V2l4 o'clock M. A cordial
invitation is extended by both pastor and people
to all.
ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Union Street, opposite
Fifth. Rev. Eli D. Bu tali tie Rector. Services
every Hundav at 11 a. if. and 7:30 p. M. Sunday
School Vt:U0 P. u. Evening Prayer on Friday at
7:30 .
r,bT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Bbohs
O gekst Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at
ill. k. High Mass at 10:30 a. m. Vespers at
7. '.
ASSEMBLY NO. 2870, K. t)F L. Meets In K.
of P. hall Tuesdays at 7:30 P. M.
TTAf,co IDGE, NO. 15, A. F. & A. M. Meets
Y V rtrst and third Monday of each month at 7
r. M. -' .. . ,
1 J Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday
of each month at 7 P. M.
Mt. Hood Camp No. 59, Meets Tuesday even
ing of each week in I. O. O. F. Hull, at 7:30 P. M.
COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets
every Friday evening at 7 :30 o'clock. In Odd
Fellows hall, Second street, between Federal and
Washington. Sojourning brothers . are welcome.
H. A. Bills, Sec y R. U. Clostkk, N. G. .
FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets
every Monday evening at. 7:30 o'clock, in
.Sehanno's building, corner of Court and Second
streets. Sojourning members are cordially in
vited. Go. T. Thompson,
D. W. V auss, Sec'y. . . , ' ; C. C.
UNION will meet every Friday afternoon
at S o'clock at the reading room.' . All are invited.
TEMPLE LODGE NO. 3, A..O.-U. W. Meets
at K. of P. Hall, Corner Second and Court
Streets, Thursday avenings at 7 :30.
John Filloon.",
W, 8. MYERS, Financier. ; , - M. W.
.Ai'JL GaON. ' Office; rooms 5 and 6 Chapman
Block. Residence over McFarlaud & French's
store. Office hours 9 to la A. M., a to 5 and 7 to
1 8 P. M.
I 1 " - y z c rHTHiuiAn inu buh-
. lice in Schanno's building, up stairs. : The
Dalles, Oregon. - , .
sician and hUKOEON. Office Hours i '9
to 12 A. M' :-l to 4, and 7 to 8 p' M. Calls answered
promptly dny or night' Office; upstairs in Chap
man Block' ,
-VS SIDDALL Dentist. Gas given for the
'Jm nainless extraction of teeth. Also teeth
.set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of
the Golden Tooth, Second Street.
R. THOMPSON Attorney-at-law. Office
in Opera House Block, Washington Street.
he Dalles, Oregon -''-'.' ''
neys-at-law. Offices, French's block over
First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon.
i '. IlJ nbys-at-law Rooms Nos. 71,73, 75 and 77,
1 Vogt Blocks Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.
WH. WILSON Attorney-at-Law Rooms
52 and iia. New Voirt Block. Second Street.
yllie Dalles, Oregon. :
W. & T. JllSGOY,
.'-"'-. ' . .. ; : ' r .
Hot and Cold
e b k r pi s ; -
1 10 second' street.
t lii 'I 'JI'. 'Xl-l'C') ,
Moalble rUea1irV'i' inJojrmattooj fcpr to Uu
Our Different Departments are
full of Bargains!
' ' ,.
Ladies'Jersey Vests
At 15c. Each.
Also a Leader in
Hadies J-kse,
(Perfectly Fast Black.)
2 Pair for 25 Cents.
We have a few more of
left, ' 16 Yards for $1.00.
your selections.
... JtaeFAliRHD
OTH DttliliES, Wash.
Situated at the Head of Navigation.
In the Inland Empire.
Best Selling' iProperty of the Season
m i;he Northwest.
; . For further information call ait the office of
Interstate Investment Co.,
Or 72 Washington St., PORTLAND, Or.
Columbia Ice Co.
IC333 t ICS 23 !
Having over 1000 tona of ice on band,
we are now prepared to receive orders,
wholesale or retail, to , be delivered
through the summer. Parties contract
ing -with us will be carried through the
entire , season without advance in
pbice, and niay depend that we have
nothing but--
Vpube Healthful, ice, t
Cut from mountain wa.ter j no slough or
slush ponds. .
".Leave -orders at the Columbia Candv
Factory 104 Second . street. ; - ;
' - -AW. S. CRAM, Manager. -
PreBirtent. .. .. Vice-President. Cashier.
" First Jialionai Bai.
A General Banking Business transacted
. Depoerita received, subject to Sight ;
. . . Draft or 'Check. ' ' .
Collections made and proceeds promptly
, remitte'd pn day of collection. -
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San. Francisco and Port- .
'''. . land. -.. . . ,
D. P. Thompson. ? . "Jno.-S Schkkck.
X. W. Sparks. Geo. A. Likbe.
.. , . H.- M. Beam;. ; '
Letters of Credit issued available in the
.. . Eastern States.
: OSight rOExcbange M and Teiifcraphic
Transfers sol don New York, Chicago, Stj
ifW1'? JortlanAXegon,
Seattle W ash., and various points in Or
wron. and Waahinsrton. .. ; 1
V.,J JA '
(Jollectiona made at all pointa on fat -
those Beautiful Challies
Call early, and make
to be
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order.
. 138 Second St., The Dalles, Or.
The Daljes Ice Co.,
.Cor. Third and UdIcq Streets,
Having a sufficient, quantity of Ice to
supply-the city we are now; prepared to
receie orders to be delivered during the
coining summer. Parties -con ti acting
with us can depend oh' being supplied
through the entire .season ana may de
pend that we have flothing-bntr r ' '
Out froth' m'ouutain water ; "no 'sroligh or
slush ponds. ; j ' ' '
' We are receiving orders ..dafiy and
solicit a continuance of the same. -'
. H. J. 1IAIE3, Manager.
Office, corner Third and .Union streets.
Notice to Taxpayers.
1 assessment roll for 1891, In School District
No. 12, Wasco county, jOregon Is now In the
ox xne scnooi cierK auu open iur iupw
All cersoiis . doeirine a cbanire in their
assessinents re hereby required h appear before
the directors who will sit as a board of equaliza
tion oniMondny, Tuesday, and , Wednesday, the
1st, 2d and 3d day of ,nne,.li91, and show .cause
wny weir assessment snonia ue cuHugwi."xwi
tively no reductkma..wiU be allowed after
Wednesday, June 3d. - 1
,1 - T Order ol-UeUlretor. I
' - - J. M. HUMTINOTOK.'
Strong Prospect that " Boss Lota a "
Has Been Downed and that Con
solidation Has Carried.
A Lively Fire at Huntington in this
State Sir John's Condition No
Better Blaine Goes to Maine.
Portland, June 1. An election is be
ing held here today for the purpose of
determining whether the three munici
palities of Portland, East Portland and
Albina, shall be consolidated into one
city or not. A stro.ig fight is being
made both by consolidationists and anti
consolidationists. . The polls do not
close till six o'clock and the result will
not be known till late tonight.
An unusual heavy vote was polled
dnriDg the forenoon. The indications at
noon were that consolidation will carry.
Three arrests have been made, two for
selling liquor and one for illegal voting.
Rerxirts from East Portland and Al
bina indicates that consolidation will
also have a majority in each city.
It is reported that the anti-consolida-tionists
are concentrating their strength
in East Portland this afternoon, having
given up the fight in Portland.
At 2 :30 this afternoon the indications
are that consolidation will carry in Port
land and East Portland by good ma
jorities, also that the vote in Albina is
favorable to consolidation.
A Fire Today loe Ten Thousand Jol
. lara Damage.
Portland, June. 1. A special from
Huntington, Oregon, to "the Evening
Telegram says that shortly after Doon
today a fire started in the barn of Isen
lioffer & Cropper, butchers, consuming
the barn "and meat market, the Chinese
store of Chung Lon, the dwelling house
of Geo. Dun lap, and -the New Commer
cial hotel. Three head of horses belong-,
ing to Isenhoffer & Cropper were burnt.
The totel loss is estimated at $10,000.
There is some insurance. The cause" of
the fire is unknown. .
The Great Scandal Caae on Trial.
London f June 1 . The famous Baccarat
scandal trial, otherwise the action of
Sir William Gordon Cu minings against
Mr. and Mrs. Lycett Green, Mrs. Anthur
Wilson and Berkelay Laved for slander
was commenced before Lord Chief Just
ice Coleridge today.
. After the Prince of Wales had entered
the court room the jury was sworn and
the case was ppened.
The I lilted States Want a Coaling; Sta
tion. Chicago, June 1. A dispatch from
Washington says that an' offer be made
to lease Pt. Santa Barbara for a coaling
station and in case of acceptance by the
Dominion Republic possession, will be
taken at once and congress will be asked
to appropriate the necessary sums to
erect adry dock, coaling wharves ami
Canada Needing Kain.
. Tokoxto, June 1. Reports from the
various parts of the country state that
crops are suffering greatly from the long
continued drought. If rain does not fall
within a week, the consequences, it is
said will be serious.
The Rebellion at an Knd.
New York, June 1. Minister Price,
of Hayti, has received a dispatch from
Port Au Prince, stating that the rebellion
which broke out there recently, has been
suppressed and forty rebels were execu
ted. ' : -
Why do They Want Him?
St. John, N. B., June 1. Sir Leonard
Ti'.ly, lieutenant governor of this prov
ince,, has been hastily 1 summoned to
Ottawa. Nothing definite : can . be
learned as to the object of his mission. -
The Great Premier No Worse.
, Ottawa, June 1.- Sir John. MacDonald
slept more than usual during the night.
His symptoms this .'morning shown no
change from yesterday. :
Itlalne ia .Better.
.New York, June. rSecretary ,;Baipe,
accompanied by Mrs. Blaine and Mrs.
Damrosch, left ; this ' morning for Bar
Harbor, Maine. :. ' . . '
- . ii . -(
Canada's GO. Bf. Kapldly Sinking.
Ottawa,. Ont;, June-1. At .l. .p..,m.
Sir John is gradually growing weaker and
it is thought that he cannot last 'much'
longer. " ' . ' ' - -
Weather Forecast."
. San,. ,Franciscq, Jane c, J,. Forecast
for Oregon and Washington, light
nuns. '-' i ' , ''
,' . 'San Franclaco Market.
. ."8ak ,,hcisco, " JJrine ' l;i.-av
r John's Organ Discusses the Work !
of His Possible Successor. !
Tobonto, June 1. Discussing the
question what will follow in the event j
of Sir John MacDonald's death, the !
(Jlobe, the principal organ of the liberal
party, says : '-'Hints which have been '
thrown out about coalation are out of j
tho question. The liberals would not I
coalesce except upon a clear understand- I
ing that the national policy should be
abandoned in favor of free trade with i
the United States. Whoever Sir John's
successor may be the task before him is
one extraordinarily difficult. The lib
erals are prepared for putting public
consolidation first, to do everything that
is fair and reasonable, but they cannot
be expected to condone things which
they have condemned or to support a
fiscal policy which they know to. be
Who Will Handle the Money.
Philadklphia, June 1. Richard G.
Oellers the choice of county commis
sioners and city council for city treasurer
to succeed Bardsley, took possession of
the city treasury this morning. The
qnestion as to whether Oellers or Wright
appointed by George Pattison has the
right to fill the vacancy, will be brought
before the court today. A decision is
expected by the supreme court by next
Downfall of a Young Man With
Expensive Tastes.
New York, May ; 30. A remarkable
career of crime ends today with the
sending of Dav d Waldo Fierce to Sing
Sing, sentenced to hard labor for three
years for stealing a diamond scarf pin
valued at $ 250. Pierce is good looking,
well educated, 19 vears old. and from an
excellent Boston family. Enough in
dictments are banging over him to keep
him in jail the rest of his natural life.
He came here, entered a course of wild
dissipation with rich young men, and!
soon acquired expensive , tastes. He
then began a system of petty swindles
to keep up with "the fellows." About
one month ago he was arrested by the
police as wanted by a man to whom he
sold a valuable ring for a large' amount,
and by a young woman from whom he
stole a valuable scarfpin. He pleaded
guilty to the latter charge and was sen
tenced as told above. 1 Among other ex
ploits,'he married a young girl, and de
serted her the next day after stealing
her savings.
Movements of the Charleston.
Washington, May 30. No advices
from the Charleston were receivsd at the
navy department today, and she is prob
ably still at Callao coaling. -No inform
ation can be obtained at the department
as to what instructions have been sent
ber, but the opinion is that she has re
ceived orders to discontinue her efforts
to capture the Itata, and it is believed
that an arrangement for the peaceful sur
render of the itata has been made, and
that she will be turned over to this gov
ernment for trial. The Charleston
bhould finish coaling today, and if her
machinery is in order, proceed on her
voyage, but to what point cannot be
learned here. Some think Bhe will pro
ceed to Iquique, while others express the
opinion that she will return to San Fran
cisco arid be held in readiness for duty
in Hehring sea, shou.dher services be re
quired there.
Crops in California.
Sacramento, May 30. The crop report
by the State Agricultural Society says:
Northern California hay, strawberries
and cherries were slightly damaged by
rain but the benefit to grain more than
offsets the damage to hay that was down
and fruits that were ripe. Southern
California fruit trees show up better
than several weeks ago, especially apri
cots and peaches, but the riening of
fruits is still retarded by the cool cloudy
weather. Warmth and suashine are
needed to more rapidly advance fruit
ripening. Grapes are beginning to
Sad Day at Johnstown.
Johnstown, i'a.. May 30. The day
here was doubly sad, being observed
both in honor of dead soldiers and in
mourning for the thousands of lost in the
flood of two years ago tomorrow. Many
newspapers correspondents were here.
They formed a general flood association ,
and next vear a . memorial service and
dinner will be held in Pittsburg.
The Countess Must Act.
London, May '30. In an interview to
day Mr.' Harris, manager, said Belle
Billon, who married Viscount Dnnlo,
and who, by the death yesterday of the
Earl of Clancarty, 'became Countess
Clancarty, is under contract with him to
play for a year. The terms of the con
tract', Harris declares, will be enforced.
If Belle Billon' breaks the contract she
will have to pay a heavy forfeit. '
( The May Debt Statement.
.... ,VA8,HJtNGTON..May 30. The May debt
statement, to be issued Monday, will
show an apparent increase, of $250,000 in
the debt since the 1st i net. ; This is due
to the fact that the disbursements dur
ing the monthhave .been unusually
large, leaving less money in the treasury
juay by about -toe, amount stated
av&iiauie ior uie payment oi me aeoi.
Anarchy Among Cannibals., . ,
.. 'iMARSJsiLLS.'t' May 30.-e-The -'.'steamer
from New Hebrides Islands ih the South
Pacific', bringr ad-rioes ior tW -effeqf 'that
ajjtate Of anarchy'prWausithere Sbm
erous conflicts have -occurred, in which
69 native were ? ifeillecL,' Irjr eah jcas
tab bodies of the dead were eaten by the
Senator Mitchell Thinks he Will be Ite
nomlnated Blaine Ont of the Race.
San Francisco, May 30. Senator
Mitchell, of Oregon, who is in the city,
when asked, " Do you think that Presi
dent Harrison will be renominated?"
declined at first to say. In response to
the question, " Is Mr. Blaine out of the
race, and is he as sick as reported?" he
said :
The reports of Mr. Blaine's illness are
undoubtedly exaggerated. I saw him
near the White house just before he left
for Nei York. -He was pleasant and
genial, as he always is, but his face had
a peculiar ashen color and wearied look
which undoubtedlv cume from hard
work. He is sick, but he has no mortal
malady. Iain convinced of that just as
I am satisfied that he has no presidential
aspirations. He has given them up.
There is practically nothing to stop the
president's nomination. To le candid,
under theee circumstances, 1 think that
he will be the man. I agree with the
opinion of Senator Ingal In, expressed in
his letter to the republican editors of
Kansas, that Harrison will again be the
standard bearer. Who the democrats
will nominate 1 am not in a position to
express a sound opinion upon, but it
looks like Cleveland.
When attked what figure the third
party movement, the farmers' alliance,
would cut in the campaign, the senator
remarked :
From a republican standpoint it is a
menace to success. There is danger that
they may carry Nebraska, Kansas and
perhaps one other western state hereto
fore republican, and possibly one South
ern state, which, of course, would throw
the election into the house. I have no
faith, however, that any Southern state
will go for the alliance electors.
A Letter From Our Mary.
New York, May 30. Mary Anderson
De Navarro writes to a friend in this
city denying 'the report p lblished re
cently to the effect that she is in abject
misery, etc. The letter concludes as fol
lows: "We have taken a deligbtful house
here in Kent, where we expect to live
ior a long time to come. 1 am also
happy in thinking 1 am done forever
with the glare and duplicitv of the staue
Snort buvift.
One of the leading banking firms in
Paris, on the recommendation of a Lon
don correspondent, engaged an Engliaii
clerk of the name of Stephenson." For
about three years the man's punctuality
was altogether unprecedented. He came
to his work at 9 in tUe momiirr and did
Dot leave the office before the last stroke
of 5. He was not a man, he was a clock.
Besides, during the whole time he never
asked for a holiday. One fim; morning,
however, to the great surpri:;e of his su
perior, Stephenson blushingly craved
permission to absent himself for an hour
oh the following day.
Next day at 12 he left the office. It
was observed that a carriage stood wait
ing for him at the door. . At 1 o'clock he
drove up again in the same carriage and
resumed his calculations as cool and self
possessed as if nothing had happened.
This short absence pnzzled the - brains of
all the employes in the bank. The prin
cipal himself, eager to obtain the solu
tion of the enigma, invited this paragon
of clerks to dinner. Between two glasses
of Chambertin the banker said, "You
will not think me indiscreet if I ask you
what you did with yourself in thathonr's
leave of absence you applied for last
"Oh! dear no!" replied Stephenson, "I
went and got married!" Measager
Insulted by a Woman. .
"Oh. yes, I'll remember Detroit; no
fear about that." said sweet voiced Dora
Wiley as she rocked to and fro in an easy
chair in the Russell Honse. "I shall re
member it as the first place in which I
was really insulted, and by a woman
"How and when did all thia happen"
asked the reporter.
"One night this week," continued Miss
' Wiley in reply. "A woman sat in one
of the boxes with her back to the stage.
One could bear that sort of thing for a
little while, but when an auditor turns
his or her back squarely on you for a
whole evening you c;mnot drive from
your mind the impression tu .t an insult
is intended. Well, that was the feeling
that came to mind as scene after scene
of the play went by, and still that wom
an sat there.
"I became so annoyed exasperated, I
might say that I could hardly sing at
all. . It affected others on the stage the
same, but perhaps to a less extent. The .
legitimate result, of course, was to take
our minds olf our work to a certain ex
tent, and to a measure the audience suf
fered by. the acts of that one woman, al
though, perhaps, they may not have no
ticed it" Detroit Journal. -
What an "Inch" of Rain Means.
Few people can form a definite idea of
what Lj involved in the expression, "An
innh of min " It mav aid such to follow
this enrious calculation: An acre is equal
.td '6,272,640 square inches; ' an inch deep
of water on ; this area will be as many
cubic inches of '. water, which, at 227 to
the gallon,. i 22,000 gallons... -This im
mense quantity of water will weigh 220,
000 pounds, pr 100 tons. ,,Qne-hundredth
of an, inch (0.01) alone is equal to one ton
of water to the acre. St. Louis Republic
I An' Appropriate Co'scnaae.
f "What wad' the idea of dressing the
little page at the Severe wedding like a
; j'ph, he waa to hold up the train, yon
know r Puck.
orabl terms.
buyer 'Sil.'I.TS,
j victors. .