The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 27, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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Wh Ib Um wortd; tt sweet to be aHre.
bremtba and think, endure, and toll and
Tajsv, e'en of tears and grief to bear the cross.
JLM all the years of waiting, pain or loss.
-. With the sweet recompense nature (fives
Him who hears her voice, aud with her lives.
T0 lend the ear and lenil the eye to all
Be varied n'.itx aud rich, or great or small.
That through the years in more or leas degree
To each life fallt-th, is to hold the key
To untold treusures. where the soul may glean.
Healing of heart ache and a peace sereuc! -Lisa
A. Kleu her in (inoii Housekeeping.
The Ban was low toward the western
peaks when Old Jones and his nephew
halted their teams for the night. Old
Jones and his relative were freighters,
and the crack of their long, shot filled
stole whips and the creak of their heavy
wagons had been heard in half of the
camps of Colorado.
The four wagons tonight were swung
into the segment of a circle, and the
moles wer" hobbled and cast loose from
the straps in which, through the ay.
they polled. At this relief these grate
ful slaves stood about and attested their
joy in the loud cries peculiar to their
kind, hut which are so unfortunate in
their- lack of harmony. To stop this
racket the nephew went about giving
theiu their vesper feed. This he placed
in lnorrels. or nose bags, which he hung
to their hungry heads. Old Jones built
a fire and began the compilation of an
intricate but savory dish known to those
happy ones who have the recipe at
"freighter's stew.
Supper over, the two freighters sat
about in the lurking shadows made by
the fire's blink and glimmer, smoking
. their pipes. All at once there was a
commotion in the band of mules. Those
, patient folk .who had , scrambled and
palled all day over a rough mountain
trail with wagons loaded on. the. princi
ple of 1,200 pounds to a mule, and who
now, in the proprieties of mule life,
ahould be at peace and rest with the
world. -were charging about and snort
isg in a very alarming way.
"Injuns!" said ' Old . Jones, . shoving
back into the gloom. "Injuns, for a
thousand dollars! There an't no animal
on earth,' bar Injuns, ever makes mules
take on that a-way."
The nephew thought ., so too. , Old
-Jones and the. nephew did.' not '. fear- an
attack. There were no "mdians about
that were not described as friendly.
But what they did fear was that the
miles might be stampeded. Stamped
ing stock is a great aboriginal . industry.
The Indian will stampede your cattle or
mules and then claim one dollar a head
for finding them for you. Thus do these
wiae sons of nature fill their coffers and
exact a revenue " from those who cross
their lands.
Jones' nephew took a Winchester from
the wagon and ' began to work bis cau
tious, - silent way toward the mules.
Those last were still snorting and shy
ing &8 if prey to wild .alarm. The
nephew disappeared in the darkness.
Old Jones placed his hand over his pipe
howl so its fiery eye could not be seen
nad peered after him into the gloom.. . .
"Bang! Bang! Bang!" It was the
Winchester speaking it told the Indian
policy of the border and a very suffi
cient !good policy ii is too. Old Jones,
at the sound, heaved a sigh, but never
aoved. After a little the nephew came
in to the fire. He seemed alert, hopeful
and unrelenting as to the Winchester
Indian policy.
"Did you stretch one" - said "Old Jones.'
"I thmk . most likely J didv" said the
aephew in a sanguine way. "We can
tell in the mornin'. shore."
The mules were now quiet. Firearms
had no terrors for them. They could
stand the odor of gunpowder, but of In
diansbah! No mule of taste could
-stand it for a second.- After another
half hour Old Jones and his nephew
kicked out the embers of their fire and
went to sleep
Old Jones and his nephew had visitors
in the morning. The whole Ute tribe
and their agent came down to the freight
ers' camp. . The members of the Jones
family at once seized their Winchesters
and alacriously prepared for war. The
Dtee ran about, jumping and yelling and
demanding vengeance. Old Jones and
his nephew stood silent and grim behind
their wagon and showed their iron teeth.
iw agent insisted on peace. "Would
the Jones who had killed the Ute the
night before give himself up? He would
be guaranteed from harm, but the Utes
insisted on his arrest. They the In
dians would attack the wagons if the
criminals did not surrender.'' So spoke
the agent a nervous little incompetent!
as many an Indian agent is.
"Give up nothing" said Old Jones de
risively. "You tell them Otes if they
-want anything 'round here to waltz in
. and get it." . .
The Utes howled and danced still
harder and higher at this, and the agent
talked more earnestly than ever. H
threatened the Joneses with the power
of the government. This was too much
They would fight the whole Ute tribe
but, they were afraid of Uncle Sam.
After a brief ' parley the nephew stepped
out . ud gave himself up to the agent
Be would have displayed more sense., if
he had remained behind his wagou and
- died in the smoke of his Winchester.
The agent, the uepb.ewa.nd the Utes
did not go a mile toward the agency be
fore the . Indians took the nephew,, and
tying him to a' pine tree spent several
"blissful hours in torturing him to death
The agent was powerless to interfere.
Jones, the elder, found the truth the
vvouxu uf bue sauita ucty . - ue xurueu it
little pale cinder the thirty years of tan
-which browned his face, but said noth-
ing. , As well as he could he hitched up
his teams and went ahead. His coarse
was slow. Where the going was easy
the nephew's team eight mules could
--follow the others and got along all right. was rough Old Jones halted
tbem, and, after driving his own team
over, came back for them. ,
i ' Two months later the old man unload-
om ms jreigut at a ciuup iu uuiuuuou
-fooontry. He told the story of hit
j nephew's death and charged it to the
, agent The populace agreed wjth' him
to a man. uia Jones insisted the agent
should " likewise - suffer death: Public
sentiment rushed to the same conclusion.
Every man in the Tincup district who
heard of the matter at once advised
Jones to go back and kill the miserable
agent, or. if that scheme did not suit, to
hire some ii;e who would. Never was
public sentiment so uniform in a matter
before. It was beautiful.
"Hire some one to go back.' Kill the
agent!" This struck Old Jones, who had
strong commercial instincts, as a good
thing. He inquired for some one who
would undertake the enterprise. He did
not think it should cost much. "It is
dead easy to do." he said. "Jest ride
ca'mly np to the agency and beef him,
and then ride away. That oughtn't to
cost no fortune," and he was willing to
give a "hoss and outfit" and $500.
"I'll go you," said a bad looking gen
tleman called Curly Bill.
Curly Bill was certainly a very "bad
man, as any one might see by examining
his six shooter. He had filed away the
sights as superfluous to one so sure aud
keen, and had taken out the trigger, trust
ing to explode his interesting weapon by
the simple process of letting the hammer
fall roin his thumb. These changes in
the ground plan of a Colt's 44 always
bespeak a bad man the wide west over,
and such was Curly Bill, the personage
who wanted to hire out to kill the agent.
. ... Preliminaries, were arranged and the
horse - and outfit were turned over, in
company with $200 of the $300, and Curly
Bill rode away on his long pull for the
Ute agency.
Six weeks and their happenings were
added to history, and so far nothing
floated back from Curly BilL One after
noon he rode again into the camp in the
Gunnison country. The public crowded
about to learn of his success. Curly Bill
got out of the saddle and stepped into a
saloon. ' The public followed, and, at his
request, took a drink with him. At last
Old Jones put the question:
"Did you get him, Curly?"
"No," said Curly Bill
"Why not?" . ,
"Well.", said Curly Bill, -with an
amiable drawU "IU tell you what's the
matter, You see the .-cuss offered me
$1,000 to come back and down you."
There was .a profound silence. . Old
f Jones seemed thoughtful and cast down,
and the public wailed. At last Old Jones
put another pertinent inquiry.
"Well, whatever do you allow youU do
about' it?" . ' . .
."Whatever!! you do about it?" said
Curly Bill. "Will you raise him?" -
"S'pose I don't raise him?" said Old
Jones; s'pose 1 don't even call' mm?"
and an ugly glare' began to shine in his
watery, gray eyes; albeit his" voice was
low and his face calm. . r
'Well;'! said Curly Biilnrith vast non
chalance,, "in , that event I reckon 111
have to go him."
The. public took a deep breath at this
announcement and Old, Jones seemed
plunged in thought again. At last he
found his voice.. ..., .'.
- 'Til think this -yere matter over, Bill,
and 1 reckon on fixing up something so
you won't complain none of me. You be
yere and I'll come back in an hour."
Then Old Jones proceeded straight to
his wagons, got his Winchester, and
coming in the back door of the saloon
wherein Curly Bill was refreshing him
self after the campaign, blew .that .cele
brated person's head off without a word.
Old Jones then gave himself tip to the
citizens' committee and demanded a
trial It was had at once. Every man
to the camp knew of rthe .killing and its
entire history. They all approved it too
It was esteemed, however, not a proper
thing to allow the plot to kill the; agent
to go abroad to the world. The account
might, in unskillful hands, become ear-
f bled and hurt ;the. camn,'B; .reputation.
ao wuen SJia Jones was acquitted, which
denonment was rapid in its coming, the
verdict read thus:
"Jestilied killin on.. account of Curly
Bill insnltin' of Old Jones' wife."
This is a true tale of the west. Kan
sas City Star.
. :
He Was a Han for All That.
It was in West street,' and there was a
crush of .'trucks that blocked the way
from pavement .to ferry entrance. A
man with ragged clothes and rum stained
face stood at the corner and begged every
man who passed him to give him ten'
cents. He was the picture of degrada
tion and misery There was . nothing
about him to indicate that he retained
any of the self respect of former days.
A woman with a child in her arms and
another clinging to her skirts endeavored
to cross the choked up street. She got
in among the wagons, and the flying
wagon tongues and clanking harness ter
rified her. She attempted to escape, but
heavy wheels blocked the way, and right
over her stood two immense truck horses.
Then she screamed.
A man darted. .out. from the sidewalk.
Catching the horses by the reins he threw
them . back on their haunches, and cried
out to the driver. with an oath to keep
back Then he opened, a way through
the tangle with a determined arm.
"Let me take the' little girl." he said,
and picking up the child carried her
across the street,' guiding the frightened
mother. ; When they had escaped from
the -jam he set the child on tho ground,
bowed clumsily and worked his way
back .through . the blockade to his old
stand on the corner That was all, but
his head was up a little higher and he
looked more like a man; until some one
came along and he sank back into his
degradation, with the old whine on. his
lips for a few cents. New York Trib
une. - 1 '
She Was Following an Example.
Lucy, three years old, -was playing one
day with a little neighbor about, her own
age. All -.went . smoothly . until .some '
childish dispute arose, and Lucy, regard
irig her litijle ,. friend" as the aggressor,
slapped her soundly once or twice Her
grandmother reproved her for her rude
ness and display, of temper, but the child
clinched -all argurnent on her side by
ayirig, "Why, dan'mudder. dan'mud
der, idont" you know, it does:.-little dirla
dood to whip 'em?" New York Tribute.
One or Them Averted a War Tne
Sources of Inspiration - of the Four
Writers Strange Faot About the Music
' of " America ' How Key Composed
His Lyric.
The four great lyrics of our country
are "Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean,"
"Hail Columbia," "The Star Spangled
Banner" aud "America." . ; . .
The first named was written by Tim
othy Dwight, .ancestor of Timothy
Dwight. the present president of Yale
college. He wrote other patriotic an
thems, but "Columbia" is the only one
by which he became famous. Dwight
was a native of Massachusetts and a
graduate of Yale.
He studied law, intending to adopt it
as a profession, but there being a dearth
of chaplains in the -Revolutionary army
he became one in Parson's brigade of the
Connecticut . line and served some time
there, ft was during this service that
he composed the immortal song "Colum
bia," which at once attracted general at
tention, and from the first became fa
mous. 1 It was composed without much
thought, the times being full of patriotic
feelings, which inspired the poet, and ho
is said to. have expected no more than
passing fame for his production. . It was
caught up. however, by the patriots, and
soon became : known throughout the
struggling colonies. After the war
Dwight went back to the pursuits inter
rupted by his entering the army, and
eventually became president of Yale
college, a position which he held until
his death' in 1817.
The author ., of "Columbia" was a vol
uminous writer, turning out many ex
tended poems and books, but all seem
to have been forgotten but the great
lyric which he gave to his country dur
ing the struggle, for freedom. It will
ever remain his monument.
. , A SONG. THAT , TOU). ,
. .The words and. music of "Hail Colum
bia" were composed under the American
flag. .Its author. J oseph Hopkinson, ; was
a native of Philadelphia: and the son of
a signer of the Declaration of Independ
ence. Like the composer' of "Colum
bia," he was .the' author, of, many other ;
things in prose and verse,, but nothing
has. come down to our .day with any
fame but his national. song, :
. ; "Hail Columbia", was written -lii the
summer of 1793. when we were having
complications with France which threat
ened to end in war. Hopkinson had an
actor' friend' named Fox, who was to
have a benefit at a theater, and it was
for him that the song was composed.
...The music-which accompanied : the
song, and to which it is sung today; was
originally the "President's March,"
which Was written ten years before, on
the occasion Of ' Washington's, -visit to
New York, by a German orchestra lead
er . named , Fylea. ..''Hal, Columbia"
sprang into sudden popularity, and it is
said to have averted the threatened war.
! as it -incited .national nrifl nnrl r-r-n an A
the whole country. . ...
Joseph Hopkinson lived until 1842, fill
ing various important offices and loved
by all for the great song he had given to
his nation. He helped to revise the con
stitution of ' Pennsylvania, was ' a warm
friend of 'Joseph. Bonaparte's during' the
ex-king's sojourn' in this country, and at
the time of his death . was , holding the
office: of United States, judge - for the
eastern district of his native state.
Of the many national ' song , writers
none have enjoyed more enduring, fame
than the author of ''The Star Spangled
Banner." It is perhaps the greatest and
most popular of all our songs and lyrics.
It was composed amid the roar of can
non and the bursting of bombs, and
seems to have sprung without effort from
the mind of its author. ' .
Francis Scott Key, the author, was a
prisoner in the hands of the British when
the song was composed. He had gone
down the bay at . Baltimore, then ; being
attacked by the British fleet, for the pur
pose of securing the release of a friend
who was held, by the enemy.' He carried
a message from President Madison ask
ing for the prisoner's release. . The Brit
ish commander: agreed to the request,
but told Key that he must be detained
during the attack. Key and his friends
were therefore- held back,-and it was
while they watched the terrific bombard
ment of Fort Mf. Henry, now and then
losing eight of ttie flag that waved over
its rainparts, that he wrote "The Star
Spangled Banner." This took place in
1814. ,, , ..
. When he was released Key took his
poem back to the city, . where it was
speedily printed to the music of an old
English song, "Anacreon in Heaven,"
and in . a short time was being snng all
over the country.
...jDx. Smith's beautiful ode "America"
Was also adapted to ah English air, that
of, VGod Save the tjueen.'-, .Strange to
relate, this same melody answers for the
national, song of. the German empire,'
Great Britain and Ireland, ' Bavaria,'
Switzerland, Brunswick, Hanover, Nor
way, Prussia, Saxony, and doos service
in the United States as My Country,
.Til of Thee.r.v,t... . ,..,'; y .",...
. ..'.'America" has no stirring history sur
rounding its composition.'. It' was. com
posed in .1833, and was ; first sung at a
children's celebration at the Park Street
church, Boston,; on the Fourth of July
the. same year. . . Samuel Francis -Smith,
its author, ia.etjH ivjng.f He is a native
of Maasachusetts; where, he was bom in
1808.,) r His. famous missionary hymn,
"The Morning Light' la Breaking,'' was
written at the, same time and place as
"America," Dr., Smith' has i filled many
important stations in the .church, and
has written voluminously, his ' contribu
tions'embracing nearly very branch of
good literature. -New .York "Telegram.
'' " f - J "" '' : r i
Ha' Hafe Hon or th Symptoms.
. Hand Does Jack play Jooiball much
Agnes I don't know. Why?
Maud I never see him walk iaine.
Epoch. i
Wholesale anil Retail Drciists.
; Fine Imported, Key West and Domestic
Now is the time to paint your house
and if you wish to get the lest quality
and a fine color use the
Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paint.
' For those wishing to see the quality
and color of the above paint we call their
attention to the residence ot P. L. Brooks,
Judge Bennett, Smith French and others
paintqd by Paul Kreft.
Snipes & Kinersly. are agents for the
above paint for The Dalles, Or..
Don't Forget the
E0ST EID spoil,
MacMali Bros., Props.
Wines, Liporc and Cigars
(. E. BpI(D 20.,
Heal Estate,
and Loan
Optrja House 6lo2k,3d St.
Chas. Stubling,
New Vogt. Block, Second St.
: t
Liquor v Dealer,
Health is Wealth !
Dr. E. C. Wbst'8 Neevb ajjb Bbaih Tbkat
mbnt, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizzi
ness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia,
Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use
of aleobol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental De
pression, Hoftening of the Bruin, resulting in in
sanity and leading to misery, decay and death,
Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power
in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Spermat
orrhoea caused by over exertion of the bruin, self
abuse or over indulgence. Each box contains
one month's treatment. 11.00 a box, or six boxes
for f5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price.
To cure any case. With each order received by
us for six boxes, accompanied by f.O0, we will
send the purchaser our written guarantee to re
fund the money if the treatment does not effect
a cure, Guarantees issueVi only by
' ... Prescription Druggists,
17S Second St. '. The Xtalles, Or.'
TBI 8. B. Hiidichi amd Lives run tjvn
according to directions will keep your Blood;
Liver and Kidneys in ood order.
iTh..- Bi Coosh Cubb for ColdSj. Coughs
and Croup, in connection with the Headache
Oura, in as near perfect as anything knownj . i I
Thb 8. B- Alpha- Pain Cork for internal and
external-use, in Neuralgia, Toothache, Cramp
Colic and Cholera Morbus, is unsurpassed. They
re wU liken wherever known. .-, Manufactured
U Dufur, Oregon. For sale by aT druggists
h ;
is here and has come to stay. It hopes
to win its way to public favor by ener
gy, industry and merit; and to this end
we ask that you give it a fair trial, and.
if satisfied with its course a generous
The Daily
four pages of six columns each, will be
issued every evening, except Sunday,
and will be delivered in the city, or sent
by mail for the moderate sum of fifty
cents a. -mrvnt.'h
Its Objeets
will be to advertise the resources of the
city, and adjacent country, to assist in
and opening up hew channels for our
trade, in securing an open river, and in
helping THE DALLES to take her prop
er position as the
Leading City of Eastern Oregon.
The paper, both daily and weekly, will
be independent in politics, and in its
criticism of political matters, as in its
nandling of local affairs, it will be
We will endeavor to give all the lo
cal news, and we ask that your criticism
of our object and course, be formed from
the contents of the paper, and not from
rash assertions of outside parties.
sent to any address for $1.50 per year.
It will contain from four to six eight
column pages, and we shall endeavor
to make it the equal of the best. Ask
your Postmaster for a copy, or address.
Office, N. W. Cor. Washington and Second Sits.
The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at
the head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and
is a thriving,-prosperous city.
It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agri
cultural an ; grazing country, its trade reaching as
far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over twe
hundred miles.
The rich grazing country along the eastern slope
of the the Cascades furnishes pasture for thousands
of heep, the -wool from "which finds market here.
The Dalles is the largest original -wool shipping
pdint in' America, about 5,000,000 pounds being
shipped last year.
t The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia,
yielding this year a revenue' of $1,500,000 which can
and will be more than doubled in the near future
; The products of the beautiful Klickitel valley find
market here, and the country south and east has this
year filled the warehouses, and all available storage
places to overflowing with their products.
V..''; , ; ITS WEALTH
It is the richest' city of its size bh the coast, and its
money is scattered over and is being used to develop,
more farming country than is tributary to any other
city- in Eastern Oregon.
Its situation' is uhstirpassed!, . Its climate J delight
full v Its possibilities incalculable! ; Its' resources un
limited! And on these corner stbnes she stands.