' '. ': The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY. MAY 27,1891 METEOEOLOGIOAL SEPOKT. Pacific H Rcla-lD.t'r 58 State Count BAB. tlve of E. of Time. r Hum Wind Weather. 6lA. M 29.83 64 79 Went PtCloudy P. M. . ... 29.81 66 73 " Cloudy - Maximum temperature, 74: minimum tem perature, 58. The river Ik '21 and H-10 feet Hoove "0." having risen 5-10 of a foot in the past 24 hours. . . WEATHKIt PROBABILITIES. Thb Dali.es, May 27, 1891. Weatlier forecast till IS m., Tnurtday; light rain. . Nearly ' stationary temperature. RAIN The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles tha't Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. LOCAL BREVITI K8. "Man want butjittlehere below." That's all quite true; and yet I'd like to nee the man that won't . . 'rake all that he can get. Life. A Tit ll';ii;- Tliitiilnv Tliifi,i- .... a.a .T J . I ILIAC H.HU I .A . IX . V ((.V W 'J a pleasant call yesterday. Mrs. Joles, we are pleased to know, continues to improve. It is expected that active work on the construction of the portage road at the Cascades will be commenced by the be ginning of next week. The regular quarterly meeting for ex- amination for teachers certificates, com menced i-i the court : house this after noon. The opening open air concert of the season will' be given' this evening at the new stand in front of Snipes and Kiner sly's drug store by the third regiment band. . The members of Harmon Lodge I. O. G. T. No. 501 will meet at their hall on Saturday, at 1 p. m. for the purpose of ' decorating Father Harmon's grave. By order of the committee. : Four gentlemen of leisure of the tramp genus were arrested last night and fined three days' work on the streets thiB morning. ' Street Commissioner Ostlund has them usefully employed in blasting ont an alley. In the Circuit court this morning John - Rogers was sentenced to one year in the penitentiary, for stealing a pistol from the marshal's office of this city. Thej jury has been discharged till tomorrow j morning at nine o'ciook. . At the W. C. T. U. convention in Port land today we notice that Mrs. Esther B. French is to give a greeting to the Paci v fie coast delegates.' We are satisfied that the delegates will be pleased with the delightful words they will hear from Mrs. French. - "Mr. T. ..Hazlett engaged in sawing wood for Max Vogt, met ' with an unpleasant accident this morning. The saw slipped and cut the back part ' of his left hand necessitating the faking -of two or three stitches which Dr. Doane skillfully did. The Salem Capital Journal, in b peak ing of Colonel Baine says that he "is the most eloquent speaker who has addressed an audience from the M. E. pulpit. At one time he won Id have his audience lavghing and the next moment he would touch the tones of pathos and hundreds of persons would be in tears." A correspondent from Fifteen Mile -writes us that Mr. Horatio Stone, of Fif teen Mile Creek, died on Wednesday, May 27th., .1891, of Congestive fever caused partially by a diseased leg which has been a serious source of suffering to him for several years. He was 67 years old the 22nd day of last April. ' The surveying party that started out over a week ago to survey and locate a road between The Dalles and some point in Sherman county met with a mis-hap that will delay the further progress of the survey for a short time. On one of the late very windy days the surveyor's instrument was knocked over and almost completely ruined. The party will take the 'field again 'as Boon as the instrument is repaired or another procured. The name McGinty has been honored in Irish story since Eochid II was crown ed rting of Ulster on Jacob's pillar by ' the prophtet Jeremiah. What, therefore, was our astonishment aud indignation, on finding that Jemmy McGinty, in or der to secure the contract for construct ing the reservoir at Mesplies, changed .. his name to McGintie. " He pretended he was "French" and got the contract. Now he says he is going to wear side whiskers. What next? Abbie Carrington, in the spring of 1887, after six consecutive . seasons in Grand Opera, and having during this time sung the leading soprano roles in eighteen different Grand Operas, deter mined to take a much needed rest, which resulted In taking her into a new sphere of work, and has perhaps suceeded in show ing still further the greatness of this phe nomenal soprano. This change of course prevented her continuing in Italian opera but gave to the concert platform, one who, though so high in price,, has always proven a paying investment, and now seems to have become a permanent fix ture of the Chautauqua Assemblies throughout'the country, including Otta wa, Kansas; Crete, Nebraska; Glen Park, Colorado ; Monona Lake, Wiscon sin ; Waseca, Minnesota, and the great Lake Chautauqua, New York. Strawberries by the box, crate or ton at Joles Bros. Among the School of Wsiwo. Editor Chronicle : With your per mission I will give yo l a few items, con cerning the schools, from time to time as I journey among them ; piaising what I find to be good and making sugges tions for improvement. I am the more anxious to do this be cause I believe that in no other way can I more readily awaken an interest among patrons. And this seems in many . dis tricts to be the main thing that is lack ing. , .'"'.'' The short trip I made last week was not a very successfnl one, as will be seen below, for out of eight schools visited I found from one cause or another, only four in session. I left The Dalles, Wednesday coon May 20th, and came to the Floyd school No. 14, where Miss Lura Welch is teach ing. This school is small, only .seven scholars . being . present, some staying away on account of sickness. Some of the pupils here are well advanced. They were just passing a written Examination in history and physiology. It speaks well for Miss Welch's teaching that hav ing taught here last year, she is employed again this year at an increase of salary. How much is lost in many districts by changing teachers so often. They have a dictionary and a good globe here, but need some .wall mxps. In this district, I am thankful to say, there is no fussing and quarreling. Went on to district No. 15 near -James Fulton's. The school was not in session but found a notice on -the door "Teacher is sick." The next ; morning we visited the school in No. 16, Miss Jeannette Graham teacher.' She is a young teacher, but is giving good satisfaction. Here we also found just seven scholars. They have Webster's unabridged dictionary, but no other apparatus. Most of the scholars conie on horseback. The house is small and unfinished but a good coat of white wash would brighten it up wonderfully. From . here we went to the Johnson school No. 18, but found it closed on ac count of the death of one of thedii Actors, Mr. Obarr; ;.. ' Our next drive was five miles np the long ridge of the divide to Summit school near Mr. Canfield's. Near here we got one of Wasco's fine' views five , snow clad peaks at once. They have no school here. A great many "have moved away, ' and only three scholars are left to draw public money, .'.!-''. ! From here we went on the down grade six or seven miles to Liberty school N o. 20, where . Mr. P. P. Underwood is teaching. We got there just as he was closing, but came back next morning and visited the school. . They have a large substantial house, for which they deserve credit, but it needs painting badly. - I saw no apparatus of any kind except two very -small wall maps, . and no. suitable desk or table for the teacher. ' "" The district is fortunate in securing the services of so excellent a teacher as Mr. Underwood. The i black-board exercises in Written Arithmetic were very good, showing a thorough drill by the teacher in .the handling of fractions, and some very apt pupils. Next went to No." 30 in Long Hollow on the Canyon City road, Mr. T. W. At kinson teacher, but found the school closed on account of measles. '. As it was Friday afternoon we turned for home, stopping on the way at No. 22 on Eight Mile, Miss S. V. Cooper teacher. The stay here for an hour was a real recreation. . The exercises in declama tion and dialogue were good, and. the im promptu story writing by the children, and the mental black-board drill did credit to both teacher and pupils. All these exercises showed that both teacher and pupils were working hand in hand together. - A number of parents were visiting, which was a great encourage ment to the school. The house here is finished outside and inside and furnished with nice seats, teacher's desk and ap paratus. Among the latter I noticed a set of anatomical charts one of the finest I ever saw. The people here are justly proud of their school house and their school. " A good ideal for a superintendent to labor for is a school house like this in every district in the comity, with at least a six months school. Next . week I intend to travel' east of the Deschntes. .More anon. Teoy Shelley, . School Snpt. , The following incident happened to Madame Carrington, the prima' donna, who presents "The Rose of Castile in the Vogt Grapd Friday evening of this week, at the City of Mexico, during a perform ance of "Martha," and ' just as Mme. Carrington finished singing ; "The Last Rose of Summer," President Gonsaulis had. .passed over the footlights an im mense pyramid of flowers, containing a variety of" Mexico's choicest- fruits, a nightingale and several canary birds and a package of gold coin, the whole sur mounted with a beautiful rose, to which was attached a card bearing the follow ing inscription : "Strong in virtue and womanliness J Strong in character and charitableness. Strong in voice and sentiment, - You sway the world at will in song. . Birds-11 Inspiration, the soul of music. Flowers Purity, Beauty and virtue. . Fruits Strength and perpetuity. Gold Char acter and stability. The good people of Mexico love to do you honor." Herman A. Falk, a former 'subject of the German empire was admitted to full citizenship today. ' . Progress of tle - i'orlago Road. Mr. Farley came up from the Locks last night and will return tomorrow. ' He reports that the survey will be . finished today and that tomorrow orders for the material needed for construction will be made out and placed in the hands of those who will supply it. The survey would have been finished some time sooner had they not met with some dif ficulty in securing a landing place for the boats, owing to the presence of rocks. As many as three different soundings had to be made. All difficulty in this regard has been met, but owing to the present high stage of the river it will be impossible to finish the west-end of the incline at present. This however can be done when the water recedes. Mr. C. C. Hobert has been chosen as master mechanic for the construction of the work. Mr. Hobert was master mechanic of the U. P. shops at this city for six or seven years and is inqvery way qualified for the position he assumes. The board is to be congratulated in the choice it has made in Mr. Hobert, for no one could have been selected ' more - satisfactory in all respects. Mr. Hobert is a man of sterling integrity and of irreproachable character and it speaks well for the hon est conduct of the portage road that a man of hi8 well known reputation for honesty and integrity has been placed in a position so responsible. , Decoration lay. Headquarters Third Regiment Inft. i Oregon National Guard, The Dalles, Or., May 26,1891.) Special Orders, ' ;- No. 27. ;-- f . I. "The field and staff and non-commissioned staff, band and A and C com panies Third Reg. O. N. G., will assem ble at the armory on Saturday, May 30th, at 1 :30 p. m. sharp, for the purpose of escortiii James W. Nesmith Post G. A. R. and participating in the memorial ceremonies. II. The' field and staff will report mounted to the colonel. Non-corrimis sioned staff and band will report' to the adjutant. . ' By order, F. A.- Houghton, Col. The Grand Jury. . . The grand jury, yesterday found a true bill against Harry -McCan for larceny from a person. In the case of Harry Parr, accused of assault with a dangerous weapon the jury returned, not a true bill. . -. In the case of John Thompson; accused of carrying concealed weapons, the jury-. found not a true bill. In the case of John Thompson, accused of being accessory to the crime of assault with a dangerous weapon, the jury found not a true bill.. Mr. A. A. Bonney has made an as signment of all his real and personal propertv to Robert Mays.., The real estate involved in this assignment in cludes the se. and w. of ne. .J. and e. hw. J of section 2, tp. 4, s. of range 13 e. and s. ne. J and nw. of ne. and ne-. J of nw. of section 36, tp. 3, 8. of range 12, e., and a. of sw. Voi section 36, tp, 3, s. of range 15, e., and the nw. 4. of section 30, tp. 3, s. of range 16, e., and three certain bands of sheep aggregating 4178 head. The assignment is made for the benefit of Mr. Bonney's creditors but the assets are so involved in litigation that it is impossible to tell what the estate may realise to the credi yrs. Ship building is lively at this point. Three new vessels are on the stocks. That is there were three till yesterday when the new don't-kuow-what-to-call-her of Messrs. Haworth & Thurman dis appeared. It is to. be hoped that the craft has no dangerous designs against any foreign power with which this coun try is at peace. If the tin cans are load ed and the thing should go off there is no calculating what complications it might get us into. We don't believe the rum or, that she' has gone to sea with the in tention of capturing the Itata or making ah attack on Italian commerce ; but .she is gone, whither the wild waves say not. Removal Notice. J. H. Cross has removed his feed store to corner Second and Union streets. He desired te invite his patrons and friends to the new stand where he has increased facilities for doing business he also de sires to return his thanks to his customers and friends for their liberal patronage and hopes by fair dealing to merit a con tinuance of the same. A wicked little cyclone that had wan tonly strayed far from its native heath, struck the town of Arlington yesterday demolishing two buildings and injuring a lady and child- the lady, . it is said, quite severely. Rev. C. A. Huntington and wife, of Eureka, Cal.. are visiting their sons J. M. and B. 8.' Huntington. Mr. Hunt ington is in his eightieth year, and is one of the pioneers of 1864. BORN. . At the residence of Mr.' P. DeHuff, in this city, - this morning, to the wife of Mr. J. K. McCormick, a son. Mother and child doing well. . ' In this city May 27th to the wife of N. Whealdon, a daughter. Found, a small clasp purse on Second St. containing a small sum of money. The owner can have it by applying at this office. - : t Twenty-five states of the Union have now adopted the Australian ballot sys tem or some modified form of it. The Y's will meet tonight at- 7 :30 at the free reading room.' ' --' CHRONICLE SHORT STOPS. , , Use Dufur flour. It is the best. Berry boxes- for -sale at Joles Bros. $1.25 per 100. - Square piano for sale. Price $90. Apply at this office. . - Those who try it, always buy it. , S. B. Chopped corn for voung chickens at Joles Bros. " A. M. Williams fc Co., have on hand a fine lot of tennis and bicycle shoes. Ask your grocer for Dufur flour. Pure maple sugar at Joles Bros., eight pounds for. M.00. Centerville hotel, on the Goidendale stage road, furnishes first class accommo dation for travelers. The drug store of C. E. Dunham, de ceased, is now open and will be so con tinued until further notice. For coughs and colds use 2379. Those who use the S. B. headache cure don't have la grippe. Th wlftrii-atoH U'otto- II T D ton-made " mens' and boys' fine boots and shoes in all styles, carried by The Dalles Mercantile company at Brooks & Beers old stand. For the blood in one-half teaspoonful doses S. B. beats Sarsaprilla. 2379 is the cough syrup for children. Get me a cigar from that fine case at Snipes & Kinersley's. Long Ward offers for sale one of the best farms of its size in Sherman county. It consists of 240 acres of deeded land at Erskinville. There is a never-failing spring of living water capable of water ing five, hundred head of stock dailv. Tne house, which is a large store build ing with ten rooms' attached alone cost $1700. A blacksmith shop and other buildings and the whole surrounded by a good wire fence. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply bv letter or other wise to the editor of the Chronicle or to the owner, W. L. Ward, Bovd, Wasco county, Oregon. Baby is sick. -The woeful expression of a Des Moines teamster's countenance showed his deep anxiety was not entire lv without cause, when he inquired of a druggist of the same city what was best to give a baby for a cold"? It was not ne cessary for him to say more, his counte nance showed that the pet of the family, if not the idol of his life was in distress. "We give our baby Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,'' was the druggist's answer. "I don't like to give the baby such strong medicine," said the teamster. You know John Oleson, of the Watters-Talbot Print ing Co., don't you? inquired the drug gist. "His baby, when eighteen months old, got hold of a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and drank Ahe whole of it. Of course it made the baby -vomit very freely but did not injure it in the least, and what is more, it cured the ba by's cold.. The teamster already knew the value of the Remedy, having used it himself, and was now satisfied that there was no danger in giving it even to a baby. For sale by Snipes & Kinersly. He wants it known. Mr. J. H. Straub, a well known German citizen of Fort Madison, Iowa, was terribly afflicted with inflammatory rheumatism when Mr. J. F. Salmon, a prominent druggist there, advised him to use Chamberlain's Pain Balm. One bottle of it cured him. His case was a'very severe one. He suf fered a great deal and now wants others similarly afflicted to know, what' cured him. ' 50 Cent bottles for Sale r by n. Snipes Kinersly; .';'.'' ",: : ' ; -;; '' NOTICE. . . R. E. French has for sale a number of improved . ranches and unimproved lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood in Sherman county. They will be sold very cheap and on. reasonable terms. Mr. French can locate settlers on some good unsettled claims in the same neigh borhood. . His address is Grass Valley, Sherman county,- Oregon. The following statement from Mr. W. B. Denny, well known dairyman of New Lexington, Ohio, will be of interest to persons troubled with Rheumatism. He says : "I have used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for nearly two years, four bottles in all, and there is nothing I have ever used that gave me as much relief for rheumatism. We always keep a bot tle of it in the house." For sale by Snipes & Kinersly. - .i : : ! . .. Forfeited Railroad Lands . We are now ready to prepare papers for the filing and entry of Railroad Lands. We also attend to business be fore the U. S. Land Office and Secretary of the Interior. Persons for whom we have prepared papers and who are re quired to renew their applications, will not be charged additional for such papers. Thohnbuby & Hudson, Rooms 8 and 9, Land Office building, The Dalles, Oregon. Notice. . Having leased the Mount Hood hotel at Hood River, I would respectfully call the attention of the traveling public to the fact that the house is being thorough ly renovated and will be open for the re tention of cruests on or about Miv 1st. and I would most respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. Nothing will be over-looked for the comfort of guests. . George Herbert. FOR RALE. . A choice lot ' of brood mares ; also a number of geldings and fillies bv "Rock wood Jr.," "Planter," "Oregon Vilkes," and '.'Idaho Chief," same standard bred. Also three fine young stallions by "Rock wood Jr." out of first class jnares. : For prices and terms call on or address either J. W. Condon, or J. H. Lareen, The Dalles, Oregon. ' ' To the Public. . Notice is hereby given that all the barber shops of The Dalles will be closed in future on Sundays. Wanted : A girl or woman to do housework in small family. J. M. Huntington. ' NOTICE. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED -TO THE UN deraigned are requested to pay the amount of their respective account or otherwise make satisfactory settlement of the same, before June 1st, 1891, and all persons having claims against us are requested to present them on or before the above date. V . MACEACHERN & MiCLEOD, . Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Or $20 REWARD. TTTILL BE i'KiU FOR ANY INFORMATION leading to the conviction of parties cutting he rones or in anv wav interfering with the wires, poles or lamps of Thb Euctkic Light Co. H. GLENN. Manager CHEST Lots 50x100 feet ; 20-foot alley in each Block. Sold: for Cash, or on Installments; Discount for Cash. No interest. FOR SALE 33"X" Thompson & Butts, C E. Bayard &Co.; Haworth & Thurman, J. M. Huntington & Co., THE DALLES, OREGON. The Farm Trust jCN. SCOTT, i President. PORTLAND, EOBT. .MAYS. MAYS & CROWE, (Successors to ABRAMS & STEWART.) Retailers and iTolatoerfli in. Hardware, - Tinware, - Granlfeware, - wwenware, . SILVERWARE, ETC. -: AGENTS . "Acorn," "Charter Oak" "Argand STOVES AND RANGES. Pumps, Pipe: Plumbers' and Steam Fitters' SnnnlW . Packing, Building Paper, SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES. Also a complete stock of Careen ters'. Blacksmith's an A Farmers Tools and Fine Shelf -AGENTS The Celebrated K. J. ROBERTS "Warranted" Cutlery, Meriden Cutlery ma jBuroTvmc, me yuiu& rarau uasoune Dioves, "jrano. cm Stoves and Anti-Rust Tinware. All Tinning, Plumbing, "win oe -done on 174, 176, 178. 180 SECOND STREET, Removal H. Herbring's DHY GOODS STORE Has removed to 177 Second opposite his former stand, where he will be pleased to Be his former customers and friends. He carries now a much. larger stock than before and with the Latest Novelties of I. C. NICKELSEN, DEALER IN. School Books, WFn,Q Organs, Pianos, TTTPT?TrATTfYN&T Stationery, v dictionary J Watches, Jewelry. Cor. of TM and fasninston Sis, Tne Dalles, Oregon. : DEALERS IN Staple and Faqcg Groceries, Hay, Grain and Feed. , . k 1 No. 122 Cor. Washington and Third. Sts. H.C.NIELS6N, Glothiet and Tailor, BOOTS AND SHOES, tyats apd Qap5, Jrui!, Jalises, Grouts' Fvixrn 1 CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STS., THE DALLES, OREGON. DALiLiES &' Loan Gompany, Wm. A BANTZ, "Vice-Pres. & Mgr. OREGON. Xi. 333. CEOWBL FOR THE :- Hardware.1 FOK- Pipe Work and-Repairing snort .Notice. THE DALLES, OREGOX. fiotieel Street (French's Block) nearly" every Department is- filled the Season. fTi Ing 2