The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 26, 1891, Page 1, Image 1

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NO. 449.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
. Published Daily, SuiiiIhv Excepted.
orner Second and Washington Street, The
- Italleh, Oregon.
Term, of Subscription.
Per Year. :., 00
Per mon th . by carrier SO
Single copy . 6
Mo. 2, Arrival 12:45 A. M. . Depart 12:56 a. m.
" K, ; 12: 15 P.M. ' 12: 35 P.M.
No. 1, Arrive. 4:40 A. M. Departs 4:50 A. M.
" 7, " 5:15 P. M. " 5:30 P. 3.
- Two local freight that carry passengers leave
one for the west at 7:45 A. M.. and one lor the
east at 8 A. M.
For Prineville, via. Bake Oven, leave daily
(except Sunday) at ri a. m.
For -Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave
Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday, at 6 A M.
For Ihifur, KlngKlev, Wamic, WapiniUa, Warm
-8priifrs and Tyga Valley, leave daily .(except
unday) at 6 A. M.
-'For tioldendale. Wash., leave every day of the
Week except Sunday at S i. M.
Office, for all lines at the Umatilla Houxe.
ornea ! books .
eneral Delivrey Window S a. m.
Money Order " . . .8 a. bi.
Banday G. D. 9 a.m.
!"":''' j CXOBINQ O MAILS r
By trains going Rast 9 p. ra. and
.'!'": " West: 9 p.m. and
Stage for Goldendale
" Prineville
.. Dufur and Warm Springs. .
to 7 p. m.
to4p m.
to 10 a. m.
U 145 a. m.
4 MS p. m.
:HS0a. m.
.5:30 a. m.
.ft:) a. m.
,5:80 . m.
.5:30 a. m.
" t Leaving for I-yle v Hartland .
" " " Antekpe
Except bunday.
tTri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and
Monday Wednesday and
JP ioa. Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 11
. :)M.and 7:30 r. u. ' Sabbath -School si 121C
Prayer meeting every Thurvdny evening at 7-
.Jv: ."-"".:;.:: rr-rv r" ""
Cobtxs, Pastor. .Service every Sunday al 11
A. X. and 7 P. m. Sunday School after morning
service. Strangers cordially invited. .Seats free.
ME. CHURCH Rev. H. Bbowk, Pastor.
Services every Sunday morning and even
ing. Sunday School at 12f o'clock m.j-A. raial
Invitation is extended by both pastor and people
to all.
ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Union Street, opposite
Fifth. Rev. EU D.Sutclifl'e fleeter, j Services
every Sunday at 11 a. v.' arid 7 130 p. m. ' Sunday
School 12:80 p. M. Evening Prayer our Friday at
ST. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Bbohr
.ekvsT Pastor. Low Mass every Sundav' at
1 A. M. High Mass at 10:30 A. M. Vespers at
Y'F M '"1 '" .',- '"-' t
8EMBLY NO. "270, Kj Or L. Meets iu K.
oi r. -nan mewiays at 7 :30 p. m.
A8CO LODGE, NO. 15; A. F: & A. M Meets
nrst ana intra Monday oi eacn month at 7
A J Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday
f each month at 7 P. M.
Mt. Hood Camp No. 59, Meets Tuesday even
ing of each week in I. O. O. V. Hall, at 7 :30 P. M.
. KJ ' every Friday evening at 7 :: o'clock, in Odd
Fellows hall. Second street, between Federal and
Washington. Sojourning brothers are welcome.
H. A. Bills, Sec'y - - R. G. Clohtbb, N. ti. ,
TT'RIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets
X? revery : Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in
Bchanno's building, corner of Court and Second
Streets. Sojourning "members are 'Cordially in
vited. Geo. T. Thompson,
D. W. Vausk, Sec'y. , . ... C. C.
UNION will meet every Friday afternoon
at 8 o'clock at the reading room.' All are invited.
T'EMPLE LODGE NO. 3. A. O. U. W. Meets
1 rX iat K. of P. Hat, ;oruer Second and Court
.Bvreeus inunmay evenings at 7:3U.
John Fillooh, '
W. S. Myers, Financier. M. W.
DR. O. D. DOANE PHYsiciaK AND mja
qbon. Office: rooms 5 and 6 Chapman
Block. Residence -over McFarland Jt Freuch's
store. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to
8 P. M. . r '
A B.' REKVPTT. ITTnuvvwiT t ill' r
flee in Schauno's building, up stairs: The
DR. O. C ESHELMAN-Hom.kopathic Phy
sician and Surgeon. ottice. Hours 9
3 to 12 a. M' : 1 to 4, and 7 to p ;alls answered
promptly dwy or night' Office: upstairs in Cbap
" man Block'
iTs 8IDDALL Dentist. Gas given for the
XJ . painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth
set on flowed aluminum plate. . Rooms: Sign of
the Golden Tooth, Second Street.
AB. THOMPSON A ttohnet-at-law. Office
in Opera House Block, Washington Street.
.The Dalles,, Oregon .. . ...
. nbys-at-law. Offices, French's block over
First Nutional Bank, The Dalles, Oregon. ,
Rooms Nos. 71,73, 75 and 77,
Vogt Bluck, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.
WH. WILSON Attorney-At-law Rooms
52 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street,
W. ST.
,.. -I -,.,t . ...,f
Hot and Cold
B K T H S .v"
; " i'a i'-ii &i i i i- .... .... i.
'J-ht 'nmitvri ''.irrr t limnl'i r'i n-n
jELUDJlUU. HILL 1U; liAifi. j
.fTjtfs i old VAttsa fAVb '-WiTfeR
, r J. .: ntvnnpany 'a onrTHTil rtll ,bieae4.Se
yuaai'e parties. For information Apply V th.
r r't'U J:WJM'-F-,'tliUER8, '
,te -.w-f .if , -..I
Keep Your EYE on this Space !
"We are in the Swim," and
' "Will Stan the Ball a Rolling"
By Offering this Coming Week
100 Pieces Dress Gi
. 12 Yards for $1.00.
100 Pieces, yara vviae. Grown sneenng.
16 Yards for $1. GO.
The Above . are Bargains, Come and
be Convinced.
I 4..J Mil .( 1lJ...r,.
fiGRTJi DAliLiES, Wash.
Situated at the Head of Navigation.
Destined to "be .
jWandf actat'ing Center
In tie Inland Empire,
Best Selling1 Property of the Season
in the Northwest.
Por farther information call at the omce of
Col umbiaiciCo.
1 IOE ! : IOE :
Having over 1000 tons of ice on hand,
we are, now prepared to receive erders,
wholesaler or .? retail to t be jdetivered
through the summer. -Parties contract
ing with us will be earried through the
entire-r eeason without . advance -in
FBlcK,'i and may :depend that ' we have
nothing but
Cut from mountain '"water ; no slough or
slush ponds. , , , . , ?
' Leave ' orders at the Columbia Candy
Factory," 104 Second street-' '
W. S. CRAM, Manager.
D.' P. Thompson' j. s. Schenck, H.1 M. Bb all,
Prwudent. . .- Vice-President. Cashier.
First jatioiial Baiii
A General Banking Business transacted
1 Deposits received j. subject to 'Sight ;
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
- remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
, . ..New -York, San; Francisco rid Port '
'i.and-.; . - Mat
D. P. Thompson. v .Jno.,8. Schknck.
T. W. Sparks. - Gko. A. Liebb.
. H. M, Bsaxl.
French & CO.,
r. , . . . j. ....
l i.. ': ' t v'.j. ' :-; '.. j
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern. States. i
. .)6ight. Exchange and . r .Telegnkphic
Louis. San Erancisco. Portland Oreumi?
eattie WaK:And Mriobst points an Or
egon ana wasmngton. t
Collections male 'at "all points- on -favorable
72 Washington St., PORTCAlSrD- Or
The Dalles
F :
it TrV AC of the Beet Brands
VXVJ jC.'Xk marrafactured, and
oraers irom an parts or the country filled
The renutatinn nf '.TVIV. hiT T.PK "!
GAR has become firmly established, ..and
mio ui-unnu ior; ine nome manutactured
arucie is -increasing every day.
The Dalles Ice Co.,
Coy. TbiPd and Unio Streets, 1
Having a sufficient quantity of Ice to
supply i the city, we are now. prepared to
recei ve' orders to be delivered during the
coming summer. --Parties contacting
with as can depend. -on .'.-being .npplied
through the entire season and -may de
pend that we have nothing but -
Cut .from monntiLin wq f Jr ha al.i.K Av
flfnpn mndd. 1 - '
we are .receiving orders daily and
BolfjitKaaof tSatianee oftbd'aanie; ... .
H. J. MAXEB. If an air ar.
-, . . p
Office, corner Third and TJjiion.i. streets.
1 . .'. : : ' " ' E-:
;!Nroia!ce tb-
asRessmtent roll tor 1891; in School District
No. 12, Wasco county, Oregon, is now in the
Hands oi tne scnooi eierK ana open for inxpec
tion. , All persons desiring m eosBjre-in their
assewmenta are herebw eqtriied' kvapipear before
thg directors who will sit aa d board of eqnaliza
tion ionWooelay,, Tuesday .and. ..Wednesdaj, the
1st, 2d andil days of June; 191, aiid show 'Cause
why their aBnenHmeirt aiicuid eiiuigud; Pani.
tively no reductions will be allowed aiter
Wednesday, Jnne 3d. " i
. By Order oi Directors. - . - .. . , '.
n-inn8 . School Clerk
Choynski Puts Tooley to Sleep in One
and Eleven Seconds at
Par Staixe Drivers Maki tie Trouble
for the Police Judge Deady AI--lows
Immoral Women to Land.
Mklbouknk, May 26. A prize tight
which came off here yesterday between
Choynsk: and Tooley was the shortest
combat ever recorded in the history of
the prize ring. . The result showed that
Tooley is no match for Choynski, ior the
latter knocked him out in one minute
and eleven seconds. - . '
Striking Stage Drivers in Paris Ci
things hy Mob Rule.
Pahis, May '26. The strike of the
stage drivers continues today and is
causing much excitement. The com
pany, assisted by the police today, at
tempted to run several stages. , The
strikers first stoned them and then
made a charge, driving away the police.
The drivers were dragged from their
boxes and pounded .vigorously while
their .stages.- were overturned. ...The
efforts of the police present were useless
iii 'the face of an. overwhelming mob.
" -Public-sympathy Is with the -strikers,,
who went out for shorter hours and re
instatement of ' their companions who
had' been discharged because ' they be
longed to the union. .' '
Philadelphia's Treasury Muddle.
Phila.dei.haia,. Penn., May 26. The
city commissioners met . this morning
and ignoring Wright who was appointed
by Governor Pattison as successor to
City ' Treasurer Bardsley proceeded to
elect Richard C.'O'Ellers, business man-'
ager of the kecord, to fill the office. 'A
question as to who lias the power to fill
the office of city, treasurer has given rise
to much controversy and will undoubt
edly fee-brought into court. '
Deady Allows Immoral Women to Land.
Portland, Or. May 26. The nine
Japanese women who came over on the
steamship - Pern ptos ' and 'who were hot'
allowed 'to land at San 'Frncisco 'on the
ground 'that they, were.'h.rought to this'
country u for immoral.; purposes, were
brought ..before . United States . Judge
Deady . today at noon on a writ of habeo
corpus. Judge Deady ordered-them set
at liberty." ' - -"- "-
in Cittxen's
San Fbakcibco, May '26.rCapt,Ei. L.
Zalinski, of the Fifth United States Ar
tillery; stationed at the presidio and the
inventor of the Zalinski dynamite gun
nas .qeen oroereo, unaer arrest .lor ap
pearing upon the reservation . in civilian
dress. It is stated a court martial will
be held.-
Ouuld May Kuild to Helena.
Helena, Mont., May( 26. It is re
ported that Jay Gould during his
coming visit here will look into the mat
ter of extending the Union Pacific sys
tem so as to give it direct entrance into
Helena over' its own lines' by way of a
new road and the Utah Northern' to
Poeatello. .
A Prlxe Fighter Knocked out to 'Stay.
Lynn,' Mass, May 26. James Barles,
who was knocked out in a .battle with
Hafvy Tracy ,r at Cambridge Monday eve
ning, died this morning. , The knock-out
blow broke a blood . vessel in his brain.
Tracy has been arrested on a charge of
T. -i : ; .
JBeheaded for Piracy.
.. San Fbancisco, vjtfay . . 26. Advices
from! China state that nineteen Chinese
were beheaded by order of the authorities
8t . Knowlan City, .April. "17th and . that
nine fhem were . known to have par
ticipated in the Namea piracy tragedy.
' The Governor Won't Have It. '
Lan'sing, -Mich'.,' May . 26. The "gov
ernor has petothsj bill ; appropriating
130,000 for the . entertainment , of ,lhe G.
A. E. at Detroit next-August.
. Large Dry Goods Firm "Fails.
; Atlanna, .Ga.r May 26-The ..largest
dry goods firm in the south, John Byahs
& Son of this city; was fclosed by the sher
iff today. 1 '"' " "
Weather Forecast.
San FRANc"i8cd,.TMay
fpr, .Oregon and . Washington.
. J-agnt
rains. . .
Saa Francisco Market.
"'San Francisco. "'Ma v' ''26.-
" v''t
buver 9i,' L?6 ; 'season' 06.
-Chicago' Wheat Market.
Chicago, 111.
firm cash, 1,04 ;
'Jf;.w.A s v jnjr "stewaro tor b8t peppl.'.'. , ,
The Reports Show an Increase in Mem- i
hers and Churches;
Dbtboit, May 26. At the morning
session of the Presbyterian general as- I
sembly the repof-t ol the comiuittee
board of home missions was read. The
report shows the total receipts for the
year to be over $958,000. One hundred
ana thirty-hve churches were built dur
s . n . . .-, . . i
j - i""1'
miK,u ucui uu amuuiiRia io f i,uuo.
The membership in churches has in-
creased until there is a total of 156:000.
..!.. I. t . - k.. . I .- t . .1 . . . 1 . . . . 1
Ifie tntfll in Snnilao untiAnlu ! 17Q nnil
The year closed with a debt of
which was caused
by a trreat
falling off
in legacies.
Kaptlst Missionary Uutoh.
Cincinnati, May 26.' -At this morn
ing's session of the American Baptist
Missionary union, wprk in different mis
sionary fields was discussed. ' The com
mittee on place and preacher reported
iii favor ofPniladelphia for the next
year and Rev. W. W. Boyd of New
Jersey as preacher.
He " Called the Turn."
Tai.vahabbee, Fla., May 2(1. Fifty'
four votes were cast in joint session of
the legislature today for United States
Senator. Call received thirty and was
declared elected.' ' '
O'Shea Gets an Absolute Divorce.
. London, May 26. The decree of . di-,
vorce obtained by Captain O'Shea from
hift wife, oh account of alleged adultery
with Parneil, was today made absolute.
Illinois Goes a Million on the World's
- '' Fair.' ,
Spbingfiei-d, ,111., .. May 26. The
World's fair bill, this morning passed the
senate with a million dollars appropria
tion. .'."-.:.
A Iively Blaae.
. Martinez, Calif., May 26. Ah incen
diary -ii re at Crockett, Calif., last night
destroyed property to the value of 1 50,000.
Insurance, f 20,000. ,., , .... -
The rollce Prevent Sunday Ball Flay
' ' ins; fam .Cincinnati. . ;. . .
Cincinnati, Ohio. May 23. -Over 2000
people paid admission to the Association
ball grounds today. Each one on enter
ing received a ticket, containing an order
for a refund of their admission Fee if the
game was prevented by police ' interfer
ence, and an -hour later each one 'used
Ins ticket in obtaining bis ' money back.'
Only one inning was played when the
superintendent ot police, 'witn a torce of
poi ice, informed, the , players ' they were
under arrest. ... The spectators smiled
good naturedly and soon went away. At
the station house the players .were re
leased on. bonds of . $300; ; each to appear
before the police court tomorrpw. ,i It is
said President Ream, of the club, will
demand a trial by jurv ' at ; Cincinnati:
Ibe- question, involving Sunday laws,
usually means a disagreement.
Forced to Run to Pave Their Lives.
Chicago, May 24. Between four and
five thousand ' excursionists from this
city, who went to Calumet heights in a
special train this afternoon to look at
suburban lots, were - com pel led to run
for their lives before a prairie fire, which
tormed a sneet at name halt a mile wide.
Men, .women and children;, jostled, each
other in .their wild flight. Fortunately
the grass had been cut in the ; northern
part and the fire running out, the!(fury
abated before it reached the neighboring
houses. Two policemen were burned
fighting .the flames. Boys " throwing
matches in dead prairie grass caused the
Peddleii Without a License.
Dubuque,-, la.,:May 24. In the dis
trict , court yesterday,, Judges Lineham
made an important decision under the
interstate commerce law. Fred Baker
was selling goods by samples to deliver
w r . r . i t t
iijc Dauie iruui jxiniieapfJUS. tie was
arrested, fined and imprisoned for ped
dling goods without a license, as provid
ed by the city ordinance. ' Habeas corpus
proceedings were brought, and the judge
decided that as the goods were not in the
Btate wnen , trie sale was - made, he was
not peddling, and as the law demands
no tax i shall . be charged! on "inter-state
traffic, this fine was wrongfully imposed.
Thedecision is of importance, as nearlv
every municipality in Iowa has a similar
ordinance. The case will be appealed'.
Because of a Wife's Infidelity.
Caleba, Ala,r. May 24T-Last night
iam, Ingram. and-Joe, Allen, t prominenV
farmers, met in the road arid opened tin?
on each otler. Allen was soon joined, by
his brother,'fBpb-.and Ipgrami by, his
father and three brothers. '. In the battle
with knives and pistols whfch followed,
Fred Ineram. Henrv AleMnder.
den andJlob Alerrwere fatally wounded:
no- vrouuie-grew jooijoi intimacv dcj
tween Sam Ingram and Joe Allen's' wife
Stanford the Standard-Bearer.
-Nw Ygrk,' May 24,-A special' from
.iAVabninrtW lRkM' D I iinrn. J
i -"w.'"as v Hue -4utu"uariv uiuvculclll
here..professitO' wye direct ;-assu ranee
eXLrA. mti
ttovement, with alUhatHs-therein-im-f
plied, and that be will be the standard
tyMMbf tlie rtlMrHSBj-or CeapTe'a party!
iaj 892. Some td e 1 Tlrlel4rq
claim to be anthemed to make public
A'" t'i . " - .1 '-
Because She Deserted Hlin He
Killed Her.
Kio Gkaxue City, May 24. Decrato
Jieuina Killed his wite yesterdav and es-
I caiHHl to Mprim.
tie swain . tne river
bullet. Two wepL-n
ago his wife deserted him. and a soldier
at the barracks was supposed to be the
cauHeof it. Yesterdav Medina walked
into thehoustsand found his wife arrang-
ing a asKei oi nowers, anrt reproaching
ucr. i'Kiin io Diav with Jier lair, when
siiuueniy ne cirew a (lira, reacneil over
er shoulder and stabbed her to the
ii?;,,,? ?J1HlJ tw,,ehiJdren ?nd. wa9 a
..... I I I I . . . .
r J '
A New Question In lutliana.
Indanapomh,' Ind., May 24. Bv the
tinanimous opinion of the fall bench of
the superior courts yesterdav, all the
suits acainst S. T. Brown growing oat of
the fulling of his building, in which thir
teen firemen lost their lives, were
thrown out of court. The court holds
that the owner of the building could not
be held, responsible for the accident, and
that there was no cause for action on
the part of the sufferers against him.
The question is a question is a new one
in thiH state and will likely go to the su
preme court. .
Cannot Discuss the Question.
St. Paci Minn, May ' 24. Sidney M.
Owen, the Minnesota alliance candidate
for .governor, although an enthusiactic
third party man, said last night that he
could not indorse the Cincinnati plat
form. He said :
"1 am in favor ol government owner
ship and operation of the railroads. I
am also a believer in bi-metallic. cur
rency, but 1, don't believe in fiat money
or the sub-treashry scheme.
Declared in Favor or Dr. Krlggs.
Chicago, May .24. The, Rev. Dr. John
H. Barrows, of this ,city, decided today
for Professor Briggs. Dr. Barrows,, who
is one of the best-known Presbyterian
divines of the West, said if the Presby
terian; confession of faith is too narrow '
to receive the great controversialist, it
ought to be broadened. The statement
was made by Df. Barrows in the First
Presbyterian' church before a large con
gregation, and attracted marked atten
tion. -
A Cruiser to Be Built for Japan.
San Francisco," May" 24. The "Vail
say s - representatives of the Japanese
government have been negotiating with
the Union Iron Works, of this city, fpr
the construction of . a torpedo cruiser.
and' have just sailed for home 'for the
purpose of getting final instructions be
fore making the award. Henrv T. Scott.
kf the Uxion. Iron- Works, said no con
tract naa oeen let, Dut ne refused to dis
cuss the matter further.
. ; , K , Seat, No Sermon.
Once having, to preach at a chnrch in
Regent street, .on arriving at the door
Bishop Wilberforce encountered his
friend Mrs. in the act of returning-
to her carriage.
' 'What,' going away?"
"Only because 1' can't get in."
' "Do yon mean that yon really wish to.
stop?". . r ' .
. "I came on pm-pose."
"Then take my arm."
The crowd at the door was excessive
At last the beadle appeared, to whom?,
the bishop in his blandest manner, "saidr.
' "Yon will be so good as 'to give" this,
lady the best seat in the church."
, "Impossible, air church quite fullP'
The bishop calmly, but with, emphasis,
repeated his orders. .
"Quite iitiiKjssible!" repeated the bea
dle. "I tell yon, sir. the church is quite
full. "Oh, but." was the rejoinder. 'I won't,
preach' if you don't!"
.. This alarming threat at once opened;
Bumble's eyes. ... .
"Oh, 1 beg pardon, my lord," winkings
."This way, inarm." .
And" he deposited Mrs. A in the
churchwardens luxurious empty pew
under the pulpit. London Tit-Bita.
Wire Finer Than Hair.
We. are at , work just now on some
pretty small wire. It is l-500th of an
inch in diameter finer than the hair on
your head, a great deal. Ordinary fine
wire is drawn through steel plates, bnt
that wouldn't' do for -this work, because'
if the hole wore away ver so little it
would make the wire larger, and that
would spoil the job. Instead, it is drawn
through what is practically a hole in a
diamond, to which there is, of course, no
wear. These diamond plates are made
by a woman in New York, who has a
monopoly' of the art in this country.
The wire is then ran through machinery,
which, winds it spirally with' a layer of
silk.i thread that is .0013 of an inch in
thickness even finer, than tiie wire, you
see.' .This . wire is used, in ..making the-
I' receiving instruments of ocean cables. ,
uio gtuviuiuuiu;rs tuseu in lrKLin cauies
and ' 'measuring insulation of covered
wires. -Interview iwith a Manufacturer.
-I . j A' pey,
An, actor told the following , etory the
other evening;: He, was .on a. train which
whb coming into .new XorK, in, tne
seat' before hun'sat two- countmnen
''who were evidently on their Way to the
'theater. -They -began: to i talk -abbut
?Lactor8gefeivwfulbia,laxies.J Kdon't
,8ee , how,, they; can., afford, to; pay em. so
much... Now. there's. X ., Thev.aav
he ! getp200 weekan.d the' cast ypf char-
aciers. ynst unnic xZ. itl. Two bun
ixxi--uui- ' aro ana uie aei or. cnar .
And -tn cast 'Oi char
simberat That . aema..av ,wickd :f waste of