u:.. SONG. is nae one like my lamiac Her brow a snawdrap la, And her lips they are red cherries. That aye invite a him. . . There Ik nae one like my lassie; Her hair is sunshine curled. And her e'en are surely brighter Than nnie In the world. There is nae onu liko uiy tuHsie; Her voice it is sae clear That 1 straightway dream o' angels ' When its siller tones I hear. """"Tliere is nae one like ray lassie. And she's good as she is fain K'eo heaven will seem more holy When her spirit enters there. Susie W. Best in Philadelphia Ledger. SAVED BY A HAIR. It was a dark and stormy night with out, and I drew iny chair closer to the fire as I sipped my tea and regaled my elf with the news of the local paper. -As the storm and sleet rattled furiously -against the window and pedestrians hur Tied by anxious to reach a place of shel ter, I felt thankful that I was not obliged to leave my comfortable home for the night. "What's this?" Isaid,as myeyealight d on a startling paragraph. "Mysterious murder! Mr. John Ran dolph, one of our old and wealthy citi zens, was this morning found dead in bin mom, having been murdered during the a! gilt by some unknown person. Edgar Morton, a clerk in his employ, and who, report says, was soon to be married to Ui daughter, has been arrested for the murder, and circumstances are said to bo strongly against him.' Now, although I am usually among the first to hear of criminal news, from the nature of my business, this was the first intimation I had received that such murder had been done. This seemed very strange, as I was on the very best of terms with Mr. Randolph and his whole family. "And so this is the way that Edgar Morton repays the benefactor of his youth and soon to be father! Yet, no," I cried, "I will stake my life on that L young man's innocence.1 As I spoke there came a gentle tap at the door, followed almost immediately Vy the entrance of a lady deeply veiled, who at once threw aside her veil, disclos ing to me the features of my- deceased triend's daughter, Cecil Randolph. "Excuse me, Mr. Ferguson, for enter ing uninvited, but argent business mast be my only excuse. "Be seated. Miss Randolph," I said, rising and handing her a chair. - - "Oh, Mr. Ferguson!" she sobbed forth, borying her face in her hands, "that 1 ahould ever be obliged to come to yon on aoch an errand as this! I endeavored to quiet her, and partially t ancceeded, when I drew from her what few facts she knew regarding her father's death. "He retired last night at the usual . loar apparently in good spirits, and no . TMund was heard during the night to cause any alarm. In the morning, as he Tailed to appear at breakfast, a servant was dispatched to summon him. Knock ing at the door and receiving no answer. be finally opened it and advanced into Ibe room. What a sight did he then behold! My poor father lay upon his bed, with his throat cnt from ear to ear! .Death must have come to him suddenly 0'4.v suddenly as to prevent any outcry j4r -Tw ttie tin Known assassin had no trouble i ug his escape.' "tint. -. "i can t see why any one shoui.. .,. aspect Edgar of the mur der." "That is the most mysterious part of the sad affair. This morning, when Edgar was told of the murder, he turned -very pale, reeled, and would have fallen to the ground had not support been given him. Some of the ignorant be- s ; . holders. of this scene thought his actions denoted guut, and an officer was Bum- ;-. moned, who at once insisted on search ing nis room. A razor, on which was . ... . several spots of blood, was found con eealed under the carpet, together with i , an old suit of clothes belonging to Ed gar, which was bespattered with blood. This was considered sufficient evidence to warrant his arrest, and he now lies in jail charged with the awful crime of murder. ' Oh, Mr. Ferguson, if you can do anything to save him, and at the same time bring the guilty perpetrator of the deed to justice, I will amply reward you. "Do you know of any enemies of your lather, or of Edgar, who would be likely w to commit such a crime, either for rob bery or revenge? I asked. "Oh," she replied, "it was not done for robbery, as everything in the room was as my father left it the night before. His watch and pocketbook, the .latter containing a good sum of money, were found under his pillow, where he always ( placed them; so that the crime must have been committed to gratify a fiend ish thirst for revenge. "Now, then, who of all your acquaint ances could do such a thing?' "I cannot possibly say. My father had not an enemy in the world, to my know! dge, or Edgar either unless, perhaps. ' . it might be Conrad Smithers, my father's bookkeeper and head clerk. But it would be impossible for him to do such a deed. "What reason have you for suspecting that he is not Edgar's friend? "Only this: Some time ago Conrad, whom we have always regarded as one of the family, proposed for my hand. and I told him it was not mine to give. I suspected as much,' he muttered. . And then, while his face grew dark as night and his features assumed an ap pearance perfectly fearful, he continued, 'But you shall never become the wife of Edgar Morton while I have life to prevent it.' He then- turned and abruptly left my presence. I wai much alarmed and thought of speaking to my lather about it, but during the after noon he returned and begged my forgive ness for the words he had used, and made such professions of sorrow in regard to them that 1 freely forgave him, and have since thought no more of the matter, "The fact is quite clear to me," I said. -I know this fellow well and the sort of (company be keeps, and I shall not be surprised to hud that lie: conimittod the murder. Now, then. I want to see th body of your father and the. room in which the deed was done." "Well, Mr. Ferguson, she said, rising and preparing to accompany me, "yon will find everything as it was when first discovered. The officer decided not t; disturb anything until after the inquest. which takes place tomorrow forenoon." Wrapping myself up in my greatcoat we set out, and after a brisk walk of minutes reached the handsome residence of my companion. I was at once shown to the room of the murdered man, and then began making such an examination as only a detective knows how to make. Circumstances of the most trivial char-. acter, which would be overlooked -by an ignorant person, are often seized upon by a skillful detective, and sometimes constitute the most damaging evidence of guilt. In this case, however, every thing had been done in the most skillful manner, and 1 could not succeed in mak ing any discovery. I was about to leave the room in de spair when, glancing toward the bed." 1 noticed what appeared to be a slight scratch on the neck of the murdered man just above the gaping wound which had so cruelly let out his life's blood. On ex- i nation I found it to be nothing more . a a hair, which had in some manner j.i tihably become loosened from the head of the assassin and had settled on the neok of the victim, where it now lay, a silent yet truthful witness, pointing out the guilty wretch to the eye of justice. The hair was of a deep red color, which was totally unlike that of any of the household. It was, indeed, the same color and shade as that of Conrad Smithers. I placed it carefully in my pocketbook. and saying nothing o any one of my discovery, started for the residence of Smithers-, intent on doing a little acting. I found him, as his attendant said, ill in bed and on no account must he be dis turbed. . ' 'This sickness is but a stratagem.' 1 thought, "to divert suspicion."". Telling the woman that I wanted to see him but for a moment on the most ur gent business, she finally reluctantly con sented to my entrance. I found uim lying npon a bed, apparently in great pain, in my youth 1 had studied medi cine and was consequently well informed in such matters, and saw at once with a quick glance that he was only feigning sickness. He started np somewhat an grily as 1 entered, bnt I silenced him with a motion of my head. "Conrad Smithers, this is a desperate game you are playing, bnt it will avail you nothing. . "What do you mean?" he exclaimed. springing to his feet, his illness all gone. "I mean that the game is up and the murderer of John Randolph is discov ered." Thrown completely off his guard, as I had anticipated, he sank into a "chair, and burying his face in his bands sobbed out, "Lost! lost! "Do you confess the murder, then?" "I do," he answered,'- "now that con cealment is no longer of use." I took him at once into custody and soon had the satisfaction of seeing, him change places with Edgar Morton. Conrad Smithers was tried for the murder and, knowing that any defense would be useless after his confession to me, he pleaded guilty and threw himself upon the mercy of the court, which sen tenced him to imprisonment for life. It needs scarcely to be explained that the villain Smithers had found an oppor- I tumty of visiting Edgar Morton's room in his absence and possessed himself of the razor and the articles of clothine. After the commission of the murder he had returned to the apartment and de posited the blood stained evidences of his crime, thus incriminating Edgar. About a year after I received an invi tation to the wedding of Cecil Randolph and Edgar Morton, who live most hap pily together and never ceased thanking me that Edgar was saved by a hair. New York Evening World. Uses of Fungi. The coal mines near Dresden have long been celebrated for the production of fungi which emit a light resembling pale moonlight. It is phosphorescent in its nature. Another species furnishes a use ful color for dyeing; another is employed for making ink; another is utilized for stupefying bees, for stanching blood and for making tinder; another serves the Laplanders to destroy hedbugs, for which purpose it is smeared upon the walls and bedposts, and another is valued by the Kamschatkans for manufacturing an in toxicating liquor. The "poly porous squamosus" makes razor strap far superior to those com monly sold. For this purpose it must be cut from the ash tree upon which it grows, in the autumn, when its juices have been dried and its substance has become solidified. - It is then to be flat tened out tor twenty-rour hours in a press, after which it should be carefully rubbed with pumice, sliced longitudinal ly, and every slit that is free from dam age by insects glued upon a wooden stretcher. In quite ancient times this fungus was so employed, and it seems strange that it has gone so entirely out of fashion. Washington Star. A Geometry Examination. Three- elderly gentlemen, all college graduates, were discussing the effects of time in obliterating early training at school. One of them, Mr. A, asserted that they had all forgotten nearly every thing they learned at school, and this the second gentlemen, Mr. B as stren uously denied. "For instance," said Mr. A to ' Mr. B,'"what do you know about geometry now? , Anything at all?" "Certainly," said B, "a good deal." "Well," said the third man, Mr. C. breaking in, "let's have a little examina tion. A, what is the shortest distance between two points called?" "A railroad," said Mr. A, promptly Mr. B laughed heartily. "Well, B," said C, "perhaps you can tell me what the shortest distance be tween two points is?" "A telegraph line, of course," aaid Mr. B, triumphantly. Youth's Companion. HIS OCCUPATION GONE. NOWADAYS THERE IS VERY '. FOR A SCOUT TO DO. LITTLE The Railroad and the Telegraph Have Taken Away Hi Avoemtion Import ance of the Scout of Former Time ' His Wonderful Eyesight Indian Trails. The scout of the frontier is bike the typical cow boy a mythical personage in these days of steam and electricity. The recent Indian war was conducted with out him, and the travelers on the prairies do not need his services. Trailing is as much an art as is painting or sculpture, and almost as few become proficient in it as in the handling of brush or chiseL . It is impossible to realize nowadays the importance of a scout of former times. No party dared cross the plains alone without a professional trailer to lead it, and no marauding band of In dians or whites could be overtaken un less they were tracked across the bound less wastes of sod. A traveler across the plains of New Mexico relates to the writer that one day while riding with a guide he stopped and pointed to a clear and well defined bear's track in the sand. The guide looked at it attentively a moment.' then, without dismounting, 1 declared: "You are mistaken: it is not a bear's track." "Isn't it?" said the American! "Then I never saw one." "Yes, yon have seen many, but this j isn't one." j Quickly alighting, the American j pointed out the heel and toes of the j track as clear and well defined aa if I made a few minutes before. "Well," said the guide, "if it does look like a bear's track, still it isn't one. The marks you imagine to be the heels and toes are made by those spires of grass, which, bent by the wind,' scoop out the sand in the manner you see. ' - - "You ought to have seen that your self," he went on, "but you didn't stop to think. You Americans never da Americans travel with their eyes 'shut and their mouth open. An Indian or Mexican will travel all . day without speaking a word to any one unless abso lutely necessary, but nothing escapes his observation, while an American will talk continuously and see nothing but the general features of the. country through which he travels." The guide was probably right, for few Americans . become adepts at trailing either men or animals across the plains of the west. . FOULOWING a trail. It is impossible to learn the art from books, though there are a few general rules which can be. observed. ; For in stance, every scout - knows that to over take a party which has perhaps run off some stock, provisions must be taken to last several days; that the start must be made slowly and the course followed persistently and at a moderate pace, giv ing the horses the nights to .rest in and start at daylight in the mornings. Then, when the pursuers come near the pursued, it is the scout's business to tell - the number and condition . of the enemy, and how many hours .have elapsed since they passed the .spot on which you are standing, for it may be come necessary for you to remain con cealed until you decide upon the manner of attack, for if the party be made up of Indians they will scatter before yon can capture them. Again, any scout can tell whether the trail be that of a war party or not, be cause no Indians take their families with them on the warpath; hence no lodgi poles drag behind the ponies.' If there is no trace of these it is safe to consider that a war party is on the rampage. " One of the difficult things to determine is the age of the trail, and to do it cor rectly requires much practice. . If the track is very fresh it will show moisture where the earth is turned up. which after a few hours becomes dry. Should rain have fallen - the edges will be less clear and will be washed down some what. The expert Mexican scout can tell by a glance, what tribe of Indians has made a given trail, its age, and every particu lar about it as truthfully as thongh he had himself seen the cavalcade pass. A party following an Apache trail dur ing the Indian difficulties of 1883 sud denly came to a ledge of bare rock. The officers of the troops examined it care folly, but could see nothing to indicate where the tribe had gone. But the scout led them for two miles across it as un erring as though the trail had been made in heavy grass. KEEN EYESIGHT. - When asked what told him the way. he called attention to the fine moss which covered the rock, and that . by close scrutiny gave evidence of having been pressed by the foot, an indication so slight that it would have been passed unnoticed by ninety-nine out of a hun dred, yet his keen eye detected every footprint as easily as could be wished. In the grass a trail can be seen for a long time, as the blades will be bent in the direction followed by the party, and even after it has recovered its natural position an expert trailer wily, detect a slight difference in the color of the grass that has been stepped on and that grow ing around it. So the appearance of the tracks will also show him the gait at which the party was traveling, and he thus knows how to regulate his pace in order to overtake it. It is rare to find a White person who can retrace his steps for any great dis tance in the open country, but it is sim ply impossible to lose an Indian. No matter how circuitous the route by which you have reached a certain place the Indian will find his way back to the place of starting by the most direct route, and without hesitating for a mo ment which course to pursue. If you ask him how he does it he may possibly shrug his shoulders and reply, "Quien sabe?" or "Who knows?" though the chances are that he will not reply at alL No matter how affable and enter taining he may prove in camp, be will talk little while . en route. Chicago Herald. Wlotale aid Retail Dmipsts. -DEALERS IN- Fine Imported, Key West and Domestic OIG-AHS. PAINT Now is the time to paint your house and if you wish to get thje bet quality and a fine color use the Sherwin. Williams Co.'s Paint, . For those wishing to see the quality and color of the above paint we call their attention to the residence of S. L. Brooks, Judge Bennett, Smith French and others painted by Paul Kreft. Snipes & Kinersly are agents for the above paint for The Dalles. Or. Don't Forget the E(18T E)1D SflLOOII. " . ' - HacDonall Bros., Props. THE BEST OF fines, Liquors aod Cigars ALWAYS ON HAND. p, BJARy do., Real Estate, Insurance, Loan AGENCY, Opera House Bloek,3d St. Chas. Stubling, PROPRIETOR OF THB New Yogt Block, Second St Wholesale and retail Liquor v Dealer, MILWAUKEE BEER ON DRAUGHT. Dr. E. C. Webt'b Ncrvk anb Brain 'Treat ment, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizzi ness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental De pression, Softening of the Brain, resulting in in sanity and leading to miserv. decav and death. Premature Old Age, Barrenness, toss of Power iii eiuier sex, involuntary losses ana Spermat orrhoea caused by over exertion of the brain, self abuse or over indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. 11.00 a box, or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. WK nUABAMTEE SIX BOXES io cure any case, wnn each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied by $5.00, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to re fund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure, uuaraniees issued only Dy BLAKELIT & HOUGHTON, . Prescription Druggists, 175 Second St. The Iallea, Or. YOU NUED BUT ASK Thb 8. B. Headache and Lives Cuke taken according to directions will keep your Blood, Liver and Kidnevs in (rood order. The 6. B. Cough Cube for Colds, Coughs and Croup, in connection with the Headache Cure, la as near nerfect aa anything known. The 8. B. Alpha Pair Curb for internal and external use, in Neuralgia, Toothache, Cramp wjuc ana ;noiera MorDUB, is unsurpassea. ri ney are well liked wherever known. Manufactured u itafur. Oregon. For aale by all druggists Health is Wealth ! Cf 16 Dales is here and has come to stay. It hopes to win its way to public favor by ener gy, industry and merit; and to this end we ask that you give it a fair trial, and it satisfied with its course a generous support. The Daily four pages of six columns each, will be issued every evening, except Sunday, and will be delivered in the city, or sent rtvr -vvfe ft - I fl-.s-v fc-h -t cents a montn. Its Objects will be to advertise the resources of the city, and adjacent country, to assist in developing our industries, in extending and opening up new channels for our trade, m securing an open river, and in helping THE DALLES to take her prop er position as the . .. . Leading City of The paper, both daily and weekly, will be independent in: criticism ot political matters, as m its handling of local affairs, it will be JUST FAIR AND IMPARTIAL We will endeavor to cive all the lo- cal news, and we ask of our object and course, be formed from the contents of the paper, and not from rash assertions of outside parties. THE WEEKLY, sent to any address It will contain from four to six eight column pages, and jto make it the equal of the best. Ask your Postmaster for a copy, or address. THE CHRONICLE PUB. CO. Office, NvW. Cor. Washington and Second Sts. THE DALLES. The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at the head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, prosperous city. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agri cultural an i grazing country, its trade reaching as far south as Summer Lake, a . distance of over twc hundred miles. THE LARGEST WOOL MARKET. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of the the Cascades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the -wool from -which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original -wool shipping point m America, aooux o,uuu,uuu pounds oeing shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. : . The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columlaia, . yielding this year a revenue of $1,500,000 which can and wilLhe more than doubled in the near future. The products of the beautiful Klickital valley find market here, and the country south and east has this year filled the warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH It is the richest city of its size on the coast, and its i money is scattered over and is being used to develop, more farming country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed! Its climate delight ful! Its possibilities incalcula"ble: "Its resources un limited! And on these comer stones she stands. J A J Y ti Eastern Oregon. politics, and in its . that vour criticism for $1.50 per year. we shall endeavor