The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 23, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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ON ' SUNDAY, " MAY 10. -
Was Preled by the Baptism by tbe
Doctor of a Number of Infants with
Water Brought from the Kivar Jar-
Bbookltn, May 10. An interesting cere
aoony was performed this morning in the
Brooklyn tabernacle before the sermon was
preached. A number of infants who bail
toeen brought there by their parents were
baptized. The water used was some of
that which was brought by Dr. Talmage
from the river Jordan. The main audito
fiom of the Tabernacle and the -adjoining
rooms were crowded by an audience of
even thousand persons. The subject of
Dr. Talmage's sermon was "Invitation to
. Wedding," and the text Luke xiv. 17.
Tome, for all things are now ready."
Holy festivities today. We gather other
heaves into the spiritual garner. Our joy
4a like the joy of Heaven. Spread the b.iu
juet, fill ail the chalices. We are not to
day at the funeral of a dead Christ; we are
celebrating tbe marriage of the king's son
as' exciting time.
It was an exciting time in English history
when Queen Elizabeth visited I-iord Leices
ter at Keni I worth castle. The clocks in all
tbe towers and throughout the castle were
-atopped at the moment of her arrival, so
continuing to point to that moment as the
ne surpassing all others in interest.
The doors of the great banqueting hall
were opened. The queen marched in to
the sound of the trumpets. Four hundred
servants waited upon the guests. It was a
scene that astonished all nations when
they heard of it. Five thousand dollars a
day did the banq uet cost as it went on day
after day. She was greeted to the palace
gates with floating islauds and torches and
the thunders of cannon and fireworks that
act the night ablaze, and a burst of music
that lifted the whole scene into enchant
ment. Beginning in that way, it went on
from joy to joy and from excitement to ex
citement and . from rapture to rapture.
That was the great banquet that Lord
Leicester spread in Kenil worth castle.
Cardinal Wolsey entertained the French
ambassadors in Hampton Court. The best
cooks of all the land provided for tbe table.
The guests were kept hunting in the parks
all the day, so that theirappetites might be
keen, and then in the evening hour they
were shown into the banqueting hall,
with table aglitter with imperial plate and
blush with the very costliest wines, and
he; second coarse of the feast was made
f food in all shapes, of men and birds and
beasts, and dancing groups, and jousting
parties riding upon each- other, with up
lifted lances. -Lords and princes and am
bassadors, their cups gleaming to the brim,
4rank first to the health of the king of
England, and then to the health of tbe em
peror of France. That was the banquet
that Cardinal Wolsey spread in Hampton
Court. - i ;
Bat today, my brothers and sisters, I in
vite you to a grander entertainment. . My
Lord, the king, is the bacqueter. Angels
of God are the cupbearers, all the redeemed
re the guests; the halls of eternal love
frescoed with light and pa fed with joy and
curtained with unfading beauty are the
banq ueting place, tbe harmonies of eternity
.. vre the music, the chalices of -God are the
. plate, and I am one of tha servants come
out with invitations to all the people, and
mh that you might-break the seal of the in
vitation and read in ink of blood, and with
the tremulous hand of a dying Christ,
"Come, come, for all things are now ready."
Sometimes there have been great- disap
pointments at a banquet. The wine has
given oat, or the servants have been rebel
lious, or the lights have failed; but I wal-k
11: around the banqueting table of my
lord today, and I find everything com
plete, and I swing open the door of this
banqueting house and I say, "All things
re now ready."
Illustrating my text I go on, and in the
first place Bay that tbe Lord Jesus Christ
Is ready. Cardinal .Wolsey did not come
into the banqueting ball until the second
course of the feast, and when he entered,
booted and spurred, all the guests arose
and cheered him; but I have to tell you
that our banqueter, the Lord Jesus Christ,
comes in at the beginning of the feast. Ay,
he has been waiting for his guests, waing
for some of them 1891 years, waiting with
mangled feet, waiting with band on the
punctured side, waiting with hand on the
lacerated temples, waiting, waitingl
- Wonder it is that the banqueter did not
et weary and say, "Shut the door, and let
the laggards stay out." No, he has been
waiting. How much he is in earnest!
Shall I show your I gather up all tbe tears
that flooded his cheek in sympathy, all the
blood that channeled bis brow and back
and hand and foot to purchase our re
demption. I gather up all the groans com
ing from midnight chill, and mountain
.hunger, and desert loneliness, and I put
them into one bitter cry. I gather up all
the paugs that shot from cross and spike
and spear into one groan. I take one drop
of sweat on his brow, and I put it under the
Slass of .the gospel, and it enlarges to lakes
of sorrow, to oceans of agony. That Christ
today, emaciated and worn and weary,
comes here, and with a pathos in which
every word is a heartbreak and every sen
tence a martyrdom, he says to you, and he .
says to me, "Wkne, come, for all 'things are
now ready."
Ahasuerua made a feast that lasted 180
days. This lasts forever. Lords and
princes were invited to that. You and I
are invited to this. Yes, he has - been
waiting he is waiting now. Other kings
wrap themselves in robes of beauty and
power before they come into a banquet.
So does Christ. Oh, he is the fairest of the
fair. In his hand is the omnipotent sur
gery that opened blind eyes and straight
ened crooked limbs and hoisted tbe pillars
of heaven, and swung the twelve gates
which are twelve pearls. .' Oh, what a
Christ a Christ - of beauty, a Christ of
There are not enough cups ou earth to
dip up this ocean of beauty.: There are
not ladders to scale these heights of love.
On, thou flower of eternity, thy breath is
the perfume- of heaven." Oh,r thou day
break of the soul, let all nations clap their
hands in thy radiance.;' Chorus! Come
men and . angels and , cherubim and sera
phim and archangel, all heights, all depths.
all immensities. Chorus! ltoll pn through
the heavens j, in' chariot of "universal ae-J
claim, over bridges "of hosanna, ' under
arches of coronation, by the towers chim
ing with eternal jubilee. Chorus! Unto
bim that.loved as and' washed us from our
ins in his own blood, and made , as kings
-and priests unto God, to him be glory. -'
Alii there ia one word of five letters that
1 Wonld - like to write, bat I have no sheet
fair enough to write it on, and- no pencil
good enough to inscribe it. -Give me a
sheet from the heavenly records,' and soma
pencil used by angel in describing a vic
tory, and then with band struck with
supernatural energy, --and wfM penes
dipped ia everlasting morning, I will wriii
it out4eiiitlac-4veAJ-&S-e-S Jesi;.!
It is this One that ia waiting for you uni
for me, for We are,, on the same platform
before God. How long be waited for me!
How long he has waited for you! Waiting
asa banqueter waits for his delayed gnents,
the meats smoking, and the beakers brim
ming, and the minstrel with his finger on
stiff string ready to strike at tbe first clai
of the hoofs at the gateway. Waiting its a
mother waits for a boy that ten years iijio
went off dragging her bleeding heart al ter
him. . Waiting. . Oh, can you not give tne
some coiniarison intense enough, import. i
nate enough, high as heaven, deep as bell
and vast as eternity? Not expecting that
you can help me with such a comparison. I
simply say he is waiting as only an all
sympathetic Christ knows how to wait for
a wandering soul. -
Bow the knee and kiss the Hon,
Come and welcome, sinner, come.
But I remark again, not only Christ is
waiting, but the Holy Spirit is waiting.
Why are some sermons a dead failure?
Why are t here songs that do not get their I
wing under the people? Why are there '
players that go no higher up than a hunt'
er's halloo? - Because there is a missing
link that only the Holy Spirit can make
If that Spirit should come through this as
semblage this morning there would be a
power felt like that when Saul was un
horsed on the road to Damascus, like as
when Lydia's heart was broken in her fine
store, like as when three thousand souls
were lifted out of midnight into midnoon
at the PeuLecost.' Do you notice that some
times that Spirit takes an insignificant
agency to save a soul? I think it is very
often that at just one passage of Scripture,
just one word of Scripture, a soul is saved
because tbe Holy Spirit gives it supernat
ural power. - .. ' -'. r.w.i
Do you know what it was that saved
Martin Luther? It was that one verSe,
"The just shall live by faith." Do you
know what it was that brought Augustine
from his horrible dissipations? It was
that one verse, "Put ye on the Lord Jesus
Christ, and make no provision for the flesh,
to fulfill the lusts thereof.' Do you know
what it was that saved Hedley Vicars, the
celebrated soldier? It was the one passage,
'"Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou
sbalt be saved." Dp you know what it
was that brought Jonathan .Edwards to
Christ? It was the one passage, "Now
unto him be glory forever and ever."
One Thanksgiving morning in church 1
read my text, "Oh, give thanks unto the
Lord, for he is good," and a young man
stood in the gallery and said to himself: "1
have never rendered one acceptable offer
ing of gratitude to God in all my life.' Here,
Lord, I am-thine forever." By that one
passage of Scripture he was 'brought into
the kingdom, and if I might tell my own
experience, I might tell how one Sabbath
afternoon I was brought to the peace of the
gospel by reading of the Syro-Phoenician's
cry to Christ where she said: "Even the
dogs eat of tbe crumbs that fall from tbe
master's table." , Philosophic sermons
never saved anybody.' Metaphysical ser
mons never saved anybody. An earnest
plea going right out of -the heart blessed
of the Holy Ghost, that is what saves, that
is what brings people into the: kingdom of
Christ. ;
I suppose1 the world thought that Thom
as' Chalmers preached great sermons in-his
early ministry, but . Thomas Chalmers says
he never preached at all until, years after
he had occupied a pulpit he came oat of
his sick room, and, weak and emaciated.
. he 'stood- aud, told the story of Christ to
the people. ! And in the great day of eter- j
nity it will be found that not so" much the !
eloquent sermons brought meu to Christ
as. the story told perhaps by those who
were unknown on earth, the simple story
of the Saviour's love and mercy, sent by
the power of the Holy Ghost straight to
the heart. Come. Hnlv fihrmf. A u ho, ia
here this morning. He fills all the place.
I tell you the Holy Ghost is ready..; ,
Then I go on and tell yon the church is
ready. There are those here who say. "No
one cares for my souL" We do care for it.
You see a man bowing his bead in prayer,
and yon say, "That man ' is indiffereut."
That man bows bis head in prayer that the I
truth may go to every heart. The air is i
full of pi ay era. They are going up this!
morning from this assembly. Hundreds
of prayers straight to t he throne of a listen- j
lug God. . Tne air is full of prayers pray-!
ers ascending noon by noon from Fulton'
street prayer meeting, Friday, night by i
Friday night all over this '- land, going up i
from praying circles. Yea, there is not a i
minute-ofan hourof any day that there, are -not
supplications ascending to the throne '
of mercy. :The church is ready. And if ;
you should this morning start for your
Father's house there would be hundreds
and thousands in this assemblage who
would say if they knew it, "Make room
for that man, make room for "him at the
holy sacrament; bring the silver bowl for
his baptism; give him full right to all the
privileges of tbe church of Jesus Christ."
Oh, I know there are those who say the
church is a mass of hypocrites, but they do
not really think 60. It is a glorious church.
Christ purchased it. Christ built it. Christ
swnng all its gates. Christ curtained it
with upholstery, crimson with crucifixion
carnage. Come into it. Come into it. I
do not pick out this man or that man and
say, ".You may come." I say all may come
whosoever will. "Come with us and we
will do you good. The Lord hath prom
ised good concerning Israel."
We are a garden walled around,
Chosen and made peculiar ground,
A little plot inclosed by grace
Out of the world's wild wilderness.
Do not say you have never been invited.
I invite you now to the King's feast. One
and alL All! All! But I go further and
tell you that the angels are ready. Some
people think when we speak about angels
we are getting into the region ' of fancy.
They say it is very well for a man when he
haa just entered the ministry to preach
about the angels in heaven, but after he
has gone on further ; it is hardly worth
while. My friends, there is not jiy more
evidence in the Bible that there is a God
than that there are angels. Did they not
swarm- around '-Jacob's ladder? i When
Lazarus1 soul went up did they not - escort
it?. Did not David say,. ."The. chariots of
God are twenty thousand, even thousands
of angels?'' . Are they , not represented as
the chief harvesters of tbe judgment day?
Did not one angel in one night slay 180,000
of bennacbenb's troops?
-"Oby-yea, our world is in communication
whd'xwx) otner worms. ' All that commu
nication is by angels. When a bad man is
to die, a man who has despised God and re
jected the Gospel, the bad-, spirits come on
sulphurous wing and they shackle . him,
and try Jto push him off the precipices' in to
the ruin, and they lift a guffaw of diaboli
cal exultation. . But there is a line of angels,
bright and beautiful and loving angels,
mighty angels, reaching all the way from
earth to heaven, and when others gather
like them I suppose the air is full of theoL?
They hover. They flit about They push
down iniquity from yonr heart. They are
ready to rejoice- . .,. r ........ --
. Look! There is an angel from the throne
of God. ' One moment ago it stood before
Christ and heard the doxology of the re
deemed. It is here now. Bright immortal,
what news from tbe golden city? Speak,
spirit blest. The answer comes melting on
the air, "Come, come, for all things 'are
now ready." Angels ready to bear the tid
ings. Angels ready to drop the benedic
tion. Airgels ready to kindle the joy. - - All
ready. Heady, cherubim and seraphim.
Ready, thrones and principalities and pow
ers. Ready, Mjchael the archangel.
ISM. Yes, 1 go further and say that your glo
rified kindred are ready. I have not any
sympathy with modern spiritualism. I
believe it is born in perdition. When 1 see
the ravages it makes with human intel
lects, when I see tbe homes it has devas
tated, when I see the bad morals that very
often follow in its wake, I have no faith in
modern spiritualism. I think if John Mil
ton and George Whitefield have not any
thing better to do than to crawl ander
Rochester tables and rattle the leaves, they
had better ta.y home in glory. But the
Bible distinctly teaches that the glorified
in heaven are in sympathy with our re
demption. "There is joy in heaven among the angels
of God over one sinner that repenteth;"
and if the angels hear it do not our depart
ed kindred there hear it? There are those
there who toiled for your salvation, and
when they bade yon goodby in the last
hour, and they said, "Meet me in heaven,"
there was hovering over the pillow the
awful possibility that you might not meet.
But, oh, the pathos when that hand was
thrust out from the cover and they said
goodby. . For how long goodby was it?
- Now, suppose you should pass into tbe
kingdom of God this morning, suppose
you should say: "I'm done with the sins
of this world. Fie upon all these follies.
0 Christ! I take thee now, I take thy
service. I respond to thy love, thine am I
forever." Why. before the tear of repent
ance had dried on your cheek,' before your
first prayer had closed, the angel standing
with the message for thy soul would cry
upward, "He is coming!" and angels pois
ing midair would cry upward, "He is com
ing!" all along the line of light from door
way to doorway, from wing tip to wing
tip, the news would go upward till it
reached tbe gate, and then it would flash
to the house of many mansions and find
your kindred out, and those before tbe
throne , would say: . "Rejoice with me, my
prayers are answered. Give me another
harp with which to strike the joy. Saved,
saved, saved!" . .
Now, my friends, if Christ is ready, and
the Holy Ghost is ready, and'the church is
ready, and the angels of God are ready,
and your glorified kindred are ready, are
you ready? I give with tbe emphasis of
my soul the question, "Are yon ready?"
If you do not get into- the king's feast it
wijl be because yon do not accept the ear
nest invitation.- Arm stretched out soaked
with blood from elbow to finger tip, lips
quivering in mortal anguish, two eyes
beaming everlasting love while he says,
"Come, come, come, for all things are now
ready.". ... - - , , r . ' .. ,
At Kenil worth Castle, I 'told you. they
stopped the clocks when Queen Elizabeth
arrived, that the hand of time might point
to that moment as the one most significant
and tremendous, but if this morning the
King should enter the castle of your soul,
well might you stop all the clocks and
have the. finger of time pointing to this
moment as the one most stupendous In all
your life.' 'Would that I could 'come all
through these aisles and all through these
galleries, . not . addressing you perfunc
torily, but taking you by the hand as a
brother takes a brother by the band, and
Baying to one and all to each, "Come, come;
the door is open; enter now and sit down
atthe feast." '.'''"'" ' '
Old man, God has been waiting for thee
long years. Would that some tear of re
pentance might trickle down thy wrinkled'
cheek. Has not Christ done ' enough in
feeding thee und clothing ' thee ' all these
years to win from' thee one word 'of grati
tude? Come, all the' young. . Christ is the
fairest of the fair. ' Wait not till thy heart
gets hard. Come.ohe farthest away from
Christ. Drunkard, Christ can put out the
fire of that thirst. He can restore thy broken
home, i He can break that shackle..; Come
now, today, and get his pardon and its
strength. Libertine, Christ knew where
you were last night. ; He knows all the
story of thy sin. Come to him-this day.
He will wash away thy sin, and he will
throw around thee the robe of his pardon.
Harlot, thy feet foal- with hell, thy laugh
ter the horror of the street O Mary Mag
dalen! Christ waits for thee.
' And the one farther off, farther than I
have mentioned, a case not so hopeful as any
1 have mentioned, self righteous man, feel
ing thyself all right, having no need of
Christ, no need of pardon, no need of help
O self righteous man! dost thou think
in those; rags thou canst enter the feast?
Thou canst not. God's servant at the gate
would tear off thy robe and leave thee
naked at the gate. O self righteous man!
the last to come. Come to the feast. Come,
repent of thy sin. Come, take Christ for
thy portion.
Day of grace going away. Shadows on
the cliff reaching farther and farther over
the plain. The banquet has already be
gun. Christ has entered into that banquet
to which you are invited. The guests are
taking their places. Tbe servant -of the
king has his hand on the door of the ban
queting room, and he begins to swing it
shut. Now is yonr time to go in. Now
is my time to enter. I must go in. You
must go in. He is swinging the door shut.
Now, it is half shut. Now, it is three
fourths shut. Now, it is just ajar. After
awhile it will be forever shut! ...
Why will ye waste ou trifling cares
That life which God's compassion spare? ;
w bile In the endless round of thought
The one thing needful is forgot.
What Bule Oan Her, i
"The governess was awful, cross today,"
the cbildrenaid in ttfe evening . "Well,
mamma, maybe we were bad; but we soon
pacified her. -. I gave her' a big, rosy apple;
Fanny gave her a hearty kiss, and. Fred
gave her a promise to behave better here
after." - " ' ;
"And, Bessie,- what did you give her?"
mamma asked of the youngest. , I
"If" stammered Bessie. "I I gave her
the the slip!" Kate Field's Washing
ton. -. ; .- v-' -
A New Belt of Camels' Hair. ' !
A new belt, which is claimed to be more
durable and less liable to slip than leather,
while at the same time no ' more costly- ia
woven with cotton- warp and camels' hair
filling.- "-The fabric ia then' subjected to
chemicals treatment, and when dry the belt
is given severe tests. New York Journal.
... Mr. Dancev husband of the scalp tress,
left lace in his wardrobe when he died "rai
ned at upward of 15,0001 He as not a
collector, either. . Many of his epoch
Wholesale - anil Retail ' Dftiists.
Fine Imported, Key West and Domestic
Now is the time to paint your house
and if you wish to get the bent quality
and a fine color use the
Slierwin, Williams Co.'s Paint.
For those wishing to see the quality
and color of the ahove paint we call their
attention to the residence of 8. L. Brooks,
Judge Bennett, Smith French and others
painted by Paul Kreft.
Snipes & Kinersly are agents for the
above paint for The Dalles. Or.
Don't Forget the
EflST El
MacDonalfl Bros., Props.
Wines, Liprs and Cigars
C E. BiYAlD f!0.,
I.' : ,
Real Estate,,
and Itpan
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Chas: Stubling,
; . NewYpgt Block, Sewini St.
Liquor v Dealer,
Health is Wealth !
De. E. C. West's Nerve-anb Bratw Treat
ment, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria,. Dizzi
ness, ConvulsioriH, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia,
Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use
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pression, Boftening of the Brain, resulting in in
sanity aud leading to misery, decay and death,
Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power
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one month's treatment. tl.OO a box, or six boxes
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us for six boxes, accompanied by $5.00, we will
send the purchaser our written guarantee to re
fund the money if the treatment does not effect
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... Prescription Druggists,
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Y9U'gjflJSI BJTJ )
The 8. B. . He AnACHE hid Lives Cobe taken
according to directions will keep your Blood,
Liver and Kidneys In good order. - -
The 8. ,-B. . CocH, Cobb for Colds, Coughs
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The 8. B. Alpha- Pain Cube for internal and
external use, in 'Nunilglav Toothache, Cramp
Colic and Cholera Morbus, iannsorpawed. ?They
are well liked wherever known. Manufactured
t Dufur. Oregon. - For sale by all druggista -
is here and has come to stay. It hopes
to win its way to public favor by ener
gy, industry and merit; and to this end
we ask that you give it a fair trial, and
if satisfied with its course a generous
The Daily
four pages of six columns each, will be
issued every evening, except Sunday,
and will be delivered in the city, or sent
by mail for the moderate sum of fifty
cents a month.
Its Objects
will be to advertise the resources of the
city, and adjacent country, to assist in
developing: our industries, in extending
and opening up new channels for our
trade, in securing an open river, and in
helping THE DALLES to take her prop
er position as the
Leadjng City of Eastern Oregon.
The paper, both daily and weekly, i will
be independent in politics, and in its
criticism of political matters, as in its
handling of local affairs, it will be
We will endeavor to give all the lo
cal news, and we ask that your criticism
of our object and course, be formed from
the . contents of tlie
rasn assertions ot outside parties.
sent to any address
it will contain trom four to six eight
column pages, and we shall endeavor
to make it the equal of the best. Ask
your .Postmaster for
Office, N. W. Cor. Washington and Second Sts.
The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at
the head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and
is a thriving, prosperous city. ,
It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agri
cultural an grazing country, its trade reaching as
far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over tvrc
hundred miles.
The rich grazing country, along the eastern slope
of the the Cascades furnishes pasture for thousands
of sheep,, the -wool from -which finds market here.
. , The ijalles ; as. the largest original -wool shipping
point. , in America, , about 5,000,000 pounds being
shipped last year. . K ; :, s :
, . ' .V : ITS .PRODUCTS. -
-The salmon, fisheries are the finest on the Columbia,
yielding this year a. revenue of $1,500,000 vrhich.can
andrwill be: more .than doubled'in the near future. , f ;
-ci The products of. the beautiful Klickital - valley find
market here, and the country south and east has this
year1 filled the "warehouses,- and all available storage
places to oy
t v .i ili . H if ITS;wilALTHl:i:;.';'.'-V . r .
It is the richest city of its size on the coast, and its
money is scattered over and is being used to develop,
more farming country . than is tributary to any other
city in Astern .Oregon:;,, :,: , ,-,i,v,'r!':tu
Its situation is i unsurpassed!, . Its . climate j.delight
fuirw Its possibilities incalculable! Its resources un
limited! And on these corner stones she stands.. .
paper, and hot from
for $1.50 per year.
a copy, or address.