The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 22, 1891, Page 1, Image 1

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9 utile
NO. U6.
The Dalles My Chronicle.
Published Daily, Sunday Excepted.
Corner Second and Washington Streets, Tbe
JJuiiei, uregon.
Tenu of Subscription
Per Year , 6 00
Per month, by carrier 60
Single copy , : 6
. .
Ma 2, Arrives 12:45 a. m. Departs 12:55 A. M.
"8, " 12: 15 P. M. " 12: 85 P. M.
"Jo. 1, Arrives 4:40 A. u. Departs 4:50 A. If .
" 7, " 6:15 P. M. 5:30 P. K.
Two local freights that carry passengers leave
one for the west at 7 :45 a. m., and one for the
east at 8 a.m.
For Prineville, via. Bake Oven, leave daily
(except Sunday) at a. m.
For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 a. m.
For Dufur, Kingsley, Wamlc, Wapinitia, Warm
Springs and Tygh Valley, leave dully (except
Sunday) at 6 A. M.
For Ooldendale, Wash., leave every day of the
week except Sunday at 8 a.m.
Offices for ail lines at the Umatilla House.
eneral Delivrey Window 8 a. m. to 7 p. m.
Money Order " 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Sunday G. D. " 9 a. m. to 10 a. m.
By trains going East 9 p.m. and 11:45 a. m.
" " ' West 9 p.m. and 4:45 p.m.
"Stage for Goldendale 7:30 a. m.
"Prineville 6:30 a.m.
"Dufur and Warm Springs... 5:30 a. m.
' t Leaving for Lyle Hartlaud. .6:30 a. m.
" " " " lAntelope 5:80 a.m.
Except Sunday.
fTri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday.
" Monday Wednesday and Friday.
lor. Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 11
a.m. and 7:30 P. u. Sabbath School at 12 M.'
Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7
Curtis, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11
' A. M. and 7 P. m. Sunday School after morning
service. Strangers cordially invited. Seats free.
ME. CHURCH Rev. H. Brown, Pastor,
a Services every Sunday morning and even
ing. Sunday School at 12 o'clock M. A cordial
Invitation is extended by both pastor and people
to all.
ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Union Street, opposite
Fifth. Rev. KU D. SutcUSe Rector. Services
very Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7;30 P. M. Sunday
School 12:30 P. av Evening Prayer on Friday at
OBE8T Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at
7 A. M. High Mass at 10:80 A. M. ' Vespers at
7 P. M.
ASSEMBLY NO. 2870, K. OF L. Meets in K.
of P. ball Tuesdays at 7:30 p. M.
ABCO LODGE, NO. 15, A F. A A. M. Meets
nrst ana intra Monday of each month at 7
P. M. ,
Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday
of each month at 7 P. M.
UL Hood Camp No. 59, Meets Tuesday even
ing oieacn wee in i. u. u. Hull, at 7:30 p. m.
COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets
every Fridsv evening- at 7:30 o'clock, in Odd
Fellows hall, Second street, between Federal and
wasmngton. sojourning orotners are welcome.
It. A. HILLS, Sec y K. U. CL08TKR, N. .
FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets
every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in
Bchanno's building, corner of Court and Second
streets. Sojourning members are cordially m-
viiea. jo. i . i hompson,
D. W. Vaubk, Sec'y. C. C.
UNION will meet every Friday afternoon
at 8 o'clock at the reading room. A U are invited.
TEMPLE LODGE NO. 8, A. O. U. W. Meets
at K. of P. Hall, Corner Second and Court
Bireeis, i nuraaay evenings at 7 :au.
John Filloon,
W. S. Myers, Financier. M. W.
GRON. Umce: rooms 5 and 6 rhnnmnn
Block. Residence over McKarland Sc French's
store. Otlice hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to
flee in Bchanno's building, up stairs. The
Dalles, Oregoii.
kR. G. C. ESHELMAN Homojopathic Pky-
' 8ICIAN AND SURGEON. (IIHra llnnr. . o
to rz a. m , i to , ana 7 to pr M. Calls answered
promptly day or night' Office; upstairs in Chap
man Block'
DSIDDALL Dentist. Gas given for the
. painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth
set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of
tbe Golden Tooth, Second Street.
AR. THOMPSON Attornby-at-l aw. Office
. in Opera House Block, Washington Street.
Tbe Dalles, Oregon
MAYS, HUNTINGTON & WILSON Attor-nryb-at-law.
Offices, French's block over
First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon.
DUFUR, WATKINS fc MENEFEE Attorneys-at-law
Rooms Nos. 71, 73, 75 and 77,
Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.
WH. WILSON Attornby-at-law Rooms
. 52 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street,
Tbe Dalles, Oregon.
W. & T. JilCGOY,
Hot and Cold
B 7 T H S
Company's Flour Mill will be leased to re
sponsible parties. For information apply to the
The Dallas, Oregon.
Keep Your EYE on this Space !
"We are in the Swim," and
"Will Start the Ball a Rolling"
By Offering this Coming Week
100 P16GBS Dress
12 Yards for $1.00.
100 Pieces, yard wide, Brown Skiing.
16 Yards for $1.00.
The Above are Bargains, Come and
be Convinced.
JSlOtTH DflliLiES, Wash.
Situated at the Head of Navigation.
Destined to be
Best JVIanuf aetutfing Center
In the Inland Empire.
Best Selling Property of the Season
in the Northwest. . -
For farther information call at the office of
Interstate Investment Co.,
Or 72 Washington St., PORTLAND, Or.
Columbia Ice Co,
Having over 1000 tons of ice on hand,
we are now prepared to receive orders,
wholesale or retail, to be delivered
through he summer. Parties contract
ing with us will be carried through the
enure season .without advance in
price, and may depend that we have
no tning but
Cut from mountain water ; no slough or
siusn ponas.
Leave orders at the Columbia Candy
Factory, 104 Second street.
W. S. CRAM, Manager.
D. P. Thompson' J. 6. Scbenck, H. M. Bball,
President. Vice-President. Cashier.
First national Bank.
A General Banking "Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Port
D. P. Thompson. Jno. 8. Schenck.
T. W. Spakks. Geo. A. Liebb.
H. M. Beam..
FRENCH & co.,
TRANSACT a general banking business
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telecranhfo
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St,
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
egon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
The Dalles
PT?J A DC of the Best Brands
JlJxa.XikJ manufactured, and
orders from all parts of the country filled
on the shortest notice.
The reputation of THE DALLES CI
GAR has become firmly established, and
the dec and for the home manufactured
article is increasing every day.
Ice !
The Dalles Ice Co.,
Cof. Thiiid and Onion Streets,
Having a sufficient Quantity of Ice to
supply the city we are now prepared to
receive orders to be delivered during the
coming summer. Parties con ti acting
with us can depend on being supplied
through the entire season " and may de
pend that we have nothing but .
Cut from mountain water : no slouch or
slush ponds.
- We are receiving orders daily and
solicit a continuance of the same.
H, J. MALEE, Manager.
Office,' corner Third and Union streets.
Sealed Proposals
Water Commissioners, of Dalles City, Ore
gon, until 2 P. M. of Saturday, May 23d, 1891, for
building; a receiving basin to bold about 370,000
gallons, near Mill creek about four miles from
Dalles City, for doing; tbe trenching for about
21,800 lineal feet of 10-inch pipe between basin
and tbe distributing; reservoir In Dalles City, and
for hauling and distributing; about 140 tons of 10
inch wrought iron pipes ana appertainanoes.
Plans and specifications may be seen at the
office of tbe Water Commissioners of Dalles City.
Tbe Commissioners reserve the right to reject
an. or all bids. . C. L. PHILLIPS,
.-pr22-m27 . Secretary.
Bankers in New York Attempt the
Most Startling Deal Since the
Great Black Friday.
Horrible Blundering by a Nebraska
Sheriff The Jackson - Corbett
Fight was " No Contest"
New Yobk, May 22. A financial arti
cle in the Telegram says : "Ten bankers
in Wall street each put up $60,000 mak
ing a total of 1600,000 with which to pay
the interest of $15,000,000 in gold which
they are going to buy and hold for sixty
days. This syndicate intends to compel
England and Russia to pay a handsome
premium on gold they buy or leave it in
this country. It is one of the simplest
yet most daring deals that has been at
tempted since' Jay Gould and Jim Fisk
tried to corner gold and brought on that
day which is alwavs referred to as "Black
Friday.' "
Bis Mother and Sister Recover 20,000
From It After Seres Tears 'Waiting;.
San Francisco, May 22. Master in
Chancery S. C. Houghton today rendered
his decision in the case of Abigail and
Marthr Col ton, respectively mother and
sister of the late General Col ton, against
Ellen Cotton, widow of the deceased.
The suit was brought seven years ago
to compel the fulfillment of the terms of
the will relating to provisions made for
the complainants. After a considerable
litigation the matter was referred to
master in Chancery.
The estate is valued at over seven
hundred thousand dollars. The report
awards seventy-five dollars monthly to
each of the complainants for living ex
penses, and finds that by the terms of
the will there is due them including in
terest about twenty thousand dollars.
Discussion of the Confession' of Faith la
Dodged for this Year.
Dktboit, May 22. At the Presbyter
ian general assembly this morning the
report of the committee on confession of
faith was read by the chairman, Rev.
William 'C. Roberts, president of tne
Lake Forest university. After reading
the report it was moved that it be sent
down to Presbyterians as recommended
by tbe committee, and the committee
continued to make a final report to the
next assembly. The motion was unani
mously adopted and the great debate is
over this year so far as the general as
sembly is concerned.
A Rope Breaks and a Murderer has to
be Strang; up a Second time.
Broker Bowk, May 22. Albert Hav
enstein the murderer of William Ashley
and Herman Bolton was hanged at 1 :30
this afternoon. When the trap was
sprang there was a slip, a groan, and
the body fell to the ground, the rope
having broken. Havenstein, half con
scious at the time, was picked up by the
sheriff and deputies and brought back
to the gallows. The rope was doubled
and the trap again sprune. This time
his neck was broken and death was . ap
parently painless.
Kentucky Republicans.
Lexington, Ky., May 22. The repub
lican state convention nominated A
Wood for governor. A resolution was
adopted to endorse Harrison's adminis
tration and party in congress for an elec
tion law which will give every citizen
equal rights at the polls.
The Notorions Detective Arrested.
Washington, May 22. The chief
post office inspector has received infor
mation ot the arrest today of detective
Dominic Comalley of New Orleans
charged with opening and destroying
letters addressed to Jimmy Carroll the
The Jacltson-Corbett Fight.
San Francisco, May 22. The fight
between James Corbett and Peter Jack
son for a purse of ten thousand dollars
at the California Athletic club last night
was declared "no contest" at the end of
the sixty first round.
May Takes Coal by Force. '
City of Mexico, May 22. Tbe mili
tary are still guarding the Pacific Mail
coal lighters at Acapulco for fear that the
Esmeralda may attempt to take coal by
Porter In San Francisco.
Portland, May 22. Robert P. Porter,
superintendent of census, arrived here
San Francisco Market. -
Bam Francisco, May 22. Wheat,
buyer '91,1.74; season, 1.75.
failure anil Suicide.
Memphis, Tenn., May 22. The Hill
Shoe company failed yesterday and
William Vilas Hill president of the
company, immediately after committed
suicide. He was a nephew of ex-post-ina8ter-General
Vilas. The failure of
the firm is directly due to the failure of
the Lynn Davis Shoe company.
Will Rave Cash to Pay Pensions.
Washington, May 22 Secretory Fos
ter said this morning that he did not ex
pect any difficulty in meeting the quart
erly pension payments, falling due June
4th, as the available cash balance at that
time will go beyond the amount required.
Reaffirms the Story.
Pabis, May 22. The Siecle today re
affirms the truth of the reported Itata
agreement and eays the Chilian steamer
is to be taken to a United States port
and an embargo is to be placed on her.
Our Next President's Health.
Nkw Yokk, May 22. Secretary Blaine
is now able to be up and about the house
and the doctor says his complete recov
ery is only a matter of a few days.
Weather Forecast.
San Francisco, May 22. Forecast
Oregon and Washington, light rains at
Baker City and Spokane. .
Chicago Wheat Market.
. Chicago, 111., May 22; Close, wheat
easy; cash, 1.04; July, 1.00.
Davis Will Contestants Claim the Writer
oT the Instrument Is Known.
Buttje, Mont., May 20. The Davis
will .contest set for today had hardly
opened when Warren Toole, counsel for
contestants, filed two motions, one for a
continuance, the other for a suppression
ol certain affidavits taken in Iowa. In
support of the first an affidavit of Henry
A. Root is filed setting forth the recent
discovery of the identity of the hand
writing in which the alleged will is writ
ten, with that of J. R. Eddy, a grandson
of James Davis, one of the witnesses to
the will. The. similarity extends to the
phraseology and spelling of the will, as
proved by photographic copies of tbe
letters. This discovery was only made
last Monday, and delay is now import
ant to enable tbe contestants to secure
further evidence.
Eddy was a resident of Davis county,
la., in 1880 to 1883, and did business and
earned ' on correspondence for JameB
Davis. He signed James. Davis name to
letters sent to various people. It is al
leged the will was not made by the late
Judge Davis, but was written subsequent
to the; death of James Davis and Job
Dai'is, and that the will and signatures
are tiie work of Eddy. Time is neces
sary to complete the chain of evidence
now discovered. This was not opposed
by the proponment of the will and the
case was continued until June 22. The
great array of counsel here now will
leave at once. Colonel R. G. Ingersoll
is among .the counsel for the contestants
and came here with his wife and
Rough Characters Rule In New Towns
on the Great Northern Extension.
Helena, Mont., May 20. John Wil
son, a former resident of Helena, and a
gentleman of known int.rwrir.v nrrivrtd
from the Flathead country today and
reports a reign of lawlessness in that
section. Within the last few months
3000 or 4000 people have stampeded to
that country in advance of the boom ex
pected upon the arrival of the Great
.Northern Kailway Western extension
Two new towns, Columbia Falls and
Kalispell, have suddenly sprung up, and
a million dollars' worth of lots sold in
Among the motley population is a
large contingentof verv tough characters.
Mr. Wilson reports that acts of violence
are oi lrequent occurrence. Three men
were killed within a few miles of each
other, on Monday, the day he left, al
though he did not learn their names.
One was an innocent workman in Colter
Brothers lumber camp, a man having
fired at one of the proprietors, missing
his aim. The second was killed in a
stabbing affair on the east fork of the
Columbia river, and the third corpse is
that of a carpenter shot in Columbia
Falls. But one man is under arrest.
The nearest telegraph station is Ravalli,
distant from the scene of violence 100
miles, and details are meager. Officers
ol the law are few in number, and can
afford little protection. '
Cold Wave Traveling; Down the Pacific
Coast This Week.
San Francisco. Mat 2n. tt
service reported today that a cold wave
iS COming. It had its raisp in
America, somewhere near Hudson bay,
and has been traveling down this 'way
ever since the firat nf the- n-wir At k o
m. snow was falling heavily along the
uikj oi nie ooumern jracinc in north
eastern Nevada and in the heighborhood.
In Montana it
and all through eastern Pacific coast
states the temperature is falling rapidly.
This will dispel the heat in the' Sacra
mento valley."
Nevada Crops Benefited.
Carson. Nov. 'Mai. on m... .
heavy rains all day, and it is now snow-lnK-.
The Carson river is rising rapidly
. fc . uuoillCOH IJUUHTB UU
Main street in Empire city. If the
storm keeps up a little longer the crops
in Nevada will be heavier than ever be
fore. Every stream and rivulet is
swollen to its utmost capacity.
Dishonest Express Agent Confesses.
Spokane, Mav 20. Martin Wallace.
agent for the Pacific Express Company,
wis aiiernoon visitea vvasson, who was
arrested and committed to iail last nicht
on the charge of stealing money from
tne company, wbile on the Tacoma and
Mullan run about two weeks ago, and
succeeded in obtaining from him a com
plete confession of his crime. There
were two packages of mon ev stolen, he
said, one was to a New York firm and
the other was to an Omaha house. He
secured from each package $600. He
says that to avoid detection he destroyed
the way-bills. He left the company's
employ at the end of his run to Tekba,
and since then has been in hiding at the
resort of Kitty Miller. The whole
amount, he says, was spent in the house
where he was secreted.
Young Hearst's New Yacht.
Nrw Yarit Tatr OH TdaMk ta
, v. a in.i v. a Asking
completed at the yards of the Herreshotf
t A " . . . . ...
jriiiiiuiapinnng company ol .Bristol, It. 1.,
What is tn hp ntlc n tha mruit
yachts afloat. It is the property of W.
iv. iiciu Bi, boh oi tne late oenator fiearst.
It lfl eicrVACtfl alia will ln MaHv tst ai;)A
off the ways in about ten days. The
launching is to be an important event
and a big crowd of people will witness
. U .. ll-i i , ....
uic :reuiuijy. w nen compietea, it tne
Vacht COmen lln in mntmi-t ctinnliifinna
Hearst will take her to tbe Pacific coast
wnere, without doubt, in point of speed
and beanty she will stand without a
The West Shore Company Again Sued.
Portland, May 20. J. B. Bridges,
the well-known contractor, yesterdav
commenced suit in department No. 1 of
the state circuit court against the Went
miutre Publishing company and others to
recover $2867 for balance 'due on contract
for erecting the new Ire Shore building
on Water and Columbia streets, and
$708.08 for extra material furnished. The
plaintiff states that he took the contract
for erecting the building for $12,467. He
received $9,600 on account, leaving a
balance due him of $2,867. . The $708.08
is for material not specified in the con
tract. Catholic Teachers Restored.
WA8AINGTON. Mav 20. Snrtrv Kn.
ble has directed the commissioner of
Indian affairs to restore sisters Angelica
O'Callaghan and Nincenta Couglin to
their former duties as teachers of the
government school of the Menominee
reservation in Wisconsin. The superin
tendent and matron of the school were
not restored. It is understood that this
action was based on the conclusion
reached by Inspector Cisney, who inves
tigated the trouble, but whose report
cannot at present be made public.
A Window Decoration.
What is more beautiful for a low screen
around the kitchen windows than sweet
peas. If the kitchen is on the sunny
side of the house they will luxuriate with
no other fertilizer than the soap suds of
the weekly washing. The seed should
be planted very early in the season, in a
rich, sunny place, as deep as six or eight
inches. Some floriculturists plant them
in the fall, putting them down the depth
of ten inches and covering the ground
with rich fertilizer. They must be given
something for support as soon as they
are out of the ground. Bushes may ho
used for this purpose, but a wire guuzo
of large mesh, painted a medium shade -of
green, is prettier than anything; else.
The new varieties of sweet peas are con
siderably larger than tho old varieties,
and will cover a trellis from four to six
feet in height. A mixture of black-purple
sweet peas with the old fashioned.
rose and white "painted lady" looks very
pretty on such a trellis. New York Trib
une. Andalusian Enthusiuam.
If African women are to be transported
to Granada to fitly adorn these ancient
ruins, the native AndfUunian damsel would'
vio with them for the right, for the Anda
lusian is a far mora beautiful gem, and
worthy of being born in the shadow of tho
AHiambra or the Alcazar.
Her form is soft and flexible, the quint
essence of the word "pliant" applied to
her. She crouches in the corner
she robs the sharpest angle of its sharp
ness by sliding stealthily around it; she
winds her supple body through the narrow--est
crevice. Her senses partake daintily of
what may be offered to them. Her nose
lingers but a moment .above the fragrant
chalice of tbe rose; her lips sip but a single
drop from the fiery mulaga and reject tho
Her most jiowerful sense, insatiable, yet
held in check by her, and holding others
Within its wondrous ban, is her lare
beautiful eyo. In the midst of the snowy
splendor of her face this strange, black
flame is the confession of the extremes
which unite in her breast. Chicago Globe.
Best Time to Tiine a Piano.
Most people let their pianos go until
the ear cannot tolerate them, but a piano
requires constant attention, and where
the changes of the season are marked
ought to be tuned at least four times a
year. Where the tuning is occasional
and not regular, either the spring after
the fires are extinguished, or the early
winter, after they are well under way, is
the best time for tuning, for then the)
piano is least subject to climatic changes.
Interview in Seattle Telegraph.
The recent death of tho "poet" Close,
in England, recalls the curious circum
stances under which he received a pen
sion. Ee was recommended for a pen-
sion by Lord Palmers ton in a fit 6f good
nature, at the instance of a friend of
Mr. Close. The alleged poet was a mere
writer of doggerel, and after much dis
cussion the pension order was revoked.
Lord Palmerston considered bis blander
an excellent joke.