The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THE DALLES OREGON-. Entered at the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon, w second-class mutter. STATK OFFICIALS. Governoi Secretary of State. Treasurer 8uit- of Public InHtruction enatorn 3ongre8maii State Printer..... . . . . ..8. Pennover G. W. McBrlde ..Phillip MctHchan E. B. MeElroy IJ. N. Dolph I J. H. Mitchell R. Hermann Frank Baker COUNTY OFFICIALS. County Judge. C. N. Thornbury 8heriff. D. L Cates Clerk J. B. Croasen Treasurer . Geo. Ruch Commissioners. .... . . . ... gkneafd Assessor John E. Baruett Surveyor E. F. Sharp Superintendent of Public Schools. . .Troy Shelley Coroner . William Michell The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. A WHEELBARROW PORTAGE. Among the thousand mercies for which the devout citizen of the Inland Empire daily bends the suppliant knee there is one that should never be forgotten, namely the fact that the great man who bosses the obstruction of the government works at the Cascades has consented to allow the people to have three feet of ground across the government land whereupon to build a portage road. The stupendous generosity displayed in such an act ought to place Major Handbury , as high in the temple of fame as the top most pinacle of the gallows of Hamah the Agagite. Three feet of ground will give ample space for a train of wheelbar rows to transport our produce aftoss the portage, one sack of wheat at a time,, if the wheelbarrow propellers are not too fat. Wheeel barrows are infinitely superior to bicycles for transporting heavy produce and cheaper too. What a mercy that the Major did not confine us to a bicycle track. It may be difficult to put big fat steers into cars accomodated to a three . foot track but it would be more difficult ( ' : to get them on a bicyole. .. . . After all he is a., peculiar man, this same Maior. That he is owned hodv ... and soul by the railroad companies whose traffic is threatened by an open river, is the firm belief of thousands. If his every action is not made in the interests ' of the railroads they, have this result, which is just the. same thing, as far- as the interests of the people are concerned. He has pulled the wool over the eyes of the governor and the result is a delay of three months in the construction of the road while the river has risen to such . a height that the building of tramways and inclines will be attended with ad ditional difficulty and expense, and very hour of Uslay is money in the pocket of the Union . Pacific,. He -pulled the wool over the eves of the legis lative committee by pretending that he was in favor of a standard gauge road being built at the government exoenae ' and when the usual amount of red tape, with its months of delay had been reeled off he informed the department at Wash ington that a three foot road was all that couia be allowed and the portage com mission were foolish, enough to accent. A three foot road is simply next to' 110 . roaa at all. m When the portage at The Dalles is opened it won't be worth a bean towards handling the traffic that will naturally ensue. But it will suit the Union Pacific well enongh. The track on the Washington side of the river at the Cascades is three feet and a half and this is as narrow as any road ought to le. A standard gauge, it is well known, is four feet eight inches and a half. The people ought to demand a track wide enough to , meet their re quirements. It is not yet to late. Major Handbury ought to be taught that he is the servant of the people and not their master. The damning outrage of a paid servant of the people frustra ting every effort to obtain deliverance from the worst railroad oppression that t ever cursed any community should be rebuked, and we shall deserve that our chains be rivited more closely if we do not rise up in our righteous indignation and do it. i A NEW DEPARTURE. The experiment of the Oregon Im provement company in importing 600 negroes to take the place of white men in their coal mines at Franklin will be watched with very great interest. It is a decided improvement on the system .everywhere in vogue of importing herds of ignorant foreigners to take the place of American laborers. The contract and scale of wages which the company agrees to pay to the negroes seem reasonably fair and are certainly higher than any thing they can obtain in the south. ' If it be true, as the representatives of the company say, that the men thrown out of employment could have easily earned $7 per day by working eight hours, no . reasonable men can blame the company for refusing to submit to the demands of "parasites whose importance and source of living is drawn from the distresses of the laboring classes they propose to ; control." It is the curse of labor that it . is too often controlled by a class of pro- fessional agitators who fatten on strikes and disturbances which leave their vic . tims in a worse plight than they were . before'. Unreasonable demands are in ... the end worse than submission to con--ceived wrongs.- If labor has its rights .. so has capital and after, all, the generous ; .J li l .. - . . v; -r.y ' - . . " L 't-r?-t- ': ... i - treatment .of labor, beyond the recom pense fixed by the inflexible law of sup ply and demand, is largely a question of morals. If the Oregon Improvement company were justified in refusing to accede to the demands of their employes they are to be commended for not im porting an army of foreign paupers to snpply the places of those discharged. The negro belongs here, in fact we brought him here w ithout his consent. Every principle of humanity and justice demands that he receive fair treatment. Ho has a thousand claims on our gener osity and any movement otherwise right eous in itself that gives him a show to earn an honorable subsistence should re ceive our heartv commendation. A Republican Estimate. St. Paul Globe. A prominent Pennsylvania congress man recently expressed himself rather plainly, as follows : "Take Blaine away and what would remain ? The president on the rear plat form of a Pennsylvania railroad train bowing and scraping to Blaine's friends in the west ; John W. Noble squabbling with his subordinates in his department ; Charles Foster and Leech trying to make a couple of million dollars appear where they are not, and John Wauamaker mon keying with a proposition to establish "a government telegraph in order to force Jay Gould and the Western Union peo ple to give him special rates for the transaction of his private business; lit tle Mr. Miller trying to appear as big as one of the clerks of the department of justice, and Jerry Rusk keeping awake nights expecting invitations to some kind of a picnic or another. I am aware that it is very unpleasant for me as a republican to talk in this way about the administration, but it is truth and com mon sense. Take Blaine out of the ad ministration, and it would be the laugh ing stock of the American people." i , After the Microbe. Salem Capitol Journal. Since Col. Varney's great exploits in bringing the guns of the horticultural board to bear on the fierce and untama ble wooly aphis, there has been no achievement equal to State Food ' Com missioner Baker getting a bead on the Microbe Killer. The Microbe Killer has been plying his peaceful avocation in Salem and slaying countless millions of these diabolical beings, when this ruth less official at Portland comes out with an analysis of this microbe water, that will upset the. plans of all the people who have been dealing vigorously with this .fierce animal,. . - Prof. Baker's analysis shows ' up that this patent medicine, which is aimed at microbes, great and small, is nothing but rainwater put up in stone jugs, with about half a cent's worth of muriatic acid in each jug, and the whole analysis is published in such a way as to rather encourage the microbe in his deadly career. It officially pats the microbe on the back and tells him to go ahead ' with his nefarious business, and not care Radam for this patent medicine prepa ration.: This will cause great rejoicing in the camp of the microbes, who have been unusually thick in this vicinity,' suppos ing by some to have invaded even the brain of the high officials and making tnem act in a curious manner in their family relations. The only Temedy to check these mischevious brutes that have been undermining our whole social system is now declared to be a humbug and wf may look for a great increase of these pests of our best society. In Society. "Mother!" exclaimed Edith, "what in the world did you invite that horrid Mrs. Brown to our party for?" "Why, Edith, Mrs. Brown goes into the best of society. I'am astonished that you should want to leave her off our list. Edith "Well, I don't care; she can't come, for she told me only day before yesterday that they were going to Wash ington for a fortnight." , Mother "And don't you suppose I knew that, Edith? Why, you silly girl, that's the very reason why I invited her." . - Important to Settlers. Copp's Land Owner, from decision of Assistant Secretary Chandler to Com missioner Carter, April 2, 1891, says : "Where $2.60 an acre was paid for land within the withdrawn limits of the N. P. railroad land grant wherin the land in question is located was forfeited, the pay ment oi ti.zocan not ne recovered by the purchaser." , In order that re-payment may be made. a SDecial actof congress will be necessary J. P. Lucai is urging our senators and representative to secure this relief for the settlers. George Misfortune has its recompen ses. Ethel How do you make that out? George The homely girl can eat onions. REMOVAL NOTICE. FRED & CO. Hare flitted npa first-class ' Barber Shop : AND: . . Bath Rooms At 102 Second Street, next door to Freeman's Boot and Shoe store. HOT and COLD BATHS. None but the best artists employed. Do Not Forget the Place.- Steam Ferry. t) A TJT II ltf C 8 now running a steam ly. V. EM HJ Ferry between Hood River and White Salmon. Charges reasonable, R. O. Evans, Prop. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE UN dersigned are requested to pay the amount of their respective accounts or otherwise make satisfactory settlement of the same, before June 1st, 1891, and all persons having claims against us are requested to present them on or before the above date. . MACEACHERN & MacLEOD, Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Or. ."Odd Tom." 1 Old Tom Wei t hud a habit of doing queer and unexpected things, and thus came to be known throughout the region in which he lived as "Odd Tom." Some times his oddity appeared in soma pecu liarity of dress, as when he .wore his coat wrong side out, because, as he said, he had "got tired of the looks of the right side," One day Tom went to- his next neighbor, Zebah Green, to hire his horn for the day. ' . "What d'ye want 'im for?" was Zebah'e inquiry. "Oh, jest to go down to the village to do some marketin'," was the answer. "P'raps I might go on afterward as f nr as Job Stone's, n' look at his oxen." "Wal, I don't want ye to have 'im," replied Zebah, referring' to the horse, "but ye may, jest ter 'commodate ye, if ye won't go no fu'ther'n' jest to the vil lage y know that's 'most ten mile;" "Why, of not," said Tom, "not . onless you're willin'." "Wal, then, tako'im, but don't ye drive him no fu'ther'n the village, or Til never let ye have him agin'." So Tom harnessed the old horse and started for market. As he passed Ze bah's house on his way he heard, faintly wafted from his neighbor, who stood in the barn door, "Be sure ye don't go no fu'ther'n jest to the villager Toward night Tom was' seen,, laden with bundles, coming slowly up the road from the village on foot. Out rushed Zebah, open mouthed. "What ye done with old 3111?" he cried! "Wal," answered Tom, with the ut most coolness, "ye seemed so all-fired scairt for fear I'd drive him further'n jest to the village that I didn't dare drive him home agin, 'n' so I left him there, under the store shed." Youth's Com panion. - Clerks Under Surveillance. "Do you see that man on the other side of the street?" said a friend who is employed in ' a downtown bank, while we were walking leisurely np Broadway one evening last week. I glanced at the man to whom my friend referred. "He's a detective," he con tinned, "and he is following us or rather me. You seem surprised, bnt it is a fact that every bank in this city hae one or two and sometimes three private detectives whose sole' duty is to keep track of the doings of employes. It seems to be my turn to be followed now, as this man has been dogging me since yesterday. The watch will continue for Several days longer, and after reporting to the bank he will be assigned to follow Borne one else. "Not long ago one of our expert book keepers sent word to the bank that he was ill and could not come to the office, but the same day his resignation was re quested. The fact is, he had spent the night before in dissipation; and the bank, having been informed of this by its de tective, bis dismissal followed. ' , "Being dogged about like a criminal is not pleasant. But what can we dV When protestations are made against it the bank officials assure us that , we are mistaken', that they do not hire men to watch us. ' Of course you can't expect them to 'admit it, but every bank clerk can tell yon that such is the case." New York Herald.' v The Very First American Railway. The first railroad built in the United States was three miles in length, extend ing from the granite quarries at Quincv. Mass., to the Neponsett river. It was commenced in 1826 and finished in 1827. The gauge was five feet. The rails were pine, a foot thick, covered with hard oak, which was in turn strapped with iron. In January, 1827, a short coal road was completed from "the mines to Mauch Chunk, Pa. - The rails on this road were also of timber, with flat iron bars. The first locomotive for use on a railroad was invented by Richard Previ teck in 1804, and first tried in Wales. George Stephenson built the first really successful locomotive in 1814, and tested it upon the Killingwood road in the north of England. The first loco motive for actual service constructed in America was E. L Miller's "Best Friend," built for the South Carolina Railroad company in 1830. Peter Cooper built a little experimental locomotive early in 1830, before the "Best Friend" was completed. St. Louis Republic. Thanked Instead of Reprimanding- Him. Sir Robert Wright, appointed to the seat on the bench of the high court of justice left vacant by the death of Baron Hnddleston, on one occasion, while at Oxford, was summoned before the Dean of Balliol for the purpose of being cen sured. The dean was exceedingly care ful of his dignity, as well as of his per sonal appearance. Wright looked the dean well np and down while the latter was delivering his lecture, and finally in terrupted him, in the middle of one of bis most telling" periods, by remarking confidentially,' "I know you will excuse me, sir, bnt I think yon cannot be aware that your, 'waistcoat is unbuttoned." Completely nonplused, the dean was only able to stammer out: "Oh, thank yon, Mr. Wright. So very kind of yon, I am sure. Good morning, good morning!" San Francisco Argonaut. Why Cowls Welcome Fair Weather The deprivation of light, which affects all animals so much, is particularly de pressing to lirds; and this may be a rea son for their unwillingness to. move in' the frost fog. Naturally they are thel nrst to welcome its departure. As' the mist lifts from a Scotch hillside the cock begins to crow, and in the English fields the rooks caw, the' small birds twitter and the cocks crow in the' barnyards. These sounds are as certain to proclaim the lifting of the fog as the "London cries" to begin when the rain stops. Spectator. , In a Cemetery. . On one' of the tombstones yon 'see u couple of hands clasped, and underneath the following inscription: . "Gustave T , I wait for thee! 1869." "EulaliaT -, nee B , Here I am! 188." '''' The disconsolate widow was in no great hurry, evidently. H Messagero. ' S. L. YOUNG, mccMir to K. BECK.. - "5 -DEALER IN- WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Diamonds, SILVERWARE,:-: ETC. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired and Warranted. 165 Secor.:l St.. The Dalles, Or. W. E. GARRETSON. Leaflii Jeweler. SOLE AGENT FOR THE All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. 138 Second St., The Vallee, Or. FOR- Carpels anfl Funjiture, CO TO PRINZ & NITSCHKE, And be Satisfied as to QUALITY AND PRICES. R. B. Hood, Livery, Feed and Sale STABLE. Horses Bought and Sold on Comynission and Money Advanced on Horses left For Sale. FFICE OF- The Dalles and Goldendale Stage Line. Stage Leaves The Dalles every morning at 7:30 and Goldendale at 7:30. All freight must be left at R. B. Hood's office the evening before. R. B. HOOD, Proprietor. . COLUMBIA Qapdy :-: paetory, W. S. CRAM, Proprietor. (Successor to Crain & Corson.) v Manufacturer of the finest French and Home Made OA-OST DIES East of Portland. -DEALER IN- Tropical Frails, Nats, Cigars and Tobacco. Can famish any of these goods at Wholesale or Rj"il . ' . In Every Style. 104 Second Street, The Dalles, Or. John Pashek, pieiGHaiit Tailor. Third Street, Opera Block. Madison's Latest System, Used in cutting garments, . and a fit guaranteed each time. iRepairi ng and Cleaning .'' Neatly and Quickly Done, . .. j We are NOW OPENING a full line of Blact and ColoM Henrietta Cloias, Sateens, GiBihaiiis "anil Calico, and a large stock of Plain ; Embroidered and PI aided : Swiss and in Slack and White, for -ALSO A FULL IBen's and Boy's Spring and Sainmei? A Splendid Line of Felt and Straw Hats. x . We also rail Vmir AttAntinn tsi rair lino rtf T.ast;a 1 s-li-tj, . n. . i k; i5 riV . , , , , uu uunaren'8 onoes ana to r A Tofe? s nd ?y 8. Boo ?d Shoes and Slippers, and plenty of other Goods to be sold at prices to suit the times. ... - H. SOLOMON, Next Door to The Dalles National Bank. NEW FIRM! Hoscoe 8t -DEALERS IN: V STAPLE : AND . Canned Goods, Preserves, Pickles, Etc. Country Produce Bought and Sold. Goods delivered Free to any part of the City. Masonic Block, Corner Third and Court Streets, The Dalles, Oregon. The Dalles JVIereantile Co., Successors to BKOOKS'dc BEERS, Dealers In .. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats , and Caps, Etc. j H A R D W A R Et Groceries, Provisions, 390 and 394 Remember we deliver all purchases JAM WHITE, Has Opened a X-uuia,o2x Counter, In Connection With his Fruit Stand and Will Serve fiof Coffee, Ham Sandwich, Piss' Feet, : and Fresh Oysters. . Convenient to the Passenger , Depot. On Second St., near corner; of Madison. Also a Branch Bakery, California Orange Cider, and the Best Apple, Cider. If you want a good lunch, give me a call. Open all Night The.Iiadies' Tailor School of Dress Cutting AT Mrs. Brown's Dressmatini Parlors, 0or. Fourth and Union Sts., The Dalles, Or. Each scholar can bring in her own dress and is taught to cut, baste and fin ish complete. . They are also taught to cut the seam less waist, dartless basque, French bias darts and most every form of sleeve. "In the dressmaking department I keep only competent help. Dress Cutting a Specialty. Phil Willig, 124 UNION ST., THE DALLES, OR. Keeps on hand a full line of , MEN'S AND YOUTH'S ' Ready Made Clothing. Pants and Suits MADE TO ORDER On Reasonable Terms. Call and see my Goods before Durchasing elsewhere. REMOVAL H. Glenn has lemoved his office and the office of the Electric Light Co. to 72 Washington. St. : . Nansooks: Ladies' and Misses' wear. LINE OF- Clothing, tfeekmeay and Hosiery. wwor, isto. . , NEW STORE Gibons, V FANCYV Hay, Grain and Ffced. Second Street without charge. J. M. HUNTINGTON & CO. flbstraeteK,: Heal Estate and Insoranee flgents.4 Abstracts of. and Information Concern ing Land Titles on Short Notice. Land for Sale and Houses to Rent Parties Looking for Homes in COUNTRY OR CITY, OR IN SEARCH OF Bi$ie$ Locations, j , Should Call on or Write to us. .. Agents for a Full Line of . Leading Fire Insurance Companies, And Will Write Insurance for -A:NX- ZJyLOTJ-ZfcsTT, M on all ' UE3IEABLS IRISIECS Correspondence Solicited. All Letters Promptly Answered. Call on or Address, J. M. HUNTINGTON & CO. Opera House Block, . The Dalles, Or. C. N. THORNBURY, T.A.HUDSON, Late Rec. U. S. Land Office. Notary Public THORHBURY &HUDS0IL . r ROOMS 8 and 9 LAND OFFICE BCILDINS, Postofflce Box 885, j THE DALLES, OR. filings, Contests, And afl other Business in the D.S. Land Offici '' Promptly Attended to. We have ordered Blanks for Filings; Entries and the purchase of Railroad Lands under the recent Forfeiture Act, which we will have, and advise the pub lic at the earliest date when such entries can be made. Look for advertisement . in this paper. . Thornbury & Hudson. $500 Reward! Wo will pay the above reward, for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, digestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fall to give satiaf no tion. Sugar Coated. Large boxes containinwrwe Pills, 25 cents. Bewareof counterfeits and agi tations. The genuine manufactured only by ; THE JOHN C. WF8T COMPANY, CHIGAGO, ILLINOIS. BLAKKI.EY HOUGHTON, Prescription Drngrgtata, ' 175 Second St. The . Dalles. Or. t ! ::' "Jul - ' , Su Tyrtih ' u jti . J.. ' . . '- "