The C&JJciifele. ! FRIDAY. MAY 15, 1891 METEOEOLOGIOAL EEPOET. ; Pacific ' H Rela- D.f W State " Cont bar. 3 tive of . " of Time. Hum Wind Weather. 8 A, M 29.95 B4 69 , - N " Clear J P. M. ...'. .29.95 .80. '-49 . " .: Cloudy ". Maximum temperature, 80;. minimum tem perature, 53... . ... .............. . v. . The river in ntaiiding at 19 2-10 feet above "0," bavins risen 4-10 of a foot within IA hours. WIATHEB PROBABILITIES. Ths Dalles, May 15, 1891. FAIR Weallier forecatt till IS m., Friday; fair. Nearly station tary temperatuve. . . A . ... The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. LOCAL BRKVITIKS. . i - : J "Baker City is to have a ne band. Work on the new boat is going ahead. Forepaiigh's circus will be here in August. We regret to learn that Miss Auburn Story is quite ill. Mr. W. G. Wood worth returned from Portland last night. A. .N Jewett the nerserynian of White Salmon is in the. city.. : The G. A. R., of this city will properly observe Decoration day. . ... Hon. Geo. P. Litchfield, U. S. special Indian agent is in the city. ' -y Mr.T. H. ; Johnston the leading mer chant of Dufur is in the city. ' The Diamond Mills received today seven loads of wheat for which they paid 80 cents per bushel. ' The governor of Washington has wisely concluded that no extra session of the legislature is needed. - ' , Mr. Win. E, Stewart, of the late firm of Abrams ik Stewart, arrived in the city on the noon train today. ' r v i' j, r.C. Wi Denton had tbe" misfortune .to lose his barn by fire night before last. -The origion is. not .known. i . The loss 4robably will, not exceed $300. . Mrs. E. W., Nevius and children left last night for a visit , to. her parents in the Wallowa valley, and will be absent during the heated Jenp. : . 3 .7 .1 .Mr. Bonzey bought the house' moved off the lot belonging to the Catholic .church, and has,1 placed it on his grounds between Lincoln and Liberty streets, ndh( fitting it up in; nice" shape for a desirable residence. " . rr-n'ri' -rv r r t ii' ' 7 'i Notifications are out" from the secre ' tary of the Eastern Oregon Co-operative 'Association to the effect that the annual meeting of the directors, will be held) in' the parlors of the Cosmopolitan hotel, in The Dalles, Wednesday June 3. . , Messrs. Sawtell and Prose came in to . day with four loads of wool for T. Lafall ett, Prineville. These gentlemen inform .us that shearing has only fairly got start ed, and from , this on to the close of the season there will be lively times in that section.-...- ..,), !' ' , .-: . -. -'Mr. A. J. Anderson brought to this city this morning some very fine straw " berries, gooseberries and peas which he .raised on his place a mile and a half be low town. They areas large and good as any brought . from California, and have the additional . value of being fresh. They taste slightly of silver, however. .0 We had the pleasure of meeting Wm. 'Connell, Esq., of Portland, who was an . old resident of Rockland, in the early years of this section. Although Father Time has frosted his locks he has dealt ' gently with him. Mr. Connell feels con fident The Dalles will be one among the 1 first cities of Eastern Oregon and Wash ington. ' (Mr George Burlingame, of New Yorkj "who. has been stopping at The Dalles for eeVeral-weeks was over with Dr. Claude Eshelinan, Sunday. Mr. Burlingame has gained eighteen pounds, and informs us that he would leave fer his old' home ' Monday morning to dispose of his prop erty -and immediately return . to the coastlf Klickitat Leader'.' .'.. ':-. j Mr. Burlingame says he is to be the manager of the Boston Shoe and Leather Company when..Mr. Taylor takes . pos session of it." '"-' - - ''-' ' ''Thi ninthf annual convention - ' of the Woman's Christian Temperance ; Union, was in session in Walla Walla last week, . 'Thft following officer were elected for . ,$he, ensuing year; , President, Mrs. Lucy A.-Switeer, of Uneney; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Claudia A. Peun, of Spokane; recording secretary J T Mis. Carrie Greeni of-lediwU Lake ; -assist ants recording secretary Mrs. Carrie Green' of Davenport j ' treasurer,' Mrs.' Lucy Berry, of Walla Walla. . ; . :j '' ' We are pleased iq hear that Father Bronsgeest'. Contemplates moving the church edifice' within ;- the next i three weeks on to the north end ;of the lots ( in the rear of the present site, L and will cnange us rront trom a northern to a southern entrance. "This - immediate change is to make room for the excava tion and - the building pf a foundation f and basement of the hew church edifice which we are glad to learn, will be of brick and of elegant design, in keeping with the ideas of that Christian belief The RevereJad,Father is very hopeful of the accomplishment of his desire in completing this house of worship before . the close of 1892, of which we have no doubt be will succeed in. -THI POBTAOI ROAD. Tta Commissioners " Meet and Order Work Bra at Once. ' Salkm, May 15. Governor Pennoyer and State Treasurer Metschan, as com missioners of the portage railway at the Cascades held their, first meeting . today and. completed the organization by ap pointing G. J. Farley, of The Dalles, superintendent "of construction. Col. S. L. Lovell, engineer and clerk. .. The com mission raleo orderel that construction bejproceeded with immediately. 1 This is the railway ordered constructed by the passage of Watkins' bill at the last legislature, Secretary McBride is one of the board but is absent at San Francisco. Lovell left for The Dalles this afternoon to commence preliminary work. ' Signed F. S. Ckaio. AFTER MAJOR HANDBCKV. Senators Mitchell and Iolph Take a Hand. ' - ' . ... i-'.- "" The CnROSiCLK has been ' trying for some few days to ascertain where the blame lies for not beginning work on the portage road at the Cascades. The movement it inaugurated has been taken hold of by The Dalles Board of Trade and Senators Mitchell and Dolph were tele graphed to in regard to the matter. The inquiries of the board met with, prompt response as' the telegram below will show. . The Chronicle will persevere in this matter until it is ascertained who it is that is delaying this work and will proclaim the guilty one to the world. Our two senators', have;., proved them selves the friends of the people in this matter and . we publish the telegram re ceived from them with much pleasure : -- - Washington, D. C, May 15, 1891. To A. S. Macallister. Jrenident. Board , of Trad: t ;. , i if Q '--i ' "':'i .;. ..?: Handbury and Mciride have been telegraphed to know if. location made by Handbury is satisfactory.; If so it will be approved,;, if not Handbury, will be directed by telegraph to make one. We. are doing everything to facilitate work. , ; Mrr,cHELL,and Dolph. THK COMING CELEBltATION. Over a Thousand Hollars Kalsed by the , r, ,'- j General,. Commilteo "4. t-, : The Fourth of July general' committee held its called meeting in the board (of trade chambers last night, and heard the report l the finance,qommittee. "t The chairmaii reported that $1035,00 was subscribed to the fund and that there was no doubt but $1.'500, would be raised without difficulty. ' )" to. The chairman of each committee, was instructed' to make : all ' the ' ' esttmates covering r fhe Expenses. s incident to the accomplishment of the plans mapped out by the executive committee.'y Col. Houghton being present informed the committee that he .would endeavor to have the Third Regiment convened here on the . Fourth and have a sham battle, and as far as he could be of use, nothing would be left undone to make the event one of the noted epochs in this city- O; "i Our people are wide awake for a good time on the' glorious . Fourth, and will have it, and will expect ..our , neighbors in Klickitat, as well as Sherman comity, to come and share-with us of Old Wasco, in the pleasures of the day. ' ,'. . Advertised Letters. ' The following is the list of letters re maining' in . The Dalles ; postoffice, un called for Friday, May 8, 1891. Per sons calling for these letters will please giye: date on. which; they, were adver tised : " ' ' " ' 4 Anderson, MrsChas Anderson, George Baker, Johnie Brunk, F N Campbell. S D Castell, W D Crabtree, BP Cannon, J D Urossen, Francis Ueneau, Louis Earice, Fonce El kins, J . Fra8er. Walter Foster, Alex GUchrist, J W Hall Bros Hardison, Gabe Holman, Chas Lowery, Maude 1 Parker; Jack f ;" Stewart, T W . ' Stewhin, Johnnv . Taylor, Jim - ' ' ! Vellin, E E valentine, ieter Whltcomb, Linn - M. T. Nolan, P. M. ...MAKRIED ,. , 1 At th e' ' residence of R '. E . Williams esq., in this city oh the eve of the - 13th inst., Mr-C-L- Williams to Miss Whonato E. Win kleman pf. Silver Lake, Oregon.- - Rev. H,; Browrt officiating. ;;-.--. Madam Le Grande, .'- The great medium and magnetic healer will be here for a short time only ., Don't fail to make her a caUy Room 31, Jackson House, Second street. -' 1 uC'd .1, 1,,.. . p v 3v(Xi Pleaded Gnllty, baC Acquitted. ' - Marion (N. C.) Free Lance.' s.'-l" " A Veculiar case disposed of at Caldwell court was -that of a.-.manrWho has '.been tried by the mayor "of Lenoir for ".viola tion of a tow n ordinance, nd had' plead ed guilty..-' The mayor-lined ;him fmore than he wanted to pay, and "he appealed, and in the ' superior : court -'the jury ac quitted him of the charge to which he had pleaded guilty in the mayor's court. This strikes us as something new under the sun in the way of criminal procedure. 't y ..' Amoilac to 8atan. Woman : never ' swears, but ' .when a man steps on the hem of her dress and ruins a couple ' of yards of expensive trimming, '' the ' thoughts :' which pass through .her mind, afford the devil as much amusament as though she had let out a 'string of oaths a mile and a half long. New York Herald. , CTHow much stock are you going to sub scribe towards the new transportation company which promises you relief from over taxation on freight rates? Klicki tat Leader. BEVLWOr THE LOCAL MABZET. '. ; The business of he city aj?. nae',' a a marked improvement over that of Jast week.' Interior dealers have made large purchases and home trade has increased, owing to tne, . encouraging - prospect oi better ' crops and an easing up of the financial stringency which has in a more or less degree contracted a spirit of denial on the part of those who have been under a pressure. The wheat ad vance of the past few weeks has brought out all the surplus in store, and the movement in wool, together with the putting into the. market of beef cattle and mutton has given much activity in every branch of traffic. The wool market, while there is con siderable on hand, does not seem to be very active, partly owing to. the unfin ished deliveries by the owners and the few buyers in the city. The shearing is late and at present writing is only fairly commenced. Within the next fortnight the wool arrivals will be at its best and at the close of the season will aggregate its - maximum. Offerings are limited. Really there has been no sales to speak of and prices range from 124 to 18 cents. The salmon catch, at present is very light and our canneries are doing noth ing. ' A large run is expected as soon as the spring rise of the Columbia has reached a point that will make the fish wheels of service to the owners. Salmon is selling in quantities at 7 cents ' per pound. ; . : , . The produce market is qf a better tone. Good potatoes are a little stiffer in price and are. not quite as plentiful, while inferior are , in abundance at a decline. Garden vegetables are rather Abundant and our markets are well supplied at nominal prices. Home strawberries .are in mar ket at 25 to 30 cents per. box. . Good ranch butter is freely offered at quota tions, a poor quality only, being 35 to 40 cents per roll.-' Eggs are less plentiful and have advanced. Early spring chickens are in good demand. ' A good inquiry is had for chicks large enough for bryl "at fair prices ;? r( , e rr , - rf U ' The Dalles wheat market is stead v , at 80 cents per bushel with a' lower future. Oats The oat market is in good sup ply with more frequent offerings at quot ations. We quote, extra clean $ 1.50 per cental and inferior; $1.35, per cental; Barley There is no offering" of barley, as there. seems .to be a scarcity. Quote $1.10 per cexitaj sacked. Flour Best brands $4.25$4.75 per barrel ; . extra brands $5.75$6.25. Mij.L6ijUFFr-tThe supply is in excess of demand. We quote bran and shorts $17.00 per ton. Shorts and middlings $20.00$22.5Q per ton. Hay Timothy hay is in good supply at quotations $17.0018.00. Wheat hay is very scarce and is in, good, demand at "an advance. Quote, $14.00 per ton. ; ' Potatoes Good potatoes are in better demand and are rather short of supply at ,751.00 per 1001b. Butter Is in better supply. Quote A L ,35.40 cents per roll which is com ing in more freery and the demand is well supplied. ' '. ': ' ;. Egos The market is" better with a moderate supply coming in at, quota tions. We quote i415 cents per dozen. Poultry Is very scarce and sells freely. .We quote, average fowls $4.00 4.50 per dozen, common $3.003.50 per dozen. . . , , ; : - Hides Prime dry hides are quoted at ,04.05 per pound. Culls .02 03K, , Green , .02. Salt .03.. . , , Sheep pelts butcher's extra -851.35, ordinary .50.75 each . Wop l The market is not established yet.f Wool is nominally quoted at AZ, 18 per Jb.- - . i: ... .. u .. Beef Beef on foot clean and prime .02, ordinary .02. Mutton Wethers are scarce, that is to say No. 1. Extra choice sell at $3.25 ; common $3.00 without fleece. Hogs Live heavy, .04.05. Med ium weight .04, dressed .06J.07. Bacon and hams sell in the market at .093.10 cents in round lots. .' ,',.. . . Lard; 55. ;,.1110; 10ft .10Ji; &40 .08.08kc per pound. , ; Stock cattle are quoted at $9.0010.00 per head for yearlings, and $14.Q018.00 for 2-year-olds. ; . .. -. : 'Stock sheep are not on the. market,' al though we hear of $20 per head , being offered fter the shearing or $3.50 per head with fleece.... ; , ,..,.,.',,'. . , . '.; ' Fresh milch, cows are. quoted - from $25.0050.00 each, 'with a very limited offering.- -. v-; a- u (-. : Lumber. Rough lumber $12.00 per M . Portland flooring No. 1; $30.00 per M. Portland rustic finish $30.00 per M. No. 1 cedar shingles $3.00 per 51. Lath $3.50 per M. . Lome $2.50 per bbL . .i ' " To-morrow's Oime. The Dalles and the Academy clubs will cross bats at 1 :30. p. m. tomorrow The;- following - is the position; , of ; the players....' , it c THE DALLES. ;v POSITION. .ACADEMY Lull'V' . Catcher. ,-Bonney, Browh, Center F. Fredden, . Post, .Pitcher. -N. Johnson, Crate. : Left F... Michelbach, Fisher, -"KX Base., ingalls, Wentz, Right F... . Lee, . Fritz, 3d Base. . : Patterson, Phelps, ' 1st Base. ' B. Johnson, Dickey. . Short Stop. '.Maloney. ', . ' TTT 7' r It - , Wanted: A girl or woman to do housework in small iamuy.' . J.M.Huntington, ' Loafers are, as a rule, so good-natured and busy people so cross, it seems . to prove that the Lord never intended peo ple to worn so para. tHBONICLl iHOBT 'STOPS. ' .. v- Dafnr'flbur. 1 . It JsTthe j&st. Thse. who try it, always buy t. S. B. j.A. M. Williams & Co. have on hand a fine I'lot of tennis and bicycle shoes. ' Ask your grocer for Diifur flour. :; Pure maple sugar at Joles Bros,, eirfit pouuds for $1.00. Mii H, Glenn .is in receipt, ,of a large lot of new style of picture, mouldings va various designs which may be Been at his office. ' ' '",' . The drug store of C. E. Dunham, de ceased, is now open and will be so con tinued until further notice. : For coughs and colds use 2379. ' Those who use the S. B. headache cure don't have la grippe. , ...... The celebrated Walter H. Tenny Boston-made mens' and boys' fine boots and shoes in all styles, carried by The Dalles Mercantile company at Brooks & Beers old stand. . . For the blood in one-half teaspoonful doses S. B. beats Sarsaprilla. , .. 2379 is the cough syrup for children. Get IDA A riinr flim tliol Una rnioA'nf Snipes & Kinersley's. Long Ward offers for sale one of . the best farms of its size in Sherman county. xt coiiHiHCB oi ziu acres oi aeeaea land at ErskinvillB - - Tii spring of living water capable of water- Tne house, which is a large store build- ' '.1 . L . . , , , ig wiiii wtn rooms aiiacnea aione cost 7(Vt A Kla,.tGmi'lK oUn' ar.rl H, buildinfirs and the whole snrmnnHpf. Vv n good wire fence. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Applv by letter or other wise to the editor of the Chronicle or to the owner. W. T... Ward Tlnvrl . Wngm county, Oregon. Babv is eick. The woeful exDression of a Des Moines teamster's countenance showed his deep anxiety was not entire ly without cause, when he inquired of a druggist of the same city what , was . best to give a baby fora cold?, i It was not ne cessary for him to say more, his counte nance showed that the pet of the family, if not the idol of his life was in distress. We give our babv Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," was "the' drusrzist'e answer. "I don't like to trive the babv such etronsr medicine," said the teamster. You kiioW John Oleson, of the Watters-Talbot Print ing Co.; donlt you? inquired the drug gist, "His baby, when eighteen months old, got holdof a bottle of Chamberlain's ijougn remedy anc aranu; tne whole .01 it.. Of course it made- the., baby.. voncdt vei-v freelv but did not iniure It in the least, and what is more; it cured the ba by's cold. The" teamster already .knew the value of the Remedy, having used it him sell, and was now satisfied that there was no danger in giving ' it even to a baby, or sale by. enipes &. iUnersiy. '". ," Forfeited Kallroad Rands' ' : . We are how . ready . .to , prepare . -papers ior .the hiing and entry. 01 . Jiailroad Lands. c We also, attend to, business be fore the V. S. Land Office and 'Secretary of the Interior. s Persons for whom ' we have prepared papers and ' who - are 'in quired to renew their - applications, -will not be charged additional for such papers. - THOBNBCRY dC HUDSON, . Rooms 8 and 9, Land Office building, '.' The Dalles, Oregon,. .. r. .. . , -':;'. - Notice. ''". ' , - '. ,.. 1 , 1... .- . ...- , - -;! Havine leased the Mount. Hood . hotel at Hood River," I would respectfully call the attention of the , traveling public to the fact that the house is being thorough ly renovated and will be open for the re ception of guests on or about Miv 1st, and I would most respectfully solicit a share 01 the public patronage, nothing will, be over-looked for the comfort of guests. ' ,- George Herbert. '' FOB SALE. ''"' A choice lot of brood mares ; ' also ' a number of geldings and fillies bv "Rock- wood Jr.,- "Planter," "Oregon Wilkes." and ''Idaho Chief ," same standard bred. Also three nne ' . young - stallions , by Kockwooa jr.". out 01 nrst class mares. For nrices and terms call on or address either J. W. Condon, or. J... H. .Larsen, The Dalles, Oregon. . . He' wants -it ; known. Mr.;"' J - H. Straub, a well known German citizen of Fort Madison, Iowa,Vas terribly afflicted with . inflammatory .rheumatism - when Mr. J. F. Salmon, a prominent druggist there, advised him to use Chamberlain's .fain Balm. Une bottle of it cured him His case was a very severe one. He suf fered a great deal and now wants others similarly afflicted to know what cured him. 50 cent bottles for sale by Snipes Kinersly. . . - ' ,u: ... NOTICK. ... ;.. R. E. French has for sale a number of imDroved.. ranches and , unim Droved lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood in Sherman county. They will be sold verv cheap and on reasonable terms. Mr. French can locate settlers on some good unsettled claims in the same neigh borhood, u His address is- Grass Valley, Sherman, county, Oregon. tvi ' : . Merino Sheep for Sal.. ,.r ' r have a fine band of thorough bred Merino sheep consisting of 67. . bucks. about 340 ewes and about 200 young lambs, which I will sell at a low price and upon easy terms.-' Address, :i . - - ' !). Al. lJRENCH, ' ii The Dalles, Or i 1 .. , To ,the Public. ,t Notice is -hereby 1 given .that iall ?the barberjBhops oJTbe liaxieswube, plosed in tutureon eunaays. r , , ..j,,.. The Ladies Tailor Scliool of Dress Cutting Mrs. Browtf s Dressm aiii' Parlors, -, Cor. Fourth and Union Sts., . : ...1 r - The Dalles, Or. '- - - . ! ' 1 . . : .: -. . . -r Each scholar: can bring in her own dress and is taught -to cut, baste and fin ish complete. ;':- .- ii?.; ";:' They are also taught to cut the seam less "waist, dartless basque, French bias darts and most every form of sleeve. " QFTCn the dressmaking department I keep only competent neip. Dress Cutting a Specialty. lVots 50x100 feet; 20-foot for Cash or oh Installments; Discount for Cash. No interest. : j son k Butts, Haworth k Tliurnian, Thdrap THE DALLES, OREGON. The Farm Trust c. N. SCOTT, President. PORTLAND, OREGON. Removal H. Herbriiig's DRY GOODS STORE Has removed to 177 Second opposite his former stand, his former customers and friends. He carries now a much gersi'''iian'-' before , and with the Latest Novelties of GEO. H.-TflOlfPSON,' 1 Notary Fubhc. The BEST Investment in Thompson & Butts, THE DALLES. OREGON. Dealers in' Real Estate and Collections Promptly Made. MAYS & (Successors to ABBAMS & STEWART.) otallors atxd Jobbera n Bamware, - Tinware, - Mteware, - Wooflenware, SILVERWARE, ETC. : AGENTS "Acorn," "Charter Oak" "Argand STOVES AND RANGES. Pumps, Pipe, Plumbers' and . Steam Fitters' Supplies, Packing, Building Paper, .. . ; SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES. Also a complete stock of Carpenters', Blacksmith's and. Farmers Tools and Fine Shelf Hardware. - -AGENTS FOR- The Celebrated R. J. ROBERTS -"Warranted" Cutlery, Meriden Cutlery . Tableware, the "Quick Meal" (jasoline Stoves.. virana" oil btovea ; - and Anti-Rust Tinware. All. Tinning, . Plumbing, Pipe Work '.and .Repairing will a be done .on Short Noticje.-' 174, 176, 178."180 SECOND STREET, - . - - THE DALLES, OREGON. R O, NI Clothier sindTailot, .j ,t '. W. : f . . " 'i j 'r-v : BOOTS AND SHOES, CSt-oxx-tisi' FxurntHTilns QrOQ3js CORNER OF SECOND AND' WASHINGTON' STS. j THE DALLES, OREGON. JOLES. BROS.,;.; Siapie and Fancy GroGcries, Hay, Grain and Feed. - No. 122 Cor. Washington and Third. Sts. DALaLiES alley "in each Block. Sold C. E. Bayard & Co., j. M. Huntington & Co., & Loan Company, Wm. Al BANTZ, Vice-Pres. & Mgr. Notice! sti - eet (French's Block) nearly- where he will be pleased to se every Department is 'filleiir the Season. ' . W. H. BUTTS, . h . 'Auction' the North west, for sale by 114 Second Street, all kinds of Personal Property, ' Land Filings Prepared. . CROWE 9 ; FOR THE 99