The Dalles J)aity. Chronicle. ; TUESDAY . r. : MAO?, 1891 METEOEOLOGIOAL EEPOET. Pacific H Rela- D.t r W State Coast bab. tive of E. of Time. f Hum Wind - Weather. 8 A.' M 29.96 S3 72 West PtClondy 3 P. M .92 B9 61 BE Cloudy Maximum temperature, 72; minimum tem perature, 54. . . The river in atnndlug at 18 H-10 feet above "O," WEATHER PRO K ABILITIES. The, May 12, 1831. Weatlier , forecast till 12 m., Wednesday; fair Followed by light rain. Wanner. FAIR The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. LOCAL BRKVITIKS. The surveyors will start on the Dalles portage railway tomorrow. Hon. C. M. Cartwright of Hay Creek is registered at the Umatilla house, i Work has commenced on the Fossil riouring mill, and 'there is great joy in that city. From the Capital Journal we learn that Hon. J. 1). Lee of this city was in talem last Friday. A car load of material , for the .con struction of the new boat has arrived at The Dalles. The rest of the material is being prepared at the contractor's shops in Portland and when ready will be shipped here to be put together. From the Fossil Journal we learn that H. Kelsay of that town left a few days ' aeo for Kent in this countv to purjerin- tend the shearing of the large bands of sheep belonging to nimself, brother and r sons. After shearing, Mr. Kelsay will take the clip to The Dalles. He expects to have 130,000 pounds for sale. The assessment roll just compl eted for school district No 12 shows the value of taxable property in the district, . exclu sive of indebtedness and exemptions v to be $1,529,938, an increase of $59,938 over ,laet year. . At six mills on the. dollar, the rate levied at the last annual school rAATi r r . Vtn a irta ' fvw Vi ?a iron t ttri 1 1 amount to $9,179,63, an increase of $343, 62 over 1890, Last Saturday morning at 7 o'clock, the astronomy class of the Wasco Inde pendent academy and several friends gathered at the building to view , the transit of Mercury across the sun. i A 1 . nn i i .1 . 1 adoui , i mrougn me leiescopes ja disk, nearly two-thirds of the way across to the north. Company D., 3d regiment O. N.G. held an election Saturday night last at Hood i 'River to fill the vacancy caused " by the ; resignation of first lieutenant Stranaban. Second lieutenant A. Winans was pro moted to first lieutenant and sergeant Laurence Blowers . was unanimously elected second lieutenant. These selec tions are first class in every way. We .are personally acquainted with .nearly every man in company D, and we un- , hesitatingly say that we don't believe there is a finer body of men anywhere. , From repeated conversations with mem- vf."t 1 1 u r- nrifA in t.KiAi i cniin nfi Inn urifli t - " " - .... ... w.. the O. N. G. and are making every ef fort to make a creditable showing at the next encampment. The boys are drill ing hard and we . shall be surprised if -ompany D, falls far behind the older companies. ' . , . . Henry Parr the prisoner from the Cas cades who is awaiting trial for having engaged in a duel with Pat McCormick is fast developing judicial qualifications that may one day land him on the bench if he don't take care. He has decorated the walls of the jail with a written code of laws not so much for the government of the prisoners as for the imposition of . fines on new comers to nnnnl v n riarilntad , .exchequer with the funds necessary to keep " himself in tobacco. Henry has constituted himself judge of the ."Kan garoo Court" and from his . decisions there is no appeal. His code imposes a fine of from 25 cents, to $2.00 on all hew comers according to their ability to pay - and makes it a misdemeanor to spit on the floor or deface the walls, subject to a fine or punishment at the option ot the iudze. The Dunishment is restricted to ' cleaning out the cells or the option of a number of lashes on the bare back,' which latter,, owing to the limited power ; vi executive autuurny , ue vcr guvs inruiBC than a threat. . , The writer was present the other day at the trial of a half crazy new comer who submitted with becom ing meekness to the ' sentence, of , the. : court of a'fine of "a dollar and six bits.'-. . which he devoutlv nromised to pav in tobacco when,'Curg'r' would let him put. The judge had visions of honey dew and climax, but alas for the best laid plans of mice and men he has been looking ever . since for a plug . of tobacco that never came. , Postponed Until Evening;. Thfi Tnnafincr rtf tlia lamina c M... fn , . - . . touica vi vyvfu- gregational Sewing society, which was to have been held at Mrs. Palmer's to-morrow afternoon, has been postponed until 7 :30 in the evening of the same day, in order to give the friends an opportunity to .attend the funeral of Mrs.' Force, which is to- take place from " the residence ' of Mr. D. W. Edwards at 2 o'clock.- . COTTBTY 00UBT PB00EEDDTGS. . BILLS ALLOWED. ' J T Knapp, grand jury witness E Jacobsen, juror $ 2 20 T T Nicholas " . .. ..... . . 2 20 C Weld drawing precinct jury. . 3 00 A J Knightly constable's fees. ... 33 80 John Jirookhouse, juror. ...... 6 00 Chronicle Pub Co printing for assessor 18 00 Chronicle Pub Co, printing court docket 8 50 J G Boyd, medicine for pauper, referred to authorities of Crook county. Glass & Prudhomme. supplies. . " '8 00 Hugh Logan, insanity cases. ... 1Q 00 Times-Mountaineer, supplies for j. clerk's office '. . . 10 00 Glenn & Handley, lights....... 15 25 C E Haight, meals grand jurv and .bailiff. ". fi 50 H Lauretsen hauling trash 3 00 R Clpster juror 4 20 Dalles Water Works, water. 5 00 Hockman & Co, repairs lawn mower 1 50 L Lamb,. witness 2 60 A W Whetstone, juror 3 60 S M Baldwin Dalles Waterworks water, April 5 00 G D Barnard, books, etc 43 55 blanks 6 50 W Bolton & Co, supplies 6 00 Troy Shelly, reports, &c 145 00 J Wv Atwell 15 95 A Keaton. J P fees &c - 13 60 A W Wallace, constable 14 65 Wm Wilev, juror 2 50 C Hustes ' " 6 00 Jno Kelsay " 4 50 Pierce Kelsav " 11 00 W S Kelsay 11 00 A P Jones " 16 00 C C O'Neil, witness 6 20 Joseph Sumner " . . . : 4 00 T J Sumner " 4 00 G J Gibson " 3 60 C Clark ' 3 60 E F Sharp, surveying road 204. . 24 00 " " 200. . 14. 00 " " " 199. . 24 00 " " 201. . . 12 00 " " " 202.. 12 00 " " " 203. . 16 00 Osmer Cook, viewer 4 00 Wm Miller " 4 00 O S Morgan " 4 00 P W Wilhelm " 2 00 J B Dow . " 2 00 A Anderson " , . 2 00 J A Hamilton ' . . : 8 00 Chas Schmidt " .. . 8 00 Emil Schanno " 8 00 J N McCov " f 2 00 F C Sherib " ' 2 00 J T Armor " 2 00 J N McCov " 2 00 F C Sherib " ' 2 00 J T Armor .." 2 00 W G Obriat, chainman 4 00 C A Davis " 4 00 Hans Nielsen " 2 00 Ed Boyer " 5 00 C A Bell " ,200 0 S Pratt " 4 00 James Lindes " 2 00 C L Gilbert " : 1 4 00 E Lvons , " 4 00 D DNelson, marker. . 4 00 F H Sharp " 2 00 E C Miller " 2 00 C A Bell " 2 00 John Keelv " 2 00 J Wickham " 2 00 J N McCoy, viewer : 2 00 J F Armor, " 2 00 F C Sherieb, " 2 00 C L Gilbert, chainman 2 00 E Lyons, " 2 00 J Wickham, v , 2 00 R Rand & Son, supplies. .'. 4 67 Chronicle, treasurer's notice. .. t 1 50 , '.. . -v, . " ... !; 1 50 Wm Mann & Co, records 56 25 Chas Davis, jifrv list. r 3 00 FC Graves. " " 2 00 iAfayette Davis, jury list 2 00 W H Wilson, .Dist Attv's fees . . 60 00 Crandall & Burget, coffin 20 00 1 C Nickelsen, supplies 5 05 Thomas Walsh, witness 4 00 Glenn & Handley, lights ., ... 15 25 G C Eshelman, medical services 45 00 MacEachern & MacLeod 1 50 J P Mclnerny, supplies ; 16 90 John Osbiirn, juror 1 20 SamThurman, ' 1 20 F E Denzer, " 1 20 R Burdett, " 1 20 Leslie Butler, " 1 20 J Doherty, . " 1 20 R E Saltmurshe, witness. . . 1 70 J J Campbell, " 1 70 W H Lochhead, 1 70 JHBlakeney, " 170 E A Hearst, " 1 70 W C Allowav, " 1 70 M Redmond', " 1 70 W Owens, " 1 70 L P Ostlund, " 1 70 R V Gibons, " - 1 70 Wm Michell. coroner 2165 Dr Doane, services 5 00 Wm Michell, coroner 10 00 Wm Michell, " . . . . ... 5 00 Dalles Pub Co, notices 3 00 Troy Shelly, postage 6 00 Dalles Pub' Co, blanks 32 75 " publishing notice -1 00 Jos T Peters, supplies. .-. ........ 13 25 A K Thompson, Uepty Dist Atty 25 00 E S dinger, fees insanitv. case charge to estate of E E Griffin . 14 00 C L Schmidt, viewer 2 00 Emil Schanno, " . . : 2 00 GeoALiebe, 200 M M Cusbing, board non-resi- ' "dent paupers,' charged to state , 68 57 M McKinnon,, J P fees .5 25 A Knightly, constable fees. ..... " ' 18 95 M McKinnon, J P fees. ... . . .'. . . . 2 95 " . " constable's fees . . 33 80 " " ,.-J P fees. . . ........ 6 40 ,'. . - r constable's fees. .". 5 85 John Tranna, jury 1 00 WmMKenzie, " V .1 00 Patrick Walsh, " 00 J W Atwell, " 1 00 J A.Craig, ; 1 00 3 Malcolm .Mclsaac, jury , .,1 00 S O Hersey, witness .' -1 50 John Woodward, witness. ;: -150 Wm McCormack, " .. .... 160 P Fox, " 1 50 Wm Hendricks , " 1 50 M McKinnon, fees . . ' 3 05 - - " .' ,1 85 Chas Miller, witness .. 'l 50 Ed Morgan, ." ....... " 1 50 Ward & Kerns, livery . .'.'.: . . . 6 00 Geo H Thompson, ex-clerk's bill 16 01 E Schutz, fees .s-. ' 9 50 " " " : 4 55 " . " ; 3 35 ". " " 14 70 W W Wilson, fees . ... 1 70 D McCarthy, fees 1 70 E Schutz, fees. . - 9 10 John Freeman, fees.- 4 10 S Welsh, fees., -- , 4 10 r B Sinnott, board . 18 00 J B Crossen, clerk's fees Real Estate Transaction. ' Geo. G." ' Gibson , to W. E.- Snurrier Bellev le addition to The "Dalles. Con sideration-one dollar. DESERTERS. ' V . "4 o be the Walla Escape. ' ' 1 the 4th cavalry Walla has tele i t four of the men m plicated in the deserted. The received in this - If explanatory : Hay 11, 1891." J or Constable . , Or.: fax, troop C, Fort .Walla wenty-three, Holdlera S.-.v.-r. Wal Colonel Ct stationed at graphed to th supposed to hi lynching stra following telegt city yesterday, i Walla Wali To Sheriff or CU or Pogtmanter, i vr.v Private Josepl c 4th- cavalry, deser- v. Walla, May lOtht'. Avoa CrTfl V Vl 111 I V complexion dark; height, five c and three- quarter inches; Germ.- wo vaccina tion marks, right arm .-..: th, and let ters "J. R." right forearm; occupation, baker. C. E. Compton, Colonel 4th Cavalry. Walla Walla, Wn.J May 11, 1891. To Slieriff or City Marshal or Constable or Postmaster, The Dalles, Or.: . Deserted from Fort Walla Walla, night of May 10th, Samuel Sutton, troop A, Fourth cavalry, aged twenty-three years, eyes blue, hair light, complexion florid, occupation farrier, chunky build, square shoulders, quick spoken, scar over left eye, scar on left side of face, scar' over left foot. David Sheridan, troop D, Fourth cavalry, aged twenty-four years, eyes gray, hair brown, complexion sallow, height live feet, six and one-quarter inches, vaccination scar on left arm, birthmark on abdomen. John J. Smith, troop D, Fourth cavalry, aged twenty-four years, eyes f;ray, hair dark, complexion dusky, eight five ' feet seven and one-quarter inches, scar on left wrist, scar on right thumb and adjoining finger, anchor on right forearm, anchor very irregular on back of right hand. These men have complicity in the late lynching and murder in Walla . Walla. The government will pay sixty dollars for their apprehension and delivery to military authority and the- county of Walla Walla offers a reward of $1750 for the arrest and conviction of the par ticipants in this crime. The widest publicity should be given this informa tion in the interest of justice, law and order. Postmasters receiving this infor mation are requested to have the same posted in a conspicuous place in their city or town. C. E. Comptqn, Colonel 4th Cavalry. A Flourishing Company. ; Supplementary articles of incorpora tion have been filed in the county clerks office by the S. B. Medicine Manufactur ing company of Dufur, Oregon by which the capital stock is increased to $100,000 in shares of $5 each. This indicates a success that is somewhat phenomenal. Only a few years ago Dr. Vanderpool commenced to put up in a convenient form one or two of the favorite remedies he had long used in his extensive prac tice, merely to serve the local demand of former patients. The business grew and extended almost without an effort till it became necessary, in order that the doctor might be relieved from over work to take a partner to manage it still the business grew till'a small stock' company was formed, and now they have found it necessary to increase the capital stock of the. company to meet the demands of a business that has customers almost in every county on the Pacific Coast. The excellence of the S. B. remedies is at tested everywhere and theirs is an ex .ample of success being attained by the force of real merit only. New Lodge K. of B. R. T. Mr. T. T. Slattery second vice grand of Oregon last night organized a new lodge of K. of B. R. T., at Odd Fellows hall in this city, with the following as charter members : B. T. Conroy, Q. H. Pickett, D. Wergin, C. W. Hudson, W. N. Durant, J. Lacornia, J. Harding, F. Gillemwater, Clint Thomas and J. J. Burns. Mr. J. J. Burns was elected Master, C. W. Hudson, V. M ; J. Hard ing, P. M; B. Wergin, Warden; W. Durant, Conductor; O. H. Pickett, Financier ; Frank Gillemwater,' Secre tary ; J. Lacornia, J. & O. G. The lodge will meet Thursday nights. The name of the new lodge is "May Enright." HOTEL ARRIVALS. UMATILLA HOUSE. L. Ki Moore, Grass Vallev. R. A. Moore, " : Henry Hillgen and wife, Dufur. ' H. A. Wralker, Antelope. Horatio Fargher, Kingsley. W. H. Moore, Moro. .. 8. R. Husbands and wife, Mosier. M. T. Dodd, Antelope. R. Griffith, , : ". L. C Parrish, Albany. , ' -The. Joke of the Season! ' : By. reason of a full suddIv of general hews and local matter we never .bore" our readers with three or four of. patent "piaies aaiiy. ixmes-Mountaineer. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Wells of Portland left today ' for their sheep ranch in. the southern part of the county, where Mr. Wells has large sheep interests. Wanted :-ttAT girl - or woman to do uuuwjworK in small lamiiy. . .J. M. Huntington. The tramp never turns away from any door. -without 'getting ', something. If he gets nothing else, he gets out.. ' FOR SALE. I WOULD LIKE TO SELL, TO THE FAMILY who may occupy my late residence all the carpets (Brussela and three-ply), cook stove with hot water taukr- linoleum on kitchen tioor. and window blinds. - All the articles named are nearly new, and will be sold at a bargain before ,May 15th,. Apply to G.F.TUCKER, Over French & Co. 'a bank. $20 REWARD. WILL BE VAili roil ANY INFORMATION leading; to the conviction of parties cutting the ropes or ill any way interfering with the wires, poles or lamps of Thk Electric Light Co. H. GLENN. Manager. CATC CHRONICLE SHORT STOPS. , Use Dufur flour, it is the best. Those who try it, always buy it. S. B. 'A.'M; Williams & Co., have on hand a fine lot of tennis and bicycle' shoes. Ask your grocer for Dufur flour. Pure maple sugar at Joles Bros., eight pounds for 1. 00. . Mi . H. Glenn is in receipt of a large Jot of new style of picture mouldings in various designs which may be seen at his office. The drug store of C. E. Dunham, de ceased, is now open and will be so con tinued until further notice. For coughs and colds use 2379. Those who use the S.' BJ headache cure don't have la grippe. The celebrated Walter H. Tenny Boston-made mens' and boys' fine bobts and 'shoes in all styles, carried by The Dalles Mercantile company at Brooks & Beers old stand. For the hlnrtrl in' nnn.lolf aaa..4..1 doses S. B. beats Sarsaprilla. 2379 is the cough syrup for children. " Get Snipes & Kineraley's. ' ITlff Wsi.r4 rFTira fr-w aola (Via best farms of its size in Sherman county. xi consists oi Z4U acres of deeded land at F.rsWinxilh. TViu ia .. nu... f.:i:., spring of living water capable of water- Tflf hnilRP U.-M-H So O lur.ra- ofAro li.-ll - -y vv 'ua ao m luiv owtt UU11U ing with ten rooms attached alone cost 1 T Al 1 1 1 1 . i " . . uiitcKHiui lii Miiop anu otner buildings and the whole surrounded by a good wire fence. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply by letter or other wise to the editor of the Chkonicle or to t.hR nwnor W T. Wa vA Vtr.-rrA w.o county, Oregon. Baby is sick. The woeful exnresaion of a Des Moines teamster's countenance showed his deep anxiety was not entire ly without cause, when he inquired of a druggist of the same city what was best to give a baby for a cold"? It was not ne cessary for him to say more, his counte nance snowed that the pet of the family, if not the idol of his life was in distress. "We give our baby Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,' was the druggist's answer. "I don't like to give the babv such strone medicine," said the teamster.' You know John Oleson, of the Watters-Talbot Print ing Co., don't you? inquired the drug gist. "His baby, when eighteen months old, got hold of a bottle of Chamberlain's Uough Kemedy and drank .the whole .of it. : Of course it made the babv vomit very freely but did not injure it in ,the least, and what is more, it cured the ba- Dy 8 cola. 1 he teamster already knew the. value of the '.Remedy, having used it himself, and. was now satisfied that there was no ' danger in giving it even to a Daoy. J; or sale by Snipes & Kinersly. Forfeited Railroad Lands We are now ready , to prepare papers for the filing and entry of ..Railroad Lands. We also attend to business be fore the TJ.. S. Land Office and Secretarv of the Interior. : Persons for whom , we have prepared papers and who are re quired to renew their applications, will not be charged additional for such papers. Thobnbuky & Hudson, 1 Rooms 8 and 9 Land Office building, The Dalles, Oregon. Notice. 1 Having leased the Mount Hood ' hotel at Hood Ftiver, I would respectfully call the attention of the traveling public to the fact, that the house is being thorough ly renovated and will be open for the re ception of . guests on or about Miv" 1st, and I would most" respectfully '' solicit a shj&re of the public patronage. ' Nothing will be over-looked for. the comfort of guests. ' George Herbert. FOR SALE. " A choice lot of brood mares ; also a number of geldings and fillies bv "'Rock wood Jr.," "Planter," "Oregon Vilkes," and "Idaho Chief," same standard bred. Also' three fine young stallions by ''Rock wood Jr." out of first class mares. - For prices and terms call on or address either J. W. Condon, or J. H. Larsen, The Dalles, Oregon. ' He wants it known. Mr. J. H. Straub, a well known German citizen of Fort Madison, Iowa, was terribly afflicted with inflammatory rheumatism ". when Mr. J. F. Salmon, a prominent druggist there, advised him to use Chamberlain's Pain Balm. One bottle of it cured him. His case was a very severe one. . He suf fered a great deal and now wants others similarly afflicted to know what cured him. 50 cent bottles for sale by Snipes Kinersly. NOTICE. - R. E. French has for sale a number of improved ranches and unimproved lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood in Sherman county. They will be sold very cheap and on reasonable terms. Mr. French can locate settlers on some good unsettled claims in the same neigh-' borhbod. ; His address is Grass Valley, Sherman county, Oregon. Merino Sheep for Sale. I have a fine band of . thorough bred Merino sheep consisting of 67 bucks, about 340 ewes and about 200 young lambs, which I will sell at a low price and upon easy terms.' Address, D. M. French. s The Dalles, Or. To the Public. ... .. . i ... , , ..Notice is hereby given that all the barber shops of The Dalles will be closed in future on Sundays. The Iiadles' Tailor . i .... . . i School of Dress Cutting -'.' . AT ' Irs. B rdwn's D resiaalLliiii Parlo ri Cor. Fourth and Union Sts., . The Dalles, Or. ' Each ' scholar can bring in her own dress and is taught to cut, baste and fin ish complete. . , They are also taught to cut the seam less waist, dartless basque, French bias darts and most every form of sleeve. -)ff"In "the, 'dressmaking department! keep only competent neip. Dress Cutting a Specialty. Lots 50x100 feet; 20-foot alley in each Block. Sold for Cash or on Installments; Discount for Cash. No interest. - FOR S-A-XjIE ZBTT Thompson & Butts, C. E. Bayard '& Co., Haworth & Thurman, J. M. Huntington & Co., THE DALLES, OREGON. The Farm Trust C. N". SCOTT, President. PORTLAND, Removal Herbring's DRY GOODS STORE . Has removed to 177 Second street (French's Block) nearly opposite his former" stand, where . he will be pleased to see his former customers and friends. He carries now a mxich larger stock than before and every Department is filled . with the Latest Novelties of the Season. GEO. IT. THOMPSON, Nptary Public. The BEST Investment in the Northwest, for sale by Thompson & Butts, 114 Second Street, ' THE DALLES. OREGON. Dealers in Real Estate and all. kinds of Personal Property. Collections Promptly Made. . Land Filings Prepared. MAYS & CROWE, (Successors to ABRAM8 & STEWART.) XI.etllerai axici Tolsbem in Hardware. - Tinware, - Graniieware. - Wooflenware, SILVERWARE, ETC. -: AGENTS "Acorn," "Charter Oak" "Argand STOVES AND RANGES. Pumps, Pipe, Plumbers' and ' Steam Fitters' Supplies, Packing, Building Paper, SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES. Also a complete stock of Carpenters', Blacksmith's and. Farmers Tools and Fine Shelf Hardware. -AGENTS The Celebrated R. J. ROBERTS "Warranted" Cutlery, Meriden Cutlery ani Tableware, the "yuick Meal" Oasoline Btoves. tjrana" uu btovea and Anti-Rust Tinware. All Tinning, Plumbing, will be done 174, 176, 178. 180 SECOND STREET, H . C. M IE LS6N, Clothierand BOOTS AND SHOES, l?at5 apd Qaps, JruKs, tlalises, CORNER OF 8ECOND AND WASHINGTON STS., THE DALLES, OREGON. : JOLES BROS., ' DEALERS IN : Staple aim FaQGy Groceries, ' Hay, Grain and Feed. No. 22 CWhfrigtoh and Third. Sts. DALiLiES & Loan Company, Wm. A. BANTZ, Vice-Pres. & Mgr. OREGON. Notice I W. H. BUTTS, ' Auctioneer. x. :e3. ceo w jbs FOR THE :- 99 FOR- Pipe Work and Repairing on Short Notice. THE DALLES, OREGON. Tailor