The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 12, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Dalles' Daily Chronicle.
Entered at the 1'iwtoffice at The Dalles, Oregon,
hb second-class matter.
Suvtmor P. Pennover
Secretary of State i. W. McUride
Treasurer Phillip Metschau
Bupt, or Public IiiHtruction E. B. McKlroy
State Printer
(.1. N. Dolnh
" )J. H. Mitchell
.K. Hermann
Frank Baker
County Judge C. N. Thombury
8heriff I). L. Cates
Clerk J B. Croesen
Treasurer Geo. Ruch
Commissioners. ., (K.SJlud
Assessor ..John E. Harnett
Surveyor E. V. Sharp
8uierinteiiduiit of Public Schools . .Troy Slieller
Coroner William Michel!
The Chronicle is the Only Paper in
The Dalles that Receives the Associated
Press Dispatches.
There are literally thousands of acres
in the Hood River valley admirably
adapted to blackberry culture where a
man enn make a good living off a very
xmall .piece of ground. K. K. Austen
has a blucklerry patch oonnmtintr of
three-eighths of an acre on a benchvof
land Heveral hundred feet above the
Columbia river. From ' this patch, in
the year 188!i, he sold 4,300 lbs of black
berries at an average price of pix cents a
ound, thus realizing the neat sum of
$ 258, or at the rate of $CS8 an acre. It
may be interesting to our readers to
know something as to the prices asked
for such lands as we have described.
The case of Mr. Absten will serve per
haps as well as any other. This gentle
man has 1(58 acres of timber land, with
about nine acres cleared. These nine
acres are highly improved. There are
4(10 trees of the usual varieties, all vig
orous, neaituy ana neanng. There is
: the blackberry patch already referred to,
now extended to one acre, and 16000
strawberry plants and two -hundred
grapes. He has a complete irrigating
system of his own, and can throw water
almost anywhere, on the whole J 60 acres.
Every kind of the hardier vegetables
grow with him to perfection. The clover
' among his apple trees supplies forage for
his cow and team. There is a fair box
dwelling and a good frame' barn. It is
an ideal home for a man of quiet tastes,
and the whole is o'ffered for $2.;(X).
In a general way it may be said that
land sells all the way from f 30 to $60 an
acre and even higher. A fine farm of
80 acres nearly all cleared with a fairly
gooa House and barn sold a few days ago
for $2,500. Every acre of it is adapted to
fruit growing, and it is only about three
miles lmck of town. Further up the val
ley land can be had cheaper that is just
as good or better than that lying nearer
the Columbia. '
We have spoken of Hood River as a
fruit country and so it is. It has thous
ands of acres which if they were only in
California, instead of being held at $30
to $60 an acre could not be bought for
three times these terms. 0 But Hood
River can do more than raise fruit. At
our district fair last year somebody ex
hibited a watermelon that beat the larg
est at the fair by fifteen pounds. Most
of the farmers raise corn on their sum
mer fallowed land and with good suc
cess, although of course it is not claimed
to lie a corn country. Hut the wheat
grown there, as far as quality is' con
cerned, will lear favorable comparison
with that grown anywhere. Tt is nearly
all fall sown and produces from 25
bushels to the acre up. We were much
struck with the remark jf one of the
Hood River farmers when reference was
made to the many people who prefer
working out in order to maintain them
selves when they ought to make their
farms do so. He said "I make my place
support me and I don't work hard, either.
I raise fruit and corn and grain. I plant
the corn thick, cure it and feed it to my
cows with chopped grain im the winter.
As a consequence I have butter to sell
all the year round, and for dairy cows I
prefer corn fodder, as I raise and cure it,
to the best clover hay." '
A little patch of ground "not bigger
than a barn site" last year produced for
Peer Mohr nearly three tons of carrots,
and this without a drop of irrigation and
in a season four months of which' were
without a drop of rain. '
A disastrous split has occurred in the
ranks of the farmers' alliance in the
state ot Mississippi. As a result the
membership has shrunk in the last few
months from 25,000 to 15,000. The
cause of the split is disagreement as to
the wisdom of what is known as the sub
treasury scheme, or government pawn
offices where loans shall be advanced on
farm produce. r
Karth Odor.
Two French chemists, Messrs. Berthe
lot and Andre, have investigated the
cause of the powerful odor that arises
from vegetable mould after a fall of rain.
Thev find the essential principle to ' be
an organic compound of the aromatic
family. Its odor is very penetrating,
and analegous to that of the camphors ;
its proportion in mould is onlv a few
millionths, but one three-millionth of a
gram is sufficient to produce a sensible
Members of his old mess at Fort Nio
brara, Neb., have presented the new
brigadier general, August.V, Kuutz, with
a magnificent uniform, sword and belt.
. We like the ring of the Buffalo Express
in an article under date of May 6th
headed, "Put On Your Kicking Clothes."
The Express is a republican paper and
the advice is, given to its own party but
there is no reason in the'world why the
democratic party, should not consider
itself equally admonished. The farmers'
movement is by no means so much an
endorsement of democracy as it is a re
buke of republicanism. If this move
ment has no other result than that of
compelling the old parties to put forward
only their best men for office it will have
accomplished something that every
American citizen should be devoutly
thankful for. The Express says :
Last year proved a very off year for
republican politicians. This year will
be more so. It will be difficult" work to
elect any republican candidates yet we
hear of the aspiration of a number of
'party, hacks." If these tende? shoots
have not been killed by the prevailing
cold wave it should be the duty of the
Republican League and kindred organi
zations and like minded individuals to
nip them off effectually. The way to do
this is to tell the party managers that
you will bolt the nominations of "hacks"
and then to be resolved to keerj your
word. If you cannot find good candi
dates in your own pariy support the
nominees of the other party. '
Too PermnaL
1 have been much impressed. Miss
Lion, remarked young Mr. .Trotter to
the girl at his left at the dinner table
upon whom he was desirous of making
a good impression, -'with an article 1
read recently in one of the magazines on
the influence of food upon the human
system. '
"Yes." replied the maiden encourag
ingly, and Trotter went on:
"The author maintained that a man
becomes to a great extent what he eats,
and, do you know, 1 am thoroughly con
vinced that he is quite right?"
It was extremely inopportune that the
hostess shonld have selected this moment
to ask:
"Mr. Trotter, won't you have some
more of the roast pork. You are so very
fond of it. I know." Chicago Inter
Ocean. Devie to Avoid Ocean Collisions.
In order to do away with the enor
mous pressure of -the water against the
front of ocean steampships an English
inventor has introduced a novel device,
which he claims will enable faster time
to be made by vessels, in addition to fa
cilitating the maneuvering of ships, and
tend to avoid collisions. -The invention
consists of one or more screws ' on each
side of the bow, each '45 degs. with the
bow and 90 degs. from each other. Ex
periments with these screws show that
the water is thrown from each side of
the bow, forming a deep well in front of
the vessel, and allowing the stern screws
to effect their full power in propulsion.
.New Yorlr Telegram.
. Something to Fall Back On.
. Youthful - Paterfamilias Yes, dear, I
hall : stay . right here and. watch baby
through this spell, if I lose my place for it.
Youthful Materfamilias Of course. I
hope they won't discharge you, as you
have no experience at anything else.
Youthful Paterfamilias Oh, never fear:
if worse comes to worse, I know I can get a
place as nurse. Munsey's Weekly.
It Raved Him. .
Farmer Little, of Ohio, began sneezing
the other day and couldn't stop, nor could
the doctors do anything for him. The
hired man hauled off and bit him on the
proboscis and the sneezing disappeared as
the .blood came. The sneezer was grate
ful, of course, but he's going to lick the
hired man some day this spring. Detroit
Free Press.
Mot In Harmony with Burnt Cork.
G. Washington Coon (purchasing suit of
clothes) 1'se '(raid, sab; dat dhese trousers
am 'bout fo' sizes too big fo' me. '
. Cohen But dot was English, mine friend!
G. Washington Coou Mebbe, sah; but it
'pears to me dat my complexion don't go
very well wif dat Anglo-maniac craze
The following statement from .Mr. ,W.
B. Denny, a well known dairyman of
New Lexington, Ohio, will be of interest
to persons troubled with Rheumatism.
He says : 'I have used Chamberlain's
Pain Balm for nearly two years, four
bottles in all, and there is nothing I have
ever used that gave me as much relief
for rheumatism. We always keep a bot
tle of it in the house." For sale by
Snipes & Kinersly.
Have flitted npit first-class
Barber Shop
;" :ANI): v
Bath Rooms
' At 102 Second Street, next door to
Freeman's Boot and Shoe store..
None but the best artists employed.
- Do Not Forget the Place.
dersigned are requested to pay the amount
of their respective accounts or .otherwise make
satisfactory settlement of the same, before June
1st, 1891, and all persons having claims against
us are requested to present them on or Before
the above date.
"Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Or.
Steam Ferry.
t) ft dTTliC is now running a
IV U. JCUliJlO Ferry between
a steam
River and White Salmon. Charges
reasonable. R.. Q. Evans, Prop.
rP'KXTY,hc8I mchclce young-cattle. for. sale
.X at a very low price. Enquire of, ' '
LESLIE BTJTTLER, the Dallra, Or,; J
hv nmm si outrun nju m BSSit
The anemone corona ria i commonly
grows wild about Smyrna and in Asia
Minor, spreading far and wide - as the
most beautiful of spring blossoms, grow
ing on chalk soil along." the-edges of
shrubbery. We cannot wonder that it
was already in ancient times a favorite
of the inhabitants and excited in poetic
minds sensations such as can only be ex
cited by surprising beauty. "Jam the
rose of Sharon and the lily of the val
leys," sings the firsterse of the second
chapter of Solomon's song, and there can
be no doubt today what is-here meant by
the rose of Sharon. -
It was an American, Fiske P. Brewer,
who decided this question. Narcissus
Tazetta; which likewise grows in Pales
tine, having previously been considered
the Biblical flower. This gentleman, ac
cording to the Edinburgh Review of
1886, while traveling in the year 1859
from Jaffa to Ranleh, came upon a place
where a considerable expanse of ground
was half covered with brilliant red
flowers. At the sight of them some of
his native companions immediately ex
claimed, "Roses of Sharon," and when
he inquired about the name he was told
that the anemone was there universally
so called.
In truth it .would not be easy other
wise to speak of a rose in Palestine, for
native roses do not exist there at least
not where they would justify the associ
ation of the plain of Sharon with their
name. Wild roses are found in Pales
tine only on Lebanon, or where, here
and there, R. centifolia is cultivated for
the production of attar, as in the Wadi-
" el-Werd (Rose-valley), near Hebron.
According to Ebers and Guthe, in their
"Palestine," the translations of the
Bible often use the word rose "where
there is no warrant for understanding
by it a true rose. The roses of Persia
'and Media were not introduced into
Palestine before the Grecian period.
Dlustrirte Garden-Zeitung.
How Old ts Punch?
On landing at one of the sugar fac
tories we found that there was a fair go
ing on under an avenue of tamarisks
close by. The dealers sat under the
trees with their wares before them, fruit
and vegetables in one quarter, cotton.
ana calicoes in another, native woolen
stuffs, robes, rugs, cloth, etc, in a third:
there was also a cattle fair, sheep, buf
faloes, camels and donkeys. There were
al fresco coffee stalls and a booth, with
in which the sounds of very noisy music
could be heard, the drum predominating.
We entered, and were much amused on
finding that it was an Arab Punch and
Judy show, but Punch wore a turban
and Judy a yashmak.
The former perpetrated a series of
enormities, and ended, by tearing' off
Judy's veil during a family squabble:
after this he -became m perfect desperado,
and on the mamour (chief magistrate of
the district), got up in the official tar
boosh and blue frock coat, arriving, at
tended by a retinue of cawasses armed
with sticks, he knocked that redoubtable
personage head over heels, amid the vo
ciferous applause of the assembled fella
heen. Punch pasha's popularity was
now at its height, and 1 much sympathy
was' felt for him when his career termi
nated by his being hanged -on the pole
of a shadoof 1 It was really a very clever
and lively performance. ..t r, .
I turned to the inspector of the factory,
who was with me. and said. "I suppose
they have borrowed this from Europe.''
"Borrowed it from Europer he ex
claimed. " Why j it was performed in
the east before Europe was thought of.
So then old Punch is. after all, but a de
generate version of an Egyptian play.
Stuart's "Egypt After the War." .
A Sure Way of Killing Owls. '"
Frost Bunker, of the Dead river re
gion, is a guide who. it is said, is a suc
cessful rival to James A. Smith, of Phil
lips a Rangely; guide in story telling.
Frost is intamately- acquainted with
"John Smith." who is well: known in all
parts of the country. - He says he was
with John on a hunting- trip once on a
time, when they came upon a man who
bad fired at an owl (perched in a big
tree) about a dozen times without suc
cess. As they approached the stranger
offered John a five dollar bill if he would
secure the owL John cocked his rifle
and walked around the tree. :
The owl turned his head ' in the same
direction as far as John walked. John
kept on going around the tree, the owl
turning his head all the while. Just as
John completed - the tenth circuit the
owl's head was twisted off and he fell to
the ground dead. John said small owls
couldn't be killed that way because their
feet would fly up in turning. Phillips
(Me.) Phonograph.
Salaries of Old English Aetors, .
. Eean never , spent more than two or
three thousand pounds upon a revival,
and this was" considered marvelous in
those days. -Messrs. Irving and Wilson
Barrett have more than doubled such
sums. . Again, salaries were incompara
bly smaller. For some time John Ryder,
who played spcond to- Kean, received
only three pounds ten shillings a week
until, discovering that another atttor of
about equal - position' was in the receipt
of eight pounds, he threatened to break
his engagement -unless bis ealfcry. was at
once doubled, a request which was com
plied with. '- Now such an actor would
command from thirty to fifty pounds a
week. On the other band, Eean raised
the ballet girls from a shilling a night,
their old pay, out of which they had to
find shoes and stockings, to a guinea a
week, and ' found them everything.
London Tit-Bite.'
: .. ;' - 1 ' -.! 1;
. ' Cut Rates, j ... -"1
always get reduced rates on the
railroads for my Indians," remarked the
traveling showman. ' :
"How do you manage -that?" ' ,
I get them scalper's tickets." Puck.
Sometimes It's a Kalsanee.
"There is a poetry about the flute that
other instruments lack. The divine
afflatus has descended upon it." . - '
"Well, it .takes a very earthy .afflatus
to make it work." Harper's iasui.
- (Successor to B. BECK.
-f-.-y J.
- . - " r -f w -'.
jewelry, Diamonds,
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry
Repaired and Warranted.
loo Second St.. The Dalles, Or.
Leailiag Jeweler.
All Watch Work' Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order.
138 Second St., The Dalles, Or.
carjols aim Furniture,
' CO TO '
And be Satisfied aa to
R. B. Hood,
1 -.
Feed and Sale
Horses Bought and Sold on
Commission and Money
Advanced on , Horses
left For Sale.
The Dalles and Goldendale Stage Line.
Stage leaves The Dalles every morning
at 7:30 and Goldendale at 7:30. All
freight muHt be left at R. B.
Hood's office the evening
' before. 1 .
R. B. HOOD, Proprietor.
Qar)dy :-: factory,
W. S. CRAM,. Proprietor.
(Successor to Cram i Corson.)
, Manufacturer of the finest French and
Home Made
G -A. T 3D I IE S
East of Portland.
Tropical Fruits,' Nuts, 'Cigars and Tobacco;
&",iBh any of these goods at Wholesala
or Retail -
....... In Erery Style. , ,
104 Second Street, The Dalles, Or.'
John Pashek,
Third Street, Opera Block.
. Madison's. Latest System, ,'
' .tJsed :in -cutting garments, and a fit
guaranteed each tune.
Repairing and Cleaning
I y-Nealy and Quickly Doriey
AS 1
r-"i 1 1 n "iiT
I iwrv
Ul 1 V
ju b r d n a n f T a 1 1 o f
We are NOW OPENING a full line of
BlaclinJ Colore! Henrietta Clows, Sateens, Giulianis ani Calico,
;5 -a o-a Jarge stock of Main,
..... j . , . . .
Swiss and
in Black and White, for
JHen's and Boyspring and Sammer Clothing, KeekraeaF and Hosiery.
Oex- Shirts, Underwear, xc
A Splendid Line of Felt and Straw Hats.
? 'X
We also call your attention to our line of Ladies' tiH oksu l j
Next Door to The Dalles National Bank.
. Canned Goods, Preserves, Pickles, Etc.
Country Produce Bought and Sold.
Goods delivered Free to any part of t fie City.
Masonic Block, Corner Third and
The Dalles jVIereantile Co.,
Suesessore to BROOKS
Gents' Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps, Etc.
Groceries, Provisions,
390 and 394-
Remember we deliver all purchases
Snhnnl Rnnks
oiaiipnery, DicnoNAra-
'Cor.' of Third andlMnstoii'Sts, The Dalles, Oregon.
Mmes white,
Has Opened a
Zixuxoli Counter,
In Connection "With his Fruit Stand
and Will Serve
Hot Coffee7 Ham' Sandwich, ' Pigs' Feet,
"and Fresh Oysters.
Convenient to the Passenger
On Second St., near corner of Madison.
Also a '
Branch Bakery, California
Orange Cider, and the
Best Apple Cider.
If you want a good lunch, give me a call.
Open all Night
jLftte Rec. U. 8. Land Office. Notary Public
Postofflee Box 32S,
Filings Contests,
And all other Business in the D. S. Land Office
Promptly Attended to.
', We have ordered Blanks for Filings,
Entries and the purchase of Railroad
Lands under the recent Forfeiture Act,
which we will have, and advise the pub
lic at the earliest date when such entries
can be made. Look for advertisement
in this paper.
' 1 Thornburv & Hudson.
H. G-lenn has xemoved his
office and the office of the
Electric lAjftCq. ' to 72
Washington 'St-:u
Embroidered and Plaided
Ladiea' and Misses' wear.
& Gibons,
Court Streets, The Dalles, Oregon.
& BEERS, Dealer in
Hay, Grain and Feed.
Second Street
without charge..
Organs, Pianos,
Watehes, Jewelry.
ATTrtM A f
Abstracters. .
Hear Estate and
' . T. IT - - 1
insurance agents.
Abstracts of. and Information Concern
ing Land Titles on Short Notice.
Land for Sale and Houses to Rent
Parties Looking for Homes in
Bu0iqe00 Locations,
Should Call on or Write to us.
Agents for a Full Line of
LeaJini fire Insurance Companies.
AnH Will Wri fj Tnonranrw fnr
. on all
Correspondence Solicited.. ,AH Letters
Promptly Answered. Call on or
Opera House Block, The Dalles, Or.
.' $500 Reward! ;
We will pay the above reward for any case of
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, In
digestion, Constipation or Contiveness we cannot
cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the
directions are strictly compiled with. They are
purely vegetable, and never fall to give satisfac
tion. Sugar Coated.' Large boxes containing 80
Pills, 25ents. Beware ol counterfeit and 1ml- ,
tatlons. The genuine manufactured only by
pnmcrlptloa Druggists,
17S Second St. The Dalles, Or.
is this day dissolved by mutual consent
Thetmsiness will in the future be conducted by.
N. B. Whyers who will pay and collect alk part
nership debts. - G. C. Biltj.-
Dated April 14th, 1891. , , B. Whykbs