'V -.3 "I. V The Dalles Daily Chronicle. -2. MONDAY. 4 !s-rt METEOROLOGICAL EEPOET. Pacine CoaHt Time. Rela D.t'r of Wind Stiite of V euther. tive Hum 8 A. M. 3 P. M. -9.i7 XJ.'JO 81 31 N' E Cleur Maximum temperature, fti; minimum tem perature, 42. t The river Ik xtiindinK at is H-10 feet above "0," WEATHER I'HOBAlilLITIES. The Dam.es, May 11, 1891. Weather forecaH till 12 to., Tnexday; fair Warmer. FAIR The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. LOCAL BKEVITIKS. A. W. Branner of Nansene is in the city. Mr. Davenport, of tlie Colfax Common eria iu the city visiting friends. Wool is coming in lively, and the east end is quite brisk with teams We noticed the old Brooks and Beers, feed yard was chock-a-block with tennis, which reminded us of old timesy We found it impossible to make room for the remainder of the county court proceedings, to-day, but shall try and find room to-morrow. With the prospect of bountiful crops of wheat and good 'prices as well, the farmers of Oregon have reason to antici pate a year of unusual prosperity. Ash land Tiding. A monument fifty feet in height mark ing the center of population as shown by the last census, was erected last Satur day on a farm twenty miles east of Col ' umbus, Ind. The Kesler Sisters, in connection with their dressmaking establishment are put ting in a selection of millinery and as they are experienced in both lines they have done well to locate in The Dalles. Indians are all over the ' mountains slaughtering deer, while the law prohib its white men from providing their hun gry children with a mess of venison. It should not be thus, but white men must grin and bear it, we suppose, until the short time when deer will be notnore. Interest in the . fabulous "Blue Bucket" gold diggings has again been revived in the southern part of Harney county.- The Grant County New man says that when he visited Burns lately he' was informed that a man had just been in the town who claimed to have found the hoops and bail of the old "blue bucket." ' Never before has there been such a marked increase in lambs as there has been in this section this spring. ' All our sheepmen say they are owners of double the number of lambs they expected this season. In consequence the sheep raisers-' are greatly, encouraged, and will more than make up for the disastrous loss sustained a year aeo last winter. -Condon (Jlobe. ... .'"...' C. L. Phillips claims to be the cham pion chicken raiser of this town. He has about 125 voting chickens of this vpurs l-rnn. llTld llf ravb tif is crninir tr f sat them all himself except what he gives to new spa"er editors. In that case , , .. . i. , it . i the CHKONICL.E predicts that th editors will have to steal them. The steamer D. S. Baker, after having I been tied up since last fall, resumed her! daily trips to the Cascades this morning She will connect with the Lurline on the lower river. This will be good news to the hundreds of settlers on the north side of the Columbia, who have been shut off from all intercourse with the rest of the world, except by skiffs, for the pnst six months. Saturday's baseball game at the fair f grounds between the academy and city nines resulted in a draw, but four inn ings beings being played. The batting all through the game was good, but the fielding did not come up to the usual standard of excellence which the boys have hitherto shown. One feature of the game was . the large number of passed balls, which occasioned more than one score. Post having a ' sore finger was bothered in his delivery and was batted all over the field. . Some good runs .were made all through the game and some " neat playing done. Quite a number of spectators watched the progress of the game 'and manifested their delight at each good play by the usual vociferations.: - Some small boy 8; in the judges 'J stand at the race track" kept ringing a' bell at each poor play , to the great dislike of the boys', who apparently did not enjoy . any allusion . to . anything that savored of chestnuts.- -, ? t Julius Wiley and Mrs Wiley returned from their trip to California last night. They had a very enjoyable . time .and came back with an addition to the fam ily of a charming little girl that Julius j says lie. would .not .'take a, ipillion for.. They had . stopped at Astoria and after registering at; the hotel they went out to visit friends, returning at 9 o'clock p. m. When they entered ; their bedroom the little 'stranger was lying on the bed with a lable attached to her clothes on which was inscribed, "To Julius Wiley." Mr. and . Mrs. Wiley made the best of the situation and brought the child home with them. Julius declares that neither he nor any of. his friends in Astoria know anything of the child nor where she came. She is a remarkably bright and affectionate little one about two and a half years old and has already won a warm spot in the hearts of her adopted parents. ".' r:"T-.' '. : ' TRAIN AS A KjlKH.- Hid Woldfirfiir F.nll l' - . . . Don In The jr Z- V ' : - Portland Oregle7 T , : Portland a few days smcPold a.friend some of the incidents of avisit hi paid this state many years ago awai back early in the '60s. He said he w;k the first one to discover salmon in th Col umbia, and caught 264 in a day, ara car ried them across the Columbia, wJking on' the backs of the salmon, vhich crowded the river ; also that he leilrned the (,'hinook jargon in fifteen minutes. Like most of the reminiscenesof by-tone days in Oregon, there is some foundation for these statements, but still they (rary somewhat from the fai-ts in the casei A correct account, therefore, of Mr. Train's exploits in catching salmon and stuflv ing Chinook jargon will be found in teresting. T It was somewhere about 'fi-i ry . when Mr. Train first came out hCT )ust after a Fenian scare in Canada.,,-," was when he took a run across thl'ne to Victoria, and the long roll r'lhe British drume was heard, and tb1"00!'8 were called out, sentries douJ'J. and detec tives kept a watch rr every move he made as long ashwaa on British terri tory. Mr. Trai-'had aspirations for the presidency h-tiiose days and gentle man liereVfus a photograph of him, pre sented y Mr. Train himself, on the backet which is written an invitation foivcne recipient to meet the donor m the white house when he should be elected president. While here Mr. Train visited The Dalles, on the invita tion of Captain J. C. Ainsworth, and made his first acquaintance with the Chinook salmon and Chinook jargon in their native wilds. This was long before a can of salmon had been put up on the Columbia, and when the only salmon fisheries on the river were those of the Indians at the' Cascades and at The Dalles.- Mr. Train was to address the citizens of The Dalles in the church and the day before paid a visit to a salmon fishery in the rapids lelow Celilo. He greatly admired the easy, graceful man- I ner in which uu Indian, standing on a I frail platform bung over a narrow chute, i plunged his dipnet into the foaming tor- rent and lifted the salmon out on the i rocks, and he wished to trv his hand. The Indian endeavored to dissuade him, telling him that he would "killapi copa chuck" that is, fall into the river ; but Mr. Train insisted, and the Indian politely yielded up his net and stand Mr. Train stepped out on the platform, net in hand. Never before since the Columbia forced its way through the Cascades, had such a spectacle been presented to the Chi nook salmon. Mr. Train wore a green broadcloth swallow-tail coat with brass buttons, a tall silk hat, satin vest and ruffled shirt. ' As he passed his net for a "scoop" he was the observed of all ob servers He scooped, and a large Chi nook salmon was caught in his net, but instead of pulling it out it pulled him in, aud before one could say "Jack Robin son" Mr. Train was being whirled away like a rk in the swift current. Several Indians, who had evidently expected this, immediately jumped in", and fortu-j nately, succeeded in dragging Mr. Twin ashore. His tall hat was dancing like a bubble down the current, but a lot of young Indians scamiered after it and soon brought it back.- - Mr. Train was not to be balked "by his ni'ahap, and while he peeled of his coat, vest, etc., he took a lesson in Chinook and found out what "kilepi copa chuck" meant. Having stripped down his ruffled shirt, and laid his garments out in the suu to dry, he again took the net and telling his friends to go back to The Dalles and send up an engine for him at 5 p. m., he stepped out on the platform and fished all day, piling up 264 fine salmon. When the engine came after hmi he wished to take the salmon to town vitl Iiiiti t i rvrMi .iiii ti tliu riu. trum from which he was to speak that fveni"S. but was dissuaded from this on the ground that it would not look well jn a church. He delivered a lecture that evening in ?Thi.ch Jie complimented the pioneers on ratin(r to this section, and told them mat wime iney were seeKing tor goicl m the mountains and hoping to get wealth from their herds of cattle, which ranged on ten thousand hills, there was im mense wealth swimming past their doors unnoticed. He then predicted that in a few vears the salmbu of the Columbia would lie canned and exported to the uttermost ends of the enrt.h aurl -uronUI ! become one of the great products of this state, all of which has become true. 'ew ('hrlntlan Kflfleavor Society. Mr. Norman Wilson district secretary of the Young People's Society of Christ ian Endeavor went to "Fail-view last eve ning and organized a branch society at the school house at that place. Mr. Wilson was accompanied by Miss Story and the Misses Folsom, of the Endeavors of the -Congregational church of The Dalles. .They, were joined at . Fair view by Misses Alice and Emma Roberts and Myron Farrington of . this city, and all assisted Mrs. Wilson in forming the new society. f . An address explaining the , working and. the objects of the Christian Endeavor was .made by Mr. Wilson, at the conclusion' of which-' a society was organized with the following officers : . Miss Lizzie Nelson , president ; Mf (D,. Stewart, . vice ' presidenf. j ".Mrs. Maggie Overst, corresponding "secretary ; Mr. - David Kelson,' recording" secretary and' treasurer. ' There "are five "active members and nine associate members, as a neuclus around which it is confidently hoped a large and flourishing'' society will grow up. POantjr Court Proceedings, May 1891. .., . .- Term, In the matter of the petitionof 11 ' N. Blowers and others for an appropriation for an armory for the use of (Company D, Third Regiment infantry, O. N. G, it is ordered That the $50 per month now allowed and paid by the county, court of Wasco,- county' " for ' Armory 'rent" 1 e equally divided between Companies D, A and C, Third .Regiment, all of "which companies consist of citizens of the county of. Wasco; that is, each of the said companies shall be entitled to $16.16, and the county clerk will issue script for said amount of $16.16 in favor of the captains of each of said companies and not otherwise. . ' mth of m Pioneer. ' -itia !Force,,wasT)orH 7Nbvem : jo the state ofv $Tew, -York, "he Dalles on May 11 ; 1891, ::ice of Mrs.. D. W, Edwards. :Tied to James Vanderbilt ithigan, March 6, 1838. Riband and young child, in -ha younger brother of her in force, now deceased, and Aaron Townea, also de ;h1 across the plains to Ore ring of .1842. After travel- reen river with wagon and : andoned their wagons and of their journey on horse g S ilem on October 7th of :::r. After living in and near ; -1863, she came to Wasco e she has made her home ihe was a kind and affec "ier. and her niemorv will ber and at t She For Wit, cetr! hus her reap gon ing teai cam bact the ( Sale .toui tlOHi:.:.:::: ever remain dear to the sorrowing and bereaved family. Those who feel most keenly this sad bereavement are : Mr. C. O. Force, of Crook county ; Mrs. A. F. Adams, wife of Rev. J. A. Adams of East Portland," and their three grown daught ers, Mary L.f Ida Aand Maggie E. Adams ; and Mrs. M. L. Edwards, wife of Mr. D. W. Edwards, of The Dalles, and their young son Walter.- The funeral will take place from her late residence on Wednesday next at 2 p. m. For What Purpose are They Filling up . the Locks? The president stopped twelye minutes at the Cascade Locks. No official of the numerous army of paid hirelings was there to ask him to take a look at the most important public works on the continent. His escort would take him out of the cars to see Multanomah Falls and Taffe's fish wheels at Celilo but there was no time to see the Locks. Can it be possible that the reason for j this lay in the fact that the officials at I the Locks have commenced to fill the ! excavation up again. A gentleman who j was down there yesterday says they have I built a tram-way reaching out across the canal, and are hauling loose stones and gravel on train cars and dumping the stuff into the canal. They have it filled up nearly the whole way across, near where the middle gate is to be. What their intention is no one seems to know unless it is to spend the money so as to retard the work. Loose gravel and rocks are not fit material to make a dam, even if a dam were wanted. We presume it is another kind of a dam altogether they are after. Tlie Survey Finished. Mr. K. H." Norton writes to Mr. Hud son of this city from Fossil that he has finished the survey, and he and the boys are all safe at Fossil. They are some what tired, and, as Mr. Norton ex- I presses it, will loaf around the mines for a few days and rest. Mr. Norton, how ever, writes that he will be in The Dalles on Thursday of this week, and will re port what he has accomplished. From New York to London in six days and twenty hours. This is the astonish ing quick time made by the new twin screw mail steamers, the Columbia, Augusta, Victoria, Normannia .and Fuerst Bismurk. -Apply for tickets to I. C. Nickelsen, agent in this city. Par cels and money forwarded to all parts of Europe by Globe express. A little son of Mr. H. Garner residing near Centerville was in a runaway last week and sustained a fracture of his leg. Dr. Bonebraker of Goldendale was called ! in and reduced the fracture and the lit tie tellow is doing as well as could be ex pected. Fisherman here note a difference be tween the run of salmon this year and last. Last year the fish kept near the mouth of the river till about two weeks before the season closed when the run was so great that most of them had to hoist their wheels because of the inabil ity to dispose of the enormous catch. Seufert Bros, expect to ship twenty five to thirty thousand boxes of peaches of their own raising this year. Wanted: A girl or woman to do housework in small family. J. M. Huntington. County treasurer Ruch today sent to the state treasurer "42,519.88, balance taxes due the state from Wasco county. . . Seufert Bros, caught about a ton of sal mon last Saturda v. '; FOR SALE: I WOULD LIKE TO BELL tO.THE FAMILY who may occupy my late residence all the carpets (Brussels and three-ply), cook stove. with hot water tauk, linoleum on kitchen floor, and window blinds. All the articles named are nearly new; and will bo sold at a bargain before May 15th. Apply to,, G. F. TUCKER, . Over French & Co.'a bank. The Ladies' Tailor School of i)ress .Cutting v V . : ' at A y ce j Mrs. Brown's Dressmatins Parlors, -.,. : : i !;:? ; j H- ; ' Cor. fourth and Union Sts., The Dalles, 0t. , Each scholar can' bring in her own dress and is taught to cut, baste and fin ish complete. ' ' ' They, are also taught to cut the seam less waist, dartless basque, French bias darts and most every form of sleeve. ;. flrIn the dressmaking department I keep only competent help. Dress Cutting a Specialty. - Ilinrenhi Kni;l9ui4. - - . .i- The sale of flowers by miction is one of the sights of Covent Garden. The stand In' the'holel' Emieti-krttfUrilisbe aver nij?ht,"and the'' building id open for private buyers aC4 o'clock ; next taoroihg, but all their buwiuess in overwt- o'clooU. The visitor who attends t bese purely trade functions ha&tbe advantage of a very charming flower show, covering something like three-quarters of ah acre oi .space, upon which nre arranged tier abo vie tier i of blossoming plants, sometimes extend- ing up and down, in and ont. to a to! frontage of 7P0 yards.-' The auctioneer, who takes his rostrum at 10 o'clock, addHKes himself toihe men, who are called "higglers," a kind of mid dlemen, who purchase the flowers in lots and sell them to the small retailers. The flower girls cannot afford to trade until the general customers have had their pick of the choicest wares? but, taught ly a sharp experience, they are able to drive very smart bargains, and know precisely what to purchase. . The pule faced children of the alleys and by streets of this densely populated west central district dilitrentlv haunt the nur- f Hriik in the .suirinsr Tlior hnvp hcarl nt green iields and buttercups and daisies; perhaps have been told that the swallow and cuckoo hasten over sea to spend a merry Bnmmer in English meadows and copses, but the bunches and baskets of flowers which here fill them with delight and wonderment are the only evidence of such plensant things hitherto vouchsafed to them. They are to them tokens of uu unknown world. The daffodils, . being brightly golden and of respectable size, strike them most, as they veryliUely strike all classes of visitors. When March is going out like a roaring lion, and the London streets are swept by hail and rain, it is pleasant to turn into Coveut Garden and pass these flow ers in review. Thewonder- is how such quantitihs of violets, primroses and daffo dils can be collected. Good Words. Points on Pepper. Pepper in its natnral state, that is, in the kernei, is the fruit of a plant of creeping or climbing habit and of branching growth. It attains a height of some thirty feet. Its leaves are short stemmed, uniform and pointed. Oh the immense East Indian pep--per plantations the young cuttings are set out in long rows and trained on poles. In this particular it bears a striking resem blance to a hop field. The plant bears fruit in its first year, but not to any great ex tent. It in most prolific from its fourth to its twentieth year, during which period the annual yield of a single plant is from nine to eleven pounds on the average. The harvest season commences as soon as the uniform little green berries begin to turn red. They are then plucked and spread out on great platters to dry iu the sun's warm rays, or by means' of a slow fire. ; This treat ment causes the outer shell to shrivel and turn black. White pepper is gathered from the same plant as the black pepper, the distinction being that the former is grottad from ripe berries, from which the outer black shell has first been removed. Because of this thorough ma turity of the berry and the absence of the outer shell it' is much milder than the black. - , ;' The strongest species of black pepper is known as the "Piper officinarum." Its fruit, the berry, is long, having a reddish gray exterior and a very dark interior. Another, not belonging to the pepper fam ily proper, but coming under the nilitr snaaes iDoianuraj, is the Spanish pepper I (Capsicus longum), whose gleaming red-l fruit is too familiar to require detailed mention.1 Exchange. Hail to Pur-sue the Fire. The novel sight of a bnrning charcoal wagon being pursued by a fire engine cre ated considerable excitement on State street, Chicago, the other evening. Short ,ly alter dusk a charcoal peddler, alighting from his wagon, went into a store to serve a customer. During bis absence some mis chievous small boys tfirust a wad of burn ing paper in the bottom of bis wagon, and in a few minates the big load of charcoal was in a glow. The fire started the horse, and it ran south on State street at a furious rate of speed. Some one gave thealarnvto Engine company No. 21, and when the Bre men turned the corner of Taylor street the blazing wagon was two blocks away, with a crowd of about 100 persons in pursuit. The driver of the engine lashed bis horses into a gallop and an exciting chase com menced. To add to the excitement a truck and a cbeniics.1 which followed the engine bronght up in the rear and afforded the many spectators as much amusement and excitement as the chariot races at the cir cus. After a chase of several blocks the engine company succeeded in beading off the runaway horse, and the flames were soon extinguished by a stream from the chemical engine. Exchange. Postponed tbe Funeral. The funeral of Charles Stahl. which was advertised to take place in Milwaukee tbe other day, has been indefinitely postponed. Mr. Stahl was an inmate of the Soldiers' Home aud his - wife received a telegram from the governor of the home informing her that her husband had died. Death notices were inserted in the papers and meetings of two lodges and a union to which Mr. Stahl belonged were called to make arrangements for attending his fun eral. The relatives had all preparations made for tbe funeral, even to buying their mourning clothes? - . f : When an undertaker with a coffin drove ont to the Soldiers' Home to secure the body, to his surprise be found Charles Stahl in the best of health, and the latter was no less surprised to learn' of his death from the undertaker. ' As a result of an ' investiga tion it was ' found that a mistake had in some way been made in the names, Fred erick Stahl being ' the name of the dead man instead of Charles. Mr. Stab 1. accom panied the undertaker back to the city and walked into the presence of his mourners, and the house of mourning was suddenly turned into' one of ' joy. Philadelphia Ledger. - ' --i v'; "- -- vw .. . :rr- -;!) i Tbe Hooaler Poet. .. Riley writes from Ufa. The poet lives on the wing now In the best Indianapolis hotel, then with his sister; the next be l off somewhere lecturing.. "Think of it," he said to me; "I never owned a desk in my life, and don't know what it is to have a library." ' 1 asked him where he wrote. "Everywhere," he answered. . "Sometimes on the kitchen table id niy sister's house, then in the parlor, and again on the print er's case just where the fancy seizes me. 'When the Frost Is on the Punkin,' was written on the end of a tall standing desk in obedience to the editor's cry for 'copy.' The trick line had been running in my head for some time, and when I was told I ought to have' a poem in the next day's paper I just took a piece of paper and wrote out the poem on the end of the desk, banded it -in, and never for a moment dreamed of its subsequent suooesa.". Chi cago Herald. -i V " -.. .-.- - ,t Lots 50x100 feet; 20-foot alley in eac)i Block. ' Sold " for Cash, or on Installments; Discount for Cash. Thompson & Butts, llaworth S: Thurman, J. M. Huntington & Co., THE DALLES, OREGON: ; The Farm Trust c. N". SCOTT, President. PORTLAND, JemdUal DHY GOODS STORE Has removed to 177 Second street (French's Block) nearly opposite his former stand, where he will be pleased to see his former customers and friends. He carries now a much larger stock than before and every Department is filled with the Latest Novelties of the Season. GEO; H. THOMPSON, Notary Public. The BEST Investment in Thompson & Butts, THE DALLES. OREGON. Dealers in Real Estate and all kinds of Personal Property. . Collections Promptly Made. Land Filings Prepared. MAYS & CROWE, (Success.. to ABKAMS dc STEWART.) Hetailers and T obtoors in Hanlware, - Tinware, - Granitewaie, - wooflenwaie,' SILVERWARE, ETC. -: AGENTS "Acorn," "Charter Oak" "Argand" STOVES AND RANGES. Pumps, Pipe, Plumbers' and Steam Fitters' Supplies, Packing, Building Paper, SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES. Also a complete stock of Carpenters', Blacksmith's and Farmers Tools and Fine Shelf Hardware. AGENTS FOR The Celebrated R. J. ROBERTS "Warranted" Cutlery, Meriden Cutlery and Tableware, the "Quick Meal" Gasoline Stoves. "Grand" Oil Stoves and Anti-Rust Tinware. All Tinning, Plumbing, will be done 174, 176, 178. 180 SECOND STREET, H . C. NI Glothiet BOOTS AND SHOES, aqd Qaps, Jru'r), 'iJalises, GrezLts' Furnisliiiia; CORNER OF SECOND AND .WASHINGTON 8TS THE DALLES, OREGON.. : DEALERS IN Hay, Grain No. 122 Cor. Washington and Third. Sts. No interest. . , C. E. Bayard & Co;,' & Loan Company, Wm. A. BANTZ, "Vice-Pres. & Mgr. OREGON. Notice I W. H. BUTTS, Auctioneer. DHLLES, the Northwest, for sale by 114 Second Street, Xj. is- ceowe. FOR THE Pipe Work and Repairing on Short Notice. ' - - - - THE DALLES, OREGON. ELS6N tics, and Feed. sinci Tailot?